Ejemplo n.º 1
   void __os2_finddata_cvt( FF_BUFFER *ffb, struct _finddata_t *fileinfo )
    /*** Handle the timestamps ***/
    fileinfo->time_create = _d2ttime( TODDATE( ffb->fdateCreation ),
                                        TODTIME( ffb->ftimeCreation ) );
    fileinfo->time_access = _d2ttime( TODDATE( ffb->fdateLastAccess ),
                                        TODTIME( ffb->ftimeLastAccess ) );
    fileinfo->time_write  = _d2ttime( TODDATE( ffb->fdateLastWrite ),
                                        TODTIME( ffb->ftimeLastWrite ) );

  #if defined( __INT64__ ) && !defined( _M_I86 )
    if( _FILEAPI64() ) {
        fileinfo->attrib = ffb->attrFile;
        fileinfo->size = ffb->cbFile;
    #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
        mbstowcs( fileinfo->name, ffb->achName, _mbslen( ffb->achName ) + 1 );
        strcpy( fileinfo->name, ffb->achName );
  #if defined( __INT64__ ) && !defined( _M_I86 )
    } else {
        fileinfo->attrib = ((FF_BUFFER_32 *)ffb)->attrFile;
        fileinfo->size = ((FF_BUFFER_32 *)ffb)->cbFile;
    #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
        mbstowcs( fileinfo->name, ((FF_BUFFER_32 *)ffb)->achName, _mbslen( ((FF_BUFFER_32 *)ffb)->achName ) + 1 );
        strcpy( fileinfo->name, ((FF_BUFFER_32 *)ffb)->achName );
Ejemplo n.º 2
CString MeaXMLParser::Encode(const CString& src)
    CString encStr;

#ifdef _UNICODE
    for (int i = 0; i < src.GetLength(); i++) {
        TCHAR ch = src.GetAt(i);
        switch(ch) {
        case _T('&'):
            encStr += _T("&amp;");
        case _T('<'):
            encStr += _T("&lt;");
        case _T('>'):
            encStr += _T("&gt;");
        case _T('\''):
            encStr += _T("&apos;");
        case _T('\"'):
            encStr += _T("&quot;");
            encStr += ch;
    const unsigned char *str = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(static_cast<LPCTSTR>(src));
    const unsigned char *sptr;
    int len = _mbslen(str);
    int i;

    for (i = 0, sptr = str; i < len; i++, sptr = _mbsinc(sptr)) {
        switch(*sptr) {
        case _T('&'):
            encStr += _T("&amp;");
        case _T('<'):
            encStr += _T("&lt;");
        case _T('>'):
            encStr += _T("&gt;");
        case _T('\''):
            encStr += _T("&apos;");
        case _T('\"'):
            encStr += _T("&quot;");
            encStr += *sptr;

    return encStr;
Ejemplo n.º 3
_WCRTLINK size_t _wstrftime_ms( CHAR_TYPE *s, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *timeptr )
    wchar_t     *auto_buf;
    int         length;

    length = _mbslen( (unsigned char *)format ) + 1;
    auto_buf = (wchar_t *)alloca( length * CHARSIZE );
    mbstowcs( auto_buf, format, length );
    return( wcsftime( s, maxsize, auto_buf, timeptr ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @implemented
unsigned char * _mbsdup(const unsigned char *_s)
	unsigned char *rv;
	if (_s == 0)
		return 0;
	rv = (unsigned char *)malloc(_mbslen(_s) + 1);
	if (rv == 0)
		return 0;
	_mbscpy(rv, _s);
	return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    static HMODULE LoadLibraryMB(const char* path)
#ifdef _UNICODE
        int len = _mbslen((const unsigned char*)path);
        int siz = MultiByteToWideChar(0,0, path,len, NULL,0);
        TCHAR* apath = (TCHAR*)HMD_ALLOCA((siz+1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
        MultiByteToWideChar(0,0, path,len, apath,siz);
        return AfxLoadLibrary(apath);
        return AfxLoadLibrary(path);
Ejemplo n.º 6
LPSTR CMemPool::GetDuplicateStringA(LPCSTR szSrc)  
    DWORD dwBytes = (_mbslen((const unsigned char*)szSrc) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR);  
    LPSTR pString = (LPSTR)GetAlignedMemory(dwBytes, sizeof(CHAR));  
    if (pString)   
        _mbscpy_s((unsigned char*)pString, dwBytes, (const unsigned char*)szSrc);  
    return pString;  
Ejemplo n.º 7
_WCRTLINK CHAR_TYPE *__F_NAME(getcwd,_wgetcwd)( CHAR_TYPE *buf, size_t size )
    int         len;
#ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    char        cwd[MB_CUR_MAX * _MAX_PATH];       /* multi-byte chars */
    char        cwd[_MAX_PATH];                    /* single-byte chars */

    __null_check( buf, 1 );
    if( __getdcwd( &cwd[3], 0 ) ) {
        _RWD_errno = ENOENT;      /* noent? */
        return( NULL );

    /* get current drive and insert into cwd[0] */
    cwd[0] = TinyGetCurrDrive() + 'A';
    cwd[1] = ':';
    cwd[2] = '\\';
#ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    len = _mbslen( (unsigned char *)cwd ) + 1;
    len = strlen( cwd ) + 1;
    if( buf == NULL ) {
        if( (buf = lib_malloc( max( size, len ) * CHARSIZE )) == NULL ) {
            _RWD_errno = ENOMEM;
            return( NULL );
        size = len;

    /*** Copy the pathname into a buffer and quit ***/
#ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    if( mbstowcs( buf, cwd, size ) == -1 ) {
        return( NULL );
    return( buf );
    return( strncpy( buf, cwd, size ) );
Ejemplo n.º 8
DWORD __lib_GetCurrentDirectoryW( DWORD nBufferLength, LPWSTR lpBuffer )
    if( WIN32_IS_NT ) {                                 /* NT */
        return( GetCurrentDirectoryW( nBufferLength, lpBuffer ) );
    } else {                                            /* Win95 or Win32s */
        char *          mbBuffer;
        BOOL            osrc;
        size_t          cvt;
        size_t          len;

        /*** Allocate some memory ***/
        len = _MAX_PATH*MB_CUR_MAX + 1;
        mbBuffer = lib_malloc( len );
        if( mbBuffer == NULL ) {
            return( FALSE );

        /*** Call the OS ***/
        osrc = GetCurrentDirectoryA( len, mbBuffer );
        if( osrc == 0 ) {
            lib_free( mbBuffer );
            return( 0 );

        /*** If buffer too small, return required size ***/
        if( _mbslen( mbBuffer ) + 1  >  nBufferLength ) {
            lib_free( mbBuffer );
            return( osrc );

        /*** Convert returned info ***/
        cvt = mbstowcs( lpBuffer, mbBuffer, nBufferLength );
        if( cvt == (size_t)-1 ) {
            lib_free( mbBuffer );
            return( 0 );

        return( osrc );
Ejemplo n.º 9
 utf8_t& operator=(const utf8_t & s){
   delete [] buffer;
   unsigned length = _mbslen((unsigned char const *)s.buffer);
   buffer = new char[length + 1]();
   memcpy(buffer, s.buffer, length + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 utf8_t(const utf8_t & s){
   unsigned length = _mbslen((unsigned char const *)s.buffer);
   buffer = new char[length + 1]();
   memcpy(buffer, s.buffer, length + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 11
int if_up(char *devname)
	/* Get network adapter status from WMI using COM */
        DWORD ifStatus = 0;
	HRESULT hres;
        IWbemLocator *locator=NULL;
        IWbemServices *services=NULL;
        IEnumWbemClassObject *results=NULL;
        BSTR resource=SysAllocString(L"ROOT\\CIMV2");
        BSTR language=SysAllocString(L"WQL");
        LPWSTR query_h=L"SELECT NetConnectionStatus FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter " 
                       L"WHERE NetConnectionID = ";

	size_t len=_mbslen(devname);
        size_t cont=0;

        /* Count how many single single quotes(') in devname for escap */
        /* single quotes(') in WQL query string */
        char *pc=devname;
        for(; pc=(char *)_mbschr(pc,'\''); pc++) {
        /* Need to add two single quotes(') at begin and after devname */
        WCHAR query_str[len+cont+wcslen(query_h)+3];
        /* Add start single quote(') to query string before append devname */
        WCHAR connid[len+1];
        WCHAR *pw, *qw=connid;
        for(pw=connid; pw=wcschr(pw, L'\''); pw++) {
                /* Escape single quotes(') in devname */
        /* Append terminal single quote(') to query string */
        BSTR query=SysAllocString(query_str);	

        // initialize COM
        hres=CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
	if (FAILED(hres))
        	log_warn("Failed to initialize COM library:0x%x\n", hres);
        	goto cleanup;
        hres=CoInitializeSecurity(NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
                             NULL, EOAC_NONE, NULL);
	if (FAILED(hres))
        	log_warn("Failed to initialize security:0x%x\n",hres);
        	goto cleanup;
        // connect to WMI
        hres=CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_WbemLocator, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
                         &IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) &locator);
	if (FAILED(hres))
        	log_warn("Failed to create IWbemLocator object:0x%x\n",hres);
        	goto cleanup;
				NULL, NULL, NULL, 0,
				NULL, NULL, &services);
	if (FAILED(hres))
        	log_warn("Could not connect:0x%x\n",hres);
        	goto cleanup;
        // issue a WMI query
        hres=services->lpVtbl->ExecQuery(services, language, query,
                                    NULL, &results);
	if (FAILED(hres))
        	log_warn("Query for processes failed:0x%x\n",hres);
        	goto cleanup;
        // list the query results
                IWbemClassObject *result = NULL;
                ULONG returnedCount = 0;
                // enumerate the retrieved objects
                while((results->lpVtbl->Next(results, WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &result, &returnedCount)) == S_OK) {
                        VARIANT status;
                        // obtain the desired properties of the next result 
                        result->lpVtbl->Get(result, L"NetConnectionStatus", 0, &status, 0, 0);
                        // release the current result object
                        if(status.intVal==2) {
        // release WMI COM interfaces
        // unwind everything else we've allocated


	return ifStatus;
Ejemplo n.º 12
// _wsetenv and setenv are implemented this way so that each can call the
// other without having the other call it, which would call the other, and
// so on, making bad things happen. This inter-calling is necessary to keep
// the wide and MBCS environments consistent.
_WCRTLINK int __F_NAME(setenv,_wsetenv)( const CHAR_TYPE *name, const CHAR_TYPE *newvalue, int overwrite )
#if !defined( __UNIX__ ) && !defined( __RDOS__ ) && !defined( __RDOSDEV__ )
  #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    char                *otherName;
    char                *otherNewval;
    const size_t        charsize = sizeof( wchar_t );
    const size_t        fact = MB_CUR_MAX;
    wchar_t             *otherName;
    wchar_t             *otherNewval;
    const size_t        charsize = MB_CUR_MAX;
    const size_t        fact = 1;
    size_t              otherNameLen;
    size_t              otherNewvalLen;
    int                 rc;

    if( name == NULL || *name == NULLCHAR || __F_NAME(strchr,wcschr)( name, STRING( '=' ) ) != NULL ) {
        _RWD_errno = EINVAL;
        return( -1 );

    /*** Ensure variable is deleted if newvalue == "" ***/
#ifndef __UNIX__
    if( (newvalue != NULL) && (*newvalue == NULLCHAR) ) {
        if( overwrite || (__F_NAME(getenv,_wgetenv)( name ) == NULL) ) {
            newvalue = NULL;

#ifdef __NT__
    /*** Update the process environment if using Win32 ***/
    if( overwrite || __F_NAME(getenv,_wgetenv)( name ) == NULL ) {
        if( __lib_SetEnvironmentVariable( name, newvalue ) == FALSE ) {
            return( -1 );
#elif defined( __RDOS__ )
    /*** Update the process environment if using RDOS ***/
    if( overwrite  ||  __F_NAME(getenv,_wgetenv)( name ) == NULL ) {
        int handle;

        handle = RdosOpenProcessEnv();
        RdosDeleteEnvVar( handle, name );
        if( *newvalue != NULLCHAR )
            RdosAddEnvVar( handle, name, newvalue );
        RdosCloseEnv( handle );
#elif defined( __RDOSDEV__ )
    /*** Update the process environment if using RDOSDEV ***/
    if( overwrite  ||  __F_NAME(getenv,_wgetenv)( name ) == NULL ) {
        int handle;

        handle = RdosOpenSysEnv();
        RdosDeleteEnvVar( handle, name );
        if( *newvalue != NULLCHAR )
            RdosAddEnvVar( handle, name, newvalue );
        RdosCloseEnv( handle );

    /*** Update the (__WIDECHAR__ ? wide : MBCS) environment ***/
#ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    if( _RWD_wenviron == NULL ) {
    rc = __F_NAME(__setenv,__wsetenv)( name, newvalue, overwrite );
    if( rc == -1 ) {
        return( -1 );
#if !defined( __UNIX__ ) && !defined( __RDOS__ ) && !defined( __RDOSDEV__ )
    /*** Update the other environment ***/
  #ifndef __WIDECHAR__
    if( _RWD_wenviron == NULL ) {
        return( 0 );    // _wenviron uninitialized
  #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    otherNameLen = wcslen( name ) + 1;
    otherNameLen = _mbslen( (unsigned char *)name ) + 1;
    otherName = lib_malloc( otherNameLen * charsize );
    if( otherName == NULL ) {
        _RWD_errno = ENOMEM;
        return( -1 );
    if( newvalue != NULL ) {
  #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
        otherNewvalLen = wcslen( newvalue ) + 1;
        otherNewvalLen = _mbslen( (unsigned char *)newvalue ) + 1;
        otherNewval = lib_malloc( otherNewvalLen * charsize );
        if( otherNewval == NULL ) {
            lib_free( otherName );
            _RWD_errno = ENOMEM;
            return( -1 );
    } else {
        otherNewval = NULL;
    rc = __F_NAME(mbstowcs,wcstombs)( otherName, name, otherNameLen * fact );
    if( rc != -1 ) {
        if( otherNewval != NULL ) {
            rc = __F_NAME(mbstowcs,wcstombs)( otherNewval, newvalue, otherNewvalLen * fact );
        if( rc != -1 ) {
            rc = __F_NAME(__wsetenv,__setenv)( otherName, otherNewval, overwrite );
    lib_free( otherName );
    lib_free( otherNewval );
    if( rc == -1 ) {
        return( -1 );
    return( 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void test_mbcp(void)
    int mb_orig_max = *p__mb_cur_max;
    int curr_mbcp = _getmbcp();
    unsigned char *mbstring = (unsigned char *)"\xb0\xb1\xb2 \xb3\xb4 \xb5"; /* incorrect string */
    unsigned char *mbstring2 = (unsigned char *)"\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3Q\xb4\xb5"; /* correct string */
    unsigned char *mbsonlylead = (unsigned char *)"\xb0\0\xb1\xb2 \xb3";
    unsigned char buf[16];
    int step;

    /* _mbtype tests */

    /* An SBCS codepage test. The ctype of characters on e.g. CP1252 or CP1250 differs slightly
     * between versions of Windows. Also Windows 9x seems to ignore the codepage and always uses
     * CP1252 (or the ACP?) so we test only a few ASCII characters */
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[10], 0, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[50], 0, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[66], _SBUP, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[100], _SBLOW, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[128], 0, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[10], 0, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[50], 0, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[66], _SBUP, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[100], _SBLOW, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[128], 0, char, "%x");

    /* double byte code pages */

    ok(*p__mb_cur_max == mb_orig_max, "__mb_cur_max shouldn't be updated (is %d != %d)\n", *p__mb_cur_max, mb_orig_max);
    ok(_ismbblead('\354'), "\354 should be a lead byte\n");
    ok(_ismbblead(' ') == FALSE, "' ' should not be a lead byte\n");
    ok(_ismbblead(0x1234b0), "0x1234b0 should not be a lead byte\n");
    ok(_ismbblead(0x123420) == FALSE, "0x123420 should not be a lead byte\n");
    ok(_ismbbtrail('\xb0'), "\xa0 should be a trail byte\n");
    ok(_ismbbtrail(' ') == FALSE, "' ' should not be a trail byte\n");

    /* _ismbslead */
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[0]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[1]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[2]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[3]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[4]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[5]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[6]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[7]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[8]), FALSE, int, "%d");

    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[0]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[1]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[2]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[5]), FALSE, int, "%d");

    /* _ismbstrail */
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[0]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[1]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[2]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[3]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[4]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[5]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[6]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[7]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[8]), -1, int, "%d");

    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[0]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[1]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[2]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[3]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[4]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[5]), FALSE, int, "%d");

    /* _mbsbtype */
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 0), _MBC_LEAD, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 1), _MBC_TRAIL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 2), _MBC_LEAD, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 3), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 4), _MBC_LEAD, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 5), _MBC_TRAIL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 6), _MBC_SINGLE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 7), _MBC_LEAD, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 8), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");

    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 0), _MBC_LEAD, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 1), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 2), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 3), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 4), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 5), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");

    /* _mbsnextc */
    expect_eq(_mbsnextc(mbstring), 0xb0b1, int, "%x");
    expect_eq(_mbsnextc(&mbstring[2]), 0xb220, int, "%x");  /* lead + invalid tail */
    expect_eq(_mbsnextc(&mbstring[3]), 0x20, int, "%x");    /* single char */

    /* _mbclen/_mbslen */
    expect_eq(_mbclen(mbstring), 2, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbclen(&mbstring[2]), 2, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbclen(&mbstring[3]), 1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbslen(mbstring2), 4, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbslen(mbsonlylead), 0, int, "%d");          /* lead + NUL not counted as character */
    expect_eq(_mbslen(mbstring), 4, int, "%d");             /* lead + invalid trail counted */

    /* _mbccpy/_mbsncpy */
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbccpy(buf, mbstring);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xff", 3);

    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbstring, 1);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xff", 3);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbstring, 2);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xb2 \xff", 5);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbstring, 3);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xb2 \xb3\xb4\xff", 7);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbstring, 4);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xb2 \xb3\xb4 \xff", 8);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbstring, 5);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xb2 \xb3\xb4 \0\0\xff", 10);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbsonlylead, 6);
    expect_bin(buf, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff", 8);

    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsnbcpy(buf, mbstring2, 2);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xff", 3);
    _mbsnbcpy(buf, mbstring2, 3);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\0\xff", 4);
    _mbsnbcpy(buf, mbstring2, 4);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xff", 5);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsnbcpy(buf, mbsonlylead, 5);
    expect_bin(buf, "\0\0\0\0\0\xff", 6);

    /* _mbsinc/mbsdec */
    step = _mbsinc(mbstring) - mbstring;
    ok(step == 2, "_mbsinc adds %d (exp. 2)\n", step);
    step = _mbsinc(&mbstring[2]) - &mbstring[2];  /* lead + invalid tail */
    ok(step == 2, "_mbsinc adds %d (exp. 2)\n", step);

    step = _mbsninc(mbsonlylead, 1) - mbsonlylead;
    ok(step == 0, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 0)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbsonlylead, 2) - mbsonlylead;  /* lead + NUL byte + lead + char */
    ok(step == 0, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 0)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 0) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 0, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 2)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 1) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 2, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 2)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 2) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 4, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 4)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 3) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 5, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 5)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 4) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 7, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 7)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 5) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 7, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 7)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 17) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 7, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 7)\n", step);

    /* functions that depend on locale codepage, not mbcp.
     * we hope the current locale to be SBCS because setlocale(LC_ALL, ".1252") seems not to work yet
     * (as of Wine 0.9.43)
    if (*p__mb_cur_max == 1)
        expect_eq(mblen((char *)mbstring, 3), 1, int, "%x");
        expect_eq(_mbstrlen((char *)mbstring2), 7, int, "%d");