/* * Routine: mk_author() * Purpose: create A_LNAME as required in Clause * Params: int author: author number to base the last name upon * Returns: char * * Called By: main() * Calls: digsyl(), tpc_random() * Side Effects: since the result is stored in a static char[], the result * will be over-written by a subsequent call * TODO: None */ char * mk_author(int author) { static char res[A_LNAME_MAX + 1]; char *dig, pad[A_LPAD_MAX + 1]; int lname_pad, len; memset(res, ' ', A_LNAME_MAX); if (author <= (author_count / A_AUTHOR_DEN)) dig = digsyl(author, SYL_CNT); else { dig = digsyl( tpc_random(A_AUTHOR_MIN, (long)(author_count / A_AUTHOR_DEN), A_LNAME_SD), SYL_CNT); } strncpy(res, dig, SYL_CNT * SYL_WIDTH); /* 75% of names are digsyl() alone; the rest have a a_rnd suffix */ lname_pad = (tpc_random(1, 100, I_TITLE_SD) <= A_LPAD_PROB)?1:0; if (lname_pad) { len = a_rnd(A_LPAD_MIN, A_LPAD_MAX, A_LNAME_SD, pad); strncpy(&res[SYL_CNT * SYL_WIDTH], pad, len); } res[A_LNAME_MAX] = '\0'; return(res); }
/* * embed a randomly selected member of distribution d in alpha-numeric * noise of a length rendomly selected between min and max at a random * position */ void e_str(distribution *d, int min, int max, int stream, char *dest) { char strtmp[MAXAGG_LEN + 1]; long loc; int len; a_rnd(min, max, stream, dest); pick_str(d, stream, strtmp); len = strlen(strtmp); RANDOM(loc, 0, (strlen(dest) - 1 - len), stream); strncpy(dest + loc, strtmp, len); return; }