Ejemplo n.º 1
bool remove_directory( std::string path ) {
  boost::system::error_code ec;
  boost::filesystem::path _path( path );

  if( !boost::filesystem::exists( _path, ec ) ) {
    // if the directory does not exist, bail out
    std::cerr << ec.message() << std::endl;
    return false;

  // verify that it is a directory
  if( !boost::filesystem::is_directory( _path, ec ) ) {
    // path exists but not as a directory.  take no action and bail
    std::cerr << ec.message() << std::endl;
    return false;

  boost::filesystem::remove_all( _path, ec );
  if( ec != boost::system::errc::success ) {
    std::cerr << ec.message() << std::endl;
    return false;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    std::string ToolchainItem::colorStr(std::string const& _var) const
      if (!library()) return std::string();

      if (!valid())
        std::string _path(std::string("invalid_") + _var);
        if (!pathExists(_path))
          return (_var != "light") ? "#e74c3c" : "#6b2018"; 
        } else
          return library()->config().get<std::string>(tbd::ConfigPath("colorset") / tbd::ConfigPath(_path));

      auto& _cfg = library()->config();
      tbd::ConfigPath _toolsetId(elementId().toolset().str());
      tbd::ConfigPath _typeId(elementId().typeId().str());
      tbd::ConfigPath _path = _toolsetId / _typeId / tbd::ConfigPath(_var);

      std::cout << _path.dump() << std::endl;
      if (pathExists(_path.dump()))
        return _cfg.get<std::string>(ConfigPath("colorset") /_path);
      _path =  _toolsetId / tbd::ConfigPath(_var); 
      if (pathExists(_path.dump()))
        return _cfg.get<std::string>(ConfigPath("colorset") /_path);
      return (_var != "light") ? "#405959" : "#9ed8db"; 
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * spec_archive() - Archive a spec onto the given XDR stream.
spec_archive( char *id, char *path, int verbosity, XDR *xdrs, Tt_status *err )
	_Tt_string	_path( path );
	_Tt_string	_id( id );

	*err = TT_OK;
	if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_ENCODE) {
		Lstar_spec spec( _id, _path );

		*err = spec.read_self();
		if (IS_TT_ERR(*err)) {
			return FALSE;
		if (! spec.xdr(xdrs)) {
			return FALSE;
		if (verbosity > 1) {
			spec.print( stderr );
	} else {
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

} /* spec_archive() */
Ejemplo n.º 4
 void _list_dir_r(const std::string dir, std::vector<std::string>& files)
     struct dirent* ent = NULL;
     DIR *pDir;
     pDir = opendir(dir.c_str());
     if (pDir == NULL) 
     while (NULL != (ent = readdir(pDir))) 
         if (ent->d_type == 8) 
             if (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") == 0) 
             std::string _path(dir);
             std::string _dirName(ent->d_name);
             std::string fullDirPath = _path + "/" + _dirName;
             _list_dir_r(fullDirPath.c_str(), files);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void muzzley::init(HTTPReq& _req) {
	time_t _rawtime = time(nullptr);
	struct tm _ptm;
	char _buffer_date[80];
	localtime_r(&_rawtime, &_ptm);
	strftime(_buffer_date, 80, "%a, %d %b %Y %X %Z", &_ptm);

	char _buffer_expires[80];
	_ptm.tm_hour += 1;
	strftime(_buffer_expires, 80, "%a, %d %b %Y %X %Z", &_ptm);

	string _url(_req->url());
	if (_url != "") {
		size_t _b = _url.find("://") + 3;
		size_t _e = _url.find("/", _b);
		string _domain(_url.substr(_b, _e - _b));
		string _path(_url.substr(_e));
		_req->header("Host", _domain);

	_req->header("Connection", "close");
	_req->header("User-Agent", "muzzley rest-ful server");
	_req->header("Cache-Control", "max-age=3600");
	_req->header("Vary", "Accept-Language,Accept-Encoding,X-Access-Token,Authorization,E-Tag");
	_req->header("Date", string(_buffer_date));

Ejemplo n.º 6
void CachedImage::_saveFile(QByteArray* data) const
    auto path = _path();

    qDebug() << "Saving image from" << _url << "to" << path;

    if (_man->maxWidth() && _format != UnknownFormat && _format != GifFormat)
        auto pic = QImage::fromData(*data);
        if (pic.width() > _man->maxWidth())
            pic = pic.scaledToWidth(_man->maxWidth(), Qt::SmoothTransformation);
            QBuffer buffer(data);
            buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate);
            pic.save(&buffer, _extension.toLatin1().data());

    QFile file(path);
    if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))
        qDebug() << "Cannot open file for writing:" << path;

    delete data;
Ejemplo n.º 7
			// 根据相对路径获取绝对路径
			// 如果relativePath已经是绝对路径,则直接返回
			// 否则将返回appPath+relativePath
			wstring getAbsolutePath(wstring &relativePath, wstring &appPath){
				if (relativePath.find(L":") == -1){// 如果指定的路径是相对路径
					wstring _path(appPath);
					return _path;
				return relativePath;
Ejemplo n.º 8
	std::string _path("");
	cv::Mat _image;
	cv::Mat _roi;
	std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > _keypoints;
	cv::Mat _descriptors;
	std::map< std::string, image_match* > _matches;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool RomCommon::RomUIDataSource::LoadLocalResources(std::string filePath)
		RomCommon::Logger::getInstance()->Log("RomUIDataSource :: Unable to load a UI file - filename is empty", LOG_ERROR);
		return false;

	namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
	try {

		// Get the path to folder from the basePath of the resource
		std::string pathToFile = ResourceManager::getInstance()->GetUIBasePath();

		fs::path _path(pathToFile);
		fs::path _dirPath = _path.parent_path();

		for(fs::recursive_directory_iterator dir_end, dir(_dirPath); dir != dir_end; ++dir)
			fs::path current(*dir);
			if(fs::is_regular_file(current) && !fs::is_directory(current))
				std::string name = fs::complete(current).string();
				std::string content = "";
				name = name.substr(ResourceManager::getInstance()->GetUIBasePath().length());
				std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '\\', '/');

				std::ifstream input(fs::complete(current).string());
					std::stringstream buffer;
					buffer << input.rdbuf();
					content = buffer.str();
				} else {
					RomCommon::Logger::getInstance()->Log("RomUIDataSource :: Unable to load a UI file - cannot open file", LOG_ERROR);
					return false;

				this->_loadedResources[name] = content;

	} catch (fs::filesystem_error e)
		std::string message = "RomCommon::UI::DataSource => Could not parse ui base file path: ";
		Logger::getInstance()->Log(message, LOG_ERROR);
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
std::string urdf_traverser::helpers::getDirectory(const std::string& path)
    if (urdf_traverser::helpers::isDirectoryPath(path)) return path; // already ends with '/'
    // does not end with '/' so it must be a file: get the parent
    boost::filesystem::path _path(path);
    std::string ret = _path.parent_path().string();
    // enforce notation to be a directory as we now know it is one
    urdf_traverser::helpers::enforceDirectory(ret, false);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void FacebookAgent::api(std::string &path, int method, FBInfo &params, FBCallback cb)

	PluginParam _path(path.c_str());
	PluginParam _method(method);
	PluginParam _params(params);
	PluginParam _cbIndex((int)(requestCallbacks.size() - 1));

	agentManager->getUserPlugin()->callFuncWithParam("request", &_path, &_method, &_params, &_cbIndex, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool urdf_traverser::helpers::getRelativeDirectory(const std::string& path, const std::string& relTo, std::string& result)
    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("Get relative dir of "<<path<<" to "<<relTo);

    boost::filesystem::path _path(boost::filesystem::absolute(path));
    boost::filesystem::path _relTo(boost::filesystem::absolute(relTo));

    std::string commonParent;
    if (!getCommonParentPath(path, relTo, commonParent))
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Directories " << path << " and " << relTo << " have no common parent directory.");
        return false;
    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("Common parent: "<<commonParent);

    // get both directories relative to the common parent directory:

    std::string relPath;
    if (!urdf_traverser::helpers::getSubdirPath(commonParent, path, relPath))
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM("The file " << path << " is not in a subdirectory of " << commonParent);
        return false;
    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("Path relative to common: "<<relPath);

    std::string relToTarget;
    if (!urdf_traverser::helpers::getSubdirPath(commonParent, relTo, relToTarget))
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Relative path " << relTo << " is not a subdirectory of " << commonParent);
        return false;
    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("relTo relative to common: "<<relToTarget);

    // make sure this is a directory, not a file (remove filename if that's the case)
    std::string relToDir = getDirectory(relToTarget);
    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("relTo relative to common: "<<relToDir);

    // Go up in the hierarchie the number of directories in \e relTo which it takes
    // to get to the common parent directory
    int relToLen = numDirectories(relToDir);
    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("Num dirs in "<<relToTarget<<"("<<relToDir<<"):"<<relToLen);
    std::stringstream upDirs;
    for (int i = 0; i < relToLen; ++i)
        upDirs << ".." << boost::filesystem::path::preferred_separator;

    // append the relative path from common parent dir to \e path
    upDirs << relPath;

    result = upDirs.str();

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void SPSSImporterTest::spssTester_data()

	boost::filesystem::path _path(TESTFILE_FOLDER "spssimporter_test/spss_files");

	//add files to be tested in a folder "Resources/TestFiles/spssimporter_test/spss_files"
	for (auto i = boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(_path); i != boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(); i++)
		if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(i->path())) //we eliminate directories
			QTest::newRow("spss file test") << QString::fromStdString(i->path().filename().string());
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * dearchive_this_path() - Should we extract this <path> from its archive?
 *	Returns true if *ppaths_to_extract is an empty list.
dearchive_this_path( char *path, void *ppaths_to_extract )
	_Tt_string_list_ptr	paths;
	_Tt_string		_path( path );

	if (ppaths_to_extract == NULL) {
		return TRUE;
	paths = *(_Tt_string_list_ptr *)ppaths_to_extract;
	if (paths->count() <= 0) {
		return TRUE;
	return is_child_in( _path, paths );

} /* dearchive_this_path() */
Ejemplo n.º 15
  // resolve path for job execution host
  std::string staging_path_builder::resolve_local(const std::string& path)
    boost::filesystem::path _path(path);
#if 0
    if (_path.empty()) {
      // throw
    if (_path.has_root_directory()) {
      return path;

    boost::filesystem::path x = workdir / _path;
    return x.string();
Ejemplo n.º 16
FontRenderer* FontRenderer::LoadFromFile(const char *path, SpriteBatch *spriteBatch)
	assert(spriteBatch != NULL);

	FontLetter texLetters[256];

	XMLNode *xmlDoc = XMLLoader::LoadFromFile(path);
	if (xmlDoc == NULL)
		return NULL;
	std::string bmpFilename = xmlDoc->GetAttribAsString("bitmap");
	if (bmpFilename.empty())
		return NULL;
	Path _path(path);
	Texture *tex = LoadFontBitmap(_path.GetPath() + bmpFilename);
	if (tex == NULL)
		return NULL;

	if (xmlDoc->GetName() != "alphabet")
		delete xmlDoc;
		return NULL;

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < xmlDoc->GetChildrenCount(); i++)
		std::string letter = xmlDoc[i].GetAttribAsString("letter");
		std::string bounds = xmlDoc[i].GetAttribAsString("bounds");

		sm::Rect<int> boundsValues;
		if (!ParseBounds(bounds, boundsValues))
			return NULL;

		texLetters[letter[0]].Size = sm::Point<int>(boundsValues.Width, boundsValues.Height);
		texLetters[letter[0]].Coords = TexPart(tex, boundsValues);
	FontRenderer *fontRenderer = new FontRenderer();
	fontRenderer->m_spriteBatch = spriteBatch;
	if (fontRenderer != NULL)
		memcpy(fontRenderer ->texLetters, texLetters, sizeof(FontLetter) * 256);
	return fontRenderer;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void CachedImage::saveToFile(const QString& filename)
    if (!_available)

    if (filename.isEmpty())

    auto pathTo = QString("%1/Taaasty/")

    QDir dirTo;

    auto to = QString("%1%2%3%4")
            .arg(_extension.isEmpty() ? QString() : ".")

    if (QFile::exists(to))// && !QFile::remove(to))
        qDebug() << "File exists" << to;
        emit Tasty::instance()->error(0, QString("Файл уже существует:\n%1").arg(to));
        emit savingError();

    if (!QFile::copy(_path(), to))
        qDebug() << "Error copying" << to;
        emit Tasty::instance()->error(0, QString("Не удалось сохранить изображение в %1").arg(to));
        emit savingError();

    emit Tasty::instance()->info(QString("Изображение сохранено в %1").arg(to));
    emit fileSaved();
Ejemplo n.º 18
  // resolve path for qsub execution host
  std::string staging_path_builder::resolve_remote(const std::string& path)
    boost::filesystem::path _path(path);

    std::ostringstream os;
    os << remotehost << ":";
#if 0
    if (_path.empty()) {
      // throw

    if (_path.has_root_directory()) {
      os << path;
    } else {
      boost::filesystem::path x = boost::filesystem::current_path();
      x /= _path;
      os << x.string();
    return os.str();
Ejemplo n.º 19
int numDirectories(const std::string& path)
    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("cnt of path "<<path);
    int cnt = 0;
    boost::filesystem::path _path(path);
    boost::filesystem::path::iterator it(_path.begin());
    boost::filesystem::path::iterator it_end(_path.end());
    for (; it != it_end; ++it)
        // ROS_INFO_STREAM(it->string());
        // if (it->string()==".") continue;  // because "./" leads to a count of 1 too but should be 0
    if (cnt > 0)
        // count is always one more, as last directory
        // is either '.', or it is a file which doesn't count
    // ROS_INFO_STREAM("Res: "<<cnt);
    return cnt;
Ejemplo n.º 20
QUrl CachedImage::source() const
    return QUrl::fromLocalFile(_path());