Ejemplo n.º 1
void init_test_procs() {
    int i;
    int pid;
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEST_PROCS; i++) {
        pid = g_test_proc[i].pid;
        processes[pid].pid = pid;
        processes[pid].priority = 1;
        processes[pid].priority = g_test_proc[i].priority;
        processes[pid].stack_size = g_test_proc[i].sz_stack; 
        processes[pid].entry = g_test_proc[i].entry;
        processes[pid].is_i_process = FALSE;
        processes[pid].next = NULL;
        processes[pid].previous = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main() {
    rtx_dbug_outs((CHAR *)"rtx: Entering main()\r\n");

    /* get the third party test proc initialization info */


    /* The following  is just to demonstrate how to reference 
     * the third party test process entry point inside rtx.
     * Your rtx should NOT call the test process directly!!! 
     * Instead, the scheduler picks the test process to run
     * and the os context switches to the chosen test process
    //g_test_proc[0].entry(); /* DO NOT invoke test proc this way !!*/ 

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main() 

    rtx_dbug_outs((CHAR *)"rtx: Entering main()\r\n");

    /* get the third party test proc initialization info */
	rtxEnd = &(_end);
	m_nextPid = 1;
	// Setting up trap # 0
    // Load vector table for trap # 0
    asm( "move.l #asm_trap_entry, %d0" );
    asm( "move.l %d0, 0x10000080" );
	#ifdef _DEBUG_
	rtx_dbug_outs( (CHAR*)"Start\r\n" );
	WriteHex((int)malloc(0) );
	rtx_dbug_outs( (CHAR*)" Address before PCBS\r\n" );
	// Allocate and initialize pcbs and its stacks
	//rtxProcess* pcbs = AllocatePCBs( MAX_NUMPROCS );
	pcbs = AllocatePCBs( MAX_NUMPROCS );
	#ifdef _DEBUG_
	WriteHex((int)malloc(0) );
	rtx_dbug_outs( (CHAR*)" Address after PCBS\r\n" );
	// Initialize the process manager
	rtxProcMan = InitProcessManager();
	#ifdef _DEBUG_
	WriteHex((int)malloc(0) );
	rtx_dbug_outs( (CHAR*)" Address after Procman?\r\n" );
	// Create the null process
	rtxProcess* nullProc = CreateProcess( pcbs, null_process, AllocateStack(256), 0, NULLPROCPRIORITY );
	nullProc->status = READY;
	rtxProcMan->nullProc = nullProc;
	#ifdef _DEBUG_
	WriteHex((int)malloc(0) );
	rtx_dbug_outs( (CHAR*)" Address after nullproc?\r\n" );
	//Create the Processes
	rtxProcess* cp2 = CreateProcess( pcbs, &keyboardCommandDecoder, AllocateStack(2048), KCDPID, MEDIUM );
	rtxProcess* cp1 = CreateProcess( pcbs, &CRTDisplay, AllocateStack(512), CRTPID, MEDIUM);
	rtxProcess* cp3 = CreateProcess( pcbs, &UART_PROCESS, AllocateStack(512), UARTPID, HIGH );
	CRT = cp1;
   	KCD = cp2;
	UART = cp3;	
	// Creating and enqueueing the test processes
	for( m_nextPid = 1 ; m_nextPid < (NUM_TEST_PROCS + 1); m_nextPid++ ){
				AllocateStack( g_test_proc[m_nextPid-1].sz_stack ),
	// Set the next pid to be 1 greater than last test proc pid
	//m_nextPid = g_test_proc[m_nextPid-2].pid + 1;
	// Initialize some of our own system processes
	EnqueueProcess( rtxProcMan, cp2,READYQUEUE);
	EnqueueProcess( rtxProcMan, cp1,READYQUEUE );

	// Initialize the scheduler
	InitializeScheduler( (ProcessManager*)(rtxProcMan) );
	// Time to allocate and initialize free memory
	UINT32 numTotalBlocks = ( (UINT32)0x10200000 - (UINT32)malloc(0)) / sizeof(MemoryBlock);
	//numTotalBlocks = 1;
	#ifdef _DEBUG_
	WriteHex((int)malloc(0) );
	rtx_dbug_outs( (CHAR*)" Address At start of freemem\r\n" );
	// Allocate free memory and create memory table
	MemoryBlock* memstart = AllocateFreeMemory( sizeof(MemoryBlock), numTotalBlocks );
	#ifdef _DEBUG_
	WriteHex((int)malloc(0) );
	rtx_dbug_outs( (CHAR*)" Address after freemem?\r\n" );
	rtx_dbug_outs( (CHAR*)"Allocated Free Memory\r\n" );
	InitMemQueue( &freeMemory );
	InitializeMemory( &freeMemory, memstart, numTotalBlocks );
	#ifdef _DEBUG_	
    rtx_dbug_outs( (CHAR*)"Number of free memory blocks: " );
    WriteNumber( freeMemory.count );	

	rtx_dbug_outs( (CHAR*)"Initialized Free Memory\r\n" );
	UINT32 mask;
	//disable all interupts 
	asm( "move.w #0x2700,%sr" );
	//store the serial ISR at user vector #64
	asm( "move.l #asm_serial_entry,%d0" );
	asm( "move.l %d0,0x10000100" );

	//reset the entire UART 
	SERIAL1_UCR = 0x10;

	//reset the receiver 
	SERIAL1_UCR = 0x20;
	//reset the transmitter 
	SERIAL1_UCR = 0x30;

	//reset the error condition
	SERIAL1_UCR = 0x40;

	//install the interupt
	SERIAL1_ICR = 0x17;
	SERIAL1_IVR = 64;

	//enable interrupts on rx only
	SERIAL1_IMR = 0x02;

	//set the baud rate
	SERIAL1_UBG1 = 0x00;
#ifdef _CFSERVER_           /* add -D_CFSERVER_ for cf-server build */
	SERIAL1_UBG2 = 0x49;    /* cf-server baud rate 19200 */ 
	SERIAL1_UBG2 = 0x92;    /* lab board baud rate 9600 */

	//set clock mode

	//setup the UART (no parity, 8 bits )
	SERIAL1_UMR = 0x13;
	//setup the rest of the UART (noecho, 1 stop bit )
	SERIAL1_UMR = 0x07;

	//setup for transmit and receive
	SERIAL1_UCR = 0x05;

	//enable interupts
	mask = SIM_IMR;
	mask &= 0x0003dfff;
	SIM_IMR = mask;

	//enable all interupts
	asm( "move.w #0x2000,%sr" );
	// end of keyboard interrupts
	// Start it up
	ScheduleNextProcess( rtxProcMan, NULL );
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main()
 #ifdef _DEBUG
  rtx_dbug_outs((CHAR *)"rtx: Entering main()\r\n");

  /* get the third party test proc initialization info */

  /* The following  is just to demonstrate how to reference
   * the third party test process entry point inside rtx.
   * Your rtx should NOT call the test process directly!!!
   * Instead, the scheduler picks the test process to run
   * and the os context switches to the chosen test process

   /* Load the vector table for TRAP #0 with our assembly stub
       address */
   asm( "move.l #asm_trap_entry,%d0" );
   asm( "move.l %d0,0x10000080" );

  //UINT32 turn = 100;
  //CALL_TRAP(SEND_MESSAGE_TRAP_CALL, 300,200,100, turn);

  //g_test_proc[0].entry(); /* DO NOT invoke test proc this way !!*/

  // Assign the start of free memory
  // (so we can start initializations that require memory.)
  freeMemoryBegin = &__end + 2; // Add two because __end is used.

  int diff = ((UINT32)freeMemoryBegin)%4;
  if (diff != 0){
    freeMemoryBegin  += (4-diff);

  rtx_memset(freeMemoryBegin, 0, (char*)0x10200000 - freeMemoryBegin);

 #ifdef _DEBUG
  rtx_dbug_outs((CHAR *)"Created user heap.\r\n");

 #ifdef _DEBUG
  rtx_dbug_outs((CHAR *)"Created memory pool.\r\n");

  initialize(register_sys_proc(), create_user_table());
 #ifdef _DEBUG
  rtx_dbug_outs((CHAR *)"Initialization finished.\r\n");

          int b;
        asm ("move.w %%sr, %0;":"=r"(b)  );    

  //UINT32 mask;
     * Set the interupt mask
    //mask = SIM_IMR;
    //mask &= 0x0003ddff;
    //SIM_IMR = mask;

  return 0;