Ejemplo n.º 1
__impure_init (void)
    // Initialize both impure data structures
    _REENT_INIT_PTR (_impure_ptr);
    _REENT_INIT_PTR (_exception_impure_ptr);

    // Set current to standard impure pointer
    _current_impure_ptr = _impure_ptr;
}	/* __impure_init () */
Ejemplo n.º 2
struct _reent *
__getreent (void)
  struct _reent *r = t_reentp;
  if (!r) {
    t_reentp = r = &t_reent;
  return r;
Ejemplo n.º 3
struct _reent *
__create_reent (void)
	struct _reent* reent = (struct _reent*) calloc(1, sizeof(struct _cereent));
	if (!reent)
		return NULL;
	__init_cereent((struct _cereent*)reent);
	return reent;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * \b archThreadContextInit
 * Architecture-specific thread context initialisation routine.
 * This function must set up a thread's context ready for restoring
 * and running the thread via archFirstThreadRestore() or
 * archContextSwitch().
 * The layout required to fill the correct register values is
 * described in archContextSwitch(). Note that not all registers
 * are restored by archContextSwitch() and archFirstThreadRestore()
 * as this port takes advantage of the fact that not all registers
 * must be stored by ARM gcc C subroutines. This means that we don't
 * provide start values for those registers, as they are "don't cares".
 * @param[in] tcb_ptr Pointer to the TCB of the thread being created
 * @param[in] stack_top Pointer to the top of the new thread's stack
 * @param[in] entry_point Pointer to the thread entry point function
 * @param[in] entry_param Parameter to be passed to the thread entry point
 * @return None
void archThreadContextInit (ATOM_TCB *tcb_ptr, void *stack_top, void (*entry_point)(uint32_t), uint32_t entry_param)
    uint32_t *stack_ptr;

    /** Start at stack top */
    tcb_ptr->sp_save_ptr = stack_ptr = stack_top;

     * After restoring all of the context registers, the thread restore
     * routines will return to the address of the calling routine on the
     * stack. In this case (the first time a thread is run) we "return"
     * to the entry point for the thread. That is, we store the thread
     * entry point in the place that return will look for the return
     * address: the stack.
     * Note that we are using the thread_shell() routine to start all
     * threads, so we actually store the address of thread_shell()
     * here. Other ports may store the real thread entry point here
     * and call it directly from the thread restore routines.
     * Because we are filling the stack from top to bottom, this goes
     * on the stack first (at the top).
    *stack_ptr-- = (uint32_t)thread_shell;

     * Store starting register values for R4-R11
    *stack_ptr-- = (uint32_t) 0x00001111;   /* R11 */
    *stack_ptr-- = (uint32_t) 0x00001010;   /* R10 */
    *stack_ptr-- = (uint32_t) 0x00000909;   /* R9 */
    *stack_ptr-- = (uint32_t) 0x00000808;   /* R8 */
    *stack_ptr-- = (uint32_t) 0x00000707;   /* R7 */
    *stack_ptr-- = (uint32_t) 0x00000606;   /* R6 */
    *stack_ptr-- = (uint32_t) 0x00000505;   /* R5 */
    *stack_ptr   = (uint32_t) 0x00000404;   /* R4 */

     * All thread context has now been initialised. Save the current
     * stack pointer to the thread's TCB so it knows where to start
     * looking when the thread is started.
    tcb_ptr->sp_save_ptr = stack_ptr;

     * At thread startup (and every time we switch back to a thread)
     * we set the global reentrancy pointer to this thread's reent struct
    _REENT_INIT_PTR (&(tcb_ptr->port_priv.reent));
Ejemplo n.º 5
int __libc_start_hook(lwp_cntrl *curr_thr,lwp_cntrl *start_thr)
	struct _reent *ptr;

	ptr = (struct _reent*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct _reent));
	if(!ptr) abort();

#ifdef __GNUC__
	start_thr->libc_reent = ptr;
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Thread threadCreate(ThreadFunc entrypoint, void* arg, size_t stack_size, int prio, int affinity, bool detached)
	size_t stackoffset = (sizeof(struct Thread_tag)+7)&~7;
	size_t allocsize   = stackoffset + ((stack_size+7)&~7);
	size_t tlssize = __tls_end-__tls_start;
	size_t tlsloadsize = __tdata_lma_end-__tdata_lma;
	size_t tbsssize = tlssize-tlsloadsize;

	// Guard against overflow
	if (allocsize < stackoffset) return NULL;
	if ((allocsize-stackoffset) < stack_size) return NULL;
	if ((allocsize+tlssize) < allocsize) return NULL;

	Thread t = (Thread)memalign(8,allocsize+tlssize);
	if (!t) return NULL;

	t->ep       = entrypoint;
	t->arg      = arg;
	t->detached = detached;
	t->finished = false;
	t->stacktop = (u8*)t + allocsize;

	if (tlsloadsize)
		memcpy(t->stacktop, __tdata_lma, tlsloadsize);
	if (tbsssize)
		memset((u8*)t->stacktop+tlsloadsize, 0, tbsssize);

	// Set up child thread's reent struct, inheriting standard file handles
	struct _reent* cur = getThreadVars()->reent;
	t->reent._stdin  = cur->_stdin;
	t->reent._stdout = cur->_stdout;
	t->reent._stderr = cur->_stderr;

	Result rc;
	rc = svcCreateThread(&t->handle, _thread_begin, (u32)t, (u32*)t->stacktop, prio, affinity);
	if (R_FAILED(rc))
		return NULL;

	return t;
Ejemplo n.º 7
ThreadControlBlock::ThreadControlBlock(internal::Stack&& stack, const uint8_t priority,
		const SchedulingPolicy schedulingPolicy, ThreadGroupControlBlock* const threadGroupControlBlock,
		SignalsReceiver*, RunnableThread& owner) :

	const InterruptMaskingLock interruptMaskingLock;
	sequenceNumber_ = nextSequenceNumber++;
Ejemplo n.º 8
ThreadControlBlock::ThreadControlBlock(architecture::Stack&& stack, const uint8_t priority,
		const SchedulingPolicy schedulingPolicy, ThreadGroupControlBlock* const threadGroupControlBlock,
		SignalsReceiver* const signalsReceiver, Thread& owner) :
				signalsReceiver != nullptr ? &signalsReceiver->signalsReceiverControlBlock_ : nullptr
Ejemplo n.º 9
Thread* Thread_Create(Process* pProcess, size_t pEntryPoint, size_t pStackSize, uint8_t pPriority)
    Thread* thread = (Thread*)calloc(1, sizeof(Thread));
    thread->Process = pProcess;
    thread->EntryPoint = pEntryPoint;
    thread->Stack = (uint8_t*)calloc(1, pStackSize);
    thread->Reentrant._stdin = stdin;
    thread->Reentrant._stdout = stdout;
    thread->Reentrant._stderr = stderr;
    thread->Reentrant.__sdidinit = TRUE;
    thread->Reentrant._new._reent._unused_rand = (uint32_t)thread;
    Log_WriteLine(LOGLEVEL__Memory, "Memory: Thread_Create @ 0x%x, Stack @ 0x%x", (unsigned int)thread, (unsigned int)thread->Stack);
    thread->StackSize = pStackSize;
    thread->Priority = pPriority;
    thread->SavedRegisterState.useresp = (uint32_t)(thread->Stack + thread->StackSize);
    thread->SavedRegisterState.eip = pEntryPoint;
    thread->SavedRegisterState.cs = 0x1B;
    thread->SavedRegisterState.ds = 0x23;
    thread->SavedRegisterState.ss = 0x23;
    thread->SavedRegisterState.eflags = 0x200; // Interrupts enabled, maybe need 0x202
    return thread;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int main(void)
	uint8_t system_state=0, i2c_resets=0, si446x_resets=0;//used to track button press functionality and any errors
	uint8_t sensors=0;
	uint32_t repetition_counter=0;			//Used to detect any I2C lockup
	uint8_t L3GD20_Data_Buffer_old[8];		//Used to test for noise in the gyro data (indicating that it is working)
	uint8_t UplinkFlags=0,CutFlags=0;
	uint16_t UplinkBytes=0;				//Counters and flags for telemetry
	uint32_t last_telemetry=0,cutofftime=0,indtest=0,badgyro=0,permission_time=0,countdown_time=0,last_cuttest=0;
	uint16_t sentence_counter=0;
	uint8_t silab;
	//Cutdown config stuff here, atm uses hardcoded polygon defined in polygon.h
	static const int32_t Geofence[UK_GEOFENCE_POINTS*2]=UK_GEOFENCE;
	RTC_t RTC_time;
        _impure_ptr = &my_reent;
	SystemInit();					//Sets up the clk
	setup_gpio();					//Initialised pins, and detects boot source
	DBGMCU_Config(DBGMCU_IWDG_STOP, ENABLE);	//Watchdog stopped during JTAG halt
	RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR | RCC_APB1Periph_BKP, ENABLE);/* Enable PWR and BKP clocks */
	PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);/* Allow access to BKP Domain */
	uint16_t shutdown_lock=BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR3);	//Holds the shutdown lock setting
	uint16_t reset_counter=BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR2); //The number of consecutive failed reboot cycles
	if(RCC->CSR&RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF && shutdown_lock!=SHUTDOWNLOCK_MAGIC) {//Watchdog reset, turn off
		RCC->CSR|=RCC_CSR_RMVF;			//Reset the reset flags
	if(USB_SOURCE==bootsource) {
		RCC->CFGR &= ~(uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV16;
		RCC->CFGR |= (uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4;//Swap the ABP1 bus to run at 12mhz rather than 4 if we booted from USB, makes USB fast enough
	SysTick_Configuration();			//Start up system timer at 100Hz for uSD card functionality
	Watchdog_Config(WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT);		//Set the watchdog
	Watchdog_Reset();				//Reset watchdog as soon as possible incase it is still running at power on
	rtc_init();					//Real time clock initialise - (keeps time unchanged if set)
	rprintfInit(__usart_send_char);			//Printf over the bluetooth
	if(USB_SOURCE==bootsource) {
		Set_System();				//This actually just inits the storage layer
		uint32_t nojack=0x000FFFFF;		//Countdown timer - a few hundered ms of 0v on jack detect forces a shutdown
		while (bDeviceState != CONFIGURED) {	//Wait for USB config - timeout causes shutdown
			if((Millis>10000 && bDeviceState == UNCONNECTED)|| !nojack)	//No USB cable - shutdown (Charger pin will be set to open drain, cant be disabled without usb)
			if(GET_VBUS_STATE)		//Jack detect resets the countdown
			Watchdog_Reset();		//Reset watchdog here, if we are stalled here the Millis timeout should catch us
		PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);		/* Allow access to BKP Domain */
		BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKP_DR3,0x0000);//Wipe the shutdown lock setting
		while(1) {
			if(!(Millis%1000) && bDeviceState == SUSPENDED) {
			__WFI();			//Sleep mode
        if(!GET_PWR_STATE && !(CoreDebug->DHCSR&0x00000001) && shutdown_lock!=SHUTDOWNLOCK_MAGIC) {//Check here to make sure the power button is still pressed, if not, sleep if no debug and not in always on flight mode
                shutdown();                             //This means a glitch on the supply line, or a power glitch results in sleep
	// check to see if battery has enough charge to start
	ADC_Configuration();				//We leave this a bit later to allow stabilisation
	uint32_t t=Millis;
	while(Millis<(t+100)){__WFI();}			//Sensor+inst amplifier takes about 100ms to stabilise after power on
	if(Battery_Voltage<BATTERY_STARTUP_LIMIT) {	//We will have to turn off
	Watchdog_Reset();				//Card Init can take a second or two
	// system has passed battery level check and so file can be opened
	uint8_t silabs_header[5]={};
	uint8_t* silabs_header_=NULL;			//Pointer to the array (if all goes ok)
	if((f_err_code = f_mount(0, &FATFS_Obj)))Usart_Send_Str((char*)"FatFs mount error\r\n");//This should only error if internal error
	else {						//FATFS initialised ok, try init the card, this also sets up the SPI1
		if(!(f_err_code=f_open(&FATFS_logfile,(const TCHAR*)"time.txt",FA_OPEN_EXISTING|FA_READ|FA_WRITE))){//Try to open time file get system time
			if(!f_stat((const TCHAR *)"time.txt",&FATFS_info)) {//Get file info
				if(FATFS_info.fsize<5) {	//Empty file
					RTC_time.year=(FATFS_info.fdate>>9)+1980;//populate the time struct (FAT start==1980, RTC.year==0)
					rprintfInit(__fat_print_char);//printf to the open file
					printf("RTC set to %d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d\n",RTC_time.mday,RTC_time.month,RTC_time.year,\
			f_close(&FATFS_logfile);	//Close the time.txt file
		// load settings if file exists
		Watchdog_Reset();			//Card Init can take a second or two
		if(!f_open(&FATFS_logfile,(const TCHAR *)"settings.dat",FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ)) {
			UINT br;
			int8_t rtc_correction;
			f_read(&FATFS_logfile, (void*)(&rtc_correction),sizeof(rtc_correction),&br);
			//Use the setting to apply correction to the RTC
                        if(br && (rtc_correction<30) && (rtc_correction>-92) && rtc_correction ) {
                                PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);/* Allow access to BKP Domain */
                                uint16_t tweaked_prescale = (0x0001<<15)-2;/* Try to run the RTC slightly too fast so it can be corrected either way */
                                RTC_WaitForSynchro();   /* Wait for RTC registers synchronization */
                                if( RTC->PRLL != tweaked_prescale ) {/*Note that there is a 0.5ppm offset here (correction 0==0.5ppm slow)*/
                                        RTC_SetPrescaler(tweaked_prescale); /* RTC period = RTCCLK/RTC_PR = (32.768 KHz)/(32767-2+1) */
                                BKP_SetRTCCalibrationValue((uint8_t) ((int16_t)31-(21*(int16_t)rtc_correction)/(int16_t)20) );
                                BKP_RTCOutputConfig(BKP_RTCOutputSource_None);/* Ensure any output is disabled here */
                                /* Lock access to BKP Domain */
                        else if(br && ((uint8_t)rtc_correction==0x91) ) {/* 0x91 magic flag sets the RTC clock output on */
                                PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);/* Allow access to BKP Domain */
                                BKP_RTCOutputConfig(BKP_RTCOutputSource_CalibClock);/* Output a 512Hz reference clock on the TAMPER pin*/
			if(br) {
				f_read(&FATFS_logfile, (void*)(&shutdown_lock),sizeof(shutdown_lock),&br);/*This needs to be set with the same magic flag value*/
				if(br==2) {
                                	PWR_BackupAccessCmd(ENABLE);/* Allow access to BKP Domain */
					BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKP_DR3,shutdown_lock);//Wipe the shutdown lock setting
			if(br==2) {			//Read was successful, next try to read 5 bytes of packet header
				f_read(&FATFS_logfile, (void*)(silabs_header),5,&br);
			f_close(&FATFS_logfile);	//Close the settings.dat file
		rtc_gettime(&RTC_time);			//Get the RTC time and put a timestamp on the start of the file
		rprintfInit(__str_print_char);		//Print to the string
		printf("%02d-%02d-%02dT%02d-%02d-%02d-%s.csv",RTC_time.year,RTC_time.month,RTC_time.mday,RTC_time.hour,RTC_time.min,RTC_time.sec,"Log");//Timestamp name
		rprintfInit(__usart_send_char);		//Printf over the bluetooth
		Watchdog_Reset();			//Card Init can take a second or two
		if((f_err_code=f_open(&FATFS_logfile,(TCHAR*)LOGFILE_NAME,FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE))) {//Present
			if((f_err_code=f_open(&FATFS_logfile,(TCHAR*)LOGFILE_NAME,FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE))) {//Try again
				printf("FatFs drive error %d\r\n",f_err_code);
				if(f_err_code==FR_DISK_ERR || f_err_code==FR_NOT_READY)
					Usart_Send_Str((char*)"No uSD card inserted?\r\n");
		else {
			Watchdog_Reset();		//Card Init can take a second or two
			print_string[strlen(print_string)-4]=0x00;//Wipe the .csv off the string
			if((f_err_code=f_open(&FATFS_wavfile_gyro,(TCHAR*)LOGFILE_NAME,FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE))) {//Present
				printf("FatFs drive error %d\r\n",f_err_code);
				if(f_err_code==FR_DISK_ERR || f_err_code==FR_NOT_READY)
					Usart_Send_Str((char*)"No uSD card inserted?\r\n");
			else {					//We have a mounted card
				f_err_code=f_lseek(&FATFS_logfile, PRE_SIZE);// Pre-allocate clusters
				if (f_err_code || f_tell(&FATFS_logfile) != PRE_SIZE)// Check if the file size has been increased correctly
					Usart_Send_Str((char*)"Pre-Allocation error\r\n");
				else {
					if((f_err_code=f_lseek(&FATFS_logfile, 0)))//Seek back to start of file to start writing
						Usart_Send_Str((char*)"Seek error\r\n");
						rprintfInit(__str_print_char);//Printf to the logfile
					f_close(&FATFS_logfile);//Close the already opened file on error
					file_opened=1;		//So we know to close the file properly on shutdown
				if(file_opened==1) {
					Watchdog_Reset();	//Card Init can take a second or two
					if (f_err_code || f_tell(&FATFS_wavfile_gyro) != PRE_SIZE)// Check if the file size has been increased correctly
						Usart_Send_Str((char*)"Pre-Allocation error\r\n");
					else {
						if((f_err_code=f_lseek(&FATFS_logfile, 0)))//Seek back to start of file to start writing
							Usart_Send_Str((char*)"Seek error\r\n");
							rprintfInit(__str_print_char);//Printf to the logfile
						f_close(&FATFS_wavfile_gyro);//Close the already opened file on error
						file_opened|=2;	//So we know to close the file properly on shutdown
	f_err_code|=write_wave_header(&FATFS_wavfile_gyro, 4, 100, 16);//4 channels, last channel is for the current rpm
	Watchdog_Reset();				//Card Init can take a second or two
	//Setup and test the silabs radio
	if(silab!=0x44) {				//Should return the device code
		printf("Silabs: %02x\n",silab);
		f_puts("Silabs detect error, got:",&FATFS_logfile);
		shutdown_filesystem(ERR, file_opened);//So we log that something went wrong in the logfile
Ejemplo n.º 11
static int elf_load_int(const char *path, task_t *task, char *argv[], char *envp[]) {
	// Loads to a fixed address of 0x10000000 for now; not a HUGE deal
	// since each (user mode) task has its own address space

	assert(interrupts_enabled() == false); // TODO: get rid of the race condition from create_task, so that this isn't needed

	assert(task != NULL);
	struct task_mm *mm = task->mm;
	assert(mm != NULL);

	struct stat st;

	int r;
	if ((r = stat(path, &st)) != 0) {
		assert(r < 0);
		return r;

	uint32 file_size = st.st_size;
	unsigned char *data = kmalloc(file_size);
	int retval = 0;

	int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
	if (fd < 0) {
		printk("elf_load(): unable to open %s\n", path);
		retval = fd;
		goto err;

	if ((r = read(fd, data, file_size)) != (int)file_size) {
		printk("elf_load(): unable to read from %s; got %d bytes, requested %d\n", path, r, (int)file_size);
		if (r < 0) {
			retval = r;
			goto err;
		else {
			panic("read() returned less than the expected file size, but not a negative value... why?");
			retval = -EIO;
			goto err;


	elf_header_t *header = (elf_header_t *)data;

	const unsigned char ELF_IDENT[] = {0x7f, 'E', 'L', 'F'};

	if (memcmp(header->e_ident.ei_mag, &ELF_IDENT, 4) != 0) {
		printk("Warning: file %s is not an ELF file; aborting execution\n", path);
		retval = -ENOEXEC;
		goto err;

	// TODO SECURITY: don't trust anything from the file - users can EASILY execute
	// "forged" ELF files!

	if (header->e_ident.ei_class != ELFCLASS32 || header->e_ident.ei_data != ELFDATA2LSB || \
		header->e_ident.ei_version != 1 || header->e_machine != EM_386 || header->e_type != ET_EXEC) {
		printk("Warning: file %s is not a valid ELF file (invalid ELFCLASS, ELFDATA, version, machine or not ET_EXEC\n");
		retval = -ENOEXEC;
		goto err;

	assert(header->e_entry >= 0x10000000);
	assert(header->e_entry <  0x11000000);

	if (task == current_task) {
		// execve
		assert(current_task->mm != NULL);
		assert(current_task->mm->areas != NULL);
		assert(current_task->mm->page_directory != NULL);

	for (int i=0; i < header->e_phnum; i++) {
		Elf32_Phdr *phdr = (Elf32_Phdr *)(data + header->e_phoff + header->e_phentsize * i);
		if (phdr->p_type == PT_LOAD) {
			// This is a segment to load!

			// Should this be writable to the task?
			bool writable = ((phdr->p_flags & PF_W) ? true : false);

			printk("Segment #%u: copy %u bytes from 0x%08x (data + offset) to 0x%08x (virt in task page dir); read%s\n",
					i, phdr->p_filesz, data + phdr->p_offset, phdr->p_vaddr, writable ? "-write" : "only");

			if (i == 0)
				assert(phdr->p_vaddr == 0x10000000);
				assert(phdr->p_vaddr > 0x10000000);

			uint32 start_addr = phdr->p_vaddr;
			uint32 start_addr_aligned = (phdr->p_vaddr & 0xfffff000);
			uint32 end_addr   = start_addr + phdr->p_memsz;
			if (!IS_PAGE_ALIGNED(end_addr)) {
				end_addr &= ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
				end_addr += PAGE_SIZE;

			if (end_addr > task->mm->brk_start) {
				uint32 new_brk = end_addr;
				if (!IS_PAGE_ALIGNED(new_brk)) {
					new_brk &= ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
					new_brk += PAGE_SIZE;
				task->mm->brk_start = new_brk;
				task->mm->brk = new_brk;

			// Allocate memory for this address in the task's address space, set for user mode
			vmm_alloc_user(start_addr_aligned, end_addr, mm, writable);

			// Switch to the new page directory, so that we can copy the data there
			page_directory_t *old_dir = current_directory;

			// Okay, we should have the memory. Let's clear it (since PARTS may be left empty by the memcpy,
			// e.g. the .bss section, and we do want zeroes to be there)
			memset((void *)start_addr_aligned, 0, end_addr - start_addr_aligned);

			// Copy the segment (e.g. .text + .rodata + .eh_frame, or .data + .bss) to the location
			// DO NOT use start_addr_aligned here - we want the program to dictate the exact location

			memcpy((void *)start_addr, data + phdr->p_offset, phdr->p_filesz);

		else if (phdr->p_type == PT_GNU_STACK || phdr->p_type == PT_GNU_RELRO || phdr->p_type == PT_GNU_EH_FRAME) {
			// Quietly ignore
			printk("Warning: skipping unsupported ELF program header (#%u, p_type = 0x%x)\n", i, phdr->p_type);

	// Set up the reentrancy structure for Newlib
	// (It is initialized below, after switching to the new page directory.)
	uint32 reent_size = sizeof(struct _reent);
	if (reent_size & 0xfff) {
		reent_size &= 0xfffff000;
		reent_size += PAGE_SIZE;

	vmm_alloc_user(task->mm->brk, task->mm->brk + reent_size, mm, PAGE_RW);

	//assert(current_directory == kernel_directory);
	page_directory_t *old_dir = current_directory;

	task->reent = (struct _reent *)task->mm->brk;
	task->mm->brk += reent_size;
	task->mm->brk_start += reent_size;

	assert(task->mm->brk == task->mm->brk_start);

	// The value brk has when the process starts;
	// userspace may not decrease the brk point below this address
	task->mm->initial_brk = task->mm->brk_start;

	// Copy the argv data from the kernel heap to the task's address space
	// This function updates argv to point to the new location.
	uint32 argc = 0;
	for (; argv[argc] != NULL; argc++) { }
	copy_argv_env_to_task(&argv, argc, task);

	uint32 envc = 0;
	assert(envp != NULL);
	for (; envp[envc] != NULL; envc++) { }
	copy_argv_env_to_task(&envp, envc, task);

	*((uint32 *)(USER_STACK_START - 0)) = (uint32)envp;
	*((uint32 *)(USER_STACK_START - 4)) = (uint32)argv;
	*((uint32 *)(USER_STACK_START - 8)) = (uint32)argc;

	// Update the task's name
	strlcpy((char *)task->name, argv[0], TASK_NAME_LEN);

	if (old_dir != kernel_directory) {
		// execve, stay with the new dir


	printk("File has %u program headers (each %u bytes), %u section headers (each %u bytes)\n",
		   header->e_phnum, header->e_phentsize, header->e_shnum, header->e_shentsize);

	printk("Program Header:\n");
	for (int i=0; i < header->e_phnum; i++) {
		Elf32_Phdr *phdr = (Elf32_Phdr *)(data + header->e_phoff + header->e_phentsize * i);

		if (phdr->p_type == PT_LOAD) {
			printk("LOAD  offset 0x%08x vaddr 0x%08x alignment %u bytes\n", phdr->p_offset, phdr->p_vaddr, phdr->p_align);
			unsigned int f = phdr->p_flags;
			printk("      filesz 0x%08x memsz 0x%08x flags %c%c%c\n", phdr->p_filesz, phdr->p_memsz, 
					(f & PF_R ? 'r' : '-'), (f & PF_W ? 'w' : '-'), (f & PF_X ? 'x' : '-'));
		else {
			printk("unsupported program header (#%u), skipping\n", i);

	// Find the string table
	assert(header->e_shoff != 0); // we need a section header
	Elf32_Shdr *string_table_hdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)(data + header->e_shoff + header->e_shentsize * header->e_shstrndx);
	char *string_table = (char *)(data + string_table_hdr->sh_offset);

	printk("Idx         Name Size     VMA      LMA      File off Align\n");
	for (int i=1; i < header->e_shnum; i++) { // skip #0, which is always empty
		Elf32_Shdr *shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)(data + header->e_shoff + header->e_shentsize * i);

		char *name = (char *)&string_table[shdr->sh_name];

		printk("%03d %12s %08x %08x %08x %08x %u\n", i, name, shdr->sh_size, shdr->sh_addr, shdr->sh_addr /* TODO: LMA */, shdr->sh_offset, shdr->sh_addralign);
		unsigned int f = shdr->sh_flags;
		printk("                 ");
		if (shdr->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS)
			printk("CONTENTS, ");
		if ((f & SHF_ALLOC))
			printk("ALLOC, ");
		if ((f & SHF_WRITE) == 0)
			printk("READONLY, ");
		if ((f & SHF_EXECINSTR))
#endif // ELF_DEBUG

	// Try to find symbols, so we can get nice backtrace displays
	Elf32_Sym *symhdr = NULL;
	uint32 num_syms = 0;
	const char *sym_string_table = NULL;
	uint32 string_table_size = 0;

	for (uint32 i=1; i < header->e_shnum; i++) { // skip #0, which is always empty
		Elf32_Shdr *shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uint32)data + header->e_shoff + (header->e_shentsize * i));

		if (shdr->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB) {
			symhdr = (Elf32_Sym *)(data + shdr->sh_offset);
			num_syms = shdr->sh_size / shdr->sh_entsize;
			Elf32_Shdr *string_table_hdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)((uint32)data + header->e_shoff + shdr->sh_link * header->e_shentsize);
			string_table_size = string_table_hdr->sh_size;
			sym_string_table = (char *)(data + string_table_hdr->sh_offset);

	// Load symbols for this file, so that we can display them in backtraces
	if (!symhdr || !sym_string_table || num_syms < 1) {
		printk("Warning: failed to load symbols for %s\n", path);
	else {
		// Clone the string table. Because load_symbols doesn't strdup() names
		// for performance reasons, we need the string table to keep existing
		// for as long as the task lives.
		char *old_table = task->symbol_string_table;
		task->symbol_string_table = kmalloc(string_table_size);
		task->symbol_string_table_size = string_table_size;
		memcpy(task->symbol_string_table, sym_string_table, string_table_size);

		if (load_symbols(symhdr, task->symbol_string_table, &task->symbols, num_syms) != 0) {
			printk("Warning: failed to load symbols for %s\n", path);
		else if (old_table) {
			// execve, so free the old one, or it'll leak

	// If we're still here: set the program entry point
	// (This updates the value on the stack in task.c)
	task->new_entry = (uint32)header->e_entry;
	set_entry_point((task_t *)task, task->new_entry);

	retval = 0;
	/* fall through on success */


	assert(retval <= 0);
	return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int main(void)
	uint32_t ppg;					//PPG channel
	uint32_t data_counter=0;			//used as data timestamp
	uint8_t system_state=0;				//used to track button press functionality
	float sensor_data;				//used for handling data passed back from sensors
	RTC_t RTC_time;
        _impure_ptr = &my_reent;
	SystemInit();					//Sets up the clk
	setup_gpio();					//Initialised pins, and detects boot source
	DBGMCU_Config(DBGMCU_IWDG_STOP, ENABLE);	//Watchdog stopped during JTAG halt
	if(RCC->CSR&RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF) {			//Watchdog reset, turn off
		RCC->CSR|=RCC_CSR_RMVF;			//Reset the reset flags
	SysTick_Configuration();			//Start up system timer at 100Hz for uSD card functionality
	Watchdog_Config(WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT);		//Set the watchdog
	Watchdog_Reset();				//Reset watchdog as soon as possible incase it is still running at power on
	rtc_init();					//Real time clock initialise - (keeps time unchanged if set)
	rprintfInit(__usart_send_char);			//Printf over the bluetooth
	if(USB_SOURCE==bootsource) {
		Set_System();				//This actually just inits the storage layer
		uint32_t nojack=0x000FFFFF;		//Countdown timer - a few hundered ms of 0v on jack detect forces a shutdown
		while (bDeviceState != CONFIGURED) {	//Wait for USB config - timeout causes shutdown
			if(Millis>10000 || !nojack)	//No USB cable - shutdown (Charger pin will be set to open drain, cant be disabled without usb)
			if(GET_VBUS_STATE)		//Jack detect resets the countdown
			Watchdog_Reset();		//Reset watchdog here, if we are stalled here the Millis timeout should catch us
		EXTI_ONOFF_EN();			//Enable the off interrupt - allow some time for debouncing
		while(1) {				//If running off USB (mounted as mass storage), stay in this loop - dont turn on anything
			if(Millis%1000>500)		//1Hz on/off flashing
				switch_leds_on();	//Flash the LED(s)
	if(!GET_PWR_STATE)				//Check here to make sure the power button is still pressed, if not, sleep
		shutdown();				//This means a glitch on the supply line, or a power glitch results in sleep
	for(uint8_t n=0;n<PPG_CHANNELS;n++)
		init_buffer(&(Buff[n]),PPG_BUFFER_SIZE);//Enough for ~0.25S of data
	setup_pwm();					//Enable the PWM outputs on all three channels
	Delay(100000);					//Sensor+inst amplifier takes about 100ms to stabilise after power on
	ADC_Configuration();				//We leave this a bit later to allow stabilisation
	calibrate_sensor();				//Calibrate the offset on the diff pressure sensor
	EXTI_ONOFF_EN();				//Enable the off interrupt - allow some time for debouncing
	I2C_Config();					//Setup the I2C bus
	uint8_t sensors_=detect_sensors();		//Search for connected sensors
	sensor_data=GET_BATTERY_VOLTAGE;		//Have to flush adc for some reason
	if(!(sensors_&~(1<<PRESSURE_HOSE))||GET_BATTERY_VOLTAGE<BATTERY_STARTUP_LIMIT) {//We will have to turn off
		Watchdog_Reset();			//LED flashing takes a while
			Set_Motor(-1);			//If the is air backpressure, dump to rapidly drop to zero pressure before turnoff
			f_close(&FATFS_logfile);	//be sure to terminate file neatly
		red_flash();				//Two flashes means battery abort -----------------ABORT 2
		red_flash();				//Three flashes means no sensors abort ------------ABORT 3
	if((f_err_code = f_mount(0, &FATFS_Obj)))Usart_Send_Str((char*)"FatFs mount error\r\n");//This should only error if internal error
	else {						//FATFS initialised ok, try init the card, this also sets up the SPI1
		if(!f_open(&FATFS_logfile,"time.txt",FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ | FA_WRITE)) {//Try and open a time file to get the system time
			if(!f_stat((const TCHAR *)"time.txt",&FATFS_info)) {//Get file info
				if(!FATFS_info.fsize) {	//Empty file
					RTC_time.year=(FATFS_info.fdate>>9)+1980;//populate the time struct (FAT start==1980, RTC.year==0)
					rprintfInit(__fat_print_char);//printf to the open file
					printf("RTC set to %d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d\n",RTC_time.mday,RTC_time.month,RTC_time.year,\
			f_close(&FATFS_logfile);	//Close the time.txt file
		rtc_gettime(&RTC_time);			//Get the RTC time and put a timestamp on the start of the file
		rprintfInit(__str_print_char);		//Print to the string
		printf("%d-%d-%dT%d-%d-%d.txt",RTC_time.year,RTC_time.month,RTC_time.mday,RTC_time.hour,RTC_time.min,RTC_time.sec);//Timestamp name
		rprintfInit(__usart_send_char);		//Printf over the bluetooth
		if((f_err_code=f_open(&FATFS_logfile,LOGFILE_NAME,FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE))) {//Present
			printf("FatFs drive error %d\r\n",f_err_code);
			if(f_err_code==FR_DISK_ERR || f_err_code==FR_NOT_READY)
				Usart_Send_Str((char*)"No uSD card inserted?\r\n");
		else {					//We have a mounted card
			f_err_code=f_lseek(&FATFS_logfile, PRE_SIZE);// Pre-allocate clusters
			if (f_err_code || f_tell(&FATFS_logfile) != PRE_SIZE)// Check if the file size has been increased correctly
				Usart_Send_Str((char*)"Pre-Allocation error\r\n");
			else {
				if((f_err_code=f_lseek(&FATFS_logfile, 0)))//Seek back to start of file to start writing
					Usart_Send_Str((char*)"Seek error\r\n");
					rprintfInit(__str_print_char);//Printf to the logfile
				f_close(&FATFS_logfile);//Close the already opened file on error
				file_opened=1;		//So we know to close the file properly on shutdown
Ejemplo n.º 13
/// Allocates a struct reent. Overrides the (weak) definition to put it to a
/// separate RAM segment and leave more heap space free.
/// @return a newly allocated struct reent. Cannot be freed.
struct _reent* allocate_reent(void)
    struct _reent* data = usb_malloc(sizeof(struct _reent));
    return data;