BListView::BListView(BRect frame, const char* name, list_view_type type, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags) : BView(frame, name, resizingMode, flags) { _InitObject(type); }
BDecimalSpinner::BDecimalSpinner(BRect frame, const char* name, const char* label, BMessage* message, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags) : BAbstractSpinner(frame, name, label, message, resizingMode, flags) { _InitObject(); }
BListView::BListView(BMessage* archive) : BView(archive) { int32 listType; archive->FindInt32("_lv_type", &listType); _InitObject((list_view_type)listType); int32 i = 0; BMessage subData; while (archive->FindMessage("_l_items", i++, &subData) == B_OK) { BArchivable* object = instantiate_object(&subData); if (object == NULL) continue; BListItem* item = dynamic_cast<BListItem*>(object); if (item != NULL) AddItem(item); } if (archive->HasMessage("_msg")) { BMessage* invokationMessage = new BMessage; archive->FindMessage("_msg", invokationMessage); SetInvocationMessage(invokationMessage); } if (archive->HasMessage("_2nd_msg")) { BMessage* selectionMessage = new BMessage; archive->FindMessage("_2nd_msg", selectionMessage); SetSelectionMessage(selectionMessage); } }
BDecimalSpinner::BDecimalSpinner(const char* name, const char* label, BMessage* message, uint32 flags) : BAbstractSpinner(name, label, message, flags) { _InitObject(); }
BAbstractSpinner::BAbstractSpinner(const char* name, const char* label, BMessage* message, uint32 flags) : BControl(name, label, message, flags | B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS) { _InitObject(); }
BStatusBar::BStatusBar(BMessage *archive) : BView(archive) { _InitObject(); archive->FindString("_label", &fLabel); archive->FindString("_tlabel", &fTrailingLabel); archive->FindString("_text", &fText); archive->FindString("_ttext", &fTrailingText); float floatValue; if (archive->FindFloat("_high", &floatValue) == B_OK) { fBarHeight = floatValue; fCustomBarHeight = true; } int32 color; if (archive->FindInt32("_bcolor", (int32 *)&color) == B_OK) { fBarColor = *(rgb_color *)&color; fInternalFlags |= kCustomBarColor; } if (archive->FindFloat("_val", &floatValue) == B_OK) fCurrent = floatValue; if (archive->FindFloat("_max", &floatValue) == B_OK) fMax = floatValue; }
BSlider::BSlider(const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *message, int32 minValue, int32 maxValue, orientation posture, thumb_style thumbType, uint32 flags) : BControl(name, label, message, flags), fModificationMessage(NULL), fSnoozeAmount(20000), fMinLimitLabel(NULL), fMaxLimitLabel(NULL), fMinValue(minValue), fMaxValue(maxValue), fKeyIncrementValue(1), fHashMarkCount(0), fHashMarks(B_HASH_MARKS_NONE), fStyle(thumbType), fOrientation(posture), fBarThickness(6.0) { _InitBarColor(); _InitObject(); SetValue(0); }
BAlert::BAlert(const char *title, const char *text, const char *button1, const char *button2, const char *button3, button_width width, button_spacing spacing, alert_type type) : BWindow(DEFAULT_RECT, title, B_MODAL_WINDOW, B_NOT_CLOSABLE | B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS) { _InitObject(text, button1, button2, button3, width, spacing, type); }
BStatusBar::BStatusBar(BRect frame, const char *name, const char *label, const char *trailingLabel) : BView(frame, name, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW), fLabel(label), fTrailingLabel(trailingLabel) { _InitObject(); }
Spinner::Spinner(BRect frame, const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *msg, uint32 resize,uint32 flags) : BControl(frame,name,label,msg,resize,flags), fStep(1), fMin(0), fMax(100) { _InitObject(); }
BJobSetupPanel::BJobSetupPanel(BPrinter* printer, uint32 flags) : BPrintPanel("Print document") , fPrinter(printer) , fPrinterRoster(NULL) , fPrintRange(B_ALL_PAGES) , fJobPanelFlags(flags) { _InitObject(); _SetupInterface(); }
BBox::BBox(BRect frame, const char *name, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags, border_style border) : BView(frame, name, resizingMode, flags | B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS), fStyle(border) { SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); SetLowColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); _InitObject(); }
BStatusBar::BStatusBar(const char *name, const char *label, const char *trailingLabel) : BView(BRect(0, 0, -1, -1), name, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW | B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT), fLabel(label), fTrailingLabel(trailingLabel) { _InitObject(); }
Spinner::Spinner(BMessage *data) : BControl(data) { if (data->FindInt32("_min",&fMin) != B_OK) fMin = 0; if (data->FindInt32("_max",&fMax) != B_OK) fMin = 100; if (data->FindInt32("_step",&fStep) != B_OK) fMin = 1; _InitObject(); }
BBox::BBox(border_style border, BView* child) : BView(NULL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP), fStyle(border) { SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); SetLowColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); _InitObject(); if (child) AddChild(child); }
BBox::BBox(const char* name, uint32 flags, border_style border, BView* child) : BView(name, flags | B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS), fStyle(border) { SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); SetLowColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); _InitObject(); if (child) AddChild(child); }
BAbstractSpinner::BAbstractSpinner(BMessage* data) : BControl(data), fButtonStyle(SPINNER_BUTTON_PLUS_MINUS) { _InitObject(); if (data->FindInt32("_align") != B_OK) fAlignment = B_ALIGN_LEFT; if (data->FindInt32("_button_style") != B_OK) fButtonStyle = SPINNER_BUTTON_PLUS_MINUS; if (data->FindInt32("_divider") != B_OK) fDivider = 0.0f; }
BDecimalSpinner::BDecimalSpinner(BMessage* data) : BAbstractSpinner(data) { _InitObject(); if (data->FindDouble("_max", &fMaxValue) != B_OK) fMinValue = 100.0; if (data->FindDouble("_min", &fMinValue) != B_OK) fMinValue = 0.0; if (data->FindUInt32("_precision", &fPrecision) != B_OK) fPrecision = 2; if (data->FindDouble("_step", &fStep) != B_OK) fStep = 1.0; if (data->FindDouble("_val", &fValue) != B_OK) fValue = 0.0; }
BBox::BBox(BMessage *archive) : BView(archive), fStyle(B_FANCY_BORDER) { _InitObject(archive); }
BListView::BListView(const char* name, list_view_type type, uint32 flags) : BView(name, flags) { _InitObject(type); }
SOM_Scope void SOMLINK ODLinkSpecInitLinkSpec(ODLinkSpec *somSelf, Environment *ev, IODDSOMExternalizedID linkService, //XXXXX ODStorageUnitID partSUID, ODPart* part, ODByteArray* data) { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Error if not currently in U state. 2. Initialize the ODObject 3. Save linkService, partSUID, data, and size; Enter the TI state. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ODLinkSpecData *somThis = ODLinkSpecGetData(somSelf); ODLinkSpecMethodDebug("ODLinkSpec","ODLinkSpecInitLinkSpec"); // 1. if (_fState != ODLinkSpec_UNINIT) { THROW(kODErrCorruptLinkSpecValue); } // 2. #ifndef _PLATFORM_OS2_ SOM_CATCH return; #else SOM_TRY #endif // Can not call IsInitialized any more. Make sure InitObject can handle // initialization. // if ( !_IsInitialized(ev) ) _InitObject(ev); // 3. _fState=ODLinkSpec_TRANSIENT_INIT; _fSourcePartSUID=kODNULL; /* in case TRY fails */ _fSourceLinkService = (IODDSOMExternalizedID) kODNULL; /* in case TRY fails */ //_fData = (ODByteArray*) kODNULL; _fData = CreateEmptyByteArrayStruct(0); TRY //XXXXX __set_aSourcePartSUID(ev, partSUID); if (part != (ODPart*)kODNULL) _fSourcePartSUID=part->GetID(ev); else _fSourcePartSUID=0; _fSourceLinkService = ODISOStrFromCStr(linkService); if (data != (ODByteArray*) kODNULL) { _fData = CopyByteArrayStruct(data); } somSelf->InitBaseLinkSpec(ev, part, data); //XXXXX CATCH_ALL _VoidLinkSpec(ev); RERAISE; ENDTRY #ifdef _PLATFORM_OS2_ SOM_CATCH_ALL SOM_ENDTRY return; #endif }
BSlider::BSlider(BMessage *archive) : BControl(archive) { fModificationMessage = NULL; if (archive->HasMessage("_mod_msg")) { BMessage* message = new BMessage; archive->FindMessage("_mod_msg", message); SetModificationMessage(message); } if (archive->FindInt32("_sdelay", &fSnoozeAmount) != B_OK) SetSnoozeAmount(20000); rgb_color color; if (archive->FindInt32("_fcolor", (int32 *)&color) == B_OK) UseFillColor(true, &color); else UseFillColor(false); int32 orient; if (archive->FindInt32("_orient", &orient) == B_OK) fOrientation = (orientation)orient; else fOrientation = B_HORIZONTAL; fMinLimitLabel = NULL; fMaxLimitLabel = NULL; const char* minlbl = NULL; const char* maxlbl = NULL; archive->FindString("_minlbl", &minlbl); archive->FindString("_maxlbl", &maxlbl); SetLimitLabels(minlbl, maxlbl); if (archive->FindInt32("_min", &fMinValue) != B_OK) fMinValue = 0; if (archive->FindInt32("_max", &fMaxValue) != B_OK) fMaxValue = 100; if (archive->FindInt32("_incrementvalue", &fKeyIncrementValue) != B_OK) fKeyIncrementValue = 1; if (archive->FindInt32("_hashcount", &fHashMarkCount) != B_OK) fHashMarkCount = 11; int16 hashloc; if (archive->FindInt16("_hashloc", &hashloc) == B_OK) fHashMarks = (hash_mark_location)hashloc; else fHashMarks = B_HASH_MARKS_NONE; int16 sstyle; if (archive->FindInt16("_sstyle", &sstyle) == B_OK) fStyle = (thumb_style)sstyle; else fStyle = B_BLOCK_THUMB; if (archive->FindInt32("_bcolor", (int32 *)&color) != B_OK) color = tint_color(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR), B_DARKEN_4_TINT); SetBarColor(color); float bthickness; if (archive->FindFloat("_bthickness", &bthickness) == B_OK) fBarThickness = bthickness; else fBarThickness = 6.0f; _InitObject(); }
BListView::BListView(list_view_type type) : BView(NULL, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_NAVIGABLE) { _InitObject(type); }