void AxesLib::init(){
	//Here we supposes that 10000 steps are much more than one revolution.. 
	//(anyway, this number can be arbitrarily bigger)
	int MAX_STEPS = 10000;

	//We are on (0,0)
	_x = 0;
	_X = 0;
	_x_rev = false;
	_y = 0;
	_rx = 0.0;
	_ry = 0.0;

	//Go to the 360º limit
	_step(_stPin_x, true, MAX_STEPS, _s360Pin_x);
	//Once there, count steps until the beginnin..
	_pv_x = _step(_stPin_x, false, MAX_STEPS, _s0Pin_x);
	_pgrad_x = (float) _pv_x/360;
	//The same procedure but for Y axis..
	_step(_stPin_y, true, MAX_STEPS, _stopPin_y);
	_pv_y = _step(_stPin_y, false, MAX_STEPS, _sbottomPin_y);
	_pgrad_y = (float) _pv_y/90;


	//Maximum values
	_X = (360*_pgrad_x);
	_Y = (180*_pgrad_y);
	//Auxiliary values in case of Y > 90º
	_revx = 180*_pgrad_x;
	_topy = 90*_pgrad_y;
void AxesLib::_moveXY(int x, int y, bool nodelay){
		_x += _step(_stPin_x, (x>_x), (x-_x), _s360Pin_x, nodelay);
		_x -= _step(_stPin_x, (x>_x), (_x-x), _s0Pin_x, nodelay);
		_y += _step(_stPin_y, (y>_y), (y-_y), _stopPin_y, nodelay);
		_y -= _step(_stPin_y, (y>_y), (_y-y), _sbottomPin_y, nodelay);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void HitStatus::step(Object *character, Dictionary env) {
    if (!started) {
        started = true;
        _start(character, env);
        if (get_script_instance()) {
            Variant v1 = Variant(character);
            Variant var_env = Variant(env);
            const Variant* ptr[2]={&v1,&var_env};
    _step(character, env);
    if (get_script_instance()) {
        Variant v1 = Variant(character);
        Variant var_env = Variant(env);
        const Variant* ptr[2]={&v1,&var_env};
Ejemplo n.º 4
void physics_update_all()
    PhysicsInfo *info;
    Entity ent;

    entitypool_remove_destroyed(pool, physics_remove);


    /* simulate */
    if (!timing_get_paused())

    /* synchronize transform <-> physics */
    entitypool_foreach(info, pool)
        ent = info->pool_elem.ent;

        /* if transform is dirtier, move to it, else overwrite it */
        if (transform_get_dirty_count(ent) != info->last_dirty_count)
            cpBodySetVel(info->body, cpvzero);
            cpBodySetAngVel(info->body, 0.0f);
            cpBodySetPos(info->body, cpv_of_vec2(transform_get_position(ent)));
            cpBodySetAngle(info->body, transform_get_rotation(ent));
            cpSpaceReindexShapesForBody(space, info->body);
        else if (info->type == PB_DYNAMIC)
            transform_set_position(ent, vec2_of_cpv(cpBodyGetPos(info->body)));
            transform_set_rotation(ent, cpBodyGetAngle(info->body));

        info->last_dirty_count = transform_get_dirty_count(ent);
Ejemplo n.º 5
std::vector<std::vector<vision::FeaturePtr> > EKF::run(std::vector<vision::FeaturePtr> &initial_structure,
                                                       std::vector<std::vector<vision::FeaturePtr> > &features)
  std::vector<std::vector<vision::FeaturePtr> > result;

  // 1 - Estimate scale and set the initial structure

  // 2 - Predict the observation given the initial structure
  double* initial_observation = new double[2 * _num_feats_init_structure];
  _predictObservation(_updated_state, initial_observation); // Estimate the 2D points as projection of the 3D points

  // Number of 2D Features (usually it is the same as the number of 3D points)
  int number_feats_2d = features[0].size(); // == initial_structure.size() = numFeatures
  // Storage for indexes of the match between 3D points in the initial structure and 2D Features observed in first frame
  int *min_index = new int[number_feats_2d];
  // Storage of flags that express if a feature was already assigned as a projection of a 3D point
  bool *feature_assigned = new bool[number_feats_2d];
  // Storage of the minimum distance between the prediction of the observation (projected points) and the observation
  double *min_dist = new double[number_feats_2d];
  // Number of frames
  size_t steps = features.size();

  // Scale feature positions to +-1
  std::vector<std::vector<vision::FeaturePtr> > scaled_features;// = features;
  for (size_t frame = 0; frame < steps; frame++)
    std::vector<vision::FeaturePtr> one_frame_scaled;
    for (size_t feat = 0; feat < number_feats_2d; feat++)
      // TODO: Be careful! In all other points (Initializer::getStaticStructure and BundlerInitializer::run) we multiply by default_depth/FocalLength
      // but here we divide by x_resolution
      // (0,0) is at the center of the image
      one_frame_scaled.push_back(features[frame][feat]->cloneAndUpdate(-(float)((features[frame][feat]->getX() - cam.getXresolution() / 2.0)
          / (double)cam.getXresolution()), (float)((features[frame][feat]->getY() - cam.getYresolution() / 2.0)
              / (double)cam.getXresolution())));
      feature_assigned[feat] = false;

  // 3 - Find matching features between the projected initial structure and the Features of the first frame
  double x_observed = 0, y_observed = 0, x_predicted = 0, y_predicted = 0;
  for (size_t k = 0; k < number_feats_2d; k++) // All 2D Features in first frame
    min_index[k] = -1; // Mark as not assigned
    min_dist[k] = 5.0 / (double)cam.getXresolution(); // Set to a big error as initial min distance

    for (int k2 = 0; k2 < _num_feats_init_structure; k2++) // All projected Features of the initial structure
      // Estimate the distance between observation an the projection of the initial structure
      x_observed = scaled_features[0][k]->getX();
      x_predicted = initial_observation[k2 * 2 + 0];
      y_observed = scaled_features[0][k]->getY();
      y_predicted = initial_observation[k2 * 2 + 1];
      double dist = (x_observed - x_predicted) * (x_observed - x_predicted) + (y_observed - y_predicted) * (y_observed
          - y_predicted);

      /* Check if the distance is smaller than 1 pixel and if this projected point was not already assigned.
       * If it was already assigned, check if this assignement had smaller/bigger distance than the distance between
       * the points in this iteration.
      if ((dist < min_dist[k]) && (dist < 1.0 / (double)cam.getXresolution()))
        if (min_index[k] != -1)
          feature_assigned[min_index[k]] = false;
        min_index[k] = k2; // Store the matching
        min_dist[k] = dist; // Store the new minimum distance
        feature_assigned[k2] = true; // Store that this 3D point is matched
  // remove the observations that have no match to the initial structure
  std::vector<std::vector<vision::FeaturePtr> > reordered_features;
  // for all frames
  for (size_t frame = 0; frame < steps; frame++)
    std::vector<vision::FeaturePtr> frame_features;
    // for all features
    for (size_t k = 0; k < features[0].size(); k++)
      if (min_index[k] != -1)
  // remove the 3D points from the initial structure that have no match to the observations
  std::vector<vision::FeaturePtr> reordered_init_structure;
  // for all points
  for (size_t k = 0; k < features[0].size(); k++)
    if (min_index[k] != -1)
  // new number of features
  _num_feats_init_structure = reordered_init_structure.size();
  ROS_INFO("[EKF::run] Found %d matches for EKF.", _num_feats_init_structure);
  if (_num_feats_init_structure == 0)
    //    ROS_ERROR("[EKF::run] EKF could NOT find matching features.");
    //    for(int nf = 0; nf < features.size(); nf++)
    //    {
    //      std::vector<vision::FeaturePtr> one_frame;
    //      for(int ff = 0; ff<initial_structure.size(); ff++)
    //      {
    //        vision::FeaturePtr one_feat = initial_structure.at(ff)->clone();
    //        one_frame.push_back(one_feat);
    //      }
    //      result.push_back(one_frame);
    //    }
    return result;
  // delete the old state vector
  delete _updated_state;
  // initalize the state vector with the initial structure that matches the observed features
  // do the ekf ...
  int runs;
  double error = 0;
  // Stepping the EKF
  for (size_t frame = 0; (frame < steps); frame++)
    runs = 0;
    // run the ekf with the same observation several times to reduce the prediction error
      clock_t start = clock();
      error = _step(reordered_features[frame]);
    } while ((error > _min_innovation_ekf) && (runs < _max_num_loops_ekf)); // terminate after max_runs or when the mean innovation is less than max_error

    //TODO: New! Is it working fine?
    for (int idx = 0; idx < this->_num_feats_init_structure; idx++)

  return result;
 auto step(Re reduction, In&& input)
     return _step(reduction, std::forward<In>(input));
 auto _step(Re&& reduction, In&& input)
     return _step(std::forward<Re>(reduction), std::forward<In>(input), helpers::gen_seq<sizeof...(Rdrs)>{});
Ejemplo n.º 8
size_t _parseGDBMessage(struct GDBStub* stub, const char* message) {
	uint8_t checksum = 0;
	int parsed = 1;
	switch (*message) {
	case '+':
		stub->lineAck = GDB_ACK_RECEIVED;
		return parsed;
	case '-':
		stub->lineAck = GDB_NAK_RECEIVED;
		return parsed;
	case '$':
	case '\x03':
		mDebuggerEnter(&stub->d, DEBUGGER_ENTER_MANUAL, 0);
		return parsed;
		return parsed;

	int i;
	char messageType = message[0];
	for (i = 0; message[i] != '#'; ++i, ++parsed) {
		checksum += message[i];
	if (!message[i]) {
		return parsed;
	if (!message[i]) {
		return parsed;
	} else if (!message[i + 1]) {
		return parsed;
	parsed += 2;
	int networkChecksum = _hex2int(&message[i], 2);
	if (networkChecksum != checksum) {
		mLOG(DEBUGGER, WARN, "Checksum error: expected %02x, got %02x", checksum, networkChecksum);
		return parsed;

	switch (messageType) {
	case '?':
		snprintf(stub->outgoing, GDB_STUB_MAX_LINE - 4, "S%02x", SIGINT);
	case 'c':
		_continue(stub, message);
	case 'G':
		_writeGPRs(stub, message);
	case 'g':
		_readGPRs(stub, message);
	case 'H':
		// This is faked because we only have one thread
		strncpy(stub->outgoing, "OK", GDB_STUB_MAX_LINE - 4);
	case 'M':
		_writeMemory(stub, message);
	case 'm':
		_readMemory(stub, message);
	case 'P':
		_writeRegister(stub, message);
	case 'p':
		_readRegister(stub, message);
	case 'Q':
		_processQWriteCommand(stub, message);
	case 'q':
		_processQReadCommand(stub, message);
	case 's':
		_step(stub, message);
	case 'V':
		_processVWriteCommand(stub, message);
	case 'v':
		_processVReadCommand(stub, message);
	case 'X':
		_writeMemoryBinary(stub, message);
	case 'Z':
		_setBreakpoint(stub, message);
	case 'z':
		_clearBreakpoint(stub, message);
	return parsed;
Ejemplo n.º 9
BehaviorNode::Status BehaviorNode::step(const Variant& target, Dictionary env) {
    return _step(target, env);