Ejemplo n.º 1
UpdateErrorVectorsThread::onElement(const Elem * elem)
  for (const auto & it : _indicator_field_number_to_error_vector)
    unsigned int var_num = it.first;
    ErrorVector & ev = *(it.second);

    dof_id_type dof_number = elem->dof_number(_system_number, var_num, 0);
    Real value = _solution(dof_number);
    ev[elem->id()] = value;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void MemorySolutionHistory::retrieve()

  // Get the time at which we are recovering the solution vectors
  Real recovery_time = stored_sols->first;

  // Print out what time we are recovering vectors at
  //    libMesh::out << "Recovering solution vectors at time: " <<
  //                 recovery_time << std::endl;

  // Do we not have a solution for this time?  Then
  // there's nothing to do.
  if (stored_sols == stored_solutions.end() ||
      std::abs(recovery_time - _system.time) > TOLERANCE)
      //libMesh::out << "No more solutions to recover ! We are at time t = " <<
      //                     _system.time << std::endl;

  // Get the saved vectors at this timestep
  map_type & saved_vectors = stored_sols->second;

  map_type::iterator vec = saved_vectors.begin();
  map_type::iterator vec_end = saved_vectors.end();

  // Loop over all the saved vectors
  for (; vec != vec_end; ++vec)
      // The name of this vector
      const std::string & vec_name = vec->first;

      // Get the vec_name entry in the saved vectors map and set the
      // current system vec[vec_name] entry to it
      if (vec_name != "_solution")
        _system.get_vector(vec_name) = *(vec->second);

  // Of course, we will *always* have to get the actual solution
  std::string _solution("_solution");
  *(_system.solution) = *(saved_vectors[_solution]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// This functions saves all the 'projection-worthy' system vectors for
// future use
void MemorySolutionHistory::store()

  // In an empty history we create the first entry
  if (stored_solutions.begin() == stored_solutions.end())
      stored_solutions.push_back(std::make_pair(_system.time, map_type()));
      stored_sols = stored_solutions.begin();

  // If we're past the end we can create a new entry
  if (_system.time - stored_sols->first > TOLERANCE )
#ifndef NDEBUG
      libmesh_assert (stored_sols == stored_solutions.end());
      stored_solutions.push_back(std::make_pair(_system.time, map_type()));
      stored_sols = stored_solutions.end();

  // If we're before the beginning we can create a new entry
  else if (stored_sols->first - _system.time > TOLERANCE)
      libmesh_assert (stored_sols == stored_solutions.begin());
      stored_solutions.push_front(std::make_pair(_system.time, map_type()));
      stored_sols = stored_solutions.begin();

  // We don't support inserting entries elsewhere
  libmesh_assert(std::abs(stored_sols->first - _system.time) < TOLERANCE);

  // Map of stored vectors for this solution step
  std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<NumericVector<Number>>> & saved_vectors = stored_sols->second;

  // Loop over all the system vectors
  for (System::vectors_iterator vec = _system.vectors_begin(); vec != _system.vectors_end(); ++vec)
      // The name of this vector
      const std::string & vec_name = vec->first;

      // If we haven't seen this vector before or if we have and
      // want to overwrite it
      if ((overwrite_previously_stored || !saved_vectors.count(vec_name)) &&
          // and if we think it's worth preserving
          // Then we save it.
          saved_vectors[vec_name] = vec->second->clone();

  // Of course, we will usually save the actual solution
  std::string _solution("_solution");
  if ((overwrite_previously_stored || !saved_vectors.count(_solution)) &&
      // and if we think it's worth preserving
    saved_vectors[_solution] = _system.solution->clone();