Ejemplo n.º 1
Service call when we change the state of a goal/plan/action
bool changeState(supervisor_msgs::ChangeState::Request  &req, supervisor_msgs::ChangeState::Response &res){

    if(req.type == "action"){
        return actionState(req.action, req.state);
    }else if(req.type == "plan"){
        if(req.state == "PROGRESS"){
            return newPlan(req.plan, false);
        }else if(req.state == "SHARE"){
            return sharePlan();
        }else if(req.state == "PROGRESS_SHARE"){
            return newPlan(req.plan, true);
        }else if(req.state == "ABORT"){
            return abortPlan(req.agent);

    }else if(req.type == "goal"){
        if(req.state == "NEW"){
            return newGoal(req.goal);
        }else if(req.state == "PROGRESS"){
            return startGoal(req.goal);
        }else if(req.state == "ABORT"){
            return abortGoal(req.goal, req.agent);


void JointTrajectoryAction::watchdog(const ros::TimerEvent &e)
    // Some debug logging
    if (!last_trajectory_state_)
        ROS_DEBUG("Waiting for subscription to joint trajectory state");
    if (!trajectory_state_recvd_)
        ROS_DEBUG("Trajectory state not received since last watchdog");

    // Aborts the active goal if the controller does not appear to be active.
    if (has_active_goal_)
        if (!trajectory_state_recvd_)
            // last_trajectory_state_ is null if the subscriber never makes a connection
            if (!last_trajectory_state_)
                ROS_WARN("Aborting goal because we have never heard a controller state message.");
                    "Aborting goal because we haven't heard from the controller in " << WATCHD0G_PERIOD_ << " seconds");



    // Reset the trajectory state received flag
    trajectory_state_recvd_ = false;
void JointTrajectoryAction::goalCB(JointTractoryActionServer::GoalHandle & gh)
    ROS_INFO("Received new goal");

    if (!gh.getGoal()->trajectory.points.empty())
        if (industrial_utils::isSimilar(joint_names_, gh.getGoal()->trajectory.joint_names))

            // Cancels the currently active goal.
            if (has_active_goal_)
                ROS_WARN("Received new goal, canceling current goal");

            // Sends the trajectory along to the controller
            if (withinGoalConstraints(last_trajectory_state_, gh.getGoal()->trajectory))

                ROS_INFO_STREAM("Already within goal constraints, setting goal succeeded");
                has_active_goal_ = false;

                active_goal_ = gh;
                has_active_goal_ = true;

                ROS_INFO("Publishing trajectory");

                current_traj_ = active_goal_.getGoal()->trajectory;
            ROS_ERROR("Joint trajectory action failing on invalid joints");
            control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult rslt;
            rslt.error_code = control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult::INVALID_JOINTS;
            gh.setRejected(rslt, "Joint names do not match");
        ROS_ERROR("Joint trajectory action failed on empty trajectory");
        control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult rslt;
        rslt.error_code = control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult::INVALID_GOAL;
        gh.setRejected(rslt, "Empty trajectory");

    // Adding some informational log messages to indicate unsupported goal constraints
    if (gh.getGoal()->goal_time_tolerance.toSec() > 0.0)
        ROS_WARN_STREAM("Ignoring goal time tolerance in action goal, may be supported in the future");
    if (!gh.getGoal()->goal_tolerance.empty())
            "Ignoring goal tolerance in action, using paramater tolerance of " << goal_threshold_ << " instead");
    if (!gh.getGoal()->path_tolerance.empty())
        ROS_WARN_STREAM("Ignoring goal path tolerance, option not supported by ROS-Industrial drivers");