Ejemplo n.º 1
void SpotLight::Pdf_Le(const Ray &ray, const Normal3f &, Float *pdfPos,
                       Float *pdfDir) const {
    *pdfPos = 0;
    *pdfDir = (CosTheta(WorldToLight(ray.d)) >= cosTotalWidth)
                  ? UniformConePdf(cosTotalWidth)
                  : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ProjectionLight::Pdf_Le(const Ray &ray, const Normal3f &, Float *pdfPos,
                             Float *pdfDir) const {
    ProfilePhase _(Prof::LightPdf);
    *pdfPos = 0.f;
    *pdfDir = (CosTheta(WorldToLight(ray.d)) >= cosTotalWidth)
                  ? UniformConePdf(cosTotalWidth)
                  : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Float InfiniteAreaLight::Pdf_Li(const Interaction &, const Vector3f &w) const {
    Vector3f wi = WorldToLight(w);
    Float theta = SphericalTheta(wi), phi = SphericalPhi(wi);
    Float sinTheta = std::sin(theta);
    if (sinTheta == 0) return 0;
    return distribution->Pdf(Point2f(phi * Inv2Pi, theta * InvPi)) /
           (2 * Pi * Pi * sinTheta);
Ejemplo n.º 4
	Spectrum Scale(const Vector &w) const {
		Vector wp = Normalize(WorldToLight(w));
		swap(wp.y, wp.z);
		float theta = SphericalTheta(wp);
		float phi   = SphericalPhi(wp);
		float s = phi * INV_TWOPI, t = theta * INV_PI;
		return mipmap ? mipmap->Lookup(s, t) : 1.f;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void InfiniteAreaLight::Pdf(const Ray &ray, const Normal3f &, Float *pdfPos,
                            Float *pdfDir) const {
    Vector3f d = -WorldToLight(ray.d);
    Float theta = std::acos(d.z), phi = std::atan2(d.y, d.x);
    Point2f uv(phi * Inv2Pi, theta * InvPi);
    Float mapPdf = distribution->Pdf(uv);
    *pdfDir = mapPdf / (2 * Pi * Pi * std::sin(theta));
    *pdfPos = 1 / (Pi * worldRadius * worldRadius);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void InfiniteAreaLight::Pdf_Le(const Ray &ray, const Normal3f &, Float *pdfPos,
                               Float *pdfDir) const {
    Vector3f d = -WorldToLight(ray.d);
    Float theta = SphericalTheta(d), phi = SphericalPhi(d);
    Point2f uv(phi * Inv2Pi, theta * InvPi);
    Float mapPdf = distribution->Pdf(uv);
    *pdfDir = mapPdf / (2 * Pi * Pi * std::sin(theta));
    *pdfPos = 1 / (Pi * worldRadius * worldRadius);
Ejemplo n.º 7
Float SpotLight::Falloff(const Vector3f &w) const {
    Vector3f wl = Normalize(WorldToLight(w));
    Float cosTheta = wl.z;
    if (cosTheta < cosTotalWidth) return 0;
    if (cosTheta > cosFalloffStart) return 1;
    // Compute falloff inside spotlight cone
    Float delta =
        (cosTheta - cosTotalWidth) / (cosFalloffStart - cosTotalWidth);
    return (delta * delta) * (delta * delta);
Ejemplo n.º 8
float SpotLight::Falloff(const Vector &w) const {
    Vector wl = Normalize(WorldToLight(w));
    float costheta = wl.z;
    if (costheta < cosTotalWidth)     return 0.;
    if (costheta > cosFalloffStart)   return 1.;
    // Compute falloff inside spotlight cone
    float delta = (costheta - cosTotalWidth) /
                  (cosFalloffStart - cosTotalWidth);
    return delta*delta*delta*delta;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Spectrum ProjectionLight::Projection(const Vector3f &w) const {
    Vector3f wl = WorldToLight(w);
    // Discard directions behind projection light
    if (wl.z < hither) return 0;

    // Project point onto projection plane and compute light
    Point3f p = lightProjection(Point3f(wl.x, wl.y, wl.z));
    if (!Inside(Point2f(p.x, p.y), screenBounds)) return 0.f;
    if (!projectionMap) return 1;
    Point2f st = Point2f(screenBounds.Offset(Point2f(p.x, p.y)));
    return Spectrum(projectionMap->Lookup(st), SpectrumType::Illuminant);
Ejemplo n.º 10
float InfiniteAreaLightIS::Pdf(const Point &,
		const Vector &w) const {
	Vector wi = WorldToLight(w);
	float theta = SphericalTheta(wi), phi = SphericalPhi(wi);
	int u = Clamp(Float2Int(phi * INV_TWOPI * uDistrib->count),
                  0, uDistrib->count-1);
	int v = Clamp(Float2Int(theta * INV_PI * vDistribs[u]->count),
                  0, vDistribs[u]->count-1);
	return (uDistrib->func[u] * vDistribs[u]->func[v]) /
           (uDistrib->funcInt * vDistribs[u]->funcInt) *
           1.f / (2.f * M_PI * M_PI * sin(theta));
Ejemplo n.º 11
	InfiniteAreaLightIS::Le(const RayDifferential &r) const {
	Vector w = r.d;
	// Compute infinite light radiance for direction
	Spectrum L = Lbase;
	if (radianceMap != NULL) {
		Vector wh = Normalize(WorldToLight(w));
		float s = SphericalPhi(wh) * INV_TWOPI;
		float t = SphericalTheta(wh) * INV_PI;
		L *= radianceMap->Lookup(s, t);
	return L;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Spectrum ProjectionLight::Projection(const Vector &w) const {
    Vector wl = WorldToLight(w);
    // Discard directions behind projection light
    if (wl.z < hither) return 0.;

    // Project point onto projection plane and compute light
    Point Pl = lightProjection(Point(wl.x, wl.y, wl.z));
    if (Pl.x < screenX0 || Pl.x > screenX1 ||
        Pl.y < screenY0 || Pl.y > screenY1) return 0.;
    if (!projectionMap) return 1;
    float s = (Pl.x - screenX0) / (screenX1 - screenX0);
    float t = (Pl.y - screenY0) / (screenY1 - screenY0);
    return Spectrum(projectionMap->Lookup(s, t), SPECTRUM_ILLUMINANT);
Vector ProjectionLight::Projection(const Point& p) const
	Vector w = Normalize(lightPos - p);
	Vector wl = WorldToLight(w);
	// Discard directions behind projection light
	if (wl.z < hither) return Vector();

	// Project point onto projection plane and compute light
	Point Pl = lightProjection(Point(wl.x, wl.y, wl.z));
	if (Pl.x < screenX0 || Pl.x > screenX1 ||
		Pl.y < screenY0 || Pl.y > screenY1) return Vector();

	float s = (Pl.x - screenX0) / (screenX1 - screenX0);
	float t = (Pl.y - screenY0) / (screenY1 - screenY0);
	// change s,t to image coordinate
	int u = texture->cols - int(texture->cols * s);
	int v = int(texture->rows * t);
	cv::Vec3b texLight = texture->at<cv::Vec3b>(v, u);
	return Vector(float(texLight[0])/256.f, float(texLight[1])/256.f, float(texLight[2])/256.f);
Ejemplo n.º 14
Spectrum InfiniteAreaLight::Le(const RayDifferential &ray) const {
    Vector3f w = Normalize(WorldToLight(ray.d));
    Point2f st(SphericalPhi(w) * Inv2Pi, SphericalTheta(w) * InvPi);
    return Spectrum(Lmap->Lookup(st), SpectrumType::Illuminant);