address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_math_entry(AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind) {

  // rbx,: Method*
  // rcx: scratrch
  // rsi: sender sp

  if (!InlineIntrinsics) return NULL; // Generate a vanilla entry

  address entry_point = __ pc();

  // These don't need a safepoint check because they aren't virtually
  // callable. We won't enter these intrinsics from compiled code.
  // If in the future we added an intrinsic which was virtually callable
  // we'd have to worry about how to safepoint so that this code is used.

  // mathematical functions inlined by compiler
  // (interpreter must provide identical implementation
  // in order to avoid monotonicity bugs when switching
  // from interpreter to compiler in the middle of some
  // computation)
  // stack: [ ret adr ] <-- rsp
  //        [ lo(arg) ]
  //        [ hi(arg) ]

  // Note: For JDK 1.2 StrictMath doesn't exist and Math.sin/cos/sqrt are
  //       native methods. Interpreter::method_kind(...) does a check for
  //       native methods first before checking for intrinsic methods and
  //       thus will never select this entry point. Make sure it is not
  //       called accidentally since the SharedRuntime entry points will
  //       not work for JDK 1.2.
  // We no longer need to check for JDK 1.2 since it's EOL'ed.
  // The following check existed in pre 1.6 implementation,
  //    if (Universe::is_jdk12x_version()) {
  //      __ should_not_reach_here();
  //    }
  // Universe::is_jdk12x_version() always returns false since
  // the JDK version is not yet determined when this method is called.
  // This method is called during interpreter_init() whereas
  // JDK version is only determined when universe2_init() is called.

  // Note: For JDK 1.3 StrictMath exists and Math.sin/cos/sqrt are
  //       java methods.  Interpreter::method_kind(...) will select
  //       this entry point for the corresponding methods in JDK 1.3.
  // get argument
  __ fld_d(Address(rsp, 1*wordSize));
  switch (kind) {
    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_sin :
        __ trigfunc('s');
    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_cos :
        __ trigfunc('c');
    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_tan :
        __ trigfunc('t');
    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_sqrt:
        __ fsqrt();
    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_abs:
        __ fabs();
    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_log:
        __ subptr(rsp, 2 * wordSize);
        __ fstp_d(Address(rsp, 0));
        if (VM_Version::supports_sse2()) {
          __ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, StubRoutines::dlog())));
        else {
          __ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::dlog)));
        __ addptr(rsp, 2 * wordSize);
    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_log10:
        __ flog10();
        // Store to stack to convert 80bit precision back to 64bits
        __ push_fTOS();
        __ pop_fTOS();
    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_pow:
      __ fld_d(Address(rsp, 3*wordSize)); // second argument
      __ subptr(rsp, 4 * wordSize);
      __ fstp_d(Address(rsp, 0));
      __ fstp_d(Address(rsp, 2 * wordSize));
      if (VM_Version::supports_sse2()) {
        __ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, StubRoutines::dpow())));
      } else {
        __ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::dpow)));
      __ addptr(rsp, 4 * wordSize);
    case Interpreter::java_lang_math_exp:
      __ subptr(rsp, 2*wordSize);
      __ fstp_d(Address(rsp, 0));
      if (VM_Version::supports_sse2()) {
        __ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, StubRoutines::dexp())));
      } else {
        __ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::dexp)));
      __ addptr(rsp, 2*wordSize);
    default                              :

  // return double result in xmm0 for interpreter and compilers.
  if (UseSSE >= 2) {
    __ subptr(rsp, 2*wordSize);
    __ fstp_d(Address(rsp, 0));
    __ movdbl(xmm0, Address(rsp, 0));
    __ addptr(rsp, 2*wordSize);

  // done, result in FPU ST(0) or XMM0
  __ pop(rdi);                               // get return address
  __ mov(rsp, rsi);                          // set sp to sender sp
  __ jmp(rdi);

  return entry_point;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CompactingPermGenGen::generate_vtable_methods(void** vtbl_list,
                                                   void** vtable,
                                                   char** md_top,
                                                   char* md_end,
                                                   char** mc_top,
                                                   char* mc_end) {

  intptr_t vtable_bytes = (num_virtuals * vtbl_list_size) * sizeof(void*);
  *(intptr_t *)(*md_top) = vtable_bytes;
  *md_top += sizeof(intptr_t);
  void** dummy_vtable = (void**)*md_top;
  *vtable = dummy_vtable;
  *md_top += vtable_bytes;

  // Get ready to generate dummy methods.

  CodeBuffer cb((unsigned char*)*mc_top, mc_end - *mc_top);
  MacroAssembler* masm = new MacroAssembler(&cb);

  Label common_code;
  for (int i = 0; i < vtbl_list_size; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < num_virtuals; ++j) {
      dummy_vtable[num_virtuals * i + j] = (void*)masm->pc();

      // Load eax with a value indicating vtable/offset pair.
      // -- bits[ 7..0]  (8 bits) which virtual method in table?
      // -- bits[12..8]  (5 bits) which virtual method table?
      // -- must fit in 13-bit instruction immediate field.
      __ movl(rax, (i << 8) + j);
      __ jmp(common_code);

  __ bind(common_code);

  // Expecting to be called with "thiscall" convections -- the arguments
  // are on the stack and the "this" pointer is in c_rarg0. In addition, rax
  // was set (above) to the offset of the method in the table.

  __ push(c_rarg1);                     // save & free register
  __ push(c_rarg0);                     // save "this"
  __ mov(c_rarg0, rax);
  __ shrptr(c_rarg0, 8);                // isolate vtable identifier.
  __ shlptr(c_rarg0, LogBytesPerWord);
  __ lea(c_rarg1, ExternalAddress((address)vtbl_list)); // ptr to correct vtable list.
  __ addptr(c_rarg1, c_rarg0);          // ptr to list entry.
  __ movptr(c_rarg1, Address(c_rarg1, 0));      // get correct vtable address.
  __ pop(c_rarg0);                      // restore "this"
  __ movptr(Address(c_rarg0, 0), c_rarg1);      // update vtable pointer.

  __ andptr(rax, 0x00ff);                       // isolate vtable method index
  __ shlptr(rax, LogBytesPerWord);
  __ addptr(rax, c_rarg1);              // address of real method pointer.
  __ pop(c_rarg1);                      // restore register.
  __ movptr(rax, Address(rax, 0));      // get real method pointer.
  __ jmp(rax);                          // jump to the real method.

  __ flush();

  *mc_top = (char*)__ pc();