static int init_console(void) { # if defined(GAUCHE_WINDOWS_NOCONSOLE) char buf[100]; int in_fd, out_fd; #define ERR(msg) do {sprintf(buf, msg, strerror(errno));goto fail;} while(0) if ((in_fd = open("NUL", O_RDONLY)) < 0) ERR("couldn't open NUL: %s"); if ((out_fd = open("NUL", O_WRONLY))< 0) ERR("couldn't open NUL: %s"); if (_dup2(in_fd, 0) < 0) ERR("dup2(0) failed (%s)"); if (_dup2(out_fd, 1) < 0) ERR("dup2(1) failed (%s)"); if (_dup2(out_fd, 2) < 0) ERR("dup2(2) failed (%s)"); close(in_fd); close(out_fd); return FALSE; #undef ERR fail: MessageBoxA(NULL, buf, "gosh-noconsole", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); Scm_Exit(1); # else /*!defined(GAUCHE_WINDOWS_NOCONSOLE)*/ /* This saves so much trouble */ _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY); _setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_BINARY); return TRUE; # endif /*!defined(GAUCHE_WINDOWS_NOCONSOLE)*/ }
static int init_console(void) { # if defined(GAUCHE_WINDOWS_NOCONSOLE) char buf[100]; int in_fd, out_fd; #define ERR(msg) do {sprintf(buf, msg, strerror(errno));goto fail;} while(0) /* If we don't have console, we'll start off with stdio to be redirected to NUL; but whenever Scheme program tries to do I/O from/to standard Scheme ports, we open the console and reconnect the ports. */ if ((in_fd = open("NUL", O_RDONLY)) < 0) ERR("couldn't open NUL: %s"); if ((out_fd = open("NUL", O_WRONLY)) < 0) ERR("couldn't open NUL: %s"); if (_dup2(in_fd, 0) < 0) ERR("dup2(0) failed (%s)"); if (_dup2(out_fd, 1) < 0) ERR("dup2(1) failed (%s)"); if (_dup2(out_fd, 2) < 0) ERR("dup2(2) failed (%s)"); close(in_fd); close(out_fd); return FALSE; #undef ERR fail: MessageBoxA(NULL, buf, "gosh-noconsole", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); Scm_Exit(1); # else /*!defined(GAUCHE_WINDOWS_NOCONSOLE)*/ /* This saves so much trouble */ _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY); _setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_BINARY); return TRUE; # endif /*!defined(GAUCHE_WINDOWS_NOCONSOLE)*/ }
static void init_dbgfp() { #if _DBG if (!dbgfp) { #if (!HIME_IME || 1) && !CONSOLE_OFF AllocConsole(); fclose(stdout); fclose(stderr); int fh = _open_osfhandle((long)GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0); _dup2(fh, 1); _dup2(fh, 2); _fdopen(1, "wt"); _fdopen(2, "wt"); fflush(stdout); #endif char tt[512]; #if HIME_IME sprintf(tt, "C:\\dbg\\ime%x", GetCurrentProcessId()); #elif HIME_SVR sprintf(tt, "C:\\dbg\\svr%x", GetCurrentProcessId()); #else sprintf(tt, "C:\\dbg\\other%x", GetCurrentProcessId()); #endif dbgfp=_fsopen(tt, "wt", _SH_DENYWR); setbuf(dbgfp, NULL); char exe[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, exe, sizeof(exe)); dbg("started %s\n", exe); } #endif }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int savo, savi; FILE *fnul; char name[256]; char fullname[256]; char *p; kpse_set_program_name(av[0], "mkocp"); if(ac != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"%s : Usage %s ocpname\n", av[0], av[0]); return 1; } p = strrchr(av[1], '.'); if(p) *p = '\0'; strcpy(name, av[1]); strcpy(fullname, name); strcat(fullname, ".ocp"); /* save stdout and stdin */ savo = _dup(fileno(stdout)); savi = _dup(fileno(stdin)); /* connect stdout to stderr */ _dup2(fileno(stderr), fileno(stdout)); /* connect stdin to nul device */ if(!(fnul = fopen("nul", "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open nul device to read\n"); exit(100); } _dup2(fileno(fnul), fileno(stdin)); /* COMMAND */ _spawnlp(_P_WAIT, "otp2ocp", "otp2ocp", name, NULL); /* END COMMAND */ /* return to original stdout and stdin */ _dup2(savo, fileno(stdout)); close(savo); _dup2(savi, fileno(stdin)); close(savi); /* close nul device */ fclose(fnul); if(_access(fullname, 0) == 0) printf("%s\n", fullname); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif /* __APPLE__ */ { bool commit_dune_cfg = false; #if defined(_WIN32) #if defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _fileno (FILE*); #endif FILE *err = fopen("error.log", "w"); FILE *out = fopen("output.log", "w"); #if defined(_MSC_VER) _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); #endif if (err != NULL) _dup2(_fileno(err), _fileno(stderr)); if (out != NULL) _dup2(_fileno(out), _fileno(stdout)); FreeConsole(); #endif CrashLog_Init(); VARIABLE_NOT_USED(argc); VARIABLE_NOT_USED(argv); if (!File_Init()) { Error("Cannot initialise files. Does %s directory exist ?\n", DATA_DIR); exit(1); } /* Loading / writing config from/to dune.cfg */ if (!Config_Read("dune.cfg", &g_config)) { Config_Default(&g_config); commit_dune_cfg = true; } if (commit_dune_cfg && !Config_Write("dune.cfg", &g_config)) { Error("Error writing to dune.cfg file.\n"); exit(1); } Input_Init(); Drivers_All_Init(); if (!Unknown_25C4_000E()) exit(1); g_var_7097 = 0; GameLoop_Main(); printf("%s\n", String_Get_ByIndex(STR_THANK_YOU_FOR_PLAYING_DUNE_II)); PrepareEnd(); exit(0); }
static FILE* fopenZIPped(const char* filename, const char* mode) { // check mode if (mode[0] == 'r') { // create the pipe int hPipe[2]; if (_pipe(hPipe, 2048, ((mode[1] =='b') ? _O_BINARY : _O_TEXT) | _O_NOINHERIT) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "could not create pipe\n"); return NULL; } // duplicate stdin/stdout handle so we can restore them later int hStdOut = _dup(_fileno(stdout)); // make the write end of pipe go to stdout if (_dup2(hPipe[WRITE_HANDLE], _fileno(stdout)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "could not set pipe output\n"); return NULL; } // redirect read end of pipe to input file if (_dup2(hPipe[READ_HANDLE], _fileno(stdin)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "could not redirect input file\n"); return NULL; } // close original write end of pipe close(hPipe[WRITE_HANDLE]); // Spawn process HANDLE hProcess = (HANDLE) spawnlp(P_NOWAIT, "unzip", "unzip", "-p", filename, NULL); // redirect stdout back into stdout if (_dup2(hStdOut, _fileno(stdout)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "could not reconstruct stdout\n"); return NULL; } // return redirected stdin return stdin; } else { return NULL; } }
int daemon(int nochdir, int noclose) { struct sigaction osa, sa; int fd; pid_t newgrp; int oerrno; int osa_ok; /* A SIGHUP may be thrown when the parent exits below. */ sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sa.sa_flags = 0; osa_ok = __libc_sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, &osa); switch (fork()) { case -1: return (-1); case 0: break; default: /* * A fine point: _exit(0), not exit(0), to avoid triggering * atexit(3) processing */ _exit(0); } newgrp = setsid(); oerrno = errno; if (osa_ok != -1) __libc_sigaction(SIGHUP, &osa, NULL); if (newgrp == -1) { errno = oerrno; return (-1); } if (!nochdir) (void)chdir("/"); if (!noclose && (fd = _open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDWR, 0)) != -1) { (void)_dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO); (void)_dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); (void)_dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO); if (fd > 2) (void)_close(fd); } return (0); }
static aug_bool createconsole_(const char* sname) { int fd; FILE* fp; HANDLE h; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO info; if (!interactive_(sname) || !AllocConsole()) return AUG_FALSE; fflush(NULL); GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &info); info.dwSize.Y = 512; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), info.dwSize); h = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)h, _O_TEXT); _dup2(fd, 0); fp = _fdopen(fd, "r"); *stdin = *fp; setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0); h = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)h, _O_TEXT); _dup2(fd, 1); fp = _fdopen(fd, "w"); *stdout = *fp; setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); h = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)h, _O_TEXT); _dup2(fd, 2); fp = _fdopen(fd, "w"); *stderr = *fp; setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); #if defined(_MSC_VER) _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR); #endif /* _MSC_VER */ return AUG_TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); FileHash_Init(); Mouse_Init(); if (A5_InitOptions() == false) exit(1); char filename[1024]; snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/error.log", g_dune_data_dir); FILE* err = fopen(filename, "w"); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/output.log", g_dune_data_dir); FILE* out = fopen(filename, "w"); _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); if (err != NULL) _dup2(_fileno(err), _fileno(stderr)); if (out != NULL) _dup2(_fileno(out), _fileno(stdout)); FreeConsole(); if (!Unknown_25C4_000E()) exit(1); if (A5_Init() == false) exit(1); Scenario_InitTables(); Input_Init(); Audio_LoadSampleSet(SAMPLESET_INVALID); String_Init(); Sprites_Init(); Sprites_LoadTiles(); VideoA5_InitSprites(); GameLoop_TweakWidgetDimensions(); Audio_PlayVoice(VOICE_STOP); GameLoop_GameIntroAnimationMenu(); printf("%s\n", String_Get_ByIndex(STR_THANK_YOU_FOR_PLAYING_DUNE_II)); PrepareEnd(); exit(0); }
OcaOctaveController::OcaOctaveController() : m_state( e_StateStopped ), m_lastError( 0 ), m_historyFileName( ".octaudio_history" ), m_historyBackupFileName( ".octaudio_history_old" ), m_host( NULL ) { int fds[2] = { -1, -1 }; #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 pipe( fds ); dup2( fds[1], fileno(stdout) ); setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0 ); close( fds[1] ); m_pipeFd = fds[0]; int result = fcntl( m_pipeFd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK ); Q_ASSERT( 0 == result ); (void) result; QSocketNotifier* pNotifier = new QSocketNotifier( m_pipeFd, QSocketNotifier::Read, this ); connect( pNotifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(readStdout()) ); #else _pipe( fds, 4096, O_BINARY ); _dup2( fds[1], fileno(stdout) ); setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0 ); close( fds[1] ); m_pipeFd = fds[0]; m_stdoutThread = new OcaStdoutThread( this ); m_stdoutThread->start(); #endif }
R_API int r_cons_pipe_open(const char *file, int append) { int fd = open (file, O_BINARY | O_RDWR | O_CREAT | (append?O_APPEND:O_TRUNC), 0644); if (fd==-1) { eprintf ("Cannot open file '%s'\n", file); return -1; }// else eprintf ("%s created\n", file); if (backup_fd != -1) close (backup_fd); #if __WINDOWS__ backup_fd = 2002-(fd-2); // windows xp has 2048 as limit fd if (_dup2 (1, backup_fd) == -1) { #else backup_fd = sysconf (_SC_OPEN_MAX)-(fd-2); // portable getdtablesize() if (dup2 (1, backup_fd) == -1) { #endif eprintf ("Cannot dup stdout to %d\n", backup_fd); return -1; } close (1); dup2 (fd, 1); return fd; } R_API void r_cons_pipe_close(int fd) { if (fd == -1) return; close (fd); if (backup_fd != -1) { dup2 (backup_fd, 1); close (backup_fd); backup_fd = -1; } }
CGlobal::CGlobal() { debugger_.reset(new Debugger()); // redirect 'stdout' to the pipe char path[MAX_PATH]; ::GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, path); char temp[MAX_PATH]; ::GetTempFileName(path, "lu-", ::GetTickCount(), temp); // open stdout first, or else dup2 won't work if (freopen(temp, "w", stdout) == 0) throw std::exception("error redirecting stdout to temp file"); if (_pipe(stdout_fds_, 0, _O_BINARY) != 0 || _dup2(stdout_fds_[1], _fileno(stdout)) != 0) throw std::exception("error redirecting stdout to the pipe"); // no buffering for stdout, to make output window refresh instant setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); //TODO: delete temp ::DeleteFile(temp); output_position_ = 0; output_.reserve(200); thread_ = ::AfxBeginThread(ReadStdoutText, this, 0, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED); if (thread_ == 0) throw std::exception("cannot create worker thread"); thread_->m_bAutoDelete = false; thread_->ResumeThread(); }
int duplicate(int fd, int newfd, Bool useDup2) { if (useDup2) { return _dup2(fd, newfd); } return _dup(fd); }
void DynamicResponseState::execveCgiProgram(){ char *emptylist[]={NULL}; if(_fork()==0){ setenv("QUERY_STRING",cgiArgs.c_str(),1); _dup2(getFileDescriptor(),STDOUT_FILENO); _execve(getFileName().c_str(),emptylist,environ); } _wait(NULL); }
DevNull::~DevNull() { _close(null_); if (orig_ != INVALID_FD) { _dup2(clone_, orig_); _close(clone_); } }
static int do_dump_do(sc_card_t *card, unsigned int tag) { int r; size_t length; unsigned char buffer[254]; // Private DO are specified up to 254 bytes memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer)); if (tag < 0x101 || tag > 0x104) { util_error("illegal DO identifier %04X", tag); return SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } r = sc_get_data(card, tag, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (r < 0) { util_error("failed to get data object DO %04X: %s", tag, sc_strerror(r)); if (SC_ERROR_SECURITY_STATUS_NOT_SATISFIED == r) { util_error("make sure the 'verify' and 'pin' parameters are correct"); } return r; } length = (size_t) r; /* r is guaranteed to be non-negative */ if (opt_raw) { int tmp; FILE *fp; #ifndef _WIN32 tmp = dup(fileno(stdout)); #else tmp = _dup(_fileno(stdout)); #endif if (tmp < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; fp = freopen(NULL, "wb", stdout); if (fp) { r = (int) fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), length, fp); } #ifndef _WIN32 dup2(tmp, fileno(stdout)); #else _dup2(tmp, _fileno(stdout)); #endif clearerr(stdout); close(tmp); if (length != (size_t) r) /* fail on write errors */ return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { util_hex_dump_asc(stdout, buffer, length, -1); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
pid_t background_and_capture(char cmd[], int user_sh, FILE **out, FILE **err) { int out_fd, out_pipe[2]; int err_fd, err_pipe[2]; pid_t pid; if(_pipe(out_pipe, 512, O_NOINHERIT) != 0) { show_error_msg("File pipe error", "Error creating pipe"); return (pid_t)-1; } if(_pipe(err_pipe, 512, O_NOINHERIT) != 0) { show_error_msg("File pipe error", "Error creating pipe"); close(out_pipe[0]); close(out_pipe[1]); return (pid_t)-1; } out_fd = dup(_fileno(stdout)); err_fd = dup(_fileno(stderr)); pid = background_and_capture_internal(cmd, user_sh, out, err, out_pipe, err_pipe); _close(out_pipe[1]); _close(err_pipe[1]); _dup2(out_fd, _fileno(stdout)); _dup2(err_fd, _fileno(stderr)); if(pid == (pid_t)-1) { _close(out_pipe[0]); _close(err_pipe[0]); } return pid; }
void ns_os_daemonize(void) { /* * Try to set stdin, stdout, and stderr to /dev/null, but press * on even if it fails. */ if (devnullfd != -1) { if (devnullfd != _fileno(stdin)) { close(_fileno(stdin)); (void)_dup2(devnullfd, _fileno(stdin)); } if (devnullfd != _fileno(stdout)) { close(_fileno(stdout)); (void)_dup2(devnullfd, _fileno(stdout)); } if (devnullfd != _fileno(stderr)) { close(_fileno(stderr)); (void)_dup2(devnullfd, _fileno(stderr)); } } }
OutputLogger::~OutputLogger(void) { // Replace fd with it's original details if (fileOld && fd >= 0) { _dup2(_fileno(fileOld),fd); fd = -1; } if (pThread) { // Wait for the thread to exit (the write handle is now invalid so it will have broken the pipe) SDL_WaitThread(pThread,NULL); pThread = NULL; } // Close the read end of the pipe, completely closing the pipe if (fdPipeRead >= 0) { _close(fdPipeRead); fdPipeRead = -1; } // Close the duplicated original file if (fileOld) { std::fclose(fileOld); fileOld = NULL; } // Close the log file if (fileLog) { // In the event that we did a freopen on the handle remove the windows // output std handle #ifdef WIN32 DWORD stdhandle = 0; if (fileLog == stdout) stdhandle = STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE; else if (fileLog == stderr) stdhandle = STD_ERROR_HANDLE; if (stdhandle) SetStdHandle(stdhandle,NULL); #endif // Get the size written to the log file int sizeLog = std::ftell(fileLog); std::fclose(fileLog); fileLog = NULL; // Delete the log file if it was empty if (!sizeLog) std::remove(filenameLog.c_str()); filenameLog = std::string(); } }
//! //! Nullify given open file descriptor. //! DevNull::DevNull(int fd) { orig_ = fd; clone_ = _dup(orig_); #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4996) null_ = _wopen(DEV_NULL, _O_RDWR); #pragma warning(pop) _dup2(null_, orig_); }
ShellWrapper() { int iReturn; iReturn = _pipe(iPipeIn_, 512, _O_TEXT | O_NOINHERIT); assert(iReturn != -1); iReturn = _pipe(iPipeOut_, 512, _O_TEXT | O_NOINHERIT); assert(iReturn != -1); //save old handle int iStdin = _dup(_fileno(stdin)); int iStdout = _dup(_fileno(stdout)); int iStderr = _dup(_fileno(stderr)); iReturn = _dup2(iPipeOut_[0], _fileno(stdin)); assert(iReturn == 0); iReturn = _dup2(iPipeIn_[1], _fileno(stdout)); assert(iReturn == 0); iReturn = _dup2(iPipeIn_[1], _fileno(stderr)); assert(iReturn == 0); char *arg[] = {"cmd.exe", "/Q", "/A", NULL}; iSubProcess_ = spawnvp(P_NOWAIT, arg[0], arg); //restore old handle iReturn = _dup2(iStdin, _fileno(stdin)); iReturn = _dup2(iStdout, _fileno(stdout)); iReturn = _dup2(iStderr, _fileno(stderr)); }
R_API int r_cons_pipe_open(const char *file, int fdn, int append) { char *targetFile; if (fdn < 1) { return -1; } if (!strncmp (file, "~/", 2) || !strncmp (file, "~\\", 2)) { targetFile = r_str_home (file + 2); } else { targetFile = strdup (file); } int fd = r_sandbox_open (targetFile, O_BINARY | O_RDWR | O_CREAT | (append? O_APPEND: O_TRUNC), 0644); if (fd==-1) { eprintf ("r_cons_pipe_open: Cannot open file '%s'\n", file); free (targetFile); return -1; }// else eprintf ("%s created\n", file); if (backup_fd != -1) { close (backup_fd); } backup_fdn = fdn; #if __WINDOWS__ && !__CYGWIN__ backup_fd = 2002-(fd-2); // windows xp has 2048 as limit fd if (_dup2 (fdn, backup_fd) == -1) { #else backup_fd = sysconf (_SC_OPEN_MAX)-(fd-2); // portable getdtablesize() if (backup_fd < 2) { backup_fd = 2002 - (fd - 2); // fallback } if (dup2 (fdn, backup_fd) == -1) { #endif eprintf ("Cannot dup stdout to %d\n", backup_fd); free (targetFile); return -1; } close (fdn); dup2 (fd, fdn); free (targetFile); return fd; } R_API void r_cons_pipe_close(int fd) { if (fd == -1) { return; } close (fd); if (backup_fd != -1) { dup2 (backup_fd, backup_fdn); close (backup_fd); backup_fd = -1; } }
void Log::SetMode(int mode) { if (mode & ToDebug) m_todebug = true; else m_todebug = false; if (mode & ToFile) { m_tofile = true; } else { CloseFile(); m_tofile = false; } #ifdef _WIN32_WCE m_toconsole = false; #else if (mode & ToConsole) { if (!m_toconsole) { AllocConsole(); fclose(stdout); fclose(stderr); #ifdef _MSC_VER int fh = _open_osfhandle((long)GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0); _dup2(fh, 1); _dup2(fh, 2); _fdopen(1, "wt"); _fdopen(2, "wt"); printf("fh is %d\n",fh); fflush(stdout); #endif } m_toconsole = true; } else { m_toconsole = false; } #endif }
OutputLogger::OutputLogger(FILE *file, const std::string &filename) : fd(-1), fileOld(NULL), filenameLog(filename), fileLog(NULL), fdPipeRead(-1), pThread(NULL) { // Get the underlying file descriptor for the FILE stream fd = _fileno(file); // Probably on windows and there is no stdout/stderr in Subsystem Windows if (fd < 0) { fileLog = freopen(filenameLog.c_str(),"w",file); #ifdef WIN32 DWORD stdhandle = 0; if (fileLog == stdout) stdhandle = STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE; else if (fileLog == stderr) stdhandle = STD_ERROR_HANDLE; if (stdhandle) SetStdHandle(stdhandle,(HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fileno(fileLog))); #endif return; } // Create the pipe int fdsPipe[2]; if (_pipe(fdsPipe,256,_O_BINARY) != 0) { return; } fdPipeRead = fdsPipe[0]; int fdPipeWrite = fdsPipe[1]; // Make sure that buffering is turned off on the incoming file std::setvbuf(file,NULL,_IONBF,0); // Duplicate the fd and create new filestream for it fileOld = _fdopen(_dup(fd),"w"); // If the file was stderr, make sure the new file doesn't have buffering if (fileOld && file == stderr) std::setvbuf(fileOld,NULL,_IONBF,0); // Create the output log file fileLog = std::fopen(filenameLog.c_str(),"w"); // Duplicate pipe write file descriptor and replace original _dup2(fdPipeWrite,fd); // Close the fd for the write end of the pipe _close(fdPipeWrite); fdPipeWrite = -1; // Create the thread pThread = SDL_CreateThread( (int (SDLCALL*)(void*)) &OutputLogger::sThreadMain,this); }
static void IoRedirect(signal_user_data_t *ud) { GIOChannel *channel; gint pfd[2]; gchar *config, *path, *str; pid_t pid; // I'm opening a pipe and attaching the writer end to stderr // The reader end will be polled by main event loop and I'll get // a callback when there is data available. if (pipe( pfd ) < 0) { g_warning("Failed to redirect IO. Logging impaired\n"); return; } clean_old_logs(); // Open activity log. config = ghb_get_user_config_dir(NULL); pid = getpid(); path = g_strdup_printf("%s/Activity.log.%d", config, pid); ud->activity_log = g_io_channel_new_file (path, "w", NULL); ud->job_activity_log = NULL; str = g_strdup_printf("<big><b>%s</b></big>", path); ghb_ui_update(ud, "activity_location", ghb_string_value(str)); g_free(str); g_free(path); g_free(config); // Set encoding to raw. g_io_channel_set_encoding(ud->activity_log, NULL, NULL); // redirect stderr to the writer end of the pipe #if defined(_WIN32) _dup2(pfd[1], _fileno(stderr)); #else dup2(pfd[1], STDERR_FILENO); #endif setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); #if defined(_WIN32) channel = g_io_channel_win32_new_fd(pfd[0]); #else channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(pfd[0]); #endif // I was getting an this error: // "Invalid byte sequence in conversion input" // Set disable encoding on the channel. g_io_channel_set_encoding(channel, NULL, NULL); g_io_add_watch(channel, G_IO_IN, ghb_log_cb, (gpointer)ud ); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { if ( argc < 2 ) puts( "err2out is stdERR TO stdOUT redirector, version 2.2\nCopyright (c) 2002-2003 Denis Ryzhkov ( Creon )\n\n\nExamples:\nerr2out \"C:\\Program Files\\jdk\\bin\\javac\" | more\nerr2out \"C:\\Program Files\\jdk\\bin\\javac\" > err.txt\nerr2out \"C:\\Program Files\\jdk\\bin\\javac\" >> err.txt" ); else { _dup2( 1, 2 ); // redirect 2=stderr to 1=stdout char** argz = new char*[ argc ]; // -argv[ 0 ], +end0 argz[ argc - 1 ] = 0; // end0 for ( int i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++ ) sprintf( argz[ i ] = new char[ strlen( argv[ i + 1 ] ) + 3 ], // \" \" \000 "\"%s\"", argv[ i + 1 ] ); _spawnv( _P_WAIT, argv[ 1 ], argz ); for ( i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++ ) delete[] argz[ i ]; delete[] argz; } return 0; }
INT32 ossDup2( int oldFd, int newFd ) { #if defined( _WINDOWS ) if ( _dup2( oldFd, newFd ) != 0 ) { return SDB_SYS ; } #else if ( dup2( oldFd, newFd ) < 0 ) { return SDB_SYS ; } #endif // _WINDOWS return SDB_OK ; }
/** * @brief * manipulates the file descriptor fd. * * @param[in] fd - file descriptor * @param[in] cmd - operation to be performed * @param[in] arg - new fd * * @return int * @retval 0 success * @retval -2 error * */ int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, long arg) { if (cmd == F_DUPFD) { /* dup2 is deprecated POSIX function. Hence using the ISO C++ conformant * _dup2 instead. _dup2 functions associate a second file descriptor with * a currently open file and returns 0 to indicate success. */ if (_dup2(fd, arg)== 0) return (arg); } return (-2); }
static int do_dump_do(sc_card_t *card, unsigned int tag) { int r, tmp; FILE *fp; // Private DO are specified up to 254 bytes unsigned char buffer[254]; memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer)); r = sc_get_data(card, tag, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (r < 0) { printf("Failed to get data object: %s\n", sc_strerror(r)); if(SC_ERROR_SECURITY_STATUS_NOT_SATISFIED == r) { printf("Make sure the 'verify' and 'pin' parameters are correct.\n"); } return r; } if(opt_raw) { r = 0; #ifndef _WIN32 tmp = dup(fileno(stdout)); #else tmp = _dup(_fileno(stdout)); #endif if (tmp < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; fp = freopen(NULL, "wb", stdout); if (fp) { r = (int)fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(buffer), fp); } #ifndef _WIN32 dup2(tmp, fileno(stdout)); #else _dup2(tmp, _fileno(stdout)); #endif clearerr(stdout); close(tmp); if (sizeof(buffer) != r) return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { util_hex_dump_asc(stdout, buffer, sizeof(buffer), -1); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static FILE *my_win_freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream) { int handle_fd, fd= _fileno(stream); HANDLE osfh; DBUG_ASSERT(path && stream); /* Services don't have stdout/stderr on Windows, so _fileno returns -1. */ if (fd < 0) { if (!freopen(path, mode, stream)) return NULL; fd= _fileno(stream); } if ((osfh= CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _close(fd); return NULL; } if ((handle_fd= _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)osfh, _O_APPEND | _O_TEXT)) == -1) { CloseHandle(osfh); return NULL; } if (_dup2(handle_fd, fd) < 0) { CloseHandle(osfh); return NULL; } _close(handle_fd); return stream; }