Ejemplo n.º 1
sgen_fragment_allocator_serial_range_alloc (SgenFragmentAllocator *allocator, size_t desired_size, size_t minimum_size, size_t *out_alloc_size)
	SgenFragment *frag, **previous, *min_frag = NULL, **prev_min_frag = NULL;
	size_t current_minimum = minimum_size;

	InterlockedIncrement (&alloc_count);

	previous = &allocator->alloc_head;

	for (frag = *previous; frag; frag = *previous) {
		size_t frag_size = frag->fragment_end - frag->fragment_next;

		HEAVY_STAT (++stat_alloc_range_iterations);

		if (desired_size <= frag_size) {
			void *p;
			*out_alloc_size = desired_size;

			p = serial_alloc_from_fragment (previous, frag, desired_size);
			add_alloc_record (p, desired_size, RANGE_ALLOC);
			return p;
		if (current_minimum <= frag_size) {
			min_frag = frag;
			prev_min_frag = previous;
			current_minimum = frag_size;
		previous = &frag->next;

	if (min_frag) {
		void *p;
		size_t frag_size = min_frag->fragment_end - min_frag->fragment_next;
		*out_alloc_size = frag_size;

		p = serial_alloc_from_fragment (prev_min_frag, min_frag, frag_size);

		add_alloc_record (p, frag_size, RANGE_ALLOC);
		return p;

	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
sgen_fragment_allocator_par_alloc (SgenFragmentAllocator *allocator, size_t size)
	SgenFragment *frag;

	InterlockedIncrement (&alloc_count);

	for (frag = (SgenFragment *)unmask (allocator->alloc_head); unmask (frag); frag = (SgenFragment *)unmask (frag->next)) {
		HEAVY_STAT (++stat_alloc_iterations);

		if (size <= (size_t)(frag->fragment_end - frag->fragment_next)) {
			void *p = par_alloc_from_fragment (allocator, frag, size);
			if (!p) {
				HEAVY_STAT (++stat_alloc_retries);
				goto restart;
			add_alloc_record (p, size, FIXED_ALLOC);
			return p;
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
sgen_fragment_allocator_serial_alloc (SgenFragmentAllocator *allocator, size_t size)
	SgenFragment *frag;
	SgenFragment **previous;
	InterlockedIncrement (&alloc_count);

	previous = &allocator->alloc_head;

	for (frag = *previous; frag; frag = *previous) {
		char *p = (char *)serial_alloc_from_fragment (previous, frag, size);

		HEAVY_STAT (++stat_alloc_iterations);

		if (p) {
			add_alloc_record (p, size, FIXED_ALLOC);
			return p;
		previous = &frag->next;
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
mono_sgen_nursery_alloc (size_t size)
	Fragment *frag;
	DEBUG (4, fprintf (gc_debug_file, "Searching nursery for size: %zd\n", size));
	size = SGEN_ALIGN_UP (size);

	HEAVY_STAT (InterlockedIncrement (&stat_nursery_alloc_requests));

	InterlockedIncrement (&alloc_count);

	for (frag = unmask (nursery_fragments); frag; frag = unmask (frag->next)) {
		HEAVY_STAT (InterlockedIncrement (&stat_alloc_iterations));

		if (size <= (frag->fragment_end - frag->fragment_next)) {
			void *p = alloc_from_fragment (frag, size);
			if (!p) {
				HEAVY_STAT (InterlockedIncrement (&stat_alloc_retries));
				goto restart;
			add_alloc_record (p, size, FIXED_ALLOC);
			return p;
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
mono_sgen_build_nursery_fragments (GCMemSection *nursery_section, void **start, int num_entries)
	char *frag_start, *frag_end;
	size_t frag_size;
	int i;

	reset_alloc_records ();

	while (unmask (nursery_fragments)) {
		Fragment *nf = unmask (nursery_fragments);
		Fragment *next = unmask (nf->next);

		nf->next_free = fragment_freelist;
		fragment_freelist = nf;
		nursery_fragments = next;
	frag_start = nursery_start;
	fragment_total = 0;
	/* clear scan starts */
	memset (nursery_section->scan_starts, 0, nursery_section->num_scan_start * sizeof (gpointer));
	for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
		frag_end = start [i];
		/* remove the pin bit from pinned objects */
		SGEN_UNPIN_OBJECT (frag_end);
		nursery_section->scan_starts [((char*)frag_end - (char*)nursery_section->data)/SGEN_SCAN_START_SIZE] = frag_end;
		frag_size = frag_end - frag_start;
		if (frag_size)
			add_nursery_frag (frag_size, frag_start, frag_end);
		frag_size = SGEN_ALIGN_UP (mono_sgen_safe_object_get_size ((MonoObject*)start [i]));
		add_alloc_record (start [i], frag_size, PINNING);
		frag_start = (char*)start [i] + frag_size;
	nursery_last_pinned_end = frag_start;
	frag_end = nursery_end;
	frag_size = frag_end - frag_start;
	if (frag_size)
		add_nursery_frag (frag_size, frag_start, frag_end);
	if (!unmask (nursery_fragments)) {
		DEBUG (1, fprintf (gc_debug_file, "Nursery fully pinned (%d)\n", num_entries));
		for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
			DEBUG (3, fprintf (gc_debug_file, "Bastard pinning obj %p (%s), size: %d\n", start [i], mono_sgen_safe_name (start [i]), mono_sgen_safe_object_get_size (start [i])));

	return fragment_total;
Ejemplo n.º 6
sgen_clear_allocator_fragments (SgenFragmentAllocator *allocator)
	SgenFragment *frag;

	for (frag = (SgenFragment *)unmask (allocator->alloc_head); frag; frag = (SgenFragment *)unmask (frag->next)) {
		SGEN_LOG (4, "Clear nursery frag %p-%p", frag->fragment_next, frag->fragment_end);
		sgen_clear_range (frag->fragment_next, frag->fragment_end);
		add_alloc_record (frag->fragment_next, frag->fragment_end - frag->fragment_next, CLEAR_NURSERY_FRAGS);
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* Clear all remaining nursery fragments */
mono_sgen_clear_nursery_fragments (void)
	Fragment *frag;

	if (mono_sgen_get_nursery_clear_policy () == CLEAR_AT_TLAB_CREATION) {
		mono_sgen_clear_current_nursery_fragment ();

		for (frag = unmask (nursery_fragments); frag; frag = unmask (frag->next)) {
			DEBUG (4, fprintf (gc_debug_file, "Clear nursery frag %p-%p\n", frag->fragment_next, frag->fragment_end));
			memset (frag->fragment_next, 0, frag->fragment_end - frag->fragment_next);
			add_alloc_record (frag->fragment_next, frag->fragment_end - frag->fragment_next, CLEAR_NURSERY_FRAGS);
Ejemplo n.º 8
sgen_build_nursery_fragments (GCMemSection *nursery_section, SgenGrayQueue *unpin_queue)
	char *frag_start, *frag_end;
	size_t frag_size;
	SgenFragment *frags_ranges;
	void **pin_start, **pin_entry, **pin_end;

	reset_alloc_records ();
	/*The mutator fragments are done. We no longer need them. */
	sgen_fragment_allocator_release (&mutator_allocator);

	frag_start = sgen_nursery_start;
	fragment_total = 0;

	/* The current nursery might give us a fragment list to exclude [start, next[*/
	frags_ranges = sgen_minor_collector.build_fragments_get_exclude_head ();

	/* clear scan starts */
	memset (nursery_section->scan_starts, 0, nursery_section->num_scan_start * sizeof (gpointer));

	pin_start = pin_entry = sgen_pinning_get_entry (nursery_section->pin_queue_first_entry);
	pin_end = sgen_pinning_get_entry (nursery_section->pin_queue_last_entry);

	while (pin_entry < pin_end || frags_ranges) {
		char *addr0, *addr1;
		size_t size;

		addr0 = addr1 = sgen_nursery_end;
		if (pin_entry < pin_end)
			addr0 = (char *)*pin_entry;
		if (frags_ranges)
			addr1 = frags_ranges->fragment_start;

		if (addr0 < addr1) {
			if (unpin_queue)
				GRAY_OBJECT_ENQUEUE (unpin_queue, (GCObject*)addr0, sgen_obj_get_descriptor_safe ((GCObject*)addr0));
				SGEN_UNPIN_OBJECT (addr0);
			size = SGEN_ALIGN_UP (sgen_safe_object_get_size ((GCObject*)addr0));
			CANARIFY_SIZE (size);
			sgen_set_nursery_scan_start (addr0);
			frag_end = addr0;
		} else {
			frag_end = addr1;
			size = frags_ranges->fragment_next - addr1;
			frags_ranges = frags_ranges->next_in_order;

		frag_size = frag_end - frag_start;

		if (size == 0)

		g_assert (frag_size >= 0);
		g_assert (size > 0);
		if (frag_size && size)
			add_nursery_frag (&mutator_allocator, frag_size, frag_start, frag_end);	

		frag_size = size;
		add_alloc_record (*pin_entry, frag_size, PINNING);
		frag_start = frag_end + frag_size;

	nursery_last_pinned_end = frag_start;
	frag_end = sgen_nursery_end;
	frag_size = frag_end - frag_start;
	if (frag_size)
		add_nursery_frag (&mutator_allocator, frag_size, frag_start, frag_end);

	/* Now it's safe to release the fragments exclude list. */
	sgen_minor_collector.build_fragments_release_exclude_head ();

	/* First we reorder the fragment list to be in ascending address order. This makes H/W prefetchers happier. */
	fragment_list_reverse (&mutator_allocator);

	/*The collector might want to do something with the final nursery fragment list.*/
	sgen_minor_collector.build_fragments_finish (&mutator_allocator);

	if (!unmask (mutator_allocator.alloc_head)) {
		SGEN_LOG (1, "Nursery fully pinned");
		for (pin_entry = pin_start; pin_entry < pin_end; ++pin_entry) {
			GCObject *p = (GCObject *)*pin_entry;
			SGEN_LOG (3, "Bastard pinning obj %p (%s), size: %zd", p, sgen_client_vtable_get_name (SGEN_LOAD_VTABLE (p)), sgen_safe_object_get_size (p));
	return fragment_total;
Ejemplo n.º 9
sgen_fragment_allocator_par_range_alloc (SgenFragmentAllocator *allocator, size_t desired_size, size_t minimum_size, size_t *out_alloc_size)
	SgenFragment *frag, *min_frag;
	size_t current_minimum;

	min_frag = NULL;
	current_minimum = minimum_size;

	InterlockedIncrement (&alloc_count);

	for (frag = (SgenFragment *)unmask (allocator->alloc_head); frag; frag = (SgenFragment *)unmask (frag->next)) {
		size_t frag_size = frag->fragment_end - frag->fragment_next;

		HEAVY_STAT (++stat_alloc_range_iterations);

		if (desired_size <= frag_size) {
			void *p;
			*out_alloc_size = desired_size;

			p = par_alloc_from_fragment (allocator, frag, desired_size);
			if (!p) {
				HEAVY_STAT (++stat_alloc_range_retries);
				goto restart;
			add_alloc_record (p, desired_size, RANGE_ALLOC);
			return p;
		if (current_minimum <= frag_size) {
			min_frag = frag;
			current_minimum = frag_size;

	/* The second fragment_next read should be ordered in respect to the first code block */
	mono_memory_barrier ();

	if (min_frag) {
		void *p;
		size_t frag_size;

		frag_size = min_frag->fragment_end - min_frag->fragment_next;
		if (frag_size < minimum_size)
			goto restart;

		*out_alloc_size = frag_size;

		mono_memory_barrier ();
		p = par_alloc_from_fragment (allocator, min_frag, frag_size);

		/*XXX restarting here is quite dubious given this is already second chance allocation. */
		if (!p) {
			HEAVY_STAT (++stat_alloc_retries);
			goto restart;
		add_alloc_record (p, frag_size, RANGE_ALLOC);
		return p;

	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void*
par_alloc_from_fragment (SgenFragmentAllocator *allocator, SgenFragment *frag, size_t size)
	char *p = frag->fragment_next;
	char *end = p + size;

	if (end > frag->fragment_end)
		return NULL;

	/* p = frag->fragment_next must happen before */
	mono_memory_barrier ();

	if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer*)&frag->fragment_next, end, p) != p)
		return NULL;

	if (frag->fragment_end - end < SGEN_MAX_NURSERY_WASTE) {
		SgenFragment *next, **prev_ptr;
		 * Before we clean the remaining nursery, we must claim the remaining space
		 * as it could end up been used by the range allocator since it can end up
		 * allocating from this dying fragment as it doesn't respect SGEN_MAX_NURSERY_WASTE
		 * when doing second chance allocation.
		if ((sgen_get_nursery_clear_policy () == CLEAR_AT_TLAB_CREATION || sgen_get_nursery_clear_policy () == CLEAR_AT_TLAB_CREATION_DEBUG) && claim_remaining_size (frag, end)) {
			sgen_clear_range (end, frag->fragment_end);
			HEAVY_STAT (stat_wasted_bytes_trailer += frag->fragment_end - end);
			add_alloc_record (end, frag->fragment_end - end, BLOCK_ZEROING);

		prev_ptr = find_previous_pointer_fragment (allocator, frag);

		/*Use Michaels linked list remove*/

		/*prev_ptr will be null if the fragment was removed concurrently */
		while (prev_ptr) {
			next = frag->next;

			/*already deleted*/
			if (!get_mark (next)) {
				/*frag->next read must happen before the first CAS*/
				mono_memory_write_barrier ();

				/*Fail if the next node is removed concurrently and its CAS wins */
				if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer*)&frag->next, mask (next, 1), next) != next) {

			/* The second CAS must happen after the first CAS or frag->next. */
			mono_memory_write_barrier ();

			/* Fail if the previous node was deleted and its CAS wins */
			if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer*)prev_ptr, unmask (next), frag) != frag) {
				prev_ptr = find_previous_pointer_fragment (allocator, frag);

	return p;
Ejemplo n.º 11
sgen_build_nursery_fragments (GCMemSection *nursery_section, void **start, size_t num_entries, SgenGrayQueue *unpin_queue)
	char *frag_start, *frag_end;
	size_t frag_size;
	size_t i = 0;
	SgenFragment *frags_ranges;

	reset_alloc_records ();
	/*The mutator fragments are done. We no longer need them. */
	sgen_fragment_allocator_release (&mutator_allocator);

	frag_start = sgen_nursery_start;
	fragment_total = 0;

	/* The current nursery might give us a fragment list to exclude [start, next[*/
	frags_ranges = sgen_minor_collector.build_fragments_get_exclude_head ();

	/* clear scan starts */
	memset (nursery_section->scan_starts, 0, nursery_section->num_scan_start * sizeof (gpointer));

	while (i < num_entries || frags_ranges) {
		char *addr0, *addr1;
		size_t size;
		SgenFragment *last_frag = NULL;

		addr0 = addr1 = sgen_nursery_end;
		if (i < num_entries)
			addr0 = start [i];
		if (frags_ranges)
			addr1 = frags_ranges->fragment_start;

		if (addr0 < addr1) {
			if (unpin_queue)
				GRAY_OBJECT_ENQUEUE (unpin_queue, addr0);
				SGEN_UNPIN_OBJECT (addr0);
			sgen_set_nursery_scan_start (addr0);
			frag_end = addr0;
			size = SGEN_ALIGN_UP (sgen_safe_object_get_size ((MonoObject*)addr0));
		} else {
			frag_end = addr1;
			size = frags_ranges->fragment_next - addr1;
			last_frag = frags_ranges;
			frags_ranges = frags_ranges->next_in_order;

		frag_size = frag_end - frag_start;

		if (size == 0)

		g_assert (frag_size >= 0);
		g_assert (size > 0);
		if (frag_size && size)
			add_nursery_frag (&mutator_allocator, frag_size, frag_start, frag_end);	

		frag_size = size;
		add_alloc_record (start [i], frag_size, PINNING);
		frag_start = frag_end + frag_size;

	nursery_last_pinned_end = frag_start;
	frag_end = sgen_nursery_end;
	frag_size = frag_end - frag_start;
	if (frag_size)
		add_nursery_frag (&mutator_allocator, frag_size, frag_start, frag_end);

	/* Now it's safe to release the fragments exclude list. */
	sgen_minor_collector.build_fragments_release_exclude_head ();

	/* First we reorder the fragment list to be in ascending address order. This makes H/W prefetchers happier. */
	fragment_list_reverse (&mutator_allocator);

	/*The collector might want to do something with the final nursery fragment list.*/
	sgen_minor_collector.build_fragments_finish (&mutator_allocator);

	if (!unmask (mutator_allocator.alloc_head)) {
		SGEN_LOG (1, "Nursery fully pinned (%zd)", num_entries);
		for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
			SGEN_LOG (3, "Bastard pinning obj %p (%s), size: %zd", start [i], sgen_safe_name (start [i]), sgen_safe_object_get_size (start [i]));
	return fragment_total;
Ejemplo n.º 12
mono_sgen_nursery_alloc_range (size_t desired_size, size_t minimum_size, int *out_alloc_size)
	Fragment *frag, *min_frag;
	DEBUG (4, fprintf (gc_debug_file, "Searching for byte range desired size: %zd minimum size %zd\n", desired_size, minimum_size));

	HEAVY_STAT (InterlockedIncrement (&stat_nursery_alloc_range_requests));

	min_frag = NULL;

	InterlockedIncrement (&alloc_count);

	for (frag = unmask (nursery_fragments); frag; frag = unmask (frag->next)) {
		int frag_size = frag->fragment_end - frag->fragment_next;

		HEAVY_STAT (InterlockedIncrement (&stat_alloc_range_iterations));

		if (desired_size <= frag_size) {
			void *p;
			*out_alloc_size = desired_size;

			p = alloc_from_fragment (frag, desired_size);
			if (!p) {
				HEAVY_STAT (InterlockedIncrement (&stat_alloc_range_retries));
				goto restart;
			add_alloc_record (p, desired_size, RANGE_ALLOC);
			return p;
		if (minimum_size <= frag_size)
			min_frag = frag;

	/* The second fragment_next read should be ordered in respect to the first code block */
	mono_memory_barrier ();

	if (min_frag) {
		void *p;
		int frag_size;

		frag_size = min_frag->fragment_end - min_frag->fragment_next;
		if (frag_size < minimum_size)
			goto restart;

		*out_alloc_size = frag_size;

		mono_memory_barrier ();
		p = alloc_from_fragment (min_frag, frag_size);

		/*XXX restarting here is quite dubious given this is already second chance allocation. */
		if (!p) {
			HEAVY_STAT (InterlockedIncrement (&stat_alloc_retries));
			goto restart;
		add_alloc_record (p, frag_size, RANGE_ALLOC);
		return p;

	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void*
alloc_from_fragment (Fragment *frag, size_t size)
	char *p = frag->fragment_next;
	char *end = p + size;

	if (end > frag->fragment_end)
		return NULL;

	/* p = frag->fragment_next must happen before */
	mono_memory_barrier ();

	if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer*)&frag->fragment_next, end, p) != p)
		return NULL;

	if (frag->fragment_end - end < SGEN_MAX_NURSERY_WASTE) {
		Fragment *next, **prev_ptr;
		 * Before we clean the remaining nursery, we must claim the remaining space
		 * as it could end up been used by the range allocator since it can end up
		 * allocating from this dying fragment as it doesn't respect SGEN_MAX_NURSERY_WASTE
		 * when doing second chance allocation.
		if (mono_sgen_get_nursery_clear_policy () == CLEAR_AT_TLAB_CREATION && claim_remaining_size (frag, end)) {
			/* Clear the remaining space, pinning depends on this. FIXME move this to use phony arrays */
			memset (end, 0, frag->fragment_end - end);
			HEAVY_STAT (InterlockedExchangeAdd (&stat_wasted_bytes_trailer, frag->fragment_end - end));
			add_alloc_record (end, frag->fragment_end - end, BLOCK_ZEROING);

		prev_ptr = find_previous_pointer_fragment (frag);

		/*Use Michaels linked list remove*/

		/*prev_ptr will be null is the fragment was removed concurrently */
		while (prev_ptr) {
			next = frag->next;

			/*already deleted*/
			if (!get_mark (next)) {
				/*frag->next read must happen before the first CAS*/
				mono_memory_write_barrier ();

				/*Fail if the next done is removed concurrently and its CAS wins */
				if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer*)&frag->next, mask (next, 1), next) != next) {

			/* The second CAS must happen after the first CAS or frag->next. */
			mono_memory_write_barrier ();

			/* Fail if the previous node was deleted and its CAS wins */
			if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer*)prev_ptr, next, frag) != frag) {
				prev_ptr = find_previous_pointer_fragment (frag);

			/* No need to membar here since the worst that can happen is a CAS failure. */
			do {
				frag->next_free = fragment_freelist;
			} while (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((volatile gpointer*)&fragment_freelist, frag, frag->next_free) != frag->next_free);


	return p;