Ejemplo n.º 1
IOS_ERROR_CODE IOSFileExtractW( const WCHAR * pszFullFileName, WCHAR * pszFileName, uint uicchBufferLen ) {
#if defined(_UNICODE)
	return ::IOSFileExtract( pszFullFileName, pszFileName, uicchBufferLen );
  if ( pszFullFileName && pszFileName ) {
    if ( g_bUnicodePlatform ) {
			CAPointer<WCHAR> fFile = new WCHAR[_MAX_FNAME];
			CAPointer<WCHAR> fExt  = new WCHAR[_MAX_EXT];
			// выделить диск и каталог
			_wsplitpath( pszFullFileName, NULL, NULL, fFile, fExt);
			if ( uint(wcslen(fFile) + wcslen(fExt)) < uicchBufferLen ) {
				wcscpy( pszFileName, fFile );
				pszFileName = _wcsninc(pszFileName, wcslen(pszFileName) );
				wcscpy( pszFileName, fExt );
				return IOS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;  
			return IOS_ERR_OK;
		else {
			CPathStrA pConverted(pszFullFileName);
			CPathStrA pBuffer( (int)uicchBufferLen * 2 );
			IOS_ERROR_CODE nError = ::IOSFileExtract( pConverted, pBuffer, uicchBufferLen * 2  );
			wcsncpy( pszFileName, CPathStrW(pBuffer), uicchBufferLen );
			return nError;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// ---
BOOL CAvpFileFindW::IsDots() const {
	// return TRUE if the file name is "." or ".." and
	// the file is a directory

	BOOL bResult = FALSE;
	LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW pContext = GetContext();
	if (pContext != NULL && IsDirectory()) {
		WCHAR *pFileName = pContext->cFileName;
		int n0 = _wcsnextc( _wcsninc(pFileName, 0) );
		int n1 = _wcsnextc( _wcsninc(pFileName, 1) );
		int n2 = _wcsnextc( _wcsninc(pFileName, 2) );
		if ( n0 == L'.' ) {
			if ( n1 == L'\0' ||
				 ( n1 == L'.' && n2 == L'\0') ) {
				bResult = TRUE;

	return bResult;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Called the first time we use ClrRegCreateKeyEx or ClrRegOpenKeyEx to determine if the registry redirection
// config value has been set.  If so, we parse it into g_registryRoot
// If the config string is mal-formed, we don't set the global variable.
HRESULT ParseRegistryRootConfigValue()
    if (!IsNgenOffline())
        return ERROR_SUCCESS;
    CLRConfigStringHolder configValue(CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_RegistryRoot));
    // Since IsNgenOffline returned true, this better not be NULL
    if (configValue == NULL)
        return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
    if (_wcsnicmp(configValue, wszHKLM, wcslen(wszHKLM)) != 0)
        return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
    // The rest of the string is the location of the redirected registry key
    LPWSTR configValueKey = (LPWSTR)configValue;
    configValueKey = _wcsninc(configValueKey, wcslen(wszHKLM));
    size_t len = wcslen(configValueKey) + 1;
    bool appendBackslash = false;
    if (configValueKey[wcslen(configValueKey) - 1] != W('\\'))
        appendBackslash = true;
        len += wcslen(BACKSLASH_CHARACTER);
    g_registryRoot = new (nothrow) WCHAR[len];
    if (g_registryRoot == NULL)
    wcscpy_s(g_registryRoot, len, configValueKey);
    if (appendBackslash)
        StringCchCat(g_registryRoot, len, BACKSLASH_CHARACTER);
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;