Ejemplo n.º 1
void ProcessModel::clearSchedRelData() {

	// Collect the selection arcs
	QList<ListDigraph::Arc> selectionArcs;

	for (ListDigraph::ArcIt ait(this->graph); ait != INVALID; ++ait) {
		if (!this->conjunctive[ait]) {
		this->p[ait] = 0.0;

	// Clear the scheduling relevant data
	for (ListDigraph::NodeIt nit(this->graph); nit != INVALID; ++nit) {
		this->ops[nit]->machID = -1;

	// Clear the selection arcs
	for (int i = 0; i < selectionArcs.size(); i++) {
bool Qt4BuildConfiguration::removeQMLInspectorFromArguments(QString *args)
    bool removedArgument = false;
    for (QtcProcess::ArgIterator ait(args); ait.next(); ) {
        const QString arg = ait.value();
        if (arg.contains(QLatin1String(Constants::QMAKEVAR_QMLJSDEBUGGER_PATH))
            || arg.contains(QLatin1String(Constants::QMAKEVAR_QUICK1_DEBUG))
            || arg.contains(QLatin1String(Constants::QMAKEVAR_QUICK2_DEBUG))) {
            removedArgument = true;
    return removedArgument;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SquadronClass::DisposeChildren (void)
	// Clears out all flights waiting for takeoff.
	// Intended for use when the squadron is recalled.
	Unit			u;

	u = (Unit) ait.GetFirst();
	while (u)
		if (u->IsFlight() && !u->Moving() && ((Flight)u)->GetUnitSquadronID() == Id())
		u = (Unit) ait.GetNext();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Copy the internal presentation of this object into the new
 * object.
void UMLAttributeList::copyInto(UMLAttributeList *rhs) const {
    // Don't copy yourself.
    if (rhs == this) return;


    // Suffering from const; we shall not modify our object.
    UMLAttributeList *tmp = new UMLAttributeList(*this);

    UMLAttribute *item;
    for (UMLAttributeListIt ait( *tmp ); ait.hasNext() ; )
        item = ait.next();
    delete tmp;
QStringList QmakeBuildConfiguration::extractDeducedArguments(QString *args)
    QStringList allPossibleDeducedArguments;
    allPossibleDeducedArguments << QLatin1String("CONFIG+=x86")
                                << QLatin1String("CONFIG+=x86_64")
                                << QLatin1String("CONFIG+=iphonesimulator")
                                << QLatin1String("CONFIG+=ppc")
                                << QLatin1String("CONFIG+=ppc64")
                                << QLatin1String("CONFIG+=iphoneos");
    QStringList result;
    for (QtcProcess::ArgIterator ait(args); ait.next(); ) {
        QString arg = ait.value();
        if (allPossibleDeducedArguments.contains(arg))  {
            result << arg;
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void KU::KGroups::commit()
    kdDebug() << "KU::KGroups::commit()" << endl;
    KU::KGroup *group;
    DelIt dit( mDelSucc );
    AddIt ait( mAddSucc );
    ModIt mit = mModSucc.begin();

    while ( mit != mModSucc.end() ) {
        *(mit.key()) = mit.data();
    while ( (group = dit.current()) != 0 ) {
        mGroups.remove( group );
    while ( (group = ait.current()) != 0 ) {
        mGroups.append( group );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ProcessModel::restore() {
	if (!saved) {
		Debugger::err << "ProcessModel::restore : Trying to restore an empty PM!" << ENDL;

	if (saved) {

		// clearCurrent();

		// #######  TESTING
		// Remove all disjunctive arcs in the graph
		QList<ListDigraph::Arc> arcsToRem;
		for (ListDigraph::ArcIt ait(graph); ait != INVALID; ++ait) {
			ListDigraph::Arc curArc = ait;

			if (!conjunctive[ait]) arcsToRem.append(curArc);

		for (int i = 0; i < arcsToRem.size(); i++) {
			ListDigraph::Arc curArc = arcsToRem[i];

		// Restore the information about the operations
		for (ListDigraph::NodeIt nit(graph); nit != INVALID; ++nit) {
			ListDigraph::Node curNode = nit;
			*(ops[curNode]) = savedOps[curNode];

		// Restore the DISJUNCTIVE arcs and the information about the arcs
		for (int i = 0; i < savedArcs.size(); i++) {
			if (!savedConjunctive[i]) { // This arc is disjunctive

				ListDigraph::Node curStartNode = savedArcs[i].first;
				ListDigraph::Node curEndNode = savedArcs[i].second;
				ListDigraph::Arc curArc = graph.addArc(curStartNode, curEndNode);

				p[curArc] = savedP[i];

				conjunctive[curArc] = savedConjunctive[i];


		// Restore the lengths of all arcs
		for (ListDigraph::NodeIt nit(graph); nit != INVALID; ++nit) {
			ListDigraph::Node curNode = nit;
			double curP = ops[curNode]->p();
			for (ListDigraph::OutArcIt oait(graph, curNode); oait != INVALID; ++oait) {
				ListDigraph::Arc curArc = oait;
				p[curArc] = -curP;

		// ################


		// Copy the saved graph into the current one
		ListDigraph::NodeMap<ListDigraph::Node> noderef(savedGraph);
		digraphCopy(savedGraph, graph).node(savedHead, head).node(savedTail, tail).nodeRef(noderef).arcMap(savedp, p).arcMap(savedconjunctive, conjunctive).run();

		// Create and copy the operations
		for (ListDigraph::NodeIt nit(savedGraph); nit != INVALID; ++nit) {
			this->ops[noderef[nit]] = new Operation(*savedops[nit]);

		// Restore the operations
		for (ListDigraph::NodeIt nit(graph); nit != INVALID; ++nit) {
		 *ops[nit] = *savedOps[ops[nit]->ID];

		// Restore the arcs
		for (ListDigraph::ArcIt ait(graph); ait != INVALID; ++ait) {

		for (int i = 0; i < arcsdel.size(); i++) {

		for (int i = 0; i < savedArcs.size(); i++) {
			arc = graph.addArc(savedArcs[i].first, savedArcs[i].second);
			p[arc] = savedP[i];
			conjunctive[arc] = savedConjunctive[i];

	//out1 << "Restored PM: " << *this << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void ProcessModel::save() {
	//out1 << "Saving PM ..." << endl;

	// Delete the previous operations

	// Mark the PM to be saved
	saved = true;

	// #######  TESTING
	// Preserve the information about the operations
	for (ListDigraph::NodeIt nit(graph); nit != INVALID; ++nit) {
		ListDigraph::Node curNode = nit;
		Operation& curOp = (Operation&) * ops[curNode];

		savedOps[curNode] = curOp;

	// Preserve the information about the arcs
	for (ListDigraph::ArcIt ait(graph); ait != INVALID; ++ait) {
		ListDigraph::Arc curArc = ait;
		ListDigraph::Node curStartNode = graph.source(curArc);
		ListDigraph::Node curEndNode = graph.target(curArc);

		savedArcs.append(QPair<ListDigraph::Node, ListDigraph::Node>(curStartNode, curEndNode));



	// ################


	// Copy the current graph into the saved graph
	//out1 << "Copying the current graph..." << endl;
	ListDigraph::NodeMap<ListDigraph::Node> noderef(graph);
	digraphCopy(graph, this->savedGraph).node(head, this->savedHead).node(tail, savedTail).nodeRef(noderef).arcMap(p, savedp).arcMap(conjunctive, savedconjunctive).run();
	//out1 << "Done copying the current graph." << endl;

	// Create and copy the operations
	//out1 << "Copying the current operations into the saved operations ..."<<endl;
	for (ListDigraph::NodeIt nit(graph); nit != INVALID; ++nit) {
		this->savedops[noderef[nit]] = new Operation(*ops[nit]);
	//out1 << "Done copying the current operations into the saved operations."<<endl;

	// Save the operations
	for (ListDigraph::NodeIt nit(graph); nit != INVALID; ++nit) {
		savedOps[ops[nit]->ID] = new Operation(*ops[nit]);

	// Save the arcs and the assigned data
	for (ListDigraph::ArcIt ait(graph); ait != INVALID; ++ait) {
		savedArcs.append(QPair<ListDigraph::Node, ListDigraph::Node > (graph.source(ait), graph.target(ait)));

	//out1 << "Saved PM: " << *this << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void genHardNegativesOnAnnotations(FeatGen* ldgFeatGen,const path& baseDir, datasets currDataset, bool writeOutWins, bool viz,string modelfile)
	vector<path> negativePaths;
	vector<path> negTrainPaths;
	vector<path> negTestPaths;
	FrameId firstTestFrame; // separates training and testing data
	string learnFileStem;
	vector<path> normPosWinPathsTrain; // if any use folder with normalized cropped windows
		vector<path> normPosWinPathsTest; // if any use folder with normalized cropped windows
	getLearnInfos(baseDir, currDataset, negativePaths, negTrainPaths, negTestPaths,normPosWinPathsTrain, normPosWinPathsTest, learnFileStem, firstTestFrame);

	path negTrainFolder = baseDir / "learning" / "train_neg_hard_annot";

	//std::ios_base::openmode mode = ;
	//fs::ofstream trainFile((baseDir / "learning" / learnFileStem).string(), std::ios_base::out | ios_base::app);
	//fs::ofstream trainFilesFile((baseDir / "learning" / learnFileStem).string() + ".files", std::ios_base::out | ios_base::app);

	fs::ofstream trainFileHard((baseDir / "learning" / learnFileStem).string() + "_hard_annot");

	if ( !(modelfile.length() > 0 ) )
		modelfile = (baseDir / "learning" / learnFileStem).string() + ".model";
	path mfp(modelfile);
	if ( !exists(mfp))
		cerr << "Modelfile does not exist: " << modelfile << endl;
	cout << "genHardNegativesOnAnnotations using model: " << modelfile << endl;
	Detector pd(ldgFeatGen);
	float decThresh = 0;

	int nww = ldgFeatGen->getWinW();
	int nwh = ldgFeatGen->getWinH();

	// use caltech annotations
	FrameId startFrame;
	startFrame.set= 0;
	startFrame.video= 0;
	startFrame.image= 0;

	size_t featSize = getFeatLen(ldgFeatGen);

			vector<path> annotFiles;
			annotFiles = findAllAnnotations(baseDir,startFrame);

			if ( annotFiles.size() == 0 )
				cerr << "No annotations found." << endl;

			for ( vector<path>::iterator it (annotFiles.begin()); it != annotFiles.end(); ++it)
				path vbbFile = *it;
				path txtFolder = vbbFile.parent_path() / vbbFile.stem();

				vector<path> v;

				int posTrainCounter = 0;
				cout << "0% ";
				for ( vector<path>::iterator vit (v.begin()); vit != v.end(); ++vit)
					path txtFile = *vit; // annotation txtFile

					// corresponding image file
					path imgFile = baseDir / "videos" / txtFile.parent_path().parent_path().stem() / txtFile.parent_path().stem() / txtFile.filename().stem();
					bool isTrain = true;

					if (frameLTEQ(firstTestFrame,parseFrameFromPath(imgFile)))
						isTrain = false;

					if ( skipPath(imgFile,startFrame) )

					if ( !isTrain ) continue;

					imgFile += findImageExtension(imgFile);

					if ( !exists(imgFile) || !is_regular_file(imgFile))
						cerr << "Could not find corresponding image file " <<imgFile <<endl;
						cerr << "Export all .seq files using provided matlab code." << endl;

					// parse annotations from txtFile
					fs::ifstream f(txtFile);
					if (!f)
						cerr << "cannot open file " << txtFile << endl;

					vector<Annotation> annots;

					string buffer;
					while (std::getline(f,buffer))
						Annotation a = parseAnnotation(buffer);
						if ( a.type == "person" )


					// extract normalized bb images
					Mat img = imread(imgFile.string(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

					if ( (posTrainCounter % 100) == 0)
						float donePerc = posTrainCounter / (float)v.size();
						cout << floor(donePerc * 100) << "% ";

					path nf = imgFile;
					string filePre  = nf.parent_path().parent_path().stem().string() + nf.parent_path().stem().string() +  "_" + nf.filename().stem().string();

					vector< pair < Detection,double* > > detections;
					vector<Detection> alldetections;

					vector<bool> rectIsUsed;
					for ( size_t i = 0; i < detections.size(); i++)
						pair < Detection,double* > mp = detections[i];
						Detection det = mp.first;
						Rect r = det.r;
						double* f = mp.second;

						// check if rectangle is annotated object
						bool rectIsFree = true;
						for (vector<Annotation>::iterator ait (annots.begin()); ait != annots.end(); ++ait)
							Annotation an = *ait;
							Rect a(an.x,an.y,an.width,an.height);

							// calc intersection area
							Rect inters =  a & r;
							if ( inters.area() > 0 )
								// further analyze intersection

								double ratio1 = (double) inters.area() / (double) r.area();
								double ratio2 = (double) inters.area() / (double) a.area();

								double ratio = min(ratio1,ratio2);

								rectIsFree = !(ratio > 0.5);
								if ( !rectIsFree )
						rectIsUsed[i] = rectIsFree;

						if ( rectIsFree )
							// save as negative example
							// save as positive example

						delete[] f;


					if ( viz || writeOutWins )
						Mat vizImg = img.clone();
						if ( alldetections.size() < 100 )
							for ( vector< Detection >::iterator it(alldetections.begin()); it != alldetections.end(); it++)
								Detection det = *it;
								Rect r = det.rNormWin;

								//cout << r.x << " " << r.y << " " << r.width << "x" << r.height << " scale:" << det.scale << " decisionValue:" << det.decisionValue << endl;


						for ( size_t i = 0; i < detections.size(); i++)
							Detection det = detections[i].first;
							Rect r = det.r;

							if ( rectIsUsed[i])



						if ( writeOutWins )
							string fileNameOnly = (filePre +"_hard.png");
							path nwPath = negTrainFolder / fileNameOnly;
						if ( viz )
							imshow("negative training image",vizImg);
							destroyWindow("negative training image");


			cout << "100% "<< endl;
FileName Qt4BuildConfiguration::extractSpecFromArguments(QString *args,
                                                         const QString &directory, const BaseQtVersion *version,
                                                         QStringList *outArgs)
    FileName parsedSpec;

    bool ignoreNext = false;
    bool nextIsSpec = false;
    for (QtcProcess::ArgIterator ait(args); ait.next(); ) {
        if (ignoreNext) {
            ignoreNext = false;
        } else if (nextIsSpec) {
            nextIsSpec = false;
            parsedSpec = FileName::fromUserInput(ait.value());
        } else if (ait.value() == QLatin1String("-spec") || ait.value() == QLatin1String("-platform")) {
            nextIsSpec = true;
        } else if (ait.value() == QLatin1String("-cache")) {
            // We ignore -cache, because qmake contained a bug that it didn't
            // mention the -cache in the Makefile.
            // That means changing the -cache option in the additional arguments
            // does not automatically rerun qmake. Alas, we could try more
            // intelligent matching for -cache, but i guess people rarely
            // do use that.
            ignoreNext = true;
        } else if (outArgs && ait.isSimple()) {

    if (parsedSpec.isEmpty())
        return FileName();

    FileName baseMkspecDir = FileName::fromUserInput(
            version->qmakeProperty("QT_HOST_DATA") + QLatin1String("/mkspecs"));
    baseMkspecDir = Utils::FileName::fromString(baseMkspecDir.toFileInfo().canonicalFilePath());

    // if the path is relative it can be
    // relative to the working directory (as found in the Makefiles)
    // or relatively to the mkspec directory
    // if it is the former we need to get the canonical form
    // for the other one we don't need to do anything
    if (parsedSpec.toFileInfo().isRelative()) {
        if (QFileInfo(directory + QLatin1Char('/') + parsedSpec.toString()).exists())
            parsedSpec = FileName::fromUserInput(directory + QLatin1Char('/') + parsedSpec.toString());
            parsedSpec = FileName::fromUserInput(baseMkspecDir.toString() + QLatin1Char('/') + parsedSpec.toString());

    QFileInfo f2 = parsedSpec.toFileInfo();
    while (f2.isSymLink()) {
        parsedSpec = FileName::fromString(f2.symLinkTarget());

    if (parsedSpec.isChildOf(baseMkspecDir)) {
        parsedSpec = parsedSpec.relativeChildPath(baseMkspecDir);
    } else {
        FileName sourceMkSpecPath = FileName::fromString(version->sourcePath().toString()
                                                         + QLatin1String("/mkspecs"));
        if (parsedSpec.isChildOf(sourceMkSpecPath))
            parsedSpec = parsedSpec.relativeChildPath(sourceMkSpecPath);
    return parsedSpec;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int CSampleLds2Application::Run(void)
    // Process command line args
    const CArgs& args = GetArgs();

    const string& db_path = args["db"].AsString();

    // Initialize the local data storage
    if ( args["data_dir"] ) {
        try {
            CRef<CLDS2_Manager> mgr(new CLDS2_Manager(db_path));
            // Allow to split GB release bioseq-sets
            if ( args["group_aligns"] ) {
        catch(CException& e) {
            ERR_POST("Error initializing local data storage: " << e.what());
            return 1;

    // Create OM and LDS2 data loader
    CRef<CObjectManager> object_manager = CObjectManager::GetInstance();
    try {
            db_path, -1, CObjectManager::eDefault);
    catch (CException& e) {
        ERR_POST("Error registering LDS2 data loader: " << e.what());
        return 2;

    // Check if an id was requested, try to fetch some data
    if ( args["id"] ) {
        string id = args["id"].AsString();
        // Create Seq-id, set it to the GI specified on the command line
        CSeq_id seq_id(id);
        // Create a new scope ("attached" to our OM).
        CScope scope(*object_manager);
        // Add default loaders (GB loader in this demo) to the scope.

        // Get synonyms
        CBioseq_Handle::TId bh_ids = scope.GetIds(seq_id);
        NcbiCout << "Synonyms for " << id << ": ";
        string sep = "";
        ITERATE (CBioseq_Handle::TId, id_it, bh_ids) {
            cout << sep << id_it->AsString();
            sep = ", ";
        cout << endl;

        // Get Bioseq handle for the Seq-id.
        CBioseq_Handle bioseq_handle = scope.GetBioseqHandle(seq_id);
        if ( !bioseq_handle ) {
            ERR_POST("Bioseq not found, with id=" << id);
        else {
            // Dump the seq-entry.
            if ( args["print_entry"] ) {
                cout << MSerial_AsnText <<

        // Test features
        SAnnotSelector sel;
        CSeq_loc loc;
        cout << "Features by location:" << endl;
        CFeat_CI fit(scope, loc, sel);
        int fcount = 0;
        for (; fit; ++fit) {
            if ( args["print_feats"] ) {
                cout << MSerial_AsnText << fit->GetOriginalFeature();
        cout << fcount << " features found" << endl;

        cout << "Features by product:" << endl;
        CFeat_CI fitp(scope, loc, sel);
        fcount = 0;
        for (; fitp; ++fitp) {
            if ( args["print_feats"] ) {
                cout << MSerial_AsnText << fitp->GetOriginalFeature();
        cout << fcount << " features found" << endl;

        // Test alignments
        cout << "Alignments:" << endl;
        CAlign_CI ait(scope, loc, sel);
        int acount = 0;
        for (; ait; ++ait) {
            if ( args["print_aligns"] ) {
                cout << MSerial_AsnText << ait.GetOriginalSeq_align();
        cout << acount << " alignments found" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool BiDirScheduler::schedule(ProcessModel &pm, Resources &rc, Schedule &schedule) {
	Debugger::info << "Building schedule using simple bidirectional approach." << ENDL;

	/** Algorithm:
	 * Lv - set of head scheduled operations;
	 * Lr - set of tail scheduled operations;
	 * Av - set of additionally head-schedulable operations;
	 * Ar - set of additianally tail-schedulable operations;
	 *  1. Lv = Lr = 0; 
	 *	   Av = first available operations of the graph;
	 *     Ar = first available operations in the reverse graph.
	 *  2. While  Av + Ar != 0
	 *  2.a) select operation from Av according to some priority rule;
	 *  2.b) schedule the selected operation as soon as possible;
	 *  2.c) include the operation into Lv and exclude it from Av
	 *  2.d) select next available operation(s) which are not in Ar + Lr and insert them into Av
	 *  2.e) select operation from Ar according to some priority rule;
	 *  2.f) schedule the selected operation as late as possible before all of the operations from Lr;
	 *  2.g) include the operation into Lr and exclude it from Ar;
	 *  2.h) select next available operation(s) (in inverse graph) which are not in Av + Lv and insert them into Ar.
	 *	3. Shift left the start times of the operations from Lr so that they start immediately after latest from Lv finishes.
	 * */

	QTextStream out(stdout);

	QList<ListDigraph::Node> Lv;
	QList<ListDigraph::Node> Lr;
	QList<ListDigraph::Node> Av;
	QList<ListDigraph::Node> Ar;
	QList<ListDigraph::Node> Avnext;
	QList<ListDigraph::Node> Lravail; // Currently available nodes from Lr

	QMap<ListDigraph::Node, Machine*> nodemachLr; // Assignments of the operations from Lr to the machines
	QHash<int, double> backmach; // Machines for backward operation scheduling <machine ID, time for operation finish>

	for (int i = 0; i < rc.machines().size(); i++) {
		backmach[rc.machines()[i]->ID] = 10000000;

	ListDigraph::NodeMap<bool> nodesscheduled(pm.graph, false); // Scheduled nodes
	bool nodeavail; // Used for checking whether some node is available fro scheduling
	ListDigraph::Node curnode;


	// Initialize the sets of operations Av
	for (ListDigraph::OutArcIt gait(pm.graph, pm.head); gait != INVALID; ++gait) {
		for (ListDigraph::OutArcIt lait(pm.graph, pm.graph.target(gait)); lait != INVALID; ++lait) {

	//out << "Operations of Av:" << endl;
	//for (int i = 0; i < Av.size(); i++) {
	//	out << Av[i] << endl;

	// Initialize the sets of operations Ar
	for (ListDigraph::InArcIt gait(pm.graph, pm.tail); gait != INVALID; ++gait) {
		for (ListDigraph::InArcIt lait(pm.graph, pm.graph.source(gait)); lait != INVALID; ++lait) {

	//out << "Operations of Ar:" << endl;
	//for (int i = 0; i < Ar.size(); i++) {
	//	out << *pm.ops[Ar[i]] << endl;


	NodeWeightComparatorGreater nwcg(&pm);

	// Run the loop
	while (Av.size() + Ar.size() > 0) {

		// Scheduling one operation from Av

		//out << "Scheduling operations" << endl;
		//for (int i = 0; i < Av.size(); i++) {
		//	out << pm.ops[Av[i]]->ID <<" ";
		if (Av.size() > 0) {
			// Sort the nodes of Av
			qSort(Av.begin(), Av.end(), nwcg);

			curnode = Av[0];

			// Schedule the first operation (as soon as possible)
			//Machine &m = rc(pm.ops[Av[0]]->toolID).nextAvailable();

			// Select the fastest available machine from the corresponding tool group
			//Machine &m = rc(pm.ops[Av[0]]->toolID).fastestAvailable(pm.ops[Av[0]]->r(), pm.ops[Av[0]]->type);

			// Select the machine from the corresponding tool group to finish the operation the earliest
			Machine &m = rc(pm.ops[curnode]->toolID).earliestToFinish(pm.ops[curnode]);

			m << pm.ops[curnode];
			nodesscheduled[curnode] = true;

			// Include the operation into Lv

			// Iterate through all child nodes of the current node
			for (ListDigraph::OutArcIt oait(pm.graph, curnode); oait != INVALID; ++oait) {
				if (!Lr.contains(pm.graph.target(oait)) && !Ar.contains(pm.graph.target(oait))) {
					// Check availability
					nodeavail = true;
					for (ListDigraph::InArcIt iait(pm.graph, pm.graph.target(oait)); iait != INVALID; ++iait) {
						nodeavail = nodeavail && nodesscheduled[pm.graph.source(iait)];
					if (nodeavail) {
						//out << "Now available : " << pm.graph.id(cursucc) << endl;
						// Update ready time of the newly enabled node
						for (ListDigraph::InArcIt init(pm.graph, pm.graph.target(oait)); init != INVALID; ++init) {
							pm.ops[pm.graph.target(oait)]->r(Math::max(pm.ops[pm.graph.target(oait)]->r(), pm.ops[pm.graph.source(init)]->c()));

						//if (!nodesscheduled[pm.graph.target(oait)]) {

			// Exclude the operation from Av

		//Av = Avnext;

		// Scheduling one operation from Ar
		if (Ar.size() > 0) {
			// Sort the nodes of Ar
			qSort(Ar.begin(), Ar.end(), nwcg);

			curnode = Ar.last();

			// Schedule the operation with as late as possible before all operations from Lr
			// The operation with the smallest priority is selected

			//Machine &m = rc(pm.ops[curnode]->toolID).nextAvailable();

			// Select the fastest available machine from the corresponding tool group
			//Machine &m = rc(pm.ops[curnode]->toolID).fastestAvailable(10000000, pm.ops[curnode]->type);

			// Select the random machine from the corresponding tool group
			//Machine &m = rc(pm.ops[curnode]->toolID).randomMachine();

			// Find machine which could start this operation the latest
			Machine *m = NULL;
			double lateststarttime = 0.0;
			double curstarttime;

			// Iterate over all machines able to process the operation
			QList<Machine*> machines = rc(pm.ops[curnode]->toolID).machines();
			for (int i = 0; i < machines.size(); i++) {
				curstarttime = backmach[machines[i]->ID] - machines[i]->procTime(pm.ops[curnode]);

				if (lateststarttime <= curstarttime) {
					lateststarttime = curstarttime;
					m = machines[i];
			backmach[m->ID] = lateststarttime;

			// Select the machine from the corresponding tool group to finish the operation the earliest
			//Machine &m = rc(pm.ops[curnode]->toolID).earliestToFinish(pm.ops[curnode]);

			//m << pm.ops[curnode];
			nodemachLr[curnode] = m;
			//nodesscheduled[curnode] = true;

			// Include the operation into Lr

			// Iterate through all parent nodes of the current node
			for (ListDigraph::InArcIt iait(pm.graph, curnode); iait != INVALID; ++iait) {
				if (!Lv.contains(pm.graph.source(iait)) && !Av.contains(pm.graph.source(iait))) {

			// Exclude the operation from Av

		//out << "Av size = " << Av.size() << endl;


	// Shift left all of the operations from Lr so that the earliest from them is started as soon as possible

	//out << "Operations in nodemachLr: " << endl;
	//for (int i = 0; i < nodemachLr.size(); i++) {
	//	out << *pm.ops[nodemachLr[i].first] << endl;


	QList<ListDigraph::Node> keys;
	while (nodemachLr.size() > 0) {

		keys = nodemachLr.keys();

		// Collect currently available (immediately schedulable) nodes from Lr
		for (int i = 0; i < nodemachLr.size(); i++) {
			for (ListDigraph::InArcIt iait(pm.graph, keys[i]); iait != INVALID; ++iait) {
				if (Lv.contains(pm.graph.source(iait)) && nodesscheduled[pm.graph.source(iait)]) {

		//Sort the nodes in Lravail
		qSort(Lravail.begin(), Lravail.end(), nwcg);

		//out << "Lravail operations before ready times update:" << endl;
		//for (int i = 0; i < Lravail.size(); i++) {
		//	out << *pm.ops[Lravail[i]] << endl;

		// Update the ready time of the operations in Lravail and schedule them
		for (int i = 0; i < Lravail.size(); i++) {
			for (ListDigraph::InArcIt iait(pm.graph, Lravail[i]); iait != INVALID; ++iait) {
				pm.ops[Lravail[i]]->r(Math::max(pm.ops[Lravail[i]]->r(), pm.ops[pm.graph.source(iait)]->c()));

			// Schedule the available nodes
			*(nodemachLr.value(Lravail[i])) << pm.ops[Lravail[i]];
			nodesscheduled[Lravail[i]] = true;

		//out << "Lravail operations after ready times update:" << endl;
		//for (int i = 0; i < Lravail.size(); i++) {
		//	out << *pm.ops[Lravail[i]] << endl;

	//out << "Resources after scheduling" << endl;
	//out << rc << endl;

	// Iterate over all nodes directly preceding the tail and
	//Debugger::info << "Collecting schedule data ..." << ENDL;
	schedule.objective = 0.0;
	for (ListDigraph::ArcIt ait(pm.graph); ait != INVALID; ++ait) {
		if (pm.graph.target(ait) == pm.tail) {
			if (pm.ops[pm.graph.source(ait)]->ID < 0) {
				for (ListDigraph::InArcIt iait(pm.graph, pm.graph.source(ait)); iait != INVALID; ++iait) {
					schedule.objective += pm.ops[pm.graph.source(iait)]->wT();
			} else {
				schedule.objective += pm.ops[pm.graph.source(ait)]->wT();

	//Debugger::info << "Done collecting schedule data." << ENDL;

	return true;

	// Run BFS on the reverse graph to set due date for the operations

	Operation *so;
	Operation *to;
	ReverseDigraph<ListDigraph> rg(pm.graph);
	Bfs<ReverseDigraph<ListDigraph> > bfsr(rg);

	//out << "Running BFS algorithm on the reverse graph ..." << endl;
	while (!bfsr.emptyQueue()) {
		curnode = bfsr.processNextNode();
		if (pm.ops[curnode]->ID < 0) continue;

		//out << "Processing node with id= " << rg.id(curnode) << " " << *(pm.ops[curnode]) << endl;

		//out << "Next available nodes:" << endl;
		for (ReverseDigraph<ListDigraph>::OutArcIt it(rg, curnode); it != INVALID; ++it) {
			// Update the due dates of the reverse target nodes
			// Rev. target d == rev. source d. - rev. source longest processing time
			so = pm.ops[rg.source(it)];
			to = pm.ops[rg.target(it)];
			to->d(so->d() - rc(so->toolID).slowestMachine(so->type).procTime(so));

			//out << "Node with id= " << rg.id(rg.target(it)) << " " << *(pm.ops[rg.target(it)]) << endl;

	so = to = NULL;
	//out << "Done running BFS algorithm on the reverse graph." << endl;

	return true;