Ejemplo n.º 1
void FloatArray :: hardResize(int n)
// Reallocates the receiver with new size.
    int i;
    double *newValues, *p1, *p2;

    // if (n <= allocatedSize) {size = n; return;}

    newValues = allocDouble(n);
#ifdef DEBUG
    if ( !newValues ) {
        OOFEM_FATAL2("FloatArray :: hardResize - Failed in allocating %d doubles", n);

    p1 = values;
    p2 = newValues;
    i  = min(size, n);
    while ( i-- ) {
        * p2++ = * p1++;

    if ( values ) {

    values = newValues;
    allocatedSize = size = n;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int Skyline :: setInternalStructure(IntArray *a)
    // allocates and built structure according to given
    // array of maximal column heights
    adr = new IntArray(*a);
    int n = a->giveSize();
    nwk = adr->at(n); // check
    if ( mtrx ) {

    mtrx = allocDouble(nwk);
    nRows = nColumns = n - 1;

    // increment version
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void FloatArray :: resize(int n, int allocChunk)
    int i;
    double *newValues, *p1, *p2;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if ( allocChunk < 0 ) {
        OOFEM_FATAL2("FloatArray :: resize - allocChunk must be non-negative; %d", allocChunk);


    if ( n <= allocatedSize ) {
        size = n;

    newValues = allocDouble(n + allocChunk);
#ifdef DEBUG
    if ( !newValues ) {
        OOFEM_FATAL2("FloatArray :: resize - Failed in allocating %d doubles", n + allocChunk);

    p1 = values;
    p2 = newValues;
    i  = size;
    while ( i-- ) {
        * p2++ = * p1++;

    if ( values ) {

    values = newValues;
    allocatedSize = n + allocChunk;
    size = n;
Ejemplo n.º 4
SparseMtrx *Skyline :: GiveCopy() const
    Skyline *answer;
    IntArray *adr1;
    double *mtrx1;
    int neq, i;

    neq = this->giveNumberOfRows();
    adr1 = new IntArray(neq + 1);

    for ( i = 1; i <= neq + 1; i++ ) {
        adr1->at(i) = this->adr->at(i);

    mtrx1 = allocDouble(this->nwk);
    for ( i = 0; i < this->nwk; i++ ) {
        mtrx1 [ i ] = this->mtrx [ i ];

    answer = new Skyline(neq, this->nwk, mtrx1, adr1);

    return answer;
Ejemplo n.º 5
contextIOResultType FloatArray :: restoreYourself(DataStream *stream, ContextMode mode)
// reads receiver from stream
// warning - overwrites existing data!
// returns 0 if file i/o error
//        -1 if id od class id is not correct
    // read size
    if ( !stream->read(& size, 1) ) {
        return CIO_IOERR;

    if ( size > allocatedSize ) {
        if ( values != NULL ) {

        values = allocDouble(size);
#ifdef DEBUG
        if ( !values ) {
            OOFEM_FATAL2("FloatArray :: restoreYourself - Failed in allocating %d doubles", size);

        allocatedSize = size;

    // read raw data
    if ( size ) {
        if ( !stream->read(values, size) ) {
            return CIO_IOERR;

    // return result back
    return CIO_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 6
FloatArray :: FloatArray(const FloatArray &src)
    // copy constructor

    double *srcVal;

    allocatedSize = size = src.size;
    if ( size ) {
        values = allocDouble(size);
#ifdef DEBUG
        if ( !values ) {
            OOFEM_FATAL2("FloatArray :: FloatArray - Failed in allocating %d doubles", size);

    } else {
        values = NULL;

    srcVal = src.values;
    for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
        this->values [ i ] = srcVal [ i ];
Ejemplo n.º 7
Object allocDoubleWith(double e){
	Double p = allocDouble();
	*p = e;
	return p;
Ejemplo n.º 8
RubberBandStretcher::Impl::ChannelData::construct(const std::set<size_t> &windowSizes,
                                                  size_t initialWindowSize,
                                                  size_t outbufSize)
    size_t maxSize = initialWindowSize;

    if (!windowSizes.empty()) {
        // std::set is ordered by value
        std::set<size_t>::const_iterator i = windowSizes.end();
        maxSize = *--i;
    if (windowSizes.find(initialWindowSize) == windowSizes.end()) {
        if (initialWindowSize > maxSize) maxSize = initialWindowSize;

    // max size of the real "half" of freq data
    size_t realSize = (maxSize * oversample)/2 + 1;

//    std::cerr << "ChannelData::construct([" << windowSizes.size() << "], " << maxSize << ", " << outbufSize << ")" << std::endl;
    if (outbufSize < maxSize) outbufSize = maxSize;

    inbuf = new RingBuffer<float>(maxSize);
    outbuf = new RingBuffer<float>(outbufSize);

    mag = allocDouble(realSize);
    phase = allocDouble(realSize);
    prevPhase = allocDouble(realSize);
    prevError = allocDouble(realSize);
    unwrappedPhase = allocDouble(realSize);
    envelope = allocDouble(realSize);

    freqPeak = new size_t[realSize];

    fltbuf = allocFloat(maxSize);

    accumulator = allocFloat(maxSize);
    windowAccumulator = allocFloat(maxSize);

    for (std::set<size_t>::const_iterator i = windowSizes.begin();
         i != windowSizes.end(); ++i) {
        ffts[*i] = new FFT(*i * oversample);
    if (windowSizes.find(initialWindowSize) == windowSizes.end()) {
        ffts[initialWindowSize] = new FFT(initialWindowSize * oversample);
    fft = ffts[initialWindowSize];

    dblbuf = fft->getDoubleTimeBuffer();

    resampler = 0;
    resamplebuf = 0;
    resamplebufSize = 0;


    for (size_t i = 0; i < realSize; ++i) {
        freqPeak[i] = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < initialWindowSize * oversample; ++i) {
        dblbuf[i] = 0.0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < maxSize; ++i) {
        accumulator[i] = 0.f;
        windowAccumulator[i] = 0.f;

    // Avoid dividing opening sample (which will be discarded anyway) by zero
    windowAccumulator[0] = 1.f;
Ejemplo n.º 9
RubberBandStretcher::Impl::ChannelData::setWindowSize(size_t windowSize)
    size_t oldSize = inbuf->getSize();
    size_t realSize = (windowSize * oversample) / 2 + 1;

//    std::cerr << "ChannelData::setWindowSize(" << windowSize << ") [from " << oldSize << "]" << std::endl;

    if (oldSize >= windowSize) {

        // no need to reallocate buffers, just reselect fft

        //!!! we can't actually do this without locking against the
        //process thread, can we?  we need to zero the mag/phase
        //buffers without interference

        if (ffts.find(windowSize) == ffts.end()) {
            //!!! this also requires a lock, but it shouldn't occur in
            //RT mode with proper initialisation
            ffts[windowSize] = new FFT(windowSize * oversample);
        fft = ffts[windowSize];

        dblbuf = fft->getDoubleTimeBuffer();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < windowSize * oversample; ++i) {
            dblbuf[i] = 0.0;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < realSize; ++i) {
            mag[i] = 0.0;
            phase[i] = 0.0;
            prevPhase[i] = 0.0;
            prevError[i] = 0.0;
            unwrappedPhase[i] = 0.0;
            freqPeak[i] = 0;


    //!!! at this point we need a lock in case a different client
    //thread is calling process() -- we need this lock even if we
    //aren't running in threaded mode ourselves -- if we're in RT
    //mode, then the process call should trylock and fail if the lock
    //is unavailable (since this should never normally be the case in
    //general use in RT mode)

    RingBuffer<float> *newbuf = inbuf->resized(windowSize);
    delete inbuf;
    inbuf = newbuf;

    // We don't want to preserve data in these arrays

    mag = allocDouble(mag, realSize);
    phase = allocDouble(phase, realSize);
    prevPhase = allocDouble(prevPhase, realSize);
    prevError = allocDouble(prevError, realSize);
    unwrappedPhase = allocDouble(unwrappedPhase, realSize);
    envelope = allocDouble(envelope, realSize);

    delete[] freqPeak;
    freqPeak = new size_t[realSize];

    fltbuf = allocFloat(fltbuf, windowSize);

    // But we do want to preserve data in these

    float *newAcc = allocFloat(windowSize);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < oldSize; ++i) newAcc[i] = accumulator[i];

    accumulator = newAcc;

    newAcc = allocFloat(windowSize);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < oldSize; ++i) newAcc[i] = windowAccumulator[i];

    windowAccumulator = newAcc;
    //!!! and resampler?

    for (size_t i = 0; i < realSize; ++i) {
        freqPeak[i] = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < windowSize; ++i) {
        fltbuf[i] = 0.f;

    if (ffts.find(windowSize) == ffts.end()) {
        ffts[windowSize] = new FFT(windowSize * oversample);
    fft = ffts[windowSize];

    dblbuf = fft->getDoubleTimeBuffer();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < windowSize * oversample; ++i) {
        dblbuf[i] = 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
double *allocDouble(int count)
    return allocDouble(0, count);
Ejemplo n.º 11
int Skyline :: buildInternalStructure(EngngModel *eModel, int di, EquationID ut, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s)
    // first create array of
    // maximal column height for assembled characteristics matrix

    int j, js, ieq, maxle;
    int i, ac1;
    int neq;
    if ( s.isDefault() ) {
        neq = eModel->giveNumberOfDomainEquations(di, ut);
    } else {
        neq = s.giveRequiredNumberOfDomainEquation();
        if ( neq == 0 ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Undefined Required number of domain equations");

    IntArray loc;
    IntArray *mht = new IntArray(neq);
    Domain *domain = eModel->giveDomain(di);

    for ( j = 1; j <= neq; j++ ) {
        mht->at(j) = j; // initialize column height, maximum is line number (since it only stores upper triangular)

    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();

    // loop over elements code numbers
    for ( i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        domain->giveElement(i)->giveLocationArray(loc, ut, s);
        js = loc.giveSize();
        maxle = INT_MAX;
        for ( j = 1; j <= js; j++ ) {
            ieq = loc.at(j);
            if ( ieq != 0 ) {
                maxle = min(maxle, ieq);

        for ( j = 1; j <= js; j++ ) {
            ieq = loc.at(j);
            if ( ieq != 0 ) {
                mht->at(ieq) = min( maxle, mht->at(ieq) );

    // NOTE
    // add there call to eModel if any possible additional equation added by
    // eModel
    // currently not supported

    // increases number of columns according to size of mht
    // mht is array containing minimal equation number per column
    // This method also increases column height.

    if ( this->adr ) {
        delete adr;

    adr = new IntArray(neq + 1);

    ac1 = 1;
    for ( i = 1; i <= neq; i++ ) {
        adr->at(i) = ac1;
        ac1 += ( i - mht->at(i) + 1 );

    adr->at(neq + 1) = ac1;
    nRows = nColumns = neq;
    nwk  = ac1;
    if ( mtrx ) {

    mtrx = allocDouble(ac1);

    delete mht;

    // increment version
    return true;