Ejemplo n.º 1
void WriteByte(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsUInt8Number b)
	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%02x", b);	
	_cmsPSActualColumn += 2;

	if (_cmsPSActualColumn > MAXPSCOLS) {

		_cmsIOPrintf(m, "\n");
		_cmsPSActualColumn = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void EmitWhiteBlackD50(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint)

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/BlackPoint [%f %f %f]\n", BlackPoint -> X,
                                          BlackPoint -> Y,
                                          BlackPoint -> Z);

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/WhitePoint [%f %f %f]\n", cmsD50_XYZ()->X, 
Ejemplo n.º 3
int EmitCIEBasedDEF(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsPipeline* Pipeline, int Intent, cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint)
    const char* PreMaj;
    const char* PostMaj;
    const char* PreMin, *PostMin;
    cmsStage* mpe;

    mpe = Pipeline ->Elements;

    switch (cmsStageInputChannels(mpe)) {
    case 3:

            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "[ /CIEBasedDEF\n");
            PreMaj ="<";
            PostMaj= ">\n";
            PreMin = PostMin = "";
    case 4:
            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "[ /CIEBasedDEFG\n");
            PreMaj = "[";
            PostMaj = "]\n";
            PreMin = "<";
            PostMin = ">\n";
            return 0;


    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");

    if (cmsStageType(mpe) == cmsSigCurveSetElemType) {

        _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeDEF [ ");
        EmitNGamma(m, cmsStageOutputChannels(mpe), _cmsStageGetPtrToCurveSet(mpe));
        _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

        mpe = mpe ->Next;

    if (cmsStageType(mpe) == cmsSigCLutElemType) {

            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/Table ");
            WriteCLUT(m, mpe, PreMaj, PostMaj, PreMin, PostMin, FALSE, (cmsColorSpaceSignature) 0);
            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

    EmitWhiteBlackD50(m, BlackPoint);
    EmitIntent(m, Intent);

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "   >>\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void EmitHeader(cmsIOHANDLER* m, const char* Title, cmsHPROFILE hProfile)
    time_t timer;
	cmsMLU *Description, *Copyright;
	char DescASCII[256], CopyrightASCII[256];
	Description = (cmsMLU*) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigProfileDescriptionTag);
	Copyright   = (cmsMLU*) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigCopyrightTag);

	DescASCII[0] = DescASCII[255] = 0;
    CopyrightASCII[0] = CopyrightASCII[255] = 0;

	if (Description != NULL) cmsMLUgetASCII(Description,  cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, DescASCII,       255);
	if (Copyright != NULL)   cmsMLUgetASCII(Copyright,    cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, CopyrightASCII,  255);

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%%\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% %s\n", Title);
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% Source: %s\n", RemoveCR(DescASCII));
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%%         %s\n", RemoveCR(CopyrightASCII));
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% Created: %s", ctime(&timer)); // ctime appends a \n!!!
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%%\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%%%%BeginResource\n");

Ejemplo n.º 5
void EmitRangeCheck(cmsIOHANDLER* m)
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup 0.0 lt { pop 0.0 } if "
                    "dup 1.0 gt { pop 1.0 } if ");

Ejemplo n.º 6
cmsUInt32Number  GenerateCRD(cmsContext ContextID,
							 cmsHPROFILE hProfile, 
							 cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number dwFlags,
							 cmsIOHANDLER* mem)
	cmsUInt32Number dwBytesUsed;


		EmitHeader(mem, "Color Rendering Dictionary (CRD)", hProfile);

	// Is a named color profile?
	if (cmsGetDeviceClass(hProfile) == cmsSigNamedColorClass) {

		if (!WriteNamedColorCRD(mem, hProfile, Intent, dwFlags)) {
			return 0;
	else {

		// CRD are always implemented as LUT 

		if (!WriteOutputLUT(mem, hProfile, Intent, dwFlags)) {
			return 0;


		_cmsIOPrintf(mem, "%%%%EndResource\n");
		_cmsIOPrintf(mem, "\n%% CRD End\n");

	// Done, keep memory usage
	dwBytesUsed = mem ->UsedSpace;

	// Finally, return used byte count
	return dwBytesUsed;

Ejemplo n.º 7
int WriteNamedColorCRD(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hNamedColor, int Intent, cmsUInt32Number dwFlags)
    cmsHTRANSFORM xform;    
    int i, nColors, nColorant;
    cmsUInt32Number OutputFormat;
    char ColorName[32];
    char Colorant[128];
	cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* NamedColorList;

    OutputFormat = cmsFormatterForColorspaceOfProfile(hNamedColor, 2, FALSE);
	nColorant    = T_CHANNELS(OutputFormat);

    xform = cmsCreateTransform(hNamedColor, TYPE_NAMED_COLOR_INDEX, NULL, OutputFormat, Intent, dwFlags);
    if (xform == NULL) return 0;

	NamedColorList = cmsGetNamedColorList(xform);
	if (NamedColorList == NULL) return 0;

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(colorlistcomment) (%s) \n", "Named profile");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Prefix) [ (Pantone ) (PANTONE ) ]\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Suffix) [ ( CV) ( CVC) ( C) ]\n");

    nColors   = cmsNamedColorCount(NamedColorList);
    for (i=0; i < nColors; i++) {
        cmsUInt16Number In[1];
        cmsUInt16Number Out[cmsMAXCHANNELS];

        In[0] = (cmsUInt16Number) i;

        if (!cmsNamedColorInfo(NamedColorList, i, ColorName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))

        cmsDoTransform(xform, In, Out, 1);      
        BuildColorantList(Colorant, nColorant, Out);
        _cmsIOPrintf(m, "  (%s) [ %s ]\n", ColorName, Colorant);

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "   >>");

    if (!(dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_NODEFAULTRESOURCEDEF)) {

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, " /Current exch /HPSpotTable defineresource pop\n");

    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int EmitCIEBasedABC(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsFloat64Number* Matrix, cmsToneCurve** CurveSet, cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint)
	int i;
	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "[ /CIEBasedABC\n");
	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");
	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeABC [ ");

	EmitNGamma(m, 3, CurveSet);

	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/MatrixABC [ " );

	for( i=0; i < 3; i++ ) {

		_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%.6f %.6f %.6f ", Matrix[0 + 3*i],
			                         Matrix[1 + 3*i],
									 Matrix[2 + 3*i]);		

	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangeLMN [ 0.0 0.9642 0.0 1.0000 0.0 0.8249 ]\n");

	EmitWhiteBlackD50(m, BlackPoint);

	_cmsIOPrintf(m, ">>\n");
	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void EmitNGamma(cmsIOHANDLER* m, int n, cmsToneCurve* g[])                  
    int i;
    for( i=0; i < n; i++ )
		if (i > 0 && GammaTableEquals(g[i-1]->Table16, g[i]->Table16, g[i]->nEntries)) {

            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup ");
        else {    
			Emit1Gamma(m, g[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void EmitIntent(cmsIOHANDLER* m, int RenderingIntent)
    const char *intent;

    switch (RenderingIntent) {

        case INTENT_PERCEPTUAL:            intent = "Perceptual"; break;
        case INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC: intent = "RelativeColorimetric"; break;
        case INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC: intent = "AbsoluteColorimetric"; break;
        case INTENT_SATURATION:            intent = "Saturation"; break;

        default: intent = "Undefined"; break;

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RenderingIntent (%s)\n", intent );    
Ejemplo n.º 11
int WriteNamedColorCSA(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hNamedColor, int Intent)
    cmsHTRANSFORM xform;
    cmsHPROFILE   hLab;
    int i, nColors;
    char ColorName[32];
    cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* NamedColorList;

	hLab  = cmsCreateLab4ProfileTHR(m ->ContextID, NULL);
    xform = cmsCreateTransform(hNamedColor, TYPE_NAMED_COLOR_INDEX, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, Intent, 0);
    if (xform == NULL) return 0;

	NamedColorList = cmsGetNamedColorList(xform);
    if (NamedColorList == NULL) return 0;

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(colorlistcomment) (%s)\n", "Named color CSA");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Prefix) [ (Pantone ) (PANTONE ) ]\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Suffix) [ ( CV) ( CVC) ( C) ]\n");

    nColors   = cmsNamedColorCount(NamedColorList);

    for (i=0; i < nColors; i++) {
        cmsUInt16Number In[1];
        cmsCIELab Lab;

        In[0] = (cmsUInt16Number) i;

        if (!cmsNamedColorInfo(NamedColorList, i, ColorName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))

        cmsDoTransform(xform, In, &Lab, 1);     
        _cmsIOPrintf(m, "  (%s) [ %.3f %.3f %.3f ]\n", ColorName, Lab.L, Lab.a, Lab.b);

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, ">>\n");

    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int EmitCIEBasedA(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsToneCurve* Curve, cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint)

	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "[ /CIEBasedA\n");
	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "  <<\n");

	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeA ");

	Emit1Gamma(m, Curve);

	_cmsIOPrintf(m, " \n");

	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/MatrixA [ 0.9642 1.0000 0.8249 ]\n");
	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangeLMN [ 0.0 0.9642 0.0 1.0000 0.0 0.8249 ]\n");

	EmitWhiteBlackD50(m, BlackPoint);

	_cmsIOPrintf(m, ">>\n");        
	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void WriteCLUT(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsStage* mpe, const char* PreMaj, 
                                             const char* PostMaj,
                                             const char* PreMin,
                                             const char* PostMin,                                             
                                             int FixWhite,
                                             cmsColorSpaceSignature ColorSpace)
    cmsUInt32Number i;
    cmsPsSamplerCargo sc;

    sc.FirstComponent = -1;
    sc.SecondComponent = -1;
	sc.Pipeline = (_cmsStageCLutData *) mpe ->Data;
    sc.m   = m;    
    sc.PreMaj = PreMaj;
    sc.PostMaj= PostMaj;

    sc.PreMin   = PreMin;
    sc.PostMin  = PostMin;    
    sc.FixWhite = FixWhite;
    sc.ColorSpace = ColorSpace;

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "[");

	for (i=0; i < sc.Pipeline->Params->nInputs; i++)
		_cmsIOPrintf(m, " %d ", sc.Pipeline->Params->nSamples[i]);

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, " [\n");

    cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(mpe, OutputValueSampler, (void*) &sc, SAMPLER_INSPECT);
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, PostMin);
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, PostMaj);
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "] ");

Ejemplo n.º 14
int OutputValueSampler(register const cmsUInt16Number In[], register cmsUInt16Number Out[], register void* Cargo)
    cmsPsSamplerCargo* sc = (cmsPsSamplerCargo*) Cargo;
    cmsUInt32Number i;

    if (sc -> FixWhite) {

        if (In[0] == 0xFFFF) {  // Only in L* = 100, ab = [-8..8]

            if ((In[1] >= 0x7800 && In[1] <= 0x8800) &&
                (In[2] >= 0x7800 && In[2] <= 0x8800)) {

                cmsUInt16Number* Black;
                cmsUInt16Number* White;
                cmsUInt32Number nOutputs;

                if (!_cmsEndPointsBySpace(sc ->ColorSpace, &White, &Black, &nOutputs))
                        return 0;

                for (i=0; i < nOutputs; i++)
                        Out[i] = White[i];


    // Hadle the parenthesis on rows

    if (In[0] != sc ->FirstComponent) {
            if (sc ->FirstComponent != -1) {

                    _cmsIOPrintf(sc ->m, sc ->PostMin);
                    sc ->SecondComponent = -1;
                    _cmsIOPrintf(sc ->m, sc ->PostMaj);           

            // Begin block  
            _cmsPSActualColumn = 0;
            _cmsIOPrintf(sc ->m, sc ->PreMaj);            
            sc ->FirstComponent = In[0]; 

      if (In[1] != sc ->SecondComponent) {
            if (sc ->SecondComponent != -1) {

                    _cmsIOPrintf(sc ->m, sc ->PostMin);           
            _cmsIOPrintf(sc ->m, sc ->PreMin);            
            sc ->SecondComponent = In[1]; 

	  // Dump table. 

	  for (i=0; i < sc -> Pipeline ->Params->nOutputs; i++) {

		  cmsUInt16Number wWordOut = Out[i];
          cmsUInt8Number wByteOut;           // Value as byte

		  // We always deal with Lab4
		  wByteOut = Word2Byte(wWordOut);
		  WriteByte(sc -> m, wByteOut);

	  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void Emit1Gamma(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsToneCurve* Table)
    cmsUInt32Number i;
    cmsFloat64Number gamma;

    if (Table ->nEntries <= 0) return;  // Empty table

    // Suppress whole if identity
    if (cmsIsToneCurveLinear(Table)) return;

    // Check if is really an exponential. If so, emit "exp"
	gamma = cmsEstimateGamma(Table, 0.001);
     if (gamma > 0) {
            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ %g exp } bind ", gamma);

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ ");

    // Bounds check
    // Emit intepolation code

    // PostScript code                      Stack
    // ===============                      ========================
                                            // v
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, " [");

    for (i=0; i < Table->nEntries; i++) {
		_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%d ", Table->Table16[i]);

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "] ");                        // v tab

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup ");                      // v tab tab        
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "length 1 sub ");             // v tab dom
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "3 -1 roll ");                // tab dom v
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "mul ");                      // tab val2
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup ");                      // tab val2 val2
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup ");                      // tab val2 val2 val2
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "floor cvi ");                // tab val2 val2 cell0
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "exch ");                     // tab val2 cell0 val2
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "ceiling cvi ");              // tab val2 cell0 cell1
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "3 index ");                  // tab val2 cell0 cell1 tab 
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "exch ");                     // tab val2 cell0 tab cell1
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "get ");                      // tab val2 cell0 y1
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "4 -1 roll ");                // val2 cell0 y1 tab
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "3 -1 roll ");                // val2 y1 tab cell0 
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "get ");                      // val2 y1 y0 
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup ");                      // val2 y1 y0 y0
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "3 1 roll ");                 // val2 y0 y1 y0 
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "sub ");                      // val2 y0 (y1-y0)
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "3 -1 roll ");                // y0 (y1-y0) val2
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup ");                      // y0 (y1-y0) val2 val2
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "floor cvi ");                // y0 (y1-y0) val2 floor(val2) 
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "sub ");                      // y0 (y1-y0) rest
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "mul ");                      // y0 t1
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "add ");                      // y
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "65535 div ");                // result

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, " } bind ");
Ejemplo n.º 16
void EmitLab2XYZ(cmsIOHANDLER* m)
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangeABC [ 0 1 0 1 0 1]\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeABC [\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{100 mul  16 add 116 div } bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{255 mul 128 sub 500 div } bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{255 mul 128 sub 200 div } bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/MatrixABC [ 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1]\n");
	_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangeLMN [ -0.236 1.254 0 1 -0.635 1.640 ]\n"); 
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeLMN [\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 0.964200 mul} bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse } bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 0.824900 mul} bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
Ejemplo n.º 17
void EmitPQRStage(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, int DoBPC, int lIsAbsolute)

        if (lIsAbsolute) {

            // For absolute colorimetric intent, encode back to relative 
			// and generate a relative Pipeline

			// Relative encoding is obtained across XYZpcs*(D50/WhitePoint)

			cmsCIEXYZ White;

			_cmsReadMediaWhitePoint(&White, hProfile);

			_cmsIOPrintf(m,"/MatrixPQR [1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ]\n");
            _cmsIOPrintf(m,"/RangePQR [ -0.5 2 -0.5 2 -0.5 2 ]\n");

            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% Absolute colorimetric -- encode to relative to maximize LUT usage\n"
                      "/TransformPQR [\n"
                      "{0.9642 mul %g div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop} bind\n"
                      "{1.0000 mul %g div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop} bind\n"
                      "{0.8249 mul %g div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop} bind\n]\n", 
					  White.X, White.Y, White.Z);

        _cmsIOPrintf(m,"%% Bradford Cone Space\n"
                 "/MatrixPQR [0.8951 -0.7502 0.0389 0.2664 1.7135 -0.0685 -0.1614 0.0367 1.0296 ] \n");

        _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangePQR [ -0.5 2 -0.5 2 -0.5 2 ]\n");

        // No BPC

        if (!DoBPC) {

            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% VonKries-like transform in Bradford Cone Space\n"
                      "/TransformPQR [\n"
                      "{exch pop exch 3 get mul exch pop exch 3 get div} bind\n"
                      "{exch pop exch 4 get mul exch pop exch 4 get div} bind\n"
                      "{exch pop exch 5 get mul exch pop exch 5 get div} bind\n]\n"); 
        } else {

            // BPC

            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% VonKries-like transform in Bradford Cone Space plus BPC\n"
                      "/TransformPQR [\n");
            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{4 index 3 get div 2 index 3 get mul "
                    "2 index 3 get 2 index 3 get sub mul "                          
                    "2 index 3 get 4 index 3 get 3 index 3 get sub mul sub "
                    "3 index 3 get 3 index 3 get exch sub div "
                    "exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind\n");

            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{4 index 4 get div 2 index 4 get mul "
                    "2 index 4 get 2 index 4 get sub mul "
                    "2 index 4 get 4 index 4 get 3 index 4 get sub mul sub "
                    "3 index 4 get 3 index 4 get exch sub div "
                    "exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind\n");

            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{4 index 5 get div 2 index 5 get mul "
                    "2 index 5 get 2 index 5 get sub mul "
                    "2 index 5 get 4 index 5 get 3 index 5 get sub mul sub "
                    "3 index 5 get 3 index 5 get exch sub div "
                    "exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind\n]\n");

Ejemplo n.º 18
void EmitXYZ2Lab(cmsIOHANDLER* m)
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangeLMN [ -0.635 2.0 0 2 -0.635 2.0 ]\n"); 
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/EncodeLMN [\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 0.964200  div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 1.000000  div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 0.824900  div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/MatrixABC [ 0 1 0 1 -1 1 0 0 -1 ]\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/EncodeABC [\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 116 mul  16 sub 100 div  } bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 500 mul 128 add 256 div  } bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 200 mul 128 add 256 div  } bind\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

Ejemplo n.º 19
int WriteOutputLUT(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, int Intent, cmsUInt32Number dwFlags)
    cmsHPROFILE hLab;
    cmsHTRANSFORM xform;
    int i, nChannels;
    cmsUInt32Number OutputFormat;
    _cmsTRANSFORM* v;
    cmsPipeline* DeviceLink;
    cmsHPROFILE Profiles[3];
    cmsCIEXYZ BlackPointAdaptedToD50;
    cmsBool lFixWhite = !(dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_NOWHITEONWHITEFIXUP);
	cmsUInt32Number InFrm = TYPE_Lab_16;
	int RelativeEncodingIntent;
	cmsColorSpaceSignature ColorSpace;
	hLab = cmsCreateLab4ProfileTHR(m ->ContextID, NULL);
	if (hLab == NULL) return 0;

    OutputFormat = cmsFormatterForColorspaceOfProfile(hProfile, 2, FALSE);
	nChannels    = T_CHANNELS(OutputFormat);

	ColorSpace = cmsGetColorSpace(hProfile);

	// For absolute colorimetric, the LUT is encoded as relative in order to preserve precision.

    RelativeEncodingIntent = Intent;
	if (RelativeEncodingIntent == INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC)

	// Use V4 Lab always
	Profiles[0] = hLab;
	Profiles[1] = hProfile;

	xform = cmsCreateMultiprofileTransformTHR(m ->ContextID, 
		                                      Profiles, 2, TYPE_Lab_DBL, 
		                                      OutputFormat, RelativeEncodingIntent, 0);

    if (xform == NULL) {
		cmsSignalError(m ->ContextID, cmsERROR_COLORSPACE_CHECK, "Cannot create transform Lab -> Profile in CRD creation");
        return 0;

    // Get a copy of the internal devicelink
    v = (_cmsTRANSFORM*) xform;
    DeviceLink = cmsPipelineDup(v ->Lut);
	if (DeviceLink == NULL) return 0;
	// We need a CLUT
	dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_FORCE_CLUT;
	_cmsOptimizePipeline(&DeviceLink, RelativeEncodingIntent, &InFrm, &OutputFormat, &dwFlags);
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/ColorRenderingType 1\n");

    cmsDetectBlackPoint(&BlackPointAdaptedToD50, hProfile, Intent, 0);

    // Emit headers, etc.
    EmitWhiteBlackD50(m, &BlackPointAdaptedToD50);
    EmitPQRStage(m, hProfile, lDoBPC, Intent == INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC);
    // FIXUP: map Lab (100, 0, 0) to perfect white, because the particular encoding for Lab 
    // does map a=b=0 not falling into any specific node. Since range a,b goes -128..127, 
    // zero is slightly moved towards right, so assure next node (in L=100 slice) is mapped to
    // zero. This would sacrifice a bit of highlights, but failure to do so would cause
    // scum dot. Ouch.
            lFixWhite = FALSE;

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RenderTable ");
    WriteCLUT(m, cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(DeviceLink), "<", ">\n", "", "", lFixWhite, ColorSpace);
    _cmsIOPrintf(m, " %d {} bind ", nChannels);

    for (i=1; i < nChannels; i++)
            _cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup ");

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");

    EmitIntent(m, Intent);

    _cmsIOPrintf(m, ">>\n");

    if (!(dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_NODEFAULTRESOURCEDEF)) {

        _cmsIOPrintf(m, "/Current exch /ColorRendering defineresource pop\n");

    return 1;   