Ejemplo n.º 1
// O(n*w)
void Aho_Corasick::Trie::buildForwards(const vector <Entry> &dict)
    for (int i=0; i<dict.size(); i++)
        addPhrase(i, dict[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    int size = ARR_DEFAULT;
    Phrase * phrases = (Phrase*)malloc(size*sizeof(Phrase));
    char * line;
    int index;
    while((line = getLine()) != 0)
        Phrase * p = parseLine(line);
        phrases = addPhrase(phrases, p, index, &size);
    //qsort(phrases, index, sizeof(Phrase*), phraseComp);
    printPhrases(phrases, index);
    freeBullshit(phrases, index);
    return 0;
void ExtractTask::extract(SentenceAlignment &sentence)
  int countE = sentence.target.size();
  int countF = sentence.source.size();

  HPhraseVector inboundPhrases;

  HSentenceVertices inTopLeft;
  HSentenceVertices inTopRight;
  HSentenceVertices inBottomLeft;
  HSentenceVertices inBottomRight;

  HSentenceVertices outTopLeft;
  HSentenceVertices outTopRight;
  HSentenceVertices outBottomLeft;
  HSentenceVertices outBottomRight;

  HSentenceVertices::const_iterator it;

  bool relaxLimit = m_options.isHierModel();
  bool buildExtraStructure = m_options.isPhraseModel() || m_options.isHierModel();

  // check alignments for target phrase startE...endE
  // loop over extracted phrases which are compatible with the word-alignments
  for(int startE=0; startE<countE; startE++) {
    for(int endE=startE;
        (endE<countE && (relaxLimit || endE<startE+m_options.maxPhraseLength));
        endE++) {

      int minF = 9999;
      int maxF = -1;
      vector< int > usedF = sentence.alignedCountS;
      for(int ei=startE; ei<=endE; ei++) {
        for(size_t i=0; i<sentence.alignedToT[ei].size(); i++) {
          int fi = sentence.alignedToT[ei][i];
          if (fi<minF) {
            minF = fi;
          if (fi>maxF) {
            maxF = fi;
          usedF[ fi ]--;

      if (maxF >= 0 && // aligned to any source words at all
          (relaxLimit || maxF-minF < m_options.maxPhraseLength)) { // source phrase within limits

        // check if source words are aligned to out of bound target words
        bool out_of_bounds = false;
        for(int fi=minF; fi<=maxF && !out_of_bounds; fi++)
          if (usedF[fi]>0) {
            // cout << "ouf of bounds: " << fi << "\n";
            out_of_bounds = true;

        // cout << "doing if for ( " << minF << "-" << maxF << ", " << startE << "," << endE << ")\n";
        if (!out_of_bounds) {
          // start point of source phrase may retreat over unaligned
          for(int startF=minF;
              (startF>=0 &&
               (relaxLimit || startF>maxF-m_options.maxPhraseLength) && // within length limit
               (startF==minF || sentence.alignedCountS[startF]==0)); // unaligned
            // end point of source phrase may advance over unaligned
            for(int endF=maxF;
                (endF<countF &&
                 (relaxLimit || endF<startF+m_options.maxPhraseLength) && // within length limit
                 (endF - startF + 1 > m_options.minPhraseLength) && // within length limit
                 (endF==maxF || sentence.alignedCountS[endF]==0)); // unaligned
                endF++) { // at this point we have extracted a phrase
              if(buildExtraStructure) { // phrase || hier
                if(endE-startE < m_options.maxPhraseLength && endF-startF < m_options.maxPhraseLength) { // within limit
                  insertPhraseVertices(inTopLeft, inTopRight, inBottomLeft, inBottomRight,
                                       startF, startE, endF, endE);
                } else
                  insertPhraseVertices(outTopLeft, outTopRight, outBottomLeft, outBottomRight,
                                       startF, startE, endF, endE);
              } else {
                string orientationInfo = "";
                if(m_options.isWordModel()) {
                  REO_POS wordPrevOrient, wordNextOrient;
                  bool connectedLeftTopP  = isAligned( sentence, startF-1, startE-1 );
                  bool connectedRightTopP = isAligned( sentence, endF+1,   startE-1 );
                  bool connectedLeftTopN  = isAligned( sentence, endF+1, endE+1 );
                  bool connectedRightTopN = isAligned( sentence, startF-1,   endE+1 );
                  wordPrevOrient = getOrientWordModel(sentence, m_options.isWordType(), connectedLeftTopP, connectedRightTopP, startF, endF, startE, endE, countF, 0, 1, &ge, &lt);
                  wordNextOrient = getOrientWordModel(sentence, m_options.isWordType(), connectedLeftTopN, connectedRightTopN, endF, startF, endE, startE, 0, countF, -1, &lt, &ge);
                  orientationInfo += getOrientString(wordPrevOrient, m_options.isWordType()) + " " + getOrientString(wordNextOrient, m_options.isWordType());
                    " | | ";
                addPhrase(sentence, startE, endE, startF, endF, orientationInfo);
