Ejemplo n.º 1
*   Function   : HashKey
*   Description: This function generates a hash key for a (MAX_UNCODED + 1)
*                long string located either in the sliding window or the
*                uncoded lookahead.  The key generation algorithm is
*                supposed to be based on the algorithm used by gzip.  As
*                reported in K. Sadakane, H. Imai. "Improving the Speed of
*                LZ77 Compression by Hashing and Suffix Sorting". IEICE
*                Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E83-A, No. 12 (December 2000)
*   Parameters : offset - offset into either the uncoded lookahead or the
*                         sliding window.
*                lookahead - TRUE iff offset is an offset into the uncoded
*                            lookahead buffer.
*   Effects    : NONE
*   Returned   : The sliding window index where the match starts and the
*                length of the match.  If there is no match a length of
*                zero will be returned.
unsigned int HashKey(unsigned int offset, unsigned char lookahead)
    int i, hashKey;

    hashKey = 0;

    if (lookahead)
        /* string is in the lookahead buffer */
        for (i = 0; i < (MAX_UNCODED + 1); i++)
            hashKey = (hashKey << 5) ^ (uncodedLookahead[offset]);
            hashKey %= HASH_SIZE;
            offset = Wrap((offset + 1), MAX_CODED);
        /* string is in the sliding window */
        for (i = 0; i < (MAX_UNCODED + 1); i++)
            hashKey = (hashKey << 5) ^ (slidingWindow[offset]);
            hashKey %= HASH_SIZE;
            offset = Wrap((offset + 1), WINDOW_SIZE);

    return hashKey;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CScrolledTextBox::SetValue(const wxString& s) {
    int lineHeight, totalLines, totalWidth, usableWidth;
    wxString t = s;

    // Delete sizer & its children (CTransparentStaticText objects)

    // Change all occurrences of "<sup>n</sup>" to "^n"
    t.Replace(wxT("<sup>"), wxT("^"), true);
    t.Replace(wxT("</sup>"), wxT(""), true);
    t.Replace(wxT("&lt;"), wxT("<"), true);

    // First see if it fits without vertical scroll bar
    totalWidth = GetSize().GetWidth();
    totalLines = Wrap(t, totalWidth, &lineHeight);
    usableWidth = GetClientSize().GetWidth();
    if (usableWidth < totalWidth) {
        // It has a vertical scroll bar, so wrap again for reduced width
        totalLines = Wrap(t, usableWidth - SCROLLBARSPACER, &lineHeight);

    SetScrollRate(1, lineHeight);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CEmblFormatter::FormatDate
(const CDateItem& date,
 IFlatTextOStream& text_os)
    string date_str;
    list<string> l;


    // Create Date
    const CDate* dp = date.GetCreateDate();
    if ( dp != 0 ) {
        DateToString(*dp, date_str);
    if ( date_str.empty() ) {
        date_str = "01-JAN-1900";
    Wrap(l, "DT", date_str);

    // Update Date
    dp = date.GetUpdateDate();
    if ( dp != 0 ) {
        DateToString(*dp, date_str);

    Wrap(l, "DT", date_str);
Ejemplo n.º 4
*   Function   : ComparePresorted
*   Description: This comparison function is designed for use with qsort
*                and "block", a global array of "blockSize" unsigned chars.
*                It compares two strings in "block" starting at indices
*                s1 and s2 and ending at indices s1 - 1 and s2 - 1.
*                The strings are assumed to be presorted so that first two
*                characters are known to be matching.
*   Parameters : s1 - The starting index of a string in block
*                s2 - The starting index of a string in block
*   Effects    : NONE
*   Returned   : > 0 if string s1 > string s2
*                0 if string s1 == string s2
*                < 0 if string s1 < string s2
int ComparePresorted(const void *s1, const void *s2)
    int offset1, offset2;
    int i;
    int result;

    offset1 = *((int *)s1);
    offset2 = *((int *)s2);

    * Compare 1 character at a time until there's difference or the end of
    * the block is reached.  Since we're only sorting strings that already
    * match at the first two characters, start with the third character.
    for(i = 2; i < blockSize; i++)
        result = (int)block[Wrap((offset1 + i), blockSize)] -
            (int)block[Wrap((offset2 + i), blockSize)];

        if (result != 0)
            return result;

    /* strings are identical */
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CScrolledTextBox::SetValue(const wxString& s) {
    int lineHeight, totalLines, totalWidth;
    wxString t = s;

    // Delete sizer & its children (CTransparentStaticText objects)

    // Change all occurrences of "<sup>n</sup>" to "^n"
    t.Replace(wxT("<sup>"), wxT("^"), true);
    t.Replace(wxT("</sup>"), wxT(""), true);
    t.Replace(wxT("&lt;"), wxT("<"), true);

    // First see if it fits without vertical scroll bar
    totalWidth = GetSize().GetWidth();
    totalLines = Wrap(t, totalWidth, &lineHeight);
    SetScrollRate(1, lineHeight);
    int scrollLines = GetScrollLines(wxVERTICAL);   // Returns 0 if no scrollbar
    if (scrollLines > 0) {
        int sbwidth = wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X);
        // It has a vertical scroll bar, so wrap again for reduced width
        totalLines = Wrap(t, totalWidth - sbwidth - SCROLLBARSPACER, &lineHeight);
Ejemplo n.º 6
*   Function   : ReplaceChar
*   Description: This function replaces the character stored in
*                slidingWindow[charIndex] with the one specified by
*                replacement.  The hash table entries effected by the
*                replacement are also corrected.
*   Parameters : charIndex - sliding window index of the character to be
*                            removed from the linked list.
*   Effects    : slidingWindow[charIndex] is replaced by replacement.  Old
*                hash entries for strings containing slidingWindow[charIndex]
*                are removed and new ones are added.
*   Returned   : NONE
void ReplaceChar(unsigned int charIndex, unsigned char replacement)
    unsigned int firstIndex, i;

    if (charIndex < MAX_UNCODED)
        firstIndex = (WINDOW_SIZE + charIndex) - MAX_UNCODED;
        firstIndex = charIndex - MAX_UNCODED;

    /* remove all hash entries containing character at char index */
    for (i = 0; i < (MAX_UNCODED + 1); i++)
        RemoveString(Wrap((firstIndex + i), WINDOW_SIZE));

    slidingWindow[charIndex] = replacement;

    /* add all hash entries containing character at char index */
    for (i = 0; i < (MAX_UNCODED + 1); i++)
        AddString(Wrap((firstIndex + i), WINDOW_SIZE));
Ejemplo n.º 7
Application::Application(QWidget *parent)
    : QWidget(parent), demonstration( new Demonstration(this)),
      authors(new Authors(this)),
      main_menu(new MainMenu(this)),
      theory(new Theory(this)),
      demonstration_wrapper(Wrap(demonstration, false, false)),
      theory_wrapper(Wrap(theory, true, false))
    setFont(QFont("Times", 16, QFont::Normal));



    QVBoxLayout * layout = new QVBoxLayout;


Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: main.cpp Proyecto: CCJY/coliru
int main()
    process(Wrap(a), Wrap(a + length));
    process(a, a + length);
Ejemplo n.º 9
*   Function   : FindMatch
*   Description: This function will search through the slidingWindow
*                dictionary for the longest sequence matching the MAX_CODED
*                long string stored in uncodedLookahed.
*   Parameters : windowHead - head of sliding window
*                uncodedHead - head of uncoded lookahead buffer
*   Effects    : None
*   Returned   : The sliding window index where the match starts and the
*                length of the match.  If there is no match a length of
*                zero will be returned.
encoded_string_t FindMatch(const unsigned int windowHead,
    unsigned int uncodedHead)
    encoded_string_t matchData;
    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int j;

    matchData.length = 0;
    matchData.offset = 0;
    i = windowHead;  /* start at the beginning of the sliding window */
    j = 0;
    int count = 0;
    while (1)
        if (slidingWindow[i] == uncodedLookahead[uncodedHead])
            /* we matched one. how many more match? */
            j = 1;

            while(slidingWindow[Wrap((i + j), WINDOW_SIZE)] ==
                uncodedLookahead[Wrap((uncodedHead + j), MAX_CODED)])
                if (j >= MAX_CODED)

            if (j > matchData.length)
                matchData.length = j;
                matchData.offset = i;

        if (j >= MAX_CODED)
            matchData.length = MAX_CODED;

        i = Wrap((i + 1), WINDOW_SIZE);
        if (i == windowHead)
            /* we wrapped around */
    return matchData;
Ejemplo n.º 10
AnimCurInit (ScreenPtr pScreen)
    AnimCurScreenPtr    as;

    if (AnimCurGeneration != serverGeneration)
        int i;
	AnimCurGeneration = serverGeneration;
        for (i = 0; i < MAXDEVICES; i++) {
            animCurState[i].pCursor = 0;
            animCurState[i].pScreen = 0;
            animCurState[i].elt = 0;
            animCurState[i].time = 0;
    as = (AnimCurScreenPtr) xalloc (sizeof (AnimCurScreenRec));
    if (!as)
	return FALSE;
    Wrap(as, pScreen, CloseScreen, AnimCurCloseScreen);

    Wrap(as, pScreen, BlockHandler, AnimCurScreenBlockHandler);

    Wrap(as, pScreen, CursorLimits, AnimCurCursorLimits);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, DisplayCursor, AnimCurDisplayCursor);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, SetCursorPosition, AnimCurSetCursorPosition);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, RealizeCursor, AnimCurRealizeCursor);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, UnrealizeCursor, AnimCurUnrealizeCursor);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, RecolorCursor, AnimCurRecolorCursor);
    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 11
AnimCurInit (ScreenPtr pScreen)
    AnimCurScreenPtr    as;

    if (AnimCurGeneration != serverGeneration)
	AnimCurScreenPrivateIndex = AllocateScreenPrivateIndex ();
	if (AnimCurScreenPrivateIndex < 0)
	    return FALSE;
	AnimCurGeneration = serverGeneration;
	animCurState.pCursor = 0;
	animCurState.pScreen = 0;
	animCurState.elt = 0;
	animCurState.time = 0;
    as = (AnimCurScreenPtr) xalloc (sizeof (AnimCurScreenRec));
    if (!as)
	return FALSE;
    Wrap(as, pScreen, CloseScreen, AnimCurCloseScreen);

    Wrap(as, pScreen, BlockHandler, AnimCurScreenBlockHandler);

    Wrap(as, pScreen, CursorLimits, AnimCurCursorLimits);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, DisplayCursor, AnimCurDisplayCursor);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, SetCursorPosition, AnimCurSetCursorPosition);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, RealizeCursor, AnimCurRealizeCursor);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, UnrealizeCursor, AnimCurUnrealizeCursor);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, RecolorCursor, AnimCurRecolorCursor);
    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void CEmblFormatter::FormatLocus
(const CLocusItem& locus, 
 IFlatTextOStream& text_os)
    static string embl_mol [14] = {
        "xxx", "DNA", "RNA", "RNA", "RNA", "RNA", "RNA",
        "RNA", "AA ", "DNA", "DNA", "RNA", "RNA", "RNA"

    const CBioseqContext& ctx = *locus.GetContext();

    list<string> l;
    CNcbiOstrstream id_line;

    string hup = ctx.IsHup() ? " confidential" : " standard";

    string topology = (locus.GetTopology() == CSeq_inst::eTopology_circular) ?
                "circular" : kEmptyStr;
    const string& mol = ctx.Config().UseEmblMolType() ? 
        s_EmblMol[locus.GetBiomol()] : s_GenbankMol[locus.GetBiomol()];
    id_line.setf(IOS_BASE::left, IOS_BASE::adjustfield);
        << setw(9) << locus.GetName()
        << hup << "; "
        << topology << mol << "; "
        << locus.GetDivision() << "; "
        << locus.GetLength() << " BP.";

    Wrap(l, GetWidth(), "ID", CNcbiOstrstreamToString(id_line));
Ejemplo n.º 13
U0 DrawIt(CTask *,CDC *dc)
  F64 dt=tMBeat-t0,a_x,a_y;
  if (dt<8) {
  } else if (dt<32) {
Ejemplo n.º 14
static Bool
AnimCurDisplayCursor (ScreenPtr pScreen,
		      CursorPtr pCursor)
    AnimCurScreenPtr    as = GetAnimCurScreen(pScreen);
    Bool		ret;

    Unwrap (as, pScreen, DisplayCursor);
    if (IsAnimCur(pCursor))
	if (pCursor != animCurState.pCursor)
	    AnimCurPtr		ac = GetAnimCur(pCursor);

	    ret = (*pScreen->DisplayCursor) (pScreen, ac->elts[0].pCursor);
	    if (ret)
		animCurState.elt = 0;
		animCurState.time = GetTimeInMillis () + ac->elts[0].delay;
		animCurState.pCursor = pCursor;
		animCurState.pScreen = pScreen;
	    ret = TRUE;
        animCurState.pCursor = 0;
	animCurState.pScreen = 0;
	ret = (*pScreen->DisplayCursor) (pScreen, pCursor);
    Wrap (as, pScreen, DisplayCursor, AnimCurDisplayCursor);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void Scene::Insert(Interactor* component, IntCoord x, IntCoord y, Alignment a) {
    Interactor* i = Wrap(component);
    IntCoord ax = x, ay = y;
    DoAlign(i, a, ax, ay);
    DoInsert(i, true, ax, ay);
Ejemplo n.º 16
ClueListBox::OnMeasureItem(size_t n) const
    XPuzzle::Clue clue = GetItem(n);

    // Cache the wrapped clue's text if it isn't already
    if (m_cachedClues.at(n).empty())
        int maxWidth;
        GetClientSize(&maxWidth, NULL);
        m_cachedClues.at(n) = Wrap(this, clue.Text(),
                                   maxWidth - m_numWidth - GetMargins().x);

    int height = 0;
    const wxArrayString lines = wxStringTokenize(m_cachedClues.at(n), _T("\n"));
    for (wxArrayString::const_iterator it = lines.begin();
         it != lines.end();
        int lineHeight;
        GetTextExtent(*it, NULL, &lineHeight);
        height += lineHeight;

    return height;
Ejemplo n.º 17
static void
AnimCurScreenBlockHandler (int screenNum,
			   pointer blockData,
			   pointer pTimeout,
			   pointer pReadmask)
    ScreenPtr		pScreen = screenInfo.screens[screenNum];
    AnimCurScreenPtr    as = GetAnimCurScreen(pScreen);
    DeviceIntPtr        dev;
    Bool                activeDevice = FALSE;
    CARD32              now = 0, 
                        soonest = ~0; /* earliest time to wakeup again */

    for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next)
	if (IsPointerDevice(dev) && pScreen == dev->spriteInfo->anim.pScreen)
	    if (!activeDevice) {
                now = GetTimeInMillis ();
                activeDevice = TRUE;

	    if ((INT32) (now - dev->spriteInfo->anim.time) >= 0)
		AnimCurPtr ac  = GetAnimCur(dev->spriteInfo->anim.pCursor);
		int        elt = (dev->spriteInfo->anim.elt + 1) % ac->nelt;
		DisplayCursorProcPtr DisplayCursor;

		 * Not a simple Unwrap/Wrap as this
		 * isn't called along the DisplayCursor 
		 * wrapper chain.
		DisplayCursor = pScreen->DisplayCursor;
		pScreen->DisplayCursor = as->DisplayCursor;
		(void) (*pScreen->DisplayCursor) (dev,
		as->DisplayCursor = pScreen->DisplayCursor;
		pScreen->DisplayCursor = DisplayCursor;

		dev->spriteInfo->anim.elt = elt;
		dev->spriteInfo->anim.time = now + ac->elts[elt].delay;

	    if (soonest > dev->spriteInfo->anim.time)
		soonest = dev->spriteInfo->anim.time;

    if (activeDevice)
        AdjustWaitForDelay (pTimeout, soonest - now);

    Unwrap (as, pScreen, BlockHandler);
    (*pScreen->BlockHandler) (screenNum, blockData, pTimeout, pReadmask);
    if (activeDevice)
        Wrap (as, pScreen, BlockHandler, AnimCurScreenBlockHandler);
        as->BlockHandler = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 18
Font::Font(std::string _fontName) :
    m_effect( "shader/font.vs", "shader/font.ps", "shader/font.gs")
    m_effect.SetRasterizerState(RasterizerState(RasterizerState::CULL_MODE::NONE, RasterizerState::FILL_MODE::SOLID));
    m_effect.SetBlendState(BlendState(BlendState::BLEND_OPERATION::ADD, BlendState::BLEND::SRC_ALPHA, BlendState::BLEND::INV_SRC_ALPHA));
    m_effect.SetDepthStencilState(DepthStencilState(DepthStencilState::COMPARISON_FUNC::ALWAYS, false));
    m_effect.BindTexture( "u_characterTex", 7, Graphic::Resources::GetSamplerState(SamplerStates::LINEAR) );
    m_effect.BindUniformBuffer( Graphic::Resources::GetUBO(UniformBuffers::GLOBAL) );

    Jo::Files::HDDFile file("texture/"+_fontName+".sraw");
    Jo::Files::MetaFileWrapper Wrap( file, Jo::Files::Format::SRAW );
    auto& PosX = Wrap.RootNode[std::string("positionX")];
    auto& PosY = Wrap.RootNode[std::string("positionY")];
    auto& sizeX = Wrap.RootNode[std::string("sizeX")];
    auto& sizeY = Wrap.RootNode[std::string("sizeY")];
    //get values
    for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        m_sizeTable[i] = Vec2(sizeX[i],sizeY[i]);
        // Half pixel offset necessary - otherwise rounding errors in shader
        m_coordTable[i] = Vec2(float(PosX[i]) + 0.5f/m_texture.Width(),PosY[i]);
        //	m_sizeTable[i] = Vec2(1-0.01f*i,i*0.01f);//0.1; 0.25
        //	m_coordTable[i] = Vec2(0.f,0.25f);
Ejemplo n.º 19
int Shot::Update() {
  // shots die after a fixed amount of time

  if (timeToDie > 0)
	origin = TPoint(origin.x+mx,origin.y+my);
	if (timeToDie==0) condemned = true;

  Wrap();  // if the shot is off the screen, wrap to other side

  // check against all meteors in the list, to see if any are
  // colliding with ourself

  Sprite* meteor = owner->CheckForHitMeteor( origin );

  // if so, tell the meteor it was hit, and mark ourself for
  // deletion

  if (meteor) {
    condemned = true;
	int size = ((Meteor*)meteor)->GetSize();
    switch (size) {
      case 0:
        return 500;
      case 1:
        return 50;
      case 2:
		return 5;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20

	@date 2003.02.24 Moca CallHandleFunction対応
void __stdcall CPPA::stdStrFunc(
	const char* FuncName, const int Index,
	const char* Argument[], const int ArgSize, int* Err_CD,
	char** ResultValue)

	*Err_CD = 0;
	if( false != CallHandleFunction(Index, Argument, ArgSize, &Ret) ){
		if(VT_BSTR == Ret.vt){
			int len;
			char* buf;
			m_CurInstance->m_cMemRet.SetString(buf,len); // Mar. 9, 2003 genta
			delete[] buf;
			*ResultValue = m_CurInstance->m_cMemRet.GetStringPtr();
	*Err_CD = Index + 1;
	*ResultValue = const_cast<char*>("");
Ejemplo n.º 21
PyObject* Wrap(PyObject* cap, bool owned){
    if (!Check(cap)) {
        if (PyList_Check(cap)) {
            Py_ssize_t N = PyList_GET_SIZE(cap);
            PyObject* result = PyList_New(N);

            for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                PyObject* item = PyList_GET_ITEM(cap, i);
                PyObject* out = Wrap(item, false);
                if (!out) {
                    return NULL;
                PyList_SET_ITEM(result, i, out);
            return result;
        } else {
            return cap;

    return WrapCore(cap, owned);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 EntityJS:: EntityJS( v8::Local<v8::Object> object, const char* mesh )
	 // this-> object = object ;
	 parent = NULL ;

	 entity = OgreManager:: getSingletonPtr()-> m_pSceneMgr-> createEntity( mesh ) ;

 	 int subEntityCount = entity-> getNumSubEntities() ;
	 Ogre:: SubEntity* nextSubEntity ;

	 v8::Handle<v8::Value> nextSubEntityObject ; 

	 v8::Handle<v8::Array> subEntitySet = v8::Array::New( subEntityCount ) ;

	 for( int i = 0 ; i < subEntityCount ; i++ )
		 nextSubEntity = entity-> getSubEntity( i ) ;
		 nextSubEntityObject = SubEntityJS:: NewFromSubEntity( nextSubEntity ) ;
		 subEntitySet-> Set( i, nextSubEntityObject ) ; 

	 object-> Set( v8::String::New( "subEntitySet" ), subEntitySet ) ;
	 v8::Handle<v8::Object> animationStateSetObject = v8::Object::New() ;
	Ogre:: AnimationStateSet* animationStateSet = entity-> getAllAnimationStates() ;
	 if( animationStateSet )
		 Ogre:: AnimationStateIterator animationStateIterator = animationStateSet-> getAnimationStateIterator() ;
		  printf( "EntityJS:: EntityJS( ... ) at getAllAnimationStates \n" ) ;
		 Ogre:: AnimationState* nextAnimationState ;
		 while( animationStateIterator.hasMoreElements() )
			 nextAnimationState = animationStateIterator.getNext() ;
			 printf( "%s \n", nextAnimationState-> getAnimationName().c_str() ) ;
			 animationStateSetObject-> Set( v8::String::New( nextAnimationState-> getAnimationName().c_str() ), AnimationStateJS:: NewFromAnimationStatePtr( nextAnimationState ) ) ;
		  printf( "EntityJS:: EntityJS( ... ) at object, set animationStateSet \n" ) ;
		 object-> Set( v8::String::New( "animationStateSet" ), animationStateSetObject ) ;
	 Wrap( object ) ;	
	 MemoryManagerJS:: singleton-> updateV8AllocatedMemory() ;
Ejemplo n.º 23
*   Function   : FindMatch
*   Description: This function will search through the slidingWindow
*                dictionary for the longest sequence matching the MAX_CODED
*                long string stored in uncodedLookahead.
*   Parameters : uncodedHead - head of uncoded lookahead buffer
*   Effects    : NONE
*   Returned   : The sliding window index where the match starts and the
*                length of the match.  If there is no match a length of
*                zero will be returned.
encoded_string_t FindMatch(unsigned int windowHead, unsigned int uncodedHead)
    encoded_string_t matchData;
    unsigned int i, j;

    matchData.length = 0;
    matchData.offset = 0;

    i = hashTable[HashKey(uncodedHead, TRUE)];  /* start of proper list */
    j = 0;

    while (i != NULL_INDEX)
        if (slidingWindow[i] == uncodedLookahead[uncodedHead])
            /* we matched one how many more match? */
            j = 1;

            while(slidingWindow[Wrap((i + j), WINDOW_SIZE)] ==
                uncodedLookahead[Wrap((uncodedHead + j), MAX_CODED)])
                if (j >= MAX_CODED)

            if (j > matchData.length)
                matchData.length = j;
                matchData.offset = i;

        if (j >= MAX_CODED)
            matchData.length = MAX_CODED;

        i = next[i];    /* try next in list */

    return matchData;
Ejemplo n.º 24
v8Sprite::v8Sprite(Handle<Object> wrapper)
	: sprite(NULL)
	if (NULL == this->sprite) {
		this->sprite = Sprite::factoryManager.instance()->create();

Ejemplo n.º 25

// static
XMLHttpRequestUpload::Create(JSContext* aCx, XMLHttpRequest* aXHR)
  nsRefPtr<XMLHttpRequestUpload> upload = new XMLHttpRequestUpload(aCx, aXHR);
  return Wrap(aCx, NULL, upload) ? upload : NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static Bool
AnimCurSetCursorPosition(DeviceIntPtr pDev,
                         ScreenPtr pScreen, int x, int y, Bool generateEvent)
    AnimCurScreenPtr as = GetAnimCurScreen(pScreen);
    Bool ret;

    Unwrap(as, pScreen, SetCursorPosition);
    if (pDev->spriteInfo->anim.pCursor) {
        pDev->spriteInfo->anim.pScreen = pScreen;

        if (!as->BlockHandler)
            Wrap(as, pScreen, BlockHandler, AnimCurScreenBlockHandler);
    ret = (*pScreen->SetCursorPosition) (pDev, pScreen, x, y, generateEvent);
    Wrap(as, pScreen, SetCursorPosition, AnimCurSetCursorPosition);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 27
static Bool
AnimCurDisplayCursor (DeviceIntPtr pDev,
                      ScreenPtr pScreen,
		      CursorPtr pCursor)
    AnimCurScreenPtr    as = GetAnimCurScreen(pScreen);
    Bool		ret;

    if (IsFloating(pDev))
	    return FALSE;

    Unwrap (as, pScreen, DisplayCursor);
    if (IsAnimCur(pCursor))
	if (pCursor != pDev->spriteInfo->anim.pCursor)
	    AnimCurPtr		ac = GetAnimCur(pCursor);

	    ret = (*pScreen->DisplayCursor) 
                (pDev, pScreen, ac->elts[0].pCursor);
	    if (ret)
		pDev->spriteInfo->anim.elt = 0;
		pDev->spriteInfo->anim.time = GetTimeInMillis () + ac->elts[0].delay;
		pDev->spriteInfo->anim.pCursor = pCursor;
		pDev->spriteInfo->anim.pScreen = pScreen;

		if (!as->BlockHandler)
		    Wrap(as, pScreen, BlockHandler, AnimCurScreenBlockHandler);
	    ret = TRUE;
	pDev->spriteInfo->anim.pCursor = 0;
	pDev->spriteInfo->anim.pScreen = 0;
	ret = (*pScreen->DisplayCursor) (pDev, pScreen, pCursor);
    Wrap (as, pScreen, DisplayCursor, AnimCurDisplayCursor);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 static LispObjectPtr lisp_StepSaw(LispInterpreter *L, LispObjectPtr args, LispObjectPtr env, void *data)
     auto self = L->Car(args);
     auto outKey = L->SymbolRef("out");
     double out = L->NumVal(GetSlot(L, self, outKey));
     out = Wrap(0.0, 1.0, out + L->NumVal(GetSlot(L, self, L->SymbolRef("freq"))));
     auto outNum = L->MakeNumber(out);
     PutSlot(L, self, outKey, outNum);
     return outNum;
Ejemplo n.º 29
Image_v8::Image_v8(Handle<Object> wrapper, Image *image)
	: image(image)
	, owns(false)

	if (NULL == this->image) {
		this->image = Image::factory->create();
		owns = true;
Ejemplo n.º 30
	Fence::Fence(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
		Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate();
		HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);

		device.Reset(isolate, args[0]->ToObject());

		fence = double_to_ptr<VkFence>(args[1]->NumberValue());
		setELitPtr(args.This(), fence, fence);
