/* Driver program to test above function */ int main(void) { struct Node* result = NULL; struct Node* first = NULL; struct Node* second = NULL; // create first list 7->5->9->4->6 push(&first, 6); push(&first, 4); push(&first, 9); push(&first, 5); push(&first, 7); printf("First List is "); printList(first); // create second list 8->4 push(&second, 4); push(&second, 8); printf("Second List is "); printList(second); // Add the two lists and see result result = addTwoLists(first, second); printf("Resultant list is "); printList(result); return 0; }
int main(void) { struct node* res = NULL; struct node* first = NULL; struct node* second = NULL; push(&first, 6); push(&first, 4); push(&first, 9); push(&first, 5); push(&first, 7); printf("First List is "); printList(first); push(&second, 4); push(&second, 8); printf("Second List is "); printList(second); res = addTwoLists(first, second); printf("Resultant list is "); printList(res); return 0; }
int main() { Node head1 = nodeCreate(3); Node head2 = nodeCreate(3); int array1[] = {8,7,8,9,2}; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { head1 = listAppend(head1, array1[i]); } int array2[] = {4,5,3}; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { head2 = listAppend(head2, array2[i]); } printf("1.1 list 1 and the linked list is now:\n"); Node item = head1; while(item->next != NULL) { printf("%d ", item->num); item = item->next; } printf("%d\n\n\n\n", item->num); printf("1.2 list 2 and the linked list is now:\n"); item = head2; while(item->next != NULL) { printf("%d ", item->num); item = item->next; } printf("%d\n\n\n\n", item->num); Node head = addTwoLists(head1, head2); item = head; while(item->next != NULL) { printf("%d ", item->num); item = item->next; } printf("%d\n\n\n\n", item->num); return 0; }