Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    printf("External Lights Control v1.0 9 Apr 2016\n\n");
    int flag = 0;
    int WPI_Num = -1;
    struct cfg cfgstruct;
    cfgstruct = get_config(FILENAME);
    int Dbg_Lvl = (int)cfgstruct.Dbg;
    int GPIO_Num = (int)cfgstruct.GPIO_No;
    WPI_Num = GPIO2ToWPI [GPIO_Num & 63];
    if(Setup_IO(WPI_Num, Dbg_Lvl) < 0){
        printf ("Unable to setup GPIO: %s\n", strerror (errno));
        return 1;
    // main loop
    while (flag < 2)
        flag = 0;            // reset flag
        State = 0;           // reset the interrupt status
        // waiting for interrupt from Lights pin
        if (Dbg_Lvl) printf("Waiting for Lights activation\n");
        Write_File("Off", Dbg_Lvl);
        while (State == 0)
            delay (Delay);

        // Interrupt has fired (State has changed), hence lights are on. Write to file and loop until turned off
        if (Dbg_Lvl) printf("Lights On\n");
        // Lights On
        Write_File("On", Dbg_Lvl);
        while (digitalRead(WPI_Num) == LOW)
            delay (Delay);
        // Lights Off
        if (Dbg_Lvl) printf("Lights Off\n");

    if (Dbg_Lvl) printf("Exiting Program\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
// #################################################################
// データをファイルに書き込む
bool DFI::Write_DFI_File(const std::string prefix, const unsigned step, int& dfi_mng, const bool mio)
  if ( prefix.empty() ) return NULL;
  // master node only
  int mm;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mm);
  if ( mm != 0 ) return false;
  std::string dfi_name;
  if ( mio )
    dfi_name = Generate_DFI_Name(prefix);
    if( dfi_name.empty() )
      return false;
    if( !Write_File(dfi_name, prefix, step, dfi_mng, mio) )
      return false;
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SaveConfig(void)
  Update[SAVE_PROFILE] = 0;
  if (Item_Index[SAVE_PROFILE]) {
    if (SD_Card_ON())
        if (FAT_Info() == 0)
           Char_to_Str(FileNum, Item_Index[SAVE_PROFILE]);
           if (Open_File("FILE",FileNum,"CFG") == 0)
              if (Write_File() != 0)
                 DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[WriteErr]);
           } else
              DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoFile]);
        } else
           DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[SDErr]);
    } else
       DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoCard]);
  } else {
    if (Write_Parameter() == FLASH_COMPLETE)
       DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[SaveOk]);
       DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[Failed]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void SaveWave(void)
  Update[SAVE_WAVE_CURVE] = 0;
  if (SD_Card_ON())
      if (FAT_Info() == 0)
         Char_to_Str(FileNum, Item_Index[SAVE_WAVE_CURVE]);
         if (Open_File("FILE",FileNum,"DAT") == 0)
            F_Buff[0] = 0;
            F_Buff[1] = 0;
            memcpy(F_Buff + 2, View_Buffer, 300);
            if (Write_File() == 0)
               if (Item_Index[SAVE_WAVE_CURVE] < 255)
               Update[SAVE_WAVE_CURVE] = 1;
            } else
               DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[WriteErr]);
         } else
            DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoFile]);
      } else
         DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[SDErr]);
  } else
     DisplayField(InfoF, WHITE, SD_Msgs[NoCard]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
Process_Save( void )
  static char *untitledStr = NULL;
  static char newName[MAX_FNAME];
  char *tmp1 = NULL;
  char *tmp2 = NULL;
  int c;

  DialogFlag = SAVE;
  fileIOMode = FILE_WRITE;

  untitledStr = GETSTR(2,20, "UNTITLED");
  tmp1= strrchr(last_fname, '/');
  if (tmp1) {
     c = tmp1[1];
     tmp2 = strchr(tmp1, c);
     strcpy(newName, tmp2);
  if (strncmp(newName, untitledStr, 8) == 0 || last_fname[0] == NULL) Process_SaveAs();
  if (SavedOnce == True)
    if (!Write_File(last_fname))
      DoErrorDialog( GETSTR(16,4, "Unable to write data to file") );
      Dirty = False;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int run_init_func( void )
	int err = 0;
	lua_settop(L1, 0);
	lua_getglobal(L1, "init");    /* [bottom] init [top] */
#ifdef DEBUG_ON
	lua_pushboolean(L1, 1);
	lua_pushboolean(L1, 0);
	err = lua_pcall(L1, 1, 0, 0);
	if (err)
		const char * ptr = lua_tostring(L1, -1);
			ptr = "Unknown Error";
		Write_File( "Logs/lua_init_error.txt", (char*) ptr, (long)strlen(ptr) );
		Msg("error lua init: %s\n", (char*) ptr );
	return err;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: test.c Proyecto: jz685/OS
//Read all files in the input directory and copy all files to mini file system
int ReadDir(const char *dir)
	int file_count = 0;
	int temp = 0;
	struct dirent* ptr;
	DIR* srcdir = opendir(dir);
	pid_t childpid;

	if (srcdir == NULL)
		return -1;

	while((ptr = readdir(srcdir)) != NULL)										// traverse done
		char* d_name;
		d_name = ptr -> d_name;

		if (ptr -> d_type & DT_DIR)									// check whether it is a directory
			if(strcmp(ptr->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(ptr->d_name, "..") != 0)
				char path[100];
				sprintf(path, "%s/%s", dir, d_name);
				temp = ReadDir(path);
				file_count += temp;
			printf("\n/////////////////////////START//////////////////////////\n%s/%s\n", dir, d_name);
			if (isJPG(d_name)){
				childpid = fork();
				//error handling
				if (childpid == -1) 
					perror("Failed to fork");
					return 1;
				//child code
				if (childpid == 0) 
					fprintf(stderr, "--------------I am the child----------------\n");
					char filepath[100];
					char newpath[100];
					sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s", dir, d_name);
					sprintf(newpath, "%s%s", filepath, "encd");
					fprintf(stderr,"filepath is %s \t newpath is %s\t\n", filepath, newpath);
					char cmd[200];
					strcpy(cmd, "base64 ");
					strcat(cmd, filepath);
					strcat(cmd, " > ");
					strcat(cmd, newpath);
					execlp("/bin/bash", "bash", "-c", cmd, NULL);
					//execl("/usr/bin/base64", "base64", filepath, ">", newpath);
					while(r_wait(NULL) > 0)
						fprintf(stderr, "Parent Wait\n");
					fprintf(stderr, "--------------I am the parent----------------\n");
					//---------------end jia---------------
					int f = Create_File(d_name);
					if(f == -3)
						printf("File could not be added to Directory.\n");
					}else if (f == -2)
						printf("File could not be written to the new inode.\n");
					}else if (f == -1)
						printf("File already existed in directory.\n");
						//printf("ptr->d_name: %s\n", d_name);			// #################
						//------------------------------Copy image to mini file system-------------------------------------------
						FILE *fp;
						int ch;
						//fprintf(stderr, "d_name is: %s\n", d_name);
						char filepath[100];
						sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s", dir, d_name);
						char newpath[100];
						sprintf(newpath, "%s%s", filepath, "encd");
						fprintf(stderr,"filepath is %s \t newpath is %s\t\n", filepath, newpath);
						fp = fopen(newpath, "r");
						///--------------end jia----------------
						//fp = fopen(filepath, "r");
						if (fp == NULL) {
							fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s/%s .....\n", dir, d_name);
							break;														// what we should do if could not read file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
							//------------------------------Copy file to mini_filesystem---------------------------------------
							fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
							int sz = ftell(fp);
							fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
							char* to_write = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*sz);
							int i = 0;
							while( (ch = fgetc(fp)) != EOF )
								to_write[i] = ch;
								//fprintf(stderr, "%c\t", ch);
							//fprintf(stderr, "\nto_write is: %s\n", to_write);
							Write_File(Search_Directory(d_name), 0, to_write, sz);
				printf("The file is not JPG file, skipped it.\n");
	return file_count;