Ejemplo n.º 1
_WCRTLINK _NORETURN void __exit( unsigned ret_code )
    __OS2Fini(); // must be done before following finalizers get called
    if( __Is_DLL ) {
        if( __process_fini != NULL ) {
            (*__process_fini)( 0, FINI_PRIORITY_EXIT - 1 );
    } else {
        __FiniRtns( 0, FINI_PRIORITY_EXIT - 1 );

    DosExit( EXIT_PROCESS, ret_code );
    // never return
Ejemplo n.º 2
unsigned _LibMain( unsigned hmod, unsigned termination )
    static int  processes;
    unsigned    rc;

    if( termination != 0 ) {
        // If we're running with single DGROUP and tried to load
        // twice, do not run any termination code! Also reset the
        // process counter so that the already loaded DLL can
        // terminate properly
        if( processes > 1 ) {
            return( 0 );
        rc = LibMain( hmod, termination );
#ifdef __SW_BR
        __FiniRtns( 0, 255 );
        if( _LpwCmdLine ) {
            lib_free( _LpwCmdLine );
            _LpwCmdLine = NULL;
        if( _LpwPgmName ) {
            lib_free( _LpwPgmName );
            _LpwPgmName = NULL;
        __FiniRtns( FINI_PRIORITY_EXIT, 255 );
        // calls to free memory have to be done before semaphores closed
        __FreeInitThreadData( __FirstThreadData );
        __OS2Fini(); // must be done before following finalizers get called
        __FiniRtns( 0, FINI_PRIORITY_EXIT - 1 );
        return( rc );
    if( processes > 1 ) {
        if( __disallow_single_dgroup(hmod) ) {
            return( 0 );
    __hmodule = hmod;
#ifdef __SW_BR
        static char     fname[_MAX_PATH];
        static wchar_t  wfname[_MAX_PATH];

        __Is_DLL = 1;
        __InitRtns( 255 );
        DosQueryModuleName( hmod, sizeof( fname ), fname );
        _LpDllName = fname;
        _LpwDllName = wfname;
        _atouni( _LpwDllName, _LpDllName );
        PTIB        pptib;
        PPIB        pppib;
        unsigned    i;

        DosGetInfoBlocks( &pptib, &pppib );
        _RWD_Envptr = pppib->pib_pchenv;
        _LpCmdLine = pppib->pib_pchcmd;
        while( *_LpCmdLine ) {          // skip over program name
        _LpwCmdLine = lib_malloc( (strlen( _LpCmdLine ) + 1) * sizeof( wchar_t ) );
        _atouni( _LpwCmdLine, _LpCmdLine );
            // ugly stuff to deal with two copies of .exe name in the
            // environment space. apparently the OS fullpath name is
            // just before this one in the environment space
            char    *cmd_path;

            cmd_path = pppib->pib_pchcmd;
            for( cmd_path -= 2; *cmd_path != '\0'; --cmd_path );
            _LpPgmName = cmd_path;
            _LpwPgmName = lib_malloc( (strlen( _LpPgmName ) + 1) * sizeof( wchar_t ) );
            _atouni( _LpwPgmName, _LpPgmName );
        __InitRtns( INIT_PRIORITY_THREAD );
        if( __InitThreadProcessing() == NULL )
            return( 0 );
        __OS2Init( TRUE, __AllocInitThreadData( NULL ) );
        for( i = 2; i <= __MaxThreads; i++ ) {
            if( !__OS2AddThread( i, NULL ) ) {
                return( 0 );
        __InitRtns( INIT_PRIORITY_EXIT - 1 );
            static char     fname[_MAX_PATH];
            static wchar_t  wfname[_MAX_PATH];

            DosQueryModuleName( hmod, sizeof( fname ), fname );
            _LpDllName = fname;
            _LpwDllName = wfname;
            _atouni( _LpwDllName, _LpDllName );
        __InitRtns( 255 );
#ifndef __SW_BR
    /* allocate alternate stack for F77 */
    return( LibMain( hmod, termination ) );