static int lua_ZipExtract(lua_State *L) { int argc = lua_gettop(L); if(argc != 2 && argc != 3) return luaL_error(L, "Argument error: ZIP.extract(zip, dirto, [password]) takes two or three arguments."); const char *password; const char *filetoextract = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); mkdir("ms0:/tempLPP", 0777); CopiaFile(filetoextract,"ms0:/tempLPP/"); Zip *handle = ZipOpen("ms0:/tempLPP/"); if(argc == 3) password = luaL_checkstring(L, 3); else password = NULL; int result = ZipExtract(handle, password); ZipClose(handle); const char *dir = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); sceIoMvdir("ms0:/tempLPP",dir); char ziptemp[256]; sprintf(ziptemp,"%s/",dir); remove(ziptemp); lua_pushboolean(L, result); return 1; }
BOOL ZWZipExtract(LPCTSTR lpszSourceFile, LPCTSTR lpszDestFolder) { return ZipExtract(lpszSourceFile, lpszDestFolder); }
bool CExtInstaller::InstallCRX() { tstring crxPath = m_CurrentDir+_T("/") + SAMPLE_CRX_PATH; HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile(crxPath.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); SHOW_LOG( _T("CExtInstaller::InstallCRX CreateFile [ERROR CODE]%d\n"), dwError); return false; } ULARGE_INTEGER liFileSize; liFileSize.QuadPart = 0; liFileSize.LowPart = ::GetFileSize(hFile, &liFileSize.HighPart); if( liFileSize.LowPart > CHROME_CRX_HEADER_LEN + 2/*PK header len */) { byte* byteOriginBuffer = new byte[liFileSize.LowPart],*byteBuffer = byteOriginBuffer; DWORD dwReadSize = 0; byteBuffer = (byte*)((size_t)byteBuffer+CHROME_CRX_HEADER_LEN); BOOL bRet = ::ReadFile(hFile,(LPVOID)byteOriginBuffer,liFileSize.LowPart,&dwReadSize,NULL); if( 'P' == *(char*)((size_t)byteBuffer+1) && 'K' == *(char*)((size_t)byteBuffer+2) ) { int writeLen = liFileSize.LowPart - CHROME_CRX_HEADER_LEN; DWORD outwriteLen = 0; tstring tmpZipPath = m_CurrentDir+_T("/") + TMP_CRX_ZIP_PATH; HANDLE houtZipFile = ::CreateFile(tmpZipPath.c_str(), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); WriteFile(houtZipFile, (LPVOID)byteBuffer, writeLen, &outwriteLen, NULL); CloseHandle(houtZipFile); HANDLE hZipFile = CreateZip(tmpZipPath.c_str(),false); tstring extractPath = GetChromeExtPath(CHROME_SAMPLE_CRX_ID_W, CHROME_SAMPLE_CRX_VER); CreateDeepDirectory(extractPath.c_str(), NULL); if( false == ZipExtract(hZipFile, extractPath.c_str())) { SHOW_LOG( " CExtInstaller::InstallCRX extractFile error:%d\n",GetLastError()); } CloseZip(hZipFile,false); DeleteFile(tmpZipPath.c_str()); } else return false; if( NULL != byteOriginBuffer) { delete [] byteOriginBuffer; } } CloseHandle(hFile); return true;
bool installTTP(char* path, u8 mediatype) { // Install a TTP file. (needs libzip and installCIA) Result res; FS_Archive archive = {ARCHIVE_SDMC, {PATH_EMPTY, 0, 0}}; FSUSER_OpenArchive(&archive); FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias")); FSUSER_CreateDirectory(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias"), 0); FILE* ttp = fopen(path, "rb"); FILE* tmp = fopen("/tmp/cias/ttp.tmp", "wb"); u32 titlesAmount; AM_GetTitleCount(mediatype, &titlesAmount); u64* titleIDs = malloc(sizeof(u64) * titlesAmount); AM_GetTitleIdList(mediatype, titlesAmount, titleIDs); u32 size; fseek(ttp, 0x19, SEEK_SET); fread(&size, 0x4, 1, ttp); fseek(ttp, 0x1D, SEEK_SET); u32 blockAmount = size / 0x160000; // Finds how many blocks of 4MB you have in the file u32 i; char* block = malloc(0x160000); for (i = 0; i < blockAmount; i++) { fread(block, 1, 0x160000, ttp); fwrite(block, 1, 0x160000, tmp); } if (size % 0x160000 != 0) { fread(block, 1, size-0x160000*blockAmount, ttp); fwrite(block, 1, size-0x160000*blockAmount, tmp); } free(block); fclose(ttp); fclose(tmp); FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias")); FSUSER_CreateDirectory(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias"), 0); Zip *zipHandle = ZipOpen("/tmp/cias/ttp.tmp"); ZipExtract(zipHandle, NULL); ZipClose(zipHandle); Handle ciaDir; FS_Archive fsarchive; u32 actualAmount; FS_DirectoryEntry* entries; FSUSER_DeleteFile(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias/ttp.tmp")); res = FSUSER_OpenDirectory(&ciaDir, fsarchive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias")); if (res != 0) { free(titleIDs); return false; } entries = malloc(256 * sizeof(FS_DirectoryEntry)); res = FSDIR_Read(ciaDir, &actualAmount, 256, entries); if (res != 0) { free(titleIDs); return false; } char* ciaPath; Handle ciaFileHandle; AM_TitleEntry ciaInfo; for (i = 0; i < actualAmount; i++) { ciaPath = malloc(14 + strlen(entries[i].shortName)); strcpy(ciaPath, "/tmp/cias/"); strcat(ciaPath, entries[i].shortName); strcat(ciaPath, ".cia"); FSUSER_OpenFile(&ciaFileHandle, archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, ciaPath), FS_OPEN_READ, 0); AM_GetCiaFileInfo(mediatype, &ciaInfo, ciaFileHandle); FSFILE_Close(ciaFileHandle); if (ciaInfo.titleID == 0x0004013800000002LL || ciaInfo.titleID == 0x0004013820000002LL) { if (!installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName)) if (!installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName)) // Tries to install the CIA 3 times then give up. If it has to give up, that probably means brick. if (!installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName)) return false; break; } free(ciaPath); } for (i = 0; i < actualAmount; i++) { ciaPath = malloc(14 + strlen(entries[i].shortName)); strcpy(ciaPath, "/tmp/cias/"); strcat(ciaPath, entries[i].shortName); strcat(ciaPath, ".cia"); if (!installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName)) if (!installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName)) // Tries to install the CIA 3 times then give up. If it has to give up, that probably means brick. installCIA(ciaPath, mediatype, titleIDs, entries[i].shortName); free(ciaPath); } FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively(archive, fsMakePath(PATH_ASCII, "/tmp/cias")); FSUSER_CloseArchive(&archive); free(titleIDs); return true; }