Ejemplo n.º 1
buffer_t::buffer_t( int width, int height, int channels)
    RAMEN_ASSERT( ( channels == 1 || channels == 3 || channels == 4) && "buffer_t: only 1, 3 and 4 channels images supported");

	channels_ = channels;
    bounds_ = Imath::Box2i( Imath::V2i( 0, 0), Imath::V2i( width-1, height-1));

    if( bounds_.isEmpty())

Ejemplo n.º 2
buffer_t::buffer_t( const Imath::Box2i& bounds, int channels)
    RAMEN_ASSERT( ( channels == 1 || channels == 3 || channels == 4) && "buffer_t: only 1, 3 and 4 channels images supported");

	bounds_ = bounds;
	channels_ = channels;

    if( bounds_.isEmpty())

Ejemplo n.º 3
void SubsetSingleBench::onDraw(int n, SkCanvas* canvas) {
    // When the color type is kIndex8, we will need to store the color table.  If it is
    // used, it will be initialized by the codec.
    int colorCount;
    SkPMColor colors[256];
    if (fUseCodec) {
        for (int count = 0; count < n; count++) {
            SkAutoTDelete<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::NewFromStream(fStream->duplicate()));
            const SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo().makeColorType(fColorType);
            SkAutoTDeleteArray<uint8_t> row(new uint8_t[info.minRowBytes()]);
            codec->startScanlineDecode(info, nullptr, colors, &colorCount);

            SkBitmap bitmap;
            SkImageInfo subsetInfo = info.makeWH(fSubsetWidth, fSubsetHeight);
            alloc_pixels(&bitmap, subsetInfo, colors, colorCount);

            uint32_t bpp = info.bytesPerPixel();
            for (uint32_t y = 0; y < fSubsetHeight; y++) {
                codec->getScanlines(row.get(), 1, 0);
                memcpy(bitmap.getAddr(0, y), row.get() + fOffsetLeft * bpp,
                        fSubsetWidth * bpp);
    } else {
        for (int count = 0; count < n; count++) {
            SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> decoder(SkImageDecoder::Factory(fStream));
            int width, height;
            decoder->buildTileIndex(fStream->duplicate(), &width, &height);
            SkBitmap bitmap;
            SkIRect rect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(fOffsetLeft, fOffsetTop, fSubsetWidth,
            decoder->decodeSubset(&bitmap, rect, fColorType);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void SubsetZoomBench::onDraw(const int n, SkCanvas* canvas) {
    // When the color type is kIndex8, we will need to store the color table.  If it is
    // used, it will be initialized by the codec.
    int colorCount;
    SkPMColor colors[256];
    if (fUseCodec) {
        for (int count = 0; count < n; count++) {
            SkAutoTDelete<SkScanlineDecoder> scanlineDecoder(
            const SkImageInfo info = scanlineDecoder->getInfo().makeColorType(fColorType);
            SkAutoTDeleteArray<uint8_t> row(new uint8_t[info.minRowBytes()]);
            scanlineDecoder->start(info, nullptr, colors, &colorCount);

            const int centerX = info.width() / 2;
            const int centerY = info.height() / 2;
            int w = fSubsetWidth;
            int h = fSubsetHeight;
            do {
                const int subsetStartX = SkTMax(0, centerX - w / 2);
                const int subsetStartY = SkTMax(0, centerY - h / 2);
                const int subsetWidth = SkTMin(w, info.width() - subsetStartX);
                const int subsetHeight = SkTMin(h, info.height() - subsetStartY);
                // Note that if we subsetted and scaled in a single step, we could use the
                // same bitmap - as is often done in actual use cases.
                SkBitmap bitmap;
                SkImageInfo subsetInfo = info.makeWH(subsetWidth, subsetHeight);
                alloc_pixels(&bitmap, subsetInfo, colors, colorCount);

                uint32_t bpp = info.bytesPerPixel();
                for (int y = 0; y < subsetHeight; y++) {
                    scanlineDecoder->getScanlines(row.get(), 1, 0);
                    memcpy(bitmap.getAddr(0, y), row.get() + subsetStartX * bpp,
                            subsetWidth * bpp);
                w <<= 1;
                h <<= 1;
            } while (w < 2 * info.width() || h < 2 * info.height());
    } else {
        for (int count = 0; count < n; count++) {
            int width, height;
            SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> decoder(SkImageDecoder::Factory(fStream));
            decoder->buildTileIndex(fStream->duplicate(), &width, &height);

            const int centerX = width / 2;
            const int centerY = height / 2;
            int w = fSubsetWidth;
            int h = fSubsetHeight;
            do {
                const int subsetStartX = SkTMax(0, centerX - w / 2);
                const int subsetStartY = SkTMax(0, centerY - h / 2);
                const int subsetWidth = SkTMin(w, width - subsetStartX);
                const int subsetHeight = SkTMin(h, height - subsetStartY);
                SkBitmap bitmap;
                SkIRect rect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(subsetStartX, subsetStartY, subsetWidth,
                decoder->decodeSubset(&bitmap, rect, fColorType);
                w <<= 1;
                h <<= 1;
            } while (w < 2 * width || h < 2 * height);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void SubsetTranslateBench::onDraw(const int n, SkCanvas* canvas) {
    // When the color type is kIndex8, we will need to store the color table.  If it is
    // used, it will be initialized by the codec.
    int colorCount;
    SkPMColor colors[256];
    if (fUseCodec) {
        for (int count = 0; count < n; count++) {
            SkAutoTDelete<SkScanlineDecoder> scanlineDecoder(
            const SkImageInfo info = scanlineDecoder->getInfo().makeColorType(fColorType);
            SkAutoTDeleteArray<uint8_t> row(new uint8_t[info.minRowBytes()]);
            scanlineDecoder->start(info, nullptr, colors, &colorCount);

            SkBitmap bitmap;
            // Note that we use the same bitmap for all of the subsets.
            // It might be larger than necessary for the end subsets.
            SkImageInfo subsetInfo = info.makeWH(fSubsetWidth, fSubsetHeight);
            alloc_pixels(&bitmap, subsetInfo, colors, colorCount);

            for (int x = 0; x < info.width(); x += fSubsetWidth) {
                for (int y = 0; y < info.height(); y += fSubsetHeight) {
                    const uint32_t currSubsetWidth =
                            x + (int) fSubsetWidth > info.width() ?
                            info.width() - x : fSubsetWidth;
                    const uint32_t currSubsetHeight =
                            y + (int) fSubsetHeight > info.height() ?
                            info.height() - y : fSubsetHeight;
                    const uint32_t bpp = info.bytesPerPixel();
                    for (uint32_t y = 0; y < currSubsetHeight; y++) {
                        scanlineDecoder->getScanlines(row.get(), 1, 0);
                        memcpy(bitmap.getAddr(0, y), row.get() + x * bpp,
                                currSubsetWidth * bpp);
    } else {
        // We create a color table here to satisfy allocPixels() when the output
        // type is kIndex8.  It's okay that this is uninitialized since we never
        // use it.
        SkColorTable* colorTable = new SkColorTable(colors, 0);
        for (int count = 0; count < n; count++) {
            int width, height;
            SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> decoder(SkImageDecoder::Factory(fStream));
            decoder->buildTileIndex(fStream->duplicate(), &width, &height);
            SkBitmap bitmap;
            // Note that we use the same bitmap for all of the subsets.
            // It might be larger than necessary for the end subsets.
            // If we do not include this step, decodeSubset() would allocate space
            // for the pixels automatically, but this would not allow us to reuse the
            // same bitmap as the other subsets.  We want to reuse the same bitmap
            // because it gives a more fair comparison with SkCodec and is a common
            // use case of BitmapRegionDecoder.
            bitmap.allocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(fSubsetWidth, fSubsetHeight,
                    fColorType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType), nullptr, colorTable);

            for (int x = 0; x < width; x += fSubsetWidth) {
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y += fSubsetHeight) {
                    const uint32_t currSubsetWidth = x + (int) fSubsetWidth > width ?
                            width - x : fSubsetWidth;
                    const uint32_t currSubsetHeight = y + (int) fSubsetHeight > height ?
                            height - y : fSubsetHeight;
                    SkIRect rect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(x, y, currSubsetWidth,
                    decoder->decodeSubset(&bitmap, rect, fColorType);