int computePriorMassNormTest(void)

	int errnum;
	double result;

	char massRatioName[VARNAME_MAX];
	REAL8 MMin;
	REAL8 MMax;
	REAL8 MTotMax;
	REAL8 McMin;
	REAL8 McMax;
	REAL8 massRatioMin;
	REAL8 massRatioMax;

	MMin = 1;
	MMax = 10;
	MTotMax = 100;
	McMin = 1;
	McMax = 2;
	massRatioMin = 1;
	massRatioMax = 10;
	XLAL_TRY(result = LALInferenceComputePriorMassNorm(MMin, MMax, MTotMax, McMin, McMax, massRatioMin, massRatioMax, NULL), errnum);
	if (!XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(result) || errnum != XLAL_EFAULT)
	        TEST_FAIL("Null reference check failed.");

	strcpy(massRatioName, "foo");
	XLAL_TRY(result = LALInferenceComputePriorMassNorm(MMin, MMax, MTotMax, McMin, McMax, massRatioMin, massRatioMax, massRatioName), errnum);
	if (!XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(result) || errnum != XLAL_ENAME)
		TEST_FAIL("Invalid mass ratio name specified but appropriate error not generated.");

	strcpy(massRatioName, "q");
	MMin = 1;
	MMax = -10;
	MTotMax = -100;
	McMin = -1;
	McMax = -2;
	massRatioMin = 1;
	massRatioMax = 10;
	XLAL_TRY(result = LALInferenceComputePriorMassNorm(MMin, MMax, MTotMax, McMin, McMax, massRatioMin, massRatioMax, massRatioName), errnum);
	if (!XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(result) || errnum == XLAL_SUCCESS)
		TEST_FAIL("Unphysical masses given but appropriate error not generated.");

Ejemplo n.º 2
void LALInferenceTemplateXLALSimInspiralChooseWaveform(LALInferenceModel *model)
/* Wrapper for LALSimulation waveforms:						                                                             */
/* XLALSimInspiralChooseFDWaveform() and XLALSimInspiralChooseTDWaveform().                                              */
/*                                                                                                                       */
/*  model->params parameters are:										                                                 */
/*  - "name" description; type OPTIONAL (default value)										                             */
/*										                                                                                 */
/*   MODEL PARAMETERS										                                                             */
/*   - "LAL_APPROXIMANT     Approximant;        Approximant                                                              */
/*   - "LAL_PNORDER"        Phase PN order;     INT4                                                                     */
/*   - "LAL_AMPORDER"       Amplitude PN order; INT4 OPTIONAL (-1)                                                       */
/*   - "spinO"              Spin order;         LALSimInspiralSpinOrder OPTIONAL (LAL_SIM_INSPIRAL_SPIN_ORDER_DEFAULT)   */
/*   - "tideO"              Tidal order;        LALSimInspiralTidalOrder OPTIONAL (LAL_SIM_INSPIRAL_TIDAL_ORDER_DEFAULT) */
/*   - "f_ref"               frequency at which the (frequency dependent) parameters are defined; REAL8 OPTIONAL (0.0)    */
/*   - "fLow"               lower frequency bound; REAL8 OPTIONAL (model->fLow)                                          */
/*                                                                                                                       */
/*   MASS PARAMETERS; either:                                                                                            */
/*      - "mass1"           mass of object 1 in solar mass; REAL8								                         */
/*      - "mass2"		        mass of object 1 in solar mass; REAL8								                     */
/*      OR                                                                                                               */
/*      - "chirpmass"       chirpmass in solar mass; REAL8                                                               */
/*      - "q"  asymmetric mass ratio m2/m1, 0<q<1; REAL8                                      */
/*      OR                                                                                                               */
/*      - "chirpmass"       chirpmass in solar mass; REAL8                                                               */
/*      - "eta"             symmetric mass ratio (m1*m2)/(m1+m2)^2; REAL8                                                */
/*                                                                                                                       */
/*   ORIENTATION AND SPIN PARAMETERS                                                                                     */
/*   - "phi0"               reference phase as per LALSimulation convention; REAL8                                       */
/*   - "distance"           distance in Mpc                                                                              */
/*   - "costheta_jn");      cos of zenith angle between J and N in radians;            REAL8                                    */
/*   - "phi_jl");        azimuthal angle of L_N on its cone about J radians; REAL8                                    */
/*   - "tilt_spin1");    zenith angle between S1 and LNhat in radians;       REAL8                                    */
/*   - "tilt_spin2");    zenith angle between S2 and LNhat in radians;       REAL8                                    */
/*   - "phi12");         difference in azimuthal angle between S1, S2 in radians;   REAL8                             */
/*   - "a_spin1"            magnitude of spin 1 in general configuration, -1<a_spin1<1; REAL8 OPTIONAL (0.0)              */
/*   - "a_spin2"            magnitude of spin 2 in general configuration, -1<a_spin1<1; REAL8 OPTIONAL (0.0)              */
/*                                                                                                                       */
/*   OTHER PARAMETERS                                                                                                    */
/*   - "lambda1"            tidal parameter of object 1; REAL8  OPTIONAL (0.0)                                           */
/*   - "lambda2"            tidal parameter of object 1; REAL8  OPTIONAL (0.0)                                           */
/*                                                                                                                       */
/*   - "time"               used as an OUTPUT only; REAL8								                                 */
/*                                                                                                                       */
/*                                                                                                                       */
/*   model needs to also contain:                                                                                        */
/*   - model->fLow Unless  - "fLow" OPTIONAL                                                                             */
/*   - model->deltaT                                                                                                     */
/*   - if model->domain == LAL_SIM_DOMAIN_FREQUENCY                                                                      */
/*      - model->deltaF                                                                                                  */
/*      - model->freqhCross                                                                                              */
/*      - model->freqhPlus                                                                                               */
/*   - else                                                                                                              */
/*      - model->timehPlus                                                                                               */
/*      - model->timehCross                                                                                              */

  Approximant approximant = (Approximant) 0;
  INT4 order=-1;
  INT4 amporder;

  static int sizeWarning = 0;
  int ret=0;
  INT4 errnum=0;
  REAL8TimeSeries *hplus=NULL;  /**< +-polarization waveform [returned] */
  REAL8TimeSeries *hcross=NULL; /**< x-polarization waveform [returned] */
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *hptilde=NULL, *hctilde=NULL;
  REAL8 mc;
  REAL8 phi0, deltaT, m1, m2, f_low, f_start, distance, inclination;
  REAL8 *m1_p,*m2_p;
  REAL8 deltaF, f_max;
  /* Sampling rate for time domain models */
  deltaT = model->deltaT;
  if (LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "LAL_APPROXIMANT"))
    approximant = *(Approximant*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "LAL_APPROXIMANT");
  else {
    XLALPrintError(" ERROR in templateLALGenerateInspiral(): (INT4) \"LAL_APPROXIMANT\" parameter not provided!\n");
  if (LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "LAL_PNORDER"))
    order = *(INT4*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "LAL_PNORDER");
  else {
    XLALPrintError(" ERROR in templateLALGenerateInspiral(): (INT4) \"LAL_PNORDER\" parameter not provided!\n");

  /* Explicitly set the default amplitude order if one is not specified.
   *   This serves two purposes:
   *     1) The default behavior of the code won't change unexpectedly due to changes in LALSimulation.
   *     2) We need to know the amplitude order in order to set the starting frequency of the waveform properly. */
  if (LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "LAL_AMPORDER"))
    amporder = *(INT4*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "LAL_AMPORDER");
    amporder = -1;
  REAL8 f_ref = 100.0;
  if (LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "f_ref")) f_ref = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "f_ref");

  REAL8 fTemp = f_ref;

      mc  = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "chirpmass");
      if (LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params,"q")) {
	REAL8 q = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params,"q");
	q2masses(mc, q, &m1, &m2);
      } else {
	REAL8 eta = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "eta");
	mc2masses(mc, eta, &m1, &m2);
  else if((m1_p=(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "mass1")) && (m2_p=(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "mass2")))
      fprintf(stderr,"No mass parameters found!");

  distance	= LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(model->params,"distance")* LAL_PC_SI * 1.0e6;        /* distance (1 Mpc) in units of metres */
  phi0		= LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(model->params, "phase"); /* START phase as per lalsimulation convention, radians*/
  /* Zenith angle between J and N in radians. Also known as inclination angle when spins are aligned */
  REAL8 thetaJN = acos(LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(model->params, "costheta_jn"));     /* zenith angle between J and N in radians */

  /* Check if fLow is a model parameter, otherwise use data structure definition */
  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "flow"))
    f_low = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "flow");
    f_low = model->fLow;

  f_start = fLow2fStart(f_low, amporder, approximant);
  f_max = 0.0; /* for freq domain waveforms this will stop at ISCO. Previously found using model->fHigh causes NaNs in waveform (see redmine issue #750)*/

  /* ==== SPINS ==== */
  /* We will default to spinless signal and then add in the spin components if required */
  /* If there are non-aligned spins, we must convert between the System Frame coordinates
   * and the cartestian coordinates */

  /* The cartesian spin coordinates (default 0), as passed to LALSimulation */
  REAL8 spin1x = 0.0;
  REAL8 spin1y = 0.0;
  REAL8 spin1z = 0.0;
  REAL8 spin2x = 0.0;
  REAL8 spin2y = 0.0;
  REAL8 spin2z = 0.0;
  /* System frame coordinates as used for jump proposals */
  REAL8 a_spin1 = 0.0;  /* Magnitude of spin1 */
  REAL8 a_spin2 = 0.0;  /* Magnitude of spin2 */
  REAL8 phiJL  = 0.0;  /* azimuthal angle of L_N on its cone about J radians */ 
  REAL8 tilt1   = 0.0;  /* zenith angle between S1 and LNhat in radians */
  REAL8 tilt2   = 0.0;  /* zenith angle between S2 and LNhat in radians */
  REAL8 phi12   = 0.0;  /* difference in azimuthal angle btwn S1, S2 in radians */

  /* Now check if we have spin amplitudes */
  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "a_spin1"))    a_spin1   = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "a_spin1");
  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "a_spin2"))    a_spin2   = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "a_spin2");

  /* Check if we have spin angles too */
  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "phi_jl"))
      phiJL = LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(model->params, "phi_jl");
  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "tilt_spin1"))
      tilt1 = LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(model->params, "tilt_spin1");
  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "tilt_spin2"))
      tilt2 = LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(model->params, "tilt_spin2");
  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "phi12"))
      phi12 = LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(model->params, "phi12");

  /* If we have tilt angles zero, then the spins are aligned and we just set the z component */
  /* However, if the waveform supports precession then we still need to get the right coordinate components */
  SpinSupport spin_support=XLALSimInspiralGetSpinSupportFromApproximant(approximant);
  if(tilt1==0.0 && tilt2==0.0 && (spin_support==LAL_SIM_INSPIRAL_SPINLESS || spin_support==LAL_SIM_INSPIRAL_ALIGNEDSPIN))
      inclination = thetaJN; /* Inclination angle is just thetaJN */
  {   /* Template is not aligned-spin only. */
      /* Set all the other spin components according to the angles we received above */
      /* The transformation function doesn't know fLow, so f_ref==0 isn't interpretted as a request to use the starting frequency for reference. */
        fTemp = f_start;

                    &inclination, &spin1x, &spin1y, &spin1z, &spin2x, &spin2y, &spin2z,
                    thetaJN, phiJL, tilt1, tilt2, phi12, a_spin1, a_spin2, m1*LAL_MSUN_SI, m2*LAL_MSUN_SI, fTemp), errnum);
      if (ret == XLAL_FAILURE)
        XLALPrintError(" ERROR in XLALSimInspiralTransformPrecessingNewInitialConditions(): error converting angles. errnum=%d\n",errnum );

  /* ==== TIDAL PARAMETERS ==== */  
  REAL8 lambda1 = 0.;
  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "lambda1")) lambda1 = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "lambda1");
  REAL8 lambda2 = 0.;
  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "lambda2")) lambda2 = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "lambda2");
  REAL8 lambdaT = 0.;
  REAL8 dLambdaT = 0.;
  REAL8 sym_mass_ratio_eta = 0.;
  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "lambdaT")&&LALInferenceCheckVariable(model->params, "dLambdaT")){
    lambdaT = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "lambdaT");
    dLambdaT = *(REAL8*) LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "dLambdaT");
    sym_mass_ratio_eta = m1*m2/((m1+m2)*(m1+m2));

  /* Only use GR templates */
  LALSimInspiralTestGRParam *nonGRparams = NULL;

  /* ==== Call the waveform generator ==== */
  if(model->domain == LAL_SIM_DOMAIN_FREQUENCY) {
    deltaF = model->deltaF;
	XLAL_TRY(ret=XLALSimInspiralChooseFDWaveformFromCache(&hptilde, &hctilde, phi0,
            deltaF, m1*LAL_MSUN_SI, m2*LAL_MSUN_SI, spin1x, spin1y, spin1z,
            spin2x, spin2y, spin2z, f_start, f_max, f_ref, distance, inclination,lambda1, lambda2, model->waveFlags, nonGRparams, amporder, order,
            approximant,model->waveformCache, NULL), errnum);

    /* if the waveform failed to generate, fill the buffer with zeros
     * so that the previous waveform is not left there
    if (ret != XLAL_SUCCESS || hptilde == NULL || hctilde == NULL)
	    XLALPrintError(" ERROR in XLALSimInspiralChooseWaveformFromCache(): error generating waveform. errnum=%d\n",errnum );
        if ( hptilde ) XLALDestroyCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries(hptilde);
        if ( hctilde ) XLALDestroyCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries(hctilde);
	if (hptilde==NULL || hptilde->data==NULL || hptilde->data->data==NULL ) {
	  XLALPrintError(" ERROR in LALInferenceTemplateXLALSimInspiralChooseWaveform(): encountered unallocated 'hptilde'.\n");
	if (hctilde==NULL || hctilde->data==NULL || hctilde->data->data==NULL ) {
	  XLALPrintError(" ERROR in LALInferenceTemplateXLALSimInspiralChooseWaveform(): encountered unallocated 'hctilde'.\n");

    INT4 rem=0;
    UINT4 size=hptilde->data->length;
    if(size>model->freqhPlus->data->length) size=model->freqhPlus->data->length;
    if( (rem=(model->freqhPlus->data->length - size)) > 0)
        memset(&(model->freqhPlus->data->data[size]),0, rem*sizeof(hptilde->data->data[0]) );

    if(size>model->freqhCross->data->length) size=model->freqhCross->data->length;
    if( (rem=(model->freqhCross->data->length - size)) > 0)
        memset(&(model->freqhCross->data->data[size]),0, rem*sizeof(hctilde->data->data[0]) );
    /* Destroy the nonGr params */
    REAL8 instant = model->freqhPlus->epoch.gpsSeconds + 1e-9*model->freqhPlus->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds;
    LALInferenceSetVariable(model->params, "time", &instant);
  } else {

    XLAL_TRY(ret=XLALSimInspiralChooseTDWaveformFromCache(&hplus, &hcross, phi0, deltaT,
            m1*LAL_MSUN_SI, m2*LAL_MSUN_SI, spin1x, spin1y, spin1z,
            spin2x, spin2y, spin2z, f_start, f_ref, distance,
            inclination, lambda1, lambda2, model->waveFlags, nonGRparams,
            amporder, order, approximant,model->waveformCache), errnum);
    if (ret == XLAL_FAILURE || hplus == NULL || hcross == NULL)
            XLALPrintError(" ERROR in XLALSimInspiralChooseWaveformFromCache(): error generating waveform. errnum=%d\n",errnum );
            memset(model->timehPlus->data->data,0,sizeof(model->timehPlus->data->data[0]) * model->timehPlus->data->length);
            memset(model->timehCross->data->data,0,sizeof(model->timehCross->data->data[0]) * model->timehCross->data->length);
            if ( hplus ) XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries(hplus);
            if ( hcross ) XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries(hcross);

    /* The following complicated mess is a result of the following considerations:
       1) The discrete time samples of the template and the timeModel
       buffers will not, in general line up.

       2) The likelihood function will timeshift the template in the
       frequency domain to align it properly with the desired tc in
       each detector (these are different because the detectors
       receive the signal at different times).  Because this
       timeshifting is done in the frequency domain, the effective
       time-domain template is periodic.  We want to avoid the
       possibility of non-zero template samples wrapping around from
       the start/end of the buffer, since real templates are not

       3) If the template apporaches the ends of the timeModel buffer,
       then it should be tapered in the same way as the timeData
       (currently 0.4 seconds, hard-coded! Tukey window; see
       LALInferenceReadData.c, near line 233) so that template and
       signal in the data match.  However, as an optimization, we
       perform only one tapering and FFT-ing in the likelihood
       function; subsequent timeshifts for the different detectors
       will cause the tapered regions of the template and data to
       become mis-aligned.

       The algorthim we use is the following:

       1) Inject the template to align with the nearest sample in the
       timeModel buffer to the desired geocent_end time.

       2) Check whether either the start or the end of the template
       overlaps the tapered region, plus a safety buffer corresponding
       to a conservative estimate of the largest geocenter <-->
       detector timeshift.
         a) If there is no overlap at the start or end of the buffer,
         we're done.

	 b) If there is an overlap, issue one warning per process
	 (which can be disabled by setting the LAL debug level) about
	 a too-short segment length, and return.

    size_t waveLength = hplus->data->length;
    size_t bufLength = model->timehPlus->data->length;

    /* 2*Rearth/(c*deltaT)---2 is safety factor---is the maximum time
       shift for any earth-based detector. */
    size_t maxShift = (size_t)lround(4.255e-2/deltaT); 

    /* Taper 0.4 seconds at start and end (hard-coded! in
       LALInferenceReadData.c, around line 233). */
    size_t taperLength = (size_t)lround(0.4/deltaT); 

    /* Within unsafeLength of ends of buffer, possible danger of
       wrapping and/or tapering interactions. */
    size_t unsafeLength = taperLength + maxShift;

    REAL8 desiredTc = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(model->params, "time");
    REAL8 tStart = XLALGPSGetREAL8(&(model->timehPlus->epoch));
    REAL8 tEnd = tStart + deltaT * model->timehPlus->data->length;

    if (desiredTc < tStart || desiredTc > tEnd) {

      XLAL_PRINT_ERROR("desired tc (%.4f) outside data buffer\n", desiredTc);

    /* The nearest sample in model buffer to the desired tc. */
    size_t tcSample = (size_t)lround((desiredTc - XLALGPSGetREAL8(&(model->timehPlus->epoch)))/deltaT);

    /* The acutal coalescence time that corresponds to the buffer
       sample on which the waveform's tC lands. */
    REAL8 injTc = XLALGPSGetREAL8(&(model->timehPlus->epoch)) + tcSample*deltaT;

    /* The sample at which the waveform reaches tc. */
    size_t waveTcSample = (size_t)lround(-XLALGPSGetREAL8(&(hplus->epoch))/deltaT);

    /* 1 + (number of samples post-tc in waveform) */
    size_t wavePostTc = waveLength - waveTcSample;

    size_t bufStartIndex = (tcSample >= waveTcSample ? tcSample - waveTcSample : 0);
    size_t bufEndIndex = (wavePostTc + tcSample <= bufLength ? wavePostTc + tcSample : bufLength);
    size_t bufWaveLength = bufEndIndex - bufStartIndex;
    size_t waveStartIndex = (tcSample >= waveTcSample ? 0 : waveTcSample - tcSample);    

    if (bufStartIndex < unsafeLength || (bufLength - bufEndIndex) <= unsafeLength) {
      /* The waveform could be timeshifted into a region where it will
	 be tapered improperly, or even wrap around from the periodic
	 timeshift.  Issue warning. */
      if (!sizeWarning) {
	fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Generated template is too long to guarantee that it will not\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "WARNING:  (a) lie in a tapered region of the time-domain buffer\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "WARNING:  (b) wrap periodically when timeshifted in likelihood computation\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Either of these may cause differences between the template and the\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: correct GW waveform in each detector.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Parameter estimation will continue, but you should consider\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: increasing the data segment length (using the --seglen) option.\n");
	sizeWarning = 1;

    /* Clear model buffers */
    memset(model->timehPlus->data->data, 0, sizeof(REAL8)*model->timehPlus->data->length);
    memset(model->timehCross->data->data, 0, sizeof(REAL8)*model->timehCross->data->length);
    /* Inject */
    memcpy(model->timehPlus->data->data + bufStartIndex,
	   hplus->data->data + waveStartIndex,
    memcpy(model->timehCross->data->data + bufStartIndex,
	   hcross->data->data + waveStartIndex,

    LALInferenceSetVariable(model->params, "time", &injTc);

  if ( hplus ) XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries(hplus);
  if ( hcross ) XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries(hcross);
  if ( hptilde ) XLALDestroyCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries(hptilde);
  if ( hctilde ) XLALDestroyCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries(hctilde);
Ejemplo n.º 3
REAL8 calculate_lalsim_snr(SimInspiralTable *inj, char *IFOname, REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, REAL8 start_freq)
  /* Calculate and return the single IFO SNR
   * Required options:
   * inj:     SimInspiralTable entry for which the SNR has to be calculated
   * IFOname: The canonical name (e.g. H1, L1, V1) name of the IFO for which the SNR must be calculated
   * PSD:     PSD curve to be used for the overlap integrap
   * start_freq: lower cutoff of the overlap integral
   * */

  int ret=0;
  INT4 errnum=0;
  UINT4 j=0;
  /* Fill detector site info */
  LALDetector*  detector=NULL;

  Approximant approx=TaylorF2;
  LALSimulationDomain modelDomain;

  if(XLALSimInspiralImplementedFDApproximants(approx)) modelDomain = LAL_SIM_DOMAIN_FREQUENCY;
  else if(XLALSimInspiralImplementedTDApproximants(approx)) modelDomain = LAL_SIM_DOMAIN_TIME;
      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR. Unknown approximant number %i. Unable to choose time or frequency domain model.",approx);

  REAL8 m1,m2, s1x,s1y,s1z,s2x,s2y,s2z,phi0,f_min,f_max,iota,polarization;

  /* No tidal PN terms until injtable is able to get them */

  LALDict *LALpars= XLALCreateDict();

  /* Spin and tidal interactions at the highest level (default) until injtable stores them.
   * When spinO and tideO are added to injtable we can un-comment those lines and should be ok
  int spinO = inj->spinO;
  int tideO = inj->tideO;
  XLALSimInspiralSetSpinOrder(waveFlags, *(LALSimInspiralSpinOrder*) spinO);
  XLALSimInspiralSetTidalOrder(waveFlags, *(LALSimInspiralTidalOrder*) tideO);

  /* Read parameters */
  REAL8 latitude=inj->latitude;
  REAL8 longitude=inj->longitude;

  LIGOTimeGPS epoch;

  /* Hardcoded values of srate and segment length. If changed here they must also be changed in inspinj.c */
  REAL8 srate=4096.0;
  const CHAR *WF=inj->waveform;
  /* Increase srate for EOB WFs */
  if (strstr(WF,"EOB"))
  REAL8 segment=64.0;

  size_t seglen=(size_t) segment*srate;
  REAL8 deltaF=1.0/segment;
  REAL8 deltaT=1.0/srate;

  /* Frequency domain h+ and hx. They are going to be filled either by a FD WF or by the FFT of a TD WF*/
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *freqHplus;
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *freqHcross;
  freqHplus=  XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("fhplus",


  /* If the approximant is on the FD call XLALSimInspiralChooseFDWaveform */
  if (modelDomain == LAL_SIM_DOMAIN_FREQUENCY)

    COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *hptilde=NULL;
    COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *hctilde=NULL;
    //We do not pass the polarization here, we assume it is taken into account when projecting h+,x onto the detector.
    XLAL_TRY(ret=XLALSimInspiralChooseFDWaveform(&hptilde,&hctilde, m1, m2,
						 s1x, s1y, s1z, s2x, s2y, s2z,
						 LAL_PC_SI * 1.0e6, iota, phi0, 0., 0., 0.,
						 deltaF, f_min, 0.0, 0.0,

    if(!hptilde|| hptilde->data==NULL || hptilde->data->data==NULL ||!hctilde|| hctilde->data==NULL || hctilde->data->data==NULL)
      XLALPrintError(" ERROR in XLALSimInspiralChooseFDWaveform(): error generating waveform. errnum=%d. Exiting...\n",errnum );

    COMPLEX16 *dataPtr = hptilde->data->data;
    for (j=0; j<(UINT4) freqHplus->data->length; ++j)
      if(j < hptilde->data->length)
        freqHplus->data->data[j] = dataPtr[j];
        freqHplus->data->data[j]=0.0 + I*0.0;
    dataPtr = hctilde->data->data;
    for (j=0; j<(UINT4) freqHplus->data->length; ++j)
      if(j < hctilde->data->length)
        freqHcross->data->data[j] = dataPtr[j];
    /* Clean */
    if(hptilde) XLALDestroyCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries(hptilde);
    if(hctilde) XLALDestroyCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries(hctilde);


    /* Otherwise use XLALSimInspiralChooseTDWaveform */
    REAL8FFTPlan *timeToFreqFFTPlan = XLALCreateForwardREAL8FFTPlan((UINT4) seglen, 0 );
    REAL8TimeSeries *hplus=NULL;
    REAL8TimeSeries *hcross=NULL;
    REAL8TimeSeries *timeHplus=NULL;
    REAL8TimeSeries *timeHcross=NULL;
    REAL8 padding =0.4;//seconds
    REAL8Window *window=XLALCreateTukeyREAL8Window(seglen,(REAL8)2.0*padding*srate/(REAL8)seglen);
    REAL4 WinNorm = sqrt(window->sumofsquares/window->data->length);
    for (j=0;j<(UINT4) timeHcross->data->length;++j)
    for (j=0;j<(UINT4) timeHplus->data->length;++j)
    XLAL_TRY(ret=XLALSimInspiralChooseTDWaveform(&hplus, &hcross, m1, m2,
						 s1x, s1y, s1z, s2x, s2y, s2z,
						 LAL_PC_SI*1.0e6, iota,
						 phi0, 0., 0., 0., deltaT, f_min, 0.,
						 LALpars, approx),

    if (ret == XLAL_FAILURE || hplus == NULL || hcross == NULL)
      XLALPrintError(" ERROR in XLALSimInspiralChooseTDWaveform(): error generating waveform. errnum=%d. Exiting...\n",errnum );

    hplus->epoch  = timeHplus->epoch;
    hcross->epoch = timeHcross->epoch;

    XLALSimAddInjectionREAL8TimeSeries(timeHplus, hplus, NULL);
    XLALSimAddInjectionREAL8TimeSeries(timeHcross, hcross, NULL);
    for (j=0; j<(UINT4) timeHplus->data->length; ++j)
    for (j=0; j<(UINT4) timeHcross->data->length; ++j)
    for (j=0; j<(UINT4) freqHplus->data->length; ++j)

    /* FFT into freqHplus and freqHcross */
    for (j=0; j<(UINT4) freqHplus->data->length; ++j)
    /* Clean... */
    if ( hplus ) XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries(hplus);
    if ( hcross ) XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries(hcross);
    if ( timeHplus ) XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries(timeHplus);
    if ( timeHcross ) XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries(timeHcross);
    if (timeToFreqFFTPlan) LALFree(timeToFreqFFTPlan);
    if (window) XLALDestroyREAL8Window(window);

  /* The WF has been generated and is in freqHplus/cross. Now project into the IFO frame */
  double Fplus, Fcross;
  double FplusScaled, FcrossScaled;
  double HSquared;
  double GPSdouble=(REAL8) inj->geocent_end_time.gpsSeconds+ (REAL8) inj->geocent_end_time.gpsNanoSeconds*1.0e-9;
  double gmst;
  XLALGPSSetREAL8(&GPSlal, GPSdouble);

  /* Fill Fplus and Fcross*/
  XLALComputeDetAMResponse(&Fplus, &Fcross, (const REAL4 (*)[3])detector->response,longitude, latitude, polarization, gmst);
  /* And take the distance into account */
  FplusScaled  = Fplus  / (inj->distance);
  FcrossScaled = Fcross / (inj->distance);

  REAL8 timedelay = XLALTimeDelayFromEarthCenter(detector->location,longitude, latitude, &GPSlal);
  REAL8 timeshift =  timedelay;
  REAL8 twopit    = LAL_TWOPI * timeshift;

  UINT4 lower = (UINT4)ceil(start_freq / deltaF);
  UINT4 upper = (UINT4)floor(f_max / deltaF);
  REAL8 re = cos(twopit*deltaF*lower);
  REAL8 im = -sin(twopit*deltaF*lower);

  /* Incremental values, using cos(theta) - 1 = -2*sin(theta/2)^2 */
  REAL8 dim = -sin(twopit*deltaF);
  REAL8 dre = -2.0*sin(0.5*twopit*deltaF)*sin(0.5*twopit*deltaF);
  REAL8 TwoDeltaToverN = 2.0 *deltaT / ((double) seglen);

  REAL8 plainTemplateReal,  plainTemplateImag,templateReal,templateImag;
  REAL8 newRe, newIm,temp;
  REAL8 this_snr=0.0;
  if ( psd )
    psd = XLALInterpolatePSD(psd,  deltaF);
  for (j=lower; j<=(UINT4) upper; ++j)
    /* derive template (involving location/orientation parameters) from given plus/cross waveforms: */
    plainTemplateReal = FplusScaled * creal(freqHplus->data->data[j])
                        +  FcrossScaled *creal(freqHcross->data->data[j]);
    plainTemplateImag = FplusScaled * cimag(freqHplus->data->data[j])
                        +  FcrossScaled * cimag(freqHcross->data->data[j]);

    /* do time-shifting...             */
    /* (also un-do 1/deltaT scaling): */
    templateReal = (plainTemplateReal*re - plainTemplateImag*im) / deltaT;
    templateImag = (plainTemplateReal*im + plainTemplateImag*re) / deltaT;
    HSquared  = templateReal*templateReal + templateImag*templateImag ;
    temp = ((TwoDeltaToverN * HSquared) / psd->data->data[j]);
    this_snr  += temp;
    /* Now update re and im for the next iteration. */
    newRe = re + re*dre - im*dim;
    newIm = im + re*dim + im*dre;

    re = newRe;
    im = newIm;

  /* Clean */
  if (freqHcross) XLALDestroyCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries(freqHcross);
  if (freqHplus) XLALDestroyCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries(freqHplus);
  if (detector) free(detector);

  return sqrt(this_snr*2.0);

int LALInferenceInspiralPriorTest(void)

	int errnum;

	REAL8 result;
	LALInferenceRunState *runState = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(LALInferenceRunState));
    LALInferenceThreadState *thread = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(LALInferenceThreadState));
    runState->threads = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(LALInferenceThreadState*));
    runState->threads[0] = thread;
	LALInferenceVariables *params = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));
	LALInferenceVariables *priorArgs = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));

	// Standard null reference check.
	int failed = 1;
	runState->priorArgs = NULL;
    thread->model = NULL;
	XLAL_TRY(result = LALInferenceInspiralPrior(runState, params, thread->model), errnum);
	failed &= !XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(result) || errnum != XLAL_EFAULT;
	runState->priorArgs = priorArgs;
	XLAL_TRY(result = LALInferenceInspiralPrior(NULL, params, thread->model), errnum);
	failed &= !XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(result) || errnum != XLAL_EFAULT;
	XLAL_TRY(result = LALInferenceInspiralPrior(runState, NULL, thread->model), errnum);
	failed &= !XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(result) || errnum != XLAL_EFAULT;
	if (failed)
		TEST_FAIL("Null reference check failed.");

	// Set up parameters.
	REAL8 value = 0;
	LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "logdistance", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);
	LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "distance", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);
	LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "inclination", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "rightascension", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "declination", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "theta_spin1", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "theta_spin2", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "logmc", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);
	LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "chirpmass", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);
	/*LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "q", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);*/
	LALInferenceAddVariable(params, "eta", &value, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);
	REAL8 min, max;
	min = 1.0; max = 100.0;
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "distance", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	min = log(min); max = log(max);
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "logdistance", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	min = 1.0; max = 20.5;
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "chirpmass", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	min = log(min); max = log(max);
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "logmc", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	min = 1.0; max = 30.0;
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "mass1", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "mass2", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	/*max *= 2;*/
	/*LALInferenceAddVariable(priorArgs, "MTotMax", &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_FIXED);*/
	min = -LAL_PI; max = LAL_PI;
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "inclination", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	min = 0; max = LAL_TWOPI;
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "rightascension", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	min = -LAL_PI / 2.0; max = LAL_PI / 2.0;
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "declination", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	min = -LAL_PI / 2.0; max = LAL_PI / 2.0;
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "theta_spin1", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	min = -LAL_PI / 2.0; max = LAL_PI / 2.0;
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "theta_spin2", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);
	min = 0.01; max = 0.25;
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "eta", &min, &max, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t);

	// Pick a random point in the non-zero region of the parameter space.
	gsl_rng *rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default);
	gsl_rng_set(rng, 0);
	LALInferenceDrawFromPrior(params, priorArgs, rng);

	// Check that we get a finite log prior.
	XLAL_TRY(result = LALInferenceInspiralPrior(runState, params, thread->model), errnum);

	if (XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(result) || errnum != XLAL_SUCCESS)
		TEST_FAIL("Could not generate inspiral prior; XLAL error: %s", XLALErrorString(errnum));
	else if (result == -DBL_MAX)
		TEST_FAIL("Parameter configuration within specified min/max bounds for each parameter gave zero prior.");

	// Now set a parameter outside its bounds and see what happens.
	LALInferenceGetMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "distance", &min, &max);
	value = max + (max - min) / 2;
	LALInferenceSetVariable(params, "distance", &value);
	XLAL_TRY(result = LALInferenceInspiralPrior(runState, params, thread->model), errnum);
	if (XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(result) || errnum != XLAL_SUCCESS)
		TEST_FAIL("Could not generate inspiral prior; XLAL error: %s", XLALErrorString(errnum));
	else if (result != -DBL_MAX)
		TEST_FAIL("Distance %f is outside [%f,%f] but prior is non-zero.", value, min, max);

	// Try another configuration; this time set m1 and m2 such that one is *outside* its bounds,
	// but the chirp mass and symmetric mass ratio are still OK; this should be picked up and a
	// zero prior returned.
	LALInferenceDrawFromPrior(params, priorArgs, rng);
	LALInferenceGetMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "mass1", &min, &max);
	REAL8 m2 = 0.5;
	REAL8 m1 = 3.82;
	REAL8 eta = m1 * m2 / pow(m1 + m2, 2);
	LALInferenceSetVariable(params, "eta", &eta);
	REAL8 Mc = pow(m1 * m2, 3.0 / 5.0) / pow(m1 + m2, 1.0 / 5.0);
	LALInferenceSetVariable(params, "chirpmass", &Mc);
	REAL8 logMc = log(Mc);
	LALInferenceSetVariable(params, "logmc", &logMc);
	XLAL_TRY(result = LALInferenceInspiralPrior(runState, params, thread->model), errnum);
	if (XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(result) || errnum != XLAL_SUCCESS)
		TEST_FAIL("Could not generate inspiral prior; XLAL error: %s", XLALErrorString(errnum));
	else if (result != -DBL_MAX)
		TEST_FAIL("Mass ratio %f and chirp mass %f define masses outside bounds [%f,%f], but prior is non-zero.", eta, Mc, min, max);

int LALInferenceDrawFromPriorTest(void)

	int errnum;
	const char *name;
	gsl_rng *rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default);
	gsl_rng_set(rng, 0);

	LALInferenceVariables *output = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));
	LALInferenceVariables *priorArgs = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));

	// Null reference checks.
	int outcome = 1;
	XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceDrawFromPrior(NULL, priorArgs, rng), errnum);
	outcome &= errnum == XLAL_EFAULT;
	XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceDrawFromPrior(output, NULL, rng), errnum);
	outcome &= errnum == XLAL_EFAULT;
	XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceDrawFromPrior(output, priorArgs, NULL), errnum);
	outcome &= errnum == XLAL_EFAULT;
	if (!outcome)
		TEST_FAIL("Null reference check failed.");

	int i;
	const char *varyName=NULL;
	char caseTag[VARNAME_MAX];
	LALInferenceVariableType type = LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t;
	LALInferenceParamVaryType vary=-1;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		switch (i)
			case 0:
				varyName = "linear";
			case 1:
				varyName = "circular";
		sprintf(caseTag, "[%s] ", varyName);

		// Try and generate some normally distributed variables for various mu and sigma.
		REAL8 gaussian = 0;
		REAL8 mu;
		REAL8 sigma;
		name = "gaussian";
		LALInferenceAddVariable(output, name, &gaussian, type, vary);

		// Zero standard deviation; should always equal mean.
		mu = -50;
		sigma = 0;
		LALInferenceRemoveGaussianPrior(priorArgs, name);
		LALInferenceAddGaussianPrior(priorArgs, name, &mu, &sigma, type);
		XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceDrawFromPrior(output, priorArgs, rng), errnum);
		gaussian = *(REAL8*)LALInferenceGetVariable(output, name);
		if (errnum != XLAL_SUCCESS)
			TEST_FAIL("%sFailed to generate Gaussian variable; XLAL error: %s.", caseTag, XLALErrorString(errnum));
		else if (!compareFloats(gaussian, mu, EPSILON))
			TEST_FAIL("%sGaussian variable with zero standard deviation did not match the mean; X = %f, mu = %f.", caseTag, gaussian, mu);

		LALInferenceRemoveVariable(output, name);
		LALInferenceRemoveGaussianPrior(priorArgs, name);

		// Try a uniform variable!
		REAL8 uniform = 0;
		REAL8 min;
		REAL8 max;
		name = "uniform";
		LALInferenceAddVariable(output, name, &uniform, type, vary);

		min = -1;
		max = 1;
		LALInferenceRemoveMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, name);
		LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, name, &min, &max, type);
		XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceDrawFromPrior(output, priorArgs, rng), errnum);
		if (errnum != XLAL_SUCCESS)
			TEST_FAIL("%sFailed to generate uniform variable; XLAL error: %s.", caseTag, XLALErrorString(errnum));

		LALInferenceRemoveVariable(output, name);
		LALInferenceRemoveMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, name);

		// Try a correlated variable!
		REAL8 correlated = 0;
		UINT4 idx = 0;
		name = "correlated";
		gsl_matrix *covariance = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3);
		LALInferenceAddVariable(output, name, &correlated, type, vary);

		// See what happens when we try to add a non-positive-definite covariance matrix
                gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 0, 0, -1);
                XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceAddCorrelatedPrior(priorArgs, name, &covariance, &mu, &sigma, &idx), errnum);
                if (errnum == XLAL_SUCCESS)
                        TEST_FAIL("%sNon-positive-definite covariance matrix was not rejected.", caseTag);

		// Now try a positive-semi-definite matrix; this should be accepted
                covariance = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3);
                gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 0, 0, 1);
                XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceAddCorrelatedPrior(priorArgs, name, &covariance, &mu, &sigma, &idx), errnum);
                if (errnum != XLAL_SUCCESS)
                        TEST_FAIL("%sCould not add semi-positive-definite covariance matrix.", caseTag);

		// Try a legitimate positive-definite covariance matrix.
                covariance = gsl_matrix_calloc(3, 3);
		gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 0, 0, 2);
		gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 0, 1, 1);
		gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 0, 2, 0);
		gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 1, 0, 1);
		gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 1, 1, 5);
		gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 1, 2, 1);
		gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 2, 0, 0);
		gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 2, 1, 1);
		gsl_matrix_set(covariance, 2, 2, 1);
                XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceAddCorrelatedPrior(priorArgs, name, &covariance, &mu, &sigma, &idx), errnum);
                if (errnum != XLAL_SUCCESS)
                        TEST_FAIL("%sCould not add correlated prior.", caseTag);
                XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceDrawFromPrior(output, priorArgs, rng), errnum);
		if (errnum != XLAL_SUCCESS)
			TEST_FAIL("%sCould not generate correlated variable from positive-definite matrix; XLAL error: %s.", caseTag, XLALErrorString(errnum));

		LALInferenceRemoveVariable(output, name);

		LALInferenceRemoveVariable(output, "gaussian");
		LALInferenceRemoveVariable(output, "uniform");
		LALInferenceRemoveVariable(output, "correlated");

int LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBoundTest(void)

	int errnum;
	int outcome;

	const LALInferenceVariableType type = LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t;
	REAL8 a;
	REAL8 b;
	REAL8 a_2;
	REAL8 b_2;
	REAL8 a_min;
	REAL8 a_max;
	REAL8 a_delta;
	REAL8 b_min;
	REAL8 b_max;
	REAL8 b_delta;
	LALInferenceVariables *parameters = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));
	LALInferenceVariables *priorArgs = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));

	// A basic null reference check.
	outcome = 1;
	XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(NULL, priorArgs), errnum);
	outcome &= errnum == XLAL_EFAULT;
	XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(parameters, NULL), errnum);
	outcome &= errnum == XLAL_EFAULT;
	if (!outcome)
		TEST_FAIL("Null reference check failed.");
	// Check some (meaningful) minima/maxima.
	a_min = -LAL_PI;
	a_max = LAL_PI;
	a_delta = a_max - a_min;
	b_min = -1;
	b_max = 1;
	b_delta = b_max - b_min;
	LALInferenceRemoveMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "a");
	LALInferenceRemoveMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "b");
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "a", &a_min, &a_max, type);
	LALInferenceAddMinMaxPrior(priorArgs, "b", &b_min, &b_max, type);

	// Variables within [min,max]: should remain unchanged.
	a = a_min + (a_max - a_min) / 2;
	b = b_min + (b_max - b_min) / 2;
	LALInferenceAddVariable(parameters, "a", &a, type, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceAddVariable(parameters, "b", &b, type, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);
	LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(parameters, priorArgs);
	a_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(parameters, "a");
	b_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(parameters, "b");
	if (!compareFloats(a, a_2, EPSILON) || !compareFloats(b, b_2, EPSILON))
		TEST_FAIL("Values within bounds should remain unchanged.");

	// Boundary cases (circular): variables on [min, max] boundaries should be equal modulo period.
	outcome = 1;
	a = a_min;
	LALInferenceAddVariable(parameters, "a", &a, type, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(parameters, priorArgs);
	a_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(parameters, "a");
	outcome &= compareFloats(fmod(a - a_2, a_delta), 0, EPSILON);
	a = a_max;
	LALInferenceAddVariable(parameters, "a", &a, type, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(parameters, priorArgs);
	a_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(parameters, "a");
	outcome &= compareFloats(fmod(a - a_2, a_delta), 0, EPSILON);
	if (!outcome)
		TEST_FAIL("Circular boundary values should remain equal modulo their period.");

	// Boundary cases (linear): variables on [min, max] boundaries should be equal modulo period.
	outcome = 1;
	b = b_min;
	LALInferenceAddVariable(parameters, "b", &b, type, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);
	LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(parameters, priorArgs);
	b_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(parameters, "b");
	outcome &= compareFloats(b, b_2, EPSILON);
	b = b_max;
	LALInferenceAddVariable(parameters, "b", &b, type, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);
	LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(parameters, priorArgs);
	b_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(parameters, "b");
	outcome &= compareFloats(b, b_2, EPSILON);
	if (!outcome)
		TEST_FAIL("Linear boundary values should remain unchanged.");

	// Outside range (circular).
	outcome = 1;
	a = a_min - a_delta / 3;
	LALInferenceAddVariable(parameters, "a", &a, type, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(parameters, priorArgs);
	a_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(parameters, "a");
	outcome &= compareFloats(a_2, a_max - a_delta / 3, EPSILON);
	a = a_max + a_delta / 3;
	LALInferenceAddVariable(parameters, "a", &a, type, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(parameters, priorArgs);
	a_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(parameters, "a");
	outcome &= compareFloats(a_2, a_min + a_delta / 3, EPSILON);
	if (!outcome)
		TEST_FAIL("Circular values outside range should be correctly modded into range.");
	// Outside range (linear).
	outcome = 1;
	b = b_min - 10 * b_delta / 3;
	LALInferenceAddVariable(parameters, "b", &b, type, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);
	LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(parameters, priorArgs);
	b_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(parameters, "b");
	outcome &= compareFloats(b_2, b_max - b_delta / 3, EPSILON);
	b = b_max + 7 * b_delta / 5;
	LALInferenceAddVariable(parameters, "b", &b, type, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR);
	LALInferenceCyclicReflectiveBound(parameters, priorArgs);
	b_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(parameters, "b");
	outcome &= compareFloats(b_2, b_min + 2 * b_delta / 5, EPSILON);
	if (!outcome)
		TEST_FAIL("Linear values outside range should be correctly reflected into range.");

int LALInferenceRotateInitialPhaseTest(void)

	int errnum;

	// A basic null reference check.
	XLAL_TRY(LALInferenceRotateInitialPhase(NULL), errnum);
	if (errnum != XLAL_EFAULT)
		TEST_FAIL("Null reference check failed.");

	// Construct a variable list containing phi0 and psi.
	REAL8 psi = 0;
	REAL8 phi0 = 0;
	REAL8 phi0_2 = 0;
	LALInferenceVariables *variables = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));
	LALInferenceAddVariable(variables, "psi", &psi, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);
	LALInferenceAddVariable(variables, "phi0", &phi0, LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR);

	// Check that if psi is in [0,2pi], phi0 remains unchanged.
	psi = LAL_PI;
	phi0 = 0;
	LALInferenceSetVariable(variables, "psi", &psi);
	LALInferenceSetVariable(variables, "phi0", &phi0);
	phi0_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(variables, "phi0");
	if (!compareFloats(phi0_2, phi0, EPSILON))
		TEST_FAIL("Psi in [0,2pi] but phi0 has changed!");

	// Check that if psi is outside [0,2pi], phi0 is rotated.
	psi = -2 * LAL_TWOPI;
	phi0 = 0;
	LALInferenceSetVariable(variables, "psi", &psi);
	LALInferenceSetVariable(variables, "phi0", &phi0);
	phi0_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(variables, "phi0");
	if (!compareFloats(phi0_2, phi0 + LAL_PI, EPSILON))
		TEST_FAIL("Psi outside [0,2pi] but phi0 not rotated by 2pi!");
	psi = 2 * LAL_TWOPI;
	phi0 = 0;
	LALInferenceSetVariable(variables, "psi", &psi);
	LALInferenceSetVariable(variables, "phi0", &phi0);
	phi0_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(variables, "phi0");
	if (!compareFloats(phi0_2, phi0 + LAL_PI, EPSILON))
		TEST_FAIL("Psi outside [0,2pi] but phi0 not rotated by 2pi!");

	// Check boundary cases: if psi=0 or psi=2pi, phi0 shouldn't be rotated.
	psi = 0;
	phi0 = 0;
	LALInferenceSetVariable(variables, "psi", &psi);
	LALInferenceSetVariable(variables, "phi0", &phi0);
	phi0_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(variables, "phi0");
	if (phi0 != phi0_2) // Should be exact.)
		TEST_FAIL("Psi on boundary of [0,2pi] but phi0 has changed!");
	psi = LAL_TWOPI;
	phi0 = 0;
	LALInferenceSetVariable(variables, "psi", &psi);
	LALInferenceSetVariable(variables, "phi0", &phi0);
	phi0_2 = *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(variables, "phi0");
	if (phi0 != phi0_2) // Should be exact.)
		TEST_FAIL("Psi on boundary of [0,2pi] but phi0 has changed!");

Ejemplo n.º 8
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  /* lal initialization variables */
  LALStatus status = blank_status;

  /*  program option variables */
  CHAR *userTag = NULL;
  char *ifoName = NULL;
  char *inputGlob = NULL;
  char *inputFileName = NULL;
  char *outputFileName = NULL;
  char *tamaFileName = NULL;
  char *summFileName = NULL;
  REAL4 snrStar = -1;
  SnglInspiralClusterChoice clusterchoice = none;
  INT8 cluster_dt = -1;
  char *injectFileName = NULL;
  INT8 inject_dt = -1;
  char *missedFileName = NULL;
  INT4 hardware = 0;
  int  enableTrigStartTime = 1;
  int j;
  FILE *fp = NULL;
  glob_t globbedFiles;
  int numInFiles = 0;
  char **inFileNameList;
  char line[MAX_PATH];
  int  errnum;

  UINT8 triggerInputTimeNS = 0;

  MetadataTable         proctable;
  MetadataTable         procparams;
  ProcessParamsTable   *this_proc_param;

  UINT4                 numSimEvents = 0;
  UINT4                 numSimInData = 0;
  UINT4                 numSimFound  = 0;
  UINT4                 numSimMissed = 0;
  UINT4                 numSimDiscard = 0;
  UINT4                 numSimProcessed = 0;

  SimRingdownTable     *simEventHead = NULL;
  SimRingdownTable     *thisSimEvent = NULL;
  SimRingdownTable     *missedSimHead = NULL;
  SimRingdownTable     *thisMissedSim = NULL;
  SimRingdownTable     *tmpSimEvent = NULL;
  SimRingdownTable     *prevSimEvent = NULL;

  SearchSummaryTable   *searchSummaryTable = NULL;

  UINT4                 numEvents = 0;
  UINT4                 numEventsKept = 0;
  UINT4                 numEventsInIFO = 0;
  UINT4                 numEventsCoinc = 0;
  UINT4                 numEventsDiscard = 0;
  UINT4                 numEventsProcessed = 0;
  UINT4                 numClusteredEvents = 0;

  SnglRingdownTable   **eventHandle = NULL;      
  SnglRingdownTable    *eventHead = NULL;
  SnglRingdownTable    *thisEvent = NULL;
  SnglRingdownTable    *tmpEvent = NULL;
  SnglRingdownTable    *prevEvent = NULL;

  LIGOLwXMLStream       xmlStream;
  MetadataTable         outputTable;

   * initialization

  /* set up inital debugging values */
  lal_errhandler = LAL_ERR_EXIT;

  /* create the process and process params tables */
  proctable.processTable = (ProcessTable *) 
    calloc( 1, sizeof(ProcessTable) );

  XLALPopulateProcessTable(proctable.processTable, PROGRAM_NAME,
      lalAppsVCSIdentId, lalAppsVCSIdentStatus, lalAppsVCSIdentDate, 0);

  this_proc_param = procparams.processParamsTable = (ProcessParamsTable *) 
    calloc( 1, sizeof(ProcessParamsTable) );
  memset( comment, 0, LIGOMETA_COMMENT_MAX * sizeof(CHAR) );

   * parse command line arguments

  while (1)
    /* LALgetopt arguments */
    static struct LALoption long_options[] = 
      {"verbose",             no_argument,           &vrbflg,              1 },
      {"sort-triggers",       no_argument,     &sortTriggers,              1 },
      {"help",                    no_argument,            0,              'h'},
      {"user-tag",                required_argument,      0,              'Z'},
      {"userTag",                 required_argument,      0,              'Z'},
      {"comment",                 required_argument,      0,              'c'},
      {"version",                 no_argument,            0,              'V'},
      {"glob",                    required_argument,      0,              'g'},
      {"input",                   required_argument,      0,              'i'},
      {"output",                  required_argument,      0,              'o'},
      {"data-type",               required_argument,      0,              'k'},
      {"tama-output",             required_argument,      0,              'j'},
      {"summary-file",            required_argument,      0,              'S'},
      {"snr-threshold",           required_argument,      0,              's'},
      {"cluster-algorithm",       required_argument,      0,              'C'},
      {"cluster-time",            required_argument,      0,              't'},
      {"ifo-cut",                 required_argument,      0,              'd'},
      {"injection-file",          required_argument,      0,              'I'},
      {"injection-coincidence",   required_argument,      0,              'T'},
      {"missed-injections",       required_argument,      0,              'm'},
      {"hardware-injections",     required_argument,      0,              'H'},
      {"disable-trig-start-time", no_argument,            0,              'D'},
      {0, 0, 0, 0}
    int c;

    /* LALgetopt_long stores the option index here. */
    int option_index = 0;
    size_t LALoptarg_len;

    c = LALgetopt_long_only ( argc, argv, "hZ:c:d:g:i:o:j:S:s:C:Vt:I:T:m:H:D",
        long_options, &option_index );

    /* detect the end of the options */
    if ( c == - 1 )

    switch ( c )
      case 0:
        /* if this option set a flag, do nothing else now */
        if ( long_options[option_index].flag != 0 )
          fprintf( stderr, "error parsing option %s with argument %s\n",
              long_options[option_index].name, LALoptarg );
          exit( 1 );

      case 'h':
        fprintf( stdout, USAGE );
        exit( 0 );

      case 'Z':
        /* create storage for the usertag */
        LALoptarg_len = strlen( LALoptarg ) + 1;
        userTag = (CHAR *) calloc( LALoptarg_len, sizeof(CHAR) );
        memcpy( userTag, LALoptarg, LALoptarg_len );

        this_proc_param = this_proc_param->next = (ProcessParamsTable *)
          calloc( 1, sizeof(ProcessParamsTable) );
        snprintf( this_proc_param->program, LIGOMETA_PROGRAM_MAX, "%s", 
            PROGRAM_NAME );
        snprintf( this_proc_param->param, LIGOMETA_PARAM_MAX, "-userTag" );
        snprintf( this_proc_param->type, LIGOMETA_TYPE_MAX, "string" );
        snprintf( this_proc_param->value, LIGOMETA_VALUE_MAX, "%s",
            LALoptarg );

      case 'c':
        if ( strlen( LALoptarg ) > LIGOMETA_COMMENT_MAX - 1 )
          fprintf( stderr, "invalid argument to --%s:\n"
              "comment must be less than %d characters\n",
              long_options[option_index].name, LIGOMETA_COMMENT_MAX );
          exit( 1 );
          snprintf( comment, LIGOMETA_COMMENT_MAX, "%s", LALoptarg);

      case 'V':
        fprintf( stdout, "Single Ringdown Reader and Injection Analysis\n"
            "Patrick Brady, Duncan Brown and Steve Fairhurst\n");
        XLALOutputVersionString(stderr, 0);
        exit( 0 );

      case 'g':
        /* create storage for the input file glob */
        LALoptarg_len = strlen( LALoptarg ) + 1;
        inputGlob = (CHAR *) calloc( LALoptarg_len, sizeof(CHAR));
        memcpy( inputGlob, LALoptarg, LALoptarg_len );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "'%s'", LALoptarg );

      case 'i':
        /* create storage for the input file name */
        LALoptarg_len = strlen( LALoptarg ) + 1;
        inputFileName = (CHAR *) calloc( LALoptarg_len, sizeof(CHAR));
        memcpy( inputFileName, LALoptarg, LALoptarg_len );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "%s", LALoptarg );

      case 'o':
        /* create storage for the output file name */
        LALoptarg_len = strlen( LALoptarg ) + 1;
        outputFileName = (CHAR *) calloc( LALoptarg_len, sizeof(CHAR));
        memcpy( outputFileName, LALoptarg, LALoptarg_len );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "%s", LALoptarg );

      case 'j':
        /* create storage of the TAMA file name */
        LALoptarg_len = strlen( LALoptarg ) + 1;
        tamaFileName = (CHAR *) calloc( LALoptarg_len, sizeof(CHAR));
        memcpy( tamaFileName, LALoptarg, LALoptarg_len );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "%s", LALoptarg );

      case 'S':
        /* create storage for the summ file name */
        LALoptarg_len = strlen( LALoptarg ) + 1;
        summFileName = (CHAR *) calloc( LALoptarg_len, sizeof(CHAR));
        memcpy( summFileName, LALoptarg, LALoptarg_len );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "%s", LALoptarg );

      case 's':
        snrStar = (REAL4) atof( LALoptarg );
        if ( snrStar < 0 )
          fprintf( stdout, "invalid argument to --%s:\n"
              "threshold must be >= 0: "
              "(%f specified)\n",
              long_options[option_index].name, snrStar );
          exit( 1 );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "float", "%e", snrStar );

      case 'k':
        /* type of data to analyze */
        if ( ! strcmp( "playground_only", LALoptarg ) )
          dataType = playground_only;
        else if ( ! strcmp( "exclude_play", LALoptarg ) )
          dataType = exclude_play;
        else if ( ! strcmp( "all_data", LALoptarg ) )
          dataType = all_data;
          fprintf( stderr, "invalid argument to --%s:\n"
              "unknown data type, %s, specified: "
              "(must be playground_only, exclude_play or all_data)\n",
              long_options[option_index].name, LALoptarg );
          exit( 1 );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "%s", LALoptarg );

      case 'C':
        /* choose the clustering algorithm */
          if ( ! strcmp( "snr_and_chisq", LALoptarg ) )
            clusterchoice = snr_and_chisq;
          else if ( ! strcmp( "snrsq_over_chisq", LALoptarg) )
            clusterchoice = snrsq_over_chisq;
          else if ( ! strcmp( "snr", LALoptarg) )
            clusterchoice = snr;
            fprintf( stderr, "invalid argument to  --%s:\n"
                "unknown clustering specified:\n "
                "%s (must be one of: snr_and_chisq, \n"
                "   snrsq_over_chisq or snr)\n",
                long_options[option_index].name, LALoptarg);
            exit( 1 );
          ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "%s", LALoptarg );

      case 't':
        /* cluster time is specified on command line in ms */
        cluster_dt = (INT8) atoi( LALoptarg );
        if ( cluster_dt <= 0 )
          fprintf( stdout, "invalid argument to --%s:\n"
              "custer window must be > 0: "
              "(%" LAL_INT8_FORMAT " specified)\n",
              long_options[option_index].name, cluster_dt );
          exit( 1 );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "int", "%" LAL_INT8_FORMAT "", cluster_dt );
        /* convert cluster time from ms to ns */
        cluster_dt *= LAL_INT8_C(1000000);

      case 'I':
        /* create storage for the injection file name */
        LALoptarg_len = strlen( LALoptarg ) + 1;
        injectFileName = (CHAR *) calloc( LALoptarg_len, sizeof(CHAR));
        memcpy( injectFileName, LALoptarg, LALoptarg_len );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "%s", LALoptarg );

      case 'd':
        LALoptarg_len = strlen( LALoptarg ) + 1;
        ifoName = (CHAR *) calloc( LALoptarg_len, sizeof(CHAR));
        memcpy( ifoName, LALoptarg, LALoptarg_len );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "%s", LALoptarg );

      case 'T':
        /* injection coincidence time is specified on command line in ms */
        inject_dt = (INT8) atoi( LALoptarg );
        if ( inject_dt < 0 )
          fprintf( stdout, "invalid argument to --%s:\n"
              "injection coincidence window must be >= 0: "
              "(%" LAL_INT8_FORMAT " specified)\n",
              long_options[option_index].name, inject_dt );
          exit( 1 );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "int", "%" LAL_INT8_FORMAT " ", inject_dt );
        /* convert inject time from ms to ns */
        inject_dt *= LAL_INT8_C(1000000);

      case 'm':
        /* create storage for the missed injection file name */
        LALoptarg_len = strlen( LALoptarg ) + 1;
        missedFileName = (CHAR *) calloc( LALoptarg_len, sizeof(CHAR));
        memcpy( missedFileName, LALoptarg, LALoptarg_len );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "%s", LALoptarg );

      case 'H':
        hardware = (INT4) atoi( LALoptarg );
        if ( hardware <= 0 )
          fprintf( stdout, "invalid argument to --%s:\n"
              "GPS start time of hardware injections must be > 0: "
              "(%d specified)\n",
              long_options[option_index].name, hardware );
          exit( 1 );
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "int", "%" LAL_INT4_FORMAT " ", hardware );

      case 'D':
        enableTrigStartTime = 0;
        ADD_PROCESS_PARAM( "string", "%s", " " );

      case '?':
        exit( 1 );

        fprintf( stderr, "unknown error while parsing options\n" );
        exit( 1 );

  if ( LALoptind < argc )
    fprintf( stderr, "extraneous command line arguments:\n" );
    while ( LALoptind < argc )
      fprintf ( stderr, "%s\n", argv[LALoptind++] );
    exit( 1 );

   * can use LALCalloc() / LALMalloc() from here

  /* don't buffer stdout if we are in verbose mode */
  if ( vrbflg ) setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );

  /* fill the comment, if a user has specified it, or leave it blank */
  if ( ! *comment )
    snprintf( proctable.processTable->comment, LIGOMETA_COMMENT_MAX, " " );
    snprintf( proctable.processTable->comment, LIGOMETA_COMMENT_MAX,
        "%s", comment );

  /* check that the input and output file names have been specified */
  if ( (! inputGlob && ! inputFileName) || (inputGlob && inputFileName) )
    fprintf( stderr, "exactly one of --glob or --input must be specified\n" );
    exit( 1 );
  if ( ! outputFileName )
    fprintf( stderr, "--output must be specified\n" );
    exit( 1 );

  /* check that Data Type has been specified */
  if ( dataType == unspecified_data_type )
    fprintf( stderr, "Error: --data-type must be specified\n");

  /* check that if clustering is being done that we have all the options */
  if ( clusterchoice && cluster_dt < 0 )
    fprintf( stderr, "--cluster-time must be specified if --cluster-algorithm "
        "is given\n" );
    exit( 1 );
  else if ( ! clusterchoice && cluster_dt >= 0 )
    fprintf( stderr, "--cluster-algorithm must be specified if --cluster-time "
        "is given\n" );
    exit( 1 );

  /* check that we have all the options to do injections */
  if ( injectFileName && inject_dt < 0 )
    fprintf( stderr, "--injection-coincidence must be specified if "
        "--injection-file is given\n" );
    exit( 1 );
  else if ( ! injectFileName && inject_dt >= 0 )
    fprintf( stderr, "--injection-file must be specified if "
        "--injection-coincidence is given\n" );
    exit( 1 );

  /* save the sort triggers flag */
  if ( sortTriggers )
    this_proc_param = this_proc_param->next = (ProcessParamsTable *) 
      calloc( 1, sizeof(ProcessParamsTable) ); 
    snprintf( this_proc_param->program, LIGOMETA_PROGRAM_MAX, "%s",
        PROGRAM_NAME ); 
    snprintf( this_proc_param->param, LIGOMETA_PARAM_MAX, 
        "--sort-triggers" );
    snprintf( this_proc_param->type, LIGOMETA_TYPE_MAX, "string" ); 
    snprintf( this_proc_param->value, LIGOMETA_VALUE_MAX, " " );

  switch ( dataType )
    case playground_only:
      if ( vrbflg )
        fprintf( stdout, "using data from playground times only\n" );
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->program, 
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->param,
          LIGOMETA_PARAM_MAX, "--playground-only" );
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->type, 
          LIGOMETA_TYPE_MAX, "string" );
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->value, 
          LIGOMETA_TYPE_MAX, " " );

    case exclude_play:
      if ( vrbflg )
        fprintf( stdout, "excluding all triggers in playground times\n" );
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->program, 
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->param,
          LIGOMETA_PARAM_MAX, "--exclude-play" );
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->type, 
          LIGOMETA_TYPE_MAX, "string" );
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->value, 
          LIGOMETA_TYPE_MAX, " " );

    case all_data:
      if ( vrbflg )
        fprintf( stdout, "using all input data\n" );
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->program, 
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->param,
          LIGOMETA_PARAM_MAX, "--all-data" );
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->type, 
          LIGOMETA_TYPE_MAX, "string" );
      snprintf( procparams.processParamsTable->value, 
          LIGOMETA_TYPE_MAX, " " );

      fprintf( stderr, "data set not defined\n" );
      exit( 1 );

   * read in the injection XML file, if we are doing an injection analysis

  if ( injectFileName )
    if ( vrbflg ) 
      fprintf( stdout, "reading injections from %s... ", injectFileName );

    simEventHead = XLALSimRingdownTableFromLIGOLw( injectFileName, 0, 0 );

    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "got %d injections\n", numSimEvents );

    if ( ! simEventHead )
      fprintf( stderr, "error: unable to read sim_ringdown table from %s\n", 
          injectFileName );
      exit( 1 );

    /* if we are doing hardware injections, increment all the start times */
    if ( hardware )
      if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, 
          "incrementing GPS times of injections by %d seconds\n", hardware );

      for ( thisSimEvent = simEventHead; 
          thisSimEvent; thisSimEvent = thisSimEvent->next )
        thisSimEvent->geocent_start_time.gpsSeconds += hardware;
        thisSimEvent->h_start_time.gpsSeconds       += hardware;
        thisSimEvent->l_start_time.gpsSeconds       += hardware;

    /* discard all injection events that are not in the data we want */
    if ( dataType != all_data )
      numSimDiscard = 0;

      thisSimEvent = simEventHead;
      simEventHead = NULL;
      prevSimEvent = NULL;

      if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "discarding injections not in data\n" );

      while ( thisSimEvent )
        INT4 isPlayground = XLALINT8NanoSecIsPlayground(XLALGPSToINT8NS(&(thisSimEvent->geocent_start_time)));

        if ( (dataType == playground_only && isPlayground) || 
            (dataType == exclude_play && ! isPlayground) )
          /* store the head of the linked list */
          if ( ! simEventHead ) simEventHead = thisSimEvent;

          /* keep this event */
          prevSimEvent = thisSimEvent;
          thisSimEvent = thisSimEvent->next;
          if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "+" );
          /* throw this event away */
          tmpSimEvent = thisSimEvent;
          if ( prevSimEvent ) prevSimEvent->next = thisSimEvent->next;
          thisSimEvent = thisSimEvent->next;
          LALFree( tmpSimEvent );
          if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "-" );

      if ( vrbflg ) 
        fprintf( stdout, "\nusing %d (discarded %d) of %d injections\n",
            numSimInData, numSimDiscard, numSimEvents );
      if ( vrbflg ) 
        fprintf( stdout, "using all %d injections\n", numSimInData );
      numSimInData = numSimEvents;

   * read in the input triggers from the xml files

  if ( inputGlob )
    /* use glob() to get a list of the input file names */
    if ( glob( inputGlob, GLOB_ERR, NULL, &globbedFiles ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "error globbing files from %s\n", inputGlob );
      perror( "error:" );
      exit( 1 );

    numInFiles = globbedFiles.gl_pathc;
    inFileNameList = (char **) LALCalloc( numInFiles, sizeof(char *) );

    for ( j = 0; j < numInFiles; ++j )
      inFileNameList[j] = globbedFiles.gl_pathv[j];
  else if ( inputFileName )
    /* read the list of input filenames from a file */
    fp = fopen( inputFileName, "r" );
    if ( ! fp )
      fprintf( stderr, "could not open file containing list of xml files\n" );
      perror( "error:" );
      exit( 1 );

    /* count the number of lines in the file */
    while ( get_next_line( line, sizeof(line), fp ) )
    rewind( fp );

    /* allocate memory to store the input file names */
    inFileNameList = (char **) LALCalloc( numInFiles, sizeof(char *) );

    /* read in the input file names */
    for ( j = 0; j < numInFiles; ++j )
      inFileNameList[j] = (char *) LALCalloc( MAX_PATH, sizeof(char) );
      get_next_line( line, sizeof(line), fp );
      strncpy( inFileNameList[j], line, strlen(line) - 1);

    fclose( fp );
    fprintf( stderr, "no input file mechanism specified\n" );
    exit( 1 );

  if ( vrbflg )
    fprintf( stdout, "reading input triggers from:\n" );
    for ( j = 0; j < numInFiles; ++j )
      fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", inFileNameList[j] );

   * read in the triggers from the input xml files

  if ( injectFileName )
    thisSimEvent = simEventHead;
    simEventHead = NULL;
    prevSimEvent = NULL;
    numSimDiscard = 0;
    numSimInData = 0;

    if ( vrbflg ) 
      fprintf( stdout, "discarding injections not in input data\n" );

  for ( j = 0; j < numInFiles; ++j )
    LIGOTimeGPS inPlay, outPlay;
    UINT8 outPlayNS, outStartNS, outEndNS, triggerTimeNS;
    INT4 trigStartTimeArg = 0;

    searchSummaryTable = XLALSearchSummaryTableFromLIGOLw( inFileNameList[j] );
    if ( ( ! searchSummaryTable ) || searchSummaryTable->next )
      fprintf( stderr, 
          "error: zero or multiple search_summary tables in %s\n",
          inFileNameList[j] );
      exit( 1 );

    if ( enableTrigStartTime )
      /* override the value of out_start_time if there is a non-zero */
      /* --trig-start-time option in the process_params table        */
      /* this is necessary to get round a bug in early versions of   */
      /* the ringdown code                                           */

      int mioStatus;
      int pParParam;
      int pParValue;
      struct MetaioParseEnvironment parseEnv;
      const  MetaioParseEnv env = &parseEnv;

      /* open the procress_params table from the input file */
      mioStatus = MetaioOpenTable( env, inFileNameList[j], "process_params" );
      if ( mioStatus )
        fprintf( stderr, "error opening process_params table from file %s\n", 
            inFileNameList[j] );
        exit( 1 );

      /* figure out where the param and value columns are */
      if ( (pParParam = MetaioFindColumn( env, "param" )) < 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to find column param in process_params\n" );
        exit( 1 );
      if ( (pParValue = MetaioFindColumn( env, "value" )) < 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to find column value in process_params\n" );
        exit( 1 );

      /* get the trigger start time from the process params */
      while ( (mioStatus = MetaioGetRow(env)) == 1 )
        if ( ! strcmp( env->ligo_lw.table.elt[pParParam], 
              "--trig-start-time" ) )
          trigStartTimeArg = (INT4) 
            atoi( env->ligo_lw.table.elt[pParValue] );

      MetaioClose( env );

      if ( trigStartTimeArg )
        searchSummaryTable->out_start_time.gpsSeconds = trigStartTimeArg;
        searchSummaryTable->out_start_time.gpsNanoSeconds = 0;
        if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "file %s has --trig-start-time %d\n",
            inFileNameList[j], trigStartTimeArg );

    /* compute the out time from the search summary table */
    outStartNS = XLALGPSToINT8NS ( &(searchSummaryTable->out_start_time) );
    outEndNS = XLALGPSToINT8NS ( &(searchSummaryTable->out_end_time) );
    triggerTimeNS = outEndNS - outStartNS;

    /* check for events and playground */
    if ( dataType != all_data )
      LAL_CALL( LALPlaygroundInSearchSummary( &status, searchSummaryTable,
            &inPlay, &outPlay ), &status );
      outPlayNS = XLALGPSToINT8NS ( &outPlay );

      if ( dataType == playground_only )
        if ( outPlayNS )
          /* increment the total trigger time by the amount of playground */
          triggerInputTimeNS += outPlayNS;
          /* skip this file as it does not contain any playground data */
          if ( vrbflg )
            fprintf( stdout, "file %s not in playground, continuing\n", 
                inFileNameList[j] );
          LALFree( searchSummaryTable );
          searchSummaryTable = NULL;
      else if ( dataType == exclude_play )
        /* increment the total trigger time by the out time minus */
        /* the time that is in the playground                     */
        triggerInputTimeNS += triggerTimeNS - outPlayNS;
      /* increment the total trigger time by the out time minus */
      triggerInputTimeNS += triggerTimeNS;

    if ( injectFileName )
      if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "discarding injections not in file: " );

      /* throw away injections that are outside analyzed times */
      while ( thisSimEvent && thisSimEvent->geocent_start_time.gpsSeconds < 
          searchSummaryTable->out_end_time.gpsSeconds )
        /* check if injection is before file start time */
        if ( thisSimEvent->geocent_start_time.gpsSeconds < 
            searchSummaryTable->out_start_time.gpsSeconds )
          /* discard the current injection */
          if ( prevSimEvent ) prevSimEvent->next = thisSimEvent->next;
          tmpSimEvent = thisSimEvent;
          thisSimEvent = thisSimEvent->next;
          LALFree( tmpSimEvent );
          if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "-" );
          /* store the head of the linked list */
          if ( ! simEventHead ) simEventHead = thisSimEvent;

          /* keep this injection */
          prevSimEvent = thisSimEvent;
          thisSimEvent = thisSimEvent->next;
          if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "+" );
      if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

     * if there are any events in the file, read them in

    if ( searchSummaryTable->nevents )
      INT4 isPlay;

      if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "file %s contains %d events, processing\n",
          inFileNameList[j], searchSummaryTable->nevents );

      if ( ! prevEvent )
        eventHandle = &thisEvent;
        eventHandle = &(prevEvent->next);

      /* read the events from the file into a temporary list */
      XLAL_TRY( *eventHandle = XLALSnglRingdownTableFromLIGOLw( inFileNameList[j] ), errnum);
      if ( ! *eventHandle )
        switch ( errnum )
          case XLAL_EDATA:
            XLALPrintError("Unable to read sngl_ringdown table from %s\n", inFileNameList[j] );
            XLALSetErrno( errnum );
            XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC );
      /* only keep triggers from the data that we want to analyze */
      thisEvent = *eventHandle;
      while ( thisEvent )

        isPlay = XLALINT8NanoSecIsPlayground( XLALGPSToINT8NS( &(thisEvent->start_time) ) );

        if ( (dataType == all_data || 
              (dataType == playground_only && isPlay) ||
              (dataType == exclude_play && ! isPlay))
            && ( snrStar < 0 || thisEvent->snr > snrStar) )
          /* keep the trigger and increment the count of triggers */
          if ( ! eventHead ) eventHead = thisEvent;
          prevEvent = thisEvent;
          thisEvent = thisEvent->next;
          /* discard the trigger and move to the next one */
          if ( prevEvent ) prevEvent->next = thisEvent->next;
          tmpEvent = thisEvent;
          thisEvent = thisEvent->next;
          LAL_CALL ( LALFreeSnglRingdown ( &status, &tmpEvent ), &status);

      /* make sure that the linked list is properly terminated */
      if ( prevEvent && prevEvent->next ) prevEvent->next->next = NULL;
      if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "file %s contains no events, skipping\n",
          inFileNameList[j] );

    LALFree( searchSummaryTable );
    searchSummaryTable = NULL;

  /* discard the remaining injections which occured after the last file */
  if ( injectFileName )
    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "kept %d injections, discarded %d\n",
        numSimInData, numSimDiscard );

    if ( prevSimEvent ) prevSimEvent->next = NULL;

    numSimDiscard = 0;
    while ( thisSimEvent )
      tmpSimEvent = thisSimEvent;
      thisSimEvent = thisSimEvent->next;
      LALFree( tmpSimEvent );
      if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "-" );

    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "\ndiscarded %d injections at end of list\n",
        numSimDiscard );

   * sort the ringdown events by time

  if ( injectFileName || sortTriggers )
    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "sorting ringdown trigger list..." );
    LAL_CALL( LALSortSnglRingdown( &status, &eventHead, 
          *LALCompareSnglRingdownByTime ), &status );
    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "done\n" );

   * keep only event from requested ifo

  if ( ifoName )
    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, 
        "keeping only triggers from %s, discarding others...", ifoName );
    LAL_CALL( LALIfoCutSingleRingdown( &status, &eventHead, ifoName ), &status );
    LALIfoCountSingleRingdown( &status, &numEventsInIFO, eventHead, 
        XLALIFONumber(ifoName) );

    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "done\n" );

   * check for events that are coincident with injections

  if ( injectFileName )
    int coincidence = 0;
    UINT8 simTime, ringdownTime;

    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, 
        "checking for events that are coincident with injections\n" );

    /* Note: we are assuming that both the ringdown and */
    /* injection events are time sorted                 */
    thisSimEvent = simEventHead;
    thisEvent    = eventHead;

    simEventHead = NULL;
    eventHead    = NULL;
    prevSimEvent = NULL;
    prevEvent    = NULL;

    numSimFound      = 0;
    numSimDiscard    = 0;
    numEventsDiscard = 0;
    numEventsCoinc   = 0;

    if ( ! thisEvent )
      /* no triggers in the input data, so all injections are missed */
      if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "no triggers in input data\n" );

      thisMissedSim = missedSimHead = thisSimEvent;

      while ( thisMissedSim )
        /* count the number of injections just stuck in the missed list */
        if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "M" );
        thisMissedSim = thisMissedSim->next;
      /* begin loop over the sim_ringdown events */
      while ( thisSimEvent )
        /* compute the end time in nanosec for the injection */
        /* at the relevant detector                          */
        if ( ! strcmp( "L1", thisEvent->ifo ) )
          simTime = XLALGPSToINT8NS ( &(thisSimEvent->l_start_time) );
        else if ( ! strcmp( "H1", thisEvent->ifo ) || 
            ! strcmp( "H2", thisEvent->ifo ) )
          simTime = XLALGPSToINT8NS ( &(thisSimEvent->h_start_time) );
          fprintf( stderr, "unknown detector found in event list: %s\n", 
              thisEvent->ifo );
          fprintf( stderr, "Detector must be one of (G1|H1|H2|L1|T1|V1)\n");
          exit( 1 );

        /* find the first ringdown event after the current sim event */
        while ( thisEvent )
          coincidence = 0;

          /* compute the time in nanosec for the ringdown */
          ringdownTime = XLALGPSToINT8NS ( &(thisEvent->start_time) );

          if ( ringdownTime < (simTime - inject_dt) )
            /* discard this event and move on to the next one */
            if ( prevEvent ) prevEvent->next = thisEvent->next;
            tmpEvent = thisEvent;
            thisEvent = thisEvent->next;
            LAL_CALL ( LALFreeSnglRingdown ( &status, &tmpEvent ), &status);
            if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "-" );
            /* we have reached the negative coincincidence window */

        while ( thisEvent )
          /* compute the time in nanosec for the ringdown */
          ringdownTime = XLALGPSToINT8NS ( &(thisEvent->start_time) );

          if ( ringdownTime < (simTime + inject_dt) )
            /* this event is within the coincidence window  */
            /* store this event and move on to the next one */
            if ( ! eventHead ) eventHead = thisEvent;
            prevEvent = thisEvent;
            thisEvent = thisEvent->next;
            coincidence = 1;
            if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "+" );
            /* we have reached the end of the positive coincincidence window */

        if ( coincidence )
          /* keep this event in the list and move to the next sim event */
          if ( ! simEventHead ) simEventHead = thisSimEvent;
          prevSimEvent = thisSimEvent;
          thisSimEvent = thisSimEvent->next;
          if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "F" );
          /* save this sim event in the list of missed events... */
          if ( ! missedSimHead )
            missedSimHead = thisMissedSim = thisSimEvent;
            thisMissedSim = thisMissedSim->next = thisSimEvent;

          /* ...and remove it from the list of found events */
          if ( prevSimEvent ) prevSimEvent->next = thisSimEvent->next;
          if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "M" );

          /* move to the next sim in the list */
          thisSimEvent = thisSimEvent->next;

          /* make sure the missed sim list is terminated */
          thisMissedSim->next = NULL;

        if ( ! thisEvent )
          /* these are no more events to process so all the rest of the */
          /* injections must be put in the missed injections list       */
          if ( ! missedSimHead )
            /* this and any subsequent events are in the missed sim list */
            if ( thisSimEvent ) thisMissedSim = missedSimHead = thisSimEvent;
            if ( thisSimEvent )
              /* append the rest of the list to the list of missed injections */
              thisMissedSim = thisMissedSim->next = thisSimEvent;
              /* there are no injections after this one */
              thisMissedSim = thisMissedSim->next = NULL;

          /* terminate the list of found injections correctly */
          if ( prevSimEvent ) prevSimEvent->next = NULL;

          while ( thisMissedSim )
            /* count the number of injections just stuck in the missed list */
            if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "M" );
            thisMissedSim = thisMissedSim->next;
          thisSimEvent = NULL;

      if ( thisEvent )
        /* discard any remaining ringdown triggers -- including thisEvent */
        /* as we have run out of injections */
        tmpEvent = thisEvent;
        if ( prevEvent ) prevEvent->next = NULL;
        while ( tmpEvent )
          thisEvent = tmpEvent;
          tmpEvent = tmpEvent->next;
          LAL_CALL ( LALFreeSnglRingdown ( &status, &thisEvent ), &status);
          if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "-" );

    if ( vrbflg )
      fprintf( stdout, "\nfound %d injections, missed %d injections "
          "(%d injections processed)\n",
          numSimFound, numSimMissed, numSimProcessed );

      fprintf( stdout, "found %d coincident events, %d events discarded "
          "(%d events processed)\n",
          numEventsCoinc, numEventsDiscard, numEventsProcessed );

  } /* end if ( injectFileName ) */

   * cluster the remaining events

  if ( eventHead && clusterchoice )
    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "clustering remaining triggers... " );
    LAL_CALL( LALClusterSnglRingdownTable( &status, eventHead,
          cluster_dt, clusterchoice ), &status );
    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "done\n" );

    /* count the number of triggers surviving the clustering */
    thisEvent = eventHead;
    numClusteredEvents = 0;
    while ( thisEvent )
      thisEvent = thisEvent->next;

   * write output data

  /* write the main output file containing found injections */
  if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "writing output xml files... " );
  memset( &xmlStream, 0, sizeof(LIGOLwXMLStream) );
  LAL_CALL( LALOpenLIGOLwXMLFile( &status, &xmlStream, outputFileName ), &status );

  /* write out the process and process params tables */
  if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "process... " );
  LAL_CALL( LALBeginLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream, process_table ), 
      &status );
  LAL_CALL( LALWriteLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream, proctable, 
        process_table ), &status );
  LAL_CALL( LALEndLIGOLwXMLTable ( &status, &xmlStream ), &status );
  free( proctable.processTable );

  /* write the process params table */
  if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "process_params... " );
  LAL_CALL( LALBeginLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream, 
        process_params_table ), &status );
  LAL_CALL( LALWriteLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream, procparams, 
        process_params_table ), &status );
  LAL_CALL( LALEndLIGOLwXMLTable ( &status, &xmlStream ), &status );

  /* Write the found injections to the sim table */
  if ( simEventHead )
    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "sim_ringdown... " );
    outputTable.simRingdownTable = simEventHead;
    LAL_CALL( LALBeginLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream, 
          sim_ringdown_table ), &status );
    LAL_CALL( LALWriteLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream, outputTable, 
          sim_ringdown_table ), &status );
    LAL_CALL( LALEndLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream ), &status );

  /* Write the results to the ringdown table */
  if ( eventHead )
    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "sngl_ringdown... " );
    outputTable.snglRingdownTable = eventHead;
    LAL_CALL( LALBeginLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream, 
          sngl_ringdown_table ), &status );
    LAL_CALL( LALWriteLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream, outputTable, 
          sngl_ringdown_table ), &status );
    LAL_CALL( LALEndLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream ), &status);

  /* close the output file */
  LAL_CALL( LALCloseLIGOLwXMLFile(&status, &xmlStream), &status);
  if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "done\n" );

  /* write out the TAMA file if it is requested */
  if ( tamaFileName )
    /* FIXME */
    REAL8 UNUSED trigtime;

    fp = fopen( tamaFileName, "w" );
    if ( ! fp )
      perror( "TAMA file" );
      exit( 1 );

    fprintf( fp, "IFO   trigger time       snr         chisq       "
        " total mass     eta       eff dist (kpc)\n" );

    for ( thisEvent = eventHead; thisEvent; thisEvent = thisEvent->next )
      trigtime = XLALGPSGetREAL8(&(thisEvent->start_time));

    fclose( fp );

  if ( missedFileName )
    /* open the missed injections file and write the missed injections to it */
    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "writing missed injections... " );
    memset( &xmlStream, 0, sizeof(LIGOLwXMLStream) );
    LAL_CALL( LALOpenLIGOLwXMLFile( &status, &xmlStream, missedFileName ), 
        &status );

    if ( missedSimHead )
      outputTable.simRingdownTable = missedSimHead;
      LAL_CALL( LALBeginLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream, sim_ringdown_table ),
          &status );
      LAL_CALL( LALWriteLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream, outputTable, 
            sim_ringdown_table ), &status );
      LAL_CALL( LALEndLIGOLwXMLTable( &status, &xmlStream ), &status );

    LAL_CALL( LALCloseLIGOLwXMLFile( &status, &xmlStream ), &status );
    if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "done\n" );

  if ( summFileName )
    LIGOTimeGPS triggerTime;

    /* write out a summary file */
    fp = fopen( summFileName, "w" );

    switch ( dataType )
      case playground_only:
        fprintf( fp, "using data from playground times only\n" );
      case exclude_play:
        fprintf( fp, "excluding all triggers in playground times\n" );
      case all_data:
        fprintf( fp, "using all input data\n" );
        fprintf( stderr, "data set not defined\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    fprintf( fp, "read triggers from %d files\n", numInFiles );
    fprintf( fp, "number of triggers in input files: %d \n", numEvents );
    if ( snrStar >= 0 )
      fprintf( fp, "number of triggers in input data with snr above %f: %d \n",
          snrStar, numEventsKept );
      fprintf( fp, "number of triggers in input data %d \n", numEventsKept );

    if ( ifoName )
      fprintf( fp, "number of triggers from %s ifo %d \n", ifoName, 
          numEventsInIFO );

    XLALINT8NSToGPS( &triggerTime, triggerInputTimeNS );
    fprintf( fp, "amount of time analysed for triggers %d sec %d ns\n", 
        triggerTime.gpsSeconds, triggerTime.gpsNanoSeconds );

    if ( injectFileName )
      fprintf( fp, "read %d injections from file %s\n", 
          numSimEvents, injectFileName );

      fprintf( fp, "number of injections in input data: %d\n", numSimInData );
      fprintf( fp, "number of injections found in input data: %d\n", 
          numSimFound );
      fprintf( fp, 
          "number of triggers found within %" LAL_INT8_FORMAT "msec of injection: %d\n",
          (inject_dt / LAL_INT8_C(1000000) ), numEventsCoinc );

      fprintf( fp, "efficiency: %f \n", 
          (REAL4) numSimFound / (REAL4) numSimInData );

    if ( clusterchoice )
      fprintf( fp, "number of event clusters with %" LAL_INT8_FORMAT " msec window: %d\n",
          cluster_dt/ LAL_INT8_C(1000000), numClusteredEvents ); 

    fclose( fp ); 

   * free memory and exit

  /* free the ringdown events we saved */
  while ( eventHead )
    thisEvent = eventHead;
    eventHead = eventHead->next;
    LAL_CALL ( LALFreeSnglRingdown ( &status, &thisEvent ), &status);

  /* free the process params */
  while( procparams.processParamsTable )
    this_proc_param = procparams.processParamsTable;
    procparams.processParamsTable = this_proc_param->next;
    free( this_proc_param );

  /* free the found injections */
  while ( simEventHead )
    thisSimEvent = simEventHead;
    simEventHead = simEventHead->next;
    LALFree( thisSimEvent );

  /* free the temporary memory containing the missed injections */
  while ( missedSimHead )
    tmpSimEvent = missedSimHead;
    missedSimHead = missedSimHead->next;
    LALFree( tmpSimEvent );

  /* free the input file name data */
  if ( inputGlob )
    LALFree( inFileNameList ); 
    globfree( &globbedFiles );
    for ( j = 0; j < numInFiles; ++j )
      LALFree( inFileNameList[j] );
    LALFree( inFileNameList );

  if ( vrbflg ) fprintf( stdout, "checking memory leaks and exiting\n" );
  exit( 0 );