Ejemplo n.º 1
    Status addMongosOptions(moe::OptionSection* options) {

        moe::OptionSection general_options("General options");

        Status ret = addGeneralServerOptions(&general_options);
        if (!ret.isOK()) {
            return ret;

#if defined(_WIN32)
        moe::OptionSection windows_scm_options("Windows Service Control Manager options");

        ret = addWindowsServerOptions(&windows_scm_options);
        if (!ret.isOK()) {
            return ret;

#ifdef MONGO_SSL
        moe::OptionSection ssl_options("SSL options");

        ret = addSSLServerOptions(&ssl_options);
        if (!ret.isOK()) {
            return ret;

        moe::OptionSection sharding_options("Sharding options");

        sharding_options.addOptionChaining("configdb", "configdb", moe::String,
                "1 or 3 comma separated config servers");

        sharding_options.addOptionChaining("localThreshold", "localThreshold", moe::Int,
                "ping time (in ms) for a node to be considered local (default 15ms)");

        sharding_options.addOptionChaining("test", "test", moe::Switch, "just run unit tests");

        sharding_options.addOptionChaining("upgrade", "upgrade", moe::Switch,
                "upgrade meta data version");

        sharding_options.addOptionChaining("chunkSize", "chunkSize", moe::Int,
                "maximum amount of data per chunk");

        sharding_options.addOptionChaining("ipv6", "ipv6", moe::Switch,
                "enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)");

        sharding_options.addOptionChaining("jsonp", "jsonp", moe::Switch,
                "allow JSONP access via http (has security implications)");

        sharding_options.addOptionChaining("noscripting", "noscripting", moe::Switch,
                "disable scripting engine");


#if defined(_WIN32)


#ifdef MONGO_SSL

        options->addOptionChaining("noAutoSplit", "noAutoSplit", moe::Switch,
                "do not send split commands with writes")

        return Status::OK();
Ejemplo n.º 2
Status addMongodOptions(moe::OptionSection* options) {

    moe::OptionSection general_options("General options");

    Status ret = addGeneralServerOptions(&general_options);
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

#if defined(_WIN32)
    moe::OptionSection windows_scm_options("Windows Service Control Manager options");

    ret = addWindowsServerOptions(&windows_scm_options);
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

#ifdef MONGO_SSL
    moe::OptionSection ssl_options("SSL options");

    ret = addSSLServerOptions(&ssl_options);
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

    moe::OptionSection ms_options("Master/slave options (old; use replica sets instead)");
    moe::OptionSection rs_options("Replica set options");
    moe::OptionSection replication_options("Replication options");
    moe::OptionSection sharding_options("Sharding options");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("auth", "auth", moe::Switch, "run with security");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("cpu", "cpu", moe::Switch,
                                      "periodically show cpu and iowait utilization");

#ifdef _WIN32
    general_options.addOptionChaining("dbpath", "dbpath", moe::String,
                                      "directory for datafiles - defaults to \\data\\db\\")

    general_options.addOptionChaining("dbpath", "dbpath", moe::String,
                                      "directory for datafiles - defaults to /data/db/")

    general_options.addOptionChaining("diaglog", "diaglog", moe::Int,
                                      "0=off 1=W 2=R 3=both 7=W+some reads");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("directoryperdb", "directoryperdb", moe::Switch,
                                      "each database will be stored in a separate directory");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("ipv6", "ipv6", moe::Switch,
                                      "enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("journal", "journal", moe::Switch, "enable journaling");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("journalCommitInterval", "journalCommitInterval",
                                      moe::Unsigned, "how often to group/batch commit (ms)");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("journalOptions", "journalOptions", moe::Int,
                                      "journal diagnostic options");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("jsonp", "jsonp", moe::Switch,
                                      "allow JSONP access via http (has security implications)");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("noauth", "noauth", moe::Switch, "run without security");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("noIndexBuildRetry", "noIndexBuildRetry", moe::Switch,
                                      "don't retry any index builds that were interrupted by shutdown");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("nojournal", "nojournal", moe::Switch,
                                      "disable journaling (journaling is on by default for 64 bit)");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("noprealloc", "noprealloc", moe::Switch,
                                      "disable data file preallocation - will often hurt performance");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("noscripting", "noscripting", moe::Switch,
                                      "disable scripting engine");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("notablescan", "notablescan", moe::Switch,
                                      "do not allow table scans");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("nssize", "nssize", moe::Int,
                                      ".ns file size (in MB) for new databases")

    general_options.addOptionChaining("profile", "profile", moe::Int, "0=off 1=slow, 2=all");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("quota", "quota", moe::Switch,
                                      "limits each database to a certain number of files (8 default)");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("quotaFiles", "quotaFiles", moe::Int,
                                      "number of files allowed per db, requires --quota");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("repair", "repair", moe::Switch, "run repair on all dbs");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("repairpath", "repairpath", moe::String,
                                      "root directory for repair files - defaults to dbpath");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("rest", "rest", moe::Switch, "turn on simple rest api");

#if defined(__linux__)
    general_options.addOptionChaining("shutdown", "shutdown", moe::Switch,
                                      "kill a running server (for init scripts)");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("slowms", "slowms", moe::Int,
                                      "value of slow for profile and console log")

    general_options.addOptionChaining("smallfiles", "smallfiles", moe::Switch,
                                      "use a smaller default file size");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("syncdelay", "syncdelay", moe::Double,
                                      "seconds between disk syncs (0=never, but not recommended)")

    general_options.addOptionChaining("sysinfo", "sysinfo", moe::Switch,
                                      "print some diagnostic system information");

    general_options.addOptionChaining("upgrade", "upgrade", moe::Switch,
                                      "upgrade db if needed");

    replication_options.addOptionChaining("oplogSize", "oplogSize", moe::Int,
                                          "size to use (in MB) for replication op log. default is 5% of disk space "
                                          "(i.e. large is good)");

    ms_options.addOptionChaining("master", "master", moe::Switch, "master mode");

    ms_options.addOptionChaining("slave", "slave", moe::Switch, "slave mode");

    ms_options.addOptionChaining("source", "source", moe::String,
                                 "when slave: specify master as <server:port>");

    ms_options.addOptionChaining("only", "only", moe::String,
                                 "when slave: specify a single database to replicate");

    ms_options.addOptionChaining("slavedelay", "slavedelay", moe::Int,
                                 "specify delay (in seconds) to be used when applying master ops to slave");

    ms_options.addOptionChaining("autoresync", "autoresync", moe::Switch,
                                 "automatically resync if slave data is stale");

    rs_options.addOptionChaining("replSet", "replSet", moe::String,
                                 "arg is <setname>[/<optionalseedhostlist>]");

    rs_options.addOptionChaining("replIndexPrefetch", "replIndexPrefetch", moe::String,
                                 "specify index prefetching behavior (if secondary) [none|_id_only|all]");

    sharding_options.addOptionChaining("configsvr", "configsvr", moe::Switch,
                                       "declare this is a config db of a cluster; default port 27019; "
                                       "default dir /data/configdb");

    sharding_options.addOptionChaining("shardsvr", "shardsvr", moe::Switch,
                                       "declare this is a shard db of a cluster; default port 27018");

    sharding_options.addOptionChaining("noMoveParanoia", "noMoveParanoia", moe::Switch,
                                       "turn off paranoid saving of data for the moveChunk command; default")

    sharding_options.addOptionChaining("moveParanoia", "moveParanoia", moe::Switch,
                                       "turn on paranoid saving of data during the moveChunk command "
                                       "(used for internal system diagnostics)")

#if defined(_WIN32)
#ifdef MONGO_SSL

    options->addOptionChaining("fastsync", "fastsync", moe::Switch,
                               "indicate that this instance is starting from a dbpath snapshot of the repl peer")

    options->addOptionChaining("pretouch", "pretouch", moe::Int,
                               "n pretouch threads for applying master/slave operations")

    // This is a deprecated option that we are supporting for backwards compatibility
    // The first value for this option can be either 'dbpath' or 'run'.
    // If it is 'dbpath', mongod prints the dbpath and exits.  Any extra values are ignored.
    // If it is 'run', mongod runs normally.  Providing extra values is an error.
    options->addOptionChaining("command", "command", moe::StringVector, "command")
    .positional(1, 3);

    options->addOptionChaining("cacheSize", "cacheSize", moe::Long,
                               "cache size (in MB) for rec store")

    options->addOptionChaining("nodur", "nodur", moe::Switch, "disable journaling")

    // things we don't want people to use
    options->addOptionChaining("nohints", "nohints", moe::Switch, "ignore query hints")

    options->addOptionChaining("nopreallocj", "nopreallocj", moe::Switch,
                               "don't preallocate journal files")

    options->addOptionChaining("dur", "dur", moe::Switch, "enable journaling")

    options->addOptionChaining("durOptions", "durOptions", moe::Int,
                               "durability diagnostic options")

    // deprecated pairing command line options
    options->addOptionChaining("pairwith", "pairwith", moe::Switch, "DEPRECATED")

    options->addOptionChaining("arbiter", "arbiter", moe::Switch, "DEPRECATED")

    options->addOptionChaining("opIdMem", "opIdMem", moe::Switch, "DEPRECATED")

    return Status::OK();
Ejemplo n.º 3
Status addMongosOptions(moe::OptionSection* options) {
    moe::OptionSection general_options("General options");

    Status ret = addGeneralServerOptions(&general_options);
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

#if defined(_WIN32)
    moe::OptionSection windows_scm_options("Windows Service Control Manager options");

    ret = addWindowsServerOptions(&windows_scm_options);
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

    moe::OptionSection ssl_options("SSL options");

    ret = addSSLServerOptions(&ssl_options);
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

    moe::OptionSection sharding_options("Sharding options");

                                       "Connection string for communicating with config servers:\n"
                                       "<config replset name>/<host1:port>,<host2:port>,[...]");

        "ping time (in ms) for a node to be considered local (default 15ms)");

    sharding_options.addOptionChaining("test", "test", moe::Switch, "just run unit tests")

        "sharding.chunkSize", "chunkSize", moe::Int, "maximum amount of data per chunk");

                                       "allow JSONP access via http (has security implications)")

                         "noscripting", "noscripting", moe::Switch, "disable scripting engine")


#if defined(_WIN32)



                               "do not send split commands with writes")

                 "sharding.autoSplit", "", moe::Bool, "send split commands with writes")

    return Status::OK();
Ejemplo n.º 4
Status addMongosOptions(moe::OptionSection* options) {
    moe::OptionSection general_options("General options");

    Status ret = addGeneralServerOptions(&general_options);
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

#if defined(_WIN32)
    moe::OptionSection windows_scm_options("Windows Service Control Manager options");

    ret = addWindowsServerOptions(&windows_scm_options);
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

    moe::OptionSection ssl_options("SSL options");

    ret = addSSLServerOptions(&ssl_options);
    if (!ret.isOK()) {
        return ret;

    moe::OptionSection sharding_options("Sharding options");

                                       "Connection string for communicating with config servers:\n"
                                       "<config replset name>/<host1:port>,<host2:port>,[...]");

        "ping time (in ms) for a node to be considered local (default 15ms)");

    sharding_options.addOptionChaining("test", "test", moe::Switch, "just run unit tests")

    /** Javascript Options
     *  As a general rule, js enable/disable options are ignored for mongos.
     *  However, we define and hide these options so that if someone
     *  were to use these args in a set of options meant for both
     *  mongos and mongod runs, the mongos won't fail on an unknown argument.
     *  These options have no affect on how the mongos runs.
     *  Setting either or both to *any* value will provoke a warning message
     *  and nothing more.
        .addOptionChaining("noscripting", "noscripting", moe::Switch, "disable scripting engine")

            "security.javascriptEnabled", "", moe::Bool, "Enable javascript execution")


#if defined(_WIN32)



    return Status::OK();