// iterate through gLocalContacts and filtered out "near contact"
inline void	_OptimizeLocalContacts(sData& cData)
    int nContacts = cData.nContacts;

    for (int i = 0; i < nContacts-1; i++)
        for (int j = i+1; j < nContacts; j++)
            if (_IsNearContacts(cData.gLocalContacts[i],cData.gLocalContacts[j]))
                // If they are seem to be the same then filtered
                // out the least penetrate one
                if (_IsBetter(cData.gLocalContacts[j],cData.gLocalContacts[i]))
                    cData.gLocalContacts[i].nFlags = 0; // filtered 1st contact
                    cData.gLocalContacts[j].nFlags = 0; // filtered 2nd contact

                // NOTE
                // There is other way is to add two depth together but
                // it not work so well. Why???
// iterate through gLocalContacts and filtered out "near contact"
void sTrimeshCapsuleColliderData::_OptimizeLocalContacts()
	int nContacts = m_ctContacts;
	for (int i = 0; i < nContacts-1; i++)
		for (int j = i+1; j < nContacts; j++)
			if (_IsNearContacts(m_gLocalContacts[i],m_gLocalContacts[j]))
				// If they are seem to be the samed then filtered 
				// out the least penetrate one
				if (_IsBetter(m_gLocalContacts[j],m_gLocalContacts[i]))
					m_gLocalContacts[i].nFlags = 0; // filtered 1st contact
					m_gLocalContacts[j].nFlags = 0; // filtered 2nd contact

				// NOTE
				// There is other way is to add two depth together but
				// it not work so well. Why???