Ejemplo n.º 1
/* external hook for do.c (level change check) */
ok_to_quest(boolean verbose)
    if (!(Qstat(got_quest)) && !(Qstat(got_thanks))) {
        if (verbose) {
            if (Hallucination)
                You_hear("the man telling you what you can and can't do.");
                You_hear("a mysterious voice say "
                         "\"You must have permission to descend.\"");
    } else if (is_pure(TRUE) <= 0) {
        if (verbose) {
            if (Hallucination)
                You_hear("someone whining about how you should treat %s "
                         "better.", halu_gname(u.ualignbase[A_ORIGINAL]));
                You_hear("a mysterious voice say "
                         "\"Only the faithful of %s may descend.\"",
    } else
        return TRUE;

    if (verbose) {
        if (Hallucination)
            pline("This staircase is a lie, man!");
            pline("A mysterious force prevents you from descending.");
    return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void were_change(struct monst *mon)
	if (!is_were(mon->data))

	if (is_human(mon->data)) {
	    if (!Protection_from_shape_changers &&
		!rn2(night() ? (flags.moonphase == FULL_MOON ?  3 : 30)
			     : (flags.moonphase == FULL_MOON ? 10 : 50))) {
		new_were(mon);		/* change into animal form */
		if (flags.soundok && !canseemon(mon)) {
		    const char *howler;

		    switch (mon->mnum) {
		    case PM_WEREWOLF:	howler = "wolf";    break;
		    case PM_WEREJACKAL: howler = "jackal";  break;
		    default:		howler = NULL; break;
		    if (howler)
			You_hear("a %s howling at the moon.", howler);
	} else if (!rn2(30) || Protection_from_shape_changers) {
	    new_were(mon);		/* change back into human form */
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Close the drawbridge located at x,y.
 * Returns TRUE if the drawbridge was closed, FALSE otherwise.
boolean close_drawbridge(int x, int y)
	struct rm *loc1, *loc2;
	struct monst *m;
	struct trap *t;
	int x2, y2;

	loc1 = &level->locations[x][y];
	if (loc1->typ != DRAWBRIDGE_DOWN) return FALSE;
	/* A huge monster will block the drawbridge. */
	if ((m = m_at(level, x, y)) && hugemonst(m->data)) {
	    pline("%s blocks the drawbridge with %s weight!",
		  canseemon(level, m) ? Amonnam(m) : "Something",
		  canseemon(level, m) ? mhis(level, m) : "its");
	    return FALSE;
	if (rn2(5) == 0) {
	    pline("The mechanism seems to have something stuck in it and won't close.");
	    return FALSE;
	x2 = x; y2 = y;
	if (cansee(x,y) || cansee(x2,y2))
		pline("You see a drawbridge %s up!",
		    (((u.ux == x || u.uy == y) && !Underwater) ||
		     distu(x2,y2) < distu(x,y)) ? "coming" : "going");
	loc1->typ = DRAWBRIDGE_UP;
	loc2 = &level->locations[x2][y2];
	loc2->typ = DBWALL;
	switch (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_DIR) {
		case DB_NORTH:
		case DB_SOUTH:
			loc2->horizontal = TRUE;
		case DB_WEST:
		case DB_EAST:
			loc2->horizontal = FALSE;
	loc2->wall_info = W_NONDIGGABLE;
	set_entity(x, y, &(occupants[0]));
	set_entity(x2, y2, &(occupants[1]));
	do_entity(&(occupants[0]));		/* Do set_entity after first */
	set_entity(x2, y2, &(occupants[1]));	/* do_entity for worm tail */
	if (OBJ_AT(x, y) && flags.soundok)
	    You_hear("smashing and crushing.");
	delallobj(x, y);
	delallobj(x2, y2);
	if ((t = t_at(level, x, y)) != 0) deltrap(level, t);
	if ((t = t_at(level, x2, y2)) != 0) deltrap(level, t);
	newsym(x, y);
	newsym(x2, y2);
	block_point(x2,y2);	/* vision */
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Close the drawbridge located at x,y
close_drawbridge(int x, int y)
    struct rm *loc1, *loc2;
    struct trap *t;
    int x2, y2;

    loc1 = &level->locations[x][y];
    if (loc1->typ != DRAWBRIDGE_DOWN)
    x2 = x;
    y2 = y;
    get_wall_for_db(&x2, &y2);
    if (cansee(x, y) || cansee(x2, y2))
        pline("You see a drawbridge %s up!",
              (((u.ux == x || u.uy == y) && !Underwater) ||
               distu(x2, y2) < distu(x, y)) ? "coming" : "going");
    else if (canhear())
        pline("You hear chains rattling and gears turning.");
    loc1->typ = DRAWBRIDGE_UP;
    loc2 = &level->locations[x2][y2];
    loc2->typ = DBWALL;
    switch (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_DIR) {
    case DB_NORTH:
    case DB_SOUTH:
        loc2->horizontal = TRUE;
    case DB_WEST:
    case DB_EAST:
        loc2->horizontal = FALSE;
    loc2->wall_info = W_NONDIGGABLE;
    set_entity(x, y, &(occupants[0]));
    set_entity(x2, y2, &(occupants[1]));
    do_entity(&(occupants[0])); /* Do set_entity after first */
    set_entity(x2, y2, &(occupants[1]));        /* do_entity for worm tail */
    if (OBJ_AT(x, y))
        You_hear("smashing and crushing.");
    revive_nasty(x, y, NULL);
    revive_nasty(x2, y2, NULL);
    delallobj(x, y);
    delallobj(x2, y2);
    if ((t = t_at(level, x, y)) != 0)
        deltrap(level, t);
    if ((t = t_at(level, x2, y2)) != 0)
        deltrap(level, t);
    del_engr_at(level, x, y);
    del_engr_at(level, x2, y2);
    newsym(x, y);
    newsym(x2, y2);
    block_point(x2, y2);        /* vision */
Ejemplo n.º 5
breamq(struct monst *mtmp, int xdef, int ydef, const struct attack *mattk)
    /* if new breath types are added, change AD_ACID to max type */
    int typ = (mattk->adtyp == AD_RBRE) ? rnd(AD_ACID) : mattk->adtyp;

    boolean youdef = u.ux == xdef && u.uy == ydef;

    if (!youdef && distmin(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, xdef, ydef) < 3)
        return 0;

    boolean linedup = qlined_up(mtmp, xdef, ydef, TRUE, FALSE);

    if (linedup) {
        if (mtmp->mcan) {
            if (canhear()) {
                if (mon_visible(mtmp))
                    pline("%s coughs.", Monnam(mtmp));
                    You_hear("a cough.");
            return 0;
        if (!mtmp->mspec_used && rn2(3)) {
            if ((typ >= AD_MAGM) && (typ <= AD_ACID)) {
                if (mon_visible(mtmp)) {
                    pline("%s breathes %s!", Monnam(mtmp), breathwep[typ - 1]);
                buzz((int)(-20 - (typ - 1)), (int)mattk->damn, mtmp->mx,
                     mtmp->my, sgn(tbx), sgn(tby), 0);
                /* breath runs out sometimes. Also, give monster some cunning;
                   don't breath if the target fell asleep. */
                if (!rn2(3))
                    mtmp->mspec_used = 10 + rn2(20);
                boolean sleeping = youdef ? u_helpless(hm_asleep) :
                    MON_AT(level, xdef, ydef) ?
                    m_at(level, xdef, ydef)->msleeping : FALSE;
                if (typ == AD_SLEE && sleeping)
                    mtmp->mspec_used += rnd(20);
            } else
                impossible("Breath weapon %d used", typ - 1);
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Let's destroy the drawbridge located at x,y
destroy_drawbridge(int x, int y)
    struct rm *loc1, *loc2;
    struct trap *t;
    struct obj *chain;
    int x2, y2, i;
    boolean e_inview;
    struct entity *etmp1 = &(occupants[0]), *etmp2 = &(occupants[1]);

    loc1 = &level->locations[x][y];
    if (!IS_DRAWBRIDGE(loc1->typ))
    x2 = x;
    y2 = y;
    get_wall_for_db(&x2, &y2);
    loc2 = &level->locations[x2][y2];
    if ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_MOAT ||
        (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_LAVA) {
        struct obj *otmp;
        boolean lava = (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_LAVA;

        if (loc1->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_UP) {
            if (cansee(x2, y2))
                pline("The portcullis of the drawbridge falls into the %s!",
                      lava ? "lava" : waterbody_name(x2, y2));
                You_hear("a loud *SPLASH*!");
        } else {
            if (cansee(x, y))
                pline("The drawbridge collapses into the %s!",
                      lava ? "lava" : waterbody_name(x, y));
                You_hear("a loud *SPLASH*!");
        loc1->typ = lava ? LAVAPOOL : MOAT;
        loc1->drawbridgemask = 0;
        if ((otmp = sobj_at(BOULDER, level, x, y)) != 0) {
            flooreffects(otmp, x, y, "fall");
    } else {
        if (cansee(x, y))
            pline("The drawbridge disintegrates!");
            You_hear("a loud *CRASH*!");
        loc1->typ = ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICE : ROOM);
        loc1->icedpool = ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICED_MOAT : 0);
    wake_nearto(x, y, 500);
    loc2->typ = DOOR;
    loc2->doormask = D_NODOOR;
    if ((t = t_at(level, x, y)) != 0)
        deltrap(level, t);
    if ((t = t_at(level, x2, y2)) != 0)
        deltrap(level, t);
    del_engr_at(level, x, y);
    del_engr_at(level, x2, y2);
    for (i = rn2(6); i > 0; --i) {  /* scatter some debris */
        /* doesn't matter if we happen to pick <x,y2> or <x2,y>;
           since drawbridges are never placed diagonally, those
           pairings will always match one of <x,y> or <x2,y2> */
        chain = mksobj_at(IRON_CHAIN, level,
                          rn2(2) ? x : x2, rn2(2) ? y : y2,
                          TRUE, FALSE, rng_main);
        /* a force of 5 here would yield a radius of 2 for
           iron chain; anything less produces a radius of 1 */
        (void) scatter(chain->ox, chain->oy, 1, MAY_HIT, chain);
    newsym(x, y);
    newsym(x2, y2);
    if (!does_block(level, x2, y2))
        unblock_point(x2, y2);  /* vision */
    if (Is_stronghold(&u.uz))
        u.uevent.uopened_dbridge = TRUE;

    set_entity(x2, y2, etmp2);  /* currently only automissers can be here */
    if (etmp2->edata) {
        e_inview = e_canseemon(etmp2);
        if (!automiss(etmp2)) {
            if (e_inview)
                pline("%s blown apart by flying debris.",
                      E_phrase(etmp2, "are"));
            e_died(etmp2, e_inview ? 3 : 2, CRUSHING,
                   killer_msg(CRUSHING, "an exploding drawbridge"));
        }       /* nothing which is vulnerable can survive this */
    set_entity(x, y, etmp1);
    if (etmp1->edata) {
        e_inview = e_canseemon(etmp1);
        if (!e_missed(etmp1, TRUE)) {
            if (e_inview) {
                if (!is_u(etmp1) && Hallucination)
                    pline("%s into some heavy metal!", E_phrase(etmp1, "get"));
                    pline("%s hit by a huge chunk of metal!",
                          E_phrase(etmp1, "are"));
            } else {
                if (!is_u(etmp1) && !is_pool(level, x, y))
                    You_hear("a crushing sound.");
            e_died(etmp1, e_inview ? 3 : 2, CRUSHING,
                   killer_msg(CRUSHING, "a collapsing drawbridge"));
            /* if (loc1->typ == MOAT) do_entity(etmp1); */
        if (is_u(etmp1))
        else if (!DEADMONSTER(etmp1->emon))
Ejemplo n.º 7
void dosounds(void)
    struct mkroom *sroom;
    int hallu, vx, vy;
    struct monst *mtmp;

    if (!flags.soundok || u.uswallow || Underwater) return;

    if (level->sounds && !rn2(level->sounds->freq)) {
	int idx = rn2(level->sounds->n_sounds);
	char *buf;
	struct lvl_sound_bite *snd = &level->sounds->sounds[idx];
	buf = string_subst(snd->msg);
	switch (snd->flags) {
	case LVLSND_HEARD:	You_hear(buf);			break;
	case LVLSND_PLINED:	pline(buf);			break;
	case LVLSND_VERBAL:	verbalize(buf);			break;
	case LVLSND_FELT:	pline("You feel %s", buf);	break;

    hallu = Hallucination ? 1 : 0;

    if (level->flags.nfountains && !rn2(400)) {
	static const char * const fountain_msg[4] = {
		"bubbling water.",
		"water falling on coins.",
		"the splashing of a naiad.",
		"a soda fountain!",

    if (level->flags.nsinks && !rn2(300)) {
	static const char * const sink_msg[3] = {
		"a slow drip.",
		"a gurgling noise.",
		"dishes being washed!",

    if (level->flags.has_court && !rn2(200)) {
	static const char * const throne_msg[4] = {
		"the tones of courtly conversation.",
		"a sceptre pounded in judgment.",
		"Someone shouts \"Off with %s head!\"",
		"Queen Beruthiel's cats!",
	for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
	    if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) continue;
	    if ((mtmp->msleeping ||
			is_lord(mtmp->data) || is_prince(mtmp->data)) &&
		!is_animal(mtmp->data) &&
		mon_in_room(mtmp, COURT)) {
		/* finding one is enough, at least for now */
		int which = rn2(3)+hallu;

		if (which != 2) You_hear(throne_msg[which]);
		else		pline(throne_msg[2], uhis());
    if (level->flags.has_garden && !rn2(200)) {
	static const char * const garden_msg[4] = {
		"crickets chirping.",
		"birds singing.",
		"grass growing!",
		"wind in the willows!",
	You_hear(garden_msg[rn2(2) + 2 * hallu]);
    if (level->flags.has_swamp && !rn2(200)) {
	static const char * const swamp_msg[3] = {
		"You hear mosquitoes!",
		"You smell marsh gas!",	/* so it's a smell...*/
		"You hear Donald Duck!",
    if (level->flags.has_vault && !rn2(200)) {
	if (!(sroom = search_special(level, VAULT))) {
	    /* strange ... */
	    level->flags.has_vault = 0;
	if (gd_sound())
	    switch (rn2(2)+hallu) {
		case 1: {
		    boolean gold_in_vault = FALSE;

		    for (vx = sroom->lx;vx <= sroom->hx; vx++)
			for (vy = sroom->ly; vy <= sroom->hy; vy++)
			    if (gold_at(level, vx, vy))
				gold_in_vault = TRUE;
		    if (vault_occupied(u.urooms) !=
			if (gold_in_vault)
			    You_hear(!hallu ? "someone counting money." :
				"the quarterback calling the play.");
			    You_hear("someone searching.");
		    /* fall into... (yes, even for hallucination) */
		case 0:
		    You_hear("the footsteps of a guard on patrol.");
		case 2:
		    You_hear("Ebenezer Scrooge!");
    if (level->flags.has_beehive && !rn2(200)) {
	for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
	    if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) continue;
	    if ((mtmp->data->mlet == S_ANT && is_flyer(mtmp->data)) &&
		mon_in_room(mtmp, BEEHIVE)) {
		switch (rn2(2)+hallu) {
		    case 0:
			You_hear("a low buzzing.");
		    case 1:
			You_hear("an angry drone.");
		    case 2:
			You_hear("bees in your %sbonnet!",
			    uarmh ? "" : "(nonexistent) ");
    if (level->flags.has_lemurepit && !rn2(20)) {
	for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
	    if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) continue;
	    if (mtmp->data == &mons[PM_LEMURE] &&
		mon_in_room(mtmp, LEMUREPIT)) {
		if (hallu) {
		    switch (rn2(3)) {
			case 0:
			    You_hear("screams of lust!");
			case 1:
			    You_hear("the crack of your mistress's whip!");
			case 2:
			    You_hear("a weeping willow!");
		} else {
		    switch (rn2(6)) {
			case 0:
			    You_hear("the crack of a barbed whip!");
			case 1:
			    You_hear("the screams of tortured souls!");
			case 2:
			    You_hear("a wail of eternal anguish!");
			case 3:
			    You_hear("diabolical laughter!");
			case 4:
			    You_hear("cries of repentance!");
			case 5:
			    You_hear("futile pleas for mercy!");
    if (level->flags.has_morgue && !rn2(200)) {
	for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
	    if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) continue;
	    if (is_undead(mtmp->data) &&
		mon_in_room(mtmp, MORGUE)) {
		switch (rn2(2)+hallu) {
		    case 1:
			if (!strcmp(body_part(HAIR), "hair")) {
			    pline("The %s on the back of your %s stands up.",
				body_part(HAIR), body_part(NECK));
			/* fall through */
		    case 2:
			if (!strcmp(body_part(HAIR), "hair")) {
			    pline("The %s on your %s seems to stand up.",
				    body_part(HAIR), body_part(HEAD));
			/* fall through */
		    case 0:
			pline("You suddenly realize it is unnaturally quiet.");
    if (level->flags.has_barracks && !rn2(200)) {
	static const char * const barracks_msg[4] = {
		"blades being honed.",
		"loud snoring.",
		"dice being thrown.",
		"General MacArthur!",
	int count = 0;

	for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
	    if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) continue;
	    if (is_mercenary(mtmp->data) &&
		mon_in_room(mtmp, BARRACKS) &&
		/* sleeping implies not-yet-disturbed (usually) */
		(mtmp->msleeping || ++count > 5)) {
    if (level->flags.has_zoo && !rn2(200)) {
	static const char * const zoo_msg[3] = {
		"a sound reminiscent of an elephant stepping on a peanut.",
		"a sound reminiscent of a seal barking.",
		"Doctor Dolittle!",
	for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
	    if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) continue;
	    if ((mtmp->msleeping || is_animal(mtmp->data)) &&
		    mon_in_room(mtmp, ZOO)) {
    if (level->flags.has_shop && !rn2(200)) {
	if (!(sroom = search_special(level, ANY_SHOP))) {
	    /* strange... */
	    level->flags.has_shop = 0;
	if (tended_shop(sroom) &&
		!strchr(u.ushops, ROOM_INDEX(sroom) + ROOMOFFSET)) {
	    static const char * const shop_msg[3] = {
		    "someone cursing shoplifters.",
		    "the chime of a cash register.",
		    "Neiman and Marcus arguing!",
    if (Is_oracle_level(&u.uz) && !rn2(400)) {
	/* make sure the Oracle is still here */
	for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
	    if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp) && mtmp->data == &mons[PM_ORACLE])
	/* and don't produce silly effects when she's clearly visible */
	if (mtmp && (hallu || !canseemon(level, mtmp))) {
	    static const char * const ora_msg[5] = {
		    "a strange wind.",		/* Jupiter at Dodona */
		    "convulsive ravings.",	/* Apollo at Delphi */
		    "snoring snakes.",		/* AEsculapius at Epidaurus */
		    "someone say \"No more woodchucks!\"",
		    "a loud ZOT!"		/* both rec.humor.oracle */
    if (!Is_blackmarket(&u.uz) && at_dgn_entrance(&u.uz, "One-eyed Sam's Market") &&
	!rn2(200)) {
	static const char *blkmar_msg[3] = {
	    "You hear someone complaining about the prices.",
	    "Somebody whispers: \"Food rations? Only 900 zorkmids.\"",
	    "You feel like searching for more gold.",
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Let's destroy the drawbridge located at x,y
void destroy_drawbridge(int x, int y)
	struct rm *loc1, *loc2;
	struct trap *t;
	int x2, y2;
	int db_u;
	boolean e_inview;
	struct entity *etmp1 = &(occupants[0]), *etmp2 = &(occupants[1]);

	loc1 = &level->locations[x][y];
	if (!IS_DRAWBRIDGE(loc1->typ))
	x2 = x; y2 = y;
	loc2 = &level->locations[x2][y2];
	db_u = (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER);
	if (db_u == DB_MOAT || db_u == DB_LAVA || db_u == DB_BOG) {
		struct obj *otmp;
		int where = (db_u == DB_LAVA) ? 0 :
			    (db_u == DB_MOAT) ? 1 : 2;
		static char *wstr[3] = { "lava", "moat", "swamp" };
		if (loc1->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_UP) {
			if (cansee(x2,y2))
			    pline("The portcullis of the drawbridge falls into the %s!",
			else if (flags.soundok)
				You_hear("a loud *SPLASH*!");
		} else {
			if (cansee(x,y))
			    pline("The drawbridge collapses into the %s!",
			else if (flags.soundok)
				You_hear("a loud *SPLASH*!");
		loc1->typ = (where == 0) ? LAVAPOOL :
			    (where == 1) ? MOAT : BOG;
		loc1->drawbridgemask = 0;
		if ((otmp = sobj_at(BOULDER, level, x,y)) != 0) {
	} else {
		if (cansee(x,y))
			pline("The drawbridge disintegrates!");
			You_hear("a loud *CRASH*!");
		loc1->typ =
			((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICE : ROOM);
		loc1->icedpool =
			((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICED_MOAT : 0);
	wake_nearto(x, y, 500);
	loc2->typ = DOOR;
	loc2->doormask = D_NODOOR;
	if ((t = t_at(level, x, y)) != 0) deltrap(level, t);
	if ((t = t_at(level, x2, y2)) != 0) deltrap(level, t);
	if (!does_block(level, x2, y2, NULL)) unblock_point(x2,y2); /* vision */
	if (Is_stronghold(&u.uz)) u.uevent.uopened_dbridge = TRUE;

	set_entity(x2, y2, etmp2); /* currently only automissers can be here */
	if (etmp2->edata) {
		e_inview = e_canseemon(level, etmp2);
		if (!automiss(etmp2)) {
			if (e_inview)
				pline("%s blown apart by flying debris.",
				      E_phrase(etmp2, "are"));
			killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
			killer = "exploding drawbridge";
			e_died(etmp2, e_inview? 3 : 2, CRUSHING); /*no corpse*/
		}	     /* nothing which is vulnerable can survive this */
	set_entity(x, y, etmp1);
	if (etmp1->edata) {
		e_inview = e_canseemon(level, etmp1);
		if (!e_missed(etmp1, TRUE)) {
			if (e_inview) {
			    if (!is_u(etmp1) && Hallucination)
				pline("%s into some heavy metal!",
				      E_phrase(etmp1, "get"));
				pline("%s hit by a huge chunk of metal!",
				      E_phrase(etmp1, "are"));
			} else {
			    if (flags.soundok && !is_u(etmp1) && !is_pool(level, x,y))
				You_hear("a crushing sound.");
			killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
			killer = "collapsing drawbridge";
			e_died(etmp1, e_inview? 3 : 2, CRUSHING); /*no corpse*/
			if (loc1->typ == MOAT) do_entity(etmp1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * return  1: guard moved,  0: guard didn't,  -1: let m_move do it,  -2: died
gd_move(struct monst *grd)
    int x, y, nx, ny, m, n;
    int dx, dy, gx = 0, gy = 0, fci;
    uchar typ;
    struct fakecorridor *fcp;
    struct egd *egrd = EGD(grd);
    struct rm *crm;
    boolean goldincorridor = FALSE, u_in_vault =
        vault_occupied(u.urooms) ? TRUE : FALSE, grd_in_vault =
        *in_rooms(level, grd->mx, grd->my, VAULT) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    boolean disappear_msg_seen = FALSE, semi_dead = (grd->mhp <= 0);
    long umoney = money_cnt(invent);
    boolean u_carry_gold = ((umoney + hidden_gold()) > 0L);
    boolean see_guard;

    if (!on_level(&(egrd->gdlevel), &u.uz))
        return -1;
    nx = ny = m = n = 0;
    if (!u_in_vault && !grd_in_vault)
    if (!grd->mpeaceful) {
        if (semi_dead) {
            egrd->gddone = 1;
            goto newpos;
        if (!u_in_vault &&
            (grd_in_vault ||
             (in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my) &&
              !in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy)))) {
            rloc(grd, FALSE);
            clear_fcorr(grd, TRUE);
            goto letknow;
        if (!in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my))
            clear_fcorr(grd, TRUE);
        return -1;
    if (abs(egrd->ogx - grd->mx) > 1 || abs(egrd->ogy - grd->my) > 1)
        return -1;      /* teleported guard - treat as monster */
    if (egrd->fcend == 1) {
        if (u_in_vault && (u_carry_gold || um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 1))) {
            if (egrd->warncnt == 3)
                verbalize("I repeat, %sfollow me!",
                          u_carry_gold ? (!umoney ?
                                          "drop that hidden money and " :
                                          "drop that money and ") : "");
            if (egrd->warncnt == 7) {
                m = grd->mx;
                n = grd->my;
                verbalize("You've been warned, knave!");
                level->locations[m][n].typ = egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp;
                newsym(m, n);
                msethostility(grd, TRUE, FALSE);
                return -1;
            /* not fair to get mad when (s)he's fainted or paralyzed */
            if (!u_helpless(hm_all))
            return 0;

        if (!u_in_vault) {
            if (u_carry_gold) { /* player teleported */
                m = grd->mx;
                n = grd->my;
                rloc(grd, FALSE);
                level->locations[m][n].typ = egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp;
                newsym(m, n);
                msethostility(grd, TRUE, FALSE);
                if (!cansee(grd->mx, grd->my) || !mon_visible(grd))
                    You_hear("the shrill sound of a guard's whistle.");
                    pline(um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 2) ?
                          "You see an angry guard approaching." :
                          "You are confronted by an angry guard.");
                return -1;
            } else {
                verbalize("Well, begone.");
                egrd->gddone = 1;
                goto cleanup;

    if (egrd->fcend > 1) {
        if (egrd->fcend > 2 && in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my) &&
            !egrd->gddone && !in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) &&
            level->locations[egrd->fakecorr[0].fx][egrd->fakecorr[0].fy].typ ==
            egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp) {
            if (canseemon(grd)) {
                pline("%s, confused, disappears.", Monnam(grd));
                disappear_msg_seen = TRUE;
            goto cleanup;
        if (u_carry_gold && (in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) ||
                             /* cover a 'blind' spot */
                             (egrd->fcend > 1 && u_in_vault))) {
            if (!grd->mx) {
                return -2;
            if (egrd->warncnt < 6) {
                egrd->warncnt = 6;
                verbalize("Drop all your gold, scoundrel!");
                return 0;
            } else {
                verbalize("So be it, rogue!");
                msethostility(grd, TRUE, FALSE);
                return -1;
    for (fci = egrd->fcbeg; fci < egrd->fcend; fci++)
        if (gold_at(level, egrd->fakecorr[fci].fx, egrd->fakecorr[fci].fy)) {
            m = egrd->fakecorr[fci].fx;
            n = egrd->fakecorr[fci].fy;
            goldincorridor = TRUE;
    if (goldincorridor && !egrd->gddone) {
        boolean yours = FALSE;

        x = grd->mx;
        y = grd->my;
        if (m == u.ux && n == u.uy) {
            struct obj *gold = gold_at(level, m, n);

            yours = TRUE;
            /* Grab the gold from between the hero's feet.  */
            add_to_minv(grd, gold);
            newsym(m, n);
        } else if (m == x && n == y) {
            mpickgold(grd);     /* does a newsym */
        } else {
            /* just for insurance... */
            if (MON_AT(level, m, n) && m != grd->mx && n != grd->my) {
                verbalize("Out of my way, scum!");
                rloc(m_at(level, m, n), FALSE);
            remove_monster(level, grd->mx, grd->my);
            newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
            place_monster(grd, m, n);
            mpickgold(grd);     /* does a newsym */
        if (cansee(m, n)) {
            if (yours) {
                pline("%s%s picks up the gold.", Monnam(grd),
                      grd->mpeaceful ? " calms down and" : "");
            } else {
                pline("%s picks up some gold.", Monnam(grd));
        if (x != grd->mx || y != grd->my) {
            remove_monster(level, grd->mx, grd->my);
            newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
            place_monster(grd, x, y);
            newsym(x, y);
        if (!grd->mpeaceful)
            return -1;
        else {
            egrd->warncnt = 5;
            return 0;
    if (um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 1) || egrd->gddone) {
        if (!egrd->gddone && !rn2(10))
            verbalize("Move along!");
        return 0;       /* didn't move */
    x = grd->mx;
    y = grd->my;

    if (u_in_vault)
        goto nextpos;

    /* look around (hor & vert only) for accessible places */
    for (nx = x - 1; nx <= x + 1; nx++)
        for (ny = y - 1; ny <= y + 1; ny++) {
            if ((nx == x || ny == y) && (nx != x || ny != y) && isok(nx, ny)) {

                typ = (crm = &level->locations[nx][ny])->typ;
                if (!IS_STWALL(typ) && !IS_POOL(typ)) {

                    if (in_fcorridor(grd, nx, ny))
                        goto nextnxy;

                    if (*in_rooms(level, nx, ny, VAULT))

                    /* seems we found a good place to leave him alone */
                    egrd->gddone = 1;
                    if (ACCESSIBLE(typ))
                        goto newpos;
                    crm->typ = (typ == SCORR) ? CORR : DOOR;
                    if (crm->typ == DOOR)
                        crm->doormask = D_NODOOR;
                    goto proceed;
    nx = x;
    ny = y;
    gx = egrd->gdx;
    gy = egrd->gdy;
    dx = (gx > x) ? 1 : (gx < x) ? -1 : 0;
    dy = (gy > y) ? 1 : (gy < y) ? -1 : 0;
    if (abs(gx - x) >= abs(gy - y))
        nx += dx;
        ny += dy;

    while ((typ = (crm = &level->locations[nx][ny])->typ) != 0) {
        /* in view of the above we must have IS_WALL(typ) or typ == POOL */
        /* must be a wall here */
        if (isok(nx + nx - x, ny + ny - y) && !IS_POOL(typ) &&
            IS_ROOM(level->locations[nx + nx - x][ny + ny - y].typ)) {
            crm->typ = DOOR;
            crm->doormask = D_NODOOR;
            goto proceed;
        if (dy && nx != x) {
            nx = x;
            ny = y + dy;
        if (dx && ny != y) {
            ny = y;
            nx = x + dx;
            dy = 0;
        /* I don't like this, but ... */
        if (IS_ROOM(typ)) {
            crm->typ = DOOR;
            crm->doormask = D_NODOOR;
            goto proceed;
    crm->typ = CORR;
    unblock_point(nx, ny);      /* doesn't block light */
    if (cansee(nx, ny))
        newsym(nx, ny);

    if ((nx != gx || ny != gy) || (grd->mx != gx || grd->my != gy)) {
        fcp = &(egrd->fakecorr[egrd->fcend]);
        if (egrd->fcend++ == FCSIZ)
            panic("fakecorr overflow");
        fcp->fx = nx;
        fcp->fy = ny;
        fcp->ftyp = typ;
    } else if (!egrd->gddone) {
        /* We're stuck, so try to find a new destination. */
        if (!find_guard_dest(grd, &egrd->gdx, &egrd->gdy) ||
            (egrd->gdx == gx && egrd->gdy == gy)) {
            pline("%s, confused, disappears.", Monnam(grd));
            disappear_msg_seen = TRUE;
            goto cleanup;
        } else
            goto nextpos;
    if (egrd->gddone) {
        /* The following is a kludge.  We need to keep the guard around in order
           to be able to make the fake corridor disappear as the player moves
           out of it, but we also need the guard out of the way.  We send the
           guard to never-never land.  We set ogx ogy to mx my in order to avoid
           a check at the top of this function.  At the end of the process, the
           guard is killed in restfakecorr().  */
        x = grd->mx;
        y = grd->my;

        see_guard = canspotmon(grd);
        remove_monster(level, grd->mx, grd->my);
        newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
        grd->mx = COLNO;
        grd->my = ROWNO;
        egrd->ogx = grd->mx;
        egrd->ogy = grd->my;
        if (!semi_dead && (in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) || cansee(x, y))) {
            if (!disappear_msg_seen && see_guard)
                pline("Suddenly, %s disappears.", noit_mon_nam(grd));
            return 1;
        return -2;
    egrd->ogx = grd->mx;        /* update old positions */
    egrd->ogy = grd->my;
    remove_monster(level, grd->mx, grd->my);
    place_monster(grd, nx, ny);
    newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void do_entity(struct entity *etmp)
	int newx, newy, at_portcullis, oldx, oldy;
	boolean must_jump = FALSE, relocates = FALSE, e_inview;
	struct rm *crm;

	if (!etmp->edata)

	e_inview = e_canseemon(level, etmp);
	oldx = etmp->ex;
	oldy = etmp->ey;
	at_portcullis = is_db_wall(oldx, oldy);
	crm = &level->locations[oldx][oldy];

	if (automiss(etmp) && e_survives_at(etmp, oldx, oldy)) {
		if (e_inview && (at_portcullis || IS_DRAWBRIDGE(crm->typ)))
			pline("The %s passes through %s!",
			      at_portcullis ? "portcullis" : "drawbridge",
		if (is_u(etmp)) spoteffects(FALSE);
	if (e_missed(etmp, FALSE)) {
		if (at_portcullis)
			pline("The portcullis misses %s!",
		if (e_survives_at(etmp, oldx, oldy))
		else {
			if (at_portcullis)
				must_jump = TRUE;
				relocates = TRUE; /* just ride drawbridge in */
	} else {
		if (crm->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_DOWN) {
			pline("%s crushed underneath the drawbridge.",
			      E_phrase(etmp, "are"));		  /* no jump */
			e_died(etmp, e_inview? 3 : 2, CRUSHING);/* no corpse */
			return;   /* Note: Beyond this point, we know we're  */
		}		  /* not at an opened drawbridge, since all  */
		must_jump = TRUE; /* *missable* creatures survive on the     */
	}			  /* square, and all the unmissed ones die.  */
	if (must_jump) {
	    if (at_portcullis) {
		if (e_jumps(etmp)) {
		    relocates = TRUE;
		} else {
		    if (e_inview)
			pline("%s crushed by the falling portcullis!",
			      E_phrase(etmp, "are"));
		    else if (flags.soundok)
			You_hear("a crushing sound.");
		    e_died(etmp, e_inview? 3 : 2, CRUSHING);
		    /* no corpse */
	    } else { /* tries to jump off bridge to original square */
		relocates = !e_jumps(etmp);

 * Here's where we try to do relocation.  Assumes that etmp is not arriving
 * at the portcullis square while the drawbridge is falling, since this square
 * would be inaccessible (i.e. etmp started on drawbridge square) or
 * unnecessary (i.e. etmp started here) in such a situation.
	newx = oldx;
	newy = oldy;
	find_drawbridge(&newx, &newy);
	if ((newx == oldx) && (newy == oldy))
		get_wall_for_db(&newx, &newy);
	if (relocates && (e_at(newx, newy))) {

 * Standoff problem:  one or both entities must die, and/or both switch
 * places.  Avoid infinite recursion by checking first whether the other
 * entity is staying put.  Clean up if we happen to move/die in recursion.
		struct entity *other;

		other = e_at(newx, newy);
		if (e_survives_at(other, newx, newy) && automiss(other)) {
			relocates = FALSE;	      /* "other" won't budge */
		} else {

			while ((e_at(newx, newy) != 0) &&
			       (e_at(newx, newy) != etmp))
			if (e_at(oldx, oldy) != etmp) {
	if (relocates && !e_at(newx, newy)) {/* if e_at() entity = worm tail */
		if (!is_u(etmp)) {
			remove_monster(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey);
			place_monster(etmp->emon, newx, newy);
		} else {
			u.ux = newx;
			u.uy = newy;
		etmp->ex = newx;
		etmp->ey = newy;
		e_inview = e_canseemon(level, etmp);
	if (is_db_wall(etmp->ex, etmp->ey)) {
		if (e_inview) {
			if (is_u(etmp)) {
				pline("You tumble towards the closed portcullis!");
				if (automiss(etmp))
					pline("You pass through it!");
					pline("The drawbridge closes in...");
			} else
				pline("%s behind the drawbridge.",
				      E_phrase(etmp, "disappear"));
		if (!e_survives_at(etmp, etmp->ex, etmp->ey)) {
			killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
			killer = "closing drawbridge";
			e_died(etmp, 0, CRUSHING);	       /* no message */
	} else {
		if (is_pool(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey) && !e_inview)
			if (flags.soundok)
				You_hear("a splash.");
		if (e_survives_at(etmp, etmp->ex, etmp->ey)) {
			if (e_inview && !is_flyer(etmp->edata) &&
				pline("%s from the bridge.",
				      E_phrase(etmp, "fall"));
		if (is_pool(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey) || is_lava(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey))
		    if (e_inview && !is_u(etmp)) {
			/* drown() will supply msgs if nec. */
			boolean lava = is_lava(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey);

			if (Hallucination)
			    pline("%s the %s and disappears.",
				  E_phrase(etmp, "drink"),
				  lava ? "lava" : "moat");
			    pline("%s into the %s.",
				  E_phrase(etmp, "fall"),
				  lava ? "lava" : "moat");
		killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX;
		killer = "fell from a drawbridge";
		e_died(etmp, e_inview ? 3 : 2,      /* CRUSHING is arbitrary */
		       (is_pool(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey)) ? DROWNING :
		       (is_lava(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey)) ? BURNING :
						       CRUSHING); /*no corpse*/
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* returns true if something happened */
doorlock(struct obj * otmp, int x, int y)
    struct rm *door = &level->locations[x][y];
    boolean res = TRUE;
    int loudness = 0;
    int wandlevel = 0;
    if (otmp->oclass == WAND_CLASS)
        wandlevel = getwandlevel(&youmonst, otmp); /* Not completely right, but works
                                                      since monsters wont use knock/wizlock */
    const char *msg = NULL;
    const char *dustcloud = "A cloud of dust";
    const char *quickly_dissipates = "quickly dissipates";

    if (door->typ == SDOOR) {
        switch (otmp->otyp) {
        case WAN_OPENING:
        case SPE_KNOCK:
        case WAN_STRIKING:
        case SPE_FORCE_BOLT:
            door->typ = DOOR;
            door->doormask = D_CLOSED | (door->doormask & D_TRAPPED);
            newsym(x, y);
            if (cansee(x, y))
                pline(msgc_youdiscover, "A door appears in the wall!");
            if (otmp->otyp == WAN_OPENING || otmp->otyp == SPE_KNOCK)
                return TRUE;
            break;      /* striking: continue door handling below */
        case WAN_LOCKING:
        case SPE_WIZARD_LOCK:
            return FALSE;

    switch (otmp->otyp) {
    case WAN_LOCKING:
        if (Is_rogue_level(&u.uz)) {
            boolean vis = cansee(x, y);

            /* Can't have real locking in Rogue, so just hide doorway */
            if (vis)
                      "%s springs up in the older, more primitive doorway.",
                You_hear(msgc_actionok, "a swoosh.");
            if (obstructed(x, y, msgc_yafm)) {
                if (vis)
                    pline(msgc_yafm, "The cloud %s.", quickly_dissipates);
                return FALSE;
            block_point(x, y);
            door->typ = SDOOR;
            if (vis)
                pline(msgc_actionok, "The doorway vanishes!");
            newsym(x, y);
            return TRUE;
        if (obstructed(x, y, msgc_yafm))
            return FALSE;
        /* Don't allow doors to close over traps.  This is for pits */
        /* & trap doors, but is it ever OK for anything else? */
        if (t_at(level, x, y)) {
            /* maketrap() clears doormask, so it should be NODOOR */
            pline(msgc_yafm, "%s springs up in the doorway, but %s.",
                  dustcloud, quickly_dissipates);
            return FALSE;
        if (wandlevel == P_MASTER) {
                  "%s springs up in the doorway and conceals it!", dustcloud);
            door->typ = SDOOR;
            newsym(x, y);
            return TRUE;

        switch (door->doormask & ~D_TRAPPED) {
        case D_CLOSED:
            msg = "The door locks!";
        case D_ISOPEN:
            msg = "The door swings shut, and locks!";
        case D_BROKEN:
            msg = "The broken door reassembles and locks!";
        case D_NODOOR:
            msg =
                "A cloud of dust springs up and assembles itself into a door!";
            res = FALSE;
        block_point(x, y);
        door->doormask = D_LOCKED | (door->doormask & D_TRAPPED);
        newsym(x, y);
    case WAN_OPENING:
    case SPE_KNOCK:
        if (door->doormask & D_LOCKED) {
            msg = "The door unlocks!";
            door->doormask = D_CLOSED | (door->doormask & D_TRAPPED);
        } else
            res = FALSE;
    case WAN_STRIKING:
    case SPE_FORCE_BOLT:
        if (door->doormask & (D_LOCKED | D_CLOSED)) {
            if (door->doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
                if (MON_AT(level, x, y))
                    mb_trapped(m_at(level, x, y));
                else {
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "KABOOM!!  You see a door explode.");
                        You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a distant explosion.");
                door->doormask = D_NODOOR;
                unblock_point(x, y);
                newsym(x, y);
                loudness = 40;
            door->doormask = D_BROKEN;
            if (cansee(x, y))
                pline(msgc_actionok, "The door crashes open!");
                You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a crashing sound.");
            unblock_point(x, y);
            newsym(x, y);
            /* force vision recalc before printing more messages */
            if (turnstate.vision_full_recalc)
            loudness = 20;
        } else
            res = FALSE;
        impossible("magic (%d) attempted on door.", otmp->otyp);
    if (msg && cansee(x, y)) {
        pline(msgc_actionok, "%s", msg);
        /* we know whether it's locked now */
        level->locations[x][y].mem_door_l = 1;
        map_background(x, y, TRUE);
    if (loudness > 0) {
        /* door was destroyed */
        wake_nearto(x, y, loudness);
        if (*in_rooms(level, x, y, SHOPBASE))
            add_damage(x, y, 0L);

    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Let's destroy the drawbridge located at x,y
destroy_drawbridge(int x, int y)
    struct rm *loc1, *loc2;
    struct trap *t;
    int x2, y2;
    boolean e_inview;
    struct entity *etmp1 = &(occupants[0]), *etmp2 = &(occupants[1]);

    loc1 = &level->locations[x][y];
    if (!IS_DRAWBRIDGE(loc1->typ))
    x2 = x;
    y2 = y;
    get_wall_for_db(&x2, &y2);
    loc2 = &level->locations[x2][y2];
    if ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_MOAT ||
        (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_LAVA) {
        struct obj *otmp;
        boolean lava = (loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_UNDER) == DB_LAVA;

        if (loc1->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_UP) {
            if (cansee(x2, y2))
                      "The portcullis of the drawbridge falls into the %s!",
                      lava ? "lava" : waterbody_name(x2, y2));
                You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a loud *SPLASH*!");
        } else {
            if (cansee(x, y))
                      "The drawbridge collapses into the %s!",
                      lava ? "lava" : waterbody_name(x, y));
                You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a loud *SPLASH*!");
        loc1->typ = lava ? LAVAPOOL : MOAT;
        loc1->drawbridgemask = 0;
        if ((otmp = sobj_at(BOULDER, level, x, y)) != 0) {
            flooreffects(otmp, x, y, "fall");
    } else {
        if (cansee(x, y))
            pline(msgc_consequence, "The drawbridge disintegrates!");
            You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a loud *CRASH*!");
        loc1->typ = ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICE : ROOM);
        loc1->icedpool = ((loc1->drawbridgemask & DB_ICE) ? ICED_MOAT : 0);
    wake_nearto(x, y, 500);
    loc2->typ = DOOR;
    loc2->doormask = D_NODOOR;
    if ((t = t_at(level, x, y)) != 0)
        deltrap(level, t);
    if ((t = t_at(level, x2, y2)) != 0)
        deltrap(level, t);
    newsym(x, y);
    newsym(x2, y2);
    if (!does_block(level, x2, y2))
        unblock_point(x2, y2);  /* vision */
    if (Is_stronghold(&u.uz))
        u.uevent.uopened_dbridge = TRUE;

    set_entity(x2, y2, etmp2);  /* currently only automissers can be here */
    if (etmp2->edata) {
        enum msg_channel hit_msgc;
        if (is_u(etmp2))
            hit_msgc = msgc_fatal_predone;
        else if (etmp2->emon->mtame && canspotmon(etmp2->emon))
            hit_msgc = msgc_petfatal;
            hit_msgc = msgc_monneutral;
        e_inview = e_canseemon(etmp2);
        if (!automiss(etmp2)) {
            if (e_inview)
                pline(hit_msgc, "%s blown apart by flying debris.",
                      E_phrase(etmp2, "are"));
            e_died(etmp2, e_inview ? 3 : 2, CRUSHING,
                   killer_msg(CRUSHING, "an exploding drawbridge"));
        }       /* nothing which is vulnerable can survive this */
    set_entity(x, y, etmp1);
    if (etmp1->edata) {
        enum msg_channel hit_msgc;
        if (is_u(etmp1))
            hit_msgc = msgc_fatal_predone;
        else if (etmp1->emon->mtame && canspotmon(etmp1->emon))
            hit_msgc = msgc_petfatal;
            hit_msgc = msgc_monneutral;
        e_inview = e_canseemon(etmp1);
        if (!e_missed(etmp1, TRUE)) {
            if (e_inview) {
                if (!is_u(etmp1) && Hallucination)
                    pline(hit_msgc, "%s into some heavy metal!",
                          E_phrase(etmp1, "get"));
                    pline(hit_msgc, "%s hit by a huge chunk of metal!",
                          E_phrase(etmp1, "are"));
            } else {
                if (!is_u(etmp1) && !is_pool(level, x, y))
                    You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a crushing sound.");
            e_died(etmp1, e_inview ? 3 : 2, CRUSHING,
                   killer_msg(CRUSHING, "a collapsing drawbridge"));
            /* if (loc1->typ == MOAT) do_entity(etmp1); */
        if (is_u(etmp1))
        else if (!DEADMONSTER(etmp1->emon))
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* special effects for The Book of the Dead */
deadbook(struct obj *book2, boolean invoked)
    struct monst *mtmp, *mtmp2;
    coord mm;

    if (!invoked)
        pline("You turn the pages of the Book of the Dead...");
    /* KMH -- Need ->known to avoid "_a_ Book of the Dead" */
    book2->known = 1;
    if (invocation_pos(&u.uz, u.ux, u.uy) && !On_stairs(u.ux, u.uy)) {
        struct obj *otmp;
        boolean arti1_primed = FALSE, arti2_primed = FALSE, arti_cursed = FALSE;

        if (invoked) {
            if (Blind)
                You_hear("a crisp flicker...");
                pline("The Book of the Dead opens of its own accord...");

        if (book2->cursed) {
            if (invoked) {
                if (Hallucination)
                    You_hear("gratuitous bleeping.");
                    You_hear("a mumbled curse.");
            } else
                pline("The runes appear scrambled.  You can't read them!");

        if (!Uhave_bell || !Uhave_menorah) {
            pline("A chill runs down your %s.", body_part(SPINE));
            if (!Uhave_bell) {
                if (Hallucination)
                    pline("You feel like a tuning fork!");
                    You_hear("a faint chime...");
            if (!Uhave_menorah) {
                if (Hallucination) {
                    pline("Nosferatu giggles.");
                } else if (mvitals[PM_DOPPELGANGER].mvflags & G_GENOD) {
                    /* suggestion by b_jonas: can't talk about doppelgangers
                       if they don't exist */
                    if (Uhave_bell)
                        pline("Nothing seems to happen.");
                    /* otherwise no message, we already printed one. */
                } else {
                    pline("Vlad's doppelganger is amused.");

        for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
            if (otmp->otyp == CANDELABRUM_OF_INVOCATION && otmp->spe == 7 &&
                otmp->lamplit) {
                if (!otmp->cursed)
                    arti1_primed = TRUE;
                    arti_cursed = TRUE;
            if (otmp->otyp == BELL_OF_OPENING && (moves - otmp->age) < 5L) {
                /* you rang it recently */
                if (!otmp->cursed)
                    arti2_primed = TRUE;
                    arti_cursed = TRUE;

        if (arti_cursed) {
            pline("The invocation fails!");
            if (Hallucination)
                pline("At least one of your heirlooms is in a tizzy!");
                pline("At least one of your artifacts is cursed...");
        } else if (arti1_primed && arti2_primed) {
            unsigned soon = (unsigned)dice(2, 6); /* time til next intervene */

            /* successful invocation */
            u.uevent.invoked = 1;
            historic_event(FALSE, TRUE, "performed the invocation.");
            /* in case you haven't killed the Wizard yet, behave as if you just
               did */
            u.uevent.udemigod = 1;      /* wizdead() */
            if (!u.udg_cnt || u.udg_cnt > soon)
                u.udg_cnt = soon;
        } else {        /* at least one artifact not prepared properly */
            pline("You have a feeling that something is amiss...");
            goto raise_dead;

    /* when not an invocation situation */
    if (invoked) {
        pline("Nothing happens.");

    if (book2->cursed) {

        if (Hallucination)
            You_hear("Michael Jackson dancing!");
            pline("You raised the dead!");
        /* first maybe place a dangerous adversary; don't bother with
           MM_CREATEMONSTER, that's mostly used to ensure that consistent
           species of monsters generate */
        if (!rn2(3) &&
            ((mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_MASTER_LICH], level, u.ux, u.uy,
                             NO_MINVENT)) != 0 ||
             (mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_NALFESHNEE], level, u.ux, u.uy,
                             NO_MINVENT)) != 0)) {
            msethostility(mtmp, TRUE, TRUE);
        /* next handle the effect on things you're carrying */
        /* last place some monsters around you */
        mm.x = u.ux;
        mm.y = u.uy;
        mkundead(level, &mm, TRUE, NO_MINVENT);
    } else if (book2->blessed) {
        for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp2) {
            mtmp2 = mtmp->nmon; /* tamedog() changes chain */
            if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp))

            if (is_undead(mtmp->data) && cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) {
                msethostility(mtmp, FALSE, FALSE); /* TODO: reset alignment? */
                if (sgn(mtmp->data->maligntyp) == sgn(u.ualign.type)
                    && distu(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) < 4)
                    if (mtmp->mtame) {
                        if (mtmp->mtame < 20)
                    } else
                        tamedog(mtmp, NULL);
                    monflee(mtmp, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
    } else {
        switch (rn2(3)) {
        case 0:
            pline("Your ancestors are annoyed with you!");
        case 1:
            pline("The headstones in the cemetery begin to move!");
            pline("Oh my!  Your name appears in the book!");
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void
wallify_vault(struct monst *grd)
    int x, y, typ;
    int vlt = EGD(grd)->vroom;
    char tmp_viz;
    xchar lox = level->rooms[vlt].lx - 1, hix = level->rooms[vlt].hx + 1, loy =
        level->rooms[vlt].ly - 1, hiy = level->rooms[vlt].hy + 1;
    struct monst *mon;
    struct obj *gold;
    struct trap *trap;
    boolean fixed = FALSE;
    boolean movedgold = FALSE;

    for (x = lox; x <= hix; x++)
        for (y = loy; y <= hiy; y++) {
            /* if not on the room boundary, skip ahead */
            if (x != lox && x != hix && y != loy && y != hiy)

            if (!IS_WALL(level->locations[x][y].typ) &&
                !in_fcorridor(grd, x, y)) {
                if ((mon = m_at(level, x, y)) != 0 && mon != grd) {
                    if (mon->mtame)
                    rloc(mon, FALSE);
                if ((gold = gold_at(level, x, y)) != 0) {
                    move_gold(gold, EGD(grd)->vroom);
                    movedgold = TRUE;
                if ((trap = t_at(level, x, y)) != 0)
                    deltrap(level, trap);
                if (x == lox)
                    typ = (y == loy) ? TLCORNER : (y == hiy) ? BLCORNER : VWALL;
                else if (x == hix)
                    typ = (y == loy) ? TRCORNER : (y == hiy) ? BRCORNER : VWALL;
                else    /* not left or right side, must be top or bottom */
                    typ = HWALL;
                level->locations[x][y].typ = typ;
                level->locations[x][y].doormask = 0;
                 * hack: player knows walls are restored because of the
                 * message, below, so show this on the screen.
                tmp_viz = viz_array[y][x];
                viz_array[y][x] = IN_SIGHT | COULD_SEE;
                newsym(x, y);
                viz_array[y][x] = tmp_viz;
                block_point(x, y);
                fixed = TRUE;

    if (movedgold || fixed) {
        if (mon_visible(grd))
            pline("%s whispers an incantation.", Monnam(grd));
            You_hear("a %s chant.", in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my)
                     ? "nearby" : "distant");
        if (movedgold)
            pline("A mysterious force moves the gold into the vault.");
        if (fixed)
            pline("The damaged vault's walls are magically restored!");
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: worn.c Proyecto: mbi/NitroHack
void mon_break_armor(struct monst *mon, boolean polyspot)
	struct obj *otmp;
	const struct permonst *mdat = mon->data;
	boolean vis = cansee(mon->mx, mon->my);
	boolean handless_or_tiny = (nohands(mdat) || verysmall(mdat));
	const char *pronoun = mhim(mon),
			*ppronoun = mhis(mon);

	if (breakarm(mdat)) {
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_ARM)) != 0) {
		if ((Is_dragon_scales(otmp) &&
			mdat == Dragon_scales_to_pm(otmp)) ||
		    (Is_dragon_mail(otmp) && mdat == Dragon_mail_to_pm(otmp)))
		    ;	/* no message here;
			   "the dragon merges with his scaly armor" is odd
			   and the monster's previous form is already gone */
		else if (vis)
		    pline("%s breaks out of %s armor!", Monnam(mon), ppronoun);
		    You_hear("a cracking sound.");
		m_useup(mon, otmp);
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_ARMC)) != 0) {
		if (otmp->oartifact) {
		    if (vis)
			pline("%s %s falls off!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)),
		    if (polyspot) bypass_obj(otmp);
		    m_lose_armor(mon, otmp);
		} else {
		    if (vis)
			pline("%s %s tears apart!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)),
			You_hear("a ripping sound.");
		    m_useup(mon, otmp);
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_ARMU)) != 0) {
		if (vis)
		    pline("%s shirt rips to shreds!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)));
		    You_hear("a ripping sound.");
		m_useup(mon, otmp);
	} else if (sliparm(mdat)) {
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_ARM)) != 0) {
		if (vis)
		    pline("%s armor falls around %s!",
				 s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), pronoun);
		    You_hear("a thud.");
		if (polyspot) bypass_obj(otmp);
		m_lose_armor(mon, otmp);
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_ARMC)) != 0) {
		if (vis) {
		    if (is_whirly(mon->data))
			pline("%s %s falls, unsupported!",
				     s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), cloak_simple_name(otmp));
			pline("%s shrinks out of %s %s!", Monnam(mon),
						ppronoun, cloak_simple_name(otmp));
		if (polyspot) bypass_obj(otmp);
		m_lose_armor(mon, otmp);
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_ARMU)) != 0) {
		if (vis) {
		    if (sliparm(mon->data))
			pline("%s seeps right through %s shirt!",
					Monnam(mon), ppronoun);
			pline("%s becomes much too small for %s shirt!",
					Monnam(mon), ppronoun);
		if (polyspot) bypass_obj(otmp);
		m_lose_armor(mon, otmp);
	if (handless_or_tiny) {
	    /* [caller needs to handle weapon checks] */
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_ARMG)) != 0) {
		if (vis)
		    pline("%s drops %s gloves%s!", Monnam(mon), ppronoun,
					MON_WEP(mon) ? " and weapon" : "");
		if (polyspot) bypass_obj(otmp);
		m_lose_armor(mon, otmp);
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_ARMS)) != 0) {
		if (vis)
		    pline("%s can no longer hold %s shield!", Monnam(mon),
		    You_hear("a clank.");
		if (polyspot) bypass_obj(otmp);
		m_lose_armor(mon, otmp);
	if (handless_or_tiny || has_horns(mdat)) {
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_ARMH)) != 0 &&
		    /* flimsy test for horns matches polyself handling */
		    (handless_or_tiny || !is_flimsy(otmp))) {
		if (vis)
		    pline("%s helmet falls to the %s!",
			  s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), surface(mon->mx, mon->my));
		    You_hear("a clank.");
		if (polyspot) bypass_obj(otmp);
		m_lose_armor(mon, otmp);
	if (handless_or_tiny || slithy(mdat) || mdat->mlet == S_CENTAUR) {
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_ARMF)) != 0) {
		if (vis) {
		    if (is_whirly(mon->data))
			pline("%s boots fall away!",
		    else pline("%s boots %s off %s feet!",
			verysmall(mdat) ? "slide" : "are pushed", ppronoun);
		if (polyspot) bypass_obj(otmp);
		m_lose_armor(mon, otmp);
	if (!can_saddle(mon)) {
	    if ((otmp = which_armor(mon, W_SADDLE)) != 0) {
		if (polyspot) bypass_obj(otmp);
		m_lose_armor(mon, otmp);
		if (vis)
		    pline("%s saddle falls off.", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)));
	    if (mon == u.usteed)
		goto noride;
	} else if (mon == u.usteed && !can_ride(mon)) {
	    pline("You can no longer ride %s.", mon_nam(mon));
	    if (touch_petrifies(u.usteed->data) &&
			!Stone_resistance && rnl(3)) {
		char buf[BUFSZ];

		pline("You touch %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed));
		sprintf(buf, "falling off %s",
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * return  1: guard moved,  0: guard didn't,  -1: let m_move do it,  -2: died
int gd_move(struct monst *grd) {
    int x, y, nx, ny, m, n;
    int dx, dy, gx, gy, fci;
    unsigned char typ;
    struct fakecorridor *fcp;
    struct egd *egrd = EGD(grd);
    struct rm *crm;
    bool goldincorridor = false, u_in_vault = vault_occupied(u.urooms) ? true : false, grd_in_vault = *in_rooms(grd->mx, grd->my, VAULT) ?
    true :
    bool disappear_msg_seen = false, semi_dead = (grd->mhp <= 0);
    bool u_carry_gold = ((u.ugold + hidden_gold()) > 0L);
    bool see_guard;

    if (!on_level(&(egrd->gdlevel), &u.uz))
        return (-1);
    nx = ny = m = n = 0;
    if (!u_in_vault && !grd_in_vault)
    if (!grd->mpeaceful) {
        if (semi_dead) {
            egrd->gddone = 1;
            goto newpos;
        if (!u_in_vault && (grd_in_vault || (in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my) && !in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy)))) {
            (void)rloc(grd, false);
            (void)clear_fcorr(grd, true);
            goto letknow;
        if (!in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my))
            (void)clear_fcorr(grd, true);
        return (-1);
    if (abs(egrd->ogx - grd->mx) > 1 || abs(egrd->ogy - grd->my) > 1)
        return (-1); /* teleported guard - treat as monster */
    if (egrd->fcend == 1) {
        if (u_in_vault && (u_carry_gold || um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 1))) {
            if (egrd->warncnt == 3)
                verbalize("I repeat, %sfollow me!", u_carry_gold ? (!u.ugold ? "drop that hidden gold and " : "drop that gold and ") : "");
            if (egrd->warncnt == 7) {
                m = grd->mx;
                n = grd->my;
                verbalize("You've been warned, knave!");
                levl[m][n].typ = egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp;
                newsym(m, n);
                grd->mpeaceful = 0;
                return (-1);
            /* not fair to get mad when (s)he's fainted or paralyzed */
            if (!is_fainted() && multi >= 0)
            return (0);

        if (!u_in_vault) {
            if (u_carry_gold) { /* player teleported */
                m = grd->mx;
                n = grd->my;
                (void)rloc(grd, false);
                levl[m][n].typ = egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp;
                newsym(m, n);
                grd->mpeaceful = 0;
                letknow: if (!cansee(grd->mx, grd->my) || !mon_visible(grd)) {
                    You_hear("the shrill sound of a guard's whistle.");
                } else {
                    const char * fmt = um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 2) ? "see an angry %s approaching." : "are confronted by an angry %s.";
                    char name[BUFSZ];
                    g_monnam(name, BUFSZ, grd);
                    You(fmt, name);
                return (-1);
            } else {
                verbalize("Well, begone.");
                egrd->gddone = 1;
                goto cleanup;

    if (egrd->fcend > 1) {
        if (egrd->fcend > 2 && in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my) && !egrd->gddone && !in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) &&
        levl[egrd->fakecorr[0].fx][egrd->fakecorr[0].fy].typ == egrd->fakecorr[0].ftyp) {
            char name[BUFSZ];
            g_monnam(name, BUFSZ, grd);
            pline_The("%s, confused, disappears.", name);
            disappear_msg_seen = true;
            goto cleanup;
        if (u_carry_gold && (in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) ||
        /* cover a 'blind' spot */
        (egrd->fcend > 1 && u_in_vault))) {
            if (!grd->mx) {
                return (-2);
            if (egrd->warncnt < 6) {
                egrd->warncnt = 6;
                verbalize("Drop all your gold, scoundrel!");
                return (0);
            } else {
                verbalize("So be it, rogue!");
                grd->mpeaceful = 0;
                return (-1);
    for (fci = egrd->fcbeg; fci < egrd->fcend; fci++)
        if (g_at(egrd->fakecorr[fci].fx, egrd->fakecorr[fci].fy)) {
            m = egrd->fakecorr[fci].fx;
            n = egrd->fakecorr[fci].fy;
            goldincorridor = true;
    if (goldincorridor && !egrd->gddone) {
        x = grd->mx;
        y = grd->my;
        if (m == u.ux && n == u.uy) {
            struct obj *gold = g_at(m, n);
            /* Grab the gold from between the hero's feet.  */
            grd->mgold += gold->quan;
            newsym(m, n);
        } else if (m == x && n == y) {
            mpickgold(grd); /* does a newsym */
        } else {
            /* just for insurance... */
            if (MON_AT(m, n) && m != grd->mx && n != grd->my) {
                verbalize("Out of my way, scum!");
                (void)rloc(m_at(m, n), false);
            remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
            newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
            place_monster(grd, m, n);
            mpickgold(grd); /* does a newsym */
        if (cansee(m, n)) {
            char name[BUFSZ];
            Monnam(name, BUFSZ, grd);
            pline("%s%s picks up the gold.", name, grd->mpeaceful ? " calms down and" : "");
        if (x != grd->mx || y != grd->my) {
            remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
            newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
            place_monster(grd, x, y);
            newsym(x, y);
        if (!grd->mpeaceful)
            return (-1);
        else {
            egrd->warncnt = 5;
            return (0);
    if (um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 1) || egrd->gddone) {
        if (!egrd->gddone && !rn2(10))
            verbalize("Move along!");
        return (0); /* didn't move */
    x = grd->mx;
    y = grd->my;

    if (u_in_vault)
        goto nextpos;

    /* look around (hor & vert only) for accessible places */
    for (nx = x - 1; nx <= x + 1; nx++) {
        for (ny = y - 1; ny <= y + 1; ny++) {
            if ((nx == x || ny == y) && (nx != x || ny != y) && isok(nx, ny)) {

                typ = (crm = &levl[nx][ny])->typ;
                if (!IS_STWALL(typ) && !IS_POOL(typ)) {

                    if (in_fcorridor(grd, nx, ny))
                        goto nextnxy;

                    if (*in_rooms(nx, ny, VAULT))

                    /* seems we found a good place to leave him alone */
                    egrd->gddone = 1;
                    if (ACCESSIBLE(typ))
                        goto newpos;
                    crm->typ = (typ == SCORR) ? CORR : DOOR;
                    if (crm->typ == DOOR)
                        crm->flags = D_NODOOR;
                    goto proceed;
            nextnxy: ;
    nextpos: nx = x;
    ny = y;
    gx = egrd->gdx;
    gy = egrd->gdy;
    dx = (gx > x) ? 1 : (gx < x) ? -1 : 0;
    dy = (gy > y) ? 1 : (gy < y) ? -1 : 0;
    if (abs(gx - x) >= abs(gy - y))
        nx += dx;
        ny += dy;

    while ((typ = (crm = &levl[nx][ny])->typ) != 0) {
        /* in view of the above we must have IS_WALL(typ) or typ == POOL */
        /* must be a wall here */
        if (isok(nx + nx - x, ny + ny - y) && !IS_POOL(typ) && IS_ROOM(levl[nx+nx-x][ny+ny-y].typ)) {
            crm->typ = DOOR;
            crm->flags = D_NODOOR;
            goto proceed;
        if (dy && nx != x) {
            nx = x;
            ny = y + dy;
        if (dx && ny != y) {
            ny = y;
            nx = x + dx;
            dy = 0;
        /* I don't like this, but ... */
        if (IS_ROOM(typ)) {
            crm->typ = DOOR;
            crm->flags = D_NODOOR;
            goto proceed;
    crm->typ = CORR;
    proceed: unblock_point(nx, ny); /* doesn't block light */
    if (cansee(nx, ny))
        newsym(nx, ny);

    fcp = &(egrd->fakecorr[egrd->fcend]);
    if (egrd->fcend++ == FCSIZ)
        impossible("fakecorr overflow");
    fcp->fx = nx;
    fcp->fy = ny;
    fcp->ftyp = typ;
    newpos: if (egrd->gddone) {
        /* The following is a kludge.  We need to keep    */
        /* the guard around in order to be able to make   */
        /* the fake corridor disappear as the player      */
        /* moves out of it, but we also need the guard    */
        /* out of the way.  We send the guard to never-   */
        /* never land.  We set ogx ogy to mx my in order  */
        /* to avoid a check at the top of this function.  */
        /* At the end of the process, the guard is killed */
        /* in restfakecorr().                             */
        cleanup: x = grd->mx;
        y = grd->my;

        see_guard = canspotmon(grd);
        remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
        newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
        place_monster(grd, 0, 0);
        egrd->ogx = grd->mx;
        egrd->ogy = grd->my;
        if (!semi_dead && (in_fcorridor(grd, u.ux, u.uy) || cansee(x, y))) {
            if (!disappear_msg_seen && see_guard) {
                char name[BUFSZ];
                g_monnam(name, BUFSZ, grd);
                pline("Suddenly, the %s disappears.", name);
            return (1);
        return (-2);
    egrd->ogx = grd->mx; /* update old positions */
    egrd->ogy = grd->my;
    remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
    place_monster(grd, nx, ny);
    newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
    return (1);
Ejemplo n.º 17
static void wallify_vault(struct monst *grd) {
    int x, y, typ;
    int vlt = EGD(grd)->vroom;
    char tmp_viz;
    signed char lox = rooms[vlt].lx - 1, hix = rooms[vlt].hx + 1, loy = rooms[vlt].ly - 1, hiy = rooms[vlt].hy + 1;
    struct monst *mon;
    struct obj *gold;
    struct trap *trap;
    bool fixed = false;
    bool movedgold = false;

    for (x = lox; x <= hix; x++) {
        for (y = loy; y <= hiy; y++) {
            /* if not on the room boundary, skip ahead */
            if (x != lox && x != hix && y != loy && y != hiy)

            if (!IS_WALL(levl[x][y].typ) && !in_fcorridor(grd, x, y)) {
                if ((mon = m_at(x, y)) != 0 && mon != grd) {
                    if (mon->mtame)
                    (void)rloc(mon, false);
                if ((gold = g_at(x, y)) != 0) {
                    move_gold(gold, EGD(grd)->vroom);
                    movedgold = true;
                if ((trap = t_at(x, y)) != 0)
                if (x == lox)
                    typ = (y == loy) ? TLCORNER : (y == hiy) ? BLCORNER : VWALL;
                else if (x == hix)
                    typ = (y == loy) ? TRCORNER : (y == hiy) ? BRCORNER : VWALL;
                    /* not left or right side, must be top or bottom */
                    typ = HWALL;
                levl[x][y].typ = typ;
                levl[x][y].flags = 0;
                 * hack: player knows walls are restored because of the
                 * message, below, so show this on the screen.
                tmp_viz = viz_array[y][x];
                viz_array[y][x] = IN_SIGHT | COULD_SEE;
                newsym(x, y);
                viz_array[y][x] = tmp_viz;
                block_point(x, y);
                fixed = true;

    if (movedgold || fixed) {
        if (in_fcorridor(grd, grd->mx, grd->my) || cansee(grd->mx, grd->my)) {
            char name[BUFSZ];
            g_monnam(name, BUFSZ, grd);
            pline_The("%s whispers an incantation.", name);
        } else {
            You_hear("a distant chant.");
        if (movedgold)
            pline("A mysterious force moves the gold into the vault.");
        if (fixed)
            pline_The("damaged vault's walls are magically restored!");
Ejemplo n.º 18
/* So you want music... */
do_play_instrument(struct obj *instr, const struct nh_cmd_arg *arg)
    char c = 'y';
    const char *buf;
    int x, y;
    boolean ok;

    if (Underwater) {
        pline(msgc_cancelled, "You can't play music underwater!");
        return 0;
    if (Upolyd && !can_blow_instrument(youmonst.data) &&
        (instr->otyp == BUGLE || instr->otyp == WOODEN_FLUTE ||
         instr->otyp == MAGIC_FLUTE || instr->otyp == TOOLED_HORN ||
         instr->otyp == FIRE_HORN || instr->otyp == FROST_HORN)) {
              "You are incapable of playing %s in your current form!",
        return 0;
    if (instr->otyp != LEATHER_DRUM && instr->otyp != DRUM_OF_EARTHQUAKE) {
        c = yn("Improvise?");
    if (c == 'n') {
        if (u.uevent.uheard_tune == 2 && yn("Play the passtune?") == 'y') {
            buf = msg_from_string(gamestate.castle_tune);
        } else {
            /* Note: This is explicitly not getarglin(); we don't want
               command repeat to repeat the tune. */
            buf = getlin("What tune are you playing? [5 notes, A-G]", FALSE);
            if (*buf == '\033')
                buf = "";
            buf = msgmungspaces(buf);
            /* convert to uppercase and change any "H" to the expected "B" */
            buf = msgcaseconv(buf, highc_htob, highc_htob, highc_htob);
        pline(msgc_occstart, "You extract a strange sound from %s!",

        /* Check if there was the Stronghold drawbridge near and if the tune
           conforms to what we're waiting for. */
        if (Is_stronghold(&u.uz)) {
            exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);      /* just for trying */
            if (!strcmp(buf, gamestate.castle_tune)) {
                /* Search for the drawbridge */
                for (y = youmonst.my - 1; y <= youmonst.my + 1; y++)
                    for (x = youmonst.mx - 1; x <= youmonst.mx + 1; x++)
                        if (isok(x, y))
                            if (find_drawbridge(&x, &y)) {
                                /* tune now fully known */
                                u.uevent.uheard_tune = 2;
                                if (level->locations[x][y].typ ==
                                    close_drawbridge(x, y);
                                    open_drawbridge(x, y);
                                return 1;
            } else if (canhear()) {
                if (u.uevent.uheard_tune < 1)
                    u.uevent.uheard_tune = 1;
                /* Okay, it wasn't the right tune, but perhaps we can give the
                   player some hints like in the Mastermind game */
                ok = FALSE;
                for (y = youmonst.my - 1; y <= youmonst.my + 1 && !ok; y++)
                    for (x = youmonst.mx - 1; x <= youmonst.mx + 1 && !ok; x++)
                        if (isok(x, y))
                            if (IS_DRAWBRIDGE(level->locations[x][y].typ) ||
                                is_drawbridge_wall(x, y) >= 0)
                                ok = TRUE;
                if (ok) {       /* There is a drawbridge near */
                    int tumblers, gears;
                    boolean matched[5];

                    tumblers = gears = 0;
                    for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                        matched[x] = FALSE;

                    for (x = 0; x < (int)strlen(buf); x++)
                        if (x < 5) {
                            if (buf[x] == gamestate.castle_tune[x]) {
                                matched[x] = TRUE;
                            } else
                                for (y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                                    if (!matched[y] &&
                                        buf[x] == gamestate.castle_tune[y] &&
                                        buf[y] != gamestate.castle_tune[y]) {
                                        matched[y] = TRUE;
                    if (tumblers)
                        if (gears)
                                     "%d tumbler%s click and %d gear%s turn.",
                                     tumblers, plur(tumblers), gears,
                            You_hear(msgc_hint, "%d tumbler%s click.", tumblers,
                    else if (gears) {
                        You_hear(msgc_hint, "%d gear%s turn.", gears,
                        /* could only get `gears == 5' by playing five correct
                           notes followed by excess; otherwise, tune would have 
                           matched above */
                        if (gears == 5)
                            u.uevent.uheard_tune = 2;
        return 1;
    } else
        return do_improvisation(instr, arg);
Ejemplo n.º 19
/* Generate earthquake :-) of desired force. That is: create random chasms
   (pits). Currently assumes that the player created it (you'll need to change
   at least messages, angering, and kill credit if you generalize it). */
static void
do_earthquake(int force)
    int x, y;
    struct monst *mtmp;
    struct obj *otmp;
    struct trap *chasm, *oldtrap;
    int start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y;

    start_x = youmonst.mx - (force * 2);
    start_y = youmonst.my - (force * 2);
    end_x = youmonst.mx + (force * 2);
    end_y = youmonst.my + (force * 2);
    if (start_x < 0)
        start_x = 0;
    if (start_y < 0)
        start_y = 0;
    if (end_x >= COLNO)
        end_x = COLNO - 1;
    if (end_y >= ROWNO)
        end_y = ROWNO - 1;
    for (x = start_x; x <= end_x; x++)
        for (y = start_y; y <= end_y; y++) {
            if ((mtmp = m_at(level, x, y)) != 0) {
                wakeup(mtmp, FALSE);  /* peaceful monster will become hostile */
                if (mtmp->mundetected && is_hider(mtmp->data)) {
                    mtmp->mundetected = 0;
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                        pline(msgc_youdiscover, "%s is shaken loose from %s!",
                              Amonnam(mtmp), mtmp->data == &mons[PM_TRAPPER] ?
                              "its hiding place" : the(ceiling(youmonst.mx, youmonst.my)));
                        You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a thumping sound.");
                    if (x == youmonst.mx && y == youmonst.my &&
                        mtmp->data != &mons[PM_TRAPPER])
                              "You easily dodge the falling %s.",
                    newsym(x, y);
            if (!rn2(14 - force))
                switch (level->locations[x][y].typ) {
                case FOUNTAIN: /* Make the fountain disappear */
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "The fountain falls into a chasm.");
                    goto do_pit;
                case SINK:
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "The kitchen sink falls into a chasm.");
                    goto do_pit;
                case ALTAR:
                    if (level->locations[x][y].altarmask & AM_SANCTUM)

                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "The altar falls into a chasm.");
                    goto do_pit;
                case GRAVE:
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "The headstone topples into a chasm.");
                    goto do_pit;
                case THRONE:
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                              "The throne falls into a chasm.");
                    /* Falls into next case */
                case ROOM:
                case CORR:     /* Try to make a pit */
                    /* Pits, spiked pits, holes, trapdoors, vibrating squares,
                       magic portals are immune.  A bear trap will leave the
                       trap in the pit.  It would be kind of cool to make
                       landmines detonate, but that's more trouble than it's
                       worth. */
                    if ((oldtrap = t_at(level, x, y))) {
                        if (oldtrap->ttyp == PIT || oldtrap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT
                            || oldtrap->ttyp == HOLE ||
                            oldtrap->ttyp == TRAPDOOR ||
                            oldtrap->ttyp == VIBRATING_SQUARE ||
                            oldtrap->ttyp == MAGIC_PORTAL)

                        if (oldtrap->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP) {
                            if (mtmp)
                                mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
                            cnv_trap_obj(level, BEARTRAP, 1, oldtrap);

                    chasm = maketrap(level, x, y, PIT, rng_main);
                    if (!chasm)
                        break;  /* no pit if portal at that location */
                    chasm->tseen = 1;

                    level->locations[x][y].doormask = 0;

                    mtmp = m_at(level, x, y);

                    if ((otmp = sobj_at(BOULDER, level, x, y)) != 0) {
                        if (cansee(x, y))
                                  "KADOOM! The boulder falls into a chasm%s!",
                                  ((x == youmonst.mx) &&
                                   (y == youmonst.my)) ? " below you" : "");
                        if (mtmp)
                            mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
                        flooreffects(otmp, x, y, "");

                    /* We have to check whether monsters or player falls in a
                       chasm... */

                    if (mtmp) {
                        if (!flying(mtmp) && !levitates(mtmp) &&
                            !is_clinger(mtmp->data)) {
                            mtmp->mtrapped = 1;
                            if (cansee(x, y))
                                pline(combat_msgc(&youmonst, mtmp, cr_hit),
                                      "%s falls into a chasm!", Monnam(mtmp));
                            else if (humanoid(mtmp->data))
                                You_hear(msgc_levelsound, "a scream!");
                            mselftouch(mtmp, "Falling, ", &youmonst);
                            if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp))
                                if ((mtmp->mhp -= rnd(6)) <= 0) {
                                    if (!cansee(x, y))
                                        pline(msgc_kill, "It is destroyed!");
                                    else {
                                        pline(msgc_petfatal, "You destroy %s!",
                                              mtmp->mtame ?
                                              x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_THE,
                                                       "poor", mx_name(mtmp) ?
                                                       SUPPRESS_SADDLE : 0,
                                                       FALSE) : mon_nam(mtmp));
                                    xkilled(mtmp, 0);
                    } else if (!u.utrap && x == youmonst.mx && y == youmonst.my) {
                        if (Levitation || Flying || is_clinger(youmonst.data)) {
                                  "A chasm opens up under you!");
                            pline(msgc_noconsequence, "You don't fall in!");
                        } else {
                            pline(msgc_badidea, "You fall into a chasm!");
                            u.utrap = rn1(6, 2);
                            u.utraptype = TT_PIT;
                            turnstate.vision_full_recalc = TRUE;
                            losehp(rnd(6), "fell into a chasm");
                            selftouch("Falling, you",
                                      "falling into a chasm while wielding");
                    } else
                        newsym(x, y);
                case DOOR:     /* Make the door collapse */
                    if (level->locations[x][y].doormask == D_NODOOR)
                        goto do_pit;
                    if (cansee(x, y))
                        pline(msgc_consequence, "The door collapses.");
                    if (*in_rooms(level, x, y, SHOPBASE))
                        add_damage(x, y, 0L);
                    level->locations[x][y].doormask = D_NODOOR;
                    unblock_point(x, y);
                    newsym(x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 20
/* Note: I had to choose one of three possible kinds of "type" when writing
 * this function: a wand type (like in zap.c), an adtyp, or an object type.
 * Wand types get complex because they must be converted to adtyps for
 * determining such things as fire resistance.  Adtyps get complex in that
 * they don't supply enough information--was it a player or a monster that
 * did it, and with a wand, spell, or breath weapon?  Object types share both
 * these disadvantages....
 * The descr argument should be used to describe the explosion. It should be
 * a string suitable for use with an().
 * raylevel is used for explosions caused by skilled wand usage (0=no wand)
explode(int x, int y, int type, /* the same as in zap.c */
        int dam, char olet, int expltype, const char *descr, int raylevel)
    int i, j, k, damu = dam;
    boolean visible, any_shield, resist_death;
    resist_death = FALSE;
    int uhurt = 0;      /* 0=unhurt, 1=items damaged, 2=you and items damaged */
    const char *str;
    const char *dispbuf = "";   /* lint suppression; I think the code's OK */
    boolean expl_needs_the = TRUE;
    int idamres, idamnonres;
    struct monst *mtmp;
    uchar adtyp;
    int explmask[3][3];

    /* 0=normal explosion, 1=do shieldeff, 2=do nothing */
    boolean shopdamage = FALSE;

#if 0
    /* Damage reduction from wand explosions */
    if (olet == WAND_CLASS)     /* retributive strike */
        switch (Role_switch) {
        case PM_PRIEST:
        case PM_MONK:
        case PM_WIZARD:
            damu /= 5;
        case PM_HEALER:
        case PM_KNIGHT:
            damu /= 2;
    if (olet == MON_EXPLODE) {
        str = descr;
        adtyp = AD_PHYS;
        if (Hallucination) {
            int name = rndmonidx();

            dispbuf = msgcat(s_suffix(monnam_for_index(name)), " explosion");
            expl_needs_the = !monnam_is_pname(name);
        } else {
            dispbuf = str;
    } else {
        int whattype = abs(type) % 10;

        adtyp = whattype + 1;
        boolean done = FALSE, hallu = Hallucination;

        if (hallu) {
            do {
                whattype = rn2(8);
            } while (whattype == 3);
        switch (whattype) {
        case 0:
            str = "magical blast";
        case 1:
            str =
                olet == BURNING_OIL ? "burning oil" : olet ==
                SCROLL_CLASS ? "tower of flame" : "fireball";
        case 2:
            str = "ball of cold";
        case 3:
            str = "sleeping gas";
        case 4:
            str = (olet == WAND_CLASS) ? "death field" : "disintegration field";
        case 5:
            str = "ball of lightning";
        case 6:
            str = "poison gas cloud";
        case 7:
            str = "splash of acid";
            impossible("explosion base type %d?", type);
        if (!done) {
            dispbuf = str;
            done = TRUE;
            if (hallu) {
                whattype = adtyp - 1;
                goto tryagain;

    any_shield = visible = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            if (!isok(i + x - 1, j + y - 1)) {
                explmask[i][j] = 2;
            } else
                explmask[i][j] = 0;

            if (i + x - 1 == u.ux && j + y - 1 == u.uy) {
                switch (adtyp) {
                case AD_PHYS:
                    explmask[i][j] = 0;
                case AD_MAGM:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!(raylevel >= P_EXPERT || Antimagic);
                case AD_FIRE:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Fire_resistance;
                case AD_COLD:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Cold_resistance;
                case AD_SLEE:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Sleep_resistance;
                case AD_DISN:
                    if (raylevel == P_UNSKILLED && Drain_resistance)
                        resist_death = TRUE;
                    /* why MR doesn't resist general deathfields is beyond me, but... */
                    if (nonliving(youmonst.data) ||
                        resist_death = TRUE;
                    if (raylevel && Antimagic)
                        resist_death = TRUE;
                    if (raylevel >= P_EXPERT && !Drain_resistance)
                        resist_death = FALSE;
                    explmask[i][j] =
                        (olet == WAND_CLASS) ? !!resist_death :
                case AD_ELEC:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Shock_resistance;
                case AD_DRST:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Poison_resistance;
                case AD_ACID:
                    explmask[i][j] = !!Acid_resistance;
                    impossible("explosion type %d?", adtyp);
            /* can be both you and mtmp if you're swallowed */
            mtmp = m_at(level, i + x - 1, j + y - 1);
            if (!mtmp && i + x - 1 == u.ux && j + y - 1 == u.uy)
                mtmp = u.usteed;
            if (mtmp) {
                if (mtmp->mhp < 1)
                    explmask[i][j] = 2;
                    switch (adtyp) {
                    case AD_PHYS:
                    case AD_MAGM:
                        explmask[i][j] |= (raylevel >= 4 || resists_magm(mtmp));
                    case AD_FIRE:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_fire(mtmp);
                    case AD_COLD:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_cold(mtmp);
                    case AD_SLEE:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_sleep(mtmp);
                    case AD_DISN:
                        if (raylevel == P_UNSKILLED && resists_drli(mtmp))
                            resist_death = TRUE;
                        if (nonliving(mtmp->data) ||
                            resist_death = TRUE;
                        if (raylevel && resists_magm(mtmp))
                            resist_death = TRUE;
                        if (raylevel >= P_EXPERT && !resists_drli(mtmp))
                            resist_death = FALSE;
                        explmask[i][j] |=
                            (olet == WAND_CLASS) ? resist_death :
                    case AD_ELEC:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_elec(mtmp);
                    case AD_DRST:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_poison(mtmp);
                    case AD_ACID:
                        explmask[i][j] |= resists_acid(mtmp);
                        impossible("explosion type %d?", adtyp);
            reveal_monster_at(i + x - 1, j + y - 1, TRUE);

            if (cansee(i + x - 1, j + y - 1))
                visible = TRUE;
            if (explmask[i][j] == 1)
                any_shield = TRUE;

    if (visible) {
        struct tmp_sym *tsym = tmpsym_init(DISP_BEAM, 0);

        /* Start the explosion */
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                if (explmask[i][j] == 2)
                tmpsym_change(tsym, dbuf_explosion(expltype, explosion[i][j]));
                tmpsym_at(tsym, i + x - 1, j + y - 1);
        flush_screen(); /* will flush screen and output */

        if (any_shield && flags.sparkle) {      /* simulate shield effect */
            for (k = 0; k < SHIELD_COUNT; k++) {
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        if (explmask[i][j] == 1)
                             * Bypass tmpsym_at() and send the shield glyphs
                             * directly to the buffered screen.  tmpsym_at()
                             * will clean up the location for us later.
                            dbuf_set_effect(i + x - 1, j + y - 1,
                flush_screen(); /* will flush screen and output */

            /* Cover last shield glyph with blast symbol. */
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                    if (explmask[i][j] == 1)
                        dbuf_set_effect(i + x - 1, j + y - 1,

        } else {        /* delay a little bit. */

        tmpsym_end(tsym);       /* clear the explosion */
    } else {
        if (olet == MON_EXPLODE) {
            str = "explosion";
        You_hear("a blast.");

    if (dam)
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                if (explmask[i][j] == 2)
                if (i + x - 1 == u.ux && j + y - 1 == u.uy)
                    uhurt = (explmask[i][j] == 1) ? 1 : 2;
                idamres = idamnonres = 0;
                if (type >= 0)
                    zap_over_floor((xchar) (i + x - 1), (xchar) (j + y - 1),
                                   type, &shopdamage);

                mtmp = m_at(level, i + x - 1, j + y - 1);
                if (!mtmp && i + x - 1 == u.ux && j + y - 1 == u.uy)
                    mtmp = u.usteed;
                if (!mtmp)
                if (Engulfed && mtmp == u.ustuck) {
                    if (is_animal(u.ustuck->data))
                        pline("%s gets %s!", Monnam(u.ustuck),
                              (adtyp == AD_FIRE) ? "heartburn" :
                              (adtyp == AD_COLD) ? "chilly" :
                              (adtyp == AD_DISN) ? ((olet == WAND_CLASS) ?
                                                    "irradiated by pure energy"
                                                    : "perforated") :
                              (adtyp == AD_ELEC) ? "shocked" :
                              (adtyp == AD_DRST) ? "poisoned" :
                              (adtyp == AD_ACID) ? "an upset stomach" :
                        pline("%s gets slightly %s!", Monnam(u.ustuck),
                              (adtyp == AD_FIRE) ? "toasted" :
                              (adtyp == AD_COLD) ? "chilly" :
                              (adtyp == AD_DISN) ? ((olet == WAND_CLASS) ?
                                                    "overwhelmed by pure energy"
                                                    : "perforated") :
                              (adtyp == AD_ELEC) ? "shocked" :
                              (adtyp == AD_DRST) ? "intoxicated" :
                              (adtyp == AD_ACID) ? "burned" : "fried");
                } else if (cansee(i + x - 1, j + y - 1)) {
                    if (mtmp->m_ap_type) seemimic(mtmp);
                    pline("%s is caught in %s%s!", Monnam(mtmp),
                          expl_needs_the ? "the " : "", dispbuf);

                idamres += destroy_mitem(mtmp, SCROLL_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
                idamres += destroy_mitem(mtmp, SPBOOK_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
                idamnonres += destroy_mitem(mtmp, POTION_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
                idamnonres += destroy_mitem(mtmp, WAND_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
                idamnonres += destroy_mitem(mtmp, RING_CLASS, (int)adtyp);

                if (explmask[i][j] == 1) {
                    golemeffects(mtmp, (int)adtyp, dam + idamres);
                    mtmp->mhp -= idamnonres;
                } else {
                    /* call resist with 0 and do damage manually so 1) we can
                       get out the message before doing the damage, and 2) we
                       can call mondied, not killed, if it's not your blast */
                    int mdam = dam;

                    if (resist(mtmp, olet, 0, FALSE)) {
                        if (cansee(i + x - 1, j + y - 1))
                            pline("%s resists %s%s!", Monnam(mtmp),
                                  expl_needs_the ? "the " : "", dispbuf);
                        mdam = dam / 2;
                    if (mtmp == u.ustuck)
                        mdam *= 2;
                    if (resists_cold(mtmp) && adtyp == AD_FIRE)
                        mdam *= 2;
                    else if (resists_fire(mtmp) && adtyp == AD_COLD)
                        mdam *= 2;
                    if (adtyp == AD_MAGM && raylevel >= P_EXPERT && resists_magm(mtmp))
                        mdam = (mdam + 1) / 2;
                    if (adtyp == AD_SLEE && raylevel) {
                        sleep_monst(mtmp, mdam, WAND_CLASS);
                        mdam = 0;
                    if (adtyp == AD_DISN && raylevel) {
                        if (nonliving(mtmp->data) ||
                                is_demon(mtmp->data) ||
                                resists_magm(mtmp) ||
                                raylevel == P_UNSKILLED) {
                            /* monster is deathresistant or raylevel==unskilled,
                               since monster apparently failed to resist earlier,
                               monster must be vulnerable to drli */
                            /* FIXME: make a generic losexp() for monsters */
                            mdam = dice(2, 6);
                            if (cansee(i + x - 1, j + y - 1))
                                pline("%s suddenly seems weaker!", Monnam(mtmp));
                            mtmp->mhpmax -= mdam;
                            if (mtmp->m_lev == 0)
                                mdam = mtmp->mhp;
                        } else
                            mdam = mtmp->mhp; /* instadeath */
                    mtmp->mhp -= mdam;
                    mtmp->mhp -= (idamres + idamnonres);
                if (mtmp->mhp <= 0) {
                    /* KMH -- Don't blame the player for pets killing gas
                       spores */
                    if (!flags.mon_moving)
                        monkilled(mtmp, "", (int)adtyp);
                } else if (!flags.mon_moving)

    /* Do your injury last */
    if (uhurt) {
        if ((type >= 0 || adtyp == AD_PHYS) &&  /* gas spores */
                flags.verbose && olet != SCROLL_CLASS)
            pline("You are caught in %s%s!", expl_needs_the ? "the " : "",
        /* do property damage first, in case we end up leaving bones */
        if (adtyp == AD_FIRE)
        if (u.uinvulnerable) {
            damu = 0;
            pline("You are unharmed!");
        } else if (Half_physical_damage && adtyp == AD_PHYS)
            damu = (damu + 1) / 2;
        else if (raylevel) {
            if (adtyp == AD_MAGM && Antimagic)
                damu = (damu + 1) / 2;
            if (adtyp == AD_SLEE) {
                helpless(damu, hr_asleep, "sleeping", NULL);
                damu = 0;
            if (adtyp == AD_DISN) {
                if (nonliving(youmonst.data) ||
                        is_demon(youmonst.data) ||
                        Antimagic ||
                        raylevel == P_UNSKILLED) {
                    losexp("drained by a death field",FALSE);
                    damu = 0;
                } else {
                    done(DIED, "killed by a death field");
                    damu = 0; /* lifesaved */
        if (adtyp == AD_FIRE) {
        destroy_item(SCROLL_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
        destroy_item(SPBOOK_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
        destroy_item(POTION_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
        destroy_item(RING_CLASS, (int)adtyp);
        destroy_item(WAND_CLASS, (int)adtyp);

        ugolemeffects((int)adtyp, damu);
        if (uhurt == 2) {
            if (Upolyd)
                u.mh -= damu;
                u.uhp -= damu;

        if (u.uhp <= 0 || (Upolyd && u.mh <= 0)) {
            int death = adtyp == AD_FIRE ? BURNING : DIED;
            const char *killer;

            if (olet == MON_EXPLODE) {
                killer = killer_msg(death, an(str));
            } else if (type >= 0 && olet != SCROLL_CLASS) {
                /* check whether or not we were the source of the explosion */
                if (!flags.mon_moving)
                    killer = msgprintf("caught %sself in %s own %s", uhim(),
                                       uhis(), str);
                    killer = msgprintf("killed by a %s", str);
            } else if (!strcmp(str, "burning oil")) {
                /* This manual check hack really sucks */
                killer = killer_msg(death, str);
            } else {
                killer = killer_msg(death, an(str));
            /* Known BUG: BURNING suppresses corpse in bones data, but done
               does not handle killer reason correctly */
            if (Upolyd) {
                rehumanize(death, killer);
            } else {
                done(death, killer);
        exercise(A_STR, FALSE);

    if (shopdamage) {
        pay_for_damage(adtyp == AD_FIRE ? "burn away" : adtyp ==
                       AD_COLD ? "shatter" : adtyp ==
                       AD_DISN ? "disintegrate" : "destroy", FALSE);

    /* explosions are noisy */
    i = dam * dam;
    if (i < 50)
        i = 50; /* in case random damage is very small */
    wake_nearto(x, y, i);
Ejemplo n.º 21
    struct mkroom *sroom;
    int hallu, vx, vy;
    struct monst *mtmp;

    if (!canhear() || Engulfed || Underwater)

    hallu = Hallucination ? 1 : 0;

    if (has_terrain(level, FOUNTAIN) && !rn2(400)) {
        static const char *const fountain_msg[4] = {
            "bubbling water.",
            "water falling on coins.",
            "the splashing of a naiad.",
            "a soda fountain!",
        You_hear("%s", fountain_msg[rn2(3) + hallu]);

    if (has_terrain(level, SINK) && !rn2(300)) {
        static const char *const sink_msg[3] = {
            "a slow drip.",
            "a gurgling noise.",
            "dishes being washed!",
        You_hear("%s", sink_msg[rn2(2) + hallu]);

    if (search_special(level, COURT) && !rn2(200)) {
        static const char *const throne_msg[4] = {
            "the tones of courtly conversation.",
            "a sceptre pounded in judgment.",
            "Someone shouts \"Off with %s head!\"",
            "Queen Beruthiel's cats!",
        for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
            if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp))
            if ((mtmp->msleeping || is_lord(mtmp->data) ||
                 is_prince(mtmp->data)) && !is_animal(mtmp->data) &&
                mon_in_room(mtmp, COURT)) {
                /* finding one is enough, at least for now */
                int which = rn2(3) + hallu;

                if (which != 2)
                    You_hear("%s", throne_msg[which]);
                    pline(throne_msg[2], uhis());
    if (search_special(level, SWAMP) && !rn2(200)) {
        static const char *const swamp_msg[3] = {
            "You hear mosquitoes!",
            "You smell marsh gas!",     /* so it's a smell... */
            "You hear Donald Duck!",
        pline("%s", swamp_msg[rn2(2) + hallu]);
    if ((sroom = search_special(level, VAULT)) && !rn2(200)) {
        if (gd_sound())
            switch (rn2(2) + hallu) {
            case 1:{
                    boolean gold_in_vault = FALSE;

                    for (vx = sroom->lx; vx <= sroom->hx; vx++)
                        for (vy = sroom->ly; vy <= sroom->hy; vy++)
                            if (gold_at(level, vx, vy))
                                gold_in_vault = TRUE;
                    if (vault_occupied(u.urooms) !=
                        (ROOM_INDEX(sroom) + ROOMOFFSET)) {
                        if (gold_in_vault)
                            You_hear(!hallu ? "someone counting money." :
                                     "the quarterback calling the play.");
                            You_hear("someone searching.");
                    /* fall into... (yes, even for hallucination) */
            case 0:
                You_hear("the footsteps of a guard on patrol.");
            case 2:
                You_hear("Ebenezer Scrooge!");
    if (search_special(level, BEEHIVE) && !rn2(200)) {
        for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
            if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp))
            if ((mtmp->data->mlet == S_ANT && is_flyer(mtmp->data)) &&
                mon_in_room(mtmp, BEEHIVE)) {
                switch (rn2(2) + hallu) {
                case 0:
                    You_hear("a low buzzing.");
                case 1:
                    You_hear("an angry drone.");
                case 2:
                    You_hear("bees in your %sbonnet!",
                             uarmh ? "" : "(nonexistent) ");
    if (search_special(level, MORGUE) && !rn2(200)) {
        for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
            if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp))
            if (is_undead(mtmp->data) && mon_in_room(mtmp, MORGUE)) {
                switch (rn2(2) + hallu) {
                case 1:
                    if (!strcmp(body_part(HAIR), "hair")) {
                        pline("The %s on the back of your %s stands up.",
                              body_part(HAIR), body_part(NECK));
                    /* fall through */
                case 2:
                    if (!strcmp(body_part(HAIR), "hair")) {
                        pline("The %s on your %s seems to stand up.",
                              body_part(HAIR), body_part(HEAD));
                    /* fall through */
                case 0:
                    pline("You suddenly realize it is unnaturally quiet.");
    if (search_special(level, BARRACKS) && !rn2(200)) {
        static const char *const barracks_msg[4] = {
            "blades being honed.",
            "loud snoring.",
            "dice being thrown.",
            "General MacArthur!",
        int count = 0;

        for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
            if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp))
            if (is_mercenary(mtmp->data) && mon_in_room(mtmp, BARRACKS) &&
                /* sleeping implies not-yet-disturbed (usually) */
                (mtmp->msleeping || ++count > 5)) {
                You_hear("%s", barracks_msg[rn2(3) + hallu]);
    if (search_special(level, ZOO) && !rn2(200)) {
        static const char *const zoo_msg[3] = {
            "a sound reminiscent of an elephant stepping on a peanut.",
            "a sound reminiscent of a seal barking.",
            "Doctor Dolittle!",
        for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
            if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp))
            if ((mtmp->msleeping || is_animal(mtmp->data)) &&
                mon_in_room(mtmp, ZOO)) {
                You_hear("%s", zoo_msg[rn2(2) + hallu]);
    if ((sroom = search_special(level, ANY_SHOP)) && !rn2(200)) {
        if (tended_shop(sroom) &&
            !strchr(u.ushops, ROOM_INDEX(sroom) + ROOMOFFSET)) {
            static const char *const shop_msg[3] = {
                "someone cursing shoplifters.",
                "the chime of a cash register.",
                "Neiman and Marcus arguing!",
            You_hear("%s", shop_msg[rn2(2) + hallu]);
    if (search_special(level, DELPHI) && !rn2(400)) {
        /* make sure the Oracle is still here */
        for (mtmp = level->monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
            if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp) && mtmp->data == &mons[PM_POTTER])
        /* and don't produce silly effects when he's clearly visible */
        if (mtmp && (hallu || !canseemon(mtmp))) {
            static const char *const ora_msg[5] = {
                "political commentary.",
                "convulsive ravings about WLAN controllers.",
                "an Adirondack woodsman.",
                "someone ask you for your punchcards.", /* if(hallucinating) */
                "loud praise for Netgear devices." /* if(hallucinating) */
            You_hear("%s", ora_msg[rn2(3) + hallu * 2]);
Ejemplo n.º 22
    struct monst *guard;
    int trycount, vaultroom = (int)vault_occupied(u.urooms);
    boolean messages = TRUE;

    if (!vaultroom) {
        u.uinvault = 0;

    vaultroom -= ROOMOFFSET;

    guard = findgd();
    if (++u.uinvault % 30 == 0 && !guard) {  /* if time ok and no guard now. */
        int x, y, gx, gy;
        xchar rx, ry;
        long umoney;
        const char *buf;

        /* first find the goal for the guard */
        if (!find_guard_dest(NULL, &rx, &ry))
        gx = rx;
        gy = ry;

        /* next find a good place for a door in the wall */
        x = u.ux;
        y = u.uy;
        if (level->locations[x][y].typ != ROOM) {       /* player dug a door
                                                           and is in it */
            if (level->locations[x + 1][y].typ == ROOM)
                x = x + 1;
            else if (level->locations[x][y + 1].typ == ROOM)
                y = y + 1;
            else if (level->locations[x - 1][y].typ == ROOM)
                x = x - 1;
            else if (level->locations[x][y - 1].typ == ROOM)
                y = y - 1;
            else if (level->locations[x + 1][y + 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x + 1;
                y = y + 1;
            } else if (level->locations[x - 1][y - 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x - 1;
                y = y - 1;
            } else if (level->locations[x + 1][y - 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x + 1;
                y = y - 1;
            } else if (level->locations[x - 1][y + 1].typ == ROOM) {
                x = x - 1;
                y = y + 1;
        while (level->locations[x][y].typ == ROOM) {
            int dx, dy;

            dx = (gx > x) ? 1 : (gx < x) ? -1 : 0;
            dy = (gy > y) ? 1 : (gy < y) ? -1 : 0;
            if (abs(gx - x) >= abs(gy - y))
                x += dx;
                y += dy;
        if (x == u.ux && y == u.uy) {
            if (level->locations[x + 1][y].typ == HWALL ||
                level->locations[x + 1][y].typ == DOOR)
                x = x + 1;
            else if (level->locations[x - 1][y].typ == HWALL ||
                     level->locations[x - 1][y].typ == DOOR)
                x = x - 1;
            else if (level->locations[x][y + 1].typ == VWALL ||
                     level->locations[x][y + 1].typ == DOOR)
                y = y + 1;
            else if (level->locations[x][y - 1].typ == VWALL ||
                     level->locations[x][y - 1].typ == DOOR)
                y = y - 1;

        /* make something interesting happen */
        if (!(guard = makemon(&mons[PM_GUARD], level, x, y, NO_MM_FLAGS)))
        guard->isgd = 1;
        msethostility(guard, FALSE, TRUE);
        EGD(guard)->gddone = 0;
        EGD(guard)->ogx = x;
        EGD(guard)->ogy = y;
        assign_level(&(EGD(guard)->gdlevel), &u.uz);
        EGD(guard)->vroom = vaultroom;
        EGD(guard)->warncnt = 0;

        /* We used to reset fainted status here, but that doesn't really make
           sense; instead, that's treated like normal helplessness */
        if (canspotmon(guard))
            pline("Suddenly one of the Vault's guards enters!");
        else if (canhear())
            You_hear("someone else enter the Vault.");
            messages = FALSE;

        newsym(guard->mx, guard->my);
        if (youmonst.m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT || u.uundetected || u.uburied) {
            if (youmonst.m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT &&
                youmonst.mappearance != GOLD_PIECE)
                verbalize("Hey! Who left that %s in here?",
            /* You're mimicking some object or you're hidden. */
            if (messages)
                pline("Puzzled, %s turns around and leaves.", mhe(guard));
        if (Engulfed) {
            if ((!u.ustuck->minvis || perceives(guard->data)))
                verbalize("How did that %s get in here?", m_monnam(u.ustuck));
            if (messages)
                pline("Puzzled, %s turns around and leaves.", mhe(guard));
        if (Strangled || is_silent(youmonst.data) || u_helpless(hm_all)) {
            /* [we ought to record whether this this message has already been
               given in order to vary it upon repeat visits, but discarding the 
               monster and its egd data renders that hard] */
            verbalize("I'll be back when you're ready to speak to me!");


        trycount = 5;
        do {
            buf = getlin("\"Hello stranger, who are you?\" -", FALSE);
            buf = msgmungspaces(buf);
        } while (!letter(buf[0]) && --trycount > 0);

        if (u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL &&
            /* ignore trailing text, in case player includes character's rank */
            strncmpi(buf, u.uplname, (int)strlen(u.uplname)) != 0) {
            adjalign(-1);       /* Liar! */

        if (!strcmpi(buf, "Croesus") || !strcmpi(buf, "Kroisos") ||
            !strcmpi(buf, "Creosote")) {
            if (!mvitals[PM_CROESUS].died) {
                verbalize("Oh, yes, of course.  Sorry to have disturbed you.");
            } else {
                verbalize("Back from the dead, are you?  I'll remedy that!");
                /* don't want guard to waste next turn wielding a weapon */
                if (!MON_WEP(guard)) {
                    guard->weapon_check = NEED_HTH_WEAPON;
        verbalize("I don't know you.");
        umoney = money_cnt(invent);
        if (!umoney && !hidden_gold())
            verbalize("Please follow me.");
        else {
            if (!umoney)
                verbalize("You have hidden money.");
            verbalize("Most likely all your money was stolen from this vault.");
            verbalize("Please drop that money and follow me.");

        EGD(guard)->gdx = gx;
        EGD(guard)->gdy = gy;
        EGD(guard)->fcbeg = 0;
        EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].fx = x;
        EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].fy = y;
        if (IS_WALL(level->locations[x][y].typ))
            EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = level->locations[x][y].typ;
        else {  /* the initial guard location is a dug door */
            int vlt = EGD(guard)->vroom;
            xchar lowx = level->rooms[vlt].lx, hix = level->rooms[vlt].hx;
            xchar lowy = level->rooms[vlt].ly, hiy = level->rooms[vlt].hy;

            if (x == lowx - 1 && y == lowy - 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = TLCORNER;
            else if (x == hix + 1 && y == lowy - 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = TRCORNER;
            else if (x == lowx - 1 && y == hiy + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = BLCORNER;
            else if (x == hix + 1 && y == hiy + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = BRCORNER;
            else if (y == lowy - 1 || y == hiy + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = HWALL;
            else if (x == lowx - 1 || x == hix + 1)
                EGD(guard)->fakecorr[0].ftyp = VWALL;
        level->locations[x][y].typ = DOOR;
        level->locations[x][y].doormask = D_NODOOR;
        unblock_point(x, y);    /* doesn't block light */
        EGD(guard)->fcend = 1;
        EGD(guard)->warncnt = 1;