Ejemplo n.º 1
Message* CIMClientRep::_doRequest(
    AutoPtr<CIMRequestMessage>& request,
    const Uint32 expectedResponseMessageType
    if (!_connected)
        throw NotConnectedException();

    String messageId = XmlWriter::getNextMessageId();
    const_cast<String &>(request->messageId) = messageId;


    // ATTN-RK-P2-20020416: We should probably clear out the queue first.
    PEGASUS_ASSERT(getCount() == 0);  // Shouldn't be any messages in our queue

    //  Set HTTP method in request to POST
    //Bug 478/418 - Change this to do post call, not mpost
    request->setHttpMethod (HTTP_METHOD__POST);

// l10n
    // Set the Accept-Languages and Content-Languages into
    // the request message


    //gathering statistical information about client operation
    ClientPerfDataStore* perfDataStore = ClientPerfDataStore::Instance();

    // Sending a new request, so clear out the response Content-Languages
    responseContentLanguages = ContentLanguages::EMPTY;


    Uint64 startMilliseconds = TimeValue::getCurrentTime().toMilliseconds();
    Uint64 nowMilliseconds = startMilliseconds;
    Uint64 stopMilliseconds = nowMilliseconds + _timeoutMilliseconds;

    while (nowMilliseconds < stopMilliseconds)
        // Wait until the timeout expires or an event occurs:
        _monitor->run(Uint32(stopMilliseconds - nowMilliseconds));

        // Check to see if incoming queue has a message

        Message* response = dequeue();

        if (response)
            // Shouldn't be any more messages in our queue
            PEGASUS_ASSERT(getCount() == 0);

            // Reconnect to reset the connection
            // if Server response contained a Connection: Close Header
            if (response->getCloseConnect() == true) {

            //  Future:  If M-POST is used and HTTP response is 501 Not
            //  Implemented or 510 Not Extended, retry with POST method

            if (response->getType() == CLIENT_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE)

                Exception* clientException =
                delete response;

                AutoPtr<Exception> d(clientException);

                // Make the ContentLanguage of the exception available through
                // the CIMClient API (its also available in the exception).
                responseContentLanguages = clientException->getContentLanguages();

                // Determine and throw the specific class of client exception

                CIMClientMalformedHTTPException* malformedHTTPException =
                if (malformedHTTPException)
                    throw *malformedHTTPException;

                CIMClientHTTPErrorException* httpErrorException =
                if (httpErrorException)
                    throw *httpErrorException;

                CIMClientXmlException* xmlException =
                if (xmlException)
                    throw *xmlException;

                CIMClientResponseException* responseException =
                if (responseException)
                    throw *responseException;

                CIMException* cimException =
                if (cimException)
                    throw *cimException;

                throw *clientException;
            else if (response->getType() == expectedResponseMessageType)
                CIMResponseMessage* cimResponse = (CIMResponseMessage*)response;

                if (cimResponse->messageId != messageId)
                    // l10n

                    // CIMClientResponseException responseException(
                    //   String("Mismatched response message ID:  Got \"") +
                    //    cimResponse->messageId + "\", expected \"" +
                    //    messageId + "\".");

                    MessageLoaderParms mlParms(
                        "Mismatched response message ID:  Got \"$0\", "
                        "expected \"$1\".",
                        cimResponse->messageId, messageId);
                    String mlString(MessageLoader::getMessage(mlParms));

                    CIMClientResponseException responseException(mlString);

                    delete response;
                    throw responseException;

                // l10n
                // Get the Content-Languages from the response's operationContext
                // and make available through the CIMClient API
                responseContentLanguages =

                if (cimResponse->cimException.getCode() != CIM_ERR_SUCCESS)
                    CIMException cimException(
                    delete response;
                    throw cimException;

                /* if excicution gets here everytihng is working correctly and a proper response
                was generated and recived */

                //check that client side statistics are valid before handing them to the
                // client application via a call back
                Boolean re_check = perfDataStore->checkMessageIDandType(cimResponse->messageId,

                if (re_check && !perfDataStore->getStatError() && perfDataStore->isClassRegistered())
                    //if callback method throws an exception it will be seen by the client
                    //no try/catch block is used here intentionaly - becasue exceptions
                    //come from the client application so client app. should handle them
                    ClientOpPerformanceData item = perfDataStore->createPerfDataStruct();

                }//end of if statmet that call the callback method
                return response;
            else if (dynamic_cast<CIMRequestMessage*>(response) != 0)
                // Respond to an authentication challenge
                nowMilliseconds = TimeValue::getCurrentTime().toMilliseconds();
                stopMilliseconds = nowMilliseconds + _timeoutMilliseconds;
                // l10n

                // CIMClientResponseException responseException(
                //   "Mismatched response message type.");
                MessageLoaderParms mlParms(
                    "Mismatched response message type.");
                String mlString(MessageLoader::getMessage(mlParms));

                CIMClientResponseException responseException(mlString);

                delete response;
                throw responseException;

        nowMilliseconds = TimeValue::getCurrentTime().toMilliseconds();

    // Reconnect to reset the connection (disregard late response)
    catch (...)

    // Throw timed out exception:
    throw ConnectionTimeoutException();
Ejemplo n.º 2
Buffer WbemExecClient::issueRequest(const Buffer& request)
    if (!_connected)
        throw NotConnectedException();

    HTTPMessage* httpRequest = new HTTPMessage(request);

    // Note:  A historical defect in the calculation of the Content-Length
    // header makes it possible that wbemexec input files exist with a
    // Content-Length value one larger than the actual content size.  Adding
    // and extra newline character to the end of the message keeps those old
    // scripts working.
    httpRequest->message << "\n";


    Boolean haveBeenChallenged = false;
    HTTPMessage* httpResponse;

    while (1)
        HTTPMessage* httpRequestCopy =
            new HTTPMessage(*(HTTPMessage*)_authenticator.getRequestMessage());

        Message* response = _doRequest(httpRequestCopy);
        PEGASUS_ASSERT(response->getType() == HTTP_MESSAGE);
        httpResponse = (HTTPMessage*)response;

        // If we've already been challenged or if the response does not
        // contain a challenge, there is nothing more to do.

        String startLine;
        Array<HTTPHeader> headers;
        Uint32 contentLength;

        httpResponse->parse(startLine, headers, contentLength);

        if (haveBeenChallenged || !_checkNeedToResend(headers))

        // If the challenge contains a Connection: Close header, reestablish
        // the connection.

        String connectionHeader;

        if (HTTPMessage::lookupHeader(
                headers, "Connection", connectionHeader, false))
            if (String::equalNoCase(connectionHeader, "Close"))

        // Prompt for a password, if necessary

        if ((_password == String::EMPTY) && _isRemote)
            _password = _promptForPassword();
        haveBeenChallenged = true;
        delete httpResponse;

    AutoPtr<HTTPMessage> origRequest(

    AutoPtr<HTTPMessage> destroyer(httpResponse);

    return httpResponse->message;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void /*PORT_NAME*/_read() {
  if (!/*PORT_NAME*/_client.connected()) {