ssize_t Reader::_rollback ( void ) { //PWSHOWMETHOD(); auto& top(; if ( top.index not_eq top.count ) return m_cont.size(); if ( m_status.size() == 1 ) { m_cont.push(std::move(top.node)); m_status.pop(); return m_cont.size(); } Value tmp(top.node); m_status.pop(); auto& top2(; top2.node[top2.index].assign(std::move(tmp)); ++top2.index; if ( top2.index == top2.count ) { return _rollback(); } return m_cont.size(); }
static bool _kvdb_upgrade(kvdb k) { /* Start transaction */ _begin(k); int schema = _kvdb_get_schema(k); if (schema < 0 || schema >= LATEST_SCHEMA) { KVDEBUG("schema out of range: %d/%d", schema, (int) LATEST_SCHEMA); _rollback(k); return false; } sqlite3_stmt *stmt; const char *left = _schema_upgrades[schema]; while (left && strlen(left)>0) { KVDEBUG("preparing %s", left); int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(k->db, left, -1, &stmt, &left); if (rc) { KVDEBUG("prepare failed"); _rollback(k); return false; } /* Ok, we've got prepared stmt. Let her rip. */ if (!_kvdb_run_stmt(k, stmt)) { _rollback(k); return false; } } KVDEBUG("upgrade succeeded"); stmt = _prep_stmt(k, "UPDATE db_state SET value=?1 WHERE key='version'"); schema++; KVDEBUG("setting schema to %d", schema); (void)sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, schema); bool rv = _kvdb_run_stmt(k, stmt); if (rv) _commit(k); else _rollback(k); return rv; }
ssize_t Reader::_appendToTop ( Value && v ) { //PWSHOWMETHOD(); if ( m_status.empty() ) { m_cont.push(v); return m_cont.size(); } auto& top(; if ( not top.node.isArray() ) RETURN_READER_ERROR("last stack is not array"); top.node[top.index].assign(v); ++top.index; if ( top.index == top.count ) return _rollback(); return m_cont.size(); }
void kvdb_destroy(kvdb k) { _rollback(k); KVASSERT(k, "no object to kvdb_destroy"); if (k->oid_ih) { ihash_iterate(k->oid_ih, _ih_free_iterator, NULL); ihash_destroy(k->oid_ih); } if (k->ss_app) stringset_destroy(k->ss_app); if (k->ss_class) stringset_destroy(k->ss_class); if (k->ss_key) stringset_destroy(k->ss_key); if (k->db) sqlite3_close(k->db); if (k->err) free(k->err); free(k); }
void BackgroundSync::_produce(OperationContext* txn, executor::TaskExecutor* taskExecutor) { // this oplog reader does not do a handshake because we don't want the server it's syncing // from to track how far it has synced { stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); if (_lastOpTimeFetched.isNull()) { // then we're initial syncing and we're still waiting for this to be set lock.unlock(); sleepsecs(1); // if there is no one to sync from return; } if (_replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain() || _replCoord->getMemberState().primary() || inShutdownStrict()) { return; } } while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsBgSyncProduce)) { sleepmillis(0); } // find a target to sync from the last optime fetched OpTime lastOpTimeFetched; { stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched; _syncSourceHost = HostAndPort(); } OplogReader syncSourceReader; syncSourceReader.connectToSyncSource(txn, lastOpTimeFetched, _replCoord); // no server found if (syncSourceReader.getHost().empty()) { sleepsecs(1); // if there is no one to sync from return; } long long lastHashFetched; { stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); if (_pause) { return; } lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched; lastHashFetched = _lastFetchedHash; _syncSourceHost = syncSourceReader.getHost(); _replCoord->signalUpstreamUpdater(); } const Milliseconds oplogSocketTimeout(OplogReader::kSocketTimeout); // Prefer host in oplog reader to _syncSourceHost because _syncSourceHost may be cleared // if sync source feedback fails. const HostAndPort source = syncSourceReader.getHost(); syncSourceReader.resetConnection(); // no more references to oplog reader from here on. // If this status is not OK after the fetcher returns from wait(), // proceed to execute rollback Status remoteOplogStartStatus = Status::OK(); auto fetcherCallback = stdx::bind(&BackgroundSync::_fetcherCallback, this, stdx::placeholders::_1, stdx::placeholders::_3, stdx::cref(source), lastOpTimeFetched, lastHashFetched, &remoteOplogStartStatus); auto cmdObj = BSON("find" << nsToCollectionSubstring(rsOplogName) << "filter" << BSON("ts" << BSON("$gte" << lastOpTimeFetched.getTimestamp())) << "tailable" << true << "oplogReplay" << true << "awaitData" << true << "maxTimeMS" << int(fetcherMaxTimeMS.count())); Fetcher fetcher(taskExecutor, source, nsToDatabase(rsOplogName), cmdObj, fetcherCallback, rpc::makeEmptyMetadata()); auto scheduleStatus = fetcher.schedule(); if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) { warning() << "unable to schedule fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << ": " << scheduleStatus; return; } fetcher.wait(); // If the background sync is paused after the fetcher is started, we need to // re-evaluate our sync source and oplog common point. if (isPaused()) { return; } // Execute rollback if necessary. // Rollback is a synchronous operation that uses the task executor and may not be // executed inside the fetcher callback. if (!remoteOplogStartStatus.isOK()) { const int messagingPortTags = 0; ConnectionPool connectionPool(messagingPortTags); std::unique_ptr<ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr> connection; auto getConnection = [&connection, &connectionPool, oplogSocketTimeout, source]() -> DBClientBase* { if (!connection.get()) { connection.reset(new ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr( &connectionPool, source, Date_t::now(), oplogSocketTimeout)); }; return connection->get(); }; log() << "starting rollback: " << remoteOplogStartStatus; _rollback(txn, source, getConnection); stop(); } }
void BackgroundSync::_produce(OperationContext* txn) { while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(pauseRsBgSyncProducer)) { sleepmillis(0); } // this oplog reader does not do a handshake because we don't want the server it's syncing // from to track how far it has synced { stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); if (_lastOpTimeFetched.isNull()) { // then we're initial syncing and we're still waiting for this to be set lock.unlock(); sleepsecs(1); // if there is no one to sync from return; } if (!_replCoord->isCatchingUp() && (_replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain() || _replCoord->getMemberState().primary())) { return; } if (_inShutdown_inlock()) { return; } } // find a target to sync from the last optime fetched OpTime lastOpTimeFetched; HostAndPort source; SyncSourceResolverResponse syncSourceResp; SyncSourceResolver* syncSourceResolver; OpTime minValid; if (_replCoord->getMemberState().recovering()) { auto minValidSaved = StorageInterface::get(txn)->getMinValid(txn); if (minValidSaved > lastOpTimeFetched) { minValid = minValidSaved; } } { stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched; _syncSourceHost = HostAndPort(); _syncSourceResolver = stdx::make_unique<SyncSourceResolver>( _replicationCoordinatorExternalState->getTaskExecutor(), _replCoord, lastOpTimeFetched, minValid, [&syncSourceResp](const SyncSourceResolverResponse& resp) { syncSourceResp = resp; }); syncSourceResolver = _syncSourceResolver.get(); } // This may deadlock if called inside the mutex because SyncSourceResolver::startup() calls // ReplicationCoordinator::chooseNewSyncSource(). ReplicationCoordinatorImpl's mutex has to // acquired before BackgroundSync's. // It is safe to call startup() outside the mutex on this instance of SyncSourceResolver because // we do not destroy this instance outside of this function. auto status = _syncSourceResolver->startup(); if (ErrorCodes::CallbackCanceled == status || ErrorCodes::isShutdownError(status.code())) { return; } fassertStatusOK(40349, status); syncSourceResolver->join(); syncSourceResolver = nullptr; { stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); _syncSourceResolver.reset(); } if (syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing) { // All (accessible) sync sources were too stale. if (_replCoord->isCatchingUp()) { warning() << "Too stale to catch up."; log() << "Our newest OpTime : " << lastOpTimeFetched; log() << "Earliest OpTime available is " << syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen << " from " << syncSourceResp.getSyncSource(); sleepsecs(1); return; } error() << "too stale to catch up -- entering maintenance mode"; log() << "Our newest OpTime : " << lastOpTimeFetched; log() << "Earliest OpTime available is " << syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen; log() << "See"; auto status = _replCoord->setMaintenanceMode(true); if (!status.isOK()) { warning() << "Failed to transition into maintenance mode: " << status; } bool worked = _replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING); if (!worked) { warning() << "Failed to transition into " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING) << ". Current state: " << _replCoord->getMemberState(); } return; } else if (syncSourceResp.isOK() && !syncSourceResp.getSyncSource().empty()) { stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); _syncSourceHost = syncSourceResp.getSyncSource(); source = _syncSourceHost; } else { if (!syncSourceResp.isOK()) { log() << "failed to find sync source, received error " << syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus.getStatus(); } // No sync source found. sleepsecs(1); return; } long long lastHashFetched; { stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); if (_stopped) { return; } lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched; lastHashFetched = _lastFetchedHash; if (!_replCoord->isCatchingUp()) { _replCoord->signalUpstreamUpdater(); } } // Set the applied point if unset. This is most likely the first time we've established a sync // source since stepping down or otherwise clearing the applied point. We need to set this here, // before the OplogWriter gets a chance to append to the oplog. if (StorageInterface::get(txn)->getAppliedThrough(txn).isNull()) { StorageInterface::get(txn)->setAppliedThrough(txn, _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime()); } // "lastFetched" not used. Already set in _enqueueDocuments. Status fetcherReturnStatus = Status::OK(); DataReplicatorExternalStateBackgroundSync dataReplicatorExternalState( _replCoord, _replicationCoordinatorExternalState, this); OplogFetcher* oplogFetcher; try { auto executor = _replicationCoordinatorExternalState->getTaskExecutor(); auto config = _replCoord->getConfig(); auto onOplogFetcherShutdownCallbackFn = [&fetcherReturnStatus](const Status& status, const OpTimeWithHash& lastFetched) { fetcherReturnStatus = status; }; stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); _oplogFetcher = stdx::make_unique<OplogFetcher>( executor, OpTimeWithHash(lastHashFetched, lastOpTimeFetched), source, NamespaceString(rsOplogName), config, _replicationCoordinatorExternalState->getOplogFetcherMaxFetcherRestarts(), &dataReplicatorExternalState, stdx::bind(&BackgroundSync::_enqueueDocuments, this, stdx::placeholders::_1, stdx::placeholders::_2, stdx::placeholders::_3), onOplogFetcherShutdownCallbackFn); oplogFetcher = _oplogFetcher.get(); } catch (const mongo::DBException& ex) { fassertFailedWithStatus(34440, exceptionToStatus()); } LOG(1) << "scheduling fetcher to read remote oplog on " << _syncSourceHost << " starting at " << oplogFetcher->getCommandObject_forTest()["filter"]; auto scheduleStatus = oplogFetcher->startup(); if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) { warning() << "unable to schedule fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << ": " << scheduleStatus; return; } oplogFetcher->join(); LOG(1) << "fetcher stopped reading remote oplog on " << source; // If the background sync is stopped after the fetcher is started, we need to // re-evaluate our sync source and oplog common point. if (isStopped()) { return; } if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogOutOfOrder) { // This is bad because it means that our source // has not returned oplog entries in ascending ts order, and they need to be. warning() << redact(fetcherReturnStatus); // Do not blacklist the server here, it will be blacklisted when we try to reuse it, // if it can't return a matching oplog start from the last fetch oplog ts field. return; } else if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing || fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::RemoteOplogStale) { if (_replCoord->isCatchingUp()) { warning() << "Rollback situation detected in catch-up mode; catch-up mode will end."; sleepsecs(1); return; } // Rollback is a synchronous operation that uses the task executor and may not be // executed inside the fetcher callback. const int messagingPortTags = 0; ConnectionPool connectionPool(messagingPortTags); std::unique_ptr<ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr> connection; auto getConnection = [&connection, &connectionPool, source]() -> DBClientBase* { if (!connection.get()) { connection.reset(new ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr( &connectionPool, source, Date_t::now(), kRollbackOplogSocketTimeout)); }; return connection->get(); }; { stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched; } log() << "Starting rollback due to " << redact(fetcherReturnStatus); // Wait till all buffered oplog entries have drained and been applied. auto lastApplied = _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime(); if (lastApplied != lastOpTimeFetched) { log() << "Waiting for all operations from " << lastApplied << " until " << lastOpTimeFetched << " to be applied before starting rollback."; while (lastOpTimeFetched > (lastApplied = _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime())) { sleepmillis(10); if (isStopped() || inShutdown()) { return; } } } // check that we are at minvalid, otherwise we cannot roll back as we may be in an // inconsistent state const auto minValid = StorageInterface::get(txn)->getMinValid(txn); if (lastApplied < minValid) { fassertNoTrace(18750, Status(ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError, str::stream() << "need to rollback, but in inconsistent state. " << "minvalid: " << minValid.toString() << " > our last optime: " << lastApplied.toString())); } _rollback(txn, source, getConnection); stop(); } else if (fetcherReturnStatus == ErrorCodes::InvalidBSON) { Seconds blacklistDuration(60); warning() << "Fetcher got invalid BSON while querying oplog. Blacklisting sync source " << source << " for " << blacklistDuration << "."; _replCoord->blacklistSyncSource(source, Date_t::now() + blacklistDuration); } else if (!fetcherReturnStatus.isOK()) { warning() << "Fetcher stopped querying remote oplog with error: " << redact(fetcherReturnStatus); } }
void BackgroundSync::_produce(OperationContext* txn) { // this oplog reader does not do a handshake because we don't want the server it's syncing // from to track how far it has synced { stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); if (_lastOpTimeFetched.isNull()) { // then we're initial syncing and we're still waiting for this to be set lock.unlock(); sleepsecs(1); // if there is no one to sync from return; } if (_replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain() || _replCoord->getMemberState().primary() || inShutdownStrict()) { return; } } while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsBgSyncProduce)) { sleepmillis(0); } // find a target to sync from the last optime fetched OpTime lastOpTimeFetched; HostAndPort source; { stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched; _syncSourceHost = HostAndPort(); } SyncSourceResolverResponse syncSourceResp = _syncSourceResolver.findSyncSource(txn, lastOpTimeFetched); if (syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing) { // All (accessible) sync sources were too stale. error() << "too stale to catch up -- entering maintenance mode"; log() << "Our newest OpTime : " << lastOpTimeFetched; log() << "Earliest OpTime available is " << syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen; log() << "See"; setMinValid(txn, {lastOpTimeFetched, syncSourceResp.earliestOpTimeSeen}); auto status = _replCoord->setMaintenanceMode(true); if (!status.isOK()) { warning() << "Failed to transition into maintenance mode."; } bool worked = _replCoord->setFollowerMode(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING); if (!worked) { warning() << "Failed to transition into " << MemberState(MemberState::RS_RECOVERING) << ". Current state: " << _replCoord->getMemberState(); } return; } else if (syncSourceResp.isOK() && !syncSourceResp.getSyncSource().empty()) { stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); _syncSourceHost = syncSourceResp.getSyncSource(); source = _syncSourceHost; } else { if (!syncSourceResp.isOK()) { log() << "failed to find sync source, received error " << syncSourceResp.syncSourceStatus.getStatus(); } // No sync source found. sleepsecs(1); return; } long long lastHashFetched; { stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); if (_stopped) { return; } lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched; lastHashFetched = _lastFetchedHash; _replCoord->signalUpstreamUpdater(); } const auto isV1ElectionProtocol = _replCoord->isV1ElectionProtocol(); // Under protocol version 1, make the awaitData timeout (maxTimeMS) dependent on the election // timeout. This enables the sync source to communicate liveness of the primary to secondaries. // Under protocol version 0, use a default timeout of 2 seconds for awaitData. const Milliseconds fetcherMaxTimeMS( isV1ElectionProtocol ? _replCoord->getConfig().getElectionTimeoutPeriod() / 2 : Seconds(2)); Status fetcherReturnStatus = Status::OK(); auto fetcherCallback = stdx::bind(&BackgroundSync::_fetcherCallback, this, stdx::placeholders::_1, stdx::placeholders::_3, stdx::cref(source), lastOpTimeFetched, lastHashFetched, fetcherMaxTimeMS, &fetcherReturnStatus); BSONObjBuilder cmdBob; cmdBob.append("find", nsToCollectionSubstring(rsOplogName)); cmdBob.append("filter", BSON("ts" << BSON("$gte" << lastOpTimeFetched.getTimestamp()))); cmdBob.append("tailable", true); cmdBob.append("oplogReplay", true); cmdBob.append("awaitData", true); cmdBob.append("maxTimeMS", durationCount<Milliseconds>(Minutes(1))); // 1 min initial find. BSONObjBuilder metadataBob; if (isV1ElectionProtocol) { cmdBob.append("term", _replCoord->getTerm()); metadataBob.append(rpc::kReplSetMetadataFieldName, 1); } auto dbName = nsToDatabase(rsOplogName); auto cmdObj = cmdBob.obj(); auto metadataObj = metadataBob.obj(); Fetcher fetcher(&_threadPoolTaskExecutor, source, dbName, cmdObj, fetcherCallback, metadataObj, _replCoord->getConfig().getElectionTimeoutPeriod()); LOG(1) << "scheduling fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << " starting at " << cmdObj["filter"]; auto scheduleStatus = fetcher.schedule(); if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) { warning() << "unable to schedule fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << ": " << scheduleStatus; return; } fetcher.wait(); LOG(1) << "fetcher stopped reading remote oplog on " << source; // If the background sync is stopped after the fetcher is started, we need to // re-evaluate our sync source and oplog common point. if (isStopped()) { return; } if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogOutOfOrder) { // This is bad because it means that our source // has not returned oplog entries in ascending ts order, and they need to be. warning() << fetcherReturnStatus.toString(); // Do not blacklist the server here, it will be blacklisted when we try to reuse it, // if it can't return a matching oplog start from the last fetch oplog ts field. return; } else if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing || fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::RemoteOplogStale) { // Rollback is a synchronous operation that uses the task executor and may not be // executed inside the fetcher callback. const int messagingPortTags = 0; ConnectionPool connectionPool(messagingPortTags); std::unique_ptr<ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr> connection; auto getConnection = [&connection, &connectionPool, source]() -> DBClientBase* { if (!connection.get()) { connection.reset(new ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr( &connectionPool, source, Date_t::now(), oplogSocketTimeout)); }; return connection->get(); }; { stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched; } log() << "Starting rollback due to " << fetcherReturnStatus; // Wait till all buffered oplog entries have drained and been applied. auto lastApplied = _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime(); if (lastApplied != lastOpTimeFetched) { log() << "Waiting for all operations from " << lastApplied << " until " << lastOpTimeFetched << " to be applied before starting rollback."; while (lastOpTimeFetched > (lastApplied = _replCoord->getMyLastAppliedOpTime())) { sleepmillis(10); if (isStopped() || inShutdown()) { return; } } } // check that we are at minvalid, otherwise we cannot roll back as we may be in an // inconsistent state BatchBoundaries boundaries = getMinValid(txn); if (!boundaries.start.isNull() || boundaries.end > lastApplied) { fassertNoTrace(18750, Status(ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError, str::stream() << "need to rollback, but in inconsistent state. " << "minvalid: " << boundaries.end.toString() << " > our last optime: " << lastApplied.toString())); } _rollback(txn, source, getConnection); stop(); } else if (fetcherReturnStatus == ErrorCodes::InvalidBSON) { Seconds blacklistDuration(60); warning() << "Fetcher got invalid BSON while querying oplog. Blacklisting sync source " << source << " for " << blacklistDuration << "."; _replCoord->blacklistSyncSource(source, Date_t::now() + blacklistDuration); } else if (!fetcherReturnStatus.isOK()) { warning() << "Fetcher error querying oplog: " << fetcherReturnStatus.toString(); } }
void BackgroundSync::_produce(OperationContext* txn) { // this oplog reader does not do a handshake because we don't want the server it's syncing // from to track how far it has synced { stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); if (_lastOpTimeFetched.isNull()) { // then we're initial syncing and we're still waiting for this to be set lock.unlock(); sleepsecs(1); // if there is no one to sync from return; } if (_replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain() || _replCoord->getMemberState().primary() || inShutdownStrict()) { return; } } while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsBgSyncProduce)) { sleepmillis(0); } // find a target to sync from the last optime fetched OpTime lastOpTimeFetched; { stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched; _syncSourceHost = HostAndPort(); } OplogReader syncSourceReader; syncSourceReader.connectToSyncSource(txn, lastOpTimeFetched, _replCoord); // no server found if (syncSourceReader.getHost().empty()) { sleepsecs(1); // if there is no one to sync from return; } long long lastHashFetched; { stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_mutex); if (_pause) { return; } lastOpTimeFetched = _lastOpTimeFetched; lastHashFetched = _lastFetchedHash; _syncSourceHost = syncSourceReader.getHost(); _replCoord->signalUpstreamUpdater(); } const Milliseconds oplogSocketTimeout(OplogReader::kSocketTimeout); const auto isV1ElectionProtocol = _replCoord->isV1ElectionProtocol(); // Under protocol version 1, make the awaitData timeout (maxTimeMS) dependent on the election // timeout. This enables the sync source to communicate liveness of the primary to secondaries. // Under protocol version 0, use a default timeout of 2 seconds for awaitData. const Milliseconds fetcherMaxTimeMS( isV1ElectionProtocol ? _replCoord->getConfig().getElectionTimeoutPeriod() / 2 : Seconds(2)); // Prefer host in oplog reader to _syncSourceHost because _syncSourceHost may be cleared // if sync source feedback fails. const HostAndPort source = syncSourceReader.getHost(); syncSourceReader.resetConnection(); // no more references to oplog reader from here on. Status fetcherReturnStatus = Status::OK(); auto fetcherCallback = stdx::bind(&BackgroundSync::_fetcherCallback, this, stdx::placeholders::_1, stdx::placeholders::_3, stdx::cref(source), lastOpTimeFetched, lastHashFetched, fetcherMaxTimeMS, &fetcherReturnStatus); BSONObjBuilder cmdBob; cmdBob.append("find", nsToCollectionSubstring(rsOplogName)); cmdBob.append("filter", BSON("ts" << BSON("$gte" << lastOpTimeFetched.getTimestamp()))); cmdBob.append("tailable", true); cmdBob.append("oplogReplay", true); cmdBob.append("awaitData", true); cmdBob.append("maxTimeMS", durationCount<Milliseconds>(fetcherMaxTimeMS)); BSONObjBuilder metadataBob; if (isV1ElectionProtocol) { cmdBob.append("term", _replCoord->getTerm()); metadataBob.append(rpc::kReplSetMetadataFieldName, 1); } auto dbName = nsToDatabase(rsOplogName); auto cmdObj = cmdBob.obj(); auto metadataObj = metadataBob.obj(); Fetcher fetcher(&_threadPoolTaskExecutor, source, dbName, cmdObj, fetcherCallback, metadataObj, _replCoord->getConfig().getElectionTimeoutPeriod()); LOG(1) << "scheduling fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << " starting at " << cmdObj["filter"]; auto scheduleStatus = fetcher.schedule(); if (!scheduleStatus.isOK()) { warning() << "unable to schedule fetcher to read remote oplog on " << source << ": " << scheduleStatus; return; } fetcher.wait(); LOG(1) << "fetcher stopped reading remote oplog on " << source; // If the background sync is paused after the fetcher is started, we need to // re-evaluate our sync source and oplog common point. if (isPaused()) { return; } if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogOutOfOrder) { // This is bad because it means that our source // has not returned oplog entries in ascending ts order, and they need to be. warning() << fetcherReturnStatus.toString(); // Do not blacklist the server here, it will be blacklisted when we try to reuse it, // if it can't return a matching oplog start from the last fetch oplog ts field. return; } else if (fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing || fetcherReturnStatus.code() == ErrorCodes::RemoteOplogStale) { // Rollback is a synchronous operation that uses the task executor and may not be // executed inside the fetcher callback. const int messagingPortTags = 0; ConnectionPool connectionPool(messagingPortTags); std::unique_ptr<ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr> connection; auto getConnection = [&connection, &connectionPool, oplogSocketTimeout, source]() -> DBClientBase* { if (!connection.get()) { connection.reset(new ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr( &connectionPool, source, Date_t::now(), oplogSocketTimeout)); }; return connection->get(); }; log() << "starting rollback: " << fetcherReturnStatus; _rollback(txn, source, getConnection); stop(); } else if (!fetcherReturnStatus.isOK()) { warning() << "Fetcher error querying oplog: " << fetcherReturnStatus.toString(); } }