Ejemplo n.º 1
errorCode addProtoRule(ProtoGrammar* pg, Index prodDim, ProtoRuleEntry** ruleEntry)
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	Index ruleId;

	TRY(addEmptyDynEntry(&pg->dynArray, (void **) ruleEntry, &ruleId));

	return createDynArray(&((*ruleEntry)->dynArray), sizeof(Production), prodDim);
Ejemplo n.º 2
errorCode addDynEntry(DynArray* dynArray, void* entry, Index* entryID)
	errorCode tmp_err_code;
	void *emptyEntry;

	tmp_err_code = addEmptyDynEntry(dynArray, &emptyEntry, entryID);
	if(tmp_err_code != ERR_OK)
		return tmp_err_code;

	memcpy(emptyEntry, entry, dynArray->entrySize);
	return ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
errorCode addProduction(ProtoRuleEntry* ruleEntry, EventType eventType, Index typeId, QNameID qnameID, SmallIndex nonTermID)
	errorCode tmp_err_code = UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	Production *newProd;
	Index newProdId;

	tmp_err_code = addEmptyDynEntry(&ruleEntry->dynArray, (void**)&newProd, &newProdId);

	newProd->eventType = eventType;
	newProd->typeId = typeId;
	newProd->qnameId = qnameID;
	newProd->nonTermID = nonTermID;

	return ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
errorCode addProduction(ProtoRuleEntry* ruleEntry, EventType eventType, Index typeId, QNameID qnameID, SmallIndex nonTermID)
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	Production *newProd;
	Index newProdId;

	TRY(addEmptyDynEntry(&ruleEntry->dynArray, (void**)&newProd, &newProdId));

	SET_PROD_EXI_EVENT(newProd->content, eventType);
	newProd->typeId = typeId;
	newProd->qnameId = qnameID;
	SET_PROD_NON_TERM(newProd->content, nonTermID);

	return EXIP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
errorCode addLnEntry(LnTable* lnTable, String lnStr, Index* lnEntryId)
	errorCode tmp_err_code;
	LnEntry* lnEntry;

	TRY(addEmptyDynEntry(&lnTable->dynArray, (void**)&lnEntry, lnEntryId));

	// Fill in local names entry
	lnEntry->lnStr = lnStr;
	lnEntry->elemGrammar = INDEX_MAX;
	lnEntry->typeGrammar = INDEX_MAX;
	// The Vx table is created on-demand (additions to value cross table are done when a value is inserted in the value table)
	lnEntry->vxTable = NULL;
	return EXIP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 6
errorCode addUriEntry(UriTable* uriTable, String uriStr, SmallIndex* uriEntryId)
	errorCode tmp_err_code;
	UriEntry* uriEntry;
	Index uriLEntryId;

	TRY(addEmptyDynEntry(&uriTable->dynArray, (void**)&uriEntry, &uriLEntryId));

	// Fill in URI entry
	uriEntry->uriStr = uriStr;
	// Prefix table is created independently
	uriEntry->pfxTable = NULL;
	// Create local names table for this URI
	// TODO RCC 20120201: Should this be separate (empty string URI has no local names)?
	TRY(createDynArray(&uriEntry->lnTable.dynArray, sizeof(LnEntry), DEFAULT_LN_ENTRIES_NUMBER));

	*uriEntryId = (SmallIndex)uriLEntryId;
	return EXIP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 7
errorCode addValueEntry(EXIStream* strm, String valueStr, QNameID qnameID)
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	ValueEntry* valueEntry = NULL;
	Index valueEntryId;

	Index vxEntryId;
		struct LnEntry* lnEntry;
		VxEntry vxEntry;

		// Find the local name entry from QNameID
		lnEntry = &GET_LN_URI_QNAME(strm->schema->uriTable, qnameID);

		// Add entry to the local name entry's value cross table (vxTable)
		if(lnEntry->vxTable == NULL)
			lnEntry->vxTable = memManagedAllocate(&strm->memList, sizeof(VxTable));
			if(lnEntry->vxTable == NULL)

			// First value entry - create the vxTable
			TRY(createDynArray(&lnEntry->vxTable->dynArray, sizeof(VxEntry), DEFAULT_VX_ENTRIES_NUMBER));


		// Set the global ID in the value cross table entry
		vxEntry.globalId = strm->valueTable.globalId;

		// Add the entry
		TRY(addDynEntry(&lnEntry->vxTable->dynArray, (void*) &vxEntry, &vxEntryId));

	// If the global ID is less than the actual array size, we must have wrapped around
	// In this case, we must reuse an existing entry
	if(strm->valueTable.globalId < strm->valueTable.count)
		// Get the existing value entry
		valueEntry = &strm->valueTable.value[strm->valueTable.globalId];

		assert(GET_LN_URI_QNAME(strm->schema->uriTable, valueEntry->locValuePartition.forQNameId).vxTable);
		// Null out the existing cross table entry
		GET_LN_URI_QNAME(strm->schema->uriTable, valueEntry->locValuePartition.forQNameId).vxTable->vx[valueEntry->locValuePartition.vxEntryId].globalId = INDEX_MAX;

		// Remove existing value string from hash table (if present)
		if(strm->valueTable.hashTbl != NULL)
			hashtable_remove(strm->valueTable.hashTbl, valueEntry->valueStr);
		// Free the memory allocated by the previous string entry
		// We are filling up the array and have not wrapped round yet
		// See http://www.w3.org/TR/exi/#encodingOptimizedForMisses
		TRY(addEmptyDynEntry(&strm->valueTable.dynArray, (void**)&valueEntry, &valueEntryId));

	// Set the value entry fields
	valueEntry->valueStr = valueStr;
	valueEntry->locValuePartition.forQNameId = qnameID;
	valueEntry->locValuePartition.vxEntryId = vxEntryId;

	// Add value string to hash table (if present)
	if(strm->valueTable.hashTbl != NULL)
		TRY(hashtable_insert(strm->valueTable.hashTbl, valueStr, strm->valueTable.globalId));

	// Increment global ID

	// The value table is limited by valuePartitionCapacity. If we have exceeded, we wrap around
	// to the beginning of the value table and null out existing IDs in the corresponding
	// cross table IDs
	if(strm->valueTable.globalId == strm->header.opts.valuePartitionCapacity)
		strm->valueTable.globalId = 0;

	return EXIP_OK;