static int _Main( iOApp inst, int argc, char** argv ) { iOAppData data = Data(inst); iOTrace trc = NULL; Boolean cd = False; /* check commandline arguments */ iOCmdLn arg = CmdLnOp.inst( argc, (const char**)argv ); tracelevel debug = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.debug ) ? TRCLEVEL_DEBUG:0; tracelevel dump = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.byte ) ? TRCLEVEL_BYTE:0; tracelevel parse = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.parse ) ? TRCLEVEL_PARSE:0; tracelevel monitor = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.monitor) ? TRCLEVEL_MONITOR:0; tracelevel info = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, ) ? TRCLEVEL_INFO:0; tracelevel http = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.http ) ? TRCLEVEL_USER2:0; const char* wd = CmdLnOp.getStr( arg, wCmdline.workdir ); const char* tf = CmdLnOp.getStr( arg, wCmdline.trcfile ); const char* pf = CmdLnOp.getStr( arg, wCmdline.planfile ); const char* lf = CmdLnOp.getStr( arg, wCmdline.locofile ); const char* port = CmdLnOp.getStr( arg, wCmdline.port ); const char* nf = CmdLnOp.getStr( arg, wCmdline.inifile ); Boolean initfield = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.initfield ); Boolean help = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, ) | CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, "-?" ); Boolean nocom = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.nocom ); Boolean console = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.console ); Boolean doc = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.doc ); Boolean version = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.version ); Boolean service = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.service ); Boolean lcd = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.lcd ); Boolean nodevcheck = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.nodevcheck ); Boolean automode = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.automode ); Boolean resume = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.resume ); data->run = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, ); data->stress = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.stress ); data->createmodplan = CmdLnOp.hasKey( arg, wCmdline.modplan ); data->szLibPath = CmdLnOp.getStr( arg, wCmdline.libpath ); data->szImgPath = CmdLnOp.getStr( arg, wCmdline.imgpath ); /* change the programs working directory */ if( wd != NULL ) { cd = wd ); } trc = TraceOp.inst( debug | dump | monitor | parse | info | http | TRCLEVEL_WARNING | TRCLEVEL_CALC | TRCLEVEL_STATUS, tf, True ); TraceOp.setAppID( trc, "r" ); if( wd != NULL ) { char* pwd = FileOp.pwd(); TraceOp.trc( name, cd?TRCLEVEL_CALC:TRCLEVEL_EXCEPTION, __LINE__, 9999, "workdir [%s] pwd [%s]", wd, pwd );; if( !cd ) { cd = wd ); if( !cd ) TraceOp.terrno( name, TRCLEVEL_EXCEPTION, __LINE__, 9999, errno, "Error changing workdir" ); } } data->consoleMode = console; if( service ) { /* block reading console */ console = False; nocom = False; } else { if( help ) { data->revno = __logo(); __help(); return 0; } else if( doc ) { /* Write the embeded documentation into local HTML files: */ extern const char rocrail_doc[]; /* xspooler.ini doc */ char* fname = StrOp.fmt( "%s.html", wGlobal.productname ); iOFile f = FileOp.inst( fname, OPEN_WRITE ); __logo(); if( f != NULL ) { Boolean ok = FileOp.write( f, rocrail_doc, StrOp.len( rocrail_doc ) ); FileOp.base.del( f ); TraceOp.println( "%s %s", fname, ok?"successfully written.":"not written." ); } fname ); return 0; } else if( version ) { __logo(); return 0; } } /* Read the Inifile: */ { char* iniXml = NULL; iODoc iniDoc = NULL; Boolean newIni = False; data->szIniFile = nf?nf:wRocRail.getfile(NULL); iniXml = __readIniFile(data->szIniFile); if( iniXml == NULL ) { iniXml = StrOp.fmt( "<%s/>",; newIni = True; TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_EXCEPTION, __LINE__, 9999, "empty ini file! [%s]", data->szIniFile ); } /* Parse the Inifile: */ iniDoc = DocOp.parse( iniXml ); if( iniDoc != NULL ) { data->ini = DocOp.getRootNode( iniDoc ); if( newIni ) { /* activate use block side routes for new work spaces */ iONode ctrl = NodeOp.inst(, data->ini, ELEMENT_NODE ); NodeOp.addChild( data->ini, ctrl ); } } else { TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_EXCEPTION, __LINE__, 9999, "Invalid ini file! [%s]", nf?nf:wRocRail.getfile(NULL) ); return -1; } } if( nodevcheck ) { wRocRail.setnodevcheck(data->ini, nodevcheck ); } if( FileOp.exist(wRocRail.getkeypath(data->ini)) ) { iOFile f = FileOp.inst( wRocRail.getkeypath(data->ini), OPEN_READONLY ); char* buffer = (char*)allocMem( FileOp.size( f ) +1 ); f, buffer, FileOp.size( f ) ); FileOp.base.del( f ); iOStrTok tok = StrTokOp.inst( buffer, ';' ); if( StrTokOp.hasMoreTokens(tok)) data->doneml = StrOp.dup(StrTokOp.nextToken(tok) ); if( StrTokOp.hasMoreTokens(tok)) data->donkey = StrOp.dup(StrTokOp.nextToken(tok) ); StrTokOp.base.del( tok ); freeMem(buffer); } if( data->donkey == NULL || StrOp.len(data->donkey) == 0 ) { data->donkey = wRocRail.getdonkey( data->ini ); data->donkey = wRocRail.getdoneml( data->ini ); } if( wRocRail.isrunasroot( data->ini ) ) { TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_INFO, __LINE__, 9999, "Try to run rocrail as root..." ); if( !SystemOp.setAdmin() ) { TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_EXCEPTION, __LINE__, 9999, "Only user 'root' can start rocrail! Abort!" ); return -1; } } if( data->szLibPath == NULL ) { data->szLibPath = wRocRail.getlibpath( data->ini ); } if( info != TRCLEVEL_INFO ){ /* Check info tracelevel. */ int level = TraceOp.getLevel( trc ); Boolean infoParam = wTrace.isinfo( wRocRail.gettrace( data->ini ) ); Boolean infoCmd = (info & TRCLEVEL_INFO) ? True:False; if( infoCmd != infoParam ) { level &= 0xfffff ^ TRCLEVEL_INFO; level |= infoParam ? TRCLEVEL_INFO:0; TraceOp.setLevel( trc, level ); } } /* Tracefile and listener */ if( wRocRail.gettrace( data->ini ) == NULL ) { iONode trace = NodeOp.inst(, data->ini, ELEMENT_NODE ); NodeOp.addChild( data->ini, trace ); } if( wTrace.isdebug( wRocRail.gettrace( data->ini ) ) || debug ) TraceOp.setLevel( trc, TraceOp.getLevel( trc ) | TRCLEVEL_DEBUG ); if( wTrace.isautomatic( wRocRail.gettrace( data->ini ) ) ) TraceOp.setLevel( trc, TraceOp.getLevel( trc ) | TRCLEVEL_USER1 ); if( wTrace.ismonitor( wRocRail.gettrace( data->ini ) ) || monitor ) TraceOp.setLevel( trc, TraceOp.getLevel( trc ) | TRCLEVEL_MONITOR ); if( wTrace.isbyte( wRocRail.gettrace( data->ini ) ) || dump ) TraceOp.setLevel( trc, TraceOp.getLevel( trc ) | TRCLEVEL_BYTE ); if( wTrace.isparse( wRocRail.gettrace( data->ini ) ) || parse ) TraceOp.setLevel( trc, TraceOp.getLevel( trc ) | TRCLEVEL_PARSE ); if( wTrace.iscalc( wRocRail.gettrace( data->ini ) ) ) TraceOp.setLevel( trc, TraceOp.getLevel( trc ) | TRCLEVEL_CALC ); /* Tracefile and listener */ { iONode tini = wRocRail.gettrace( data->ini ); char* tracefilename = NULL; const char* protpath = wTrace.getprotpath( tini ); Boolean unique = wTrace.isunique( tini ); const char* tf2 = wTrace.getrfile( tini ); int size = wTrace.getsize( tini ); int nr = wTrace.getnr( tini ); Boolean exceptionfile = wTrace.isexceptionfile( tini ); const char* invoke = wTrace.getinvoke( tini ); Boolean invokeasync = wTrace.isinvokeasync( tini ); int dumpsize = wTrace.getdumpsize( tini ); TraceOp.setFileSize( trc, size ); TraceOp.setNrFiles( trc, nr ); TraceOp.setExceptionFile( trc, exceptionfile ); TraceOp.setInvoke( trc, invoke, invokeasync ); TraceOp.setDumpsize( trc, dumpsize ); if( tf == NULL ) tf = tf2; else { char* p = FileOp.getPath( tf ); TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_DEBUG, __LINE__, 9999, "ProtPath set to [%s]. (tf=\"%s\")", p, tf ); wTrace.setprotpath( tini, p ); p ); protpath = wTrace.getprotpath( tini ); wTrace.setrfile( tini, FileOp.ripPath( tf ) ); } /* Check protpath. */ if( protpath != NULL ) { if( !FileOp.access( protpath ) ) { if( FileOp.mkdir( protpath ) ) TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_DEBUG, __LINE__, 9999, "ProtPath [%s] created.", protpath ); else { TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_WARNING, __LINE__, 1002, "Protocol path [%s] invalid.(Using current folder.", protpath ); protpath = NULL; } } else TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_DEBUG, __LINE__, 9999, "ProtPath [%s] OK.", protpath ); } if( protpath != NULL && !FileOp.isAbsolute( tf ) ) { char* stamp = StrOp.createStamp(); if( !FileOp.isAbsolute( protpath ) ) { char* wd = FileOp.pwd(); tracefilename = StrOp.fmt( "%s%c%s%c%s%s", wd, SystemOp.getFileSeparator(), protpath, SystemOp.getFileSeparator(), tf, unique ? stamp:"" ); wd ); } else { tracefilename = StrOp.fmt( "%s%c%s%s", protpath, SystemOp.getFileSeparator(), tf, unique ? stamp:"" ); } stamp ); } else { char* stamp = StrOp.createStamp(); tracefilename = StrOp.fmt( "%s%s", tf, unique ? stamp:"" ); stamp ); } TraceOp.setFilename( trc, tracefilename ); TraceOp.setExceptionListener( trc, __exception, False, wTrace.islisten2all(tini) ); tracefilename ); } /* Logo. */ data->revno = __logo(); TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_INFO, __LINE__, 9999, "dpIID = [%s]", wRocRail.getdpiid(data->ini) ); TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_INFO, __LINE__, 9999, "ptIID = [%s]", wRocRail.getptiid(data->ini) ); TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_INFO, __LINE__, 9999, "svIID = [%s]", wRocRail.getsviid(data->ini) ); TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_INFO, __LINE__, 9999, "lcIID = [%s]", wRocRail.getlciid(data->ini) ); /* planDoc */ pf = pf?pf:wRocRail.getplanfile(data->ini); lf = lf?lf:wRocRail.getlocs(data->ini); data->model = ModelOp.inst( pf, lf ); if( !ModelOp.init( data->model ) ) { TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_EXCEPTION, __LINE__, 9999, "unable to create model: EXIT" ); return 0; } MemOp.setDebug( False ); /* Control */ data->control = ControlOp.inst( nocom ); /* Weather */ data->weather = WeatherOp.inst(ModelOp.getWeather(data->model, wRocRail.getweatherid(data->ini))); /* Client connection */ { iONode tcp = wRocRail.gettcp(data->ini); int iPort = 0; if( tcp == NULL ) { tcp = NodeOp.inst(, data->ini, ELEMENT_NODE ); NodeOp.addChild( data->ini, tcp ); } iPort = port?atoi(port):wTcp.getport(tcp); data->clntCon = ClntConOp.inst( tcp, iPort, ControlOp.getCallback( data->control), (obj)data->control ); } /* Client connection */ { iONode srcpini = wRocRail.getsrcpcon(data->ini); if( srcpini != NULL && wSrcpCon.getport(srcpini) > 0 && wSrcpCon.isactive(srcpini) ) { data->srcpCon = SrcpConOp.inst( srcpini, ControlOp.getCallback( data->control), (obj)data->control ); } } /* Http (Optional)*/ { iONode http = wRocRail.gethttp( data->ini ); if( http != NULL ) { iONode tcp = wRocRail.gettcp(data->ini); const char* controlcode = NULL; const char* slavecode = NULL; if( tcp != NULL ) { controlcode = wTcp.getcontrolcode(tcp); slavecode = wTcp.getslavecode(tcp); } data->http = HttpOp.inst( http, ControlOp.getCallback( data->control), (obj)data->control, wRocRail.getimgpath(data->ini), controlcode, slavecode ); } } /* Snmp (Optional)*/ { iONode snmp = wRocRail.getSnmpService( data->ini ); if( snmp != NULL && wSnmpService.isactive(snmp) ) data->snmp = SNMPOp.inst( snmp ); } if( wRocRail.ispoweronatinit(data->ini) ) { AppOp.go(); } ModelOp.initField( data->model, initfield ); /* update the feedback arrays */ ModelOp.updateFB( data->model ); /* run every thing at startup */ if( automode ) { iONode cmd = NULL; clntcon_callback pfun = ControlOp.getCallback(data->control); /* power on */ AppOp.go(); /* auto mode on */ cmd = NodeOp.inst(, NULL, ELEMENT_NODE ); wAutoCmd.setcmd( cmd, wAutoCmd.on ); pfun( (obj)AppOp.getControl(), cmd ); /* start all */ if(data->run || resume) { cmd = NodeOp.inst(, NULL, ELEMENT_NODE ); wAutoCmd.setcmd( cmd, resume? wAutoCmd.resume:wAutoCmd.start ); pfun( (obj)AppOp.getControl(), cmd ); } } /* Memory watcher */ while( !bShutdown ) { static int cnt1 = 0; int cnt2 = MemOp.getAllocCount(); if( cnt2 > cnt1 ) { TraceOp.trc( name, TRCLEVEL_BYTE, __LINE__, 9999, "memory allocations old=%u new=%u", cnt1, cnt2 ); if(wTrace.ismeminfo( wRocRail.gettrace( data->ini ) )) rocsStatistics( True ); } cnt1 = cnt2; ThreadOp.sleep( 1000 ); /* Check for command. */ if( data->consoleMode ) __checkConsole( data ); }; return 0; }
/* --------- */ int __parseCommandLine(Luna *self, int argCount, char *argList[]) { int ndx = 0; char *cmdLineArg = 0; char hostName[256]; char *separator, *destination; if (!self) { return 0; } /* help */ if (argCount < 2) { __help(argList[0]); return 0; } if (!strncmp(argList[1], "-h", 2) || !strncmp(argList[1], "--help", 6)) { __help(argList[0]); return 0; } /* set destination */ if (!strncmp(argList[1], "-", 1)) { printf("Missing destination host.\n%s\n", LUNA_HAIKU_6); return 0; } if ((separator = strchr(argList[1], '@')) != NULL) { destination = separator + 1; ndx = (strlen(argList[1]) - strlen(destination)) - 1; // ndx == length if ((self->_user = malloc(ndx + 1)) == NULL) { return 0; } strncpy(self->_user, argList[1], ndx); self->_user[ndx + 1] = '\0'; } else { destination = argList[1]; } self->_destination = Luna_resolve(destination); if (!self->_destination) { printf("Unable to set destination host.\n%s\n", LUNA_HAIKU_5); return 0; } /* set options */ for (ndx = 2; ndx < argCount; ++ndx) { cmdLineArg = argList[ndx]; if (strncmp(argList[ndx], "-", 1)) { continue; } /* set source ip address */ CASE("-s", "--source") CHECKARG self->_source = Luna_resolve(argList[++ndx]); if (!self->_source) { printf("Unable to set source host.\n%s\n", LUNA_HAIKU_5); return 0; } ESAC /* set device */ CASE("-d", "--device") CHECKARG self->_device = argList[++ndx]; ESAC /* set fork mode */ CASE("-f", "--fork") self->_fork = 1; ESAC /* set datagram size */ CASE("-g", "--datagram-size") CHECKARG self->_datagramSize = atoi(argList[++ndx]); ESAC /* set max time lapse */ CASE("-l", "--max-time-lapse") CHECKARG self->_maxTimeLapse = atoi(argList[++ndx]); ESAC /* set verbosity */ CASE("-v", "--verbose") self->_verbose = 1; ESAC /* help */ CASE("-h", "--help") __help(argList[0]); return 0; ESAC printf("\nUnrecognizeable argument: %s\n%s\n", argList[ndx], LUNA_HAIKU_6); return 0; } /* set default values */ if (!self->_source) { gethostname(hostName, 256); self->_source = Luna_resolve(hostName); if (!self->_source) { printf("Unable to determine source host; please manually specify the source with '-s'.\n%s\n", LUNA_HAIKU_2); return 0; } } if (!self->_device) { self->_device = pcap_lookupdev((char *)NULL); if (!self->_device) { self->_device = DEFAULT_DEVICE; } } return 1; }