Ejemplo n.º 1
#define __isascii(_c)   ( (unsigned)(_c) < 0x80 )
#endif // !defined(__isascii)

// disable warnings

#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
#pragma warning(push)

#pragma warning(disable:4127) // conditional expression is constant

    __in_ecount(BufLen)                  PCHAR PBuffer, 
    __in ULONG                           BufLen,
    __deref_out_ecount_opt(*PmouseIdLen) PCHAR *PpMouseId,
    __out                                ULONG *PmouseIdLen                                            

Routine Description:

    This routines a PnP packet for a mouse ID up to the first PnP delimiter
    (i.e, '(').


   PBuffer - Pointer to the buffer to scan

   BufLen - Length of the buffer in bytes
Ejemplo n.º 2

interface IDirectXVideoDecoderServiceC {
    CONST_VTBL struct IDirectXVideoDecoderServiceCVtbl* lpVtbl;

IDirectXVideoDecoderServiceCVtbl* g_pIDirectXVideoDecoderServiceCVtbl = nullptr;
static HRESULT(STDMETHODCALLTYPE* CreateVideoDecoderOrg)(IDirectXVideoDecoderServiceC* pThis,
        __in REFGUID Guid,
        __in const DXVA2_VideoDesc* pVideoDesc,
        __in const DXVA2_ConfigPictureDecode* pConfig,
        IDirect3DSurface9** ppDecoderRenderTargets, __in  UINT NumRenderTargets, __deref_out  IDirectXVideoDecoder** ppDecode) = nullptr;
#ifdef _DEBUG
static HRESULT(STDMETHODCALLTYPE* GetDecoderDeviceGuidsOrg)(IDirectXVideoDecoderServiceC* pThis, __out  UINT* pCount, __deref_out_ecount_opt(*pCount)  GUID** pGuids) = nullptr;
static HRESULT(STDMETHODCALLTYPE* GetDecoderConfigurationsOrg)(IDirectXVideoDecoderServiceC* pThis, __in  REFGUID Guid, __in const DXVA2_VideoDesc* pVideoDesc, __reserved void* pReserved, __out UINT* pCount, __deref_out_ecount_opt(*pCount)  DXVA2_ConfigPictureDecode** ppConfigs) = nullptr;

static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateVideoDecoderMine(
    IDirectXVideoDecoderServiceC* pThis,
    __in REFGUID Guid,
    __in const DXVA2_VideoDesc* pVideoDesc,
    __in const DXVA2_ConfigPictureDecode* pConfig,
    __in_ecount(NumRenderTargets) IDirect3DSurface9** ppDecoderRenderTargets,
    __in UINT NumRenderTargets,
    __deref_out IDirectXVideoDecoder** ppDecode)
    //  DebugBreak();
    //  ((DXVA2_VideoDesc*)pVideoDesc)->Format = (D3DFORMAT)0x3231564E;
    g_guidDXVADecoder = Guid;