Ejemplo n.º 1
// Chromatic adaptation matrix. Fix some issues as well
cmsBool  _cmsReadCHAD(cmsMAT3* Dest, cmsHPROFILE hProfile)
    cmsMAT3* Tag;

    _cmsAssert(Dest != NULL);

    Tag = (cmsMAT3*) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigChromaticAdaptationTag);

    if (Tag != NULL) {
        *Dest = *Tag;
        return TRUE;

    // No CHAD available, default it to identity

    // V2 display profiles should give D50
    if (cmsGetEncodedICCversion(hProfile) < 0x4000000) {

        if (cmsGetDeviceClass(hProfile) == cmsSigDisplayClass) {

            cmsCIEXYZ* White = (cmsCIEXYZ*) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigMediaWhitePointTag);

            if (White == NULL) {

                return TRUE;

            return _cmsAdaptationMatrix(Dest, NULL, White, cmsD50_XYZ());

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
cmsBool CMSEXPORT _cmsMAT3isIdentity(const cmsMAT3* a)
    cmsMAT3 Identity;
    int i, j;


    for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
            if (!CloseEnough(a ->v[i].n[j], Identity.v[i].n[j])) return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Just to see if m matrix should be applied
cmsBool IsEmptyLayer(cmsMAT3* m, cmsVEC3* off)
    cmsFloat64Number diff = 0;
    cmsMAT3 Ident;
    int i;

    if (m == NULL && off == NULL) return TRUE;  // NULL is allowed as an empty layer
    if (m == NULL && off != NULL) return FALSE; // This is an internal error


    for (i=0; i < 3*3; i++)
        diff += fabs(((cmsFloat64Number*)m)[i] - ((cmsFloat64Number*)&Ident)[i]);

    for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
        diff += fabs(((cmsFloat64Number*)off)[i]);

    return (diff < 0.002);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Default handler for ICC-style intents
cmsPipeline* DefaultICCintents(cmsContext       ContextID,
                               cmsUInt32Number  nProfiles,
                               cmsUInt32Number  TheIntents[],
                               cmsHPROFILE      hProfiles[],
                               cmsBool          BPC[],
                               cmsFloat64Number AdaptationStates[],
                               cmsUInt32Number  dwFlags)
    cmsPipeline* Lut = NULL;
    cmsPipeline* Result;
    cmsHPROFILE hProfile;
    cmsMAT3 m;
    cmsVEC3 off;
    cmsColorSpaceSignature ColorSpaceIn, ColorSpaceOut, CurrentColorSpace;
    cmsProfileClassSignature ClassSig;
    cmsUInt32Number  i, Intent;

    // For safety
    if (nProfiles == 0) return NULL;

    // Allocate an empty LUT for holding the result. 0 as channel count means 'undefined'
    Result = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 0, 0);
    if (Result == NULL) return NULL;

    CurrentColorSpace = cmsGetColorSpace(hProfiles[0]);

    for (i=0; i < nProfiles; i++) {

        cmsBool  lIsDeviceLink, lIsInput;

        hProfile      = hProfiles[i];
        ClassSig      = cmsGetDeviceClass(hProfile);
        lIsDeviceLink = (ClassSig == cmsSigLinkClass || ClassSig == cmsSigAbstractClass );

        // First profile is used as input unless devicelink or abstract
        if ((i == 0) && !lIsDeviceLink) {
            lIsInput = TRUE;
        else {
          // Else use profile in the input direction if current space is not PCS
        lIsInput      = (CurrentColorSpace != cmsSigXYZData) &&
                        (CurrentColorSpace != cmsSigLabData);

        Intent        = TheIntents[i];

        if (lIsInput || lIsDeviceLink) {

            ColorSpaceIn    = cmsGetColorSpace(hProfile);
            ColorSpaceOut   = cmsGetPCS(hProfile);
        else {

            ColorSpaceIn    = cmsGetPCS(hProfile);
            ColorSpaceOut   = cmsGetColorSpace(hProfile);

        if (!ColorSpaceIsCompatible(ColorSpaceIn, CurrentColorSpace)) {

            cmsSignalError(ContextID, cmsERROR_COLORSPACE_CHECK, "ColorSpace mismatch");
            goto Error;

        // If devicelink is found, then no custom intent is allowed and we can
        // read the LUT to be applied. Settings don't apply here.
        if (lIsDeviceLink || ((ClassSig == cmsSigNamedColorClass) && (nProfiles == 1))) {

            // Get the involved LUT from the profile
            Lut = _cmsReadDevicelinkLUT(hProfile, Intent);
            if (Lut == NULL) goto Error;

            // What about abstract profiles?
             if (ClassSig == cmsSigAbstractClass && i > 0) {
                if (!ComputeConversion(i, hProfiles, Intent, BPC[i], AdaptationStates[i], &m, &off)) goto Error;
             else {
                _cmsVEC3init(&off, 0, 0, 0);

            if (!AddConversion(Result, CurrentColorSpace, ColorSpaceIn, &m, &off)) goto Error;

        else {

            if (lIsInput) {
                // Input direction means non-pcs connection, so proceed like devicelinks
                Lut = _cmsReadInputLUT(hProfile, Intent);
                if (Lut == NULL) goto Error;
            else {

                // Output direction means PCS connection. Intent may apply here
                Lut = _cmsReadOutputLUT(hProfile, Intent);
                if (Lut == NULL) goto Error;

                if (!ComputeConversion(i, hProfiles, Intent, BPC[i], AdaptationStates[i], &m, &off)) goto Error;
                if (!AddConversion(Result, CurrentColorSpace, ColorSpaceIn, &m, &off)) goto Error;


        // Concatenate to the output LUT
        if (!cmsPipelineCat(Result, Lut))
            goto Error;

        Lut = NULL;

        // Update current space
        CurrentColorSpace = ColorSpaceOut;

    return Result;


    if (Lut != NULL) cmsPipelineFree(Lut);
    if (Result != NULL) cmsPipelineFree(Result);
    return NULL;

Ejemplo n.º 5
// Compute the conversion layer
cmsBool ComputeConversion(int i, cmsHPROFILE hProfiles[],
                                 cmsUInt32Number Intent,
                                 cmsBool BPC,
                                 cmsFloat64Number AdaptationState,
                                 cmsMAT3* m, cmsVEC3* off)

    int k;

    // m  and off are set to identity and this is detected latter on
    _cmsVEC3init(off, 0, 0, 0);

    // If intent is abs. colorimetric,

        cmsCIEXYZ WhitePointIn, WhitePointOut;
        cmsMAT3 ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn, ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut;

        _cmsReadMediaWhitePoint(&WhitePointIn,  hProfiles[i-1]);
        _cmsReadCHAD(&ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn, hProfiles[i-1]);

        _cmsReadMediaWhitePoint(&WhitePointOut,  hProfiles[i]);
        _cmsReadCHAD(&ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut, hProfiles[i]);

        if (!ComputeAbsoluteIntent(AdaptationState,
                                  &WhitePointIn,  &ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn,
                                  &WhitePointOut, &ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut, m)) return FALSE;

    else {
        // Rest of intents may apply BPC.

        if (BPC) {

            cmsCIEXYZ BlackPointIn, BlackPointOut;

            cmsDetectBlackPoint(&BlackPointIn,  hProfiles[i-1], Intent, 0);
            cmsDetectDestinationBlackPoint(&BlackPointOut, hProfiles[i], Intent, 0);

            // If black points are equal, then do nothing
            if (BlackPointIn.X != BlackPointOut.X ||
                BlackPointIn.Y != BlackPointOut.Y ||
                BlackPointIn.Z != BlackPointOut.Z)
                    ComputeBlackPointCompensation(&BlackPointIn, &BlackPointOut, m, off);

    // Offset should be adjusted because the encoding. We encode XYZ normalized to 0..1.0,
    // to do that, we divide by MAX_ENCODEABLE_XZY. The conversion stage goes XYZ -> XYZ so
    // we have first to convert from encoded to XYZ and then convert back to encoded.
    // y = Mx + Off
    // x = x'c
    // y = M x'c + Off
    // y = y'c; y' = y / c
    // y' = (Mx'c + Off) /c = Mx' + (Off / c)

    for (k=0; k < 3; k++) {
        off ->n[k] /= MAX_ENCODEABLE_XYZ;

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Join scalings to obtain relative input to absolute and then to relative output.
// Result is stored in a 3x3 matrix
cmsBool  ComputeAbsoluteIntent(cmsFloat64Number AdaptationState,
                               const cmsCIEXYZ* WhitePointIn,
                               const cmsMAT3* ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn,
                               const cmsCIEXYZ* WhitePointOut,
                               const cmsMAT3* ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut,
                               cmsMAT3* m)
    cmsMAT3 Scale, m1, m2, m3, m4;

    // Adaptation state
    if (AdaptationState == 1.0) {

        // Observer is fully adapted. Keep chromatic adaptation.
        // That is the standard V4 behaviour
        _cmsVEC3init(&m->v[0], WhitePointIn->X / WhitePointOut->X, 0, 0);
        _cmsVEC3init(&m->v[1], 0, WhitePointIn->Y / WhitePointOut->Y, 0);
        _cmsVEC3init(&m->v[2], 0, 0, WhitePointIn->Z / WhitePointOut->Z);

    else  {

        // Incomplete adaptation. This is an advanced feature.
        _cmsVEC3init(&Scale.v[0], WhitePointIn->X / WhitePointOut->X, 0, 0);
        _cmsVEC3init(&Scale.v[1], 0,  WhitePointIn->Y / WhitePointOut->Y, 0);
        _cmsVEC3init(&Scale.v[2], 0, 0,  WhitePointIn->Z / WhitePointOut->Z);

        if (AdaptationState == 0.0) {

            m1 = *ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut;
            _cmsMAT3per(&m2, &m1, &Scale);
            // m2 holds CHAD from output white to D50 times abs. col. scaling

            // Observer is not adapted, undo the chromatic adaptation
            _cmsMAT3per(m, &m2, ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut);

            m3 = *ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn;
            if (!_cmsMAT3inverse(&m3, &m4)) return FALSE;
            _cmsMAT3per(m, &m2, &m4);

        } else {

            cmsMAT3 MixedCHAD;
            cmsFloat64Number TempSrc, TempDest, Temp;

            m1 = *ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn;
            if (!_cmsMAT3inverse(&m1, &m2)) return FALSE;
            _cmsMAT3per(&m3, &m2, &Scale);
            // m3 holds CHAD from input white to D50 times abs. col. scaling

            TempSrc  = CHAD2Temp(ChromaticAdaptationMatrixIn);
            TempDest = CHAD2Temp(ChromaticAdaptationMatrixOut);

            if (TempSrc < 0.0 || TempDest < 0.0) return FALSE; // Something went wrong

            if (_cmsMAT3isIdentity(&Scale) && fabs(TempSrc - TempDest) < 0.01) {

                return TRUE;

            Temp = (1.0 - AdaptationState) * TempDest + AdaptationState * TempSrc;

            // Get a CHAD from whatever output temperature to D50. This replaces output CHAD
            Temp2CHAD(&MixedCHAD, Temp);

            _cmsMAT3per(m, &m3, &MixedCHAD);

    return TRUE;
