caRelatedDisplayInterface::caRelatedDisplayInterface(QObject *parent): CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[9], type[9] = {"","","","","","","","",""};

    strcpy(name[0], "label");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[1], "labelsList");
    strcpy(name[2], "filesList");
    strcpy(name[3], "argsList");
    strcpy(name[4], "removeParentList");
    strcpy(name[5], "labels");
    strcpy(type[5], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[6], "files");
    strcpy(type[6], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[7], "args");
    strcpy(type[7], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[8], "removeParent");
    strcpy(type[8], "multiline");
    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caRelatedDisplay", "carelateddisplay", 0, 0, 170, 70, name, type, text, 9);
    d_name = "caRelatedDisplay";
    d_include = "caRelatedDisplay";
    QPixmap qpixmap =   QPixmap(":pixmaps/fileopen.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(70, 70, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
    d_toolTip = "[displays a new or popups a synoptic view]";
    d_whatsThis = "hello, i am a whatsthis string";
caByteControllerInterface::caByteControllerInterface(QObject *parent): CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[1], type[1] = {""};
    longtext text[1] = {""};

    strcpy(name[0], "channel");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caByteController", "cabytecontroller", 0, 0, 20, 120, name, type, text, 1);
    d_toolTip = "[Byte Controller]";
    d_name = "caByteController";
    d_include = "caByteController";
    QPixmap qpixmap = QPixmap(":pixmaps/eflag.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(70, 70, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
caChoiceInterface::caChoiceInterface(QObject *parent): CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[1], type[1] = {""};
    longtext text[1] = {""};
    strcpy(name[0], "channel");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caChoice", "cachoice", 0, 0, 150, 150, name, type, text, 1);
    d_name = "caChoice";
    d_include = "caChoice";
    QPixmap qpixmap =  QPixmap(":pixmaps/choice.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(70, 70, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
    d_toolTip = "[choice with different stacking modes for display & control of enums]";
    d_whatsThis = "hello, i am a whatsthis string";
caSpinboxInterface::caSpinboxInterface(QObject *parent): CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[1], type[1] = {""};
    longtext text[1] = {""};

    strcpy(name[0], "channel");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caSpinbox", "caspinbox", 0, 0, 80, 30, name, type, text, 1);
    d_name = "caSpinbox";
    d_include = "caSpinbox";
    QPixmap qpixmap = QPixmap(":pixmaps/spinbox.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(70, 70, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
    d_toolTip = "[spinbox]";
    d_whatsThis = "hello, i am a whatsthis string";
caToggleButtonInterface::caToggleButtonInterface(QObject* parent) : CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[1], type[1] = {""};
    longtext text[1] = {""};

    strcpy(name[0], "channel");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caToggleButton", "catogglebutton", 0, 0, 100, 22, name, type, text, 1);
    d_name = "caToggleButton";
    d_include = "caToggleButton";
    QPixmap qpixmap = QPixmap(":pixmaps/radiobutton.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(70, 70, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
    d_toolTip = "[toggle 0/1 to a pv]";
    d_whatsThis = "hello, i am a whatsthis string";
caApplyNumericInterface::caApplyNumericInterface(QObject *parent): CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[1], type[1] = {""};
    longtext text[1] = {""};

    strcpy(name[0], "channel");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caApplyNumeric", "caapplynumeric", 0, 0, 160, 70, name, type, text, 1);
    d_name = "caApplyNumeric";
    d_include = "caApplyNumeric";
    QPixmap qpixmap =  QPixmap(":pixmaps/enumeric.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(70, 70, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
    d_toolTip = "[wheelswitch with applybutton]";
    d_whatsThis = "hello, i am a whatsthis string";
caMenuInterface::caMenuInterface(QObject *parent): CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[1], type[1] = {""};
    longtext text[1] = {""};

    strcpy(name[0], "channel");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caMenu", "camenu", 0, 0, 100, 30, name, type, text, 1);
    d_name = "caMenu";
    d_include = "caMenu";
    QPixmap qpixmap =  QPixmap(":pixmaps/menu.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(70, 70, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
    d_toolTip = "[menu combobox for display & control of enums with/without pv-label]";
    d_whatsThis = "hello, i am a whatsthis string";
caMimeDisplayInterface::caMimeDisplayInterface(QObject *parent): CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[3], type[3] = {"","",""};
    longtext text[3] = {"","","mime file will be looked up through absolute path or caQtDM_DISPLAY_PATH\nor caQTDM_MIME_PATH. Separate files with a semicolumn\n"};

    strcpy(name[0], "label");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[1], "labelsList");
    strcpy(name[2], "filesList");
    strcpy(type[2], "multiline");

    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caMimeDisplay", "camimedisplay", 0, 0, 100, 22, name, type, text, 3);
    d_toolTip = "[Mime display]";
    d_name = "caMimeDisplay";
    d_include = "caMimeDisplay";
    QPixmap qpixmap =  QPixmap(":pixmaps/mime.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(90, 90, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
    d_toolTip = "[calls a mime application for file]";
caShellCommandInterface::caShellCommandInterface(QObject *parent): CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[4], type[4] = {"","","",""};
    longtext text[4] = {"","","",""};

    strcpy(name[0], "label");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[1], "labelsList");
    strcpy(name[2], "filesList");
    strcpy(name[3], "argsList");
    strcpy(type[3], "multiline");
    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caShellCommand", "cashellcommand", 0, 0, 170, 70, name, type, text, 4);
    d_name = "caShellCommand";
    d_include = "caShellCommand";
    QPixmap qpixmap =   QPixmap(":pixmaps/exclamation.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(70, 70, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
    d_toolTip = "[menu or button for detached processes]";
    d_whatsThis = "hello, i am a whatsthis string";
Ejemplo n.º 10
caMessageButtonInterface::caMessageButtonInterface(QObject* parent) : CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[4], type[4] = {"","","",""};
    longtext text[4] = {"","","",""};
    strcpy(name[0], "channel");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[1], "label");
    strcpy(type[1], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[2], "releaseMessage");
    strcpy(type[2], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[3], "pressMessage");
    strcpy(type[3], "multiline");
    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caMessageButton", "camessagebutton", 0, 0, 100, 22, name, type, text, 4);
    d_name = "caMessageButton";
    d_include = "caMessageButton";
    QPixmap qpixmap =  QPixmap(":pixmaps/message.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(90, 90, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
    d_toolTip = "[send a predefined value/command to a pv]";
    d_whatsThis = "hello, i am a whatsthis string";
caScriptButtonInterface::caScriptButtonInterface(QObject* parent) : CustomWidgetInterface_Controllers(parent)
    strng name[3], type[3] = {"","",""};
    longtext text[3] = {"","",""};

    strcpy(name[0], "label");
    strcpy(type[0], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[1], "scriptCommand");
    strcpy(type[1], "multiline");
    strcpy(name[2], "scriptParameter");
    strcpy(type[2], "multiline");

    d_domXml = XmlFunc("caScriptButton", "cascriptbutton", 0, 0, 100, 22, name, type, text, 3);
    d_name = "caScriptButton";
    d_include = "caScriptButton";
    QPixmap qpixmap = QPixmap(":pixmaps/process.png");
    d_icon = qpixmap.scaled(70, 70, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
    d_toolTip = "[execute a script or image as detached process]";
    d_whatsThis = "hello, i am a whatsthis string";