BOOL NMEAParser::NMEAChecksum(const TCHAR *String) { if (!CheckSum) return TRUE; unsigned char CalcCheckSum = 0; unsigned char ReadCheckSum; int End; int i; TCHAR c1,c2; unsigned char v1 = 0,v2 = 0; TCHAR *pEnd; pEnd = _tcschr(String,_T('*')); if(pEnd == NULL) return FALSE; // Fix problem of EW micrologger missing a digit in checksum // now we have *XY // line is terminating with 0a (\n) so count is 4 not 3! if(_tcslen(pEnd)<4) { // no checksum, only a * ? if (_tcslen(pEnd)==1) { return FALSE; } // try to recover the missing digit c1 = _T('0'); c2 = pEnd[1]; } else { c1 = pEnd[1], c2 = pEnd[2]; } // iswdigit('0'); // what's this for? if(_istdigit(c1)) v1 = (unsigned char)(c1 - '0'); if(_istdigit(c2)) v2 = (unsigned char)(c2 - '0'); if(_istalpha(c1)) v1 = (unsigned char)(c1 - 'A' + 10); if(_istalpha(c2)) v2 = (unsigned char)(c2 - 'A' + 10); ReadCheckSum = (unsigned char)((v1<<4) + v2); End =(int)( pEnd - String); for(i=1;i<End;i++) { CalcCheckSum = (unsigned char)(CalcCheckSum ^ String[i]); } if(CalcCheckSum == ReadCheckSum) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
void CuParseEditCtrl::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { WORD type; if (nChar < 0x20) type = PES_ALL; // always allow control chars else if (_istalnum(nChar) && !_istalpha(nChar)) type = PES_NATURAL; else if (_istalpha(nChar)) type = PES_LETTERS; else { CString strText; GetWindowText (strText); int nLen = strText.GetLength (); if ((TCHAR)nChar == _T('-') && (m_wParseStyle & PES_INTEGER) && nLen == 0) type = PES_INTEGER; else if ((TCHAR)nChar == _T('-') && (m_wParseStyle & PES_INTEGER) && nLen > 0) { int nStartChar, nEndChar; GetSel(nStartChar, nEndChar); if (nStartChar == 0 && nEndChar == 0 && strText.Find (_T('-'))== -1) type = PES_INTEGER; else if (nStartChar == 0 && nEndChar > 0) { // // If partial or all text is selected from the starting position // then allow typing the minus sign ('-') even if it has already // been in the edit. type = PES_INTEGER; } else type = PES_OTHERCHARS; } else type = PES_OTHERCHARS; } if (m_wParseStyle & type) { CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); // permitted } else { // // Illegal character - inform parent OnBadInput(); } }
//MAD: alternative sorting by Nullbie static int sttCompareNicknames(const TCHAR *s1, const TCHAR *s2) { // skip rubbish while (*s1 && !_istalpha(*s1)) ++s1; while (*s2 && !_istalpha(*s2)) ++s2; // are there ~0veRy^kEwL_n1kz? if (!*s1 && !*s2) return 0; if (!*s1 && *s2) return +1; if (*s1 && !*s2) return -1; // compare tails return lstrcmpi(s1, s2); }
/** * @brief Build-in ROT-13 encoder. * @param [in, out] p Data (and parameters) to encode. */ void WINAPI Rot13Encoder(LPMEMORY_CODING p) { LPBYTE q = p->lpbMemory; LPBYTE qMax = q + p->dwSize; while (q < qMax) *(q++) = _istalpha(*q) ? (BYTE)(tolower(*q) < 'n' ? * q + 13 : *q - 13) : *q; }
static void OpenURLThread(void *arg) { TOpenUrlInfo *hUrlInfo = (TOpenUrlInfo*)arg; // wack a protocol on it CMString tszUrl; if ((isalpha(hUrlInfo->szUrl[0]) && hUrlInfo->szUrl[1] == ':') || hUrlInfo->szUrl[0] == '\\') tszUrl.Format(_T("file:///%s"), hUrlInfo->szUrl); else { int i; for (i = 0; _istalpha(hUrlInfo->szUrl[i]); i++); if (hUrlInfo->szUrl[i] == ':') tszUrl = hUrlInfo->szUrl; else if (!_tcsnicmp(hUrlInfo->szUrl, _T("ftp."), 4)) tszUrl.Format(_T("ftp://%s"), hUrlInfo->szUrl); else tszUrl.Format(_T("http://%s"), hUrlInfo->szUrl); } // check user defined browser for opening urls ptrT tszBrowser(db_get_tsa(NULL, "Miranda", "OpenUrlBrowser")); if (tszBrowser) ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), tszBrowser, tszUrl, NULL, (hUrlInfo->newWindow) ? SW_NORMAL : SW_SHOWDEFAULT); else ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), tszUrl, NULL, NULL, (hUrlInfo->newWindow) ? SW_NORMAL : SW_SHOWDEFAULT); delete hUrlInfo; }
void ToggleCase (CString& str) { if (str.GetLength () == 0) return; MakeUpper (str); bool bNewWord = true; int last = str.GetLength (); /*int ext_pos = str.ReverseFind ('.'); if (ext_pos != -1) last = ext_pos;*/ for (int i = 0; i < last; i++) { if (_istalpha (str[i])) { if (bNewWord) { bNewWord = false; str.SetAt (i, _tolower (str[i])); } } else bNewWord = true; } }
// symbol test static bool isSymbolChar(_TCHAR i_c) { if (i_c == _T('\0')) return false; if (_istlead(i_c) || _istalpha(i_c) || _istdigit(i_c) || _istlead(i_c)) return true; #ifdef UNICODE if (0x80 <= i_c && _istgraph(i_c)) return true; #endif // UNICODE if (_istpunct(i_c)) return !!_tcschr(_T("-+/?_\\"), i_c); #ifdef UNICODE // check arrows if (_tcschr(_T("\x2190\x2191\x2192\x2193"), i_c)) { return true; } #endif // UNICODE return _istgraph(i_c); }
bool CProperties::CreatePathToFile(LPCTSTR pszDir) { // Create intermediate directories #ifdef _WIN32 const TCHAR cSep='\\'; #else // UNIX const TCHAR cSep='/'; #endif for(LPCTSTR c=_tcschr(pszDir,cSep);c;c=_tcschr(c+1,cSep)){ #ifdef _WIN32 if(c==pszDir+2 && _istalpha(pszDir[0]) && _TCHAR(':')==pszDir[1]){ continue; // don't attempt to create "C:" } #endif String strDir(pszDir,c-pszDir); struct _stat buf; if(!(0==_tstat(strDir,&buf) && (S_IFDIR&buf.st_mode))){ // Need to create directory bool b=(0==_tmkdir(strDir)); TRACE(_T("Create directory %s rc=%d\n"),(LPCTSTR)strDir,b); if(!b){ return false; } } } return true; }
BOOL CMaskData::IsValidInput(TCHAR chNewChar) { BOOL bIsValidInput=FALSE; switch(m_eType) { // These are the input types. case MaskDataTypeDIGIT : bIsValidInput=_istdigit(chNewChar); break; case MaskDataTypeALPHANUMERIC : bIsValidInput=_istalnum(chNewChar); break; case MaskDataTypeALPHABETIC : case MaskDataTypeALPHAETICUPPER : case MaskDataTypeALPHAETICLOWER : bIsValidInput=_istalpha(chNewChar); break; case MaskDataTypeCHARACTER : if((chNewChar >= 32) && (chNewChar <= 126)) bIsValidInput=TRUE ; if((chNewChar >= 128) && (chNewChar <= 255)) bIsValidInput=TRUE ; break; } return bIsValidInput; }
CServerPath::CServerPath(CString path) { m_nServerType = FZ_SERVERTYPE_FTP; path.TrimLeft( _T(" ") ); path.TrimRight( _T(" ") ); if (path == _MPT("")) { m_bEmpty = TRUE; return; } else m_bEmpty = FALSE; int pos1 = path.Find( _T(":[") ); if (pos1 != -1 && path.Right(1) == _MPT("]") && pos1 != (path.GetLength()-1)) m_nServerType |= FZ_SERVERTYPE_SUB_FTP_VMS; else if (path.GetLength() >= 3 && _istalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == _MPT(':') && (path[2] == _MPT('\\') || path[2] == _MPT('/'))) m_nServerType |= FZ_SERVERTYPE_SUB_FTP_WINDOWS; else if (path[0] == FTP_MVS_DOUBLE_QUOTA && path[path.GetLength() - 1] == FTP_MVS_DOUBLE_QUOTA) m_nServerType |= FZ_SERVERTYPE_SUB_FTP_MVS; else if (path.GetLength() > 2 && path[0] == _MPT('\'') && path.Right(1) == _T("'") && path.Find(_MPT('/')) == -1 && path.Find(_MPT('\\')) == -1) m_nServerType |= FZ_SERVERTYPE_SUB_FTP_MVS; else if (path.GetLength() >= 2 && path[0] != _MPT('/') && path.Right(1) == _T(".")) m_nServerType |= FZ_SERVERTYPE_SUB_FTP_UNKNOWN; *this = CServerPath(path, m_nServerType); }
// 取得命令名 static int getCmd(const MyString& cmd, int pos, MyString* name) { int i = pos; while (i < cmd.size() && !_istgraph(cmd[i])) ++i; int j = i; while (j < cmd.size() && _istalpha(cmd[j])) ++j; // 仅在识别出类似绝对路径时进行回溯 if ((i + 1) < cmd.size() && _istalpha(cmd[i]) && cmd[i + 1] == _T(':')) return i; *name = cmd.substr(i, j - i); return j; }
static void _split_arg(const char_t *pbeg, const char_t *pend, std::vector<_ArgItem> &vArg, bool bAddHead) { const char_t *px=pbeg,*pbx=NULL; int nhead=0; //number of anonymous varibles, which must be placed at the start of command-line int ni=0; //number of named varibles, which can be placed anywhere after anonymous varibles int nq=0; //number of quotes while(px<pend) { if( (*px==_TX('-')&&px+1!=pend&&_istalpha((ushort)px[1])||*px==_TX('/'))&&(px==pbeg||_istspace((ushort)px[-1])) ) {//the beginning of a named varible, either the following two cases: // 1) '-' followed by alphabetic letters ('-' followed by number may be an negative number) // 2) '/' followed by any character if((nq&1)==0) //if not in double quotes { if(pbx) {//save the value of previous varible vArg.back().m_value.append(pbx,px); } pbx=_skip_non_space(px,pend); //the end of the varible name vArg.push_back(_ArgItem()); vArg.back().m_name=string_t(px+1,pbx); px=pbx; ++ni; } } else if(ni==0&&bAddHead&&!_istspace((ushort)*px)) {//the beginning of an anonymous varible const char_t *px0=px; px=_skip_non_str_non_space(px,pend); char_t buf[16]; _stprintf(buf,_TX("#%d"),nhead); //make an name for the varible vArg.push_back(_ArgItem()); vArg.back().m_name=buf; vArg.back().m_value=string_t(px0,px); ++nhead; } else { if(*px==_TX('\"')&&(px==pbeg||px[-1]!=_CH_CVT)) { ++nq; } } ++px; } if(pbx&&ni>0) {//save the value of the last varible vArg.back().m_value.append(pbx,pend); } }
bool _is_meaningless_char(TCHAR ax){ if(_istdigit(ax) || _istalpha(ax)){ return false; } if(ax >= 0x0080){ return false; } return true; }
bool GermanStemmer::isStemmable(const TCHAR* term, size_t length) const { if (length < 0) { length = _tcslen(term); } for (size_t c = 0; c < length; c++) { if (_istalpha(term[c]) == 0) return false; } return true; }
bool CFileName::IsAbsolute() const { int nLength=GetLength(); LPCTSTR psz=*this; return (nLength>0 && (cSep==psz[0]))|| // starts with '\' (nLength>1 && ( (_istalpha(psz[0]) && _TCHAR(':')==psz[1]) || // starts with [e.g.] "c:\" (cSep==psz[0] && cSep==psz[1]))); // UNC }
static int getSwitch(const MyString& cmd, int pos, MyString* s) { int i = pos; while (i < cmd.size() && !_istgraph(cmd[i])) ++i; // 仅有首个字符为"\" int j = i + 1; while (j < cmd.size() && _istalpha(cmd[j])) ++j; *s = cmd.substr(i, j - i); return j; }
// C:\ // \name bool isAbs(MyString path) { /*文件名需要忽略大小写 */ if (path.startWith(_T("\\"))) { return true; } else if (match(path, _T("?:*")) && _istalpha(path[0])) { return true; } return false; }
BOOL SMaskEdit::IsAlphaChar(TCHAR nChar) { if (_istalpha(nChar)) return TRUE; if (ConvertUnicodeAlpha(nChar, TRUE) != nChar) return TRUE; if (ConvertUnicodeAlpha(nChar, FALSE) != nChar) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
static int __inline IsBefore(char *p1 ,char *p2) { char *p; if (!p1 || !p2) return 0; for (p=p1; *p ; CMnext(p)) { if (_istalpha (*p)) { p1=p; break; } } for (p=p2; *p ; CMnext(p)) { if (_istalpha (*p)) { p2=p; break; } } return (_tcsicmp (p1,p2)<0); }
static void propident(char *buffer, int size) { if (lookahead == -1 || !_istupper(lookahead)) parse_error("Expected an upper case letter", 0); while (lookahead != -1 && _istalpha(lookahead)) { if (_istupper(lookahead) && size > 1) { *buffer++ = lookahead; size--; } nexttoken(); } *buffer = '\0'; }
// Helper for Relative() psz is in full format. CFileName CFileName::Drive(LPCTSTR psz) { if(_istalpha(psz[0])){ return psz[0]; } else if(cSep==psz[0]&&cSep==psz[1]){ TCHAR *c=_tcschr(psz+2,cSep); if(c){ c=_tcschr(c+1,cSep); if(c){ return CString(psz,c-psz); } } } return _T(""); }
/** * Function name IsIdentifier * Description checks whether String is an st identifier * @param CString String * @return BOOL * @exception - * @see - */ BOOL IsIdentifier(CString String) { if (String.IsEmpty()) // 1 { return FALSE; } if (IsKeyword(String)) { return FALSE; } if (String.Find(_T("__")) != -1) // 2 { // "__" is not allowed within an identifier. return FALSE; } int StringLength = String.GetLength(); ASSERT(StringLength > 0); // owing to 1 const int StartIndex = 0; _TCHAR c = String.GetAt(StartIndex); if (!_istalpha(c) && !((c == _T('_')) && (StringLength > 1))) { // First char is not a-z or A-Z and // first char is not '_'-and-followed-by-an-other-char. // ('_' is no valid identifier. // String.GetAt(StartIndex + 1) does not equal '_' due to 2.) return FALSE; } for (int i = StartIndex + 1; i < StringLength; i++) { c = String.GetAt(i); if ((!_istalnum(c)) && (c != _T('_'))) { // String contains a char which is not a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or '_', return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
bool CFileName::CreateDirectory(bool bParentsToo,bool bFailIfAlreadyExists) const { LPCTSTR pszDir=m_pchData; if(bParentsToo){ // Create intermediate directories for(LPCTSTR c=_tcschr(pszDir,_TCHAR('\\'));c;c=_tcschr(c+1,_TCHAR('\\'))){ if(c==pszDir+2 && _istalpha(pszDir[0]) && _TCHAR(':')==pszDir[1]){ continue; // don't attempt to create "C:" } const CFileName strDir(pszDir,c-pszDir); if(!(strDir.IsDir()? (!bFailIfAlreadyExists) : ::CreateDirectory(strDir,NULL))){ return false; } } } return IsDir()? (!bFailIfAlreadyExists) : (TRUE==::CreateDirectory(pszDir,NULL)); }
void CSymbolEdit::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { //Allowed inputs are passed on to the base class if (nChar == VK_BACK) { CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); return; } wint_t wChar = reinterpret_cast<wint_t &>(nChar); // Must not be alphanumeric nor have and Alt/Ctrl key if ((_istalpha(wChar) == 0 && _istdigit(wChar) == 0 && (nFlags & 0xE0800000) == 0)) { CString cs_text; GetWindowText(cs_text); // Must not have duplicates if (cs_text.Find(wChar) == -1) CEdit::OnChar(nChar, 0, nFlags); } }
void CSetPageBase::SetTidyControl(LPCTSTR lpszTidy, int nPos, int nSize) { if (lpszTidy[nPos] != '-' || nSize < 2) { return; } CString strTextParam(lpszTidy + nPos + 1, nSize - 1); int nPosFlag = strTextParam.Find(STR_SHORT_TEXT_FALG); if (nPosFlag > 0) { CString strBstrValue(strTextParam.Mid(nPosFlag + 1)); strTextParam = strTextParam.Left(nPosFlag); SetTidyProp(strTextParam, (LPCTSTR)strBstrValue); } else { int nNumValue = nSize; for (int i = nPos + 1; i < nPos + nSize; ++i) { if (!_istalpha(lpszTidy[i])) { nNumValue = i - nPos; break; } } CString strParam(lpszTidy + nPos + 1, nNumValue - 1); if (nNumValue != nSize) { CString strNum(lpszTidy + nPos + nNumValue, nSize - nNumValue); nNumValue = _ttoi(strNum); } else { nNumValue = INT_MIN; } if (!SetTidyProp(strParam, nNumValue)) { strParam.AppendFormat(_T("%d"), nNumValue); SetTidyProp(strParam, nNumValue); } } }
static int ParseFlags(const TCHAR *input, const TCHAR **endptr_r) { int Flags = 0; while (_istalpha(*input)) { switch (*input++) { case 'A': Flags |= AIRPORT; break; case 'T': Flags |= TURNPOINT; break; case 'L': Flags |= LANDPOINT; break; case 'H': Flags |= HOME; break; case 'S': Flags |= START; break; case 'F': Flags |= FINISH; break; case 'R': Flags |= RESTRICTED; break; case 'W': Flags |= WAYPOINTFLAG; break; } } *endptr_r = input; return Flags; }
/** Extracts a description string from a \ProvidesXXX command. Works similar as ExtractOptionCount */ int CStyleFile::ExtractDescription(const TCHAR *closePar, const TCHAR *openBr, const TCHAR *closeBr, CString &desc) { if (closePar == NULL || openBr == NULL || closeBr == NULL) { desc.Empty(); return -2; /* No desc available */ } int d = closeBr - openBr - 1; if (d <= 0) { desc.Empty(); return -4; } if (d >= MAX_DESC_LEN) { d = MAX_DESC_LEN - 1; } TCHAR *p = (TCHAR*)closePar; ++p; while (p < openBr) { if (_istdigit(*p) || _istalpha(*p)) { desc.Empty(); return -3; } ++p; } TCHAR buf[MAX_DESC_LEN]; _tcsncpy(buf, openBr + 1, d); buf[d] = 0; desc = buf; return 0; }
const CFileName CFileName::CygPath () const { TCHAR buf[2+MAX_PATH]; LPCTSTR rc=buf+1; if(!GetShortPathName(m_pchData,1+buf,MAX_PATH)){ _tcscpy(1+buf,m_pchData); } if(_istalpha(*rc)&&_TCHAR(':')==rc[1]){ // Convert c:\ to //c/ [this is the bit that requires the first char of buf] buf[0]=_TCHAR('/'); buf[2]=buf[1]; buf[1]=_TCHAR('/'); rc=buf; } for(TCHAR *c=buf+1;*c;c++){ if(_TCHAR('\\')==*c){ *c=_TCHAR('/'); } } return rc; }
LRESULT CSymbolEdit::OnPaste(WPARAM , LPARAM ) { // Only allow symbols to be pasted and stop duplicates if (!OpenClipboard() || !IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) return 0L; std::wstring cs_data; HANDLE hData = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if (hData != NULL) { wchar_t *buffer = (wchar_t *)GlobalLock(hData); if (buffer != NULL) { cs_data = buffer; GlobalUnlock(hData); } } CloseClipboard(); CString cs_text, cs_oldtext;; GetWindowText(cs_text); cs_oldtext = cs_text; // Must not be alphanumeric for (size_t i = 0; i < cs_data.length(); i++) { wchar_t wChar =; if ((_istalpha(wChar) == 0 && _istdigit(wChar) == 0)) { // Must not have duplicates if (cs_text.Find(wChar) == -1) cs_text += wChar; } } if (cs_text.Compare(cs_oldtext) != 0) SetWindowText(cs_text); return 0L; }
/** Retrieves the number of options of a command or environment. Does not work for commands defined via _T('\def') (TeX-Style). */ int CStyleFile::ExtractOptionCount(const TCHAR *closePar, const TCHAR *openBr, const TCHAR *closeBr) { if (closePar == NULL || openBr == NULL || closeBr == NULL) return -2; /* No option avalable */ int d = closeBr - openBr; if (d < 0 || d > 2) return -1; TCHAR *p = (TCHAR*)closePar; TCHAR buf[10]; ++p; while (p < openBr) { if (_istdigit(*p) || _istalpha(*p)) { return -3; } ++p; } _tcsncpy(buf, openBr + 1, d); buf[d] = 0; return _ttoi(buf); }