Ejemplo n.º 1
--  FUNCTION:        validateSpawns
--  DATE:            April 7th, 2016
--  DESIGNERS:       Jaegar Sarauer
--  PROGRAMMERS:     Jaegar Sarauer
--  INTERFACE:       bool Map::validateSpawns (int ** map, int ** spawnPoints, int teams)
--                   	int ** map = The map to check for walls and free space.
--                   	int ** spawnPoints = A list of x and y points indicating spawn points.
--                   	int teams = The amount of teams to check.
--  RETURNS:         bool = Are all spawns valid?
--  NOTES:           This function will attempt to caluclate if the passed in spawn points are able to
--                   access eachother determined using A* pathfinding to ensure this is a playable map.
--                   All untested paths from one spawn point to another is tested with A*, if the
--                   A* path has nodes in it, then the path was successful and this function will
--                   return true.
bool Map::validateSpawns (int ** map, int ** spawnPoints, int teams) {
	const int moveCost = 10;
	const int diagonalMoveCost = 14;

	//for each team that exists
	for (int i = 0; i < teams; i++) {
		//the x and y position of the team currently path finding from
		int thisTeamX = spawnPoints[0][i];
		int thisTeamY = spawnPoints[1][i];
		//for the team that is testing, find a path to all of the other teams
		for (int j = i + 1; j < teams; j++) {
			//the x and y position of the team currently path finding to
			int goalTeamX = spawnPoints[0][j];
			int goalTeamY = spawnPoints[1][j];

			//find the heuristic values for all points on the map to the goal
			if (aStarPath (thisTeamX, thisTeamY, goalTeamX, goalTeamY).size () == 0)
				return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Pathfinding::calculate(BattleUnit *unit, Position endPosition)
	Position startPosition = unit->getPosition();
	_movementType = unit->getArmor()->getMovementType();
	_unit = unit;

	Tile *destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);

	// check if destination is not blocked
	if (isBlocked(destinationTile, MapData::O_FLOOR) || isBlocked(destinationTile, MapData::O_OBJECT)) return;

	// the following check avoids that the unit walks behind the stairs if we click behind the stairs to make it go up the stairs.
	// it only works if the unit is on one of the 2 tiles on the stairs, or on the tile right in front of the stairs.
	if (isOnStairs(startPosition, endPosition))
		destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);

	// check if we have floor, else lower destination (for non flying units only, because otherwise they never reached this place)
	while (canFallDown(destinationTile) && 	_movementType != MT_FLY)
		destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);


	// look for a possible fast and accurate bresenham path and skip A*
	if (startPosition.z == endPosition.z && bresenhamPath(startPosition,endPosition))
		std::reverse(_path.begin(), _path.end()); //paths are stored in reverse order

	// Now try through A*.
	aStarPath(startPosition, endPosition);