Ejemplo n.º 1
void CGameObject::spawn_supplies()
	if (!spawn_ini() || ai().get_alife())

	if (!spawn_ini()->section_exist("spawn"))

	LPCSTR					N,V;
	float					p;
	bool bScope				=	false;
	bool bSilencer			=	false;
	bool bLauncher			=	false;

	for (u32 k = 0, j; spawn_ini()->r_line("spawn",k,&N,&V); k++) {
		VERIFY				(xr_strlen(N));
		j					= 1;
		p					= 1.f;
		float f_cond						= 1.0f;
		if (V && xr_strlen(V)) {
			int				n = _GetItemCount(V);
			string16		temp;
			if (n > 0)
				j			= atoi(_GetItem(V,0,temp)); //count
				p			=(float)atof(strstr(V,"prob=")+5);
			if (fis_zero(p))p = 1.f;
			if (!j)	j		= 1;
				f_cond		= (float)atof(strstr(V,"cond=")+5);
			bScope			=	(NULL!=strstr(V,"scope"));
			bSilencer		=	(NULL!=strstr(V,"silencer"));
			bLauncher		=	(NULL!=strstr(V,"launcher"));

		for (u32 i=0; i<j; ++i)
			if (::Random.randF(1.f) < p){
				CSE_Abstract* A=Level().spawn_item	(N,Position(),ai_location().level_vertex_id(),ID(),true);

				CSE_ALifeInventoryItem*	pSE_InventoryItem = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeInventoryItem*>(A);
						pSE_InventoryItem->m_fCondition = f_cond;

				CSE_ALifeItemWeapon* W =  smart_cast<CSE_ALifeItemWeapon*>(A);
				if (W) {
					if (W->m_scope_status			== ALife::eAddonAttachable)
						W->m_addon_flags.set(CSE_ALifeItemWeapon::eWeaponAddonScope, bScope);
					if (W->m_silencer_status		== ALife::eAddonAttachable)
						W->m_addon_flags.set(CSE_ALifeItemWeapon::eWeaponAddonSilencer, bSilencer);
					if (W->m_grenade_launcher_status == ALife::eAddonAttachable)
						W->m_addon_flags.set(CSE_ALifeItemWeapon::eWeaponAddonGrenadeLauncher, bLauncher);

				NET_Packet					P;
				A->Spawn_Write				(P,TRUE);
				Level().Send				(P,net_flags(TRUE));
				F_entity_Destroy			(A);
Ejemplo n.º 2
u32 _ParseItem(LPSTR src, int ind, xr_token* token_list)
    char dst[128];
    _GetItem(src, ind, dst);
    return _ParseItem(dst, token_list);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void parse_anim_params(LPCSTR val, SAAParam &anim)
    string16			cur_elem;

    _GetItem	(val,0,cur_elem);
    anim.time			= float(atof(cur_elem));
    _GetItem	(val,1,cur_elem);
    anim.hit_power		= float(atof(cur_elem));
    _GetItem	(val,2,cur_elem);
    anim.impulse		= float(atof(cur_elem));
    _GetItem	(val,3,cur_elem);
    anim.impulse_dir.x	= float(atof(cur_elem));
    _GetItem	(val,4,cur_elem);
    anim.impulse_dir.y	= float(atof(cur_elem));
    _GetItem	(val,5,cur_elem);
    anim.impulse_dir.z	= float(atof(cur_elem));
    _GetItem	(val,6,cur_elem);
    anim.foh.from_yaw	= float(atof(cur_elem));
    _GetItem	(val,7,cur_elem);
    anim.foh.to_yaw		= float(atof(cur_elem));
    _GetItem	(val,8,cur_elem);
    anim.foh.from_pitch	= float(atof(cur_elem));
    _GetItem	(val,9,cur_elem);
    anim.foh.to_pitch	= float(atof(cur_elem));
    _GetItem	(val,10,cur_elem);
    anim.dist			= float(atof(cur_elem));


    float clamp_val = PI_DIV_2 - EPS_L;
    clamp(anim.foh.from_yaw,	-clamp_val, clamp_val);
    clamp(anim.foh.to_yaw,		-clamp_val, clamp_val);
    clamp(anim.foh.from_pitch,	-clamp_val, clamp_val);
    clamp(anim.foh.to_pitch,	-clamp_val, clamp_val);

Ejemplo n.º 4
void	CInifileEx::Load(IReader* F, LPCSTR path)
	Sect		*Current = 0;
	string4096	str;
	string4096	str2;

	while (!F->eof())
		F->r_string		(str,sizeof(str));
		_Trim			(str);
		LPSTR comm		= strchr(str,';');
		LPSTR comm_1	= strchr(str,'/');
		if(comm_1 && (*(comm_1+1)=='/') && ((!comm) || (comm && (comm_1<comm) )) )
			comm = comm_1;

#ifdef DEBUG
		LPSTR comment	= 0;
		if (comm) 
			char quot = '"';
			bool in_quot = false;
			LPCSTR q1		= strchr(str,quot);
			if(q1 && q1<comm)
				LPCSTR q2 = strchr(++q1,quot);
				if(q2 && q2>comm)
					in_quot = true;

				*comm		= 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
			comment		= comm+1;

        if (str[0] && (str[0]=='#') && strstr(str,"#include")) //handle includes
        	string_path		inc_name;	
			R_ASSERT		(path&&path[0]);
        	if (_GetItem	(str,1,inc_name,'"'))
            	string_path	fn,inc_path,folder;
                strconcat	(sizeof(fn),fn,path,inc_name);
				_splitpath	(fn,inc_path,folder, 0, 0 );
				strcat		(inc_path,folder);
            	IReader* I 	= FS.r_open(fn); R_ASSERT3(I,"Can't find include file:", inc_name);
            	Load		(I,inc_path);
                FS.r_close	(I);
		else if (str[0] && (str[0]=='[')) //new section ?
			// insert previous filled section
			if (Current)
				//store previous section
				RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
				if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
					Debug.fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Duplicate section '%s' found.",*Current->Name);
				DATA.insert		(I,Current);
			Current				= xr_new<Sect>();
			Current->Name		= 0;
			// start new section
			R_ASSERT3(strchr(str,']'),"Bad ini section found: ",str);
			LPCSTR inherited_names = strstr(str,"]:");
			if (0!=inherited_names)
				VERIFY2				(m_flags.test(eReadOnly),"Allow for readonly mode only.");
				inherited_names		+= 2;
				int cnt				= _GetItemCount(inherited_names);
				for (int k=0; k<cnt; ++k)
					xr_string	tmp;
					_GetItem	(inherited_names,k,tmp);
#ifdef DEBUG
					Sect& inherited_section = r_section(tmp.c_str());
					for (SectIt_ it =inherited_section.Data.begin(); it!=inherited_section.Data.end(); it++)
						insert_item	(Current,*it);
			*strchr(str,']') 	= 0;
			Current->Name 		= strlwr(str+1);
		else // name = value
			if (Current)
				string4096			value_raw;
				char*		name	= str;
				char*		t		= strchr(name,'=');
				if (t)		
					*t				= 0;
					_Trim			(name);
					strcpy_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw), t);
					bInsideSTR		= _parse(str2, value_raw);
					if(bInsideSTR)//multiline str value
							strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),"\r\n");
							string4096		str_add_raw;
							F->r_string		(str_add_raw, sizeof(str_add_raw));
							R_ASSERT2		(
								xr_strlen(value_raw) + xr_strlen(str_add_raw) < sizeof(value_raw),
									"Incorrect inifile format: section[%s], variable[%s]. Odd number of quotes (\") found, but should be even.",
							strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),str_add_raw);
							bInsideSTR		= _parse(str2, value_raw);
                            	if( is_empty_line_now(F) )
									strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),"\r\n");
				} else 
					_Trim	(name);
					str2[0]	= 0;

				Item		I;
				I.first		= (name[0]?name:NULL);
				I.second	= (str2[0]?str2:NULL);
#ifdef DEBUG
				I.comment	= m_flags.test(eReadOnly)? comment : 0;//:comment;

				if (m_flags.test(eReadOnly)) 
					if (*I.first)							insert_item	(Current,I);
				} else 
					if	(
							|| *I.second 
#ifdef DEBUG
							|| *I.comment
						insert_item	(Current,I);
	if (Current)
		RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
		if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
			Debug.fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Duplicate section '%s' found.",*Current->Name);
		DATA.insert		(I,Current);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CSpaceRestriction::merge_free_in_retrictions	()
	START_PROFILE("Restricted Object/Merge Free In");
	string256								temp;
	for (u32 i=0, n=_GetItemCount(*m_in_restrictions); i<n ;++i) {
		SpaceRestrictionHolder::CBaseRestrictionPtr bridge = m_space_restriction_manager->restriction(shared_str(_GetItem(*m_in_restrictions,i,temp)));
		m_free_in_restrictions.push_back	(CFreeInRestriction(bridge,false));

	RESTRICTIONS					temp_restrictions;
	for (bool ok = false; !ok; ) {
		ok							= true;
		temp_restrictions.clear		();
		FREE_IN_RESTRICTIONS::iterator	I = m_free_in_restrictions.begin(), J;
		FREE_IN_RESTRICTIONS::iterator	E = m_free_in_restrictions.end();
		for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
			for (J = I + 1; J != E; ++J)
				if (intersects((*I).m_restriction,(*J).m_restriction))
					temp_restrictions.push_back	((*J).m_restriction);

			if (!temp_restrictions.empty()) {
				J					= remove_if(m_free_in_restrictions.begin(),m_free_in_restrictions.end(),CRemoveMergedFreeInRestrictions(temp_restrictions));
				m_free_in_restrictions.erase	(J,m_free_in_restrictions.end());
				(*I).m_restriction	= merge((*I).m_restriction,temp_restrictions);
				ok					= false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Retrieve item at specified slot; returns false if item not found
ItemInst* Inventory::GetItem(int16 slot_id) const
	ItemInst* result = nullptr;

	// Cursor
	if (slot_id == SLOT_CURSOR) {
		// Cursor slot
		result = m_cursor.peek_front();

	// Non bag slots
	else if (slot_id>=3000 && slot_id<=3007) {
		// Trade slots
		result = _GetItem(m_trade, slot_id);
	else if (slot_id>=2500 && slot_id<=2501) {
		// Shared Bank slots
		result = _GetItem(m_shbank, slot_id);
	else if (slot_id>=2000 && slot_id<=2023) {
		// Bank slots
		result = _GetItem(m_bank, slot_id);
	else if ((slot_id>=22 && slot_id<=29)) {
		// Personal inventory slots
		result = _GetItem(m_inv, slot_id);
	else if ((slot_id>=0 && slot_id<=21) || (slot_id >= 400 && slot_id<=404) || (slot_id == 9999)) {
		// Equippable slots (on body)
		result = _GetItem(m_worn, slot_id);

	// Inner bag slots
	else if (slot_id>=3031 && slot_id<=3110) {
		// Trade bag slots
		ItemInst* inst = _GetItem(m_trade, Inventory::CalcSlotId(slot_id));
		if (inst && inst->IsType(ItemClassContainer)) {
			result = inst->GetItem(Inventory::CalcBagIdx(slot_id));
	else if (slot_id>=2531 && slot_id<=2550) {
		// Shared Bank bag slots
		ItemInst* inst = _GetItem(m_shbank, Inventory::CalcSlotId(slot_id));
		if (inst && inst->IsType(ItemClassContainer)) {
			result = inst->GetItem(Inventory::CalcBagIdx(slot_id));
	else if (slot_id>=2031 && slot_id<=2270) {
		// Bank bag slots
		ItemInst* inst = _GetItem(m_bank, Inventory::CalcSlotId(slot_id));
		if (inst && inst->IsType(ItemClassContainer)) {
			result = inst->GetItem(Inventory::CalcBagIdx(slot_id));
	else if (slot_id>=331 && slot_id<=340) {
		// Cursor bag slots
		ItemInst* inst = m_cursor.peek_front();
		if (inst && inst->IsType(ItemClassContainer)) {
			result = inst->GetItem(Inventory::CalcBagIdx(slot_id));
	else if (slot_id>=251 && slot_id<=330) {
		// Personal inventory bag slots
		ItemInst* inst = _GetItem(m_inv, Inventory::CalcSlotId(slot_id));
		if (inst && inst->IsType(ItemClassContainer)) {
			result = inst->GetItem(Inventory::CalcBagIdx(slot_id));

	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void show_restriction				(const shared_str &restrictions)
	string256						temp;
	for (int i=0, n=_GetItemCount(*restrictions); i<n; ++i)
		Msg							("     %s",_GetItem(*restrictions,i,temp));
void CSpaceRestrictionComposition::initialize	()
	u32							n = _GetItemCount(*m_space_restrictors);
	VERIFY						(n);
	if (n == 1) {
#ifdef DEBUG		
		m_correct				= true;
		check_restrictor_type	();

	string256					element;

	for (u32 i=0; i<n ;++i)
		if (!m_space_restriction_holder->restriction(_GetItem(*m_space_restrictors,i,element))->initialized())

	Fsphere						*spheres = (Fsphere*)_alloca(n*sizeof(Fsphere));
	for (u32 i=0; i<n ;++i) {
		SpaceRestrictionHolder::CBaseRestrictionPtr	restriction = 

		merge					(restriction);

		spheres[i]				= restriction->sphere();

	// computing almost minimum sphere which covers all the almost minimum spheres
	Fbox3						temp;
	temp.min.x					= spheres[0].P.x - spheres[0].R;
	temp.min.y					= spheres[0].P.y - spheres[0].R;
	temp.min.z					= spheres[0].P.z - spheres[0].R;
	temp.max.x					= spheres[0].P.x + spheres[0].R;
	temp.max.y					= spheres[0].P.y + spheres[0].R;
	temp.max.z					= spheres[0].P.z + spheres[0].R;

	for (u32 i=1; i<n; ++i) {
		temp.min.x				= _min(temp.min.x,spheres[i].P.x - spheres[i].R);
		temp.min.y				= _min(temp.min.y,spheres[i].P.y - spheres[i].R);
		temp.min.z				= _min(temp.min.z,spheres[i].P.z - spheres[i].R);
		temp.max.x				= _max(temp.max.x,spheres[i].P.x + spheres[i].R);
		temp.max.y				= _max(temp.max.y,spheres[i].P.y + spheres[i].R);
		temp.max.z				= _max(temp.max.z,spheres[i].P.z + spheres[i].R);

	m_sphere.P.mad				(temp.min,temp.max,.5f);
	m_sphere.R					= m_sphere.P.distance_to(spheres[0].P) + spheres[0].R;

	for (u32 i=1; i<n ;++i)
		m_sphere.R				= _max(m_sphere.R,m_sphere.P.distance_to(spheres[i].P) + spheres[i].R);

	m_sphere.R					+= EPS_L;

	m_initialized				= true;

	m_border.erase				(

	process_borders				();

#ifdef DEBUG
	test_correctness			();
Ejemplo n.º 9
void CKinematicsAnimated::Load(const char* N, IReader *data, u32 dwFlags)
	inherited::Load	(N, data, dwFlags);

	// Globals
	blend_instances		= NULL;
    m_Partition			= NULL;
	Update_LastTime 	= 0;

	// Load animation
    if (data->find_chunk(OGF_S_MOTION_REFS)){
    	string_path		items_nm;
        data->r_stringZ	(items_nm,sizeof(items_nm));
        u32 set_cnt		= _GetItemCount(items_nm);
        R_ASSERT		(set_cnt<MAX_ANIM_SLOT);
    	string_path		nm;
        for (u32 k=0; k<set_cnt; k++){
        	_GetItem	(items_nm,k,nm);
            strcat		(nm,".omf");
            string_path	fn;
            if (!FS.exist(fn, "$level$", nm)){
                if (!FS.exist(fn, "$game_meshes$", nm)){
#ifdef _EDITOR
                    Msg			("!Can't find motion file '%s'.",nm);
                    Debug.fatal	(DEBUG_INFO,"Can't find motion file '%s'.",nm);
            // Check compatibility
            m_Motions.push_back				(SMotionsSlot());
            if( !g_pMotionsContainer->has(nm) ) //optimize fs operations
				IReader* MS						= FS.r_open(fn);
				m_Motions.back().motions.create	(nm,MS,bones);
				FS.r_close						(MS);
			m_Motions.back().motions.create	(nm,NULL,bones);
		string_path	nm;
		strconcat			(sizeof(nm),nm,N,".ogf");

    R_ASSERT				(m_Motions.size());

    m_Partition				= m_Motions[0].motions.partition();
	// initialize motions
	for (MotionsSlotVecIt m_it=m_Motions.begin(); m_it!=m_Motions.end(); m_it++){
		SMotionsSlot& MS	= *m_it;
		for (u32 i=0; i<bones->size(); i++){
			CBoneData* BD		= (*bones)[i];
			MS.bone_motions[i]	= MS.motions.bone_motions(BD->name);

	// Init blend pool
	IBlend_Startup	();

//.	if (motions.cycle()->size()<2)			
//.		Msg("* WARNING: model '%s' has only one motion. Candidate for SkeletonRigid???",N);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void CWeaponMagazined::Load	(LPCSTR section)
	inherited::Load		(section);
	// Sounds
	HUD_SOUND::LoadSound(section,"snd_draw"		, sndShow		, m_eSoundShow		);
	HUD_SOUND::LoadSound(section,"snd_holster"	, sndHide		, m_eSoundHide		);
	HUD_SOUND::LoadSound(section,"snd_shoot"	, sndShot		, m_eSoundShot		);
	HUD_SOUND::LoadSound(section,"snd_empty"	, sndEmptyClick	, m_eSoundEmptyClick	);
	HUD_SOUND::LoadSound(section,"snd_reload"	, sndReload		, m_eSoundReload		);
	m_pSndShotCurrent = &sndShot;
	// HUD :: Anims
	R_ASSERT			(m_pHUD);
	animGet				(mhud.mhud_idle,		pSettings->r_string(*hud_sect, "anim_idle"));
	animGet				(mhud.mhud_reload,	pSettings->r_string(*hud_sect, "anim_reload"));
	animGet				(mhud.mhud_show,		pSettings->r_string(*hud_sect, "anim_draw"));
	animGet				(mhud.mhud_hide,		pSettings->r_string(*hud_sect, "anim_holster"));
	animGet				(mhud.mhud_shots,	pSettings->r_string(*hud_sect, "anim_shoot"));

		animGet				(mhud.mhud_idle_sprint,	pSettings->r_string(*hud_sect, "anim_idle_sprint"));

		animGet				(mhud.mhud_idle_aim,		pSettings->r_string(*hud_sect, "anim_idle_aim"));

	//звуки и партиклы глушителя, еслит такой есть
	if(m_eSilencerStatus == ALife::eAddonAttachable)
		if(pSettings->line_exist(section, "silencer_flame_particles"))
			m_sSilencerFlameParticles = pSettings->r_string(section, "silencer_flame_particles");
		if(pSettings->line_exist(section, "silencer_smoke_particles"))
			m_sSilencerSmokeParticles = pSettings->r_string(section, "silencer_smoke_particles");
		HUD_SOUND::LoadSound(section,"snd_silncer_shot", sndSilencerShot, m_eSoundShot);
	//  [7/20/2005]
	if (pSettings->line_exist(section, "dispersion_start"))
		m_iShootEffectorStart = pSettings->r_u8(section, "dispersion_start");
		m_iShootEffectorStart = 0;
	//  [7/20/2005]
	//  [7/21/2005]
	if (pSettings->line_exist(section, "fire_modes"))
		m_bHasDifferentFireModes = true;
		shared_str FireModesList = pSettings->r_string(section, "fire_modes");
		int ModesCount = _GetItemCount(FireModesList.c_str());
		for (int i=0; i<ModesCount; i++)
			string16 sItem;
			_GetItem(FireModesList.c_str(), i, sItem);
			int FireMode = atoi(sItem);
		m_iCurFireMode = ModesCount - 1;
		m_iPrefferedFireMode = READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings, r_s16,section,"preffered_fire_mode",-1);
		m_bHasDifferentFireModes = false;
	//  [7/21/2005]
Ejemplo n.º 11
void CSE_ALifeAnomalousZone::spawn_artefacts				()
	VERIFY2					(!m_bOnline,"Cannot spawn artefacts in online!");

	float					m_min_start_power	= pSettings->r_float(name(),"min_start_power");
	float					m_max_start_power	= pSettings->r_float(name(),"max_start_power");
	u32						m_min_artefact_count= pSettings->r_u32	(name(),"min_artefact_count");;
	u32						m_max_artefact_count= pSettings->r_u32	(name(),"max_artefact_count");;
    u32						m_artefact_count;

	if (m_min_artefact_count == m_max_artefact_count)
		m_artefact_count	= m_min_artefact_count;
		m_artefact_count	= randI(m_min_artefact_count,m_max_artefact_count);

	if (m_min_start_power == m_max_start_power)
		m_maxPower			= m_min_start_power;
		m_maxPower			= randF(m_min_start_power,m_max_start_power);

	LPCSTR					artefacts = pSettings->r_string(name(),"artefacts");
	u32						n = _GetItemCount(artefacts);
	VERIFY2					(!(n % 2),"Invalid parameters count in line artefacts for anomalous zone");
	n						>>= 1;
	typedef std::pair<shared_str,float>	ARTEFACT_PAIR;

	string256				temp0, temp1;
	ARTEFACT_PAIR			*m_weights = (ARTEFACT_PAIR*)_alloca(n*sizeof(ARTEFACT_PAIR));
	ARTEFACT_PAIR			*I = m_weights;
	ARTEFACT_PAIR			*E = m_weights + n;
	for (u32 i = 0; I != E; ++I, ++i) {
		_GetItem			(artefacts,2*i,temp0);
		_GetItem			(artefacts,2*i + 1,temp1);
		new					(I) ARTEFACT_PAIR(temp0,(float)atof(temp1));

	for (u32 ii=0; ii<m_artefact_count; ++ii) {
		float fProbability		= randF(1.f);
		float fSum				= 0.f;
		for (u16 p=0; p<n; ++p) {
			fSum			+= m_weights[p].second;
			if (fSum > fProbability)
		if (p < n) {
			CSE_Abstract		*l_tpSE_Abstract = alife().spawn_item(*m_weights[p].first,position(),m_tNodeID,m_tGraphID,0xffff);
			R_ASSERT3			(l_tpSE_Abstract,"Can't spawn artefact ",*m_weights[p].first);
			CSE_ALifeDynamicObject	*i = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeDynamicObject*>(l_tpSE_Abstract);
			R_ASSERT2			(i,"Non-ALife object in the 'game.spawn'");

			i->m_tSpawnID		= m_tSpawnID;
			i->m_bALifeControl	= true;

			Fvector				t = i->o_Position	;
			u32					p = i->m_tNodeID	;
			float				q = i->m_fDistance	;
			i->o_Position		= t;
			i->m_tNodeID		= p;
			i->m_fDistance		= q;

			CSE_ALifeItemArtefact *l_tpALifeItemArtefact = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeItemArtefact*>(i);
			R_ASSERT2		(l_tpALifeItemArtefact,"Anomalous zone can't generate non-artefact objects since they don't have an 'anomaly property'!");

			l_tpALifeItemArtefact->m_fAnomalyValue = m_maxPower*(1.f - i->o_Position.distance_to(o_Position)/m_offline_interactive_radius);

	for (I = m_weights; I != E; ++I)
Ejemplo n.º 12
void	CInifile::Load(IReader* F, LPCSTR path)
	Sect		*Current = 0;
	string4096	str;
	string4096	str2;

	while (!F->eof())
		F->r_string		(str,sizeof(str));
		_Trim			(str);
		LPSTR semi	= strchr(str,';');
		LPSTR semi_1	= strchr(str,'/');
		if(semi_1 && (*(semi_1+1)=='/') && ((!semi) || (semi && (semi_1<semi) )) ){
			semi = semi_1;

#ifdef DEBUG
		LPSTR comment	= 0;
		if (semi) {
			*semi		= 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
			comment		= semi+1;

        if (str[0] && (str[0]=='#') && strstr(str,"#include")){
        	string64	inc_name;	
			R_ASSERT	(path&&path[0]);
        	if (_GetItem	(str,1,inc_name,'"')){
            	string_path	fn,inc_path,folder;
                strconcat	(sizeof(fn),fn,path,inc_name);
				_splitpath	(fn,inc_path,folder, 0, 0 );
				strcat		(inc_path,folder);
            	IReader* I 	= FS.r_open(fn); R_ASSERT3(I,"Can't find include file:", inc_name);
            	Load		(I,inc_path);
                FS.r_close	(I);
        }else if (str[0] && (str[0]=='[')){
			// insert previous filled section
			if (Current){
				RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
				if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
					Debug.fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Duplicate section '%s' found.",*Current->Name);
				DATA.insert		(I,Current);
			Current				= xr_new<Sect>();
			Current->Name		= 0;
			// start new section
			R_ASSERT3(strchr(str,']'),"Bad ini section found: ",str);
			LPCSTR inherited_names = strstr(str,"]:");
			if (0!=inherited_names){
				VERIFY2			(bReadOnly,"Allow for readonly mode only.");
				inherited_names	+= 2;
				int cnt			= _GetItemCount(inherited_names);
				for (int k=0; k<cnt; ++k){
					xr_string	tmp;
					_GetItem	(inherited_names,k,tmp);
					Sect& inherited_section = r_section(tmp.c_str());
					for (SectIt_ it =inherited_section.Data.begin(); it!=inherited_section.Data.end(); it++)
						insert_item	(Current,*it);
			*strchr(str,']') 	= 0;
			Current->Name 		= strlwr(str+1);
		} else {
			if (Current){
				char*		name	= str;
				char*		t		= strchr(name,'=');
				if (t)		{
					*t		= 0;
					_Trim	(name);
					_parse	(str2,++t);
				} else {
					_Trim	(name);
					str2[0]	= 0;

				Item		I;
				I.first		= (name[0]?name:NULL);
				I.second	= (str2[0]?str2:NULL);
#ifdef DEBUG
				I.comment	= bReadOnly?0:comment;

				if (bReadOnly) {
					if (*I.first)							insert_item	(Current,I);
				} else {
					if	(
							|| *I.second 
#ifdef DEBUG
							|| *I.comment
						insert_item	(Current,I);
	if (Current)
		RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
		if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
			Debug.fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Duplicate section '%s' found.",*Current->Name);
		DATA.insert		(I,Current);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void CInventoryItem::Load(LPCSTR section) 
	CHitImmunity::LoadImmunities	(pSettings->r_string(section,"immunities_sect"),pSettings);

	ISpatial*			self				=	smart_cast<ISpatial*> (this);
	if (self)			self->spatial.type	|=	STYPE_VISIBLEFORAI;	

	m_name				= CStringTable().translate( pSettings->r_string(section, "inv_name") );
	m_nameShort			= CStringTable().translate( pSettings->r_string(section, "inv_name_short"));

//.	NameComplex			();
	m_weight			= pSettings->r_float(section, "inv_weight");
	R_ASSERT			(m_weight>=0.f);

	m_cost				= pSettings->r_u32(section, "cost");

	const	char	*str = READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings, r_string, section, "slot", "");
	if (*str)
		char	buf[16];
		const	int		count = _GetItemCount(str);
		if (count)
			m_slots.clear(); // full override!

		for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
			SLOT_ID slot = atoi(_GetItem(str, i, buf) ); 
			// вместо std::find(m_slots.begin(), m_slots.end(), slot) == m_slots.end() используется !IsPlaceable
			if (slot < SLOTS_TOTAL && !IsPlaceable(slot, slot))
		//init selected slots первым же слотом
		selected_slot = 0;
	// alpet: разрешение некоторым объектам попадать в слоты быстрого доступа независимо от настроек
	if ( smart_cast<CEatableItem*>(&object()) &&
		 GetGridWidth () <= SLOT_QUICK_CELLS_X && 
		 GetGridHeight() <= SLOT_QUICK_CELLS_Y) 
	m_slot				= READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings,r_u32,section,"slot", NO_ACTIVE_SLOT);

	// Description
	if ( pSettings->line_exist(section, "description") )
		m_Description = CStringTable().translate( pSettings->r_string(section, "description") );

	m_flags.set(Fbelt,			READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings, r_bool, section, "belt",				FALSE));
	m_flags.set(FRuckDefault,	READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings, r_bool, section, "default_to_ruck",	TRUE));

	m_flags.set(FCanTake,		READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings, r_bool, section, "can_take",			TRUE));
	m_flags.set(FCanTrade,		READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings, r_bool, section, "can_trade",			TRUE));
	m_flags.set(FIsQuestItem,	READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings, r_bool, section, "quest_item",		FALSE));

	//время убирания объекта с уровня
	m_dwItemRemoveTime			= READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings, r_u32, section,"item_remove_time",			ITEM_REMOVE_TIME);

	m_flags.set					(FAllowSprint,READ_IF_EXISTS	(pSettings, r_bool, section,"sprint_allowed",			TRUE));
	m_fControlInertionFactor	= READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings, r_float,section,"control_inertion_factor",	1.0f);
	m_icon_name					= READ_IF_EXISTS(pSettings, r_string,section,"icon_name",				NULL);

Ejemplo n.º 14
bool CWeapon::install_upgrade_hit( LPCSTR section, bool test )
	bool result = false;

	shared_str	s_sHitPower;
	bool result2 = process_if_exists_set( section, "hit_power", &CInifile::r_string_wb, s_sHitPower, test );
	if ( result2 && !test )
		string32 buffer;
		fvHitPower[egdMaster] = (float)atof( _GetItem( *s_sHitPower, 0, buffer ) );
		fvHitPower[egdNovice] = fvHitPower[egdStalker] = fvHitPower[egdVeteran] = fvHitPower[egdMaster];

		int num_game_diff_param = _GetItemCount( *s_sHitPower );
		if ( num_game_diff_param > 1 ) { fvHitPower[egdVeteran]	= (float)atof( _GetItem( *s_sHitPower, 1, buffer ) ); }
		if ( num_game_diff_param > 2 ) { fvHitPower[egdStalker]	= (float)atof( _GetItem( *s_sHitPower, 2, buffer ) ); }
		if ( num_game_diff_param > 3 ) { fvHitPower[egdNovice]	= (float)atof( _GetItem( *s_sHitPower, 3, buffer ) ); }
	result |= result2;

	shared_str	s_sHitPowerCritical;
	result2 = process_if_exists_set( section, "hit_power_critical", &CInifile::r_string_wb, s_sHitPower, test );
	if ( result2 && !test )
		string32 buffer;
		fvHitPowerCritical[egdMaster] = (float)atof(_GetItem(*s_sHitPowerCritical,0,buffer));
		fvHitPowerCritical[egdNovice] = fvHitPowerCritical[egdStalker] = fvHitPowerCritical[egdVeteran] = fvHitPowerCritical[egdMaster];

		int num_game_diff_param = _GetItemCount(*s_sHitPowerCritical);
		if ( num_game_diff_param > 1 ) { fvHitPowerCritical[egdVeteran]	= (float)atof(_GetItem(*s_sHitPowerCritical,1,buffer)); }
		if ( num_game_diff_param > 2 ) { fvHitPowerCritical[egdStalker]	= (float)atof(_GetItem(*s_sHitPowerCritical,2,buffer)); }
		if ( num_game_diff_param > 3 ) { fvHitPowerCritical[egdNovice]	= (float)atof(_GetItem(*s_sHitPowerCritical,3,buffer)); }
	result |= result2;

	result |= process_if_exists( section, "hit_impulse",  &CInifile::r_float, fHitImpulse,         test );
	result |= process_if_exists( section, "bullet_speed", &CInifile::r_float, m_fStartBulletSpeed, test );

	silencer_hit_power           = 0.55, 0.55, 0.55, 0.55
	silencer_hit_impulse         = 120
	silencer_fire_distance       = 600
	silencer_bullet_speed        = 310

	result |= process_if_exists_set( section, "use_aim_bullet",  &CInifile::r_bool, m_bUseAimBullet, test );
	if ( m_bUseAimBullet ) // first super bullet
		result |= process_if_exists( section, "time_to_aim",  &CInifile::r_float, m_fTimeToAim, test );

	LPCSTR weapon_section = cNameSect().c_str(); 
	float rpm =	pSettings->r_float( weapon_section, "rpm" ); // fOneShotTime * 60.0f;
	result2 = process_if_exists( section, "rpm", &CInifile::r_float, rpm, test );
	if ( result2 && !test )
		VERIFY( rpm > 0.0f );
		fOneShotTime = 60.0f / rpm;
	result |= result2;

	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void CGameMtlLibrary::MtlNameToMtlPair		(LPCSTR name, int& mtl0, int& mtl1)
    string256 buf;
    SGameMtl* M0 	= GetMaterial(_GetItem(name,0,buf,','));	R_ASSERT(M0); 	mtl0=M0->GetID();
    SGameMtl* M1 	= GetMaterial(_GetItem(name,1,buf,','));	R_ASSERT(M1);	mtl1=M1->GetID();