Ejemplo n.º 1
void CProfileViewer::SaveToFile()
    // Open the file, if necessary. If this method is called several times,
    // the profile results will be appended to the previous ones from the same
    // run.
    if (! m->outputStream.is_open())
        // Open the file. (It will be closed when the CProfileViewer
        // destructor is called.)
        OsPath path = psLogDir()/"profile.txt";
        m->outputStream.open(OsString(path).c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);

        if (m->outputStream.fail())
            LOGERROR(L"Failed to open profile log file");
            LOGMESSAGERENDER(L"Profiler snapshot saved to '%ls'", path.string().c_str());

    time_t t;
    m->outputStream << "================================================================\n\n";
    m->outputStream << "PS profiler snapshot - " << asctime(localtime(&t));

    std::vector<AbstractProfileTable*> tables = m->rootTables;
    sort(tables.begin(), tables.end(), SortByName);
    for_each(tables.begin(), tables.end(), WriteTable(m->outputStream));

    m->outputStream << "\n\n================================================================\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
int Table::ReadTableConsole(const char* sFileName)
	int ndim;
	int dim[MAXDIMENS];
	int s;
	double rs;
	int i, j;
	printf("Number of Dimensions :: ");
	if(!scanf("%d", &s))
		return 0;
	if(s > MAXDIMENS)
		printf("Increase MAXDIMENS!\n");
		return 0;
	ndim = s;
    //read the dimensions
	for(i=0; i<ndim; i++)
		printf("Index %d :: ", i+1);
		if(!scanf("%d", &s))
			return 0;
		dim[i] = s;
	if(!Alloc(dim, ndim))
		return 0;
	int NotFinished = 1;
	for(i=0; i<Total; i++)
		for(j=0; j<nDimens-1; j++)
			printf("%d,", Index[j]+1);
		printf("%d) :: ", Index[nDimens-1]+1);
		if(!scanf("%lf", &rs))
			return 0;
		Data[i] = rs;
			NotFinished = GetNext();
	return WriteTable(sFileName);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool GlueFile::CreateGlueFile(const std::string gluefilename)

  std::ios_base::openmode mode = ios::out | ios::binary;
#ifdef MSVC
  m_gluefile.open(gluefilename.c_str(), mode);
  m_gluefile.open(gluefilename.c_str(), mode);

  if (!m_gluefile.is_open())
    return false;
  m_filename = gluefilename;
  // Set up the GlueFile format. As the file is empty, it's easy.
  // The number of files is zero, and the positon of the table is
  // at position 8, i.e. following these two uint32s. But there's no table.
  m_tablePos = BASE;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void IO_UncertSimResults::WriteTableArray(const DC_TableArray& tableArray)
    for (int i = 0; i < tableArray.Size(); i++)
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool GlueFile::AddItem(const std::string& filename)

  string lowname = ToLower(filename);

  // Convert \ to /
  // So we can add files in subdirs in DOS, which uses "\", and use "/" to 
  //  retrieve the subdirs 
  lowname = Replace(lowname, "\\", "/"); 

  // Check for sub-file already existing.
  if (m_table.find(lowname) != m_table.end())
    // Sub-file already exists
    std::string s = "GLUE FILE: file already exists in glue file: ";
    s += filename;
    return false;

  // Stick the contents of the file onto the end of the final sub-file.
  // Then update the number of files, the table position, and
  // rewrite the table.
  // Get the new sub-file size.
  struct stat buf;  
  if (stat(filename.c_str(), &buf) != 0)
    // Couldn't get info for the sub-file. 
    std::string s = "GLUE FILE: failed to stat file: ";
    s += filename;
    return false;

  uint32 subfilesize = buf.st_size;

  // Open the new sub-file for reading.
  ifstream subfile;
  subfile.open(filename.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);
  if (!subfile.is_open())
    std::string s = "GLUE FILE: failed to open file for reading: ";
    s += filename;
    return false;

  // Work out where the new sub-file should go in the GlueFile.
  // It's the position of the final sub-file plus its size.
  uint32 newpos = BASE;
  FileList::reverse_iterator rit = m_filenames.rbegin();
  if (rit != m_filenames.rend())
    string last = *rit;
    uint32 lastsize = (m_table[last]).first;
    uint32 lastpos = (m_table[last]).second;
    newpos = lastpos + lastsize;
  // Seek to the new position.

  // Write the new sub-file to the GlueFile.
std::cout << "GLUE FILE: Writing file " << filename.c_str() << " starting at pos: " << newpos << " size: " << subfilesize << "\n";
  unsigned char* filebuf = new unsigned char[subfilesize];
  subfile.read((char*)filebuf, subfilesize);
  m_gluefile.write((char*)filebuf, subfilesize);
  delete [] filebuf;

  // Add the new sub-file to the table.
  m_table[lowname] = make_pair(subfilesize, newpos);
  // This reorders m_table, so we also maintain a list of the files
  // in the order in which they were added to the glue file.

  // New table position
  m_tablePos += subfilesize;

  // Rewrite the table.

  return true;