Ejemplo n.º 1
* Function Name  : sdcard_task
* Returned Value : void
* Comments       :
void sdcard_task(uint_32 temp)
    boolean      inserted = TRUE, readonly = FALSE, last = FALSE;
    _mqx_int     error_code;
    _mqx_uint    param;
    MQX_FILE_PTR com_handle, sdcard_handle, filesystem_handle, partman_handle;
    char         filesystem_name[] = "a:";// 文件系统 名字
    char         partman_name[] = "pm:";// 分区管理 名字
    LWGPIO_STRUCT      sd_detect;
    LWGPIO_STRUCT      sd_detect;
    /************************dx 20121210**********************************************
    GPIO_PIN_STRUCT sd_detect_int[] = {
    MQX_FILE_PTR port_file_sd_detect_int;
    LWGPIO_STRUCT      sd_protect;

    LWGPIO_STRUCT          sd_cs;

    /* Open low level communication device */
    com_handle = fopen (SDCARD_COM_CHANNEL, NULL);// 打开"esdhc:"模块底层驱动 

    if (NULL == com_handle)
        printf("Error installing communication handle.\n");


    /* Open GPIO file for SPI CS signal emulation */
    error_code = lwgpio_init(&sd_cs, BSP_SDCARD_GPIO_CS, LWGPIO_DIR_OUTPUT, LWGPIO_VALUE_NOCHANGE);// 安装简单引脚用于spi片选
    if (!error_code)
           printf("Initializing GPIO with associated pins failed.\n");
    lwgpio_set_attribute(&sd_cs, LWGPIO_ATTR_PULL_UP, LWGPIO_AVAL_ENABLE);
    /* Set CS callback */
    callback.MASK = BSP_SDCARD_SPI_CS;
    callback.CALLBACK = set_CS;
    callback.USERDATA = &sd_cs;
    if (SPI_OK != ioctl (com_handle, IO_IOCTL_SPI_SET_CS_CALLBACK, &callback))
        printf ("Setting CS callback failed.\n");


    /* Init GPIO pins for other SD card signals */
    error_code = lwgpio_init(&sd_detect, BSP_SDCARD_GPIO_DETECT, LWGPIO_DIR_INPUT, LWGPIO_VALUE_NOCHANGE);// 安装简单引脚用于插入检测
       if (!error_code)
           printf("Initializing GPIO with sdcard detect pin failed.\n");
       /*Set detect and protect pins as GPIO Function */
       lwgpio_set_attribute(&sd_detect, LWGPIO_ATTR_PULL_UP, LWGPIO_AVAL_ENABLE);
       /******************dx 20121210***********************************************/
        if (NULL == (port_file_sd_detect_int = fopen("gpio:read", (char_ptr) &sd_detect_int )))
           printf("Opening port_file_sd_detect_int GPIO with associated button1_int failed.\n");
        ioctl(port_file_sd_detect_int, GPIO_IOCTL_SET_IRQ_FUNCTION, (pointer)sd_detect_int__callback);
         _lwevent_create(&SD_Event,0); // 创建轻量级事件用于检测SD插入

    /* Init GPIO pins for other SD card signals */
    error_code = lwgpio_init(&sd_protect, BSP_SDCARD_GPIO_PROTECT, LWGPIO_DIR_INPUT, LWGPIO_VALUE_NOCHANGE);// 安装简单引脚用于只读检测
       if (!error_code)
           printf("Initializing GPIO with sdcard protect pin failed.\n");
       /*Set detect and protect pins as GPIO Function */
       lwgpio_set_attribute(&sd_protect, LWGPIO_ATTR_PULL_UP, LWGPIO_AVAL_ENABLE);

    /* Install SD card device */
    error_code = _io_sdcard_install("sdcard:", (pointer)&_bsp_sdcard0_init, com_handle);// 安装SD卡驱动,基于"esdhc:"模块
    if ( error_code != MQX_OK )
        printf("Error installing SD card device (0x%x)\n", error_code);
      /*使用内部IOCTL命令测试SD卡是否已经插入 dx20121223*/
      uint_32  sd_param;
      sd_param = 0;
      if (ESDHC_OK != ioctl (com_handle, IO_IOCTL_ESDHC_GET_CARD, &sd_param))
         printf("Error get SD card device type.\n");
      if (ESDHC_CARD_NONE != sd_param)
         inserted = TRUE; // 已插入SD卡
         printf("inserted = 1 -> %d\n",(int)sd_param);
         inserted = FALSE; // 无SD卡
         printf("inserted = 0 -> %d\n",(int)sd_param);

    for (;;)/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////循环

        /* Get value of protect pin */
        readonly = lwgpio_get_value(&sd_protect);// 检测磁盘是否只读////////////////////////////////////////
#ifdef BSP_MPC8308RDB
        /* Set function as SD_CD which indicate that card is present in Present State Register */
        lwgpio_set_attribute(&sd_detect, LWGPIO_ATTR_PULL_UP, LWGPIO_AVAL_ENABLE);
        if (last != inserted)
            if (inserted)// 插入磁盘
               // _time_delay (200);// 将活动的任务挂起指定的毫秒数
                /* Open the device which MFS will be installed on */
                sdcard_handle = fopen("sdcard:", 0);// 打开SD卡层驱动
                if ( sdcard_handle == NULL )
                    printf("Unable to open SD card device.\n");

                /* Set read only flag as needed */
                param = 0;
                if (readonly)
                    param = IO_O_RDONLY;
                if (IO_OK != ioctl(sdcard_handle, IO_IOCTL_SET_FLAGS, (char_ptr) &param))
                    printf("Setting device read only failed.\n");

                /* Install partition manager over SD card driver */
                error_code = _io_part_mgr_install(sdcard_handle, partman_name, 0);// 分区管理
                if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                    printf("Error installing partition manager: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));

                /* Open partition manager */
                partman_handle = fopen(partman_name, NULL);// 打开分区
                if (partman_handle == NULL)
                    error_code = ferror(partman_handle);
                    printf("Error opening partition manager: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));

                /* Validate partition 1 */
                param = 1;
                error_code = _io_ioctl(partman_handle, IO_IOCTL_VAL_PART, &param);// 控制分区
                if (error_code == MQX_OK)

                    /* Install MFS over partition 1 */
                    error_code = _io_mfs_install(partman_handle, filesystem_name, param);/////安装文件系统,基于分区
                    if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                        printf("Error initializing MFS over partition: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));

                } else {

                    /* Install MFS over SD card driver */
                    error_code = _io_mfs_install(sdcard_handle, filesystem_name, (_file_size)0);////////安装文件系统,无分区
                    if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                        printf("Error initializing MFS: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));


                /* Open file system */
                filesystem_handle = fopen(filesystem_name, NULL);// 打开文件系统
                error_code = ferror (filesystem_handle);
                if ((error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR) && (error_code != MFS_NOT_A_DOS_DISK))
                    printf("Error opening filesystem: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
                if ( error_code == MFS_NOT_A_DOS_DISK )
                    printf("NOT A DOS DISK! You must format to continue.\n");

                printf ("SD card installed to %s\n", filesystem_name);
                if (readonly)
                    printf ("SD card is locked (read only).\n");
            else // 拔出磁盘
                /* Close the filesystem */
                if (MQX_OK != fclose (filesystem_handle))
                    printf("Error closing filesystem.\n");
                filesystem_handle = NULL;

                /* Uninstall MFS  */
                error_code = _io_dev_uninstall(filesystem_name);
                if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                    printf("Error uninstalling filesystem.\n");

                /* Close partition manager */
                if (MQX_OK != fclose (partman_handle))
                    printf("Unable to close partition manager.\n");
                partman_handle = NULL;

                /* Uninstall partition manager  */
                error_code = _io_dev_uninstall(partman_name);
                if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                    printf("Error uninstalling partition manager.\n");

                /* Close the SD card device */
                if (MQX_OK != fclose (sdcard_handle))
                    printf("Unable to close SD card device.\n");
                sdcard_handle = NULL;

                printf ("SD card uninstalled.\n");
                printf ("sd unOK dx.\n");/////////////////////////dx

        last = inserted;
       // _time_delay (200);// 将活动的任务挂起指定的毫秒数 
//        #if defined BSP_SDCARD_GPIO_DETECT
//            #if BSP_SDCARD_GPIO_DETECT_INT
//            /****************dx 20121211************************************************************/
//             _lwevent_wait_ticks(&SD_Event,SD_EVENT_DETECT,FALSE,0);///////////等待事件USB_EVENT
//             _lwevent_clear(&SD_Event,SD_EVENT_DETECT);
//           /****************************************************************************************/    
//            #endif
//        #endif
        #ifdef BSP_MPC8308RDB
        /* Set function as GPIO to detect sdcard */
        lwgpio_set_attribute(&sd_detect, LWGPIO_ATTR_PULL_UP, LWGPIO_AVAL_ENABLE);
        inserted = !lwgpio_get_value(&sd_detect);// 检测磁盘是否插入/////////////////////////////////////////
        /****************dx 20121211************************************************************/
         ioctl(port_file_sd_detect_int, GPIO_IOCTL_READ, (char_ptr) &sd_detect_int);
         inserted = !( sd_detect_int[0] & GPIO_PIN_STATUS);
Ejemplo n.º 2
* Task Name    : sdcard_task
* Comments     : Open device and install MFS on device
void sdcard_task(void)
{ /* Body */
   int                          dev_fd = -1, a_fd = -1;
   bool                         inserted = FALSE, last = FALSE;
   int32_t                      error_code;
   uint32_t                     isFormatted = 0;
   int                          esdhc_handle = -1;
   char                         partman_name[] = "pm:";
   char                         partition_name[] = "pm:1";
   int                          partition_handle;
   SDCARD_INIT_STRUCT           sdcard_init_data;
   LWSEM_STRUCT                 lwsem;

   /* Create and post card detection semaphore */
   if( _lwsem_create(&lwsem, 0) != MQX_OK ){
       printf("\nlwsem create failed!");
   if( _lwsem_post(&lwsem) != MQX_OK ){
       printf("\nlwsem post failed!");


   /* initialize SDHC pins */

   /* install SDHC low-level driver */
   _nio_dev_install("esdhc:", &nio_esdhc_dev_fn, (void*)&_bsp_esdhc_init, NULL);

   /* get an instance of the SDHC driver */
   esdhc_handle = open("esdhc:", 0);

   if(esdhc_handle < 0)
      printf("\nCould not open esdhc!");

   /* prepare init data structure */
   sdcard_init_data.com_dev = esdhc_handle;
   sdcard_init_data.const_data = (SDCARD_CONST_INIT_STRUCT_PTR)&sdcard_esdhc_init_data;

   /* install device */
   if (_nio_dev_install("sdcard:", &nio_sdcard_dev_fn, (void*)&sdcard_init_data, NULL) == NULL)
   /* Number of sectors is returned by ioctl IO_IOCTL_GET_NUM_SECTORS function */
   /* If another disc structure is desired, use MFS_FORMAT_DATA structure to   */
   /* define it and call standart format function instead default_format       */   
      printf("\nError installing memory device");
   } /* Endif */

   /* install isr for card detection handling and initialize gpio pin */
   _int_install_isr(g_portIrqId[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(CDET_PIN->pinName)], card_detect_isr, &lwsem);   


     /* Wait for card insertion or removal */
     if( _lwsem_wait(&lwsem) != MQX_OK ){
       printf("\nlwsem_wait failed!");

     /* Check if card is present */
     if(CDET_PIN->config.pullSelect == kPortPullDown)
         inserted = GPIO_DRV_ReadPinInput(CDET_PIN->pinName);
         inserted = !GPIO_DRV_ReadPinInput(CDET_PIN->pinName);

     if(last != inserted){
       last = inserted;

       /* Card detection switch debounce delay */

         /* Open the device which MFS will be installed on */
         dev_fd = open("sdcard:", O_RDWR);
         if ( dev_fd <= 0 ) {
              printf("\nUnable to open SDCARD device");
         } /* Endif */

         /* Install partition manager over SD card driver */
         error_code = _io_part_mgr_install(dev_fd, partman_name, 0);
         if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
             printf("Error installing partition manager: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));

         /* Open partition */
         partition_handle = open(partition_name, O_RDWR);
         if (partition_handle >= 0)
             printf("Installing MFS over partition...\n");
             /* Validate partition */
             error_code = ioctl(partition_handle, IO_IOCTL_VAL_PART, NULL);
             if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                 printf("Error validating partition: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));
                 printf("Not installing MFS.\n");

             /* Install MFS over partition */
             error_code = _io_mfs_install(partition_handle, "a:", 0);
             if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                 printf("Error initializing MFS over partition: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));

         } else
           printf("Installing MFS over SD card driver...\n");
           /* Install MFS over SD card driver */
           error_code = _io_mfs_install(dev_fd, "a:", (_file_size)0);
           if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
               printf("Error initializing MFS: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));

         /* Open the filesystem and format detect, if format is required */
         a_fd = open("a:", O_RDWR);
         if (0 >= a_fd) {
             printf("\nError while opening a:\\ (%s)", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)errno));

         _io_register_file_system(a_fd, "a:");

         /* We check if the device is formatted with the ioctl command. */
         error_code = ioctl(a_fd, IO_IOCTL_CHECK_FORMATTED, &isFormatted);
         if (0 > error_code) {
             printf("\nError while accessing a:\\ (%s)", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));
               printf("\nNOT A DOS DISK! You must format to continue.");
         /* Close the filesystem */
         if ((a_fd >= 0) && (MQX_OK != close(a_fd)))
             printf("Error closing filesystem.\n");
         a_fd = -1;

         /* Force uninstall filesystem */
         error_code = _nio_dev_uninstall_force("a:", NULL);
         if (error_code < 0)
             printf("Error uninstalling filesystem.\n");

         /* Close partition */
         if ((partition_handle >= 0) && (MQX_OK != close(partition_handle)))
             printf("Error closing partition.\n");
         partition_handle = -1;

         /* Uninstall partition manager */
         error_code = _nio_dev_uninstall_force(partman_name, NULL);
         if (error_code < 0)
             printf("Error uninstalling partition manager.\n");

         /* Close the SD card device */
         if ((dev_fd >= 0) && (MQX_OK != close(dev_fd)))
             printf("Error closing SD card device.\n");

         dev_fd = -1;

         printf ("SD card uninstalled.\n");
} /* Endbody */ 
Ejemplo n.º 3
pointer usb_filesystem_install( 
   pointer     usb_handle,
   char_ptr    block_device_name,
   char_ptr    partition_manager_name,
   char_ptr    file_system_name )
   uint_32                    partition_number;
   uchar_ptr                  dev_info;
   int_32                     error_code;
   uint_32                    mfs_status;

   usb_fs_ptr = _mem_alloc_system_zero(sizeof(USB_FILESYSTEM_STRUCT));
   if (usb_fs_ptr==NULL) {
      return NULL;

   _io_usb_mfs_install(block_device_name, 0, (pointer)usb_handle);
   usb_fs_ptr->DEV_NAME = block_device_name;

   /* Open the USB mass storage  device */
   usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR = fopen(block_device_name, (char_ptr) 0);

   if (usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR == NULL) {
      printf("\nUnable to open USB disk");
      return NULL;
   _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, IO_IOCTL_SET_BLOCK_MODE, NULL);

   /* get the vendor information and display it */
   _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, IO_IOCTL_GET_VENDOR_INFO, &dev_info);
   printf("\nVendor Information:     %-1.8s Mass Storage Device",dev_info);
   _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, IO_IOCTL_GET_PRODUCT_ID, &dev_info);
   printf("\nProduct Identification: %-1.16s",dev_info);
   _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, IO_IOCTL_GET_PRODUCT_REV, &dev_info);
   printf("\nProduct Revision Level: %-1.4s",dev_info);

   /* Try Installing a the partition manager */
   error_code = _io_part_mgr_install(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, partition_manager_name, 0);
   if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR) {
      printf("\nError while initializing (%s)", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
      return NULL;
   usb_fs_ptr->PM_NAME = partition_manager_name;

   usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR = fopen(partition_manager_name, NULL);
   if (usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR == NULL) {
      error_code = ferror(usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR);
      printf("\nError while opening partition (%s)", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
      return NULL;

   printf("\n--->USB Mass storage device opened");

   partition_number = 1;
   error_code = _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR, IO_IOCTL_VAL_PART, &partition_number);
   if (error_code == PMGR_INVALID_PARTITION) {
      printf("\n--->No partition available on this device");

      /* uninitialize */
      usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR = NULL;

      usb_fs_ptr->PM_NAME = NULL;

      /* install MFS without partition */
      mfs_status = _io_mfs_install(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, file_system_name, 0);
   } else {
      printf("\n--->Partition Manager installed");
       /* Install MFS on the partition #1 */
      mfs_status = _io_mfs_install(usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR, file_system_name, partition_number);


   if (mfs_status != MFS_NO_ERROR) {
      printf("\nError initializing MFS (%s)", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)mfs_status));
      /* uninitialize and exit */
      return NULL;
   printf("\n--->File System installed");

   usb_fs_ptr->FS_NAME  = file_system_name;

   usb_fs_ptr->FS_FD_PTR = fopen(file_system_name, 0);
   if (usb_fs_ptr->FS_FD_PTR==NULL) {
      return NULL;

   printf("\n--->File System opened");
   return (pointer) usb_fs_ptr;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int mount_sdcard()
    _mqx_uint    param;
    _mqx_int     error_code;
    //MQX_FILE_PTR com_handle, sdcard_handle, filesystem_handle, partman_handle;
    boolean readonly = /*FALSE*/TRUE;
    // char         filesystem_name[] = "a:";
    // char         partman_name[] = "pm:";

    printf("mounte sd card +\n");


    if(sd_mounted) {
        return 0;

    do {
        /* Open the device which MFS will be installed on */
        sdcard_handle = fopen("sdcard:", 0);
        if ( sdcard_handle == NULL ) {
            printf("Unable to open SD card device 2.\n");
            continue;          /* retry it */

        /* Set read only flag as needed */
        param = 0;
        if (readonly)  {
            param = IO_O_RDONLY;
        if (IO_OK != ioctl(sdcard_handle, IO_IOCTL_SET_FLAGS, (char_ptr) &param)) {
            printf("Setting device read only failed.\n");

        /* Install partition manager over SD card driver */
        error_code = _io_part_mgr_install(sdcard_handle, partman_name, 0);
        if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR) {
            printf("Error installing partition manager: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
            continue;       /* retry it */

        /* Open partition manager */
        partman_handle = fopen(partman_name, NULL);
        if (partman_handle == NULL) {
            error_code = ferror(partman_handle);
            printf("Error opening partition manager sd: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));

        /* Validate partition 1 */
        param = 1;
        error_code = _io_ioctl(partman_handle, IO_IOCTL_VAL_PART, &param);
        if (error_code == MQX_OK) {
            /* Install MFS over partition 1 */
            error_code = _io_mfs_install(partman_handle, filesystem_name, param);
            if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR) {
                printf("Error initializing MFS over partition: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
        } else {
            /* Install MFS over SD card driver */
            error_code = _io_mfs_install(sdcard_handle, filesystem_name, (_file_size)0);
            if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR) {
                printf("Error initializing MFS: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));

        /* Open file system */
        filesystem_handle = fopen(filesystem_name, NULL);
        error_code = ferror (filesystem_handle);
        if ((error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR) && (error_code != MFS_NOT_A_DOS_DISK)) {
            printf("Error opening filesystem: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
            continue;                 /* retry it */
        if ( error_code == MFS_NOT_A_DOS_DISK ) {
            printf("NOT A DOS DISK! You must format to continue.\n");

        printf ("\n  SD card installed to \"%s\"\n", filesystem_name);

        if (readonly) {
            printf ("SD card is locked (read only).\n");

    } while(0);

    sd_mounted = 1;
    printf("mounted sd card -\n");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
* Task Name    : mem_flash_app
* Comments     :
*    This task finds a string at 'the end' of flash memory
*    then it tries to rewrite it. The successfull rewrite
*    can be proved by re-executing this example application.
void mem_flash_app
      uint_32 initial_data
    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Flashx mfs demo =0x00060000~0x00080000#dx 20130103
#define FLASH_NAME_B       "flashx:"   //FLASH_NAME
    char  flashx_filesystem_name[] = "f:",flashx_partman_name[]="pmb:";///////////////////安装盘符
    MQX_FILE_PTR flashx_handle,flashx_file_handle,flashx_partman_handle;
    _mqx_uint  param; 
    uint_32 error;
    printf("\nMQX Flash Task.");
    /* wk --> open flash device */
    flashx_handle = fopen(FLASH_NAME_B, NULL); // "flashx:bank0"
     /*wk@130330 -->  test mfs function */
    uchar result;   
//    char pathname[261];
//    ioctl(mfs_fs_ptr, IO_IOCTL_GET_CURRENT_DIR,(uint_32_ptr) pathname);
//    printf("The current directory is: %s\n", pathname);  
    if (flashx_handle == NULL) {
      printf("\nUnable to open file %s", FLASH_NAME_B);
   } else {
      printf("\nFlash file %s opened", FLASH_NAME_B);
   ioctl(flashx_handle, FLASH_IOCTL_ENABLE_SECTOR_CACHE, NULL);/////////////////////重要
//   int len;
//   len = write(flashx_handle, "world",strlen("world"));
//   fseek(flashx_handle, 0, IO_SEEK_SET);
//   fseek(flashx_handle, -32, IO_SEEK_END);
//   len = write(flashx_handle, "hello",strlen("hello"));

   /* wk --> 安装分区 */
    error = _io_part_mgr_install(flashx_handle, flashx_partman_name, 0);// 分区管理
    if (error!= MFS_NO_ERROR)
      printf("\nError installing partition manager: %s", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error));
    /* Open partition manager */
    flashx_partman_handle = fopen(flashx_partman_name, NULL);// 打开分区
    if (flashx_partman_handle == NULL)
      error = ferror(flashx_partman_handle);
      printf("\nError opening partition manager: %s", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error));
    /* Validate partition 1 */
    param = 1;
    error = _io_ioctl(flashx_partman_handle, IO_IOCTL_VAL_PART, &param);// 控制分区
    if (error == MQX_OK)
      /* Install MFS over Flashx driver */
      error = _io_mfs_install(flashx_partman_handle, flashx_filesystem_name, param);// 安装文件系统,基于分区
      if (error != MFS_NO_ERROR)
        printf("\nError initializing MFS: %s", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error));
    } else
      /* Install MFS over SD card driver */
      error = _io_mfs_install(flashx_handle, flashx_filesystem_name, (_file_size)0);// 安装文件系统,无分区
      if (error != MFS_NO_ERROR)
        printf("\nError initializing MFS: %s", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error));

   /* Open file system */
   flashx_file_handle = fopen(flashx_filesystem_name, NULL);// 打开文件系统
   error = ferror (flashx_file_handle);
   if ((error != MFS_NO_ERROR) && (error != MFS_NOT_A_DOS_DISK))
     printf("\nError opening filesystem: %s", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error));
   if ( error == MFS_NOT_A_DOS_DISK )//////////////////
     printf("\nNOT A DOS DISK! You must format to continue.");
   printf ("\nFlashx  installed to %s", flashx_filesystem_name);
    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#dx 20130103

Ejemplo n.º 6
* Function Name  : sdcard_task
* Returned Value : void
* Comments       :
void sdcard_task(uint_32 temp)
    boolean      inserted = TRUE, readonly = FALSE, last = FALSE;
    _mqx_int     error_code;
    _mqx_uint    param;
    MQX_FILE_PTR com_handle, sdcard_handle, filesystem_handle, partition_handle;
    char         filesystem_name[] = "a:";
    char         partman_name[] = "pm:";
    char         partition_name[] = "pm:1";
    LWGPIO_STRUCT      sd_detect;
    LWGPIO_STRUCT      sd_protect;

    LWGPIO_STRUCT          sd_cs;


    /* Open low level communication device */
    com_handle = fopen(SDCARD_COM_CHANNEL, (void *)(SPI_FLAG_FULL_DUPLEX));

    if (NULL == com_handle)
        printf("Error opening communication handle %s, check your user_config.h.\n", SDCARD_COM_CHANNEL);


    /* Open GPIO file for SPI CS signal emulation */
    error_code = lwgpio_init(&sd_cs, BSP_SDCARD_GPIO_CS, LWGPIO_DIR_OUTPUT, LWGPIO_VALUE_NOCHANGE);
    if (!error_code)
           printf("Initializing GPIO with associated pins failed.\n");
    lwgpio_set_attribute(&sd_cs, LWGPIO_ATTR_PULL_UP, LWGPIO_AVAL_ENABLE);
    /* Set CS callback */
    callback.MASK = BSP_SDCARD_SPI_CS;
    callback.CALLBACK = set_CS;
    callback.USERDATA = &sd_cs;
    if (SPI_OK != ioctl(com_handle, IO_IOCTL_SPI_SET_CS_CALLBACK, &callback))
        printf ("Setting CS callback failed.\n");


    /* Init GPIO pins for other SD card signals */
    error_code = lwgpio_init(&sd_detect, BSP_SDCARD_GPIO_DETECT, LWGPIO_DIR_INPUT, LWGPIO_VALUE_NOCHANGE);
       if (!error_code)
           printf("Initializing GPIO with sdcard detect pin failed.\n");
       /*Set detect and protect pins as GPIO Function */
       lwgpio_set_attribute(&sd_detect, LWGPIO_ATTR_PULL_UP, LWGPIO_AVAL_ENABLE);

    /* Init GPIO pins for other SD card signals */
    error_code = lwgpio_init(&sd_protect, BSP_SDCARD_GPIO_PROTECT, LWGPIO_DIR_INPUT, LWGPIO_VALUE_NOCHANGE);
       if (!error_code)
           printf("Initializing GPIO with sdcard protect pin failed.\n");
       /*Set detect and protect pins as GPIO Function */
       lwgpio_set_attribute(&sd_protect, LWGPIO_ATTR_PULL_UP, LWGPIO_AVAL_ENABLE);

    /* Install SD card device */
    error_code = _io_sdcard_install("sdcard:", (pointer)&_bsp_sdcard0_init, com_handle);
    if ( error_code != MQX_OK )
        printf("Error installing SD card device (0x%x)\n", error_code);

    for (;;)

        #ifdef BSP_MPC8308RDB
        /* Set function as GPIO to detect sdcard */
        lwgpio_set_attribute(&sd_detect, LWGPIO_ATTR_PULL_UP, LWGPIO_AVAL_ENABLE);
        inserted = !lwgpio_get_value(&sd_detect);

        /* Get value of protect pin */
        readonly = lwgpio_get_value(&sd_protect);
#ifdef BSP_MPC8308RDB
        /* Set function as SD_CD which indicate that card is present in Present State Register */
        lwgpio_set_attribute(&sd_detect, LWGPIO_ATTR_PULL_UP, LWGPIO_AVAL_ENABLE);
        if (last != inserted)
            last = inserted;
            if (inserted)
                _time_delay (200);
                /* Open the device which MFS will be installed on */
                sdcard_handle = fopen("sdcard:", 0);
                if (sdcard_handle == NULL)
                    printf("Unable to open SD card device.\n");

                /* Set read only flag as needed */
                param = 0;
                if (readonly)
                    param = IO_O_RDONLY;
                if (IO_OK != ioctl(sdcard_handle, IO_IOCTL_SET_FLAGS, (char_ptr) &param))
                    printf("Setting device read only failed.\n");

                /* Install partition manager over SD card driver */
                error_code = _io_part_mgr_install(sdcard_handle, partman_name, 0);
                if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                    printf("Error installing partition manager: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));

                /* Open partition */
                partition_handle = fopen(partition_name, NULL);
                if (partition_handle != NULL)
                    printf("Installing MFS over partition...\n");
                    /* Validate partition */
                    error_code = _io_ioctl(partition_handle, IO_IOCTL_VAL_PART, NULL);
                    if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                        printf("Error validating partition: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
                        printf("Not installing MFS.\n");

                    /* Install MFS over partition */
                    error_code = _io_mfs_install(partition_handle, filesystem_name, 0);
                    if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                        printf("Error initializing MFS over partition: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));

                } else {

                    printf("Installing MFS over SD card driver...\n");
                    /* Install MFS over SD card driver */
                    error_code = _io_mfs_install(sdcard_handle, filesystem_name, (_file_size)0);
                    if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                        printf("Error initializing MFS: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));

                /* Open file system */
                if (error_code == MFS_NO_ERROR) {
                    filesystem_handle = fopen(filesystem_name, NULL);
                    error_code = ferror(filesystem_handle);
                    if (error_code == MFS_NOT_A_DOS_DISK)
                        printf("NOT A DOS DISK! You must format to continue.\n");
                    else if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                        printf("Error opening filesystem: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));

                    printf ("SD card installed to %s\n", filesystem_name);
                    if (readonly)
                        printf ("SD card is locked (read only).\n");
                /* Close the filesystem */
            	if ((filesystem_handle != NULL) && (MQX_OK != fclose(filesystem_handle)))
                    printf("Error closing filesystem.\n");
            	filesystem_handle = NULL;

                /* Uninstall MFS  */
                error_code = _io_dev_uninstall(filesystem_name);
                if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                    printf("Error uninstalling filesystem.\n");
                /* Close partition */
                if ((partition_handle != NULL) && (MQX_OK != fclose(partition_handle)))
                    printf("Error closing partition.\n");
                partition_handle = NULL;

                /* Uninstall partition manager  */
                error_code = _io_dev_uninstall(partman_name);
                if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                    printf("Error uninstalling partition manager.\n");

                /* Close the SD card device */
                if ((sdcard_handle != NULL) && (MQX_OK != fclose(sdcard_handle)))
                    printf("Unable to close SD card device.\n");
                sdcard_handle = NULL;

                printf ("SD card uninstalled.\n");
        _time_delay (200);
Ejemplo n.º 7
* Function Name  : CF_filesystem_install
* Returned Value : void
* Comments       : Install filesystem on given pccard file pointer
FS_STRUCT_PTR CF_filesystem_install( 
   MQX_FILE_PTR pccard_fp,
   char_ptr    partition_manager_name,
   char_ptr    file_system_name )
   uint_32                    partition_number;
   int_32                     error_code;
   uint_32                    mfs_status;
   FS_STRUCT_PTR  fs_ptr;

   fs_ptr = _mem_alloc_system_zero(sizeof(FS_STRUCT));
   if (fs_ptr==NULL) {
      return NULL;
    /* Open flash device */
    fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR = fopen("pcflasha:", (char_ptr) pccard_fp);
    if ( fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR == NULL ) {
      printf("\nOpen flash device failed\n");
      return NULL;
    } /* Endif */
    error_code = ioctl(fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, PCFLASH_IOCTL_SET_BLOCK_MODE, NULL);
    if (error_code == IO_OK) {
//       printf("\nBlock mode enabled.");
    } else {
       printf("\nBlock mode not enabled. Running in byte mode.\n");
    } /* Endif */
   /* Try Installing a the partition manager */
   error_code = _io_part_mgr_install(fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, partition_manager_name, 0);
   if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR) {
      printf("\nError while initializing (%s)", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
      return NULL;
   fs_ptr->PM_NAME = partition_manager_name;

   fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR = fopen(partition_manager_name, NULL);
   if (fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR == NULL) {
      error_code = ferror(fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR);
      printf("\nError while opening partition (%s)", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
      return NULL;

   printf("\n--->Compact Flash device opened");

   partition_number = 1;
   error_code = _io_ioctl(fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR, IO_IOCTL_VAL_PART, &partition_number);
   if (error_code == PMGR_INVALID_PARTITION) {
      printf("\n--->No partition available on this device");

      /* uninitialize */
      fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR = NULL;

      fs_ptr->PM_NAME = NULL;

      /* install MFS without partition */
      mfs_status = _io_mfs_install(fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, file_system_name, 0);
   } else {
      printf("\n--->Partition Manager installed");
       /* Install MFS on the partition #1 */
      mfs_status = _io_mfs_install(fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR, file_system_name, partition_number);


   if (mfs_status != MFS_NO_ERROR) {
      printf("\nError initializing MFS (%s)", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)mfs_status));
      /* uninitialize and exit */
      return NULL;

   fs_ptr->FS_NAME  = file_system_name;

   fs_ptr->FS_FD_PTR = fopen(file_system_name, 0);
   if (fs_ptr->FS_FD_PTR==NULL) {
      return NULL;

   printf("\n--->File System opened as : %s\n",fs_ptr->FS_NAME);
   return (pointer) fs_ptr;
Ejemplo n.º 8
pointer usb_filesystem_install( 
    pointer     usb_handle,
    char_ptr    block_device_name,
    char_ptr    partition_manager_name,
    char_ptr    file_system_name )
    uint_32                    partition_number;
    uchar_ptr                  dev_info;
    int_32                     error_code;

    usb_fs_ptr = _mem_alloc_system_zero(sizeof(USB_FILESYSTEM_STRUCT));
    if (usb_fs_ptr==NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* Install USB device */
    error_code = _io_usb_mfs_install(block_device_name, 0, (pointer)usb_handle);
    if (error_code != MQX_OK)
        printf("Error while installing USB device (0x%X)\n", error_code);
        return NULL;
    usb_fs_ptr->DEV_NAME = block_device_name;

    /* Open the USB mass storage  device */
    // printf("open msd dev\n");
    usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR = fopen(block_device_name, 0);

    if (usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR == NULL)
        printf("Unable to open USB device\n");
        return NULL;

    _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, IO_IOCTL_SET_BLOCK_MODE, NULL);

    /* Get the vendor information and display it */
    _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, USB_MFS_IOCTL_GET_VENDOR_INFO, &dev_info);
    printf("Vendor Information:     %-1.8s Mass Storage Device\n",dev_info);
    _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, USB_MFS_IOCTL_GET_PRODUCT_ID, &dev_info);
    printf("Product Identification: %-1.16s\n",dev_info);
    _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, USB_MFS_IOCTL_GET_PRODUCT_REV, &dev_info);
    printf("Product Revision Level: %-1.4s\n",dev_info);

    /* Try to install the partition manager */
    // printf("_io_part_mgr_install\n");
    error_code = _io_part_mgr_install(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, partition_manager_name, 0);
    if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
        printf("Error while initializing partition manager: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
        /* usb_filesystem_uninstall */usb_filesystem_cancel_install(usb_fs_ptr,PARTITION_INIT_FAIL);
        return NULL;
    usb_fs_ptr->PM_NAME = partition_manager_name;

    /* Open partition manager */
   // printf("fopen partition\n");
    usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR = fopen(partition_manager_name, NULL);
    if (usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR == NULL)
        error_code = ferror(usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR);
        printf("Error while opening partition manager: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
        return NULL;

    /* Select partition */
    partition_number = 1;
    // printf("select partition\n");
    error_code = _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR, IO_IOCTL_SEL_PART, &partition_number);

    if (error_code == MFS_NO_ERROR)
        printf("Installing MFS over partition...\n");

        /* Validate partition */
        // printf("Validate partition\n");
        error_code = _io_ioctl(usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR, IO_IOCTL_VAL_PART, NULL);
        if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
            printf("Error while validating partition: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));
            printf("Not installing MFS.\n");
            return NULL;

        /* Install MFS over partition */
        //printf("Install MFS over partition\n");
        error_code = _io_mfs_install(usb_fs_ptr->PM_FD_PTR, file_system_name, 0);
        if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
            printf("Error initializing MFS over partition: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
    else {

        printf("Installing MFS over USB device...\n");

        /* Install MFS over USB device driver */
        //printf("Install MFS over USB device driver\n");
        error_code = _io_mfs_install(usb_fs_ptr->DEV_FD_PTR, file_system_name, 0);
        if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
            printf("Error initializing MFS: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));

    /* Open file system */
    if (error_code == MFS_NO_ERROR)
        usb_fs_ptr->FS_NAME = file_system_name;
        //printf("Open file system\n");
        usb_fs_ptr->FS_FD_PTR = fopen(file_system_name, NULL);
        error_code = ferror(usb_fs_ptr->FS_FD_PTR);
        if (error_code == MFS_NOT_A_DOS_DISK)
            printf("NOT A DOS DISK! You must format to continue.\n");
        else if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
            printf("Error opening filesystem: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint_32)error_code));
            /* usb_filesystem_uninstall*/usb_filesystem_cancel_install(usb_fs_ptr,MFS_OPEN_FAIL);
            return NULL;

        printf("USB device installed to %s\n", file_system_name);  
    else {
        return NULL;

    return (pointer)usb_fs_ptr;