Ejemplo n.º 1
int InkLimitingSampler(register const cmsUInt16Number In[], register cmsUInt16Number Out[], register void* Cargo)
    cmsFloat64Number InkLimit = *(cmsFloat64Number *) Cargo;
    cmsFloat64Number SumCMY, SumCMYK, Ratio;

    InkLimit = (InkLimit * 655.35);

    SumCMY   = In[0]  + In[1] + In[2];
    SumCMYK  = SumCMY + In[3];

    if (SumCMYK > InkLimit) {

        Ratio = 1 - ((SumCMYK - InkLimit) / SumCMY);
        if (Ratio < 0)
            Ratio = 0;
    else Ratio = 1;

    Out[0] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(In[0] * Ratio);     // C
    Out[1] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(In[1] * Ratio);     // M
    Out[2] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(In[2] * Ratio);     // Y

    Out[3] = In[3];                                 // K (untouched)

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Create a segmented gamma, fill the table
cmsToneCurve* CMSEXPORT cmsBuildSegmentedToneCurve(cmsContext ContextID, 
                                                   cmsInt32Number nSegments, const cmsCurveSegment Segments[])
    int i;
    cmsFloat64Number R, Val;
    cmsToneCurve* g;
    int nGridPoints = 4096;
    _cmsAssert(Segments != NULL);

    // Optimizatin for identity curves. 
    if (nSegments == 1 && Segments[0].Type == 1) {

        nGridPoints = EntriesByGamma(Segments[0].Params[0]);

    g = AllocateToneCurveStruct(ContextID, nGridPoints, nSegments, Segments, NULL);
    if (g == NULL) return NULL;

    // Once we have the floating point version, we can approximate a 16 bit table of 4096 entries
    // for performance reasons. This table would normally not be used except on 8/16 bits transforms.
    for (i=0; i < nGridPoints; i++) {

        R   = (cmsFloat64Number) i / (nGridPoints-1);

        Val = EvalSegmentedFn(g, R);

        // Round and saturate
        g ->Table16[i] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(Val * 65535.0);

    return g;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Smooths a curve sampled at regular intervals. 
cmsBool  CMSEXPORT cmsSmoothToneCurve(cmsToneCurve* Tab, cmsFloat64Number lambda)
    int i, nItems, Zeros, Poles;

    if (Tab == NULL) return FALSE;

    if (cmsIsToneCurveLinear(Tab)) return FALSE; // Nothing to do

    nItems = Tab -> nEntries;

    if (nItems >= MAX_NODES_IN_CURVE) {
        cmsSignalError(Tab ->InterpParams->ContextID, cmsERROR_RANGE, "cmsSmoothToneCurve: too many points.");
        return FALSE;

    memset(w, 0, nItems * sizeof(cmsFloat32Number));
    memset(y, 0, nItems * sizeof(cmsFloat32Number));
    memset(z, 0, nItems * sizeof(cmsFloat32Number));

    for (i=0; i < nItems; i++)
        y[i+1] = (cmsFloat32Number) Tab -> Table16[i];
        w[i+1] = 1.0;

    if (!smooth2(Tab ->InterpParams->ContextID, w, y, z, (cmsFloat32Number) lambda, nItems)) return FALSE;

    // Do some reality - checking...
    Zeros = Poles = 0;
    for (i=nItems; i > 1; --i) {

        if (z[i] == 0.) Zeros++;
        if (z[i] >= 65535.) Poles++;
        if (z[i] < z[i-1]) return FALSE; // Non-Monotonic

    if (Zeros > (nItems / 3)) return FALSE;  // Degenerated, mostly zeros
    if (Poles > (nItems / 3)) return FALSE;  // Degenerated, mostly poles

    // Seems ok
    for (i=0; i < nItems; i++) {

        // Clamp to cmsUInt16Number
        Tab -> Table16[i] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(z[i+1]);

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void EvalNamedColor(const cmsFloat32Number In[], cmsFloat32Number Out[], const cmsStage *mpe)
    cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* NamedColorList = (cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST*) mpe ->Data;
    cmsUInt16Number index = (cmsUInt16Number) _cmsQuickSaturateWord(In[0] * 65535.0);
    cmsUInt32Number j;

    if (index >= NamedColorList-> nColors) {
        cmsSignalError(NamedColorList ->ContextID, cmsERROR_RANGE, "Color %d out of range; ignored", index);
    else {
        for (j=0; j < NamedColorList ->ColorantCount; j++) 
            Out[j] = (cmsFloat32Number) (NamedColorList->List[index].DeviceColorant[j] / 65535.0);      
Ejemplo n.º 5
// We need accuracy this time
cmsFloat32Number CMSEXPORT cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(const cmsToneCurve* Curve, cmsFloat32Number v)
    _cmsAssert(Curve != NULL);

    // Check for 16 bits table. If so, this is a limited-precision tone curve
    if (Curve ->nSegments == 0) {

        cmsUInt16Number In, Out;
        In = (cmsUInt16Number) _cmsQuickSaturateWord(v * 65535.0);
        Out = cmsEvalToneCurve16(Curve, In);
        return (cmsFloat32Number) (Out / 65535.0);

    return (cmsFloat32Number) EvalSegmentedFn(Curve, v);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void EvalNamedColorPCS(const cmsFloat32Number In[], cmsFloat32Number Out[], const cmsStage *mpe)
    cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* NamedColorList = (cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST*) mpe ->Data;
    cmsUInt16Number index = (cmsUInt16Number) _cmsQuickSaturateWord(In[0] * 65535.0);

    if (index >= NamedColorList-> nColors) {
        cmsSignalError(NamedColorList ->ContextID, cmsERROR_RANGE, "Color %d out of range; ignored", index);
    else {
            // Named color always uses Lab
            Out[0] = (cmsFloat32Number) (NamedColorList->List[index].PCS[0] / 65535.0);      
            Out[1] = (cmsFloat32Number) (NamedColorList->List[index].PCS[1] / 65535.0);      
            Out[2] = (cmsFloat32Number) (NamedColorList->List[index].PCS[2] / 65535.0);      
Ejemplo n.º 7
cmsToneCurve* ExtractGray2Y(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, int Intent)
    cmsToneCurve* Out = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(ContextID, 256, NULL);
    cmsHPROFILE hXYZ  = cmsCreateXYZProfile();
    cmsHTRANSFORM xform = cmsCreateTransformTHR(ContextID, hProfile, TYPE_GRAY_8, hXYZ, TYPE_XYZ_DBL, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE);
    int i;

    for (i=0; i < 256; i++) {
      cmsUInt8Number Gray = (cmsUInt8Number) i;
      cmsCIEXYZ XYZ;
        cmsDoTransform(xform, &Gray, &XYZ, 1);
		Out ->Table16[i] =_cmsQuickSaturateWord(XYZ.Y * 65535.0);

    return Out;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// The CLUT will be stored at 16 bits, but calculations are performed at cmsFloat32Number precision
int BlackPreservingSampler(register const cmsUInt16Number In[], register cmsUInt16Number Out[], register void* Cargo)
    int i;
    cmsFloat32Number Inf[4], Outf[4];
    cmsFloat32Number LabK[4];
    cmsFloat64Number SumCMY, SumCMYK, Error, Ratio;
    cmsCIELab ColorimetricLab, BlackPreservingLab;
    PreserveKPlaneParams* bp = (PreserveKPlaneParams*) Cargo;

    // Convert from 16 bits to floating point
    for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
        Inf[i] = (cmsFloat32Number) (In[i] / 65535.0);

    // Get the K across Tone curve
    LabK[3] = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(bp ->KTone, Inf[3]);

    // If going across black only, keep black only
    if (In[0] == 0 && In[1] == 0 && In[2] == 0) {

        Out[0] = Out[1] = Out[2] = 0;
        Out[3] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(LabK[3] * 65535.0);
        return TRUE;

    // Try the original transform,
    cmsPipelineEvalFloat( Inf, Outf, bp ->cmyk2cmyk);

    // Store a copy of the floating point result into 16-bit
    for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
            Out[i] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(Outf[i] * 65535.0);

    // Maybe K is already ok (mostly on K=0)
    if ( fabs(Outf[3] - LabK[3]) < (3.0 / 65535.0) ) {
        return TRUE;

    // K differ, mesure and keep Lab measurement for further usage
    // this is done in relative colorimetric intent
    cmsDoTransform(bp->hProofOutput, Out, &ColorimetricLab, 1);

    // Is not black only and the transform doesn't keep black.
    // Obtain the Lab of output CMYK. After that we have Lab + K
    cmsDoTransform(bp ->cmyk2Lab, Outf, LabK, 1);

    // Obtain the corresponding CMY using reverse interpolation
    // (K is fixed in LabK[3])
    if (!cmsPipelineEvalReverseFloat(LabK, Outf, Outf, bp ->LabK2cmyk)) {

        // Cannot find a suitable value, so use colorimetric xform
        // which is already stored in Out[]
        return TRUE;

    // Make sure to pass thru K (which now is fixed)
    Outf[3] = LabK[3];

    // Apply TAC if needed
    SumCMY   = Outf[0]  + Outf[1] + Outf[2];
    SumCMYK  = SumCMY + Outf[3];

    if (SumCMYK > bp ->MaxTAC) {

        Ratio = 1 - ((SumCMYK - bp->MaxTAC) / SumCMY);
        if (Ratio < 0)
            Ratio = 0;
       Ratio = 1.0;

    Out[0] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(Outf[0] * Ratio * 65535.0);     // C
    Out[1] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(Outf[1] * Ratio * 65535.0);     // M
    Out[2] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(Outf[2] * Ratio * 65535.0);     // Y
    Out[3] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(Outf[3] * 65535.0);

    // Estimate the error (this goes 16 bits to Lab DBL)
    cmsDoTransform(bp->hProofOutput, Out, &BlackPreservingLab, 1);
    Error = cmsDeltaE(&ColorimetricLab, &BlackPreservingLab);
    if (Error > bp -> MaxError)
        bp->MaxError = Error;

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void fromDBLto16(void* dst, const void* src)
       cmsFloat64Number n = *(cmsFloat64Number*)src;
       *(cmsUInt16Number*)dst = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(n * 65535.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void fromHLFto16(void* dst, const void* src)
       cmsFloat32Number n = _cmsHalf2Float(*(cmsUInt16Number*)src);
       *(cmsUInt16Number*)dst = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(n * 65535.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 11
// Reverse a gamma table
cmsToneCurve* CMSEXPORT cmsReverseToneCurveEx(cmsInt32Number nResultSamples, const cmsToneCurve* InCurve)
    cmsToneCurve *out;
    cmsFloat64Number a = 0, b = 0, y, x1, y1, x2, y2;
    int i, j;
    int Ascending;
    _cmsAssert(InCurve != NULL);

    // Try to reverse it analytically whatever possible
    if (InCurve ->nSegments == 1 && InCurve ->Segments[0].Type > 0 && InCurve -> Segments[0].Type <= 5) {

        return cmsBuildParametricToneCurve(InCurve ->InterpParams->ContextID, 
                                       -(InCurve -> Segments[0].Type), 
                                       InCurve -> Segments[0].Params);

    // Nope, reverse the table. 
    out = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(InCurve ->InterpParams->ContextID, nResultSamples, NULL);
    if (out == NULL)
        return NULL;

    // We want to know if this is an ascending or descending table
    Ascending = !cmsIsToneCurveDescending(InCurve);

    // Iterate across Y axis
    for (i=0; i <  nResultSamples; i++) {

        y = (cmsFloat64Number) i * 65535.0 / (nResultSamples - 1);

        // Find interval in which y is within. 
        j = GetInterval(y, InCurve->Table16, InCurve->InterpParams);
        if (j >= 0) {

            // Get limits of interval
            x1 = InCurve ->Table16[j]; 
            x2 = InCurve ->Table16[j+1];

            y1 = (cmsFloat64Number) (j * 65535.0) / (InCurve ->nEntries - 1);
            y2 = (cmsFloat64Number) ((j+1) * 65535.0 ) / (InCurve ->nEntries - 1);
            // If collapsed, then use any
            if (x1 == x2) {

                out ->Table16[i] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(Ascending ? y2 : y1);

            } else {

                // Interpolate      
                a = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
                b = y2 - a * x2;
        out ->Table16[i] = _cmsQuickSaturateWord(a* y + b);

    return out;