Ejemplo n.º 1
static unsigned int _shape_add(Entity ent, PhysicsShape type, cpShape *shape)
    PhysicsInfo *info;
    ShapeInfo *shapeInfo;

    info = entitypool_get(pool, ent);

    /* init ShapeInfo */
    shapeInfo = array_add(info->shapes);
    shapeInfo->type = type;
    shapeInfo->shape = shape;

    /* init cpShape */
    cpShapeSetBody(shape, info->body);
    cpSpaceAddShape(space, shape);
    cpShapeSetFriction(shapeInfo->shape, 1);
    cpShapeSetUserData(shapeInfo->shape, ent);

    /* update moment */
    if (!cpBodyIsStatic(info->body))
        if (array_length(info->shapes) > 1)
            cpBodySetMoment(info->body, _moment(info->body, shapeInfo)
                            + cpBodyGetMoment(info->body));
            cpBodySetMoment(info->body, _moment(info->body, shapeInfo));

    return array_length(info->shapes) - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* recalculate moment for whole body by adding up shape moments */
static void _recalculate_moment(PhysicsInfo *info)
    Scalar moment;
    ShapeInfo *shapeInfo;

    if (!info->body)
    if (array_length(info->shapes) == 0)
        return; /* can't set moment to zero, just leave it alone */

    moment = 0.0;
    array_foreach(shapeInfo, info->shapes)
        moment += _moment(info->body, shapeInfo);
    cpBodySetMoment(info->body, moment);
void  Kinematics::_quadrilateralInverse(float xTarget,float yTarget, float* aChainLength, float* bChainLength){

    //coordinate shift to put (0,0) in the center of the plywood from the left sprocket
    y = (halfHeight) + sysSettings.motorOffsetY  - yTarget;
    x = (sysSettings.distBetweenMotors/2.0) + xTarget;

    //Coordinates definition:
    //         x -->, y |
    //                  v
    // (0,0) at center of left sprocket
    // upper left corner of plywood (270, 270)

    byte Tries = 0;                                  //initialize
    if(x > sysSettings.distBetweenMotors/2.0){                              //the right half of the board mirrors the left half so all computations are done  using left half coordinates.
      x = sysSettings.distBetweenMotors-x;                                  //Chain lengths are swapped at exit if the x,y is on the right half
      Mirror = true;
        Mirror = false;

    TanGamma = y/x;
    TanLambda = y/(sysSettings.distBetweenMotors-x);
    Y1Plus = R * sqrt(1 + TanGamma * TanGamma);
    Y2Plus = R * sqrt(1 + TanLambda * TanLambda);

    while (Tries <= KINEMATICSMAXINVERSE) {

                                             //These criteria will be zero when the correct values are reached
                                             //They are negated here as a numerical efficiency expedient

        Crit[0]=  - _moment(Y1Plus, Y2Plus, MySinPhi, SinPsi1, CosPsi1, SinPsi2, CosPsi2);
        Crit[1] = - _YOffsetEqn(Y1Plus, x - h * CosPsi1, SinPsi1);
        Crit[2] = - _YOffsetEqn(Y2Plus, sysSettings.distBetweenMotors - (x + h * CosPsi2), SinPsi2);

        if (abs(Crit[0]) < KINEMATICSMAXERROR) {
            if (abs(Crit[1]) < KINEMATICSMAXERROR) {
                if (abs(Crit[2]) < KINEMATICSMAXERROR){

                   //estimate the tilt angle that results in zero net _moment about the pen
                   //and refine the estimate until the error is acceptable or time runs out

                          //Estimate the Jacobian components

        Jac[0] = (_moment( Y1Plus, Y2Plus, MySinPhiDelta, SinPsi1D, CosPsi1D, SinPsi2D, CosPsi2D) + Crit[0])/DELTAPHI;
        Jac[1] = (_moment( Y1Plus + DELTAY, Y2Plus, MySinPhi, SinPsi1, CosPsi1, SinPsi2, CosPsi2) + Crit[0])/DELTAY;
        Jac[2] = (_moment(Y1Plus, Y2Plus + DELTAY, MySinPhi, SinPsi1, CosPsi1, SinPsi2, CosPsi2) + Crit[0])/DELTAY;
        Jac[3] = (_YOffsetEqn(Y1Plus, x - h * CosPsi1D, SinPsi1D) + Crit[1])/DELTAPHI;
        Jac[4] = (_YOffsetEqn(Y1Plus + DELTAY, x - h * CosPsi1,SinPsi1) + Crit[1])/DELTAY;
        Jac[5] = 0.0;
        Jac[6] = (_YOffsetEqn(Y2Plus, sysSettings.distBetweenMotors - (x + h * CosPsi2D), SinPsi2D) + Crit[2])/DELTAPHI;
        Jac[7] = 0.0;
        Jac[8] = (_YOffsetEqn(Y2Plus + DELTAY, sysSettings.distBetweenMotors - (x + h * CosPsi2D), SinPsi2) + Crit[2])/DELTAY;

        //solve for the next guess
        _MatSolv();     // solves the matrix equation Jx=-Criterion

        // update the variables with the new estimate

        Phi = Phi + Solution[0];
        Y1Plus = Y1Plus + Solution[1];                         //don't allow the anchor points to be inside a sprocket
        Y1Plus = (Y1Plus < R) ? R : Y1Plus;

        Y2Plus = Y2Plus + Solution[2];                         //don't allow the anchor points to be inside a sprocke
        Y2Plus = (Y2Plus < R) ? R : Y2Plus;

        Psi1 = Theta - Phi;
        Psi2 = Theta + Phi;

    Tries++;                                       // increment itteration count


    //Variables are within accuracy limits
    //  perform output computation

    Offsetx1 = h * CosPsi1;
    Offsetx2 = h * CosPsi2;
    Offsety1 = h *  SinPsi1;
    Offsety2 = h * SinPsi2;
    TanGamma = (y - Offsety1 + Y1Plus)/(x - Offsetx1);
    TanLambda = (y - Offsety2 + Y2Plus)/(sysSettings.distBetweenMotors -(x + Offsetx2));
    Gamma = atan(TanGamma);
    Lambda =atan(TanLambda);

    //compute the chain lengths

        Chain2 = sqrt((x - Offsetx1)*(x - Offsetx1) + (y + Y1Plus - Offsety1)*(y + Y1Plus - Offsety1)) - R * TanGamma + R * Gamma;   //right chain length
        Chain1 = sqrt((sysSettings.distBetweenMotors - (x + Offsetx2))*(sysSettings.distBetweenMotors - (x + Offsetx2))+(y + Y2Plus - Offsety2)*(y + Y2Plus - Offsety2)) - R * TanLambda + R * Lambda;   //left chain length
        Chain1 = sqrt((x - Offsetx1)*(x - Offsetx1) + (y + Y1Plus - Offsety1)*(y + Y1Plus - Offsety1)) - R * TanGamma + R * Gamma;   //left chain length
        Chain2 = sqrt((sysSettings.distBetweenMotors - (x + Offsetx2))*(sysSettings.distBetweenMotors - (x + Offsetx2))+(y + Y2Plus - Offsety2)*(y + Y2Plus - Offsety2)) - R * TanLambda + R * Lambda;   //right chain length

    *aChainLength = Chain1;
    *bChainLength = Chain2;
