/** Detect which internal formats are allowed as RTT
        Also detect what combinations of stencil and depth are allowed with this internal
    void GLES2FBOManager::detectFBOFormats()
        // Try all formats, and report which ones work as target
        GLuint fb, tid;
        GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D;

        for(size_t x=0; x<PF_COUNT; ++x)
            mProps[x].valid = false;

			// Fetch GL format token
			GLint fmt = GLES2PixelUtil::getGLInternalFormat((PixelFormat)x);

            if((fmt == GL_NONE) && (x != 0))

			// No test for compressed formats

            // Create and attach framebuffer
            glGenFramebuffers(1, &fb);
            glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fb);
            if (fmt != GL_NONE)
				// Create and attach texture
				glGenTextures(1, &tid);
				glBindTexture(target, tid);
                // Set some default parameters
#if GL_APPLE_texture_max_level
                glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL_APPLE, 0);
                glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
                glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
                glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
                glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
				glTexImage2D(target, 0, fmt, PROBE_SIZE, PROBE_SIZE, 0, fmt, GLES2PixelUtil::getGLOriginDataType((PixelFormat)x), 0);
                                target, tid, 0);

            // Check status
            GLuint status = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER);

			// Ignore status in case of fmt==GL_NONE, because no implementation will accept
			// a buffer without *any* attachment. Buffers with only stencil and depth attachment
			// might still be supported, so we must continue probing.
            if(fmt == GL_NONE || status == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
                mProps[x].valid = true;
				StringUtil::StrStreamType str;
				str << "FBO " << PixelUtil::getFormatName((PixelFormat)x) 
					<< " depth/stencil support: ";

                // For each depth/stencil formats
                for (size_t depth = 0; depth < DEPTHFORMAT_COUNT; ++depth)
#if GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
                    if (depthFormats[depth] != GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES)
                        // General depth/stencil combination

                        for (size_t stencil = 0; stencil < STENCILFORMAT_COUNT; ++stencil)
//                            StringUtil::StrStreamType l;
//                            l << "Trying " << PixelUtil::getFormatName((PixelFormat)x) 
//                            	<< " D" << depthBits[depth] 
//                            	<< "S" << stencilBits[stencil];
//                            LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(l.str());

                            if (_tryFormat(depthFormats[depth], stencilFormats[stencil]))
                                /// Add mode to allowed modes
                                str << "D" << depthBits[depth] << "S" << stencilBits[stencil] << " ";
                                FormatProperties::Mode mode;
                                mode.depth = depth;
                                mode.stencil = stencil;
                        // Packed depth/stencil format
                        if (_tryPackedFormat(depthFormats[depth]))
                            /// Add mode to allowed modes
                            str << "Packed-D" << depthBits[depth] << "S" << 8 << " ";
                            FormatProperties::Mode mode;
                            mode.depth = depth;
                            mode.stencil = 0;   // unuse

            // Delete texture and framebuffer
            glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
            glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &fb);
            if (fmt!=GL_NONE)
                glDeleteTextures(1, &tid);

        // Clear any errors

		String fmtstring;
        for(size_t x=0; x<PF_COUNT; ++x)
                fmtstring += PixelUtil::getFormatName((PixelFormat)x)+" ";
        LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("[GLES2] : Valid FBO targets " + fmtstring);
    /** Detect which internal formats are allowed as RTT
        Also detect what combinations of stencil and depth are allowed with this internal
    void GLFBOManager::detectFBOFormats()
        // Try all formats, and report which ones work as target
        GLuint fb = 0, tid = 0;
        GLint old_drawbuffer = 0, old_readbuffer = 0;
        GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D;

        glGetIntegerv (GL_DRAW_BUFFER, &old_drawbuffer);
        glGetIntegerv (GL_READ_BUFFER, &old_readbuffer);

        for(size_t x=0; x<PF_COUNT; ++x)
            mProps[x].valid = false;

			// Fetch GL format token
			GLenum fmt = GLPixelUtil::getGLInternalFormat((PixelFormat)x);
            if(fmt == GL_NONE && x!=0)

			// No test for compressed formats

			// Buggy ATI cards *crash* on non-RGB(A) formats
			int depths[4];
			PixelUtil::getBitDepths((PixelFormat)x, depths);
			if(fmt!=GL_NONE && mATIMode && (!depths[0] || !depths[1] || !depths[2]))

            // Create and attach framebuffer
            glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, &fb);
            glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb);
            if (fmt!=GL_NONE)
				// Create and attach texture
				glGenTextures(1, &tid);
				glBindTexture(target, tid);
                // Set some default parameters so it won't fail on NVidia cards         
				if (GLEW_VERSION_1_2)
					glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 0);
                glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
                glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
                glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
                glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
				glTexImage2D(target, 0, fmt, PROBE_SIZE, PROBE_SIZE, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
                                target, tid, 0);
				// Draw to nowhere -- stencil/depth only
            // Check status
            GLuint status = glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);

			// Ignore status in case of fmt==GL_NONE, because no implementation will accept
			// a buffer without *any* attachment. Buffers with only stencil and depth attachment
			// might still be supported, so we must continue probing.
            if(fmt == GL_NONE || status == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT)
                mProps[x].valid = true;
				StringUtil::StrStreamType str;
				str << "FBO " << PixelUtil::getFormatName((PixelFormat)x) 
					<< " depth/stencil support: ";

                // For each depth/stencil formats
                for (size_t depth = 0; depth < DEPTHFORMAT_COUNT; ++depth)
                    if (depthFormats[depth] != GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_EXT)
                        // General depth/stencil combination

                        for (size_t stencil = 0; stencil < STENCILFORMAT_COUNT; ++stencil)
                            //StringUtil::StrStreamType l;
                            //l << "Trying " << PixelUtil::getFormatName((PixelFormat)x) 
                            //	<< " D" << depthBits[depth] 
                            //	<< "S" << stencilBits[stencil];

                            if (_tryFormat(depthFormats[depth], stencilFormats[stencil]))
                                /// Add mode to allowed modes
                                str << "D" << depthBits[depth] << "S" << stencilBits[stencil] << " ";
                                FormatProperties::Mode mode;
                                mode.depth = depth;
                                mode.stencil = stencil;
                        // Packed depth/stencil format

// It now seems as if this workaround now *breaks* nvidia cards on Linux with the 169.12 drivers on Linux
#if 0
                        // Only query packed depth/stencil formats for 32-bit
                        // non-floating point formats (ie not R32!) 
                        // Linux nVidia driver segfaults if you query others
                        if (PixelUtil::getNumElemBits((PixelFormat)x) != 32 ||

                        if (_tryPackedFormat(depthFormats[depth]))
                            /// Add mode to allowed modes
                            str << "Packed-D" << depthBits[depth] << "S" << 8 << " ";
                            FormatProperties::Mode mode;
                            mode.depth = depth;
                            mode.stencil = 0;   // unuse


            // Delete texture and framebuffer
            glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
            glDeleteFramebuffersEXT(1, &fb);
			// Workaround for NVIDIA / Linux 169.21 driver problem
			// see http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=38037&start=25
            if (fmt!=GL_NONE)
                glDeleteTextures(1, &tid);

        // It seems a bug in nVidia driver: glBindFramebufferEXT should restore
        // draw and read buffers, but in some unclear circumstances it won't.

		String fmtstring = "";
        for(size_t x=0; x<PF_COUNT; ++x)
                fmtstring += PixelUtil::getFormatName((PixelFormat)x)+" ";
        LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("[GL] : Valid FBO targets " + fmtstring);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /** Detect which internal formats are allowed as RTT
        Also detect what combinations of stencil and depth are allowed with this internal
    void GLES2FBOManager::detectFBOFormats()
        memset(mProps, 0, sizeof(mProps));

        // TODO: Fix that probing all formats slows down startup not just on the web also on Android / iOS
        mProps[PF_A8B8G8R8].valid = true;
        FormatProperties::Mode mode = {1, 0};
        LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("[GLES2] : detectFBOFormats is disabled on this platform (due performance reasons)");
        // Try all formats, and report which ones work as target
        GLES2RenderSystem* rs = getGLES2RenderSystem();
        GLuint fb = 0, tid = 0;

        bool hasGLES3 = rs->hasMinGLVersion(3, 0);

        const size_t depthCount = hasGLES3 ? DEPTHFORMAT_COUNT : DEPTHFORMAT_COUNT - 1; // 32_8 is not available on GLES2
        const size_t stencilStep = hasGLES3 ? 3 : 1; // 1 and 4 bit not available on GLES3

        for(size_t x = 0; x < PF_COUNT; ++x)
            mProps[x].valid = false;

            // Fetch GL format token
            GLint internalFormat = GLES2PixelUtil::getGLInternalFormat((PixelFormat)x);
            GLenum fmt = GLES2PixelUtil::getGLOriginFormat((PixelFormat)x);
            GLenum type = GLES2PixelUtil::getGLOriginDataType((PixelFormat)x);

            // Note: letting PF_UNKNOWN pass here is for pure depth/ stencil formats
            // however there are reports that this crashes some unspecified android devices
            if((internalFormat == GL_NONE || fmt == GL_NONE || type == GL_NONE) && (x != 0))

            // not color-renderable in GLES
            if(fmt == GL_BGRA_EXT)

            // No test for compressed formats

            // Create and attach framebuffer
            _createTempFramebuffer((PixelFormat)x, internalFormat, fmt, type, fb, tid);

            // Ignore status in case of fmt==GL_NONE, because no implementation will accept
            // a buffer without *any* attachment. Buffers with only stencil and depth attachment
            // might still be supported, so we must continue probing.
            if(glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
                mProps[x].valid = true;
                StringStream str;
                str << "FBO " << PixelUtil::getFormatName((PixelFormat)x) 
                    << " depth/stencil support: ";

                // For each depth/stencil formats
                for (size_t depth = 0; depth < depthCount; ++depth)
                    if (depthFormats[depth] != GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 && depthFormats[depth] != GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8)
                        // General depth/stencil combination

                        for (size_t stencil = 0; stencil < STENCILFORMAT_COUNT; stencil += stencilStep)
//                            StringStream l;
//                            l << "Trying " << PixelUtil::getFormatName((PixelFormat)x) 
//                              << " D" << depthBits[depth] 
//                              << "S" << stencilBits[stencil];
//                            LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(l.str());

                            if (_tryFormat(depthFormats[depth], stencilFormats[stencil]))
                                // Add mode to allowed modes
                                str << "D" << depthBits[depth] << "S" << stencilBits[stencil] << " ";
                                FormatProperties::Mode mode;
                                mode.depth = depth;
                                mode.stencil = stencil;
                                // There is a small edge case that FBO is trashed during the test
                                // on some drivers resulting in undefined behavior
                                glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
                                glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &fb);

                                _createTempFramebuffer((PixelFormat)x, internalFormat, fmt, type, fb, tid);
                    else if(hasGLES3 || rs->checkExtension("GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil") )
                        // Packed depth/stencil format
                        if (_tryPackedFormat(depthFormats[depth]))
                            // Add mode to allowed modes
                            str << "Packed-D" << depthBits[depth] << "S" << 8 << " ";
                            FormatProperties::Mode mode;
                            mode.depth = depth;
                            mode.stencil = 0;   // unuse
                            // There is a small edge case that FBO is trashed during the test
                            // on some drivers resulting in undefined behavior
                            glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
                            glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &fb);

                            _createTempFramebuffer((PixelFormat)x, internalFormat, fmt, type, fb, tid);

            // Delete texture and framebuffer
            glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
            glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &fb);
            if (internalFormat != GL_NONE)
                glDeleteTextures(1, &tid);
                tid = 0;

        // Clear any errors
        String fmtstring;
        for(size_t x = 0; x < PF_COUNT; ++x)
                fmtstring += PixelUtil::getFormatName((PixelFormat)x)+" ";
        LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("[GLES2] : Valid FBO targets " + fmtstring);
