void intArray3D() { int ***buf; int h, i, j; buf = allocate3D(3,10,10); for(h = 0; h < 3; h++) { for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if(i == j) buf[h][i][j] = h; else buf[h][i][j] = 0; } } } printArray(buf); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { //void main() { FILE *output; //keypoint output (text) Image *sourceImage, *sourceImage2; Image *doubledImage; Image *currentImage; Octave *octavesList; Octave *temp, *current; KeyPoint *peaks; KeyPoint *counter, *prevPoint; KeyPoint *keypoints, *keyCounter; int candidates = 0; double scale; double ***mags, ***directions; int octaveCount; int tempHeight, tempWidth, tempDepth; int totalKeypoints = 0; double imageSigma; char fileName[32] = {'\0'}; FILE *candidateOutput; FILE *trashOutput; FILE *filteredOutput; /* if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: sift dat_file\n"); return 0; } */ /* read input */ //sourceImage = readPGMFile(argv[1]); sourceImage = readDATFile("./image.dat"); if(sourceImage == NULL) { printf("file was not read\n"); return 1; } scale = START_SCALE; /* print constants used */ printf("Constants:\n"); printf("START_SIGMA=%f\n", START_SIGMA); printf("OCTAVE_LIMIT=%d\n", OCTAVE_LIMIT); printf("IMAGES_PER_OCTAVE=%d\n", IMAGES_PER_OCTAVE); printf("SKIP_OCTAVES=%d\n", SKIP_OCTAVES); printf("MIN_SIZE=%d\n", MIN_SIZE); printf("MAX_ADJ_STEPS=%d\n", MAX_ADJ_STEPS); printf("EDGE_RATIO=%f\n", EDGE_RATIO); printf("CONTRAST_THRESH=%f\n", CONTRAST_THRESH); printf("CAP=%f\n", CAP); /* double image to save data */ doubledImage = doubleImage(sourceImage); if(doubledImage == NULL) { return 1; } scale /= 2.0; printf("\nImage doubled\n"); /* preprocessing smoothing*/ printf("Preprocessing smoothing\n"); doubledImage = gaussianConvolution2DFast(doubledImage, 1.0); // doubledImage = gaussianConvolution2DFast(sourceImage, 1.0); /* build octaves of scalespace */ printf("Octave pyramid construction\n"); currentImage = doubledImage; octavesList = NULL; octaveCount = 0; while(octaveCount < OCTAVE_LIMIT && currentImage->width >= MIN_SIZE && currentImage->height >= MIN_SIZE) { if(currentImage == NULL) { printf(" ***Current image null. Exiting.\n"); return 1; } /* create octave pointer wrapper */ printf(" Octave for pic %d %d (%d)\n", currentImage->width, currentImage->height, octaveCount); temp = (Octave *) malloc(sizeof(Octave)); if(temp == NULL) { printf(" ***Out of memory. Exiting.\n"); return 1; } /* build scale space L(x,y,sigma) */ printf(" Gaussian Scale Space\n"); if(octaveCount == 0) imageSigma = 1.0; //blur of the first image is 1.0 else imageSigma = START_SIGMA; temp->gaussianSpace = buildScaleSpaceOctave(currentImage, scale, imageSigma); /* build diff space D(x,y,sigma) */ printf(" Diff Gaussian Space\n"); temp->diffGaussianSpace = buildDifferences(temp->gaussianSpace); /* store and go on */ octavesList = link(octavesList, temp); currentImage = halveImage(getLastImage(temp->gaussianSpace)); scale *= 2.0; ++octaveCount; printf(" Image halved\n"); } --octaveCount; /* one extra */ /* generate keypoints from each octave of scalespace */ printf("Keypoint generation\n"); candidateOutput = fopen("output_candidates.txt", "w"); //helpful output file trashOutput = fopen("output_trash.txt", "w"); //helpful output file filteredOutput = fopen("output_filtered.txt", "w"); //helpful output file histOutput = fopen("output_histogram.txt", "w"); //outputs histograms histOutput2 = fopen("output_histogram2.txt", "w"); //turn on/off in scalespace.c keypoints = NULL; sourceImage2 = cloneImage(sourceImage); for(current = octavesList; current != NULL && octaveCount >= SKIP_OCTAVES; current = current->next, --octaveCount) { printf(" Octave %d\n", octaveCount); fprintf(histOutput, "Octave %d\n", octaveCount); fprintf(histOutput, "---------\n"); fprintf(histOutput2, "Octave %d\n", octaveCount); fprintf(histOutput2, "---------\n"); /* find keypoint candidates */ printf(" Looking for peaks\n"); peaks = getPeaks(current); /* temporary output */ scale = current->diffGaussianSpace->imageScale; printPoints(candidateOutput, peaks, scale, octaveCount); markImageSPoint(peaks, sourceImage2, scale); //output candidates if(peaks != NULL) printf(" found %d candidates\n", peaks->count); else printf(" found 0 candidates\n"); /* filter peaks for contrast and edge-iness and localize them */ printf(" Filtering and localizing\n"); trash = NULL; peaks = filterAndLocalizePeaks(current->diffGaussianSpace, current->gaussianSpace, peaks); /* temporary output */ printPoints(filteredOutput, peaks, scale, octaveCount); printTrashed(trashOutput, trash, scale, octaveCount); if(peaks != NULL) printf(" have %d candidates remaining\n", peaks->count); else printf(" have 0 candidates remaining\n"); /* precompute magnitudes and orientations */ printf(" Generating magnitudes and orientations\n"); tempHeight = current->gaussianSpace->imgHeight; tempWidth = current->gaussianSpace->imgWidth; tempDepth = current->gaussianSpace->imageCount - 2; current->gaussianSpace->magnitudes = allocate3D(tempHeight, tempWidth, tempDepth); current->gaussianSpace->directions = allocate3D(tempHeight, tempWidth, tempDepth); getMagnitudesAndOrientations(current->gaussianSpace); /* assign orientation(s) */ printf(" Assigning orientation(s)\n"); generateKeypoints(current->gaussianSpace, peaks); /* generate descriptors*/ printf(" Calculating descriptors\n"); createDescriptors(current->gaussianSpace, peaks); /* multiply by imgScale to get real values */ for(counter = peaks; counter != NULL; counter = counter->next) { counter->finalX *= counter->imgScale; counter->finalY *= counter->imgScale; //also multiply x,y? counter->scale *= counter->imgScale; } /* merge lists */ if(peaks != NULL) { if(keypoints != NULL) { keypoints->listRear->next = peaks; keypoints->listRear = peaks->listRear; } else keypoints = peaks; } /* deallocate memory */ deallocate3D(current->gaussianSpace->magnitudes, tempHeight, tempWidth); deallocate3D(current->gaussianSpace->directions, tempHeight, tempWidth); /* deallocate trashed points */ counter = trash; prevPoint = NULL; while(counter != NULL) { prevPoint = counter; counter = counter->next; free(prevPoint); } } fclose(histOutput); fclose(histOutput2); /* write footer to each file */ printFooter(candidateOutput); fclose(candidateOutput); printFooter(trashOutput); fclose(trashOutput); printFooter(filteredOutput); fclose(filteredOutput); /* output keypoint descriptors */ printf("Output\n"); output = fopen("output.txt", "w"); for(keyCounter = keypoints; keyCounter != NULL; keyCounter=keyCounter->next) { ++totalKeypoints; } fprintf(output, "%d %d\n", totalKeypoints, 128); for(keyCounter = keypoints; keyCounter != NULL; keyCounter=keyCounter->next) { printKeyPoint(keyCounter, output); } fclose(output); /* output keypoints on image*/ markImage(keypoints, sourceImage); writeDATFile(sourceImage, "./output/keypoints.dat"); /* output initial candidates on image */ writeDATFile(sourceImage2, "./output/keypoints_all.dat"); printf("Done. %d keypoints found.\n", totalKeypoints); free(sourceImage); free(sourceImage2); free(doubledImage); //free octaves - should put it here return 0; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// ********** PUBLIC METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RRSchedule::RRSchedule(int _max_weeks, int _max_times, int _max_courts, int _max_teams, char* _FILENAME, int SKIP_FIRST) { max_weeks = _max_weeks; max_times = _max_times; max_courts = _max_courts; max_teams = _max_teams; skip_first = SKIP_FIRST; FILENAME = _FILENAME; week0 = (skip_first > 0); // Check if special considerations need to be made for the first week (allowing a meeting) min_per_night = (max_courts * max_times * 2) / max_teams; w0_min_per_night = (max_courts * (max_times-skip_first) * 2) / max_teams; max_per_night = (max_courts * max_times * 2) / max_teams + ( ((max_courts * max_times * 2) % max_teams) != 0); w0_max_per_night = (max_courts * (max_times - skip_first) * 2) / max_teams + ( ((max_courts * (max_times - skip_first) * 2) % max_teams) != 0); MAX_PLAYED_GAP = 1; // <= Gap between min times played and max times played if (max_per_night > 2) then: { MAX_WAIT_TIME = min_per_night; // <= Max time a team can wait each night } else { MAX_WAIT_TIME = min_per_night; } MAX_WAIT_GAP = 1; //*max_times ; // /2; // <= Gap between min team wait time and max team wait time MAX_TIMESLOT_GAP = 2 ; //max_weeks / 2; // <= Gap between count of min timeslot vs. max timeslot appearances TIMESLOT_FUDGE = 0; // *max_per_night; // Allow teams to play in a timeslot # over "ideal" max_per_time = (max_weeks * max_courts * 2) / max_teams + ( ((max_weeks * max_courts * 2) % max_teams) != 0) + TIMESLOT_FUDGE; // std::cout << "**" <<std:endl; fullSolution = false; total_wait_time = 0; init1D(this_week_played, max_teams); allocate1D(courts, max_courts*2); init1D(total_played, max_teams); init1D(total_waiting_by_team, max_teams); init2D(opponent_counts, max_teams, max_teams); allocate2D(timeslots, max_times, max_courts*2); allocate2D(matchups, max_weeks * max_times * max_courts, 2); init2D(this_week_matchups, (max_times-skip_first)*max_courts, 2); init2D(timeslots_played, max_teams, max_times); init2D(courts_played, max_teams, max_courts); allocate2D(timePermutes, FACTS[max_times], max_times); compute_permutations(); allocate2D(total_this_week_played,max_weeks, max_teams); allocate3D(weeks, max_weeks, max_times, max_courts*2); // clear old file std::ofstream outputfile; outputfile.open(FILENAME); outputfile.close(); }