int main( int argc, char ** argv) { int i; time_t timer; char *lineread = NULL; struct sigaction act, oact; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; char *line = NULL; const security_driver_t *secdrv; char *req = NULL; int response_error; struct tm *tm; config_overrides_t *cfg_ovr; /* * Configure program for internationalization: * 1) Only set the message locale for now. * 2) Set textdomain for all amanda related programs to "amanda" * We don't want to be forced to support dozens of message catalogs. */ setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "C"); textdomain("amanda"); safe_fd(-1, 0); set_pname("amrecover"); /* Don't die when child closes pipe */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); dbopen(DBG_SUBDIR_CLIENT); localhost = alloc(MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH+1); if (gethostname(localhost, MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH) != 0) { error(_("cannot determine local host name\n")); /*NOTREACHED*/ } localhost[MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; /* load the base client configuration */ config_init(CONFIG_INIT_CLIENT, NULL); if (config_errors(NULL) >= CFGERR_WARNINGS) { config_print_errors(); if (config_errors(NULL) >= CFGERR_ERRORS) { g_critical(_("errors processing config file")); } } /* treat amrecover-specific command line options as the equivalent * -o command-line options to set configuration values */ cfg_ovr = new_config_overrides(argc/2); /* If the first argument is not an option flag, then we assume * it is a configuration name to match the syntax of the other * Amanda utilities. */ if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] != '-') { add_config_override(cfg_ovr, "conf", argv[1]); /* remove that option from the command line */ argv[1] = argv[0]; argv++; argc--; } /* now parse regular command-line '-' options */ while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "o:C:s:t:d:U")) != EOF) { switch (i) { case 'C': add_config_override(cfg_ovr, "conf", optarg); break; case 's': add_config_override(cfg_ovr, "index_server", optarg); break; case 't': add_config_override(cfg_ovr, "tape_server", optarg); break; case 'd': add_config_override(cfg_ovr, "tapedev", optarg); break; case 'o': add_config_override_opt(cfg_ovr, optarg); break; case 'U': case '?': (void)g_printf(USAGE); return 0; } } if (optind != argc) { (void)g_fprintf(stderr, USAGE); exit(1); } /* and now try to load the configuration named in that file */ apply_config_overrides(cfg_ovr); config_init(CONFIG_INIT_CLIENT | CONFIG_INIT_EXPLICIT_NAME | CONFIG_INIT_OVERLAY, getconf_str(CNF_CONF)); reapply_config_overrides(); check_running_as(RUNNING_AS_ROOT); dbrename(get_config_name(), DBG_SUBDIR_CLIENT); our_features = am_init_feature_set(); our_features_string = am_feature_to_string(our_features); server_name = NULL; if (getconf_seen(CNF_INDEX_SERVER) == -2) { /* command line argument */ server_name = getconf_str(CNF_INDEX_SERVER); } if (!server_name) { server_name = getenv("AMANDA_SERVER"); if (server_name) { g_printf(_("Using index server from environment AMANDA_SERVER (%s)\n"), server_name); } } if (!server_name) { server_name = getconf_str(CNF_INDEX_SERVER); } if (!server_name) { error(_("No index server set")); /*NOTREACHED*/ } server_name = stralloc(server_name); tape_server_name = NULL; if (getconf_seen(CNF_TAPE_SERVER) == -2) { /* command line argument */ tape_server_name = getconf_str(CNF_TAPE_SERVER); } if (!tape_server_name) { tape_server_name = getenv("AMANDA_TAPE_SERVER"); if (!tape_server_name) { tape_server_name = getenv("AMANDA_TAPESERVER"); if (tape_server_name) { g_printf(_("Using tape server from environment AMANDA_TAPESERVER (%s)\n"), tape_server_name); } } else { g_printf(_("Using tape server from environment AMANDA_TAPE_SERVER (%s)\n"), tape_server_name); } } if (!tape_server_name) { tape_server_name = getconf_str(CNF_TAPE_SERVER); } if (!tape_server_name) { error(_("No tape server set")); /*NOTREACHED*/ } tape_server_name = stralloc(tape_server_name); amfree(tape_device_name); tape_device_name = getconf_str(CNF_TAPEDEV); if (!tape_device_name || strlen(tape_device_name) == 0 || !getconf_seen(CNF_TAPEDEV)) { tape_device_name = NULL; } else { tape_device_name = stralloc(tape_device_name); } authopt = stralloc(getconf_str(CNF_AUTH)); amfree(disk_name); amfree(mount_point); amfree(disk_path); dump_date[0] = '\0'; /* Don't die when child closes pipe */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* set up signal handler */ act.sa_handler = sigint_handler; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &oact) != 0) { error(_("error setting signal handler: %s"), strerror(errno)); /*NOTREACHED*/ } protocol_init(); /* We assume that amindexd support fe_amindexd_options_features */ /* and fe_amindexd_options_auth */ /* We should send a noop to really know */ req = vstrallocf("SERVICE amindexd\n" "OPTIONS features=%s;auth=%s;\n", our_features_string, authopt); secdrv = security_getdriver(authopt); if (secdrv == NULL) { error(_("no '%s' security driver available for host '%s'"), authopt, server_name); /*NOTREACHED*/ } protocol_sendreq(server_name, secdrv, generic_client_get_security_conf, req, STARTUP_TIMEOUT, amindexd_response, &response_error); amfree(req); protocol_run(); g_printf(_("AMRECOVER Version %s. Contacting server on %s ...\n"), VERSION, server_name); if(response_error != 0) { g_fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",errstr); exit(1); } /* get server's banner */ if (grab_reply(1) == -1) { aclose(server_socket); exit(1); } if (!server_happy()) { dbclose(); aclose(server_socket); exit(1); } /* try to get the features from the server */ { char *their_feature_string = NULL; indexsrv_features = NULL; line = vstrallocf("FEATURES %s", our_features_string); if(exchange(line) == 0) { their_feature_string = stralloc(server_line+13); indexsrv_features = am_string_to_feature(their_feature_string); if (!indexsrv_features) g_printf(_("Bad feature string from server: %s"), their_feature_string); } if (!indexsrv_features) indexsrv_features = am_set_default_feature_set(); amfree(their_feature_string); amfree(line); } /* set the date of extraction to be today */ (void)time(&timer); tm = localtime(&timer); if (tm) strftime(dump_date, sizeof(dump_date), "%Y-%m-%d", tm); else error(_("BAD DATE")); g_printf(_("Setting restore date to today (%s)\n"), dump_date); line = vstrallocf("DATE %s", dump_date); if (converse(line) == -1) { aclose(server_socket); exit(1); } amfree(line); line = vstrallocf("SCNF %s", get_config_name()); if (converse(line) == -1) { aclose(server_socket); exit(1); } amfree(line); if (server_happy()) { /* set host we are restoring to this host by default */ amfree(dump_hostname); set_host(localhost); if (dump_hostname) g_printf(_("Use the setdisk command to choose dump disk to recover\n")); else g_printf(_("Use the sethost command to choose a host to recover\n")); } quit_prog = 0; do { if ((lineread = readline("amrecover> ")) == NULL) { clearerr(stdin); putchar('\n'); break; } if (lineread[0] != '\0') { add_history(lineread); dbprintf(_("user command: '%s'\n"), lineread); process_line(lineread); /* act on line's content */ } amfree(lineread); } while (!quit_prog); dbclose(); aclose(server_socket); return 0; }
static void check_disk( dle_t *dle) { char *device = NULL; char *err = NULL; char *user_and_password = NULL; char *domain = NULL; char *share = NULL, *subdir = NULL; size_t lpass = 0; int amode = R_OK; int access_result; char *access_type; char *extra_info = NULL; char *qdisk = NULL; char *qamdevice = NULL; char *qdevice = NULL; if (dle->disk) { need_global_check=1; qdisk = quote_string(dle->disk); qamdevice = quote_string(dle->device); device = g_strdup("nodevice"); dbprintf(_("checking disk %s\n"), qdisk); if (GPOINTER_TO_INT(dle->estimatelist->data) == ES_CALCSIZE) { if (dle->device[0] == '/' && dle->device[1] == '/') { err = g_strdup_printf( _("Can't use CALCSIZE for samba estimate, use CLIENT: %s"), dle->device); goto common_exit; } } if (g_str_equal(dle->program, "GNUTAR")) { if(dle->device[0] == '/' && dle->device[1] == '/') { #ifdef SAMBA_CLIENT int nullfd, checkerr; int passwdfd; char *pwtext; size_t pwtext_len; pid_t checkpid; amwait_t retstat; pid_t wpid; int rc; char *line; char *sep; FILE *ferr; char *pw_fd_env; int errdos; parsesharename(dle->device, &share, &subdir); if (!share) { err = g_strdup_printf( _("cannot parse for share/subdir disk entry %s"), dle->device); goto common_exit; } if ((subdir) && (SAMBA_VERSION < 2)) { err = g_strdup_printf(_("subdirectory specified for share '%s' but, samba is not v2 or better"), dle->device); goto common_exit; } if ((user_and_password = findpass(share, &domain)) == NULL) { err = g_strdup_printf(_("cannot find password for %s"), dle->device); goto common_exit; } lpass = strlen(user_and_password); if ((pwtext = strchr(user_and_password, '%')) == NULL) { err = g_strdup_printf( _("password field not \'user%%pass\' for %s"), dle->device); goto common_exit; } *pwtext++ = '\0'; pwtext_len = (size_t)strlen(pwtext); amfree(device); if ((device = makesharename(share, 0)) == NULL) { err = g_strdup_printf(_("cannot make share name of %s"), share); goto common_exit; } if ((nullfd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)) == -1) { err = g_strdup_printf(_("Cannot access /dev/null : %s"), strerror(errno)); goto common_exit; } if (pwtext_len > 0) { pw_fd_env = "PASSWD_FD"; } else { pw_fd_env = "dummy_PASSWD_FD"; } checkpid = pipespawn(SAMBA_CLIENT, STDERR_PIPE|PASSWD_PIPE, 0, &nullfd, &nullfd, &checkerr, pw_fd_env, &passwdfd, "smbclient", device, *user_and_password ? "-U" : skip_argument, *user_and_password ? user_and_password : skip_argument, "-E", domain ? "-W" : skip_argument, domain ? domain : skip_argument, #if SAMBA_VERSION >= 2 subdir ? "-D" : skip_argument, subdir ? subdir : skip_argument, #endif "-c", "quit", NULL); checkpid = checkpid; amfree(domain); aclose(nullfd); /*@ignore@*/ if ((pwtext_len > 0) && full_write(passwdfd, pwtext, pwtext_len) < pwtext_len) { err = g_strdup_printf(_("password write failed: %s: %s"), dle->device, strerror(errno)); aclose(passwdfd); goto common_exit; } /*@end@*/ memset(user_and_password, '\0', (size_t)lpass); amfree(user_and_password); aclose(passwdfd); ferr = fdopen(checkerr, "r"); if (!ferr) { g_printf(_("ERROR [Can't fdopen ferr: %s]\n"), strerror(errno)); error(_("Can't fdopen ferr: %s"), strerror(errno)); /*NOTREACHED*/ } sep = ""; errdos = 0; for(sep = ""; (line = agets(ferr)) != NULL; free(line)) { if (line[0] == '\0') continue; strappend(extra_info, sep); strappend(extra_info, line); sep = ": "; if(strstr(line, "ERRDOS") != NULL) { errdos = 1; } } afclose(ferr); checkerr = -1; rc = 0; sep = ""; while ((wpid = wait(&retstat)) != -1) { if (!WIFEXITED(retstat) || WEXITSTATUS(retstat) != 0) { char *exitstr = str_exit_status("smbclient", retstat); strappend(err, sep); strappend(err, exitstr); sep = "\n"; amfree(exitstr); rc = 1; } } if (errdos != 0 || rc != 0) { char *tmpbuf; if (extra_info) { tmpbuf = g_strdup_printf( _("samba access error: %s: %s %s"), dle->device, extra_info, err); amfree(extra_info); } else { tmpbuf = g_strdup_printf(_("samba access error: %s: %s"), dle->device, err); } g_free(err); err = tmpbuf; } #else err = g_strdup_printf( _("This client is not configured for samba: %s"), qdisk); #endif goto common_exit; } amode = F_OK; amfree(device); device = amname_to_dirname(dle->device); } else if (g_str_equal(dle->program, "DUMP")) { if(dle->device[0] == '/' && dle->device[1] == '/') { err = g_strdup_printf( _("The DUMP program cannot handle samba shares, use GNUTAR: %s"), qdisk); goto common_exit; } #ifdef VDUMP /* { */ #ifdef DUMP /* { */ if (g_str_equal(amname_to_fstype(dle->device), "advfs")) #else /* }{*/ if (1) #endif /* } */ { amfree(device); device = amname_to_dirname(dle->device); amode = F_OK; } else #endif /* } */ { amfree(device); device = amname_to_devname(dle->device); #ifdef USE_RUNDUMP amode = F_OK; #else amode = R_OK; #endif } } } if (dle->program_is_application_api) { pid_t application_api_pid; backup_support_option_t *bsu; int app_err[2]; GPtrArray *errarray; bsu = backup_support_option(dle->program, g_options, dle->disk, dle->device, &errarray); if (!bsu) { char *line; guint i; for (i=0; i < errarray->len; i++) { line = g_ptr_array_index(errarray, i); fprintf(stdout, _("ERROR Application '%s': %s\n"), dle->program, line); amfree(line); } err = g_strdup_printf(_("Application '%s': can't run support command"), dle->program); goto common_exit; } if (dle->data_path == DATA_PATH_AMANDA && (bsu->data_path_set & DATA_PATH_AMANDA)==0) { g_printf("ERROR application %s doesn't support amanda data-path\n", dle->program); } if (dle->data_path == DATA_PATH_DIRECTTCP && (bsu->data_path_set & DATA_PATH_DIRECTTCP)==0) { g_printf("ERROR application %s doesn't support directtcp data-path\n", dle->program); } if (GPOINTER_TO_INT(dle->estimatelist->data) == ES_CALCSIZE && !bsu->calcsize) { g_printf("ERROR application %s doesn't support calcsize estimate\n", dle->program); } if (dle->include_file && dle->include_file->nb_element > 0 && !bsu->include_file) { g_printf("ERROR application %s doesn't support include-file\n", dle->program); } if (dle->include_list && dle->include_list->nb_element > 0 && !bsu->include_list) { g_printf("ERROR application %s doesn't support include-list\n", dle->program); } if (dle->include_optional && !bsu->include_optional) { g_printf("ERROR application %s doesn't support optional include\n", dle->program); } if (dle->exclude_file && dle->exclude_file->nb_element > 0 && !bsu->exclude_file) { g_printf("ERROR application %s doesn't support exclude-file\n", dle->program); } if (dle->exclude_list && dle->exclude_list->nb_element > 0 && !bsu->exclude_list) { g_printf("ERROR application %s doesn't support exclude-list\n", dle->program); } if (dle->exclude_optional && !bsu->exclude_optional) { g_printf("ERROR application %s doesn't support optional exclude\n", dle->program); } fflush(stdout);fflush(stderr); if (pipe(app_err) < 0) { err = g_strdup_printf(_("Application '%s': can't create pipe"), dle->program); goto common_exit; } switch (application_api_pid = fork()) { case -1: err = g_strdup_printf(_("fork failed: %s"), strerror(errno)); goto common_exit; case 0: /* child */ { GPtrArray *argv_ptr = g_ptr_array_new(); GPtrArray *argv_quoted = g_ptr_array_new(); gchar **args, **quoted_strings, **ptr; char *cmd = g_strjoin(NULL, APPLICATION_DIR, "/", dle->program, NULL); GSList *scriptlist; script_t *script; estimatelist_t el; char *cmdline; aclose(app_err[0]); dup2(app_err[1], 2); g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup(dle->program)); g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("selfcheck")); if (bsu->message_line == 1) { g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("--message")); g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("line")); } if (g_options->config != NULL && bsu->config == 1) { g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("--config")); g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup(g_options->config)); } if (g_options->hostname != NULL && bsu->host == 1) { g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("--host")); g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup(g_options->hostname)); } if (dle->disk != NULL && bsu->disk == 1) { g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("--disk")); g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup(dle->disk)); } if (dle->device) { g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("--device")); g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup(dle->device)); } if (dle->create_index && bsu->index_line == 1) { g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("--index")); g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("line")); } if (dle->record && bsu->record == 1) { g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("--record")); } for (el = dle->estimatelist; el != NULL; el=el->next) { estimate_t estimate = (estimate_t)GPOINTER_TO_INT(el->data); if (estimate == ES_CALCSIZE && bsu->calcsize == 1) { g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, g_strdup("--calcsize")); } } application_property_add_to_argv(argv_ptr, dle, bsu, g_options->features); for (scriptlist = dle->scriptlist; scriptlist != NULL; scriptlist = scriptlist->next) { script = (script_t *)scriptlist->data; if (script->result && script->result->proplist) { property_add_to_argv(argv_ptr, script->result->proplist); } } g_ptr_array_add(argv_ptr, NULL); args = (gchar **)g_ptr_array_free(argv_ptr, FALSE); /* * Build the command line to display */ g_ptr_array_add(argv_quoted, g_strdup(cmd)); for (ptr = args; *ptr; ptr++) g_ptr_array_add(argv_quoted, quote_string(*ptr)); g_ptr_array_add(argv_quoted, NULL); quoted_strings = (gchar **)g_ptr_array_free(argv_quoted, FALSE); cmdline = g_strjoinv(" ", quoted_strings); g_strfreev(quoted_strings); dbprintf(_("Spawning \"%s\" in pipeline\n"), cmdline); amfree(cmdline); safe_fd(-1, 0); execve(cmd, args, safe_env()); g_printf(_("ERROR [Can't execute %s: %s]\n"), cmd, strerror(errno)); exit(127); } default: /* parent */ { int status; FILE *app_stderr; char *line; aclose(app_err[1]); app_stderr = fdopen(app_err[0], "r"); if (!app_stderr) { g_printf(_("ERROR [Can't fdopen app_stderr: %s]\n"), strerror(errno)); error(_("Can't fdopen app_stderr: %s"), strerror(errno)); /*NOTREACHED*/ } while((line = agets(app_stderr)) != NULL) { if (strlen(line) > 0) { fprintf(stdout, "ERROR Application '%s': %s\n", dle->program, line); dbprintf("ERROR %s\n", line); } amfree(line); } fclose(app_stderr); if (waitpid(application_api_pid, &status, 0) < 0) { err = g_strdup_printf(_("waitpid failed: %s"), strerror(errno)); goto common_exit; } else if (!WIFEXITED(status)) { err = g_strdup_printf(_("Application '%s': exited with signal %d"), dle->program, WTERMSIG(status)); goto common_exit; } else if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { err = g_strdup_printf(_("Application '%s': exited with status %d"), dle->program, WEXITSTATUS(status)); goto common_exit; } } } amfree(bsu); fflush(stdout);fflush(stderr); amfree(device); amfree(qamdevice); amfree(qdisk); return; } if (device) { qdevice = quote_string(device); dbprintf(_("device %s\n"), qdevice); /* skip accessability test if this is an AFS entry */ if(strncmp_const(device, "afs:") != 0) { #ifdef CHECK_FOR_ACCESS_WITH_OPEN access_result = open(device, O_RDONLY); access_type = "open"; #else access_result = access(device, amode); access_type = "access"; #endif if(access_result == -1) { err = g_strdup_printf(_("Could not %s %s (%s): %s"), access_type, qdevice, qdisk, strerror(errno)); } #ifdef CHECK_FOR_ACCESS_WITH_OPEN aclose(access_result); #endif } } common_exit: if (!qdevice) qdevice = quote_string(device); amfree(share); amfree(subdir); if(user_and_password) { memset(user_and_password, '\0', (size_t)lpass); amfree(user_and_password); } amfree(domain); if(err) { g_printf(_("ERROR %s\n"), err); dbprintf(_("%s\n"), err); amfree(err); } else { if (dle->disk) { g_printf("OK %s\n", qdisk); dbprintf(_("disk %s OK\n"), qdisk); } if (dle->device) { g_printf("OK %s\n", qamdevice); dbprintf(_("amdevice %s OK\n"), qamdevice); } if (device) { g_printf("OK %s\n", qdevice); dbprintf(_("device %s OK\n"), qdevice); } } if(extra_info) { dbprintf(_("extra info: %s\n"), extra_info); amfree(extra_info); } amfree(qdisk); amfree(qdevice); amfree(qamdevice); amfree(device); /* XXX perhaps do something with level: read dumpdates and sanity check */ }
static void check_overall(void) { char *cmd; struct stat buf; int testfd; char *gnutar_list_dir; int need_amandates = 0; if( need_runtar ) { cmd = g_strjoin(NULL, amlibexecdir, "/", "runtar", NULL); check_file(cmd,X_OK); check_suid(cmd); amfree(cmd); } if( need_rundump ) { cmd = g_strjoin(NULL, amlibexecdir, "/", "rundump", NULL); check_file(cmd,X_OK); check_suid(cmd); amfree(cmd); } if( need_dump ) { #ifdef DUMP check_file(DUMP, X_OK); #else g_printf(_("ERROR [DUMP program not available]\n")); #endif } if( need_restore ) { #ifdef RESTORE check_file(RESTORE, X_OK); #else g_printf(_("ERROR [RESTORE program not available]\n")); #endif } if ( need_vdump ) { #ifdef VDUMP check_file(VDUMP, X_OK); #else g_printf(_("ERROR [VDUMP program not available]\n")); #endif } if ( need_vrestore ) { #ifdef VRESTORE check_file(VRESTORE, X_OK); #else g_printf(_("ERROR [VRESTORE program not available]\n")); #endif } if( need_xfsdump ) { #ifdef XFSDUMP check_file(XFSDUMP, F_OK); #else g_printf(_("ERROR [XFSDUMP program not available]\n")); #endif } if( need_xfsrestore ) { #ifdef XFSRESTORE check_file(XFSRESTORE, X_OK); #else g_printf(_("ERROR [XFSRESTORE program not available]\n")); #endif } if( need_vxdump ) { #ifdef VXDUMP check_file(VXDUMP, X_OK); #else g_printf(_("ERROR [VXDUMP program not available]\n")); #endif } if( need_vxrestore ) { #ifdef VXRESTORE check_file(VXRESTORE, X_OK); #else g_printf(_("ERROR [VXRESTORE program not available]\n")); #endif } if( need_gnutar ) { #ifdef GNUTAR check_file(GNUTAR, X_OK); #else g_printf(_("ERROR [GNUTAR program not available]\n")); #endif gnutar_list_dir = getconf_str(CNF_GNUTAR_LIST_DIR); if (strlen(gnutar_list_dir) == 0) gnutar_list_dir = NULL; if (gnutar_list_dir) { /* make sure our listed-incremental dir is ready */ check_dir(gnutar_list_dir, R_OK|W_OK); } else { /* no listed-incremental dir, so check that amandates is ready */ need_amandates = 1; } } if( need_calcsize ) { char *cmd; cmd = g_strjoin(NULL, amlibexecdir, "/", "calcsize", NULL); check_file(cmd, X_OK); amfree(cmd); /* calcsize uses amandates */ need_amandates = 1; } if (need_amandates) { char *amandates_file; amandates_file = getconf_str(CNF_AMANDATES); check_file(amandates_file, R_OK|W_OK); } if( need_samba ) { #ifdef SAMBA_CLIENT check_file(SAMBA_CLIENT, X_OK); #else g_printf(_("ERROR [SMBCLIENT program not available]\n")); #endif testfd = open("/etc/amandapass", R_OK); if (testfd >= 0) { if(fstat(testfd, &buf) == 0) { if ((buf.st_mode & 0x7) != 0) { g_printf(_("ERROR [/etc/amandapass is world readable!]\n")); } else { g_printf(_("OK [/etc/amandapass is readable, but not by all]\n")); } } else { g_printf(_("OK [unable to stat /etc/amandapass: %s]\n"), strerror(errno)); } aclose(testfd); } else { g_printf(_("ERROR [unable to open /etc/amandapass: %s]\n"), strerror(errno)); } } if (need_compress_path ) check_file(COMPRESS_PATH, X_OK); if (need_dump || need_xfsdump ) { if (check_file_exist("/etc/dumpdates")) { check_file("/etc/dumpdates", #ifdef USE_RUNDUMP F_OK #else R_OK|W_OK #endif ); } else { #ifndef USE_RUNDUMP if (access("/etc", R_OK|W_OK) == -1) { g_printf(_("ERROR [dump will not be able to create the /etc/dumpdates file: %s]\n"), strerror(errno)); } #endif } } if (need_vdump) { if (check_file_exist("/etc/vdumpdates")) { check_file("/etc/vdumpdates", F_OK); } } if (need_global_check) { check_access("/dev/null", R_OK|W_OK); check_space(AMANDA_TMPDIR, (off_t)64); /* for amandad i/o */ #ifdef AMANDA_DBGDIR check_space(AMANDA_DBGDIR, (off_t)64); /* for amandad i/o */ #endif check_space("/etc", (off_t)64); /* for /etc/dumpdates writing */ } }
int process(lua_State *L, const char *name, const char* filter_name, int list_only) { struct archive *a = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_filter_all(a); archive_read_support_format_all(a); if ( (archive_read_open_filename(a, name, 10240)) ) { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushfstring(L, "Error: can't read archive %s: %s\n", name, archive_error_string(a)); return 2; } lua_newtable(L); int top = lua_gettop(L); struct archive_entry *entry; int r; int total = 0; for (;;) { r = archive_read_next_header(a, &entry); if (r == ARCHIVE_EOF) break; if (r != ARCHIVE_OK) { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushfstring(L, "%s\n", archive_error_string(a)); aclose(a); return 2; } if (r < ARCHIVE_WARN) { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushfstring(L, "%s\n", "Warning from archive"); aclose(a); return 2; } // skip dirs if (!S_ISREG(archive_entry_mode(entry))) continue; const char *name = archive_entry_pathname(entry); if(list_only) { lua_pushstring(L, name); lua_rawseti(L, top, ++total); archive_read_data_skip(a); // automatically called anyway continue; } if ( filter_name && ! ( strlen(filter_name)==strlen(name) && strncmp(filter_name, name, strlen(name))==0 ) ) { archive_read_data_skip(a); // automatically called anyway continue; } size_t entry_size = archive_entry_size(entry); if (entry_size > 0) { char buff[entry_size]; ssize_t size = archive_read_data(a, buff, entry_size); if(size <= 0) { //TODO: send a warning or a black image //lua_pushfstring(L, "Corrupted data: %s\n", name); //lua_error(L); } lua_pushlstring(L, buff, entry_size); if(filter_name) lua_rawseti(L, top, 1); else lua_setfield(L, top, name); } if(filter_name)break; } aclose(a); return 1; }
int main( int argc, char ** argv) { in_port_t my_port; struct servent *sp; int i; time_t timer; char *lineread = NULL; struct sigaction act, oact; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; char cwd[STR_SIZE], *dn_guess = NULL, *mpt_guess = NULL; char *service_name; char *line = NULL; struct tm *tm; /* * Configure program for internationalization: * 1) Only set the message locale for now. * 2) Set textdomain for all amanda related programs to "amanda" * We don't want to be forced to support dozens of message catalogs. */ setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "C"); textdomain("amanda"); safe_fd(-1, 0); set_pname("amoldrecover"); /* Don't die when child closes pipe */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); dbopen(DBG_SUBDIR_CLIENT); localhost = alloc(MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH+1); if (gethostname(localhost, MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH) != 0) { error(_("cannot determine local host name\n")); /*NOTREACHED*/ } localhost[MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; config = newstralloc(config, DEFAULT_CONFIG); dbrename(config, DBG_SUBDIR_CLIENT); check_running_as(RUNNING_AS_ROOT); amfree(server_name); server_name = getenv("AMANDA_SERVER"); if(!server_name) server_name = DEFAULT_SERVER; server_name = stralloc(server_name); amfree(tape_server_name); tape_server_name = getenv("AMANDA_TAPESERVER"); if(!tape_server_name) tape_server_name = DEFAULT_TAPE_SERVER; tape_server_name = stralloc(tape_server_name); config_init(CONFIG_INIT_CLIENT, NULL); if (config_errors(NULL) >= CFGERR_WARNINGS) { config_print_errors(); if (config_errors(NULL) >= CFGERR_ERRORS) { g_critical(_("errors processing config file")); } } if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] != '-') { /* * If the first argument is not an option flag, then we assume * it is a configuration name to match the syntax of the other * Amanda utilities. */ char **new_argv; new_argv = (char **) alloc((size_t)((argc + 1 + 1) * sizeof(*new_argv))); new_argv[0] = argv[0]; new_argv[1] = "-C"; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { new_argv[i + 1] = argv[i]; } new_argv[i + 1] = NULL; argc++; argv = new_argv; } while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "C:s:t:d:U")) != EOF) { switch (i) { case 'C': config = newstralloc(config, optarg); break; case 's': server_name = newstralloc(server_name, optarg); break; case 't': tape_server_name = newstralloc(tape_server_name, optarg); break; case 'd': tape_device_name = newstralloc(tape_device_name, optarg); break; case 'U': case '?': (void)g_printf(USAGE); return 0; } } if (optind != argc) { (void)g_fprintf(stderr, USAGE); exit(1); } amfree(disk_name); amfree(mount_point); amfree(disk_path); dump_date[0] = '\0'; /* Don't die when child closes pipe */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* set up signal handler */ act.sa_handler = sigint_handler; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &oact) != 0) { error(_("error setting signal handler: %s"), strerror(errno)); /*NOTREACHED*/ } service_name = stralloc2("amandaidx", SERVICE_SUFFIX); g_printf(_("AMRECOVER Version %s. Contacting server on %s ...\n"), version(), server_name); if ((sp = getservbyname(service_name, "tcp")) == NULL) { error(_("%s/tcp unknown protocol"), service_name); /*NOTREACHED*/ } amfree(service_name); server_socket = stream_client_privileged(server_name, (in_port_t)ntohs((in_port_t)sp->s_port), 0, 0, &my_port, 0); if (server_socket < 0) { error(_("cannot connect to %s: %s"), server_name, strerror(errno)); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if (my_port >= IPPORT_RESERVED) { aclose(server_socket); error(_("did not get a reserved port: %d"), my_port); /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* get server's banner */ if (grab_reply(1) == -1) { aclose(server_socket); exit(1); } if (!server_happy()) { dbclose(); aclose(server_socket); exit(1); } /* do the security thing */ line = get_security(); if (converse(line) == -1) { aclose(server_socket); exit(1); } if (!server_happy()) { aclose(server_socket); exit(1); } memset(line, '\0', strlen(line)); amfree(line); /* try to get the features from the server */ { char *our_feature_string = NULL; char *their_feature_string = NULL; our_features = am_init_feature_set(); our_feature_string = am_feature_to_string(our_features); line = stralloc2("FEATURES ", our_feature_string); if(exchange(line) == 0) { their_feature_string = stralloc(server_line+13); indexsrv_features = am_string_to_feature(their_feature_string); } else { indexsrv_features = am_set_default_feature_set(); } amfree(our_feature_string); amfree(their_feature_string); amfree(line); } /* set the date of extraction to be today */ (void)time(&timer); tm = localtime(&timer); if (tm) strftime(dump_date, sizeof(dump_date), "%Y-%m-%d", tm); else error(_("BAD DATE")); g_printf(_("Setting restore date to today (%s)\n"), dump_date); line = stralloc2("DATE ", dump_date); if (converse(line) == -1) { aclose(server_socket); exit(1); } amfree(line); line = stralloc2("SCNF ", config); if (converse(line) == -1) { aclose(server_socket); exit(1); } amfree(line); if (server_happy()) { /* set host we are restoring to this host by default */ amfree(dump_hostname); set_host(localhost); if (dump_hostname) { /* get a starting disk and directory based on where we currently are */ switch (guess_disk(cwd, sizeof(cwd), &dn_guess, &mpt_guess)) { case 1: /* okay, got a guess. Set disk accordingly */ g_printf(_("$CWD '%s' is on disk '%s' mounted at '%s'.\n"), cwd, dn_guess, mpt_guess); set_disk(dn_guess, mpt_guess); set_directory(cwd); if (server_happy() && strcmp(cwd, mpt_guess) != 0) g_printf(_("WARNING: not on root of selected filesystem, check man-page!\n")); amfree(dn_guess); amfree(mpt_guess); break; case 0: g_printf(_("$CWD '%s' is on a network mounted disk\n"), cwd); g_printf(_("so you must 'sethost' to the server\n")); /* fake an unhappy server */ server_line[0] = '5'; break; case 2: case -1: default: g_printf(_("Use the setdisk command to choose dump disk to recover\n")); /* fake an unhappy server */ server_line[0] = '5'; break; } } } quit_prog = 0; do { if ((lineread = readline("amrecover> ")) == NULL) { clearerr(stdin); putchar('\n'); break; } if (lineread[0] != '\0') { add_history(lineread); process_line(lineread); /* act on line's content */ } amfree(lineread); } while (!quit_prog); dbclose(); aclose(server_socket); return 0; }
int dgram_bind( dgram_t * dgram, sa_family_t family, in_port_t * portp) { int s, retries; socklen_t_equiv len; sockaddr_union name; int save_errno; int *portrange; int sndbufsize = MAX_DGRAM; portrange = getconf_intrange(CNF_RESERVED_UDP_PORT); *portp = (in_port_t)0; g_debug("dgram_bind: setting up a socket with family %d", family); if((s = socket(family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1) { save_errno = errno; dbprintf(_("dgram_bind: socket() failed: %s\n"), strerror(save_errno)); errno = save_errno; return -1; } if(s < 0 || s >= (int)FD_SETSIZE) { dbprintf(_("dgram_bind: socket out of range: %d\n"), s); aclose(s); errno = EMFILE; /* out of range */ return -1; } /* try setting the buffer size (= maximum allowable UDP packet size) */ if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (void *) &sndbufsize, sizeof(sndbufsize)) < 0) { dbprintf("dgram_bind: could not set udp send buffer to %d: %s (ignored)\n", sndbufsize, strerror(errno)); } SU_INIT(&name, family); SU_SET_INADDR_ANY(&name); /* * If a port range was specified, we try to get a port in that * range first. Next, we try to get a reserved port. If that * fails, we just go for any port. * * In all cases, not to use port that's assigned to other services. * * It is up to the caller to make sure we have the proper permissions * to get the desired port, and to make sure we return a port that * is within the range it requires. */ for (retries = 0; ; retries++) { if (bind_portrange(s, &name, portrange[0], portrange[1], "udp") == 0) goto out; dbprintf(_("dgram_bind: Could not bind to port in range: %d - %d.\n"), portrange[0], portrange[1]); if (retries >= BIND_CYCLE_RETRIES) { dbprintf(_("dgram_bind: Giving up...\n")); break; } dbprintf(_("dgram_bind: Retrying entire range after 10 second delay.\n")); sleep(15); } save_errno = errno; dbprintf(_("dgram_bind: bind(in6addr_any) failed: %s\n"), strerror(save_errno)); aclose(s); errno = save_errno; return -1; out: /* find out what name was actually used */ len = (socklen_t_equiv)sizeof(name); if(getsockname(s, (struct sockaddr *)&name, &len) == -1) { save_errno = errno; dbprintf(_("dgram_bind: getsockname() failed: %s\n"), strerror(save_errno)); errno = save_errno; aclose(s); return -1; } *portp = SU_GET_PORT(&name); dgram->socket = s; dbprintf(_("dgram_bind: socket %d bound to %s\n"), dgram->socket, str_sockaddr(&name)); return 0; }