Ejemplo n.º 1
******** tenGradientRandom
** generates num random unit vectors of type double
tenGradientRandom(Nrrd *ngrad, unsigned int num, unsigned int seed) {
  static const char me[]="tenGradientRandom";
  double *grad, len;
  unsigned int gi;

  if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(ngrad, nrrdTypeDouble, 2,
                        AIR_CAST(size_t, 3), AIR_CAST(size_t, num))) {
    biffMovef(TEN, NRRD, "%s: couldn't allocate output", me);
    return 1;
  grad = AIR_CAST(double*, ngrad->data);
  for (gi=0; gi<num; gi++) {
    do {
      grad[0] = AIR_AFFINE(0, airDrandMT(), 1, -1, 1);
      grad[1] = AIR_AFFINE(0, airDrandMT(), 1, -1, 1);
      grad[2] = AIR_AFFINE(0, airDrandMT(), 1, -1, 1);
      len = ELL_3V_LEN(grad);
    } while (len > 1 || !len);
    ELL_3V_SCALE(grad, 1.0/len, grad);
    grad += 3;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
******** tenGradientJitter
** moves all gradients by amount dist on tangent plane, in a random
** direction, and then renormalizes. The distance is a fraction
** of the ideal edge length (via tenGradientIdealEdge)
tenGradientJitter(Nrrd *nout, const Nrrd *nin, double dist) {
  static const char me[]="tenGradientJitter";
  double *grad, perp0[3], perp1[3], len, theta, cc, ss, edge;
  unsigned int gi, num;

  if (nrrdConvert(nout, nin, nrrdTypeDouble)) {
    biffMovef(TEN, NRRD, "%s: trouble converting input to double", me);
    return 1;
  if (tenGradientCheck(nout, nrrdTypeDouble, 3)) {
    biffAddf(TEN, "%s: didn't get valid gradients", me);
    return 1;
  grad = AIR_CAST(double*, nout->data);
  num = AIR_UINT(nout->axis[1].size);
  /* HEY: possible confusion between single and not */
  edge = tenGradientIdealEdge(num, AIR_FALSE);
  for (gi=0; gi<num; gi++) {
    ELL_3V_NORM(grad, grad, len);
    ell_3v_perp_d(perp0, grad);
    ELL_3V_CROSS(perp1, perp0, grad);
    theta = AIR_AFFINE(0, airDrandMT(), 1, 0, 2*AIR_PI);
    cc = dist*edge*cos(theta);
    ss = dist*edge*sin(theta);
    ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3(grad, 1.0, grad, cc, perp0, ss, perp1);
    ELL_3V_NORM(grad, grad, len);
    grad += 3;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
makeSceneBVH(limnCamera *cam, echoRTParm *parm, echoObject **sceneP) {
  echoObject *sphere;
  int i, N;
  float r, g, b;
  echoObject *scene;
  double time0, time1;
  *sceneP = scene = echoObjectNew(echoList);

  ELL_3V_SET(cam->from, 9, 6, 0);
  ELL_3V_SET(cam->at,   0, 0, 0);
  ELL_3V_SET(cam->up,   0, 0, 1);
  cam->uRange[0] = -3;
  cam->uRange[1] = 3;
  cam->vRange[0] = -3;
  cam->vRange[1] = 3;

  parm->jitterType = echoJitterNone;
  parm->numSamples = 1;
  parm->imgResU = 500;
  parm->imgResV = 500;
  parm->aperture = 0.0;
  parm->renderLights = AIR_TRUE;
  parm->renderBoxes = AIR_FALSE;
  parm->seedRand = AIR_FALSE;
  parm->maxRecDepth = 10;
  parm->shadow = 0.0;

  N = 1000000;
  airArrayLenSet(LIST(scene)->objArr, N);
  for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
    sphere = echoObjectNew(echoSphere);
                  4*airDrandMT()-2, 4*airDrandMT()-2, 4*airDrandMT()-2, 0.005);
    _dyeHSVtoRGB(&r, &g, &b, AIR_AFFINE(0, i, N, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0, 1.0);
    echoMatterPhongSet(sphere, r, g, b, 1.0,
                       1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50);
    LIST(scene)->obj[i] = sphere;

  time0 = airTime();
  *sceneP = scene = echoListSplit3(scene, 8);
  time1 = airTime();
  printf("BVH build time = %g seconds\n", time1 - time0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
**  0    1       (2)
** texp  N
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *me;
  unsigned int ii, NN;

  me = argv[0];
  if (2 != argc || 1 != sscanf(argv[1], "%u", &NN)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: need one uint as argument\n", me);
  for (ii=0; ii<NN; ii++) {
    double xx;
    xx = AIR_AFFINE(0.0, airDrandMT(), 1.0, -10, 10);
    printf("%f %f\n", exp(xx), airFastExp(xx));
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: ax.c Proyecto: BRAINSia/teem
float frand(float min, float max) {
  return (min + airDrandMT() * (max - min));
Ejemplo n.º 6
static double _nrrdUnaryOpRand(double a) {
  return airDrandMT();
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: tq.c Proyecto: rblake/seg3d2
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  float angleA_f, axisA_f[3], angleB_f, axisB_f[3],
    qA_f[4], qB_f[4], qC_f[4],
    mat3A_f[9], mat4A_f[16], mat3B_f[9], mat4B_f[16], mat3C_f[9], mat4C_f[16],
    pntA_f[4], pntB_f[4], pntC_f[4];
  double angleA_d, axisA_d[3], angleB_d, axisB_d[3],
    qA_d[4], qB_d[4], qC_d[4],
    mat3A_d[9], mat4A_d[16], mat3B_d[9], mat4B_d[16], mat3C_d[9], mat4C_d[16],
    pntA_d[4], pntB_d[4], pntC_d[4];

  int I, N;
  double tmp, det, frob;

  me = argv[0];
  N = 100000;


  for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
    /* make a rotation (as a quaternion) */
    ELL_3V_SET(axisA_f, 2*airDrandMT()-1, 2*airDrandMT()-1, 2*airDrandMT()-1);
    ELL_3V_NORM(axisA_f, axisA_f, tmp); /* yea, not uniform, so what */
    angleA_f = AIR_PI*(2*airDrandMT()-1);
    ell_aa_to_q_f(qA_f, angleA_f, axisA_f);

    /* convert to AA and back, and back */
    angleB_f = ell_q_to_aa_f(axisB_f, qA_f);
    if (ELL_3V_DOT(axisB_f, axisA_f) < 0) {
      ELL_3V_SCALE(axisB_f, -1, axisB_f);
      angleB_f *= -1;
    ELL_3V_SUB(axisA_f, axisA_f, axisB_f);
    printf(" aa -> q -> aa error: %g, %g\n",
           CA + AIR_ABS(angleA_f - angleB_f), CA + ELL_3V_LEN(axisA_f));

    /* convert to 3m and back, and back */
    ell_q_to_3m_f(mat3A_f, qA_f);
    ell_3m_to_q_f(qB_f, mat3A_f);
    if (ELL_4V_DOT(qA_f, qB_f) < 0) {
      ELL_4V_SCALE(qB_f, -1, qB_f);
    ELL_4V_SUB(qC_f, qA_f, qB_f);
    ELL_Q_TO_3M(mat3B_f, qA_f);
    ELL_3M_SUB(mat3C_f, mat3B_f, mat3A_f);
    printf(" q -> 3m -> q error: %g, %g\n",
           CA + ELL_4V_LEN(qC_f), CA + ELL_3M_FROB(mat3C_f));

    /* convert to 4m and back, and back */
    ell_q_to_4m_f(mat4A_f, qA_f);
    ell_4m_to_q_f(qB_f, mat4A_f);
    if (ELL_4V_DOT(qA_f, qB_f) < 0) {
      ELL_4V_SCALE(qB_f, -1, qB_f);
    ELL_4V_SUB(qC_f, qA_f, qB_f);
    ELL_Q_TO_4M(mat4B_f, qA_f);
    ELL_4M_SUB(mat4C_f, mat4B_f, mat4A_f);
    printf(" q -> 4m -> q error: %g, %g\n",
           CA + ELL_4V_LEN(qC_f), CA + ELL_4M_FROB(mat4C_f));

    /* make a point that we'll rotate */
    ELL_3V_SET(pntA_f, 2*airDrandMT()-1, 2*airDrandMT()-1, 2*airDrandMT()-1);
    /* effect rotation in two different ways, and compare results */
    ELL_3MV_MUL(pntB_f, mat3A_f, pntA_f);
    ell_q_3v_rotate_f(pntC_f, qA_f, pntA_f);
    ELL_3V_SUB(pntA_f, pntB_f, pntC_f);
    printf("      rotation error = %g\n", CA + ELL_3V_LEN(pntA_f));

    /* mix up inversion with conversion */
    ell_3m_inv_f(mat3C_f, mat3A_f);
    ell_3m_to_q_f(qB_f, mat3C_f);
    ell_q_mul_f(qC_f, qA_f, qB_f);
    if (ELL_4V_DOT(qA_f, qC_f) < 0) {
      ELL_4V_SCALE(qC_f, -1, qC_f);
    printf("    inv mul = %g %g %g %g\n", qC_f[0], 
           CA + qC_f[1], CA + qC_f[2], CA + qC_f[3]);
    ell_q_inv_f(qC_f, qB_f);
    ELL_4V_SUB(qC_f, qB_f, qB_f);
    printf("    inv diff = %g %g %g %g\n", CA + qC_f[0], 
           CA + qC_f[1], CA + qC_f[2], CA + qC_f[3]);

    /* exp and log */
    ell_q_log_f(qC_f, qA_f);
    ell_q_log_f(qB_f, qC_f);
    ell_q_exp_f(qC_f, qB_f);
    ell_q_exp_f(qB_f, qC_f);
    ELL_4V_SUB(qC_f, qB_f, qA_f);
    printf("    exp/log diff = %g %g %g %g\n", CA + qC_f[0], 
           CA + qC_f[1], CA + qC_f[2], CA + qC_f[3]);

    /* pow, not very exhaustive */
    ell_q_to_3m_f(mat3A_f, qA_f);
    ell_3m_post_mul_f(mat3A_f, mat3A_f);
    ell_3m_post_mul_f(mat3A_f, mat3A_f);
    ell_q_pow_f(qB_f, qA_f, 4);
    ell_q_to_3m_f(mat3B_f, qB_f);
    ELL_3M_SUB(mat3B_f, mat3B_f, mat3A_f);
    printf("   pow diff = %g\n", CA + ELL_3M_FROB(mat3B_f));
    if (ELL_3M_FROB(mat3B_f) > 2) {
      printf("  start q = %g %g %g %g\n", qA_f[0], qA_f[1], qA_f[2], qA_f[3]);
      angleA_f = ell_q_to_aa_f(axisA_f, qA_f);
      printf("  --> aa = %g  (%g %g %g)\n", angleA_f, 
             axisA_f[0], axisA_f[1], axisA_f[2]);
      printf("   q^3 = %g %g %g %g\n", qB_f[0], qB_f[1], qB_f[2], qB_f[3]);
      angleA_f = ell_q_to_aa_f(axisA_f, qB_f);
      printf("  --> aa = %g  (%g %g %g)\n", angleA_f, 
             axisA_f[0], axisA_f[1], axisA_f[2]);

    /* make sure it looks like a rotation matrix */
    ell_q_to_3m_f(mat3A_f, qA_f);
    det = ELL_3M_DET(mat3A_f);
    frob = ELL_3M_FROB(mat3A_f);
    ELL_3M_TRANSPOSE(mat3B_f, mat3A_f);
    ell_3m_inv_f(mat3C_f, mat3A_f);
    ELL_3M_SUB(mat3C_f, mat3B_f, mat3C_f);
    printf("      det = %g; size = %g; err = %g\n", det, frob*frob/3,
           CA + ELL_3M_FROB(mat3C_f));
