Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Compute: s = sqrt( t**2 - x**2 - y**2 - z**2 ), with s, t, x, y, z
 * member variables of the st_coords structure arr.
 * Traverse elements randomly
comp_s(st_coords arr, int L)
  for(int j=0; j<L; j+=8) {
    int i = (rand() % (L/8)) * 8;
    __m256 x = _mm256_load_ps(&arr.x[i]);
    __m256 y = _mm256_load_ps(&arr.y[i]);
    __m256 z = _mm256_load_ps(&arr.z[i]);
    __m256 t = _mm256_load_ps(&arr.t[i]);
#ifdef FMA
    register __m256 s0;
    s0 = _mm256_mul_ps(x, x);
    s0 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(y, y, s0);
    s0 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(z, z, s0);
    s0 = _mm256_fmsub_ps(t, t, s0);
    s0 = _mm256_sqrt_ps(s0);
    register __m256 s0, s1;
    s1 = _mm256_mul_ps(x, x);
    s0 = _mm256_mul_ps(y, y);
    s1 = _mm256_add_ps(s0, s1);
    s0 = _mm256_mul_ps(z, z);
    s1 = _mm256_add_ps(s0, s1);
    s0 = _mm256_mul_ps(t, t);
    s1 = _mm256_sub_ps(s0, s1);
    s0 = _mm256_sqrt_ps(s1);
    _mm256_store_ps(&arr.s[i], s0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void NBodyAlgorithmCPU::calculateAcceleration(const float3(&posI)[8], const float massJ, const float3 posJ, float *accI) {
    __m256 pix = _mm256_set_ps(posI[7].x, posI[6].x, posI[5].x, posI[4].x, posI[3].x, posI[2].x, posI[1].x, posI[0].x);
    __m256 piy = _mm256_set_ps(posI[7].y, posI[6].y, posI[5].y, posI[4].y, posI[3].y, posI[2].y, posI[1].y, posI[0].y);
    __m256 piz = _mm256_set_ps(posI[7].z, posI[6].z, posI[5].z, posI[4].z, posI[3].z, posI[2].z, posI[1].z, posI[0].z);

    __m256 pjx = _mm256_set1_ps(posJ.x);
    __m256 pjy = _mm256_set1_ps(posJ.y);
    __m256 pjz = _mm256_set1_ps(posJ.z);

    __m256 rx = _mm256_sub_ps(pjx, pix);
    __m256 ry = _mm256_sub_ps(pjy, piy);
    __m256 rz = _mm256_sub_ps(pjz, piz);

    __m256 eps2 = _mm256_set1_ps(mp_properties->EPS2);

    __m256 rx2 = _mm256_mul_ps(rx, rx);
    __m256 ry2 = _mm256_mul_ps(ry, ry);
    __m256 rz2 = _mm256_mul_ps(rz, rz);
    __m256 rabs = _mm256_sqrt_ps(_mm256_add_ps(_mm256_add_ps(rx2, ry2), _mm256_add_ps(rz2, eps2)));

    __m256 m = _mm256_set1_ps(massJ);
    __m256 rabsInv = _mm256_div_ps(m, _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(rabs, rabs), rabs));

    __m256 aix = _mm256_mul_ps(rx, rabsInv);
    __m256 aiy = _mm256_mul_ps(ry, rabsInv);
    __m256 aiz = _mm256_mul_ps(rz, rabsInv);

    _mm256_store_ps(accI, aix);
    _mm256_store_ps(accI + 8, aiy);
    _mm256_store_ps(accI + 16, aiz);

Ejemplo n.º 3
void NBodyAlgorithmCPU::calculateAcceleration(const float3(&posI)[8], const float massJ, const float3 posJ, float3(&accI)[8]) {
    __m256 pix = _mm256_set_ps(posI[0].x, posI[1].x, posI[2].x, posI[3].x, posI[4].x, posI[5].x, posI[6].x, posI[7].x);
    __m256 piy = _mm256_set_ps(posI[0].y, posI[1].y, posI[2].y, posI[3].y, posI[4].y, posI[5].y, posI[6].y, posI[7].y);
    __m256 piz = _mm256_set_ps(posI[0].z, posI[1].z, posI[2].z, posI[3].z, posI[4].z, posI[5].z, posI[6].z, posI[7].z);

    __m256 pjx = _mm256_set1_ps(posJ.x);
    __m256 pjy = _mm256_set1_ps(posJ.y);
    __m256 pjz = _mm256_set1_ps(posJ.z);

    __m256 rx = _mm256_sub_ps(pjx, pix);
    __m256 ry = _mm256_sub_ps(pjy, piy);
    __m256 rz = _mm256_sub_ps(pjz, piz);

    __m256 eps2 = _mm256_set1_ps(mp_properties->EPS2);

    __m256 rx2 = _mm256_mul_ps(rx, rx);
    __m256 ry2 = _mm256_mul_ps(ry, ry);
    __m256 rz2 = _mm256_mul_ps(rz, rz);
    __m256 rabs = _mm256_sqrt_ps(_mm256_add_ps(_mm256_add_ps(rx2, ry2), _mm256_add_ps(rz2, eps2)));

    __m256 m = _mm256_set1_ps(massJ);
    __m256 rabsInv = _mm256_div_ps(m, _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(rabs, rabs), rabs));

    __m256 aix = _mm256_mul_ps(rx, rabsInv);
    __m256 aiy = _mm256_mul_ps(ry, rabsInv);
    __m256 aiz = _mm256_mul_ps(rz, rabsInv);

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        accI[7 - i].x = aix.m256_f32[i];
        accI[7 - i].y = aiy.m256_f32[i];
        accI[7 - i].z = aiz.m256_f32[i];

Ejemplo n.º 4
mandel_avx(unsigned char *image, const struct spec *s)
    __m256 xmin = _mm256_set1_ps(s->xlim[0]);
    __m256 ymin = _mm256_set1_ps(s->ylim[0]);
    __m256 xscale = _mm256_set1_ps((s->xlim[1] - s->xlim[0]) / s->width);
    __m256 yscale = _mm256_set1_ps((s->ylim[1] - s->ylim[0]) / s->height);
    __m256 threshold = _mm256_set1_ps(4);
    __m256 one = _mm256_set1_ps(1);
    __m256 iter_scale = _mm256_set1_ps(1.0f / s->iterations);
    __m256 depth_scale = _mm256_set1_ps(s->depth - 1);

    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1)
    for (int y = 0; y < s->height; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < s->width; x += 8) {
            __m256 mx = _mm256_set_ps(x + 7, x + 6, x + 5, x + 4,
                                      x + 3, x + 2, x + 1, x + 0);
            __m256 my = _mm256_set1_ps(y);
            __m256 cr = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(mx, xscale), xmin);
            __m256 ci = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(my, yscale), ymin);
            __m256 zr = cr;
            __m256 zi = ci;
            int k = 1;
            __m256 mk = _mm256_set1_ps(k);
            while (++k < s->iterations) {
                /* Compute z1 from z0 */
                __m256 zr2 = _mm256_mul_ps(zr, zr);
                __m256 zi2 = _mm256_mul_ps(zi, zi);
                __m256 zrzi = _mm256_mul_ps(zr, zi);
                /* zr1 = zr0 * zr0 - zi0 * zi0 + cr */
                /* zi1 = zr0 * zi0 + zr0 * zi0 + ci */
                zr = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_sub_ps(zr2, zi2), cr);
                zi = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_add_ps(zrzi, zrzi), ci);

                /* Increment k */
                zr2 = _mm256_mul_ps(zr, zr);
                zi2 = _mm256_mul_ps(zi, zi);
                __m256 mag2 = _mm256_add_ps(zr2, zi2);
                __m256 mask = _mm256_cmp_ps(mag2, threshold, _CMP_LT_OS);
                mk = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_and_ps(mask, one), mk);

                /* Early bailout? */
                if (_mm256_testz_ps(mask, _mm256_set1_ps(-1)))
            mk = _mm256_mul_ps(mk, iter_scale);
            mk = _mm256_sqrt_ps(mk);
            mk = _mm256_mul_ps(mk, depth_scale);
            __m256i pixels = _mm256_cvtps_epi32(mk);
            unsigned char *dst = image + y * s->width * 3 + x * 3;
            unsigned char *src = (unsigned char *)&pixels;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                dst[i * 3 + 0] = src[i * 4];
                dst[i * 3 + 1] = src[i * 4];
                dst[i * 3 + 2] = src[i * 4];
Ejemplo n.º 5
__SIMD _SIMD_sqrt_ps(__SIMD a)
#ifdef  USE_SSE
  return _mm_sqrt_ps(a);
#elif defined USE_AVX
  return _mm256_sqrt_ps(a);
#elif defined USE_IBM
  return vec_sqrt(a);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    __m256 distance(const __m256& x1, const __m256& y1, const __m256& x2, const __m256& y2)
        const __m256 x_diff = _mm256_sub_ps(x1, x2);
        const __m256 y_diff = _mm256_sub_ps(y1, y2);
        const __m256 x_diff2 = _mm256_mul_ps(x_diff, x_diff);
        const __m256 y_diff2 = _mm256_mul_ps(y_diff, y_diff);
        const __m256 sum = _mm256_add_ps(x_diff2, y_diff2);
        const __m256 dist = _mm256_sqrt_ps(sum);

        return dist;
Ejemplo n.º 7
inline __m256i avx2_positive_hexid_to_ringid_root(const __m256i hexid)
  // The following algorithm works until hexid=12,589,056
  // const unsigned iarg = 1+4*(hexid-1)/3;
  // return (unsigned(std::sqrt(float(iarg)))+1)/2;
  __m256 arg = _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(hexid);
  arg = _mm256_fmsub_ps(arg, calin::math::simd::c_m256(_c_m256_four_thirds),
  arg = _mm256_sqrt_ps(arg);
  arg = _mm256_fmadd_ps(arg, calin::math::simd::c_m256(_c_m256_one_half),
  arg = _mm256_floor_ps(arg);
  return _mm256_cvtps_epi32(arg);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void NBodyAlgorithmCPU::calculateAccelerationWithColor(const float3(&posI)[8], const float massJ, const float3 posJ, float3(&accI)[8], unsigned int(&numNeighbours)[8]) {
    __m256 pix = _mm256_set_ps(posI[0].x, posI[1].x, posI[2].x, posI[3].x, posI[4].x, posI[5].x, posI[6].x, posI[7].x);
    __m256 piy = _mm256_set_ps(posI[0].y, posI[1].y, posI[2].y, posI[3].y, posI[4].y, posI[5].y, posI[6].y, posI[7].y);
    __m256 piz = _mm256_set_ps(posI[0].z, posI[1].z, posI[2].z, posI[3].z, posI[4].z, posI[5].z, posI[6].z, posI[7].z);

    __m256 pjx = _mm256_set1_ps(posJ.x);
    __m256 pjy = _mm256_set1_ps(posJ.y);
    __m256 pjz = _mm256_set1_ps(posJ.z);

    __m256 rx = _mm256_sub_ps(pjx, pix);
    __m256 ry = _mm256_sub_ps(pjy, piy);
    __m256 rz = _mm256_sub_ps(pjz, piz);

    __m256 eps2 = _mm256_set1_ps(mp_properties->EPS2);

    __m256 rx2 = _mm256_mul_ps(rx, rx);
    __m256 ry2 = _mm256_mul_ps(ry, ry);
    __m256 rz2 = _mm256_mul_ps(rz, rz);
    __m256 rabs = _mm256_sqrt_ps(_mm256_add_ps(_mm256_add_ps(rx2, ry2), _mm256_add_ps(rz2, eps2)));

    __m256 cmpDistance = _mm256_set1_ps(float(mp_properties->positionScale));
    __m256 close = _mm256_cmp_ps(rabs, cmpDistance, 2);

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        if (close.m256_f32[i] == 0) {
            numNeighbours[7 - i] = 0;

    __m256 m = _mm256_set1_ps(massJ);
    __m256 rabsInv = _mm256_div_ps(m, _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(rabs, rabs), rabs));

    __m256 aix = _mm256_mul_ps(rx, rabsInv);
    __m256 aiy = _mm256_mul_ps(ry, rabsInv);
    __m256 aiz = _mm256_mul_ps(rz, rabsInv);

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        accI[7 - i].x = aix.m256_f32[i];
        accI[7 - i].y = aiy.m256_f32[i];
        accI[7 - i].z = aiz.m256_f32[i];

Ejemplo n.º 9
inline vec8 sqrt(vec8 a) { return _mm256_sqrt_ps(a); }
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * \brief Compute the square root of each element in the given vector
  * \return a vector containing the square root of each input element
 ETL_STATIC_INLINE(avx_simd_float) sqrt(avx_simd_float x) {
     return _mm256_sqrt_ps(x.value);
Ejemplo n.º 11
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main routine
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main() {

  int i;
  srand48(0);            // seed PRNG
  double e,s;            // timestamp variables
  float *a, *b;          // data pointers
  float *pA,*pB;         // work pointer
  __m128 rA,rB;          // variables for SSE
  __m256 rA_AVX, rB_AVX; // variables for AVX

  // define vector size 
  const int vector_size = 10000000;

  // allocate memory 
  a = (float*) _mm_malloc (vector_size*sizeof(float),32);
  b = (float*) _mm_malloc (vector_size*sizeof(float),32);

  // initialize vectors //
  for(i=0;i<vector_size;i++) {

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Naive implementation
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  s = getCurrentTime();
  pA = __builtin_assume_aligned(a, 16);
  pB = __builtin_assume_aligned(b, 16);
  for (i=0; i<vector_size; i++){
//    b[i] = sqrtf(sqrtf(sqrtf(a[i])));
      pB[i] = sqrtf(sqrtf(sqrtf(pA[i])));
  e = getCurrentTime();
  printf("%lf ms b[42] = %lf\n",(e-s)*1000,b[42]);
//  cout << (e-s)*1000 << " ms" << ", b[42] = " << b[42] << endl;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  for(i=0;i<vector_size;i++) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// SSE2 implementation
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  pA = a; pB = b;

  s = getCurrentTime();
  for (i=0; i<vector_size; i+=4){
    rA   = _mm_load_ps(pA);
    rB   = _mm_sqrt_ps(_mm_sqrt_ps(_mm_sqrt_ps(rA)));
    pA += 4;
    pB += 4;
  e = getCurrentTime();
  printf("%lf ms b[42] = %lf\n",(e-s)*1000,b[42]);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  for(i=0;i<vector_size;i++) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// AVX implementation
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  pA = a; pB = b;

  s = getCurrentTime();
  for (i=0; i<vector_size; i+=8){
    rA_AVX   = _mm256_load_ps(pA);
    rB_AVX   = _mm256_sqrt_ps(_mm256_sqrt_ps(_mm256_sqrt_ps(rA_AVX)));
    pA += 8;
    pB += 8;
  e = getCurrentTime();
  printf("%lf ms b[42] = %lf\n",(e-s)*1000,b[42]);


  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
DLL_LOCAL void fname(const float *a00, const float *a01, const float *a02, const float *a11, const float *a12,
                     const float *a22, float *ev0, float *ev1, float *ev2, const size_t len)
    const size_t avx_end = len & ~7;
    __m256 v_inv3 = _mm256_set1_ps(1.0 / 3.0);
    __m256 v_root3 = _mm256_sqrt_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(3.0));
    __m256 two = _mm256_set1_ps(2.0);
    __m256 half = _mm256_set1_ps(0.5);
    __m256 zero = _mm256_setzero_ps();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < avx_end; i += 8) {
        __m256 v_a00 = _mm256_loadu_ps(a00 + i);
        __m256 v_a01 = _mm256_loadu_ps(a01 + i);
        __m256 v_a02 = _mm256_loadu_ps(a02 + i);
        __m256 v_a11 = _mm256_loadu_ps(a11 + i);
        __m256 v_a12 = _mm256_loadu_ps(a12 + i);
        __m256 v_a22 = _mm256_loadu_ps(a22 + i);

        __m256 c0 = _avx_sub(_avx_sub(_avx_sub(_avx_add(_avx_mul(_avx_mul(v_a00, v_a11), v_a22),
            _avx_mul(_avx_mul(_avx_mul(two, v_a01), v_a02), v_a12)),
            _avx_mul(_avx_mul(v_a00, v_a12), v_a12)),
            _avx_mul(_avx_mul(v_a11, v_a02), v_a02)),
            _avx_mul(_avx_mul(v_a22, v_a01), v_a01));
        __m256 c1 = _avx_sub(_avx_add(_avx_sub(_avx_add(_avx_sub(_avx_mul(v_a00, v_a11),
            _avx_mul(v_a01, v_a01)),
            _avx_mul(v_a00, v_a22)),
            _avx_mul(v_a02, v_a02)),
            _avx_mul(v_a11, v_a22)),
            _avx_mul(v_a12, v_a12));
        __m256 c2 = _avx_add(_avx_add(v_a00, v_a11), v_a22);
        __m256 c2Div3 = _avx_mul(c2, v_inv3);
        __m256 aDiv3 = _avx_mul(_avx_sub(c1, _avx_mul(c2, c2Div3)), v_inv3);

        aDiv3 = _mm256_min_ps(aDiv3, zero);

        __m256 mbDiv2 = _avx_mul(half, _avx_add(c0, _avx_mul(c2Div3, _avx_sub(_avx_mul(_avx_mul(two, c2Div3), c2Div3), c1))));
        __m256 q = _avx_add(_avx_mul(mbDiv2, mbDiv2), _avx_mul(_avx_mul(aDiv3, aDiv3), aDiv3));

        q = _mm256_min_ps(q, zero);

        __m256 magnitude = _mm256_sqrt_ps(_avx_neg(aDiv3));
        __m256 angle = _avx_mul(atan2_256_ps(_mm256_sqrt_ps(_avx_neg(q)), mbDiv2), v_inv3);
        __m256 cs, sn;

        sincos256_ps(angle, &sn, &cs);

        __m256 r0 = _avx_add(c2Div3, _avx_mul(_avx_mul(two, magnitude), cs));
        __m256 r1 = _avx_sub(c2Div3, _avx_mul(magnitude, _avx_add(cs, _avx_mul(v_root3, sn))));
        __m256 r2 = _avx_sub(c2Div3, _avx_mul(magnitude, _avx_sub(cs, _avx_mul(v_root3, sn))));

        __m256 v_r0_tmp = _mm256_min_ps(r0, r1);
        __m256 v_r1_tmp = _mm256_max_ps(r0, r1);

        __m256 v_r0 = _mm256_min_ps(v_r0_tmp, r2);
        __m256 v_r2_tmp = _mm256_max_ps(v_r0_tmp, r2);

        __m256 v_r1 = _mm256_min_ps(v_r1_tmp, v_r2_tmp);
        __m256 v_r2 = _mm256_max_ps(v_r1_tmp, v_r2_tmp);

        _mm256_storeu_ps(ev2 + i, v_r0);
        _mm256_storeu_ps(ev1 + i, v_r1);
        _mm256_storeu_ps(ev0 + i, v_r2);

    for (size_t i = avx_end; i < len; ++i) {
        float inv3 = 1.0 / 3.0;
        float root3 = sqrt(3.0);

        float c0 = a00[i] * a11[i] * a22[i] + 2.0 * a01[i] * a02[i] * a12[i] - a00[i] * a12[i] * a12[i] -
                   a11[i] * a02[i] * a02[i] - a22[i] * a01[i] * a01[i];
        float c1 =
            a00[i] * a11[i] - a01[i] * a01[i] + a00[i] * a22[i] - a02[i] * a02[i] + a11[i] * a22[i] - a12[i] * a12[i];
        float c2 = a00[i] + a11[i] + a22[i];
        float c2Div3 = c2 * inv3;
        float aDiv3 = (c1 - c2 * c2Div3) * inv3;

        if (aDiv3 > 0.0)
            aDiv3 = 0.0;

        float mbDiv2 = 0.5 * (c0 + c2Div3 * (2.0 * c2Div3 * c2Div3 - c1));
        float q = mbDiv2 * mbDiv2 + aDiv3 * aDiv3 * aDiv3;

        if (q > 0.0)
            q = 0.0;

        float magnitude = sqrt(-aDiv3);
        float angle = atan2(sqrt(-q), mbDiv2) * inv3;
        float cs = cos(angle);
        float sn = sin(angle);
        float r0 = (c2Div3 + 2.0 * magnitude * cs);
        float r1 = (c2Div3 - magnitude * (cs + root3 * sn));
        float r2 = (c2Div3 - magnitude * (cs - root3 * sn));

        if (r0 < r1)
            swap(&r0, &r1);
        if (r0 < r2)
            swap(&r0, &r2);
        if (r1 < r2)
            swap(&r1, &r2);

        ev0[i] = r0;
        ev1[i] = r1;
        ev2[i] = r2;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  template<class Extension,class Info>
  struct call<sqrt_,tag::simd_(tag::arithmetic_,Extension),Info>
    template<class Sig> struct result;
    template<class This,class A0>
    struct result<This(A0)>  : meta::strip<A0>{};//

      typename nt2::meta::scalar_of<A0>::type,
      (7, (float,double,uint64_t,uint32_t,uint16_t,uint8_t,arithmetic_))
    NT2_FUNCTOR_CALL_EVAL_IF(1,       float)
      A0 that = { _mm256_sqrt_ps(a0)}; return that; 
    NT2_FUNCTOR_CALL_EVAL_IF(1,      double)
      A0 that = { _mm256_sqrt_pd(a0)}; return that; 
    NT2_FUNCTOR_CALL_EVAL_IF(1,     uint64_t)
      return simd::native_cast<A0>(toint(sqrt(tofloat(a0))));
    NT2_FUNCTOR_CALL_EVAL_IF(1,    uint32_t)
      A0 const na = isnez(a0);
      A0 const z1 = add(shri(a0, 6),    integral_constant<A0,16>());
      A0 const z2 = add(shri(a0,10),   integral_constant<A0,256>());
      A0 const z3 = add(shri(a0,13),  integral_constant<A0,2048>());