Ejemplo n.º 1
const Real GreensFunction2DAbs::p_int_r(const Real r, const Real t) const
    //speed of convergence is too slow
    if(r == 0e0) return 0e0;

    const Real r_0(this->getr0());
    const Real a(this->geta());
    const Real Dt(this->getD() * t);
    const Integer num_term_use(100);
    const Real threshold(CUTOFF);

    Real sum(0e0);
    Real term(0e0);
    Real term1(0e0);
    Real term2(0e0);
    Real term3(0e0);

    Real a_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J0_r0_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J1_r_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J1_a_alpha_n(0e0);

    Integer n(1);
    for(; n < num_term_use; ++n)
        a_alpha_n = gsl_sf_bessel_zero_J0(n);
        alpha_n = a_alpha_n / a;
        J0_r0_alpha_n = gsl_sf_bessel_J0(r_0 * alpha_n);
        J1_r_alpha_n  = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(r * alpha_n);
        J1_a_alpha_n  = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(a_alpha_n);

        term1 = std::exp(-1e0 * alpha_n * alpha_n * Dt);
        term2 = r * J1_r_alpha_n * J0_r0_alpha_n;
        term3 = (alpha_n * J1_a_alpha_n * J1_a_alpha_n);

        term = term1 * term2 / term3;
        sum += term;

//             std::cout << "sum " << sum << ", term" << term << std::endl;

        if(fabs(term/sum) < threshold)
//                 std::cout << "normal exit. " << n << std::endl;
    if(n == num_term_use)
        std::cout << "warning: use term over num_term_use" << std::endl;

    return (2e0 * sum / (a*a));
Ejemplo n.º 2
CycLiqCP3D::recvSelf (int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, 
			 FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)

  // recv the vector object from the channel which defines material param and state
  static Vector data(20+9*3);
  if (theChannel.recvVector(this->getDbTag(), commitTag, data) < 0) {
    opserr << "CycLiqCP::recvSelf - failed to recv vector from channel\n";
    return -1;

  // set the material parameters and state variables
  int cnt = 0;
  G0 =	data(cnt++);    
  kappa =	data(cnt++);    
  h =	data(cnt++);    
  Mfc    =	data(cnt++);    
  dre1 =	data(cnt++);    
  Mdc =	data(cnt++);    
  dre2 =	data(cnt++);    
  rdr =	data(cnt++);    
  eta =	data(cnt++);    
  dir =	data(cnt++);    
  ein    =	data(cnt++);    
  rho =	data(cnt++);    
  epsvir_n =	data(cnt++);    
  epsvre_n =	data(cnt++);    
  gammamono  =	data(cnt++);      
  epsvc_n =	data(cnt++);    
  etam =	data(cnt++);    
  epsvc0 =	data(cnt++);    
  p0 =	data(cnt++);  

  for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<3; j++) 
      strain_n(i,j) = data(cnt+9);
	  alpha_n(i,j) = data(cnt+9*2);
	  stress_n(i,j) = data(cnt+9*3);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
const Real GreensFunction2DAbs::p_survival(const Real t) const
    // when t == 0.0, return value become eventually 1.0,
    // but the speed of convergence is too slow.
    if(t == 0.0) return 1.0;

    const Real r_0(this->getr0());
    const Real a(this->geta());
    const Real Dt(this->getD() * t);
    const Integer num_term_use(100);
    const Real threshold(CUTOFF);

    Real sum(0e0);
    Real term1(0e0);
    Real term2(0e0);
    Real term(0e0);

    Real a_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J0_r0_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J1_a_alpha_n(0e0);

    Integer n(1);
    for(; n < num_term_use; ++n)
        a_alpha_n = gsl_sf_bessel_zero_J0(n);
        alpha_n = a_alpha_n / a;
        J0_r0_alpha_n = gsl_sf_bessel_J0(r_0 * alpha_n);
        J1_a_alpha_n  = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(a_alpha_n);

        term1 = std::exp(-1e0 * alpha_n * alpha_n * Dt) * J0_r0_alpha_n;
        term2 = alpha_n * J1_a_alpha_n;
        term = term1 / term2;
        sum += term;

//             std::cout << "sum " << sum << ", term" << term << std::endl;

        if(fabs(term/sum) < threshold)
//                 std::cout << "normal exit. " << n << std::endl;
    if(n == num_term_use)
        std::cout << "warning: use term over num_term_use" << std::endl;
    return (2e0 * sum / a);
// From Kobbelt sqrt(3)-Subdivision, eqns 7 and 8, solving for pinf
point_inf(size_t p, struct Mesh_Info *mesh, ON_3dPointArray *p_a)
    size_t n = mesh->point_valence[p];
    std::multimap<size_t, size_t>::iterator p_it;
    std::pair<std::multimap<size_t, size_t>::iterator, std::multimap<size_t, size_t>::iterator> range;

    range = mesh->point_neighbors.equal_range(p);

    ON_3dPoint psum = ON_3dPoint(0, 0, 0);
    for (p_it = range.first; p_it != range.second; p_it++) {
	psum = psum + *mesh->points_p0.At((int)(*p_it).second);

    fastf_t alpha = alpha_n(n);
    //                            3 an                 1
    //                 [pinf = ---------- * psum + -------- * p0]
    //                         3 an n + n          3 an + 1
    ON_3dPoint pinf = (3*alpha/((3*alpha+1)*n))*psum + 1/(3*alpha+1) * *mesh->points_p0.At((int)p);
Ejemplo n.º 5
double tau_n(const double V_tilde)	{ return 1./(alpha_n(V_tilde)+beta_n(V_tilde)); }
Ejemplo n.º 6
double n_inf(const double V_tilde)	{ return alpha_n(V_tilde)/(alpha_n(V_tilde)+beta_n(V_tilde)); }
Ejemplo n.º 7
static inline double tau_n(double V) {
	return 1.0 / (alpha_n(V) + beta_n(V));
Ejemplo n.º 8
static inline double n_inf(double V) {
	return alpha_n(V) / (alpha_n(V) + beta_n(V));
double FS_neuron::n_integrate(double dt)
    double n_0 = alpha_n() / (alpha_n() + beta_n());
    double tau_n = 1 / (alpha_n() + beta_n());
    return n_0 -(n_0 - n)*exp(-dt/tau_n);