Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Assigns values to the semimajor axis, semiminor axis, and radius of sphere.
   Initializes the forward and/or inverse mapping function. */
int LSsphdz (
    char *projection,     /* I: projection name string */
    float coordinates[8], /* I: general coordinate info */
    double *parm,         /* I: Projection parameters */
    double *radius,       /* O: Radius of the sphere */
    double corner[2]      /* I: UL x,y for UL corner */
    double r_major;   /* major axis */
    double r_minor;   /* minor axis */
    double orient;    /* orientation */
    int ret = 0;      /* return code */
    long isph;        /* spheroid code number also known as datum */
    long zone;        /* zone code */
    /* Initialize global variables for the mapping */
    zone = (long) coordinates[4];
    isph = (long) coordinates[5];
    orient = coordinates[6];
    pixel_size = coordinates[7];

    sin_orien = sin (orient);
    cos_orien = cos (orient);

    ul_corner[0] = corner[0];
    ul_corner[1] = corner[1];
    /* Initialize the variables using GCTP */
    ret = sphdz (isph, parm, &r_major, &r_minor, radius);
    if (ret != 0)
        return (ret);
    if (zone == 0)
        zone = 31L;
    /* Do the forward or inverse transformation setup, depending on whether
       inverse is specified */
#ifdef INV
    if (!strcmp (projection, "GCTP_UTM"))
        ret = utminvint(r_major, r_minor, scale_factor, zone);
    else if (!strcmp (projection, "GCTP_PS"))
        ret = psinvint(r_major, r_minor, parm[4], parm[5], parm[6], parm[7]);
    else if (!strcmp (projection, "GCTP_ALBERS"))
        ret = alberinvint(r_major, r_minor, parm[2], parm[3], parm[4], parm[5],
            parm[6], parm[7]);
    if (!strcmp (projection, "GCTP_UTM"))
        ret = utmforint(r_major, r_minor, scale_factor, zone);
    else if (!strcmp (projection, "GCTP_PS"))
        ret = psforint(r_major, r_minor, parm[4], parm[5], parm[6], parm[7]);
    else if (!strcmp (projection, "GCTP_ALBERS"))
        ret = alberforint(r_major, r_minor, parm[2], parm[3], parm[4], parm[5],
            parm[6], parm[7]);
    return (ret);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int inv_init(
int insys,		/* input system code				*/
int inzone,		/* input zone number				*/
double *inparm,	/* input array of projection parameters	*/
int indatum,	/* input datum code				    */
char *fn27,		/* NAD 1927 parameter file			*/
char *fn83,		/* NAD 1983 parameter file			*/
int *iflg,		/* status flag					*/
int (*inv_trans[])(double, double, double*, double*))	
                /* inverse function pointer			*/
long zone;		/* zone number					*/
double azimuth;		/* azimuth					*/
double angle;		/* rotation anlge				*/
double alf;		/* SOM angle					*/
double lon1;		/* longitude point in utm scene			*/
double lon2;		/* 2nd longitude point 				*/
double lat1;		/* 1st standard parallel			*/
double lat2;		/* 2nd standard parallel			*/
double center_long;	/* center longitude				*/
double center_lat;	/* center latitude				*/
double h;		/* height above sphere				*/
double lat_origin;	/* latitude at origin				*/
double lon_origin;	/* longitude at origin				*/
double r_major;		/* major axis in meters				*/
double r_minor;		/* minor axis in meters				*/
double scale_factor;	/* scale factor					*/
double false_easting;	/* false easting in meters			*/
double false_northing;	/* false northing in meters			*/
double radius;		/* radius of sphere				*/
double shape_m;		/* constant used for Oblated Equal Area		*/
double shape_n;		/* constant used for Oblated Equal Area		*/
/*long   start;	*/	/* start of SOM Beginning or end		*/
double time;		/* SOM time					*/
long path;		/* SOM path number				*/
long satnum;		/* SOM satellite number				*/
long mode;		/* which format is used	A or B			*/
long tmpdatum;		/* temporary datum for UTM			*/
double sat_ratio;       /* satellite ratio which specify the start point*/
double dzone;           /* number of longitudinal zones in ISG          */
double djustify;        /* justify flag in ISG projection               */

long thing;             /* used to initialize 8 byte pointer, added     */
                        /* for Power Challenge                          */
long *iflg64;		/* 8 byte status flag for Power Challenge	*/

thing = 0;                      /* These lines are to initialize the    */
iflg64 = &thing;                /* the 8-byte pointer address           */

/* Initialize inverse transformations
  /* find the correct major and minor axis
 if(insys == CEA)
     if(inparm[0] > 0.0 || inparm[0] < 0.0 || 
	inparm[1] > 0.0 || inparm[1] < 0.0)
	 indatum = -20;

 else if(insys == BCEA)
     if(inparm[0] > 0.0 || inparm[0] < 0.0 || 
	inparm[1] > 0.0 || inparm[1] < 0.0)
	 indatum = -20;
     else /* for BCEA use 6371228.0 m as default for r_maj and r_min, i.e.
	     use spherical earth model with radius 6371228.0 m instead of 
	     Clarke 1866 spheroid */
	 indatum = 20;

  false_easting  = inparm[6];
  false_northing = inparm[7];

  if (insys == CEA)/* Cylindrical Equal-Area, used for EASE grid wghen
                      grid corners are specified in meters */
    /* this is the call to initialize CEA
    center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64)* 3600 * S2R;
    *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
      return ERROR;
    lat1   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64)* 3600 * S2R;
    *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
      return ERROR;
    *iflg64 = ceainvint(r_major,r_minor,center_long,lat1,false_easting,
    *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    inv_trans[insys] = ceainv;
  if (insys == BCEA)/* Cylindrical Equal-Area, used for EASE grid wghen
                      grid corners are specified in DMS degrees */
    /* this is the call to initialize BCEA
    center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64)* 3600 * S2R;
    *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
      return ERROR;
    lat1   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64)* 3600 * S2R;
    *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
      return ERROR;
    *iflg64 = bceainvint(r_major,r_minor,center_long,lat1,false_easting,
    *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    inv_trans[insys] = bceainv;
  if (insys == UTM)
     /* this is the call to initialize U T M
     /* set Clarke 1866 spheroid if negative datum code
     if (indatum < 0)
        tmpdatum = 0;
     zone = inzone;
     if (zone == 0)
        lon1 = paksz(inparm[0],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
        if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
           return ERROR;
        lat1 = paksz(inparm[1],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
        if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
           return ERROR;
        zone = calc_utm_zone(lon1 * R2D);
        if (lat1 < 0)
           zone = -zone;
     scale_factor = .9996;
     *iflg64 = utminvint(r_major,r_minor,scale_factor,zone);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = utminv;
  if (insys == SPCS)
     /* this is the call to initialize STATE PLANE 
     *iflg64 = stplninvint( inzone,indatum,fn27,fn83);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
        if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
           return ERROR;
     inv_trans[insys] = stplninv;
  if (insys == ALBERS)
     /* this is the call to initialize ALBERS 
     lat1 = paksz(inparm[2],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
         return ERROR;
     lat2 = paksz(inparm[3],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
         return ERROR;
     center_long = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     lat_origin  = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = alberinvint(r_major,r_minor,lat1,lat2,center_long,lat_origin,
			false_easting, false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = alberinv;
  if (insys == LAMCC)
     /* this is the call to initialize LAMBERT CONFORMAL CONIC 
     lat1 = paksz(inparm[2],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     lat2 = paksz(inparm[3],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     center_long = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     lat_origin  = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = lamccinvint(r_major,r_minor,lat1,lat2,center_long,lat_origin,
			false_easting, false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = lamccinv;
  if (insys == MERCAT)
     /* this is the call to initialize MERCATOR
     center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     lat1   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = merinvint(r_major,r_minor,center_long,lat1,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = merinv;
  if (insys == PS)
     /* this is the call to initialize POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC 
     center_long = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
     *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     lat1  =  paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = psinvint(r_major,r_minor,center_long,lat1,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = psinv;
  if (insys == POLYC)
     /* this is the call to initialize POLYCONIC
     center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     lat_origin   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = polyinvint(r_major,r_minor,center_long,lat_origin,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = polyinv;
    if (insys == EQUIDC)
     /* this is the call to initialize EQUIDISTANT CONIC
    lat1 = paksz(inparm[2],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    lat2 = paksz(inparm[3],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    lat_origin   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    if (inparm[8] == 0)
       mode = 0;
       mode = 1;
    *iflg64 = eqconinvint(r_major,r_minor,lat1,lat2,center_long,lat_origin,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    inv_trans[insys] = eqconinv;
  if (insys == TM)
     /* this is the call to initialize TRANSVERSE MERCATOR
     scale_factor = inparm[2];
     center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     lat_origin   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = tminvint(r_major,r_minor,scale_factor,center_long,lat_origin,
		     false_easting, false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = tminv;
  if (insys == STEREO)
     /* this is the call to initialize STEREOGRAPHIC
     center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     center_lat   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = sterinvint(radius,center_long,center_lat,false_easting, 
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = sterinv;
  if (insys == LAMAZ)
     /* this is the call to initialize LAMBERT AZIMUTHAL EQUAL-AREA 
     center_long = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     center_lat  = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = lamazinvint(r_major, r_minor, center_long, center_lat,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = lamazinv;
  if (insys == AZMEQD)
     /* this is the call to initialize AZIMUTHAL EQUIDISTANT
     center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     center_lat   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = aziminvint(radius,center_long,center_lat,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = aziminv;
  if (insys == GNOMON)
     /* this is the call to initialize GNOMONIC 
     center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     center_lat   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = gnominvint(radius,center_long,center_lat,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = gnominv;
  if (insys == ORTHO)
     /* this is the call to initialize ORTHOGRAPHIC
     center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     center_lat   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = orthinvint(radius,center_long,center_lat,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = orthinv;
  if (insys == GVNSP)
     /* this is the call to initialize GENERAL VERTICAL NEAR SIDED PERSPECTIVE 
     center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     center_lat   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     h = inparm[2];
     *iflg64 = gvnspinvint(radius,h,center_long,center_lat,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = gvnspinv;
  if (insys == SNSOID)
     /* this is the call to initialize SINUSOIDAL 
     center_long    = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = sininvint(radius, center_long,false_easting,false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = sininv;
  if (insys == EQRECT)
     /* this is the call to initialize EQUIRECTANGULAR
     center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     lat1   = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = equiinvint(radius,center_long,lat1,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = equiinv;
  if (insys == MILLER)
    /* this is the call to initialize MILLER CYLINDRICAL
    center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    *iflg64 = millinvint(radius, center_long,false_easting,false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    inv_trans[insys] = millinv;
  if (insys == VGRINT)
    /* this is the call to initialize VAN DER GRINTEN 
    center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    *iflg64 = vandginvint(radius, center_long,false_easting,false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    inv_trans[insys] = vandginv;
  if (insys == HOM)
     /* this is the call to initialize HOTLINE OBLIQUE MERCATOR 
     scale_factor = inparm[2];
     lat_origin = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     if (inparm[12] != 0)
        mode = 1;
        azimuth = paksz(inparm[3],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
        if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
           return ERROR;
        lon_origin = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
        if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
           return ERROR;
        mode = 0;
        lon1 = paksz(inparm[8],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
        if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
           return ERROR;
        lat1 = paksz(inparm[9],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
        if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
           return ERROR;
        lon2 = paksz(inparm[10],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
        if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
           return ERROR;
        lat2 = paksz(inparm[11],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
        if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
           return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = omerinvint(r_major,r_minor,scale_factor,azimuth,lon_origin,
			lat_origin,false_easting, false_northing,lon1,lat1,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = omerinv;
  if (insys == SOM)

     /* this is the call to initialize SOM 
     path = (long) inparm[3];
     satnum = (long) inparm[2];
    if (inparm[12] == 0)
       mode = 1;

       alf = paksz(inparm[3],iflg64) * 3600.0 * S2R;
       *iflg = (int)*iflg64;

       if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
          return ERROR;

       lon1 = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
       *iflg = (int)*iflg64;

       if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
          return ERROR;

       time = inparm[8];
       sat_ratio = inparm[9];

       /* start = (long) inparm[10];*/
       mode = 0;
     *iflg64 = sominvint(r_major,r_minor,satnum,path,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;

     *iflg64 = sominvint(r_major,r_minor,satnum,path,alf,lon1,false_easting,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = sominv;
  if (insys == HAMMER)
    /* this is the call to initialize HAMMER 
    center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    *iflg64 = haminvint(radius, center_long,false_easting,false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    inv_trans[insys] = haminv;
  if (insys == ROBIN)
    /* this is the call to initialize ROBINSON 
    center_long  = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    *iflg64 = robinvint(radius, center_long,false_easting,false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    inv_trans[insys] = robinv;
  if (insys == GOODE)
     /* this is the call to initialize GOODE'S HOMOLOSINE
     *iflg64 = goodinvint(radius);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = goodinv;
  if (insys == MOLL)
     /* this is the call to initialize MOLLWEIDE
     center_long = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = molwinvint(radius, center_long,false_easting,false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = molwinv;
  if (insys == IMOLL)
     /* this is the call to initialize INTERRUPTED MOLLWEIDE 
     *iflg64 = imolwinvint(radius);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = imolwinv;
  if (insys == ALASKA)
     /* this is the call to initialize ALASKA CONFORMAL 
     *iflg64 = alconinvint(r_major,r_minor,false_easting,false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = alconinv;
  if (insys == WAGIV)
     /* this is the call to initialize WAGNER IV 
     center_long = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = wivinvint(radius, center_long,false_easting,false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = wivinv;
  if (insys == WAGVII)
     /* this is the call to initialize WAGNER VII 
     center_long = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
        return ERROR;
     *iflg64 = wviiinvint(radius, center_long,false_easting,false_northing);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
     inv_trans[insys] = wviiinv;
  if (insys == OBEQA)
    /* this is the call to initialize OBLATED EQUAL AREA
    center_long = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    center_lat  = paksz(inparm[5],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    shape_m = inparm[2];
    shape_n = inparm[3];
    angle = paksz(inparm[8],iflg64) * 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    *iflg64 = obleqinvint(radius,center_long,center_lat,shape_m, shape_n,
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    inv_trans[insys] = obleqinv;
    if ((insys == ISINUS) || (insys == ISINUS1))
    /* this is the call to initialize INTEGERIZED SINUSOIDAL GRID
    center_long = paksz(inparm[4],iflg64)* 3600 * S2R;
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    if ((int)*iflg64 != 0)
       return ERROR;
    dzone = inparm[8];
    djustify = inparm[10];
    *iflg64 = isinusinvinit(radius, center_long, false_easting, false_northing,
                    dzone, djustify);
        *iflg = (int)*iflg64;
    inv_trans[insys] = isinusinv;

return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int gctpc_get_latlon(unsigned char **sec, double **lon, double **lat) {

    int gdt;
    unsigned char *gds;

    double r_maj;                           /* major axis                   */
    double r_min;                           /* minor axis                   */
    double lat1;                            /* first standard parallel      */
    double lat2;                            /* second standard parallel     */
    double c_lon;                           /* center longitude             */
    double c_lat;                           /* center latitude              */
    double false_east;                      /* x offset in meters           */
    double false_north;
    double dx, dy;
    double x0, y0;
    long int (*inv_fn)();
    double *llat, *llon, rlon, rlat;

    int i, nnx, nny, nres, nscan;
    unsigned int nnpnts;
    long long_i;

    gdt = code_table_3_1(sec);
    gds = sec[3];

    /* only process certain grids */

    if (gdt != 10 && gdt != 20 && gdt != 30 && gdt != 31) return 1;
    get_nxny(sec, &nnx, &nny, &nnpnts, &nres, &nscan);

    /* potentially staggered */
    if (nnx < 1 || nny < 1) return 1;

    llat = *lat;
    llon = *lon;

    if (llat != NULL) {
        *lat = *lon = llat = llon = NULL;

    inv_fn = NULL;
    dx = dy = 0.0;

    if (gdt == 10) {            // mercator

       /* get earth axis */
       axes_earth(sec, &r_maj, &r_min);
       dy      = GDS_Mercator_dy(gds);
       dx      = GDS_Mercator_dx(gds);

       /* central point */
       c_lon = GDS_Mercator_ori_angle(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);
       c_lat = GDS_Mercator_latD(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);

       /* find the eastling and northing of of the 1st grid point */

       false_east = false_north = 0.0;
       long_i = merforint(r_maj,r_min,c_lon,c_lat,false_east,false_north);

       rlon   = GDS_Mercator_lon1(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);
       rlat   = GDS_Mercator_lat1(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);

       long_i = merfor(rlon, rlat, &x0, &y0);

       /* initialize for 1st grid point */
       x0 = -x0;
       y0 = -y0;
       long_i = merinvint(r_maj,r_min,c_lon,c_lat,x0,y0);
       inv_fn = &merinv;

    else if (gdt == 20) {            // polar stereographic

       /* get earth axis */
       axes_earth(sec, &r_maj, &r_min);
       dy      = GDS_Polar_dy(gds);
       dx      = GDS_Polar_dx(gds);

       /* central point */
       c_lon = GDS_Polar_lov(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);
       c_lat = GDS_Polar_lad(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);

       /* find the eastling and northing of of the 1st grid point */

       false_east = false_north = 0.0;
       long_i = psforint(r_maj,r_min,c_lon,c_lat,false_east,false_north);

       rlon   = GDS_Polar_lon1(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);
       rlat   = GDS_Polar_lat1(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);

       long_i = psfor(rlon, rlat, &x0, &y0);

       /* initialize for 1st grid point */
       x0 = -x0;
       y0 = -y0;
       long_i = psinvint(r_maj,r_min,c_lon,c_lat,x0,y0);
       inv_fn = &psinv;

    else if (gdt == 30) {            // lambert conformal conic

       /* get earth axis */
       axes_earth(sec, &r_maj, &r_min);
       dy      = GDS_Lambert_dy(gds);
       dx      = GDS_Lambert_dx(gds);
//printf(">>> gctpc dx %lf, dy %lf\n", dx, dy);
       /* latitudes of tangent/intersection */
       lat1 = GDS_Lambert_Latin1(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);
       lat2 = GDS_Lambert_Latin2(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);

       /* central point */
       c_lon = GDS_Lambert_Lov(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);
       c_lat = GDS_Lambert_LatD(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);

       /* find the eastling and northing of of the 1st grid point */

       false_east = false_north = 0.0;
       long_i = lamccforint(r_maj,r_min,lat1,lat2,c_lon,c_lat,false_east,false_north);

       rlon   = GDS_Lambert_Lo1(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);
       rlat   = GDS_Lambert_La1(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);

       long_i = lamccfor(rlon, rlat, &x0, &y0);

       /* initialize for 1st grid point */
       x0 = -x0;
       y0 = -y0;
       long_i = lamccinvint(r_maj,r_min,lat1,lat2,c_lon,c_lat,x0,y0);
       inv_fn = &lamccinv;
    else if (gdt == 31) {			// albers equal area
       /* get earth axis */
       axes_earth(sec, &r_maj, &r_min);
       dy      = GDS_Albers_dy(gds);
       dx      = GDS_Albers_dx(gds);

       /* latitudes of tangent/intersection */
       lat1 = GDS_Albers_Latin1(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);
       lat2 = GDS_Albers_Latin2(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);

       /* central point */
       c_lon = GDS_Albers_Lov(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);
       c_lat = GDS_Albers_LatD(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);

       /* find the eastling and northing of of the 1st grid point */

       false_east = false_north = 0.0;
       long_i = alberforint(r_maj,r_min,lat1,lat2,c_lon,c_lat,false_east,false_north);

       rlon   = GDS_Albers_Lo1(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);
       rlat   = GDS_Albers_La1(gds) * (M_PI/180.0);

       long_i = alberfor(rlon, rlat, &x0, &y0);

       /* initialize for 1st grid point */
       x0 = -x0;
       y0 = -y0;
       long_i = alberinvint(r_maj,r_min,lat1,lat2,c_lon,c_lat,x0,y0);
       inv_fn = &alberinv;

    if (inv_fn == NULL)  return 1;

    if ((*lat = llat = (double *) malloc(nnpnts * sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
        fatal_error("gctpc_get_latlon memory allocation failed","");
    if ((*lon = llon = (double *) malloc(nnpnts * sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
        fatal_error("gctpc_get_latlon memory allocation failed","");

    /* put x[] and y[] values in lon and lat */
    if (stagger(sec, nnpnts, llon, llat)) fatal_error("gctpc: stagger problem","");

    printf(">> stagger gctpc x00 %lf y00 %lf\n",llon[0], llat[0]);
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) private(i)
    for (i = 0; i < nnpnts; i++) {
        inv_fn(llon[i]*dx, llat[i]*dy, llon+i, llat+i);
	llat[i] *= (180.0 / M_PI);
	llon[i] *= (180.0 / M_PI);
	if (llon[i] < 0.0) llon[i] += 360.0;
    return 0;