Ejemplo n.º 1
 * (function: connect_nodes)
 * 	Connect one output node to the inputs of the input node
void connect_nodes(nnode_t *out_node, int out_idx, nnode_t *in_node, int in_idx)
	npin_t *new_in_pin;

	oassert(out_node->num_output_pins > out_idx);
	oassert(in_node->num_input_pins > in_idx);

	new_in_pin = allocate_npin();
	/* create the pin that hooks up to the input */
	add_input_pin_to_node(in_node, new_in_pin, in_idx);
	if (out_node->output_pins[out_idx] == NULL)
		/* IF - this node has no output net or pin */
		npin_t *new_out_pin;
		nnet_t *new_net;
		new_net = allocate_nnet();
		new_out_pin = allocate_npin();
		/* create the pin that hooks up to the input */
		add_output_pin_to_node(out_node, new_out_pin, out_idx);
		/* hook up in pin out of the new net */
		add_fanout_pin_to_net(new_net, new_in_pin);
		/* hook up the new pin 2 to this new net */
		add_driver_pin_to_net(new_net, new_out_pin);
		/* ELSE - there is a net so we just add a fanout */
		/* hook up in pin out of the new net */
		add_fanout_pin_to_net(out_node->output_pins[out_idx]->net, new_in_pin);
 * (function: make_not_gate_with_input)
 * 	Creates a not gate and attaches it to the inputs
nnode_t *make_not_gate_with_input(npin_t *input_pin, nnode_t *node, short mark)
	nnode_t *logic_node;	

	logic_node = make_not_gate(node, mark);

	/* add the input ports as needed */
	add_input_pin_to_node(logic_node, input_pin, 0);

	return logic_node;

Ejemplo n.º 3
 * (function: hookup_hb_input_pins_from_signal_list)
 *   For each pin in this list hook it up to the inputs according to 
 *   indexes and width. Extra pins are tied to PAD for later resolution.
void hookup_hb_input_pins_from_signal_list(nnode_t *node, int n_start_idx, signal_list_t* input_list, int il_start_idx, int width, netlist_t *netlist) 
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
		if (il_start_idx+i < input_list->count)
			oassert(input_list->count > (il_start_idx+i));
			add_input_pin_to_node(node, input_list->pins[il_start_idx+i], n_start_idx+i);
			/* connect with "pad" signal for later resolution */
			add_input_pin_to_node(node, get_pad_pin(netlist), n_start_idx+i);

			if (global_args.all_warnings)
				warning_message(NETLIST_ERROR, -1, -1, "padding an input port with HB_PAD for node %s\n", node->name);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * (function: hookup_input_pins_from_signal_list)
 * 	For each pin in this list hook it up to the inputs according to indexes and width
void hookup_input_pins_from_signal_list(nnode_t *node, int n_start_idx, signal_list_t* input_list, int il_start_idx, int width, netlist_t *netlist) 
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
		if (il_start_idx+i < input_list->count)
			oassert(input_list->count > (il_start_idx+i));
			npin_t *pin = input_list->pins[il_start_idx+i];
			add_input_pin_to_node(node, pin, n_start_idx+i);

			/* pad with 0's */
			add_input_pin_to_node(node, get_zero_pin(netlist), n_start_idx+i);

			if (global_args.all_warnings)
				warning_message(NETLIST_ERROR, -1, -1, "padding an input port with 0 for node %s\n", node->name);
 * (function: make_1port_logic_gate_with_inputs)
 * 	Make a gate with variable sized inputs, 1 output, and connect to the supplied inputs
nnode_t *make_1port_logic_gate_with_inputs(operation_list type, int width, signal_list_t *pin_list, nnode_t *node, short mark)
	nnode_t *logic_node;	
	int i;

	logic_node = make_1port_gate(type, width, 1, node, mark);

	/* hookup all the pins */
	for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
		add_input_pin_to_node(logic_node, pin_list->pins[i], i);

	return logic_node;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * (function: remap_pin_to_new_node)
void remap_pin_to_new_node(npin_t *pin, nnode_t *new_node, int pin_idx)
	if (pin->type == INPUT) {
		/* clean out the entry in the old net */
		pin->node->input_pins[pin->pin_node_idx] = NULL;
		/* do the new addition */
		add_input_pin_to_node(new_node, pin, pin_idx);
	else if (pin->type == OUTPUT) {
		/* clean out the entry in the old net */
		pin->node->output_pins[pin->pin_node_idx] = NULL;	
		/* do the new addition */
		add_output_pin_to_node(new_node, pin, pin_idx);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * (function: pad_multiplier)
 * Fill out a multiplier to a fixed size. Size is retrieved from global
 *	hard_multipliers data.
 * NOTE: The inputs are extended based on multiplier padding setting.
void pad_multiplier(nnode_t *node, netlist_t *netlist)
	int diffa, diffb, diffout, i;
	int sizea, sizeb, sizeout;
	int ina, inb;

	int testa, testb;

	static int pad_pin_number = 0;

	oassert(node->type == MULTIPLY);
	oassert(hard_multipliers != NULL);

	sizea = node->input_port_sizes[0];
	sizeb = node->input_port_sizes[1];
	sizeout = node->output_port_sizes[0];

	/* Calculate the BEST fit hard multiplier to use */
	ina = hard_multipliers->inputs->size;
	inb = hard_multipliers->inputs->next->size;
	if (ina < inb)
		ina = hard_multipliers->inputs->next->size;
		inb = hard_multipliers->inputs->size;
	diffa = ina - sizea;
	diffb = inb - sizeb;
	diffout = hard_multipliers->outputs->size - sizeout;

	if (configuration.split_hard_multiplier == 1)
		struct s_linked_vptr *plist = hard_multipliers->pb_types;
		while ((diffa + diffb) && plist)
			t_pb_type *physical = (t_pb_type *)(plist->data_vptr);
			plist = plist->next;
			testa = physical->ports[0].num_pins;
			testb = physical->ports[1].num_pins;
			if ((testa >= sizea) && (testb >= sizeb) &&
				((testa - sizea + testb - sizeb) < (diffa + diffb)))
				diffa = testa - sizea;
				diffb = testb - sizeb;
				diffout = physical->ports[2].num_pins - sizeout;

	/* Expand the inputs */
	if ((diffa != 0) || (diffb != 0))
		allocate_more_input_pins(node, diffa + diffb);

		/* Shift pins for expansion of first input pins */
		if (diffa != 0)
			for (i = 1; i <= sizeb; i++)
				move_input_pin(node, sizea + sizeb - i, node->num_input_pins - diffb - i);

			/* Connect unused first input pins to zero/pad pin */
			for (i = 0; i < diffa; i++)
				if (configuration.mult_padding == 0)
					add_input_pin_to_node(node, get_zero_pin(netlist), i + sizea);
					add_input_pin_to_node(node, get_pad_pin(netlist), i + sizea);

			node->input_port_sizes[0] = sizea + diffa;

		if (diffb != 0)
			/* Connect unused second input pins to zero/pad pin */
			for (i = 1; i <= diffb; i++)
				if (configuration.mult_padding == 0)
					add_input_pin_to_node(node, get_zero_pin(netlist), node->num_input_pins - i);
					add_input_pin_to_node(node, get_pad_pin(netlist), node->num_input_pins - i);

			node->input_port_sizes[1] = sizeb + diffb;

	/* Expand the outputs */
	if (diffout != 0)
		allocate_more_output_pins(node, diffout);
		for (i = 0; i < diffout; i++)
			// Add new pins to the higher order spots.
			npin_t *new_pin = allocate_npin();
			// Pad outputs with a unique and descriptive name to avoid collisions.
			new_pin->name = append_string("", "unconnected_multiplier_output~%d", pad_pin_number++);
			add_output_pin_to_node(node, new_pin, i + sizeout);
		node->output_port_sizes[0] = sizeout + diffout;

Ejemplo n.º 8
 * (function: instantiate_simple_soft_multiplier )
 * Sample 4x4 multiplier to help understand logic.
 * 					a3 	a2	a1	a0 
 *					b3 	b2 	b1 	b0
 *					---------------------------
 *					c03	c02	c01	c00
 *			+	c13	c12	c11	c10
 *			-----------------------------------	
 *			r14	r13	r12	r11	r10
 *		+	c23	c22	c21	c20
 *		-----------------------------------
 *		r24	r23	r22	r21	r20
 *	+	c33	c32	c31	c30
 *	------------------------------------
 *	o7	o6	o5	o4	o3	o2	o1	o0
 *	In the first case will be c01
void instantiate_simple_soft_multiplier(nnode_t *node, short mark, netlist_t *netlist)
	int width_a;
	int width_b;
	int width;
	int multiplier_width;
	int multiplicand_width;
	nnode_t **adders_for_partial_products;
	nnode_t ***partial_products;
	int multiplicand_offset_index;
	int multiplier_offset_index;
	int current_index;
	int i, j;

	/* need for an carry-ripple-adder for each of the bits of port B. */
	/* good question of which is better to put on the bottom of multiplier.  Larger means more smaller adds, or small is 
	 * less large adds */
	oassert(node->num_output_pins > 0);
	oassert(node->num_input_pins > 0);
	oassert(node->num_input_port_sizes == 2);
	oassert(node->num_output_port_sizes == 1);
	width_a = node->input_port_sizes[0];
	width_b = node->input_port_sizes[1];
	width = node->output_port_sizes[0];
	multiplicand_width = width_b;
	multiplier_width = width_a;
	/* offset is related to which multport is chosen as the multiplicand */
	multiplicand_offset_index = width_a;
	multiplier_offset_index = 0;

	adders_for_partial_products = (nnode_t**)malloc(sizeof(nnode_t*)*multiplicand_width-1);

	/* need to generate partial products for each bit in width B. */
	partial_products = (nnode_t***)malloc(sizeof(nnode_t**)*multiplicand_width);

	/* generate the AND partial products */
	for (i = 0; i < multiplicand_width; i++)
		/* create the memory for each AND gate needed for the levels of partial products */
		partial_products[i] = (nnode_t**)malloc(sizeof(nnode_t*)*multiplier_width);
		if (i < multiplicand_width - 1)
			adders_for_partial_products[i] = make_2port_gate(ADD, multiplier_width+1, multiplier_width+1, multiplier_width+1, node, mark);

		for (j = 0; j < multiplier_width; j++)
			/* create each one of the partial products */
			partial_products[i][j] = make_1port_logic_gate(LOGICAL_AND, 2, node, mark);

	/* generate the coneections to the AND gates */
	for (i = 0; i < multiplicand_width; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < multiplier_width; j++)
			/* hookup the input of B to each AND gate */
			if (j == 0)
				/* IF - this is the first time we are mapping multiplicand port then can remap */ 
				remap_pin_to_new_node(node->input_pins[i+multiplicand_offset_index], partial_products[i][j], 0);
				/* ELSE - this needs to be a new ouput of the multiplicand port */
				add_input_pin_to_node(partial_products[i][j], copy_input_npin(partial_products[i][0]->input_pins[0]), 0);

			/* hookup the input of the multiplier to each AND gate */
			if (i == 0)
				/* IF - this is the first time we are mapping multiplier port then can remap */ 
				remap_pin_to_new_node(node->input_pins[j+multiplier_offset_index], partial_products[i][j], 1);
				/* ELSE - this needs to be a new ouput of the multiplier port */
				add_input_pin_to_node(partial_products[i][j], copy_input_npin(partial_products[0][j]->input_pins[1]), 1);

	/* hookup each of the adders */
	for (i = 0; i < multiplicand_width-1; i++) // -1 since the first stage is a combo of partial products while all others are part of tree
		for (j = 0; j < multiplier_width+1; j++) // +1 since adders are one greater than multwidth to pass carry
			/* join to port 1 of the add one of the partial products.  */
			if (i == 0)
				/* IF - this is the first addition row, then adding two sets of partial products and first set is from the c0* */
				if (j < multiplier_width-1)
					/* IF - we just take an element of the first list c[0][j+1]. */
					connect_nodes(partial_products[i][j+1], 0, adders_for_partial_products[i], j);
					/* ELSE - this is the last input to the first adder, then we pass in 0 since no carry yet */
					add_input_pin_to_node(adders_for_partial_products[i], get_zero_pin(netlist), j);
			else if (j < multiplier_width)
				/* ELSE - this is the standard situation when we need to hookup this adder with a previous adder, r[i-1][j+1] */
				connect_nodes(adders_for_partial_products[i-1], j+1, adders_for_partial_products[i], j);
				add_input_pin_to_node(adders_for_partial_products[i], get_zero_pin(netlist), j);
			if (j < multiplier_width)
				/* IF - this is not most significant bit then just add current partial product */
				connect_nodes(partial_products[i+1][j], 0, adders_for_partial_products[i], j+multiplier_width+1);
				add_input_pin_to_node(adders_for_partial_products[i], get_zero_pin(netlist), j+multiplier_width+1);

	current_index = 0;
	/* hookup the outputs */
	for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
		if (multiplicand_width == 1)
			// this is undealt with
			error_message(1,-1,-1,"Cannot create soft multiplier with multiplicand width of 1.\n");
		else if (i == 0)
			/* IF - this is the LSbit, then we use a pass through from the partial product */
			remap_pin_to_new_node(node->output_pins[i], partial_products[0][0], 0);
		else if (i < multiplicand_width - 1)
			/* ELSE IF - these are the middle values that come from the LSbit of partial adders */
			remap_pin_to_new_node(node->output_pins[i], adders_for_partial_products[i-1], 0);
			/* ELSE - the final outputs are straight from the outputs of the last adder */
			remap_pin_to_new_node(node->output_pins[i], adders_for_partial_products[multiplicand_width-2], current_index);

	/* soft map the adders if they need to be mapped */
	for (i = 0; i < multiplicand_width - 1; i++)
		instantiate_add_w_carry(adders_for_partial_products[i], mark, netlist);

	/* Cleanup everything */
	if (adders_for_partial_products != NULL)
	/* generate the AND partial products */
	for (i = 0; i < multiplicand_width; i++)
		/* create the memory for each AND gate needed for the levels of partial products */
		if (partial_products[i] != NULL)
	if (partial_products != NULL)